RETY :: Volume #22

#2152: Enters emperor

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! Chapter 2152 enters emperor 第2152章进入帝界 Bang! 轰! The next flash, ices the phoenix, dead out to refer to slamming into with the light beam together, the hit place erupts the dazzling ray and shock-wave immediately, the place visited disrupts void directly. 下一刹那,冰凤、寂灭指和光柱猛烈撞击在一起,撞击处立即爆发出耀眼光芒和冲击波,所过之处就连虚空都直接碎裂。 Later the three also disappear unexpectedly, counter-balanced directly mutually. 之后这三者居然同时泯灭,直接相互抵消掉了。 But Yang Chen, heavy rain Yao and the others also therefore all safe and sound. 而杨尘、凌雨瑶等人也因此全都安然无恙。 This? This is impossible! Like this, will you how be so how powerful?” “这?这不可能!怎么会这样子,你们怎么会这么强大?” If painstakingly the smile of mountain solidifies on the face, later cannot bear send out unbelievable yelling. 苦若山的笑容不禁在脸上凝固,之后忍不住发出难以置信的大叫。 Regardless of how he cannot think, Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao as the profound immortal, unexpectedly can resist his nine days of profound immortal. 他无论如何也想不到,杨尘和凌雨瑶身为玄仙,居然能够抵挡他这个九天玄仙。 „Are we all right unexpectedly? Good! However the remote antiquity elder were they too also strong?” “我们居然没事?太好了!不过太上长老他们也太强了吧?” Meanwhile, Yang Chen and the others the back ancient wing celtis and several Heaven's Chosen are also shocked incomparably. 与此同时,杨尘等人背后古青檀和几名天骄也都震惊无比。 Is survivor of disaster, they are overjoyed, was full of the gratitude and awe to Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao. 劫后余生,他们都喜出望外,也对杨尘和凌雨瑶充满了感激、敬畏。 Sir and honored person very powerful, can block including nine days of profound dwelling places of celestial beings, I actually cannot add on hastily, it seems like I must diligently be better.” The bone iron is also the shock extremely, worshipped to Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao. “大人和贵人好强,连九天玄仙都能挡得住,我却连忙都帮不上,看来我得更加努力才行了。”骨铁也是震惊万分,对杨尘和凌雨瑶更加崇拜了。 „Is this, Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao these two remote antiquity elders? They blocked unexpectedly if painstakingly mountain? Day. They unexpectedly already powerful to this situation? Good, then we do not need to be worried finally!” “这,是杨尘和凌雨瑶这两位太上长老?他们居然挡住了苦若山?天啦。他们居然已经强大到了这个地步了?太好了,这下我们终于不必担心了!” Meanwhile, ancient Yanpo and other channel outside observers, was shocked by this. 与此同时,古严婆等通道外的旁观者,也都被这一幕惊呆了。 Then, they also relax finally, even can say that is delighted. 接着,他们也终于松了一口气,甚至可以说都是喜出望外。 Although said, Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao can block the opposite party to strike, therefore not necessarily can exceed the opposite party, but this is obviously enough. 虽然说,杨尘和凌雨瑶能够挡得住对方一击,未必就因此能胜过对方,但这显然已经足够。 Because, the quick people will enter in emperor, when the time comes Yang Chen and the others can have the opportunity to leave. 因为,很快众人就会都进入帝界之中,到时候杨尘等人就能有机会离开了。 Although said such, if painstakingly the mountain will have the opportunity to enter emperor, as before is greatly troublesome. But is annihilated this result in the channel compared with Yang Chen and the others, was actually better too. 虽然说那样子,苦若山也会有机会进入帝界,依旧是个大麻烦。但比起杨尘等人在通道之中全军覆没这个结果,却要好太多了。 Do not be self-satisfied, was only I struck a moment ago conveniently, now I whole-heartedly, you must die as before, could not escape. Now like this puts up a last-ditch struggle, will only make you die is unwilling desperately.” “不要得意,刚才只是我随手一击,现在我会全力以赴,你们依旧要死,一个也逃不掉。现在这样垂死挣扎,只会让你们死的更加绝望不甘。” At this time, if painstakingly the mountain has responded instantaneously, immediately sneered, started the violent bombardment again. 这时候,苦若山已经瞬间反应过来,立即冷笑,再次发动猛烈轰击。 Suddenly, the strength of space and time, in his hands, as if turns into the toys to be the same, all-resourceful of nine days of profound immortals, is above an imagination of numerous profound immortal simply. 一时间,就连时空之力,在其手中,都仿佛变成玩物一般,九天玄仙的神通广大,简直就是超乎一众玄仙的想象。 Thought beauty, you think that our method completely did leave?” “想的美,你以为我们就手段尽出了吗?” Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao actually disdain, continues to intend to resist immediately, even wants to strike to kill the opposite party directly, solves this to trouble greatly. 杨尘和凌雨瑶却是不屑,也立即继续出手抵挡,甚至想要直接击杀对方,解决这大麻烦。 Instantaneously, two people offensive as if violent storms are also swift and violent. 瞬间,两人的攻势也仿佛狂风暴雨般迅猛。 Although their boundary is far lower than the opposite party. But their two were actually once immortal emperors. 虽然他们境界都远低于对方。但他们两个却是曾经的仙帝。 This time the time of paying respect to the Nüwa idol, their two are obtain marvelous work god technique in addition to hold, therefore the strength did not know powerful many times compared with before. 这次参拜女娲神像的时候,他们两个更是得到神品神术加持,因此战力比起之前不知道强大了多少倍。 Even, they have been able to display a prestige energy of immortal emperor. 甚至,他们已然能够发挥出一点仙帝的威能。 Therefore, two people at once unexpectedly and inextricable involvement that if painstakingly the mountain kills, does not know one's place. 因此,两人一时之间居然和苦若山杀的难分难解,不分上下。 Day, they really can resist nine days of profound immortals unexpectedly, this was also too powerful!” “天啦,他们居然真的可以抵挡住九天玄仙,这也太强大了吧!” During ancient Qingtan of onlooking and the others fell into was shocked extremely. 旁观的古青檀等人不禁陷入了极度震惊之中。 Originally, before that struck, although blocked, but they worried that was result that if painstakingly the mountain caused unexpected. 本来,之前那一击虽然挡住,但他们都担心是苦若山猝不及防才导致的结果。 Also was worried that Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao are most to keep off 12. 也担心杨尘和凌雨瑶最多能够挡上一两下。 Now, they actually know, oneself underestimated Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao seriously. 现在,他们却才知道,自己都严重低估了杨尘和凌雨瑶两人。 These two really do not compare if unexpectedly painstakingly the mountain is bad. 这两人居然是真的丝毫不比苦若山差。 Even, even the time is long, two people will still be able to resist, this simply is inconceivable! 甚至,即便时间再久,两人也应该能够抵挡得住,这简直就是不可思议! After all, the opposite party is nine days of profound immortals! 毕竟,对方可是九天玄仙呀! Worthily is a remote antiquity elder of our spirit clan clan, we are far less than!” “不愧是我们灵族一族的太上长老,我们远不如也!” Meanwhile, ancient Qingtan and the others also cannot help but awe, was sincerely convinced to two people. 与此同时,古青檀等人也不由得更加敬畏,都对两人心服口服。 The bone iron not to mention, even more worships two people. 骨铁更不必说,越发崇拜两人。 My goodness, these two are so unexpectedly powerful, our spirit Wa clan this time really picked the treasure!” “好家伙,这两人居然如此强大,我们灵娲族这次真是捡到宝了呀!” Meanwhile, ancient Yanpo and other channel outside observing, felt relieved finally thoroughly, and is more joyful. 与此同时,古严婆等通道之外的观战者,也终于彻底放心,并更加欣喜起来。 These two now are so powerful, if will obtain the chance to become nine days of profound immortals in the future and so on, that also? 这两人现在就已经这么强大了,要是将来得到机缘成为九天玄仙之类,那还了得? Only fears when the time comes, even their these palace lords, the opposite party can still hit to frequent each other with them. 只怕到时候,即便是他们这些殿主,对方也能够与他们打个你来我往吧。 But words that such thinks, if painstakingly mountain despicable villain, as if appeared somewhat nothing to be worried. 而这样一想的话,苦若山这个卑鄙小人,似乎都显得有些不足为虑了。 Hateful, how can like this. If I painstakingly mountain Keshi experienced the innumerable dangers and difficulties, arrives at today this, you two juniors, why can hit well-matched with me! I am unwilling, I am not convinced, this is unfair, I must kill you!” “可恶,怎么会这样子。我苦若山可是经历了无数艰难险阻,才走到今天这一步的,你们两个小辈,凭什么能与我打个旗鼓相当!我不甘心,我不服气,这不公平,我一定要杀死你们!” If painstakingly the mountain at this time were the exceedingly indignant, howled crazily. 苦若山这时候则是无比愤怒,疯狂吼叫。 Obviously, he definitely is unable to accept at present this fact. 显然,他完全无法接受眼前这事实。 He has not thought completely, oneself can actually be such result whole-heartedly as before. 他完全没有想到,自己全力以赴却依旧会是这样的结果。 As the matter stands, he in the channel, kills the opposite party everyone's plan ahead of time, obviously must malinger thoroughly. 这样一来,他在通道之中,提前杀死对方所有人的计划,显然也要彻底泡汤了。 If we had known like this, he does not need to expose, the words that continues to ambush are more advantageous. 早知道会这样,他也就不必暴露了,继续潜伏的话还更加有利。 But now, what is done cannot be undone, he had actually exposed the status in vain, what advantage has not therefore obtained. 但现在,却已然开弓没有回头箭,他白白暴露了身份,却什么好处都没有因此得到。 Un? Worthily is nine days of profound immortals, it seems like, I underestimated nine days of profound immortals before powerful!” “嗯?不愧是九天玄仙,看来,我之前还是低估了九天玄仙的强大呀!” Meanwhile, Yang Chen is unsatisfied. 与此同时,杨尘却是都非常不满意。 Originally, he thought himself, can with nine days of profound immortals initial period of hits well-matched. 原来,他本以为自己一个人,就能够与九天玄仙初期打个旗鼓相当。 If heavy rain Yao two, can exceed the opposite party in addition, cannot do well can also kill the opposite party. 如果加上凌雨瑶两个,更是可以胜过对方,搞不好还能够杀死对方。 But now, the fact told him, he wants obviously. 但现在,事实却告诉他,他显然想多了。 At this moment, although said that he and heavy rain Yao collaborates, accomplishes a task with ease, but wants to defeat, even kills the opposite party, actually cannot achieve obviously. 此刻,虽然说他和凌雨瑶联手,都是游刃有余,但想要击败,甚至是杀死对方,却显然是根本做不到。 Meanwhile, heavy rain Yao has not spoken, but in his heart actually is also the similar ideas. 与此同时,凌雨瑶没有说话,但其心中却也都是差不多的想法。 Naturally, this merely is the ideas in their heart, the observer and if painstakingly the mountain does not know. 当然,这仅仅是他们心中的想法,旁观者和苦若山都不知道。 Otherwise, these people certainly will be shocked speechless, going crazy that if painstakingly the mountain must be mad. 不然的话,这些人一定会震惊无语,苦若山也要被气的发狂。 The ordinary profound immortal, for example the class/flow of ancient wing celtis, joined the qualifications of fight not to have at this time continually. 平常玄仙,比如古青檀之流,这时候连加入战斗的资格都没有。 Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao can actually share half and half with nine days of profound immortals, their two are unexpectedly unsatisfied, this simply is greedy , makes one be speechless. 杨尘和凌雨瑶却能够与九天玄仙平分秋色,他们两个居然还不满意,这简直就是贪心不足,也让人无话可说。 Has saying that their two are true peerless Heaven's Chosen, but their world, other person ancient wing celtises did not understand even. 不得不说,他们两个才是真正的绝世天骄,而他们的世界,其余人即便是古青檀也理解不了。 Bang! 轰隆! But at this time, suddenly, if painstakingly the mountain and Yang Chen, heavy rain Yao both sides on fighting not to know many times. 而这时候,一刹那之间,苦若山和杨尘、凌雨瑶双方就交手不了不知道多少次。 The emperor channel is also safe and sound, but this moment people had arrived at the channel end, will soon enter emperor, but was actually covered the whole body by an incomparably powerful strength suddenly. 帝界通道也一直都是安然无恙,而此刻众人已然来到了通道尽头,即将进入帝界,但却突然被一股无比强大的力量笼罩了全身。 This strength such hugeness, even Yang Chen, heavy rain Yao, and even if painstakingly mountain completely irresistibly. 这力量如此之巨大,即便是杨尘、凌雨瑶,乃至苦若山都完全无法抵抗。 Then, their these nine people are one are completely muddled immediately, later threw into emperor by this great power directly. 接着,他们这九人立即就是一阵晕头转向,之后就被这强大力量直接扔进了帝界之中。
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