RETY :: Volume #22

#2153: All colors god stone

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! Chapter 2153 all colors god stone 第2153章五彩神石 „It is not good!” “不好!” In this process, Yang Chen and the others in great surprise. 在这过程之中,杨尘等人不由大惊。 In matters needing attention that because main explained with them in ancient strict woman and other palaces, but simply has not mentioned in this channel will present such strength. 因为在古严婆等殿主跟他们讲解的注意事项之中,可是根本没有提及在这通道之中会出现这样的力量。 Although this strength does not have to harm them truly, but since appears, that will definitely lead to some unpredictable consequence. 这力量虽然没有真正伤害到他们,但既然出现,那就肯定会引起某种不可预知的后果。 In fact also truly so. 事实上也确实如此。 The next quarter, they discovered, they penetrate layer upon layer void, was invested emperor directly. 下一刻,他们发现,他们都穿透层层虚空,被直接投入了帝界。 However, their actually each is. 但是,他们却每一个都是独自一人。 Originally, the function of that mysterious strength, separates each of them alone. 原来,那神秘力量的作用,正是将他们每一个人都单独分开。 Is it possible that does this have the relations with our beforehand fighting?” “莫非,这跟我们之前的打斗有关系?” At this moment, Yang Chen makes the speculation. 此刻,杨尘不由作出推测。 According to him speculated, reason that will have this unexpected change, should because, they in channel and if painstakingly reason of mountain fight. 根据他推测,之所以会有这意料之外的变化,应该正是因为,他们在通道之中与苦若山战斗的缘故。 But emperor key and channel, itself, although has no spirit wisdom and so on, will otherwise not help them. 而那帝界钥匙和通道,本身虽然没有什么灵智之类可言,不然也不会不帮助他们。 But the channel has the instinct mechanism that the induction and deals with as before, therefore detected that exploration had the conflict, that mechanism was started, separates all exploration, so that they can continue to kill one another. 但通道却依旧有着感应和应对的本能机制,因此察觉到探秘者发生了冲突,那机制就被启动,将所有探秘者分开,以便他们继续自相残杀。 After all, the channel does not know that who they are, actually them recognized that for exploration, naturally does not want them to fall from the sky because of internal fight. 毕竟,通道不知道他们是谁,却将他们都认定为探秘者,自然不愿意他们因为内斗而陨落。 But this, made Yang Chen a little depressed. 但这一下,却让杨尘有点郁闷了。 Because Yang Chen has planned, must collaborates in emperor and people, conducts the exploration, this efficiency is without doubt higher, the danger will also be lower. 因为杨尘早就计划好,要在帝界与众人联手,进行探秘,这样无疑效率更高,危险也会更低。 Especially after if painstakingly the mountain appears, the people in the same place, help resist if painstakingly mountain. 尤其是在苦若山出现之后,众人在一起的话,更有利于抵挡苦若山。 Now, the people were actually separated. 现在,众人却被分开。 He and heavy rain Yao powerful relatively fortunately, if others, meet if alone painstakingly mountain, that really troubled in a big way. 他和凌雨瑶实力强大相对还好,万一其他人,单独遇到苦若山,那就真的麻烦大了。 Does not know others the same place, same was separated with me alone. However since had happened, can only walk one step is. Only hopes, they do not meet if long time ago painstakingly the mountain is good.” “也不知道其他人都在一起,还是与我一样都是被单独分开了。不过既然已经发生了,就只能走一步是一步了。只希望,他们不要早早就遇到苦若山就好。” Yang Chen eventually is not the crapehanger, calms down instantaneously. 杨尘终究不是悲观之人,瞬间就冷静下来。 Then, he also discovered because seems extremely remote, is unable to use the secret technique treasure and so on relation heavy rain Yao and the others, therefore no longer thinks, starts to deal with the present matter with single-hearted devotion. 接着,他还发现似乎因为太过遥远,根本无法使用秘术宝物之类联系凌雨瑶等人,于是就不再多想,开始专心应对眼前之事。 At this moment, he is in the sky, as if the meteor is the same, crashes toward under. 此刻,他正处在天空之中,仿佛流星一样,朝着下方坠落。 Because the speed is too fast, on him even with the air friction, produced the dazzling flame. 因为速度太快,他身上甚至与空气摩擦,产生了耀眼火光。 However he cultivate/repair to profound, cultivates since later is not imprisoned to suppress and so on, pours does not fear this situation. 不过他修为高深,进入之后修为也并没有被禁锢压制之类,倒也不惧这情况。 But in his top of the head, is blue skies. He was broken open the space and time wall to bond the investment obviously. 而在他头顶,则是一片蓝天白云。他则显然是被破开时空壁障投入。 This point he is not strange, because this described with the spirit Wa clan immortal emperor has not distinguished. 这一点他也不奇怪,因为这与灵娲族仙帝描述的并没有区别。 Under, has the limitless vast land, has the stretching to the horizon deep blue sea. 在下方,有着无边无际的辽阔大地,也有着一望无垠的蔚蓝海洋。 Regardless of the land and sea, is limitless, luckily he in extremely high place in the air, cultivate/repair to powerful, can therefore see the distant place, this can see clearly the general situation. 无论大地和还是海洋,都无边无际,幸好他在极高处空中,又修为强大,因此能够看到极远处,这才能够看清大概情况。 In addition, Yang Chen also first detects, this world was full of the pure incomparable world vitality. 此外,杨尘还第一时间察觉到,这世界充满了精纯无比的天地元气。 Here Yang Chen felt that each pore, opens because of this day vitality completely, is absorbing greedily mysteriously this is being full of the fresh flavor the aura. 在这里杨尘感觉到每一个毛孔,都因为这天地元气而全部打开,都在贪婪的吸收着这神奇又充满清新味道的气息。 Even, even the world spiritual energy of skillful immortal deep pool, compared with here, was well below. 甚至,即便巧仙潭的天地灵气,与这里相比,都是远远不如。 Also therefore, here even has no chance, the light is in the relieved cultivation ten years, can cultivate/repair to enter greatly. 也因此,在这里即便没有任何机缘,光是安心修炼上十年,都能修为大进。 In addition, on this day the attribute and Nüwa idol of vitality in islands is very similar, and also contains vicissitudes, wildly, the wild aura. 此外,这天地元气的属性与女娲神像所在岛屿上的很类似,并且其中还蕴含着一种沧桑、狂野、荒蛮的气息。 Below land and sea, to Yang Chen are also the same feelings, the place of desolate the vast incomparably vicissitudes and wildness, do not seem to actually undergone any development. 下方的大地和海洋,则给杨尘也是一样的感觉,辽阔无比却沧桑、狂野,仿佛没有经过任何开发的荒古之地。 This made Yang Chen associate to the spirit Wa clan immortal emperor with they have told the information about emperor. 这不禁让杨尘联想到了灵娲族仙帝跟他们讲述过的关于帝界的情报。 In legend, this emperor and even Nüwa god emperor body, has the vast incomparable sea and land incessantly, has the stars that the revolution non-stop. 传说之中,这帝界乃至女娲神帝躯体所化,其中不止有辽阔无比的海洋、陆地,也有着运转不停的日月星辰。 Potential surface that but the sea and land compose, is actually its center, innumerable stars, regarding its revolution. 只不过海洋和陆地组成的位面,却是其中心,无数日月星辰,都围绕其运转。 Here also has the innumerable lives, even also has innumerable human existences. 在这里也有着无数生命,其中甚至还有着无数人类存在。 In addition, these human also believe, the Nüwa god emperor creates the god of the world, thinks that they are the Nüwa big god fabricate with the soil, is the later generation of Nüwa god emperor. 此外,这些人类还都认为,女娲神帝是创世之神,认为他们是女娲大神用泥土捏造出来,是女娲神帝的后人。 And, these human also therefore are the followers of Nüwa god emperor, this is also in the Nüwa idol, strength of one of the belief important sources. 并且,这些人类也因此都是女娲神帝的信徒,这也是女娲神像之中,信仰之力的主要来源之一。 As for the spirit Wa clan of four god sea Penglai immortal territories, is another important origin of strength of belief. 至于四神海蓬莱仙域的灵娲一族,则是信仰之力的另外一个重要来源。 And, the legends of these human, actually pour wrong not. 并且,这些人类的传说,其实倒也没有错。 Because, they truly live in the world of Nüwa god emperor incarnation, although is not the Nüwa god emperor pinches with the mud, actually truly is part of Nüwa god emperor body, has the Nüwa god emperor bloodlines. 因为,他们确实都生活在女娲神帝化身的世界中,虽然不是女娲神帝用泥捏的,却确实是女娲神帝身体的一部分,有着女娲神帝血脉。 Even, according to the female immortal emperor speculated, here human should in the Nüwa god emperor soul happy at the same time. 甚至,根据女仙帝推测,这里人类应该还是女娲神帝灵魂中的美好一面所化。 Therefore, these human said oneself are the Nüwa god emperor later generation, actually also has no problem. 因此,这些人类说自己是女娲神帝后人,其实也没什么毛病。 However, on this lands, besides human, has the innumerable evil spirit and so on to exist. 不过,在这片土地上,除了人类,却还有着无数妖魔之类存在。 Even, human in most regions, is not the control, but degenerated into the servant, even was treated as the grain, reared in a pen feeds, the situation is very pitiful, possibly exterminates momentarily. 甚至,人类在绝大多数地域,都并非主宰,而是沦为了奴仆,甚至是被当做粮食,被圈养取食,处境无比悲惨,随时可能灭绝。 These evil spirit and so on, similarly are Nüwa god emperor part, it is said the evil thought in its soul. 这些妖魔之类,同样是女娲神帝一部分,据说正是其灵魂之中的恶念所化。 After all, even the god emperor, actually still has evilly one side. 毕竟,即便是神帝,其实也是有邪恶一面。 The Nüwa god emperor this evil entered at the same time without, because she is the just and holy incarnation. 女娲神帝这邪恶一面本来进乎与无,因为她本来就是正义、圣洁化身。 But it falls from the sky, after incarnation emperor, the evil spirit of this evil thought incarnation and so on, actually before because probably, was suppressed is too ruthless, therefore presented the rebound to be the same finally, expanded fast. 但其陨落,化身帝界之后,这邪恶念头化身的妖魔之类,却好像因为以前被压制太狠,因此终于出现了反弹一样,快速壮大。 Finally, this evil spirit kind, the suppression is instead representing the human clan of happy incarnation, becomes this world to control. 最终,这妖魔一类,反而压制代表着美好化身的人类一族,成为了这世界主宰。 But this actually does not like a Nüwa god emperor of human clan wanting to see obviously. 而这一幕却显然不是更喜欢人类一族的女娲神帝想要看到的。 But the Nüwa god emperor has fallen from the sky, only read the Heavenly Dao will that the incarnation became to exist remnantly, therefore cannot directly interfere with the world to revolve. 但女娲神帝已经陨落,仅有一丝残念化身而成的天道意志存在,因此并不能直接干涉世界运转。 Therefore, had existence of emperor key. 因此,就有了帝界钥匙的存在。 This is this emperor Heavenly Dao will is used to recruit a spirit Wa clan talent, comes the pass of emperor help person clan. 这是这帝界的天道意志用来招募灵娲一族天才,来帝界帮助人族的通行证。 In this process, a spirit Wa clan takes the Nüwa god emperor's later generation in main world, can obtain informed and experienced and reward. 在这过程之中,灵娲一族作为女娲神帝在主世界的后人,也可以得到历练和奖励。 The experience is strikes to kill the evil spirit, expands human. 历练是击杀妖魔,壮大人类。 The reward is the innumerable day of material treasure of this world, as well as on evil spirit various monster pill, materials and so on. 奖励则是这世界的无数天材地宝,以及妖魔身上的各种妖丹、材料之类。 But true reward, actually not these, but makes truly the contribution after the world, the world will or Heavenly Dao will, gives the precious treasure of exploration specially. 但真正的奖励,却并非这些,而是对世界作出真正贡献之后,世界意志或者说天道意志,专门给予探秘者的珍贵宝物。 This treasure in the legend of this world human, the name, is called all colors god stone. 这宝物在这世界人类的传说之中,有一个名字,叫做五彩神石。 This world human believes, this was the past Nüwa big god overcoming nature time, divine object of special refinement. 这世界人类认为,这是当年女娲大神补天时候,专门炼制的神物。 In the hearsay Nüwa overcomes nature, used is the color stone, but had not actually used up afterward, surplus lost in the world. 传闻之中女娲补天,用的就是五彩石,但后来却没有用完,剩余就遗落在了天地之间。 But Yang Chen from female immortal emperor there, obtained more news, knows that this color stones are not so simple. 但杨尘却从女仙帝那里,得到了更多消息,知道这五彩石绝非如此简单。
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