RETY :: Volume #22

#2151: Yang Chen acts

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! Chapter 2151 Yang Chen acts 第2151章杨尘出手 If painstakingly the mountain chooses in the emperor channel acts, first to avoid ancient Yanpo and other palace lords. 苦若山之所以选择在帝界通道之中出手,一来是为了躲避古严婆等殿主。 Secondly because: Once Yang Chen and the others enter emperor, he begins again, is not necessarily able the percentage hundred to kill the opposite party. 二来则正是因为:一旦杨尘等人都进入帝界,他再动手的话,未必能够百分百杀死对方。 Once cannot kill, the opposite party may escape to run away, once escapes to run away, has possibly robs certainly his chance. 一旦杀不死,对方就可能会逃跑掉,一旦逃跑掉,就有一定可能抢走他的机缘。 When the time comes, if the opposite party luck was good, snatched the chance, changed was more powerful than him, really cried not to have the place to cry. 到时候,万一对方运气好,抢了机缘,变的比他还要强大,就真的哭都没有地方哭了。 After all, he had experienced Yang Chen and the others before the potential, knows the opposite party, even if cultivates for is the profound immortals, in the same step is still the top powerhouse, even if definitely cannot be victorious he, not necessarily does not have the opportunity to escape. 毕竟,他之前可是见识过杨尘等人的潜力的,知道对方即便修为都是玄仙,在同阶之中也是顶级强者,即便肯定打不过他,也未必就没有机会逃跑。 If the opposite party resulted in the chance to become nine days of profound immortals, his opportunity did not have. 如果对方得了机缘成为九天玄仙,他就更加一点机会都没有了。 But acts differently in this channel, this place is small, even if the opposite party wants to escape does not have the place to escape. 而在这通道之中出手就不一样,这地方小,即便对方想逃也没地方逃。 Only needs to worry is, this channel is stable enough, but the fact showed, really does not have the issue. 唯一需要顾虑的就是,这通道到底够不够稳固,但事实证明,果然没有问题。 And, he is nine days of profound immortal initial period peaks, just broke through the time compared with before, obviously was more powerful, therefore begins here, can say absolutely absolutely safe. 并且,他已经是九天玄仙初期巅峰,比起之前刚突破时候,显然更强大了,因此在这里动手,绝对可以说万无一失。 Even, he can promote is so quick, was actually also lucky pays respect to the Nüwa idol. 甚至,他之所以能提升这么快,其实也是多亏了参拜女娲神像。 He captured ancient Liner Nüwa certainly lineage/vein, there is a secret technique that not the dead clan provides to cover, therefore before even ancient Yanpo and other palaces main had not viewed what issue. 他夺取了古麟儿的女娲绝脉,又有不死族提供的秘术掩盖,因此之前即便古严婆等几位殿主也没有看出来什么问题。 Nüwa idol and emperor key therefore similarly has not posed the threat to him, or does not recognize him. 女娲神像和帝界钥匙同样因此没有对他产生威胁,或者说不认他。 Before, is paying respect to the Nüwa idol time, his cultivating is the promotion, was actually false, was he is releasing cultivating of suppression unceasingly is. 之前,在参拜女娲神像时候,他的修为提升,其实都是假的,是他在不断释放出一点压制的修为。 But actually, his cultivating to actually also really promote. 但其实,他的修为却也真的提升了。 But he is nine days of profound immortals, therefore the promotion are not many, from just broke through merely, turned into the initial peak. 只不过他本身就已经是九天玄仙,因此提升不多,仅仅从刚突破,变成了初期巅峰。 Even so, this also omitted him not to know many ten thousand years of self-torture, made the strength promote enormously. 但即便如此,这也省去了他不知道多少万年苦修,也让战力极大提升了。 If painstakingly the mountain, unexpectedly is you! You dare to pretend to be my spirit Wa clan Heaven's Chosen to swindle the emperor key unexpectedly, but also attempts to strike to kill my clan Heaven's Chosen, has sole possession of the chance. Courts death simply. You may ask the old body does comply?” “苦若山,居然是你!你居然敢冒充我灵娲一族天骄骗取帝界钥匙,还妄图击杀我族天骄,独吞机缘。简直找死。你可有问过老身答应不答应吗?” Meanwhile, ancient Yanpo has also seen and heard, knows instantaneously had anything, startled anger extremely. 与此同时,那古严婆也已经看到和听到,瞬间知道发生了什么,不禁惊怒万分。 Then, she wields the walking stick, the walking stick terminal, as if peerless divine sword is the same, the penetration is layer upon layer void, thorn to if painstakingly mountain. 接着,她将拐杖一挥,拐杖末端,就仿佛绝世神剑一样,穿透层层虚空,刺向了苦若山。 Originally, she thinks if painstakingly the mountain can collapse at the first blow, immediately was hit, and falls from the sky at the scene. 原本,她以为苦若山会不堪一击,立即被击中,并当场陨落。 But when pitifully, the next flash, her walking stick will soon be close to the channel, actually immediately by most profound, and incomparably powerful strength, blocks directly, even shook to fly at the scene. 但可惜,下一刹那,她的拐杖即将接近通道之时,却立即就被一股玄之又玄,并无比强大的力量,直接挡住,甚至当场震飞了回来。 This, even ancient Yanpo is still a both arms hemp, almost therefore at the scene severe wound. 这一下,即便古严婆也是双臂一麻,差点因此当场重伤。 Hateful!” “可恶!” ancient strict woman is very indignant, has no alternative. 古严婆不禁无比气愤,却也无可奈何。 She knows that this certainly is the emperor channel, prevented her attack. 她知道这一定是帝界通道,阻止了她的攻击。 Because she had not been approved by the key, although the opposite party is an enemy, obtained the emperor key approval. 因为她并没有被钥匙认可,对方虽然是敌人,却得到了帝界钥匙认可。 Therefore, this moment emperor channel turned into the refuge shelter of opposite party, the opposite party should expect this point, will therefore choose, exposed status in channel. 因此,此刻帝界通道变成了对方的避难所,对方应该正是料到了这一点,所以才会选择,在通道之中暴露身份的。 What to do? Too hateful!” “怎么办?太可恨了!” ancient profound slightly and other palace lords, is planned to act, but actually has to stop now, filled was angry and helpless. 古玄微等几位殿主,原本也是打算出手的,但现在却不得不停了下来,都同样充满了愤怒、无奈。 As for latter five Heaven's Chosen, is a face is confused, cannot add on completely. 至于后五名天骄,就更是一脸迷茫,完全帮不上。 Even, they specifically what happened, have not done to understand. 甚至,他们就连具体发生了什么事情,都还没有搞明白。 Ha, Old lady, come, kills me. Now, you do not kill me, I in you at present, your granddaughter, your remote antiquity elder, honored guest and Heaven's Chosen, kill completely! When I come out from emperor, my retaliation you, will also kill you ruthlessly, finally destroys completely your spirit Wa clan directly!” “哈哈哈,老太婆,来呀,来杀我呀。现在,你不来杀我,我就在你眼前,将你的孙女,还有你们的太上长老、贵客和天骄,全部杀死!等我从帝界出来,我还会狠狠的报复你们,杀死你们,最后直接灭掉你们灵娲一族!” If painstakingly the mountain first is very tight. 苦若山先是非常紧张。 Because of even he, cannot the percentage hundred determinations, oneself really be able to disregard ancient Yanpo in the channel. 因为即便是他,也不能百分百确定,自己在通道之中就真的能够无视古严婆。 Until discovered that ancient Yanpo attacks truly invalid, this relaxes, and is self-satisfied immediately, sends out intentionally laughs wildly. 直到发现古严婆攻击确实无效,这才松了一口气,并立即得意起来,故意发出猖狂大笑。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In the channel, four Heaven's Chosen and ancient Qingtan, the bone iron, at this time were also panic-stricken, knows that this time was troublesome. 通道之中,四名天骄和古青檀、骨铁,这时候也都是惊骇不已,知道这次麻烦了。 Bang! 轰隆! But if painstakingly the mountain has not wasted the least bit time, during the speeches, has acted directly. 而苦若山也没有浪费半点时间,说话之间,已然直接出手。 Instantaneously, a thunder, the space and time was even blocked by the great power, as if solidifies, a giant light beam appears from his both hands, the bang approached Yang Chen and the others ruthlessly. 瞬间,一阵电闪雷鸣,连时空都被强大力量封锁,仿佛凝固起来,一道巨大光柱从其双手中出现,狠狠轰向了杨尘等人。 Even, this light beam is extremely giant, but if before painstakingly the mountain entered the channel time to wait till intentionally finally. 甚至,这光柱太过巨大,而之前苦若山进入通道时候故意等到了最后。 Therefore, this attack and other people covered Yang Chen in all of a sudden completely. 因此,这攻击一下子就将杨尘等八人全部笼罩在了其中。 He must all of a sudden, and other people solve Yang Chen unexpectedly completely. 他居然要一下子,将杨尘等八人全部解决。 No!” “不!” Facing this strikes, ancient Qingtan and other Heaven's Chosen fall into immediately desperately. 面对这一击,古青檀等天骄立即陷入绝望。 ancient strict the woman and other channel outside observing, is very anxious, even the surface like the dying embers, knew complete. 古严婆等通道外的观战者,也无比焦急,甚至面如死灰,知道全完了。 All -out attacks of nine days of profound immortals powerful is above the imagination, naturally is not the profound immortal can resist! 九天玄仙的全力攻击强大的超乎想象,自然不是玄仙能够抵挡的! Therefore, ancient Qingtan and the others must die without doubt! 因此,古青檀等人必死无疑! Even, is only the powerful pressure that if painstakingly on the mountain erupts, ancient Qingtan of suppression and the others almost must suffocate and spit blood. 甚至,光是苦若山身上爆发出来的强大威压,就压制的古青檀等人几乎要窒息和吐血。 Come good, I just want to try my present true strength. Meets my one move, dies out to refer to greatly!” “来的好,我刚好想试试我现在的真正战力。接我一招,大寂灭指!” But in this is at a crucial moment, Yang Chen actually disregards the pressure directly, coldly smiles, sudden one step treads, appeared between instantaneously if painstakingly mountains and other seven people. 但就在这千钧一发之际,杨尘却直接无视威压,冷冷一笑,突然一步踏出,瞬间就出现在了苦若山和其余七人中间。 Then, Yang Chen powerful aura erupts instantaneously, a star sea revolves to keep in its back. 接着,杨尘身上强大气息瞬间爆发,一片星海在其背后运转不停。 Meanwhile, Yang Chen directs, his finger turned instantaneously jet black, sends out is dying out to kill intent, penetrates space and time that was solidified, welcomed directly to the light beam. 同时,杨尘一指点出,其手指瞬间变成了漆黑,散发着寂灭杀意,穿透被凝固起来的时空,径直迎向了光柱。 And, this finger/refers seems like or dies out to refer, actually has actually carried the effect of marvelous work god technique, therefore has the prestige energy of marvelous work god technique, this is also Yang Chen energy! 并且,这一指看似还是寂灭指,其实却已经携带了神品神术的效果,也因此已然有了神品神术的威能,这也正是杨尘的底气! I, look at my thick ice god flame!” “还有我,看我玄冰神焰!” Meanwhile, moved in Yang Chen heavy rain Yao, she arrives at side Yang Chen instantaneously, then its back aggressive unparalleled snow and ice phoenix also soars. 与此同时,原本在杨尘身边的凌雨瑶也动了,她瞬间重新来到杨尘身边,接着其背后一条霸气无双的冰雪凤凰也飞腾出来。 This snow and ice phoenixes are lending the powerful aura, sends out resonant phoenix cry, the body has the ice color god flame flaming combustion, unexpectedly also disregards the space and time that if painstakingly the mountain solidifies, welcomed similarly to the light beam. 这冰雪凤凰散发着强大气息,发出嘹亮凤鸣,身上更有冰色神焰熊熊燃烧,居然也无视被苦若山凝固的时空,同样迎向了光柱。 Originally, Yang Chen resulted in the marvelous work god technique incessantly, heavy rain Yao also resulted, because she also had the profound detail that the thick ice empress kept. 原来,不止杨尘得了神品神术,凌雨瑶也得了,因为她也有玄冰女帝留下来的深厚底蕴。 But the marvelous work god technique thick ice god flame that she obtains finally, this gate god technique also and so on agrees with her physique extremely, can attach by the flame above any attack. 而她最终获得的神品神术正是玄冰神焰,这门神术同样与她的体质之类极其契合,能够以火焰附加在任何攻击之上。 Overreaches oneself, gives me dead!” “不自量力,给我去死!” If painstakingly mountain slightly one startled, has not thought completely, the opposite party two people can work loose the strength of oneself space and time blockade, has not thought, these two dare to begin toward oneself this nine days of profound immortal. 苦若山微微一惊,完全没有想到,对方两人能够挣脱自己的时空封锁之力,更没有想到,这两人胆敢朝着自己这尊九天玄仙动手。 He is angry, has not actually placed in the opposite party the eye slightly, even is hopeful, wants to see the opposite party in the next quarter, was shelled the appearance of smashing by the light beam. 他不禁大怒,却丝毫没有将对方放在眼中,甚至还充满期待,想要看到对方在下一刻,被光柱轰击成粉碎的样子。
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