RETY :: Volume #22

#2150: If painstakingly the mountain comes

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! If Chapter 2150 painstakingly the mountain comes 第2150章苦若山现身 At this moment, the Nüwa idol and has no change, but Yang Chen can actually feel, the energy of implication has consumed completely. 此刻,女娲神像并没有任何改变,但杨尘却能够感觉到,其中蕴含的能量已经消耗殆尽。 Is good because, this midway has not had the energy insufficient situation. 好在,这中途并没有出现能量不够的情况。 Naturally, this is also because, not everyone has him and heavy rain Yao wing celtis grade of potential. 当然,这也是因为,并不是所有人都拥有他和凌雨瑶古青檀这等潜力。 Therefore, overall expended energy, as in estimating range. 因此,总体消耗能量,依旧在预计范围内。 Otherwise, he owed. 不然的话,他就亏了。 After all, finally goes on stage is his Heaven's Chosen servants, if the energy is insufficient, will affect their strengths surely. 毕竟,最后上场的都是他的天骄奴仆,如果能量不够的话,必定会影响他们的实力。 In addition, Yang Chen also discovered, in Nüwa idol energy, although exhausts, was actually starting the accumulation at the quite slow speed. 此外,杨尘还发现,女娲神像之中能量虽然耗尽,却正在以比较缓慢的速度重新开始了积累。 Bang! 轰! But at this time, facing by nine keys that the people put out, in the sky is presented sound of the thunder immediately. 而这时候,面对被众人拿出的九把钥匙,天空之中立即出现了电闪雷鸣之声。 Then, the eyes of Nüwa idol erupted the dazzling white light. 接着,女娲神像的双眼就爆发出了炫目白光。 This dazzling white light shines above the emperor key, the emperor key vanishes does not immediately see, but had the people of key, actually discovered on oneself had/left a strange force field. 这炫目白光照射在帝界钥匙之上,帝界钥匙立即消失不见,但原本持有钥匙的众人,却发现自己身上多出了一层奇异力场。 Meanwhile, during was void also presented a giant channel suddenly. 与此同时,虚空之中也突然之间就出现了一个巨大通道。 A channel end darkness, no one can see clearly the situation, cannot see clearly another side what appearance. 通道尽头一片漆黑,谁也看不清其中情况,更看不清另外一边什么样子。 Even if cultivates for most powerful ancient Yanpo is still same. 即便是修为最强大的古严婆也是一样。 But the people actually know, this most likely is the emperor channel, another side emperor. 但众人却都知道,这十有八九就是帝界通道,另一边正是帝界。 Yang Chen and other people can the clear feeling, this channel end have a mysterious strength to summon itself at this moment. 杨尘等九人此刻能够清晰的感觉到,这通道尽头有一种神秘力量正在召唤自己。 They cultivate/repair to profound, only feared that was drawn in the channel by this strength instantaneously. 要不是他们修为高深,只怕瞬间就被这力量吸进通道之中。 Before ancient strict woman and others, person who does not have the key, is just the opposite, can feel strength of the repel. 古严婆等之前就没有钥匙的人,则是恰恰相反,都能够感觉到了一股排斥之力。 And, even if ancient Yanpo, looks that this channel still cannot help but intermittent palpitation dreads. 并且,即便是古严婆,看着这通道也不由得一阵阵心悸畏惧。 Therefore, they know, oneself cannot approach, cannot attempt to rush hardly. 因此,他们都知道,自己绝不可以靠近,更不能妄图硬闯进去。 Otherwise, even if nine days of profound immortals cultivate/repair are, cannot save their life. 不然的话,即便是九天玄仙修为,也根本不能保住他们性命。 Ok , emperor had opened, goes. That side and here time speed of flow are different, that side one year, here one day, therefore your time is a lot, only needs to try hard to seek for the chance then. But to ten years, is here ten day later. The strength of key will dissipate, you will also be delivered. Our these ten days will wait for you here, good luck!” “好了,诸位,帝界已经开启了,进去吧。那边和这里的时间流速不同,那边一年,这里才一天,所以你们时间很多,只需要努力寻找机缘即可。而到了十年,也即是这边的十天后。钥匙的力量会消散,你们也会被送出来的。我们这十天会在这里等你们,祝你们好运!” At this time, some ancient Yanpo envying looked at several channels, this started talking. 这时候,古严婆有些羡慕的看了几眼通道,这才开口说话。 „A future of my spirit Wa clan, depended on you! Diligently, young people!” “我灵娲一族的未来,就靠你们了!努力吧,年轻人们!” Several other palaces main are also same, not only envies, and filled with the anticipation to Yang Chen and the others. 其余几位殿主也是一样,都既羡慕,又对杨尘等人充满了期待。 Felt relieved, I and other can make disappointed!” “诸位放心,我等一会不会让诸位失望!” Yang Chen holds the fist in the other hand, responded on behalf of the people, later immediately the figure moved slightly, changes into the flowing light to invest the channel together. 杨尘则一抱拳,代表众人回应,之后立即身形微微一动,化为一道流光投入了通道。 ...... 唰唰唰…… Meanwhile, other eight people are also same, waved goodbye with ancient strict woman and the others enters similarly. 与此同时,其余八人也是一样,与古严婆等人挥手告别同样进入。 Or they no longer resist the attraction of that channel merely, automatically by channel attracting. 或者说,他们仅仅是不再对抗那通道的吸引力,就自动被通道给吸了进去。 Ha, Yang Chen, heavy rain Yao, the bone iron and ancient wing celtis, your three give me dead!” “哈哈哈,杨尘、凌雨瑶、骨铁、古青檀,你们三个都给我去死吧!” However, in the people were anticipating when enters emperor, a Heaven's Chosen in the channel actually sent out suddenly laughed fiercely. 但是,就在众人都期待着进入帝界时,在通道之中一名天骄却突然发出了狰狞大笑。 This Heaven's Chosen ranks third during the beforehand selection, is in first five Heaven's Chosen, only man. 这名天骄在之前的选拔之中排名第三,也是前五名天骄之中,唯一一名男子。 This phenomenon is very normal in a spirit Wa clan. 这现象在灵娲一族之中很正常。 Because a spirit Wa clan excess of Yin and shortage of Yang, this is the tradition, even the Nüwa god emperor and spirit Wa clan female immortal emperor, are females. 因为灵娲一族阴盛阳衰,这是传统,连女娲神帝和灵娲族女仙帝,都是女性。 However, at this time before this, is very low-key peaceful male Heaven's Chosen, at this moment actually changes the normal state suddenly. 但是,这时候这名之前很低调安静的男子天骄,此刻却突然一改常态。 This Heaven's Chosen sends out to laugh wildly incessantly, made impertinent remarks to Yang Chen and the others, the aura of whole person also increases suddenly fast, before long broke through profound fairyland to reach nine naive immortal initial period peaks. 这天骄不止发出狂笑,对杨尘等人出言不逊,整个人的气息还突然快速攀升,不一会就突破了玄仙境界达到了九天真仙初期巅峰。 This does, made the entire channel therefore vibrate directly slightly, as if must unable to bear this pressure on be the same. 这一搞,直接让整个通道都因此微微震动了起来,仿佛要承受不住这压力一样。 However is good because, this channel is not a commonplace, the next quarter stabilized immediately. 不过好在,这通道绝非等闲,下一刻立即又重新稳定了。 But Yang Chen and other people were actually frightened one as before startled, the whole body ties tight, did not shout secretly well. 但杨尘等八人却依旧被吓了一惊,都浑身紧绷,暗叫不好。 Is you?” “是你?” Especially Yang Chen, heavy rain Yao, the bone iron and ancient wing celtis, discovered instantaneously an astonishing fact, is the shock. 尤其是杨尘、凌雨瑶、骨铁和古青檀,瞬间就发现了一个惊人事实,都是震惊不已。 Originally, this Heaven's Chosen clamored and erupted the true strength at the same time, the look and aura changed, from the appearance, turned all of a sudden if painstakingly mountain. 原来,这天骄叫嚣和爆发真正实力的同时,就连相貌和气息都发生了变化,一下子就从原本模样,变成了苦若山。 Right, is if painstakingly mountain. 没错,正是苦若山。 How this Heaven's Chosen does not know, unexpectedly turned into day of the world of human beings once enlightened ruler if painstakingly mountain. 这天骄不知道怎么的,居然变成了天人界曾经的圣主苦若山。 But before then, even Yang Chen, had not discovered unexpectedly this Heaven's Chosen has what unusuality. 而在这之前,即便是杨尘,居然都没有发现这名天骄有什么异常。 Must know that Yang Chen when former Asura and day world of human beings war ended, but has obtained has jade pendant that if painstakingly mountain aura. 要知道杨尘在之前修罗界与天人界战争结束时,可是得到过有苦若山气息的玉佩的。 Normal, so long as if painstakingly the mountain is close, he can detect. 正常来说,只要苦若山接近,他就能察觉。 Even, if painstakingly the mountain in the remote place, he can use the secret technique, according to aura tracing. 甚至,苦若山在遥远处,他都能够使用秘术,根据气息追踪。 But now, the opposite party in them, Yang Chen had not discovered unexpectedly, this simply is inconceivable. 但现在,对方居然一直都在他们近前,杨尘都没有发现,这简直就是不可思议。 Even, before , ancient Yanpo and other palace lords, cultivating is tall Jue, unexpectedly has not looked to have problems. 甚至,就连之前古严婆等殿主,修为高绝,居然也没有看出问题来。 Good, is I, haha, you have not thought. Said that this was also lucky you, you obtained the emperor key, I did not have the opportunity to go to emperor. However, now you do not have the use value, therefore, gives me dead.” “不错,正是我,哈哈,你们没有想到吧。说起来这还多亏了你们,要不是你们获得了帝界钥匙,我还没有机会去帝界呢。不过,现在你们已经没有了利用价值,所以,都给我去死吧。” You died, the chance in emperor is me if painstakingly a mountain person. When I obtained the chance, cultivates to rise sharply, certain first destroys completely your Penglai immortal territory, including outside old lady, must die!” “等你们死掉了,帝界中的机缘就都属于我苦若山一个人了。等我得到了机缘,修为大涨,一定第一个灭掉你们蓬莱仙域,包括外面的老太婆,全都要死!” That Heaven's Chosen or is if painstakingly the mountain, happily clamored. 那天骄或者说是苦若山,得意叫嚣。 Originally, he is really if painstakingly mountain. 原来,他真的是苦若山。 Before, the day world of human beings defeated because of ancient Yanpo, after if painstakingly the mountain escaped, has taken to heart, wants to retaliate the opposite party. 之前,天人界因为古严婆而战败,苦若山逃跑之后一直耿耿于怀,想要报复对方。 And, he also wants to recapture Celestial. 并且,他也想要夺回天人界。 Therefore, he related with a spirit Wa clan hostile not dead clan, and under the opposite party helps, submerged the Penglai immortal territory quietly. 因此,他就联系了与灵娲一族敌对的不死族,并在对方帮助之下,悄悄潜入了蓬莱仙域。 After submerging, he also killed a Heaven's Chosen, the use mystique camouflaged the opposite party appearance. 潜入之后,他还杀死了一名天骄,使用秘法伪装成了对方模样。 Originally, he also worried that is unable to meet recent antiquity strict woman and other high levels, even if approaches is not the opposite party opponent, is unable to revenge. 本来,他还担心无法接近古严婆等高层,即便接近也不是对方对手,无法进行报复呢。 Finally, his luck is good, just met the selection, therefore cultivated/repaired on the suppression to finish third with ease. 结果,他却运气好,刚好遇上了选拔,于是就压制修为轻松获得了第三名。 Reason that is only third, is he is worried to expose, therefore under careful and deep consideration intentionally choice position. 之所以只是第三,也是他担心暴露,所以深思熟虑下故意选择的名次。 Originally, after he plans to solve the high level, finding the way to continue to assassinate, or some destruction and so on. 本来,他打算解决高层之后,想办法继续刺杀,或者一些破坏之类。 However he has not actually thought, a spirit Wa clan selects, unexpectedly to assign the emperor key. 但是他却万万没有想到,灵娲一族选拔,居然是为了分配帝界钥匙。 Moreover, but can also pay respect to the Nüwa idol. 而且,还能够参拜女娲神像。 This simply is a heaven-sent opportunity, therefore he continues to ambush immediately. 这简直就是天赐良机,于是他立即继续潜伏。 But before ancient Yanpo and other palaces main continuously in side, therefore he does not dare to have slightly hurriedly. 但之前古严婆等殿主一直都在旁边,因此他不敢有丝毫造次。 Until at this moment, the people had entered the channel. 直到此刻,众人已经进入了通道。 Channel outside ancient Yanpo and other palace lords, should not threaten him, he then reveals the true colors finally. 通道外面的古严婆等殿主,也应该已经都威胁不到他了,他这才终于露出真面目。
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