ROUIC :: Volume #11 Volume 11

#1204: Old ferry spot

The causes and effects secret technique is world is most mystical one of the most powerful magic spell, related to the time, spaces and causes and effects rule, the mortal cannot spy on, how long is better than Chen Fan to have no way to maintain, almost in a breath, the light screen falls on the disintegration loudly. 因果秘术是世间最神秘最强大的法术之一,涉及到时间、空间与因果的规律,凡人不可窥探,强如陈凡也没法保持多久,几乎一个呼吸内,光幕就轰然崩碎掉。 Whiz whiz.” “嗖嗖。” Only sees one like the hour glass, brings the transparent wave common light wheel, appears from Chen Fan slowly behind. 只看到一个如同沙漏般,带着透明水波一般的光轮,缓缓从陈凡身后浮现。 Chen Fan whole body surface Light Glow flashes on and off erratically, small thin such as the bloodstain of spider's silk appears on his face, but abates rapidly. Inserts the dark iron bar side Chen Fan, in that flashes, blooms the dark green immortal light, sends out say/way that thunders , then the sound, like slight blue-green lightnings, in void blasts open, changes to a Daoist Magic net, suppresses the entire mountain valley. 紧接着,陈凡周身表面光芒明灭不定,一道道微小细如蛛丝的血痕在他脸上浮现,但又迅速消退掉。插在陈凡身旁的黝黑铁条,也在那一霎那间,绽放出青绿的仙光,发出轰鸣的道则声,如同一条条细微的青绿色闪电,在虚空中炸裂开来,化作一道法网,镇压住整个山谷。 After several breath . 数个呼吸后。 The hour glass light wheel gradually is pale, tends to be invisible, Chen Fan Light Glow gradually abates, draws close in the stability. 沙漏般的光轮才渐渐淡下去,渐趋无形,陈凡身边的光芒逐渐消退,趋近于稳定。 These calculates mother Wang Xiaoyun time, did not peep Fang Qiong to give the harm that Chen Fan brought to be big like before, almost in collapse. Because no doubt Wang Xiaoyun leaves Chen Fan to be nearer. But main, the secret that Fang Qiong involves is bigger. Causes and effects thing, related to the rule is higher, strength to be stronger, taboo more, then its backlash is naturally more powerful. 这一次推算母亲王晓云,并不像之前强窥方琼那样给陈凡带来的伤害大,几近于崩溃。固然因为王晓云陈凡更近一些。但主要的,还是方琼涉及到的机密更大。因果这东西,涉及到的规则更高、力量更强、禁忌越多,则它的反噬自然更强大。 Peeps by Fang Qiong that True Martial Immortal Sect shelters, has not annoyed the True Immortal counter-attack, a palm of the hand is away from Universe to clap dead Chen Fan, is he is careful enough. 强窥受真武仙宗庇护的方琼,没惹来真仙反击,一巴掌隔着宇宙拍死陈凡,已经是他足够小心谨慎了。 That two youths and young girls, bloodlines, without the question, certainly are my parents, I can feel that from them richly to being intimate with extreme, this has the direct line blood relationship on behalf of them and I, although the father is not, but should also not be affected much obviously, otherwise mother will not be calm calmly.’ Chen Fan closes one's eyes silently, in the heart is calculating. ‘那两个少年少女,身上的血脉,没有疑问,一定是我父母的,我能从他们身上感受到那股浓郁到极点的亲近,这代表他们与我有直系血缘关系,父亲虽然不在,但显然也应该无大碍,否则母亲不会那么镇定从容。’陈凡默默闭着眼,心中盘算着。 Although light screen disintegration, but a that over ten -year-old shy youngster brings one about ten -year-old powder to carve the girl appearance of jade pecking, deeply was imprinted by Chen Fan in the heart. He in the heart, is deliberating the appearances of two people slowly. 尽管光幕崩碎,但那个一个十多岁的青涩少年带着一个十岁左右的粉雕玉啄的女孩模样,被陈凡深深印在心中。他在心田中,慢慢推敲着两个人的模样。 Wearing clothing, although is different from small Southern Heaven Realm, but also is obviously fine enough, that material quality should bring spirit material, I can feel the Spirit Qi aura. Explained the parents they in that place, although not necessarily greatly was greatly expensively rich, but was not impoverished.’ ‘穿着服饰虽然与小南天境不同,但显然也足够精美,那材质应该是带着一丝灵材的,我能感受到灵气的气息。说明父母他们在那个地方虽未必大富大贵,但也不算贫困。’ A man and a woman, the boy is calm, the girl selects proudly, since the age looks, should be the brother and sister.’ ‘一男一女,男孩子沉稳,女孩子略带点骄傲,从年龄看,应该是兄妹俩。’ According to the time calculates, big possibly before Immortal Cang Qing comes Earth was born, but this matter A'Xiu has not told me, does not know that was she left out, my parents concealed.’ ‘按照时间来计算,大的可能在苍青仙人来地球前已经出生了,但这个事情阿秀没告诉我,不知道是她漏掉了,还是我父母隐瞒了下来。’ Pitifully, my Divine Sense has no way to extend, is away from the light screen unable to examine their cultivation base and natural talents, whether otherwise can see their practice...’ ‘可惜,我的神识没法延伸出去,隔着光幕不能检测他们的修为和天资,否则就能看出他们是否修炼了...’ Chen Fan closes one's eyes to deliberate a meeting. 陈凡闭眼推敲一会。 Crossed the meeting, he sets out silently, the parents are calm and steady, this makes the Chen Fan's heart put temporarily, is insufficient to worry to overtake. But in the light screen the scene of that city has reappeared in the Chen Fan mind, particularly causes and effects secret technique is directing indistinctly the direction, makes Chen Fan somewhat surprised, always felt that position, is somewhat familiar. 过了会,他默默起身,父母安稳,这就让陈凡的心暂时放下来,不至于着急赶过去。但光幕中那个城市的景象一直在陈凡脑海中浮现,尤其是‘因果秘术’隐约指引着的方向,更让陈凡有些惊疑,总感觉那个方位,有些熟悉。 This lights Hui is bright, the civilized developed city, is possibly rare in the small Southern Heaven Realm this wild border, but to Star Ocean, actually everywhere is. Lives in the Universe center Human Race civilization, after the difficulty of fire seed time, the rise of development time, strides in the magnificent golden age now officially, the science and technology and Immortal Cultivation parallel, Spiritual God and civilized coexistence, this is a genuine radiant big world. 这种灯火辉明,文明发达的城市,在小南天境这蛮荒边境可能罕见,但到了星海中,却遍地皆是。活在宇宙中心的人族文明,经过火种时代的艰难,开拓时代的崛起,如今正式跨入辉煌的黄金时代,科技与修仙并行,神灵与文明共存,这是一个真正的璀璨大世。 genuine makes Chen Fan familiar, is in the picture scroll the scene of that city, always made him feel like once passed through. But this, Chen Fan has not stepped into Star Ocean, the trail also has been to Heavenly Desolate most. 真正陈凡熟悉的,是画卷中那城市的景象,总让他感觉好像曾经走过。但这一世,陈凡并没有踏入星海,足迹最远也就到过天荒 Where is...’ ‘是哪里呢...’ In his heart speculated for quite a while, what a pity is too far from the great distance, then by present Origin Strength, is unable to stretch across many Star Region, is only connected depending on a soul, deduces not to know the matter many ten thousand li (0.5 km) away. 他心中推测了半天,可惜距离相隔太远,便是以现在的‘一元之力’,也无法横跨诸多星域,仅凭一点魂魄相连,就推演出不知道多少万里之外的事情。 Quick, he restrains the mind, now wants is so useless, first overtook said again. 很快,他收敛心神,现在想这么没用,先赶过去再说。 „.” “唰。” Chen Fan sets out, pulls up to return to the rusty stain stained black black iron weaponry, a void point, a small boat, to vast Universe. 陈凡起身,拔起重归锈迹斑斑的黝黑铁仗,虚空一点,一叶扁舟,直向浩瀚宇宙 ... ... Over the following several months, Chen Fan has been hurrying along. 接下来数个月,陈凡一直在赶路中。 His speed is not slow, but is not quick, Wang Xiaoyun they are safe temporarily, Chen Fan is not too anxious. When on first he travels between Earth, round trip in a hurry, almost by Divine Transformation Peak Great Magic Power, spans the interstellar to flicker to move instantaneously, what does not have genuine to look under foot world is. 他速度不算慢,但也不算快,王晓云她们暂时安全,陈凡就不算太急。上一世他往返地球时,来去匆匆,几乎都是以化神巅峰大法力,瞬间跨越星际瞬移,并没有真正看过脚下这番世界到底是什么样。 This time, walks looks. 这一次,一路走一路看。 He passed by huge Life planet, sees the innumerable wear plain clothes, just like the China ancient ancients, laborious practical training in land, is planting Tamada for head Immortal Cultivator, throughout the year changes, spirit that plants with great difficulty, oneself actually eat one without enough time, by effective Immortal Cultivator, savage taking away. If there is a resistance, often magic spell makes into the grey smoke, just like servant. 他路过巨大的生命星辰,见到无数穿着古朴衣服,宛如华国古代的先民们,在大地上辛苦劳作着,为头上的修仙者们种着灵田,一年四季更替,好不容易种出的灵种,自身却来不及吃一口,都被管事的修仙者们,凶残的拿走。若有反抗的,往往一记法术就打成灰烟,宛如奴仆。 He sees, in the lowly mortal family/home, the person was examined practice Innate Skill / Gift, immediately is received Disciple by sect cultivator , the bitter cold that the ascension, overjoyed carrying out lived in whole family is poor, outside the crisis-ridden city, was admitted to the city, again also the attack of exempt sect oppressive taxes and low rank monster beast. 他看到,贫贱的凡人家中,有一人被检测出修炼天赋,立刻被上宗修士收入门下,举家升腾,欢天喜地的搬出原先住的苦寒贫穷,危机四伏的城外,住进了城中,再也免收宗派苛捐杂税和低阶妖兽的袭击。 He sees, obtains luxuriously, has innumerable Tamada mineral resource high rank Primal Infant cultivator , the dwelling is resplendent in gold and jade green, standing tall and erect cloud gap/between, the innumerable wear light tissue clothes, the naked body partly visible beautiful face maidservant shuttles back and forth to keep in the palace, crosses the paper to confuse the life of gold/metal drunk, intemperate eating and drinking, whole body Magic Power is still powerful, but inside Divine Soul has started decayed. 他看到,获得奢侈,坐拥无数灵田矿藏的高阶元婴修士,住处金碧辉煌,高耸云间,无数穿着轻薄纱衣,胴体若隐若现的美颜侍女在宫殿中穿梭不停,过着纸迷金醉、酒池肉林的生活,周身法力依旧强盛,但内里的神魂已经开始腐朽。 He sees, in the big family, the son has not examined Immortal Cultivation Innate Skill / Gift, was reproven by the elder despises, regards, if pig dog. But these examine practice Innate Skill / Gift youths and young girls, immediately is put on a high and mighty act, is insufferably arrogant, observes the situation about the original brothers, does not spare a glance, as if they and radically no longer are the same races, just like regarding humble generation of person. 他看到,大的家族中,庶子没有检测出修仙天赋,被长辈训斥鄙夷,视若猪狗。而那些检测出修炼天赋少年少女,立刻趾高气昂,不可一世,环视左右原来的兄弟们,根本不屑一顾,仿佛他们与自己根本不再是同一人种,宛若看待低贱一辈的人。 He sees .... 他看到.... Chen Fan walks, the facial features are not not sadly happy, looks lightly. 陈凡一路走来,面容无喜无悲,就是淡淡看着。 Sees the appearance to be pretty, the family actually poor young girls receive the low rank cultivator humiliation, is frightened to fear, the eye despairs presently, only when wants dead. Chen Fan on a heavenly thunder bang , the making into fragment, other innumerable cultivator will be conveniently surprised, then under Innate old cultivator leads, is doing obeisance in a panic to the sky, declared the senior to forgive, senior to forgive. 看见有容貌俏丽,家庭却贫寒的少女受到低阶修士欺凌,惊惶成恐,眼现绝望,只想一死时。陈凡随手就一记天雷轰下,将之打成碎片,无数其他修士惊疑,然后在一个先天修士率领下,对着天空仓皇拜下,口称前辈饶命、前辈饶命。 Meets the monster beast harassment violation city, if he passed by, casual holds the stick, a stick overcomes, delimits together the surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) say/way mark, golden light greatly rises, impregnable, the monster beast naturally retreats alarmed and afraid, the people in entire city cheer immediately heavenshaking, only then these cultivator are frightened, does not know that what happened. 遇见妖兽骚扰侵害城市,他若路过,也随便一持杖,一杖打下,划出一道方圆十里的道痕,金光大盛,固若金汤,妖兽惊惧自然退去,整个城中的人顿时欢呼震天,只有那些修士们惊惶,不知发生了什么事。 Passed by two countries to battle, hundreds of thousands of armies revolved to slaughter, two side cultivating true virtue also person brains made the dog brain, various magic treasure Immortal Technique were uneven, hit earth-shattering, the water of lake evaporated cleanly. The Chen Fan interested stopping footsteps, will also watch a meeting, like watching a step splendid movie. Sees the ponder opposite party who how two side commanders rack one's brains the move, then finds out counterattacking. Looks that Immortal Cultivator kill to get angry, high rank Immortal Cultivator does not hesitate to leaf through oneself several hundred years of accumulation treasure continually, pounds completely into, looks that mortal kings of both sides stay in the imperial palace, can only see own national hit torn to pieces, the plunging the people into disaster, does not have the tiny bit strength resistance. Arrived finally, Chen Fan cannot tolerate, a palm of the hand cranks up the ash to fly Immortal Cultivator of both sides, makes the war stop instantaneously .... 路过两个国家交战,数十万大军围绕厮杀,两方修真者也人脑子打出狗脑子,各种法宝仙术齐出,打的天崩地裂,湖泊的水都蒸发干净。陈凡也会饶有兴趣的停下脚步,观看一会,如同看一步精彩的电影。见两方统帅如何殚精竭虑的思考对方的出招,然后想出反制。看着修仙者们杀红了眼,连高阶修仙者也不惜翻遍自身数百年积累宝物,全部砸入,看着双方的凡人国王都呆坐在皇宫,只能见到自己的国家被打的支离破碎,生灵涂炭,却没有一丝一毫力量反抗。到最后,陈凡看不过去,一巴掌把双方的修仙者都拍成灰飞,瞬间让战争停止.... Then, walks, look. 就这样,一路走,一路看。 Sees not putting down place, putting out a hand help/gang, most times calmly looks. 见到不平处,也会伸伸手帮一下,大部分的时候就静静看着。 That he sees, not only at the planet performance that he passed by, but also is deducting in entire small Southern Heaven Realm similarly. The high rank cultivator rich all sea, has the wealth and strengths of several hundred over a thousand years of accumulations, has absolute power over somebody. Without the cultivation base civilians and floor cultivator , can only throw the food with the wild dog, struggles a going on living place with the fierce monster beast. 他所见到的一幕幕,不仅在他路过的星球上演,还在整个小南天境同样演绎着。高阶修士富有四海,坐拥数百上千年积累的财富和力量,生杀予夺。没有修为的平民与底层修士,只能与野狗抛食,和凶蛮妖兽争一袭活下去的地方。 These things, the human in Star Ocean, does not know many years ago wild fire seed time had also once experienced. Even on Chen Fan first in different, or Universe border district(s), had once seen. 这些东西,星海中的人类,在不知道多少年前的蛮荒的‘火种时代’也曾经历过。甚至陈凡上一世在许多异界,或者宇宙的边境地区,也都曾看到过。 Just, the present Universe civilization, has gone through such barbaric period, after the savings of several time, genuine marches into the radiant humane era. But small Southern Heaven Realm also fell in the past. This no doubt and small Southern Heaven Realm was stranded in the black sand wind zone, higher civilized isolation with Universe. But also explained, these Immortal Cultivator do not want to change, after all they carve painstaking cultivation to refine, without whom really expected oneself can ascends Immortal Realm, majority is obtains merely live is longer, crossed is better. 只不过,如今的宇宙文明,早就经历过这样野蛮的时期,经过数个时代的积蓄,真正步入璀璨的人道纪元。而小南天境还陷在过去。这固然和小南天境被困在黑沙风带中,与宇宙的高等文明隔绝。但也说明,这些修仙者们自身不想改变,毕竟他们刻苦修炼,没谁真的奢望自己能飞升仙界,大部分仅仅是求得活的更久,过的更好罢了。 But small Southern Heaven Realm Immortal Cultivator, will cross this point obviously well, places on oppression floor cultivator and mortal. 而小南天境修仙者们,显然将自己过得更好这一点,放在压迫更底层修士和凡人身上。 ‚Only the person of betrayal social class, without the social class of betrayal social class.’ ‘只有背叛阶级的人,没有背叛阶级的阶级。’ Chen Fan looks silently. 陈凡默默看着。 rebirth comes back a time, raises humanity to transform, lets the mortal and Immortal Cultivator are treated equally henceforth, peaceful coexistence. This is not the Chen Fan's temper, he is not Saint, is only an ordinary ordinary mortal, practice also merely for live was very humiliated. Said like once some few words: 重生回来,掀起一次人道变革,让凡人与修仙者从此平起平坐,和平共处。这并非是陈凡的性子,他不是圣者,只是一个平凡普通的凡人,修炼也仅仅是为了活的更好不受欺凌罢了。就像曾经有一句话说的: Fitness to let the fool and you spoke calmly.’ ‘健身为的是让傻逼和你心平气和说话。’ The civilized transformation, needs to come from the strength of floor, one day, the strength of floor gathers the fire seed, naturally can change all. By that time, possibly needs the iron and fire, needs innumerable to donate Life and blood. But only in the blood and flame, can have the new civilization to raise radiantly. 文明的变革,需要来自底层的力量,总有一天,底层的力量汇聚成火种,自然会改变一切。到那时,可能需要铁和火,需要无数代人献出生命和鲜血。但只有在鲜血与火焰中,才能有新的文明璀璨升起。 The one who lets Chen Fan rejoice, Earth from the beginning, took the correct path. 陈凡庆幸的是,地球在一开始,就走上了正确的道路。 Several months later. 数个月后。 Chen Fan Jingyi Road line the small Southern Heaven Realm border, here opposite several hundred thousand li (0.5 km), had met the terrifying again the black sand wind zone. Stands looks into Universe on planet, can see that just like a black long curtain, spans void, covers four wildly, as if must withstand great pressure momentarily, but below appearance. What is more terrifying, that behind-the-scenes plotting seems like the water to compose, is flowing indeed so slowly, just like living creature. 陈凡已经一路行到了小南天境的边境,这里对面再行个几十万里,就遇见恐怖的黑沙风带。站在星辰上眺望宇宙,都能看到那宛如一条黑色长幕,横亘虚空,笼罩四野,仿佛随时要泰山压顶而下的模样。更恐怖的是,那黑幕似乎是水组成的,尽然在缓缓流淌,宛如活物般。 black sand wind zone. 黑沙风带。 Universe natural forbidden area. 宇宙天然的禁区。 Even if Primal Infant cultivator , wants to cross such region, still a narrow escape. Not only inside has the attrition person cultivation base black sandstorm, dangerous meteorites of high speed, as well as interstellar monster beast of many life in black sand wind zone, as well as many inconceivable strategic places and taboos. These monster beasts, like the wicked wolf of crowds of bloodthirsty, linger to travel in the sand belt/bring, even if high rank cultivator , if were discovered, must be rally togethered to attack by them, under tear and bite innumerable flesh, even Life. But this stretch of wind zone is so also broad, almost several Star Region are broad, does not arrive at Divine Transformation Realm, goes in dies. 就算元婴修士,想要横渡这样的区域,也九死一生。里面不仅有磨损人修为的黑色风沙,还有高速运行的危险陨石群,以及诸多生活在黑沙风带中的星际妖兽,以及诸多不可思议的险地与禁忌。那些妖兽,如同一群群嗜血的恶狼,在沙带中盘桓游历着,哪怕高阶修士,如果被发现,也要被他们群起而攻之,撕咬下无数的血肉,甚至生命。而这片风带又如此广阔,几乎有数个星域宽广,不到化神境界,进去就是死。 Fortunately. 还好。 Long ago Southern Heaven Realm in the black sand wind zone, opened a channel. This channel crosses the entire black sand wind zone, together with arriving at small Southern Heaven Realm. But the named of Chen Fan under foot yellow Feng the asteroid, is goes by boat to go to the Southern Heaven Realm only port. 早年南天境就在黑沙风带中,开辟出一条通道。这条通道横穿整个黑沙风带,一直连同到小南天境。而陈凡脚下的这颗名为‘黄枫’的小行星,就是乘船前往南天境的唯一口岸。 Yellow Feng on-board, crowds one another, Light Glow ascends, the unusual brightness overflows. As together with the Southern Heaven Realm ferry spot, entire small Southern Heaven Realm many Star Region, does not know only many ancestor, Sect, rogue cultivator juniors gather this, wants to go to Southern Heaven Realm. Some many chambers of commerce, are driving away the huge interstellar monster beast, the carrying/sustaining many precious commodities and small Southern Heaven Realm special products arrive, wants through the port, to go opposite to gain one ruthlessly. 黄枫星上,摩肩接踵,光芒升腾,宝光四溢。作为唯一连同南天境的渡口,整个小南天境诸多星域,不知道有多少世祖、宗门散修子弟汇聚到此,想要前往南天境。更有许多商会,驱赶着庞大的星际妖兽,承载着诸多珍贵物资和小南天境特产到来,想通过口岸,去对面狠赚一笔。 Merchants, large clans, Sect, rogue cultivator, pirate and mortal... 商人、大族、宗门散修、海盗、凡人... Gathers together, the nature lively noise, on entire planet, is opening everywhere the bar and inn, numerous interstellar ferry spots, continue the chambers of commerce to arrive. 汇聚到一起,自然热闹喧嚣,整个星辰上面,到处都是开着的酒吧和旅店,还有众多的星际渡口,承接商会们到来。 A Chen Fan person of boat, obscure arrival. 陈凡一人一舟,默默无闻到来。 If Immortal Realm Primal Infant said that is not a little good, is extremely reserved. All Magic Power, cultivation base and spirit concentrate to oneself small Universe. Does not have high rank cultivator that type, even if not manifest, but surroundings nature Spirit Qi dark accumulated, the feeling of slightly cry. If Chen Fan not making a move, or emits the aura on own initiative, perhaps everyone when he will be no Magic Power mortal, will be Divine Transformation easily cannot look. 仙界元婴若说有一点不好的,就是太过内敛。所有法力修为、精神都浓缩到自身小宇宙中。丝毫没有高阶修士那种哪怕不外放,但周围自然灵气暗蕴,道则微鸣的感觉。若陈凡出手,或主动放出气息,恐怕所有人都会当他是个毫无法力的凡人,就是化神轻易都看不出来。 To this, Chen Fan is also helpless. 对这点,陈凡也无奈。 Hiding cultivation base is no doubt good, but every so often, needs to reveal cultivation base. Otherwise really regards a mortal to look you, perhaps which passed by to look at you not pleasing to the eyes Innate cultivator , a palm patted conveniently you. Especially to this mixing of good and bad people, was lawless, does not know that many lawless generation of existing regions, must display oneself strength, intimidates them. 隐藏修为固然好,但很多时候,也需要显露修为。否则真把你当成一个凡人看,恐怕哪个路过看你不顺眼的先天修士,随手一掌就把你拍死了。尤其到了这种龙蛇混杂,毫无法律,不知道有多少无法无天之辈存在的地域,更得展现出自己的力量,吓阻他们。 Chen Fan just emitted about the Golden Core aura, some people gather. 陈凡刚放出金丹左右的气息,就有人上来招揽。 Brothers also want to go to Southern Heaven Realm, does not know that you are the friends and relatives in Southern Heaven Realm, is in the sect the elder in that place, or is registration one of the 13 chambers of commerce, either obtains the immigrant to permit, can travel between the Southern Heaven Realm large clan juniors?” Chubby, the complexion looks at the upright honest fatty simple and honest, comes up greeting to say. “兄弟也是想去南天境的吧,不知道你是亲戚朋友在南天境,还是宗中长辈在那个地方,又或者是挂号的十三家商会之一,又或者得到移民允许,可以往返南天境的大族子弟?”一个胖乎乎,面色憨厚看着忠厚老实的胖子,上来招呼道。 Not?” Chen Fan stares. “都不是呢?”陈凡一愣。 You needed a passage ticket.” On the appearance upright fatty face the simple and honest smile is even more bright. Treats both the young and old honestly, one 10,000 Singapore dollars.” “那你就需要一张船票了。”面相忠厚的胖子脸上憨厚的笑容越发灿烂。“童叟无欺,一张一万星币。” „, Also is equivalent to your small Southern Heaven Realm .... “哦,也就相当于你们小南天境的....” Hundred million spirit stone!” “一亿灵石!” PS: January 1 this chapter said that the point approved most expert: The day rain anxious, every day stayed up late to read the dawn and author looking familiar prize and Beiling Monarch and January 2 this chapter saying that the point approved most expert and book friend Something went wrong. Author looking familiar prize: Compass and heart law. Asked the ticket to ask the ticket while convenient, double asked the monthly ticket. ^ _ ^ PS:1月1日本章说点赞最高人员:天雨急下、每天熬夜看书到天亮、作者眼熟奖、北凌君、1月2日本章说点赞最高人员、书友[Not Found]。作者眼熟奖:圆规和心法。顺便求票求票啦,双倍求月票呢。^_^
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