REE :: Volume #2

#144: The commodity in center great hall

bio-robot compared with the battle efficiency of bio-machine dog, simply is an Sir and a child's disparity. First, the bio-robot body skeleton, injected one type every inchs unusually may live the metal, the cell has precisely incomparable, the nanometer scale machine that is hard to make, bio-robot has more powerful digesting system, the potential even surpasses in general Neo-Human, moreover chip LightBrain is high-end, means that the intelligence is as good as the human brain, particularly absorbs fight information. 生化机械人比起生化机械狗的战斗力,简直是一个大人和一个孩子的差距。一来,生化机械人身体每一寸骨骼,都注入了一种奇特的可生金属,细胞拥有精密无比,难以制造的纳米机器人,二来,生化机械人有更强大的消化系统,潜力甚至超于一般新人类,三来晶片光脑非常高端,意味着智能不亚于人类智慧,尤其是吸收战斗信息方面。 however, body steel machinery of bio-machine dog, but installs or re-equips. 然而,生化机械狗的身躯钢铁机械,只是加装上去或改装进去。 The present bio-machine dog also has upgrade space, but extreme limit, will not surpass Neo-Human is too many. On the contrary, the bio-robot potential can being a worthy opponent many Neo-Human, otherwise Earth and Moon initiate conflict war time, bio-robot is unable to sweep away, becomes slaughtering large unit that at that time Neo-Human was panic at the news. 现在生化机械狗还有提升空间,但始终有一个极限,不会超出新人类太多。相反,生化机械人潜力可以匹敌很多新人类,否则地球月球发起冲突战争的时候,生化机械人无法一路横扫下去,成为当时新人类闻风丧胆的杀戮大部队。 Therefore the bio-machine dog is only beginning end product Bio-machinery Species , the potential is limited. 所以说生化机械狗只是初成品的生化机械物种,潜力有限。 brother, these... these human body why does not have sexes?” Mu Xuanyin has slightly embarrassed, but more is curious. ,这些…这些人体为什么没有性别的?”木绚音有微微不好意思,但更多是好奇。 In order to the observational study, the fluorescent egg surface is transparent, Mu Xuanyin discovered that inside human bodies, almost the look and body size could not miss many, but the lower part was does not have any nature / organ, is completely the asexual person. 为了方便观察研究,荧光蛋表面是透明的,木绚音发现里面一个个人体,几乎相貌和身体大小都差不了多少,而下体是没有任何性/器官,完全是无性人。 They basically are not human, half lifeform half machinery humanoid weapon that but clones, moreover they have the independent choice to swallow the advantageous material, complete transform becomes the strange characteristics of energy, as for having the does not have sex is not the important matter.” Mu Xiao is repairing in LightBrain had once been deleted the data intelligence, but also only restores to obtain some small materials, simultaneously understands by oneself present the strength of data, is unable to subdue this 100 bio-robot. however, these bio-robot also does not have are in maturely stage, cannot release before a sentence expires to make the fight weapon, otherwise the fight value will reduce greatly. Therefore, Mu Xiao puts down the thought of subduing for the time being, so long as breaks through Genetic Resonance hundred times, promoted realm that to be easily solved. “它们基本不是人类,只是克隆出来的半生物半机械人形兵器,而且它们拥有自主选择吞食有利物质,全部转化成能量的奇异特性,至于有没有性别已经不是什么重要的事情了。”木萧正在修复光脑里面曾被删除过的资料信息,但也只恢复得到小部分资料,同时明白以自己现在的数据之力,无法收服这一百生化机械人然而,这些生化机械人没有进入‘成熟’阶段,不能提前释放出来做战斗兵器,否则战斗数值就会大减。所以,木萧暂且放下了收服的念头,只要突破百次基因共鸣,晋升境界那一切就迎刃而解了。 Promotion was getting more and more urgent.” Mu Xiao decided after Villa Region makes the arrangement, conducts to break through Genetic Resonance upgrade hundred times. “晋升越来越迫切了。”木萧决定别墅区做好安排之后,进行突破百次基因共鸣提升 Because here bio-robot physical body also contained very high evolution power, after all absorbed so many virus energies, being nothing more or less genetic cell that can optimize strongly, that only female variant wants to swallow here all bio-robot blood and flesh. 因为这里的生化机械人的肉体也是蕴含了很高进化力,毕竟吸收了这么多病毒能量,不多不少可以优化出强壮的基因细胞,那只女变异人才想吞食掉这里所有生化机械人血肉 Mu Xiao also discovered from LightBrain some situations, these researchers left here very early in the morning, only leaves behind young some dispensable guards. However, Mu Xiao then thinks, understands that Moon is impossible to abandon these researchers, because they have the value of existence. 木萧光脑还发现了一些情况,原来那些研究人员一早离开了这里,只留下一小部分可有可无的守卫。不过,木萧回头一想,也明白月球不可能抛弃这些研究人员,因为他们有存在的价值。 Pitifully could not find the information of other world regional research institutes, otherwise catching the whole lot in a dragnet inside bio-robot, by the time of battle, a Moon side definitely ate one to owe...... Mu Xiao to look at present the fluorescent eggs greatly stuffily, actually in the heart is very satisfied, this accident/surprise obtains this 100 extremely strong battle efficiency. “可惜找不到世界各地其它研究所的信息,否则一网打尽里面的生化机械人,到了开战的时刻,月球一方肯定吃一个大闷亏……”木萧看着眼前一个个荧光蛋,其实心中已经很满足,这次意外获得这一百个极强的战斗力。 present cannot move temporarily, but other things can move. For example, laboratory inside these lethality enormous heavy weapon, can definitely unload increases Attack Power to Villa Region or Law Firm. 只是现在暂时不能动,但其余的东西可以动一动。譬如,研究室里面那些杀伤力极大的重武器,完全可以卸下来给别墅区律师楼增加攻击力 However, Mu Xiao planned that first determines, outside center great hall these storehouses, deposited what weapon and commodity make the arrangement again. 不过,木萧打算先去确定一番,外面中枢大堂那些库房,存放了什么武器和物资再做安排。 Xuanyin, are you with me to here?” 绚音,你跟我到出去还是在这里?” Naturally goes out, here is good to infiltrate the person.” “当然出去,这里好渗人。” ...... …… Returned to center great hall, Mu Xuanyin to relieve mecha, because here is the final destination, Mu Xiao took care of female variant this biggest threat, the surroundings only then a silence, basically determined the security, but she put on mecha not conveniently to search in some rooms, Mu Xiao has by her. 回到中枢大堂,木绚音解除了一身机甲,因为这里已经是最终目的地,木萧又解决了女变异人这个最大威胁,周围只有一片寂静,基本确定了安全,而她穿着机甲又不方便在一些房间进行搜索,木萧只好由了她。 Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin arbitrarily enter a corridor, the two sides are during rows of rests, there is mental strength to search, is one quickly and very convenient matter, special You Zihao mental strength is pure, the situation in survey room, is similar to the scanning to be the same slightly, all things can reflect that in his thought that knew accurately inside has anything. 木萧木绚音随意进入一条走廊,两边是一排排的休息间,有精神力进行搜索,是一件很快和很便利的事情,特别尤子浩精神力纯净无比,稍微探测房间的情况,就如同扫描一般,所有东西都会反映在他念头之中,准确得知里面有什么东西。 however, most rooms, only then some personal clothing, the fitness equipment, the nutritious foods wait/etc, is the thing of does not have big use. Perhaps Ending World erupts, center great hall has had a chaos day, these guard nature weaponry good itself, to become the companion fight of monster with variation, otherwise outside is impossible to present the weapon components of so many crush. 然而,大部分房间只有一些私人服装,健身器材,营养食品等等,都是没有多大用处的东西。或许末世爆发,中枢大堂有过一段混乱的日子,那些守卫自然武装自身,跟变异怪物的同伴战斗,否则外面不可能出现这么多破碎武器零件。 Both corridors are guard and between the rests of researchers, but Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin does not have anything discovered, has walking another side corridor, to discover the corridor has the training rooms, the control rooms and leisurely and carefree room...... wait/etc room, similarly does not have what is good to discover. 两条走廊都是守卫和研究人员的休息间,但木萧木绚音没有什么发现,只好走去另一边的走廊,发现走廊有一个个训练室、控制室、悠闲室……等等的房间,同样没有什么好发现。 Finally, Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin in the last corridor, found this research institute, the commodity of maximum value. 最终,木萧木绚音在最后一条走廊,找到了这个研究所,最大价值的物资。 When Mu Xiao with the strength of data, opens an electronic lock of Room weaponry, discovered in laid aside a number of high-end weapon equipment neatly. 木萧用数据之力,开启一个武装的电子锁,发现了里面整整齐齐放置了一批高端武器装备。 Has A Grade Whirlwind Martial Combat , attacks high performance mechanical inner armor that fast combines. A级-旋风武斗,攻速并合的高性能机械内甲 Has B Grade Night-hiding War Clothes , one type has the unusual battledress of camouflage effect in the night. Although to having mental strength Neo-Human, this camouflage is similar to nominal, but puts in the body, can increase the camouflage effect in light of mental strength . Moreover the ordinary person can also wear this type of defense clothing/taking. B级-夜隐战衣,一种在夜里有伪装效果的奇特战斗服。虽然对有精神力新人类来说,这种伪装如同虚设,不过穿在身上,结合精神力可以增加伪装效果,而且普通人也可以穿着这种防御服。 Has heavy weapon of S Grade Thunder Tyrant Cannon big lethality, artillery instakill Apex Body Three-layered Realm Neo-Human, S Grade mecha fully starts Defensive Power sufficiently , can only withstand an artillery to discard thoroughly. S级-雷霸炮大杀伤力的重武器,一炮足以秒杀一个顶尖体三重境新人类,S级机甲全面启动防御力,也只能承受一炮就会彻底报废。 A Grade Electric Shock Machine Gun and A Grade Photon Energy Shield , is army excellent standard weapon and defense protects the shield. 还有A级-电击机关枪A级-光子能量护盾,都是军队精良的制式武器防御护盾。 And what maximum value is S Grade Broken Rainbow and SS Grade Eliminating Life , these two extremely lethal close combat lightsaber, but also is quantity least weapon. But surplus is some A Grade Plasma Cutting Dagger , the B Grade energy pistol and C Grade paralysis smoke shell, the B Grade child and mother grenade and B Grade thunder light grenade wait/etc weapon. This batch of high-end weapon equipment, excluding grenade bomb these disposable weapon, the quantity have 200 many probably, may be to slaughtering weaponry that bio-robot prepares. 其中最大价值的是S级-碎虹SS级-歼命,这两种杀伤力极大的近战激光剑,但也是数量最少的武器。而剩余都是一些A级-等离子切割匕首,B级能量手枪、C级麻痹烟雾弹、B级子母手雷、B级雷光手雷等等武器。这一批高端武器装备,不包括手雷炸弹这些一次性武器,数量大概有二百多件,极有可能是给生化机械人准备的杀戮武装 When a bio-robot activation, has the strong battle efficiency immediately, if these weapon equip in addition, simply even more powerful. Perhaps, the weapon equipment receives Electroion Virus unable to use, but bio-robot extremely has probably the machinery ability, because bio-robot has absorbed the in the air virus energy, evolution has the ability not what strange matter. 生化机械人一激活,立刻就拥有超强战斗力,如果加上这些武器装备,简直如虎添翼。也许,武器装备受到电离子病毒无法使用,但生化机械人极可能拥有机械能力,因为生化机械人一直吸收空中的病毒能量,进化出能力并不什么奇怪的事情。 however, Mu Xiao has witnessed such situation in previous life. 然而,木萧上一世就见证过这样的情况。 Villa Region had this batch of equipment, later the security had very big safeguard, can strengthen weaponry to the motorcade, after speeding up plunders outside commodity......” Mu Xiao to see in the laboratory 100 many bio-robot, discovered that these weapon equipment were not surprised. 别墅区有了这一批装备,以后安全性有了很大保障,也可以给车队加强武装,加快搜刮外面的物资……”木萧见过研究室里面一百多个生化机械人之后,发现这些武器装备也不怎样惊讶了。 Only has the Mu Xuanyin pupil clear spirit twinkle, powder sleek/moist sleek/moist small mouth slightly, some surprised so many good equipment. She has followed the motorcade to go out the search commodity, is in itself a smart girl, in the Zhou Xuan and Duan Lingling, Sun Xinyue, Yan Shaonan and other female of under the guidances, learned a big knowledge, understands the quality progression of equipment slightly. 只有木绚音眸子清灵闪烁,粉润润的小嘴微张,很惊讶有这么多好装备。她一直跟随过车队出外搜索物资,本身又是一个聪明伶俐的丫头,在周萱段玲玲孙新月严韶楠等女子的教导之下,学习了不小知识,稍微懂得装备的品质级数。 brother, our bumper crops.” Mu Xuanyin joyous saying with a smile. ,我们这次大丰收。”木绚音欢悦的笑道。 Walks, perhaps the room does not have search, found the good thing.” Mu Xiao was saying turns around to walk another. “走吧,还有房间没有搜索,说不定找到更多好东西。”木萧说着就转身走去另一处。 At this time, Mu Xuanyin went forward to pull the Mu Xiao's arm, two soft continuous jade hares on the moon child pressed, Mu Xiao looked at her one eyes, saw her clear beautiful cheek calmly, but the ear was gradually ruddy, immediately was clear this small little girl was not does not have sensation. Mu Xiao treats as a does not have matter, does not want to break the feelings of Mu Xuanyin that young girl. 这时,木绚音上前挽住了木萧的手臂,两只柔软绵绵的玉兔子压了上来,木萧看了她一眼,见她清美脸蛋若无其事,但耳根子渐渐红润,顿时清楚了这小妮子并不是没有感觉的。木萧当作没有一回事,不想打破木绚音那一份少女的情愫。 Then, two people discovered in other rooms massive energy block, is completely the large-scale energy model, but also discovered large quantities of health food, many advanced nutrient solution, but these are ordinary the thing, because one batch of Gene Potion surpass in the nutrient solution value by far, even can compare with these weapon equipment. 接下来,两人在其他房间发现了大量能量块,全部都是中大型能量型号,还发现了一大批健康食品,不乏高级营养液,但这些只是一般东西,因为有一批基因药水远远超于营养液的价值,甚至可以跟那些武器装备做比较。 Box of Life Miracle and Latent Propulsion , the previous type is used to save a life, top grade Gene Potion that the latter type is used to stimulate the human body biggest potential. 有一箱生命奇迹潜动力,前一种用来救命,后一种用来激发人体最大潜力的特级基因药水 Three box of bone spirit and cleaning mind , one type is the enhancement marrow, speeds up treating bone heal, advanced Gene Potion that one type is used to strengthen the brain touch and sensitive. 还有三箱骨灵净神,一种是增强骨髓、加快治疗骨头愈合,一种用来加强脑子触感和灵敏高级基因药水 Finally five box of Vigor Ebullition and Organism Anti-element and Vital Cell Strengthening , strengthens advanced Gene Potion of body. Box of ten......” Mu Xiao mental strength sweeps, immediately was clear the Gene Potion quantity has many, had the general usage at heart, 最后有五箱血气沸腾肌体抗素活力细胞强化,增强身体的高级基因药水。“一箱有十支……”木萧精神力一扫,顿时清楚了基因药水的数量有多少,心里有了大概用法, Gene Potion and nutrient solution of these high qualities, happen to can use that batch of variation beast blood and flesh quintessence, makes various strengthening medicines, to make up medicinal meal greatly, quite lets oneself and Mu Xuanyin their constitution again upgrade scale.” “这些高品质的基因药水营养液,正好可以利用那一批变异兽身上的血肉精华,来制造各种强化药物、大补药膳,好让自己木绚音她们体质再次提升一个档次。” brother, our does present move these?” Mu Xuanyin delightful quiet cheek, full joyful look. ,我们现在把这些搬回去么?”木绚音甜美静谧的脸蛋,满满愉悦的神色。 Resulted in so many good things, no matter what who mood is excellent. Especially, this small little girl is enjoying with time that Mu Xiao is together alone, the mood has been very lively and happy. 得了这么多好东西,任谁都心情大好。尤其,这小妮子正享受跟木萧单独相处的时间,情绪一直都很活泼和高兴。 Temporarily places here.” Mu Xiao said: present we return to the initial channel, having a look at another channel to lead to Villa Region truly, makes the arrangement again.” “暂时放在这里。”木萧说道:“现在我们返回去最初的通道,看看另一条通道是不是真正通往别墅区,再作安排。” Un.”...... Mu Xiao restored center great hall inside intelligence LightBrain, including cleaning robot Dual Cultivation that the clean room places duplicate/restores, then issues to LightBrain comprehensively clean, tidies up instruction of weapon and equipment that outside scatters , before returning to the laboratory gate, turns off the metal front door. “嗯。”……木萧修复了中枢大堂里面的智能光脑,包括清洁室摆放的清洁机器人一同修复,然后向光脑下达全面清洁,收拾外面散落的武器和装备的指令,又回到研究室门前,关好金属大门。 Meanwhile, completes the establishment of all authority establishment and weaponry system, but also left behind the 20 only bio-machine dog guarding base, he and Mu Xuanyin start the old route to return. 同时,做好所有权限设置、武装系统的设置,还留下了二十生化机械狗看守基地,他和木绚音开始原路返回。 ...... …… After 25 minute, Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin from another channel, really returned to Villa Region, this is a private underground parking garage, outside has a western-style villa, is quite remote in position, if transports in the cargo going in channel from here, is feasible. However, present all became the Mu Xiao's it's in the bag. 二十五分钟之后,木萧木绚音从另一条通道,果然回到了别墅区,这是一个私人的地下停车场,外面有一座欧式别墅,所在位置比较偏僻,如果从这里运输货物进去通道里面,还是可行的。不过,现在一切都成了木萧的囊中之物。 sun descended the mountain, we go back.” Mu Xiao has naturally drawn the Mu Xuanyin smooth mild small hand very much. 太阳都下山了,我们回去吧。”木萧很自然拉过了木绚音柔滑温润的小手。 brother, do you... today say romantic love today real?” Mu Xuanyin charming asking in a low voice, for fear that is only the fairy tale of Cinderella, crossed happy magic time, all can the striking back original form. ,你今天…今天说恋爱是真的吗?”木绚音娇羞低声的问道,生怕只是灰姑娘的童话,过了甜蜜的魔法时间,一切就会打回原形。 Naturally real.” Mu Xiao stands firm looks at Mu Xuanyin clear beautiful ruddy face same place, „, but, we need time to adapt to this new relations......” “当然是真的。”木萧站定原地看着木绚音清美红润的脸儿,“不过,我们需要时间来适应这一段新关系……” I know.” The Mu Xuanyin nimble and resourceful pupil, such as the water gazes at Mu Xiao limpidly, charming earnestly said: But I want to shout you elder brother, Ok?” “我知道。”木绚音灵动的眸子,如水清澈注视木萧,娇羞又认真的道:“但我想一直喊你哥哥,可以么?” I did not become sis-con......” Mu Xiao to joke time, suddenly saw Mu Xuanyin to stand on tiptoes to start, kissed fast on the oneself mouth, has a fresh water sleek/moist pleasantly warm touch, then she lowers the head immediately, but saw her cheek to become vaguely drops like the ripe apple tender and beautiful desire, ear bright red like blood. “那我不是成了妹控……”木萧开玩笑说着的时候,忽然看见木绚音踮起脚,飞快亲在自己嘴巴上,有着一阵清新水润的温软触感,然后她马上又低下了头,但依稀看见她一张脸蛋变得如同熟苹果般娇艳欲滴,耳根子都鲜红如血。 Xuanyin, you really bold...... sensation is very good,......” 绚音,你真大胆……不过感觉很好,哈……” Your...... you do not laugh at......” two people to be warm and happy going back supreme headquarters. “你你……你别笑……”两人一路温馨又甜蜜的回去大本营。
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