REE :: Volume #2

#143: Bio-machinery Species research institute

Not only Moon has the high-end science and technology, each domain super talent and perverted monstrous talent, what most important in assumes personal command is one group of intriguers and superrealists. When they implement extreme madness Neo-Human Plan to start, many years ago has a series of secret arrangement on Earth, for example the Law Firm dark organization is one of them, but makes one unable to think that under the place also in has the universe, hid annihilated an urban population sufficiently high-end martial power. 月球不只是有高端科技,还有各个领域超级天才、变态妖孽,最重要里面坐镇的是一群阴谋家、超现实主义者。当他们实行极端疯狂新人类计划开始,多年前就已经在地球上有一系列的隐秘布置,例如律师楼的暗机构就是其中之一,但让人想不到地底下还内有乾坤,隐藏了足以歼灭一个城市人口的高端武力 however, this Bio-machinery Species research institute, it can be said that Moon in the important martial power board game piece that Earth lays down, the existence value surpasses in a dark organization by far, even the world each region unknown place, has such research institute to exist, because of the necessary time, Moon these highest dominator will start these martial power board game pieces, regains Earth, rules all Neo-Human, establishes the preparation of huge layout new civilization makes. 然而,这个生化机械物种研究所,可以说是月球地球埋下的重要武力棋子,存在价值远远超于一个暗机构,甚至世界各地未知的地方,都有这样的研究所存在,因为必要时候,月球那些最高统治者就会启动这些武力棋子,重新收复地球,统治所有新人类,建立一个新文明而做的庞大布局的准备。 Neo-Human Plan urges human evolution, method extreme is intense, after once success, is born inevitably new world civilization, these take Moon dominator, how they possibly cannot think that future has this situation, but Earth in the final analysis is mother star of human, cannot therefore give up. 新人类计划是催促人类进化,手段极端激烈,可是一旦成功之后,必然诞生一个新的世界文明,那些作为月球统治者,他们怎么可能想不到未来有这个情况,而地球说到底是人类的母星,不能因此而放弃掉。 Most important is Moon these keeps aloof, thinks to be able become god dominator, as honor and looks wildly more and more in a big way, rules the desire naturally to inflate, what ratio has to rule New World Neo-Human to have the sense of achievement? 最重要是月球那些高高在上,自以为可以成神统治者,随着荣誉和野望越来越大,统治欲望自然膨胀,有什么比统治一个新世界新人类更有成就感? When the person arrived at an altitude, looked that the thing is different, like standing the person on mountain does not think that under the mountain has the ants, will only treat as the ants to regard under the mountain crowd, for this reason however feels interesting. 当人到了一个高度,所看事物就不同,如同站在高山上的人不会去想山底下是不是有蝼蚁,只会把山底下的人群当作蝼蚁来看待,为此而感到有趣。 Rules Old Human of senseless weak one, is well below to rule one crowd of outstanding Neo-Human, comes interesting. 统治一个无趣弱者的旧人类,远远不如统治一群实力超群的新人类,来得有趣。 Because of these interesting people, can help them reclaim Starry Sky, to reclaim the epoch...... to establish a base industry of huge race civilization. 因为这些有趣的人,可以帮助他们开垦星空、开垦新纪元……建立一个庞大种族文明的基业。 ...... …… A huge plot arrangement of world corner/horn, so demonstrates clearly in front of Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin's. 世界一角的庞大阴谋布置,如此清晰展示在木萧木绚音的面前。 If the experience of Mu Xiao does not have previous life, just like present Mu Xuanyin, felt absolutely is surprisedly incomparable and inconceivable. But later all important matters of future, what including this that fluorescent egg human body are, is in what key role on Earth, he clear. 如果木萧没有上一世的经历,绝对跟现在木绚音一样,感到惊讶无比、不可思议。但以后未来发生的一切大事,包括这处那一个个荧光蛋的人体是何物,在地球上又是处于什么关键性作用,他心里都一清二楚。 Once when the Mu Xiao memory, Earth and Moon was official erupted war, world each region presents a number of savage cruel bio-robot, no one knows that they thus came, from where however left, was extremely mystical, appeared on slaughtered easily accomplished with the influence that Moon resisted, if were not King of big influence sends out under War General, all small influences may be very eliminated, influence also but therefore origin qi damaged severely. 曾在木萧记忆之中,地球月球正式起爆发战争之时,世界各地出现一批凶残暴戾的生化机械人,无人知道它们从而来,从何而出,极其神秘,一出现就摧枯拉朽屠杀了一个个跟月球抗争的势力,如果不是大势力的王者派出座下战将的话,很可能所有小势力都被肃清一空,中势力也会因此而元气大伤。 Finally, the world pattern stabilizes, knows that these exceed the Earth science and technology bio-robot, is Moon using a research institute that the extraterrestrial definite orders technology sets up. Because research institute related to many secrets, only then the King's influence knows these information, even Mu Xiao this senior is unable to know too, after all world is too big, Mu Xiao works as meantime is not King, is impossible to collect all materials. 最终,世界格局稳定下来,才知道这些超越地球科技的生化机械人,是月球利用外星明文技术创建出来的一个研究所。由于研究所涉及很多机密,只有王者的势力才得知这些信息,连木萧这个资深者也无从得知太多,毕竟世界太大,木萧当其时又不是王者,不可能收集所有资料。 But the laboratory that Mu Xiao present is, is in which one, human body that these fluorescent eggs have, is the bio-robot primitive shape, but also during breeding, when Moon issues the instruction, they will start slaughter the pattern. 木萧现在所在的这个研究室,正是其中的一个,那些荧光蛋藏有的人体,也就是生化机械人原始形态,但还在孕育之中,待月球发出指令,它们就会启动杀戮模式。 This laboratory does very much high-end advanced, does not have by the influence of air Electroion Virus, had a purify magnetic field to cover entirely every inchs the place. During the Mu Xiao keen pure mental strength induction, even discovered that the air Electroion Virus, by fluorescent egg inspiration, served as an energy to strengthen the bio-robot physical body completely. 这个研究室做得很高端先进,没有受空气电离子病毒的影响,有了一股净化磁场布满了每一寸地方。在木萧敏锐纯净的精神力感应之中,甚至发现空气的电离子病毒,全部被荧光蛋吸入其中,用作一种能量来加强生化机械人的肉体。 Moon has deep background how. 月球有何其之深的底蕴。 High-tech machine that in this laboratory presents, obviously is not the Earth civilization science and technology, only then other higher civilization technical technologies, here can succeed defense to result in virus, even instead used virus in air. 这个研究室里面呈现出来的高科技机器,显然不是地球文明的科技,只有其它高等文明的科技技术,此处才能够成功防御得了病毒,甚至反利用了空气中的病毒 The Mu Xiao deep breath one breath, depressed to dreading of Moon, the vision strengthened, believes that oneself had the strength of breaking through all shackles. 木萧深深呼吸一口气,压下了对月球的忌惮,目光坚定起来,坚信自己有冲破一切桎梏的力量。 We enter......” “我们进……” Mu Xiao spoke with Mu Xuanyin, while advanced one step, in the laboratory projected a stream such as to explode the fierce purple light pulse suddenly scalding hot, such as the sudden clap of thunder lightning in nighttime sky, might strange big, as if passed through space, front the twinkling direct link. 木萧一边跟木绚音说话,一边走前一步的时候,研究室里面猛然射出一道如灼热爆烈的紫光脉冲,如夜空中的惊雷闪电,威力奇大,仿佛了贯穿空间,瞬息直达面前。 Make way!” “闪开!” Mu Xiao calls out one, whole body blood power boils the air burst to get up, berserk is overbearing, rumbles 10,000 kilogram Thoughtsource Power, meeting the tough head-on with toughness meets the approaching enemy that purple light pulse, body extremely quickly suddenly/violently to retreat. Mu Xuanyin is slower than one step to enter the laboratory Mu Xiao, when hears Mu Xiao's to drink the sound, she threw subconsciously one side, avoided past simply directly. 木萧暴喝一声,浑身血力沸腾炸起,狂暴霸道,轰出一万公斤的念源力,硬碰硬的迎击那道紫光脉冲,身体极快暴退。木绚音木萧慢一步进入研究室,当听到木萧的喝声,她下意识扑去了一边,最简单直接的回避了过去 hōng lóng! 轰隆 If depressed thunderclap has rolled, the entire underground research institute shivers slightly, Thoughtsource Power blocked purple light pulse several seconds of time, finally broke through the bombardment of Thoughtsource Power, but Mu Xiao has enough evasion time, the purple light pulse straight bang falls the Mu Xiao rear wall surface, presented a cave entrance that exudes the dark red temperature. 如一股沉闷的雷声滚过,整个地下研究所微微颤抖,念源力只是挡住了紫光脉冲几秒时间,最后还是冲破了念源力的轰击,但木萧已经有了足够的回避时间,紫光脉冲直轰落木萧后方的墙面,出现了一个泛起暗红温度的洞口。 Mu Xiao cannot think that this laboratory achieved isolated Electroion Virus truly, but also thinks that the isolation fluorescence egg was not affected to be very reluctant by virus, originally inside weaponry system, immunity virus in this air, thus played the enormous most flourishing might. 木萧想不到这个研究室做到了真正隔绝电离子病毒,还以为隔绝荧光蛋不受病毒影响已经很勉强,原来里面的武装系统,也免疫了这空气中的病毒,从而发挥了极大全盛威力。 Was a little troublesome.” “有点麻烦了。” Mu Xiao pressed brow, does not dare to enter rashly, although not necessarily feared inside weaponry system, but destroyed these fluorescent eggs, misses a number of strong strengths, that regretted greatly. 木萧蹙了蹙眉头,不敢贸然进入,虽然未必怕了里面的武装系统,但打坏了那些荧光蛋,错失一批超强战力,那就大大的后悔了。 Since Ending World erupts in this days, people can smoothly gain the weapon equipment, food resource, seeks for the hiding place at will, all depended on negative ion virus in air, affected the operation of global machine, causes some secret places not in the secret, dangerous place not at the crisis. 末世爆发这段日子里,人们可以顺利获取武器装备,食物资源,随意找寻藏身之处,都全赖了空气中的负离子病毒,影响了全球机器的运作,导致一些机密地方不在机密,危险地方不在危机。 The world's machine malfunctions is the two-sided edges, can bring inconveniently, can the past can obtain thing. 世界的机器失灵是双面刃,可以给人带来不便,也可以给人得到以往得不到的东西。 At this moment, Mu Xiao does not know that the hope opposite machine stop to well , to continue maintains well. 此时此刻,木萧也不知道希望对面的机器停掉为好,还是继续保持得好。 He thinks that inside machine stops very easily, so long as break inside control central system, causing that purify magnetic field to stop, the Electroion Virus certainly quick invasion entire laboratory in air. 他想里面的机器停掉很容易,只要打破里面的主脑系统,导致那个净化磁场停止,空气中的电离子病毒一定很快入侵整个研究室。 But if it's going to be like this, these fluorescent eggs were definitely affected, breed in inside bio-robot, was short of the fluorescent egg unable to absorb virus in air to strengthen the body, like mother who atreptic, the baby of birth will also be congenitally deficient. Therefore, the fluorescent egg cannot malfunction, otherwise inside these human body values reduce greatly, the battle efficiency is inferior to bio-robot of other research institutes. 但这样做的话,那些荧光蛋肯定受影响,孕育在里面的生化机械人,少了荧光蛋就无法吸收空气中的病毒来加强身体,像一个营养不足的母亲,诞生的婴儿也会先天不足。所以,荧光蛋不能失灵,否则里面那些人体数值大减,战斗力不如其他研究所的生化机械人 brother, are we time have come?” Mu Xuanyin started the shield on mecha arm, attached the energy cover above, is alerting in the laboratory weaponry system carefully. ,我们是不是过一段时间来?”木绚音启动了机甲手臂上的盾牌,又附加了能量罩在上面,小心戒备着研究室里面的武装系统。 I try the machinery ability, looks to break through inside system, if can break through that to be easy to do.” Mu Xiao said. “我试试机械能力,看可不可以攻破里面的系统,如果可以攻破那就好办了。”木萧说道。 „It is not good!” The Mu Xuanyin tone enforces slightly, brother, you had overdrawn a unlocking a moment ago, present have wanted to break through forcefully, such to your unhealthy.” “不行!”木绚音语气微微严肃起来,“,你刚才已经透支了一次开锁,现在又想强行攻破,那样对你身体不好。” What's wrong? Xuanyin, do you want from the role of girlfriend, to transfer the duty to become wife role quickly?” Mu Xiao like a smile yet not a smile looks at her mecha electronic eye, as if penetrated the mecha steel, saw her tender and delicate small face. “怎么了?绚音,你这么快就想从女朋友的角色,转职成老婆角色了?”木萧似笑非笑地看着她机甲的电子眼,仿佛穿透了机甲的钢铁,看见了她那张娇嫩小脸。 brother, you...... you talked nonsense anything!” In mecha spreads the Mu Xuanyin charming sound. ,你……你胡说什么!”机甲里传出木绚音娇羞的声音。 Ok.” After Mu Xiao has cracked a joke, earnestly said: I probe inside LightBrain, will not overdraw Bloodline Gene to break through forcefully.” “好了。”木萧开过玩笑之后,认真的道:“我只是试探里面的光脑,不会透支血脉基因来强行攻破。” Un.” The Mu Xuanyin heartbeat still such as the fawn proceeds along no particular course, complied with one gently. “嗯。”木绚音心跳依然如小鹿乱撞,轻轻应了一声。 ...... …… In the laboratory weaponry system, probably does not have any sound, as if just that a stream purple light pulse is only lithe glimpse, but Mu Xiao understands, so long as in does not step into, LightBrain will not send out the attack, moreover outside contained very rich negative ion virus, can disturb in the survey of that LightBrain, is unable to collect outside situation information. Therefore, standing outside basically can determine that is a safe area, inside became a forbidden area. 研究室里面的武装系统,好像没有了任何动静,仿佛刚刚那一道紫光脉冲只是惊鸿一现,但木萧明白只要不踏进里面去,光脑就不会发出攻击,而且外面蕴含了很浓郁的负离子病毒,可以干扰了里面那台光脑的探测,无法收集外面的情况信息。所以,站在外面基本可以确定为一个安全区,里面就成了一个禁区。 The Mu Xiao palm held down the ground, only misses the 1~2 millimeter with the ground range of laboratory, when his palm shone the strength of data slowly, silk thread, such as the water permeated in the laboratory ground a continuously generally, then filled the air to go toward central LightBrain. 木萧手掌按住了地面,跟研究室的地面距离只差一二毫米,当他手掌缓缓亮起了数据之力,一缕缕丝线,如水一般渗入了研究室里面的地面上,然后往中心的光脑弥漫而去。 The strength of going in laboratory data, LightBrain does not have any response, weaponry system also does not have acts unreasonably the attack, until the strength of data invaded LightBrain, in the laboratory sounded the warning, shone like the daytime same light source, Mu Xuanyin and Mu Xiao saw clearly inside situation completely, immediately held breath cold air. 数据之力进去研究室,光脑没有任何反应,武装系统也没有乱来攻击,直至数据之力入侵了光脑,研究室里面才发出了警报,亮起了如白昼一样的光源,木绚音木萧完完全全看清了里面情况,顿时倒吸了一口凉气。 Stepped into the peripheral zone luckily a moment ago, if enters completely, a round of salvo shells, what even if Mu Xiao has Apex Body Five~Six-layered Realm and Mu Xuanyin body to put on is SSS Grade high-end mecha, still not necessarily defense laboratory inside eight SSS Grade Nuclear Fission Ray Light Cannon, other at least are also S Grade firepower weapon. 幸好刚才只是踏入边缘地带,如果完全进入去,一轮齐射轰击,就算木萧具有顶尖体五六重境木绚音身上穿的是SSS级高端机甲,也未必防御的了研究室里面八座SSS级核子分裂射线光炮,还有其他至少也是S级火力武器 Like purple light pulse that the first say/way hit a moment ago, just SS Grade weapon, this laboratory simply is one certainly. 像刚才第一道打来的紫光脉冲,只不过SS级武器,这个研究室简直就是一个绝地。 In the laboratory does not have seeks for any foreign matter, but LightBrain received the invasion, outside has is a negative ion big magnetic field, seriously disturbed the survey of LightBrain, causes all of a sudden LightBrain inside intelligent system, like a worry the depressed person, a little works as the trend of machine. 研究室里面没有找寻出任何异物,只是光脑受了入侵,外面有是一个负离子大磁场,严重干扰了光脑的探测,导致一下子光脑里面的智能系统,就像一个烦恼又郁闷的人,有点当机的趋势。 This situation advantageous Mu Xiao invaded, moreover he discovered pleasantly surprised LightBrain is just the Earth science and technology, but draws support from the purify magnetic field that a high-end machine produced, LightBrain all systems maintained does not have to malfunction. 这种情况有利了木萧进行入侵,而且他惊喜发现光脑只不过是地球的科技,只是借助了一个高端机器生成的净化磁场,光脑所有系统才保持了没有失灵。 Therefore, how Mu Xiao hardly with overdraws Bloodline Gene, invaded entire stage LightBrain inside and outside, revised authority, closed/pass the weaponry system and defense system. 因此,木萧几乎不用怎样透支血脉基因,就里里外外入侵了整台光脑,修改了权限,关了武装系统和防御系统。 Naturally, in he is also worried, surpasses the Earth science and technology weapon, then surveyed with the strength and mental strength data discretely several, for the life security, called several bio-machine dogs, probed, if there is a condition with Thoughtsource Power to draw them to come out, even saved without enough time, but lost several militant strength, rather than lost the oneself life. 当然,他还担心里面,还有一些超出地球科技的武器,便用数据之力和精神力谨慎探测了几遍,又为了生命安全,唤来了几只生化机械狗,试探进去,如果有状况可以用念源力拉它们出来,就算来不及挽救,但只是丢失几个好战力,而不是丢失自己的性命。 The bio-machine dog entered cautiously, does not have activates any weapon, then Mu Xiao increases, orders the bio-machine dog probing attack fluorescence egg, other weapon equipment, does not have triggers any attack. 生化机械狗小心翼翼进了去,没有激活任何武器,然后木萧一只一只增加进去,又命令生化机械狗试探攻击荧光蛋,还有其他武器设备,都没有触发出任何攻击。 Mu Xiao goes in personally one time, making Mu Xuanyin stay here, although Mu Xuanyin does not want, but inside has the condition, Mu Xiao also has the ability of self-preservation. 木萧亲自进去一次,让木绚音留在这里,虽然木绚音不太愿意,但里面出现状况,木萧也有自保的能力。 Finally, in Mu Xuanyin worries about and under the pray, Mu Xiao goes in safely, determined in the laboratory has relieved the threat. 最终,在木绚音担忧和祈祷之下,木萧安全进去,确定了研究室里面已经解除了威胁。
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