REE :: Volume #2

#142: Really a big generous gift!

If female variant meets is not Mu Xiao this existence that surpasses the common sense, but meets other Neo-Human, was female variant won the victory completely, even same level Neo-Human, was not the female variant opponent, main female variant had many combat capabilities, agreeing with was extremely strong, particularly reflex nerve war feeling. 如果女变异人遇上的不是木萧这个超出常理的存在,而是遇上其他新人类的话,绝然是女变异人赢得胜利,就算是同级的新人类,也不是女变异人的对手,主要女变异人有多种战斗能力,契合度极强,尤其是反射神经的战感方面。 Mu Xiao can cut to kill female variant like this quickly, the Mu Xuanyin's coordination is a factor, more important is Mu Xiao constitution is stronger, Thought Divine Power is stronger. His constitution situated in Apex Body Four-layered Realm, itself also has is not lower than female variant Genetic Resonance frequency, the battle efficiency that displays naturally is the overwhelming. 木萧可以这样快斩杀女变异人,其中木绚音的配合是一个因素,更重要是木萧体质越强,意念神力就越强。他体质处于顶尖体四重境,本身又有不低于女变异人基因共鸣次数,发挥出来的战斗力自然是压倒性。 however, the female variant does not have eruption -type battle efficiency, does not only have the abundant vigor physical body like previous that gold variation lion inborn, the battle efficiency that presents can display superiorly. 然而,女变异人没有爆发式的战斗力,不像上次那只黄金变异狮子天生具有雄厚血气肉体,呈现出来的战斗力可以超常发挥。 That Close-combat Control that now appears is absorbed by Mu Xiao, transform becomes Evolution Power Origins, simultaneously absorbed female variant heart blood spring, upgrade Genetic Resonance. If Jian Hanyao, Duan Lingling, Yan Shaonan and Zhou Xuan...... and the others absorbed the close-combat ability, can leap upgrade to the Close-combat Control degree, but not possible present to go back Villa Region to ask them to come, Mu Xiao thought that was too troublesome, said again the close-combat ability is not the specially rare ability, has a mind to seek can obtain. 如今浮现出来的那一个格斗掌控木萧吸收掉,转化进化力源泉,同时吸收了女变异人的心脏血泉,才提升了一次基因共鸣。如果简涵瑶段玲玲严韶楠周萱……等人吸收了格斗能力,就可以一跃提升格斗掌控的程度,但不可能现在回去别墅区叫她们过来,木萧觉得太麻烦了,再说格斗能力又不是特别稀有的能力,有心寻找还是可以得到的。 ...... …… Can complete.” “做得好。” Mu Xiao praises the performance that Mu Xuanyin fought a moment ago, understood that delayed the female variation war feeling using hallucination and illusion . 木萧赞扬木绚音刚才战斗的表现,懂得利用迷幻幻象延误了女变异的战感。 Naturally.” “当然。” Mu Xuanyin proud say/way. 木绚音骄傲的道。 weaponry steel mecha, she slightly a little insolent flavor, but also shows the smart-alecky lovable temper. At this time, Mu Xiao receives female variant withered heart inside treasured blood bead, starts to size up this center great hall, the place has the 200 many squares probably, the left and right have two channels respectively, but the front only has a channel. 只是武装了钢铁机甲,她微微有点张狂的味道,但也透出俏皮可爱的性子。此时,木萧收起女变异人干瘪心脏里面的珍品血珠,开始打量这个中枢大堂,地方大概有二百多平方,左右两边各有两条通道,而前方只有一条通道。 Mu Xiao calls that 20 only bio-machine dog, this is from start to the quantity that present subdues, can definitely compose aggressive incomparable biochemical beast troop, naturally ahead of time this 20 only bio-machine dog restores the heyday the battle efficiency, because Mu Xiao has attacked the brain of bio-machine dog with Thought Divine Power, otherwise is impossible to subdue so many. 木萧唤来那二十生化机械狗,这是从开始到现在一路收服下来的数量,完全可以组成一支凶悍无比的生化兽队伍,当然提前这二十生化机械狗恢复全盛时期的战斗力,因为木萧都用意念神力攻击过生化机械狗的大脑,否则不可能收服这么多。 Female variant corpse implication very rich blood and flesh, happen to gives bio-machine dog devour. 变异人的尸体蕴含很丰富的血肉,正好给生化机械狗正吞噬 brother......” Mu Xuanyin as if clear Mu Xiao's intention, hesitant saying: Does this is a little inhumane......” ……”木绚音仿佛清楚木萧的用意,犹豫的说道:“这样做是不是有点不人道……” Perhaps.” “也许吧。” Mu Xiao directs the 20 only bio-machine dog to drag away female variant, does not think that Mu Xuanyin sees that cruel blood-soaked one, facial expression faint saying: If we died, variant also eats our blood and flesh to serve the evolution purpose, because we will have the human nature and sane will not eat oneself similar, but will need the time also probably have callous side. This is inhuman world, even has the matter of shocking everybody outside world.” 木萧指挥二十生化机械狗拖走女变异人,不想木绚音看见那残忍血腥的一幕,神情淡漠的说道:“如果我们死了,变异人同样吃掉我们的血肉达到进化的目的,因为我们存有人性和理智不会去吃掉自己的同类,但必须要时候也要有冷酷的一面。这是人吃人的世界,甚至在外面世界有更多惊世骇俗的事情。” I understand.” Mu Xuanyin saying in a low voice: Is only sensation is not quite good.” “我明白。”木绚音低声的说道:“只是感觉不太好。” Small girl, do not think the senseless matter.” Say/Way of Mu Xiao comforting. “小丫头,别多想无谓的事情了。”木萧安抚的道。 Two people no longer discussed that this topic, the attention returned to this center great hall, soon found a LightBrain machine. After Mu Xiao restore, does not have obtains too many materials, but LightBrain that is used to relate the outside world, but obtained this center great hall basic situation from inside. 两人不再谈这个话题,注意力回到了这个中枢大堂之中,很快找到了一个光脑机器。木萧修复之后,没有得到太多资料,只是一台用来联系外界的光脑,但从里面得到了这个中枢大堂的基本情况。 The left and right have the lounge respectively, having Room weaponry, has the control room...... the general situation and outside channel is similar, but here strict many. 左右两边分别有休息室,有武装、有监控室……大概情况和外面通道差不多,不过这里严密的多了。 Most important Mu Xiao saw the information as he expected, front is a Bio-machinery Species laboratory. 最重要木萧看到了如他所料的信息,前面就是一个生化机械物种研究室。 Must go to determine one time, if inside is really...... that absolutely is a generous gift!” Mu Xiao constrains in the heart excited, as far as possible tranquil said with Mu Xuanyin: We go to the front laboratory to examine advanced.” “必须进去确定一次,如果里面真的是……那绝对是一份厚礼!”木萧压抑心中激动,尽量平静的跟木绚音说道:“我们先进去前面的研究室查看。” Un.” The Mu Xuanyin also sensation Mu Xiao a little mood fluctuates, although is not quite clear, but also along his meaning with. “嗯。”木绚音感觉木萧有点情绪波动,虽然不太明白,但也顺他意思跟了上去。 The front is enters the entrance of laboratory, the front door has fallen by female variant destruction, the metal of front door, is firmer compared with outside channel these metal sluice gate, is not the Earth metallic minerals, is almost the same rank with dark gold, even in certain aspect outstanding many. 前方是进入研究室的入口,大门已经被女变异人破坏掉,其中大门的金属,比起外面通道那些金属闸门更加坚固,不是地球的金属矿物,差不多跟暗金属同一个级别,甚至在某些方面优异的多。 But Mu Xiao does not have pays attention, entered directly, on Mu Xuanyin mecha by illumination that projects, sees here clearly is only an exterior guard place, the surrounding piece in confusion, sends out the blood-soaked odor. 木萧没有多注意,直接跨进了去,透过木绚音身上机甲投射出来的照明,清楚看到这里只是一个外部的守卫处,周围一片狼藉,散发血腥恶臭。 Here, had a fierce battle, the ground had congealed many dark red bloodstains, the decoration, bonsai and seat that originally places are total wreck, the firearms and blade scatter, even there are two lightsaber in the ground. 此处,曾经发生过一场激烈战斗,地面凝结了很多暗红血迹,本来摆放的装饰、盆栽、座椅都破烂不堪,还有枪械和刀刃散落,甚至有两把激光剑在地面上。 Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin do not pay attention to the environment, before going directly to the laboratory gate of deep place, presented a stream such as the mirror smooth metal door. 木萧木绚音不理会周围环境,一路直达了深处的研究室门前,出现了一道如镜子光滑的金属门。 This is steel essence mother!” Mu Xiao is astonished however looks at this smooth metal front door, reflected oneself clearly and wore mecha Mu Xuanyin. This is one type is compared with dark gold also wants the high several scales the extremely rare and precious metal, has the King of Metals reputation. “这是钢铁精/母!”木萧讶然看着这道光滑金属大门,清晰反射出自己和身穿了机甲木绚音。这是一种比暗金属还要高好几个档次的极其珍稀金属,有金属之王的美誉。 But Mu Xiao present does not shock this metal door time, but how faced with decode LightBrain of metal door, because of the LightBrain machine by destruction, around the metal door had by the hard object has hit the trace. 木萧现在不是震惊这道金属门的时候,而是面临怎样破解金属门的光脑,因为光脑机器被破坏,金属门周围有被硬物撞击过的痕迹。 The wall is completes by the new-type crystalloid concrete, has the steel hardness, naturally the hard degree is inferior to steel essence mother , therefore in the ground presented many crushed stones, even the wall had been punctured a large cave/hole, female variation is not likely able to leave, knows that inside contained to having seduction incomparable the thing, in the unceasing destruction wall, wants to puncture a large cave/hole to enter. 还有墙壁是由新型晶体混凝土建成,有钢铁般的坚硬,当然坚硬程度不如钢铁精/母,所以地面上出现了很多碎石,甚至墙壁已经被打穿了一个大洞,很可能女变异一直无法离开,又知道里面蕴含了一些对具有诱惑无比的东西,才不断破坏墙壁,想打穿一个大洞进入里面去。 brother, what to do do we, continue to puncture this hole?” The Mu Xuanyin small head is also worried. ,我们怎么办,继续打穿这个洞吗?”木绚音小脑瓜子也苦恼起来。 Moon these people are not silly, will not leave wall hidden danger, after having sinister that in the possibility wall has other to obstruct the road move, we let us not go to make such foolish matter to well......” 月球那些人不是傻的,不会留下墙壁这个隐患,有可能墙壁里面有其它挡道的阴险后招,我们还是别去做这样的蠢事为好……” Mu Xiao squatted in the ground discovered the line that connected LightBrain, in the hand the strength of data stimulated, one group such as ray of yarn ball, one permeated in the LightBrain data line continuously, said: So long as the outwire links LightBrain of metal door, can invade, but troubled......?” 木萧蹲在地面找出了连接光脑的线,手中数据之力激发,一团如毛线球的光芒,一缕缕渗入了光脑的数据线之中,说道:“只要还有外线链接金属门的光脑,还是可以入侵,只是麻烦了点……嗯?” brother, how?” Mu Xuanyin discovered that the Mu Xiao speech stops, asked puzzled. ,怎么了?”木绚音发现木萧说话停止,不解问道。 It seems like I underestimated Moon these fellows, the metal door also has independent Core LightBrain, but the procedure/program compared with subduing difficulty high several times of these machinery dogs, could spend many time to break through......” the Mu Xiao pupil to bloom pure white ray, concentrated is rigorous, the strength of data as if turns into the a stream turbulent current to speed up spilling into LightBrain. “看来我低估了月球那些家伙,金属门同样有一个单独的核心光脑,而程序比起收服那些机械狗的难度高几倍,可能要花费不少时间来攻破……”木萧眸子绽放洁白的光芒,神情专注而严谨,数据之力仿佛化成一道激流加快涌进光脑里面。 Mu Xiao has to fuse the previous life machinery knowledge to conduct the data to break through forcefully, but this fuses forcefully also consumes the evolution power energy, like overdrawing blood power. The fight can overdraw the strength, spirit wisdom System Ability can also overdraw the evolution power energy to help oneself decompose and analyze certain data, picks up the brain operating speed...... 木萧不得不强行融合上一世机械知识来进行数据攻破,但这样强行融合也是消耗进化力能量,就像透支血力一样。战斗可以透支力量,灵智系能力也可以透支进化力能量来帮助自己分解、分析某些数据,加快大脑运转速度…… Finally this a stream metal door is not so easy to break through, LightBrain inside data procedure/program contains a a stream difficulty, to achieve defense completely prepares absolutely. Mu Xiao must concentrate mental to conduct the infiltration to decode, is as good as a fight, but belongs to the data fight between brain and LightBrain. 最后这一道金属门不是那样容易攻破,光脑里面的数据程序蕴藏一道道难关,完全是为了做到绝对防御而准备的。木萧必须集中精神来进行渗透破解,不亚于一场战斗,只不过属于大脑和光脑之间的数据战斗而已。 Mu Xuanyin knows that oneself is unable to help, does not want to disturb Mu Xiao's to concentrate on, standing that sympathizes peacefully waits for behind Mu Xiao, makes the safe alert. 木绚音知道自己无法帮上忙,不想打扰木萧的专注,安静体贴的站在木萧背后等待,做安全戒备。 Has continued decoding of most hour, the metal front door still does not have any sound, but the Mu Xiao whole body such as a light silkworm, such as the data ray of spinning concentrates a data strength, continued to overdraw the Bloodline Gene energy, the facial features has the weary color, but essence white ray of eye was getting more and more abundant, as if the light of wisdom is condensing. 一直持续大半小时的破解,金属大门依然没有任何动静,而木萧浑身如一个光蚕,如吐丝的数据光线凝成一股数据力量,持续透支血脉基因的能量,面容已经有了疲倦之色,但眼睛的精白光芒越来越盛,仿佛智慧之光正在凝聚。 If Mu Xiao continues to overdraw Bloodline Gene, likely causes Genetic Resonance frequency to fall. 如果木萧继续透支血脉基因,很可能导致基因共鸣次数掉落。 Until past two hours, Mu Xiao complexion from weariness to pale, the brain like the strength of machine operating speed data, transmits intermittent tearing frequently the stabbing pain, the Bloodline Gene energy of body implication is gradually withered, evolution power has creakied, will soon fall. 直至过去了二小时,木萧面色从疲倦到了苍白,大脑如机器般运转速度数据之力,时刻传来一阵阵撕裂的刺痛,身体蕴含的血脉基因能量渐渐干枯,进化力已经摇摇欲坠,即将掉落。 At this time, the Mu Xiao brain almost became stage LightBrain, the data rotation has gone beyond the ordinary person range, the mental fluctuation becomes hot tempered madness, is not extremely steady, as if there is danger that stretches anytime, but his facial expression and acts does not have any transformation, be at a completely absorbed condition, looks at a Mu Xuanyin heart pain, does not dare to disturb, asking him to rest. 此时,木萧大脑几乎成了一个台光脑,数据转数已经超出普通人范围,精神波动变得暴躁又疯狂,极其不稳,仿佛随时有绷断的危险,但他神情和动作没有任何变化,处于一个完全忘我的状态,看得木绚音一阵心痛,又不敢打扰,叫他休息。 ba cā... 吧嚓 The metal door makes the low inaudible sound, if not here deathly stillness, cannot listen. But at this time the Mu Xiao whole body such as light silkworm the strength of data, recycled sea of awareness gradually, just Genetic Resonance frequency falls situated in does not have, critical point that also almost falls. 金属门发出低不可闻的声响,如果不是这里一片死寂,根本听不出来。而这时候木萧浑身如光蚕的数据之力,渐渐回收进意识海,刚好基因共鸣次数处于没有掉落,又几乎掉落的临界点。 brother, you how?” Mu Xuanyin anxious asking. ,你怎么样了?”木绚音紧张的问道。 All right, I calmly cultivated/repaired one to be good.” “没事,我静修一会就好了。” Mu Xiao closes eyes to sit cross-legged in the ground, the expiration and inspiration, transfers body blood power rhythmically, the brain relaxes each nerve line, during making the body and mind consciousness sink is silent, the hot tempered mental fluctuation draws in one group, stabilizes side effect that Bloodline Gene excessively overdraws. 木萧闭目盘坐在地面上,有节奏地吐纳,调动身体血力,大脑放松每一根神经线,让身心意识沉入寂静之中,暴躁的精神波动收拢成一团,稳定血脉基因过度透支的副作用。 After ten minutes, Mu Xiao opened the eye, as always profound bright, although on his face somewhat is pale, but has stood firm Bloodline Gene evolution power, did not fear that Genetic Resonance frequency falls. 十分钟后,木萧睁开了眼睛,一如既往的深邃明澈,虽然他脸上还有些苍白,但已经稳住了血脉基因进化力,不怕基因共鸣次数掉落。 Xuanyin, we revealed the secret that here hidden together.” The Mu Xiao eye pupil wipes to absorb person bright glow in the dark twinkle. 绚音,我们一起揭开此处隐藏的秘密吧。”木萧眼眸在暗黑闪烁一抹摄人精芒 Un.” “嗯。” Mu Xuanyin gentle such as little wife clever should say, the mecha stride goes forward, the engine thunders, sprays a high energy power, immediately rises dramatically to a 8000 kilogram strength, opens the heavy/thick front door that at present this a stream steel essence mother casting becomes with Mu Xiao together. 木绚音温柔如小妻子般乖巧的应道,机甲大步上前,身后引擎轰鸣一声,喷射出一股高能量动力,顿时飙升至八千公斤的力量,跟木萧一起推开眼前这一道钢铁精/母铸造而成的厚重大门。 After two people open the metal front door, discovered that in not jet black piece like outside, like quiet green ray that the water flutters, but sends out these ray unexpectedly is...... 两人推开金属大门之后,发现里面不像外面那样漆黑一片,有如水般飘荡的幽绿光芒,而发出这些光芒的竟然是…… brother, this is...... this is anything!” ,这是……这是什么!” When on Mu Xuanyin's mecha projects the illumination, saw clearly inside situation object time, shivering sent out does not dare to believe that the unreadable sound. 木绚音的机甲上投射出照明,看清楚了里面情况的物体时候,颤抖的发出了不敢置信、难以理解的声音。 The entire location had two meters high fluorescent eggs, these fluorescent eggs sent out quiet green ray, what most shocking is, each fluorescent egg was loaded with a naked human body, arranges densely and numerously in the entire laboratory. 整个场地原来有一个个两米多高的荧光蛋,正是这些荧光蛋发出了幽绿光芒,最让人触目惊心的是,每一个荧光蛋装有了一个赤裸的人体,密密麻麻地排列在整个研究室里面。 Here is really a Bio-machinery Species research institute, moreover high-end martial power that Moon lays down in Earth...... is really a big generous gift!” “这里果然是一个生化机械物种的研究所,而且还是月球地球埋下的高端武力……真是一份大厚礼啊!” Mu Xiao looks the fluorescent egg that in strange measures not, the eye pupil blooms like the hot burning light. 木萧看着里面一个个诡异莫测的荧光蛋,眼眸绽放如火般的灼光。
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