REE :: Volume #2

#141: Center great hall

After Ending World catastrophe, this underground walk has been in a state of closure, each a stream metal front door is mixes the metal to build, very heavy/thick firm, wants to conduct the violence to break by Mu Xiao Apex Body Four-layered Realm, at least also wants 1~2 day time, is the uninterrupted full power bombardment. 末世灾难发生之后,这条地下通道一直处于关闭状态,每一道金属大门都是混合金属打造,非常厚重坚固,以木萧顶尖体四重境想进行暴力打破,最起码也要一两时间,还是不间断的全力轰击。 The a stream metal door has like this firm Defensive Power, but in the underground walk the a stream metal door, it can be imagined, wants to break the complete metal front door to escape incessantly the birth day is how uncertain. 一道金属门就有这样的坚固防御力,但地下通道里面不止一道金属门,可想而知,想打破全部金属大门逃出生天是多么渺茫了。 Therefore, only has two results in channel inside person, one is a deceased person, another was invaded by the despair mood, turns into variation monster. 所以,在通道里面的人只有两个结果,一个是死人,另一个是被绝望情绪侵占,化成变异怪物 Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin entered this channel to have a half hour probably, killed several waves of strengthened-type zombie, inside almost does not have ordinary zombie, all was strengthened-type zombie, indirect showed that these guards the strength was extremely before death strong, after variation, was lowest is also strengthened-type zombie. 木萧木绚音进入了这条通道大概有了半小时,杀了好几波强化型丧尸,里面几乎没有一只普通丧尸,全是强化型丧尸,间接性证明这些守卫生前实力极强,变异之后最低也是强化型丧尸 Even evolution has variant, Mu Xiao did not think that is any extraordinary matter. 就算进化变异人,木萧都不觉得是什么出奇的事情。 How long his thought just had does not have, soon under opening a stream metal front door time, after detecting the gate, keenly has gloomy and cold dying embers and decayed profound aura to infiltrate. 他念头刚起没有多久,即将开启下一道金属大门的时候,敏锐察觉到门后有一股阴冷死灰、腐朽幽深的气息渗透出来。 In the Xuanyin attention, possibly big fellow, you coordinates me to attack.” Mu Xiao said one to Mu Xuanyin, wields draws back the rear these bio-machine dogs. Mu Xuanyin rigorous should say, the energy machine gun aimed front, started the mecha system to complete the alert. 绚音注意里面,可能有一只大家伙,你配合我进行攻击。”木萧木绚音说了一句,又挥退后方那些生化机械狗。木绚音严谨的应道,能量机关枪对准了前面,启动机甲系统做好了戒备。 Mu Xiao starts to restore LightBrain of metal door, when the front door opens in an instant, pale such as the terrifying big hand of devil claw, covers entirely profound obscure decayed death qi, as if the extremely evil hand that extends from the hell, seems like slow, was extremely actually quick, turns into a stream afterimage to grasp to the Mu Xiao's face. 木萧开始修复金属门的光脑,当大门打开的刹那间,一只苍白如鬼爪的恐怖大手,布满幽深晦涩的腐朽死气,仿佛是从地狱中伸出来的万恶之手,看似极慢,实际极快,化成了一道残影抓向了木萧的面部。 terrifying big hand also does not have grasps truly, that fills violently poisonous decayed death qi to throw, so long as if inhales one, the five main internal organs (entrails) turns into the bloody pus. 恐怖大手还没有真正抓过来,那一股充满剧毒的腐朽死气已经扑来,仿佛只要吸入一口,五脏六腑都化成脓血。 Bang! 嘭! The Mu Xiao eye pupil blooms wisp of bright light, Thoughtsource Power such as the a stream strong crossbow bolt, struck back, the bang goes to front that like the devil claw terrifying big hand, the collision a low and deep dull thumping sound, but does not have presents the sound of bone break unexpectedly. 木萧眼眸绽放一缕精光,念源力一道强劲弩箭,反戈一击,轰去前方那一只如鬼爪般的恐怖大手,碰撞出一声低沉闷响,但居然没有出现骨头断裂的声音。 This struck Thoughtsource Power, Mu Xiao uses partly to become the constitution strength, had a 5000 kilogram degree of fully, the opposite party ate one to owe stuffily, and does not have had the serious wound, that means that the opposite party at least had the Apex Body Two-layered Realm strength. 这一击念源力,木萧可是用了半成体质力量,足有五千公斤的程度,对方只是吃了一个闷亏,并没有出现严重创伤,那意味着对方至少有顶尖体二重境的实力。 At present appears is not a channel, but is center great hall, humanoid monster violent falls back on the gloomiest place, obviously received Mu Xiao to strike becomes alerts , a pair of cold implication boundless cruel death intent eye gaze came, some as if innumerable cable/search life/command evil spirits gnawed spirit soul. 眼前出现的已经不是一条通道,而是一个中枢大堂,一只人形怪物暴退到最阴暗之处,显然受了木萧一击变得十分戒备,一双冷冽蕴含无边暴戾的死意眼睛注视而来,仿佛有无数索命的厉鬼啃噬灵魂 „The mental threat, simply is the pediatrics ability.” The Mu Xiao thought such as sword intent is sharp, cut to kill that only variant instantaneously through the mental attack that the eye projected, simultaneously the thought turned into a stream sharp thought, backlash during the mental consciousness of past that only variant. 精神恐吓,简直是小儿科的能力。”木萧念头如剑意锋利,瞬间斩杀了那只变异人通过眼睛投射过来的精神攻击,同时念头化成一道锋锐的意念,反噬过去那只变异人精神意识之中。 Snort... 哼… variant sends out broken stuffy, by struck back, was eaten for successive two times owed stuffily, was clear the opponent is not good to cope, erupts the extreme speed to go out fiercely a entrance. 变异人发出残破的闷哼,又被反戈一击,连续两次吃了闷亏,清楚了对手不好对付,猛地爆发极速出去一个入口处。 This variant nearly 80 time Genetic Resonance, does not only know one's place with Mu Xiao's frequency. 这只变异人近乎八十次的基因共鸣,跟木萧的次数不分上下。 Here guards definitely much, variant that evolution becomes not only then, that this variant may be kills off all variant victors, thus evolution has the 80 Genetic Resonance altitude, as if raises the gu to be the same, in close place that is unable to go out, variant is not the colonial organism, the this solitary one cold killing intent evolution desire, the companion is also best evolution resource. 此处守卫肯定不少,进化成的变异人也不会只有一只,那这一只变异人有可能是杀光所有变异人的胜利者,从而进化八十基因共鸣的高度,就好象养蛊一样,在一个无法出去的封闭地方,变异人本来又不是什么群体生物,只有孤冷杀意进化欲望,同伴也是最好的进化资源 Therefore, variant that one crowd of variant very natural occurrences the fight of killing one another, survived finally, being possible is Mu Xiao at present this. 所以,一群变异人很理所当然的发生了自相残杀的战斗,最终生存下来的变异人,有可能就是木萧眼前这一只。 „To escape?” “想逃?” The Mu Xiao figure moves suddenly, Thoughtsource Power stimulates synchronously, the rear Mu Xuanyin response is extremely also rapid, energy machine gun dá dá dá projects the a stream optical elastic long whip, sweeps off entrance that only variant flushed away, wants to drive back variant. 木萧身形猛然一动,念源力同步激发出去,后方木绚音反应也极其迅速,能量机关枪哒哒哒的射出一道光弹长鞭,扫去了那只变异人冲去的入口处,想借此逼退变异人 Thoughtsource Power like the big hammer bombardment, the moment that the Mu Xiao rush comes, that only variant under high-speed, inconceivable series suddenly/violently to retreat, the changeable replication direction, evaded the invisible bombardment of Thoughtsource Power unexpectedly, distance that but also the move back Mu Xiao rushed ahead. 念源力如同大锤子轰击,木萧冲杀而来的一刻,那只变异人居然在高速之下,不可思议的连环暴退、多变折转方向,躲过了念源力的无形轰击,还拉远了木萧冲杀过来的距离。 That extreme speed figure indistinctly, displays extremely excellent reflex nerve and keen nerve, has shifted to the exit|to speak position that Mu Xuanyin is at instantaneously. 那影影绰绰的极速身形,表现出一种极其高超的反射性神经和敏锐神经,瞬间已经转向木绚音所在的出口方位。 The place that variant wants to enter a moment ago is only a feigning movement, wants to escape from this seal truly the basement, because it was stranded is about to go crazy here. 变异人刚才想进入的地方只是一个假动作,真正是想逃出这一个密封的地下室,因为它被困在这里快发疯了。 This variant underestimated Mu Xiao's reaction and Mu Xuanyin's ability. 只是这变异人低估了木萧的反应力木绚音的能力。 mental strength such as the wave spreads, Mu Xuanyin's hallucination and illusion changed the surrounding landform, presented a 5~6 exactly the same exit|to speak, figure that she stands also branched out 5~6 mecha figure, the synchronization allocated back double-edge energy longblade fast, the steps like the thunder, a 5~6 bolt of white silk were fierce, have made up mind blade light, cut under. 一股精神力如水波扩散,木绚音的迷幻幻象改变了周围地貌,出现了五六个一模一样的出口,她站立的身影也分出了五六机甲身影,同步快速拨出了背后的双刃能量长刀,踏步如雷,五六道匹练而勇猛,带有一股决意的刀光,直斩而下。 At this time, variant by reflex nerve and keen nerve, like rehearsing generally, the danger danger has evaded crowded blade light that a 5~6 synchronization cut, but this 5~6 said blade light, only then a stream is truth, but variant evaded completely, this keen war feeling very terrifying. 这时候,变异人又以反射性神经和敏锐神经,如同排练过一般,险之又险躲过了五六道同步斩来的密集刀光,而这五六刀光只有一道真实,可是变异人全部躲过,这种敏锐战感非常恐怖 But Mu Xuanyin prevents variant, only then moment time, but provided a Mu Xiao extremely good making a move opportunity. 木绚音阻挡变异人只有一刻时间,可是提供了木萧一个极佳的出手机会。 a stream Thoughtsource Power is heavy like thousand honored, in the deal with changes between variant fast, pounding ruthlessly to its back, broke its keen war feeling immediately, striked to fly layer on layer/heavily. 一道念源力重如千钧,在变异人电光石火之间的应变之中,狠狠的砸到了它的后背,顿时打断了它那一股敏锐战感,重重打飞了出去。 Only has the Combat Reflexes Nerve ability, and unified the Close-combat Control ability, will form so incomparable terrifying war feeling.” Saying that Mu Xiao thought aloud, the fight that short fought, obtained on this only variant that to fight the feeling to come from where. “唯有战斗反射性神经的能力,并结合了格斗掌控的能力,才会形成了如此无比恐怖的战感。”木萧自言自语的说道,短短交手的战斗,得出了这只变异人身上那一股战感来自何处。 Originally he had suspected, therefore does not have with double-edge energy longblade, that is because the weapon goal is too big, wields to have the direction detection, but variant has so excellent terrifying games feeling, can definitely the path of seize blade, conduct avoids effectively. 本来他已经有所怀疑,所以没有用双刃能量长刀,那是因为武器目标太大,挥动起来有定向,而变异人有如此高超的恐怖感,完全可以捕抓刀的轨迹,进行有效回避。 Mu Xiao is certain at this time, this only variant massacred here complete variant, thus successfully obtained many abilities, had such terrifying battle efficiency. 木萧此时可以肯定,这只变异人杀掉了此处全部的变异人,从而成功获得了多种能力,有了这样恐怖的战斗力。 Un?” “嗯?” At this time, Mu Xiao discovered that oneself full power strikes 10,000 kilogram Thoughtsource Power, also does not have hits remnant this only variant unexpectedly, but can also stand to make the preparation of killing, but it acts is not quite probably agile, obviously full power struck caused the damage. 此时,木萧发现自己全力一击一万公斤的念源力,竟然还没有打残这只变异人,还能站起来做出扑杀的准备,不过它动作好像已经不太利索,显然全力一击还是给它造成了伤害。 Place that variant stands, is the place of Mu Xuanyin mecha release illumination, present variant does not have places gloomily, does not have in the extreme speed, Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin discovered that this only variant is a female, after is only evolution variation, the female most obvious chest characteristics have vanished, because this is helpful in fighting, if this only variant is not the look, but also remains the variation beforehand female face, recognizing as masculine does not have is also extraordinary. 变异人所站立的地方,正好是木绚音机甲释放照明之处,现在变异人没有身处阴暗,又没有在极速之中,木萧木绚音才发现这只变异人原来是女性,只是进化变异之后,女性最明显的胸部特征已经消失,因为这样更有助进行战斗,如果这只变异人不是相貌,还残留变异之前的女性面庞的话,认作男性也没有出奇。 This female variant has more than five abilities, first air/Qi of Corrosion Deep Toxin, is the mental threat, there is Combat Reflexes Nerve and Close-combat Control, ability that the present also injury decreases......” “这女变异人有不下五个能力,最先一股腐蚀剧毒之气,又是精神恐吓,又有战斗反射性神经格斗掌控,现在还有一个伤害减低的能力……” Mu Xiao decided that does not keep the strength, prepared to stimulate Thought Divine Power to fight comprehensively. 木萧决定不留力,准备全面激发了意念神力来战斗。 The slaughtering pressure that female variant as if sensation on Mu Xiao erupted ahead of time suddenly, the under foot makes an effort to tread, who strikes the first blow has the advantage, sticks out suddenly suddenly, if Corrosion Deep Toxin the innumerable dense and numerous winged insects come. 变异人仿佛提前感觉木萧身上骤然爆发出的杀戮威压,脚下用力一踏,先下手为强,猛然暴起,身上一股腐蚀剧毒如无数密密麻麻的飞虫汹涌而来。 Thought Divine Power such as thunderbolt Gale is ordinary, strangle to death that Corrosion Deep Toxin gas, a Mu Xiao whole body shell rumbled probably, a fist to/clashes, like waves compels the strength enormously and powerful, makes by the thunderbolt extremely heavy potential. 意念神力雷霆狂风一般,绞杀了那一股腐蚀剧毒的气体,木萧全身好像一颗炮弹般轰出,一拳冲来,如海浪般的浩荡压逼力,以雷霆万钧之势打出。 Female variant by extremely high reflex nerve, the Close-combat Control war feeling, discovered a crevice position to be just about to dodge the counter-attack, but Mu Xiao also had the Close-combat Control strength, but the Apex Body Four-layered Realm reaction capacity, planned to make up the Combat Reflexes Nerve disparity, moreover Mu Xiao also has the deeply qualified fight consciousness of previous life, made the adjustment instantaneously, blocked the female variant final escape route. 变异人以极高反射性神经,还有格斗掌控的战感,找出了一个空隙方位正要闪躲反击,可是木萧也有格斗掌控的力量,而顶尖体四重境的反应能力,拟补了战斗反射性神经的差距,而且木萧还有着上一世资深战斗意识,瞬间做出了调整,封杀了女变异人的最后退路。 Destroys a dry skillful gravity fist, such as shell straight bang female variation the place of chest, within the body sends out kā chā to stretch the sound, as if the bone must this fight with the fists continually probably within the body, the whole person flies upside down in the midair like the rags baby. 摧枯拉巧的重力一拳,如炮弹般直轰女变异的胸口之处,体内发出咔嚓绷断声音,仿佛骨头连都好像要被这一拳打出体内,整个人如同破布娃娃般在半空中倒飞。 pēng rán! 彭然 Female variant also does not have restores in the midair, has a stream instantaneously like thunderbolt swift and violent Thought Divine Power, while winning the pursuit, the bang falls the female variant body, the physical body and mental dual attack, female variant sent out such as the sharp nail to cut the grating pitiful yell of glass immediately. 变异人没有在半空中恢复过来,瞬间又有一道如同雷霆迅猛的意念神力,趁胜追击,轰落女变异人的身躯,肉体和精神双重打击,女变异人顿时发出了如尖锐指甲划破玻璃的刺耳惨叫。 The Mu Xiao body closely associated fast with, double-edge energy longblade that left hand does not have has used, like the night has delimited thunder-lightning, in the ray sparkle suddenly, cut to fall the head of female variant swiftly and fiercely incomparable, pitiful yell jia however stopped. 木萧身体如影随形飞快跟了上去,左手一直没有用的双刃能量长刀,如同黑夜划过的雷电,在光芒闪耀的一刹那之间,凌厉无匹斩落了女变异人的脑袋,惨叫戛然而止。 Quite rich Evolution Power Origins, such as the lukewarm water integrates in Mu Xiao Bloodline Gene, in addition he Evolution Power Origins of several fight accumulations, continual upgrade Genetic Resonance, has arrived at the 84 time before twice. 一股颇为丰厚的进化力源泉,如温水般融入木萧血脉基因之中,加上他之前几次战斗一直积累的进化力源泉,连续提升了两次基因共鸣,到达了八十四次。 On the female variant headless corpse appears to make the Mu Xiao big feeling be a pity, feels natural Close-combat Control origins. This close-combat ability, is impossible from the beginning is the control rank, greatly possibly is female variant kills other variant very much, absorbed several close-combat abilities, fuses together, has the control degree. 变异人的无头尸体上浮现出一个让木萧大感可惜,又觉得理所当然的格斗掌控源泉。这一个格斗能力,不可能一开始就是掌控级别,很大可能是女变异人杀死其余的变异人,吸收了好几个格斗能力,融为一体,才有掌控的程度。 As for that Corrosion Deep Toxin and Combat Reflexes Nerve , the unknown ability that an injury decreases, is the female variant quite splendid three abilities, but does not have appears, but Close-combat Control actually also good, can let ordinary Neo-Human, leaps turns into the close combat expert. 至于,那腐蚀剧毒战斗反射性神经,还有一个伤害减低的未知能力,是女变异人比较出色的三个能力,只不过没有浮现出来,但一个格斗掌控其实也不错,可以让一个普通新人类,一跃变成近战好手。 But, not the suitable Mu Xuanyin absorption, that is her evolution direction is not the close combat type, body many in addition such origins, initial truly does not have anything affects, instead fights advantageously, but after promoting evolution realm, that will have not too coordinated situation. Therefore, before being very early, Mu Xiao has urged Mu Xuanyin, making her only absorb the Mental System ability, other abilities few absorb. 可是,不适合木绚音吸收,那是她进化方向不是近战类型,身上多加这样一个源泉,初始确实没有什么影响,反而有利战斗,但晋升了进化境界之后,那就会出现不太协调的情况。所以,很早之前木萧就叮嘱过木绚音,让她只吸收精神体系的能力,其余能力少去吸收。 Initial many Neo-Human did not understand that the ability has anything to affect to later, thinks constantly increases the ability is the powerful performance, thus caused the later evolution direction to walk incomparably difficultly, but also was because had like this difficult process, New World had existence of senior Neo-Human, they understood the characteristics that complete ability, understood the combination between abilities, correct Cultivation direction. 初期很多新人类不懂得能力对以后有什么影响,一味以为增加能力就是强大的表现,从而导致了以后进化方向走得无比艰辛,但也是因为有了这样的艰辛过程,新世界才有资深者新人类的存在,他们了解全部能力的特性,懂得能力之间的组合,正确的修炼方向。 In future New World these new births Neo-Human, if obtained a senior Neo-Human direction, Road of Evolution saves several years of fumble absolutely. however, present Mu Xiao is this world only one by one senior Neo-Human, that means that his person will little take many tortuous paths, the evolution speed definitely compares to other Neo-Human quick several times, even can say road ahead unimpeded. 未来新世界那些新诞生的新人类,如果得到了一个资深者新人类指点,进化之路绝对节省好几年的摸索。然而,现在木萧是这个世界一一资深者新人类,那意味着他身边的人会少走很多弯路,进化速度肯定比起其他新人类快上好几倍,甚至可以说前路一片无阻。
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