REE :: Volume #2

#140: Bio-machinery Species

The Core chip in bio-machine dog head contained the mass data, these data surpass the scientific knowledge that Earth had mostly, wants through revising the Core chip, tames these four bio-machine dogs a little to use energy without doubt. 生化机械狗脑袋里的核心晶片蕴含了大量数据,这些数据大部分超出了地球持有的科技知识,想通过修改核心晶片,驯服这四只生化机械狗无疑有点费劲。 Although, Mu Xiao has Machinery Control the strength of data, there is a previous life machinery knowledge, but the previous life machinery knowledge, surpassed this time Earth scientific knowledge, therefore also does not have true Achieving Mastery Through Comprehensive Study of Surroundings goes in Machinery Control , only if Cultivation Spirit Soul Secret Method, the strength of data can the perfection union. 虽然,木萧拥有机械掌控的数据之力,又有上一世机械知识,但上一世机械知识,超出了这个时期的地球科技知识,因此还没有真正融会贯通进去机械掌控之中,除非修炼灵魂秘法,数据之力才能完美结合。 In this initial machinery ability, but contained the Earth scientific knowledge, on the main source of knowledge by Earth as the strength of data has, if surpassed the Earth machinery knowledge, or some future machinery knowledge, for example the Mu Xiao previous life future machinery knowledge, is unable to integrate in the machinery ability temporarily completely, but the future machinery knowledge can comprehend, speeds up upgrade this initial period machinery ability upgrade. 在这个初期的机械能力,只是蕴含了地球的科技知识,以地球上的知识作为蓝本产生的数据之力,如果超出了地球机械知识,又或者未来一些机械知识,譬如木萧上一世未来机械知识,暂时无法完全融入机械能力之中,但未来机械知识可以领悟,加快提升这个初期机械能力的提升 Before Mu Xiao can fast upgrade Machinery Control also comprehend the oneself previous life knowledge, understood the knowledge of elementary student like a university student instantaneously. 之前木萧可以快速提升机械掌控也是参悟了自己上一世的知识,像一个大学生瞬间懂得小学生的知识一样。 evolution needs a process, the knowledge similarly is a truth, must have a depth to accumulate, so long as the comprehension exceeds the Earth scientific knowledge, unifies the itself machinery ability, can form the strength of recent data, is so-called Spirit Soul Secret Method. 进化需要一个过程,知识同样是一个道理,必须有一个深度积累,只要领悟超越地球的科技知识,结合自身机械能力,就可以形成新的数据之力,也是所谓的灵魂秘法 however, these four bio-machine dogs are unable to subdue, good and evil Mu Xiao the previous life future machinery knowledge, had integrated in the machinery ability initially, although does not integrate truly completely, but can also play part of roles, because his machinery ability had nine-layered peak in the breakthrough edge, once the success breaks through Genetic Resonance hundred times , to promote evolution realm, he can immediately Cultivation related machinery secret method. 然而,这四只生化机械狗也不是无法收服,好歹木萧已经将上一世未来机械知识,初步融入了机械能力之中,虽然不是真正完全融入,但也能起一部分作用,因为他机械能力有了九重巅峰在突破边缘,一旦成功突破百次基因共鸣,晋升进化境界,他立刻就可以修炼有关机械秘法 On Moon has most surpasses the Earth scientific knowledge the place, grasped the unknown advanced civilization technological strength, like these bio-machine dogs the research of Bio-machinery Species , but is one of them. 月球上是拥有最多超出地球科技知识的地方,掌握了未知高级文明的科技力量,像这些生化机械狗的生化机械物种的研究,只不过是其中之一罢了。 Naturally, on Moon these people want to master so many advanced civilization knowledge truly, is needs very long time to digest, otherwise they will not use entire Earth to perform the evolution experiment, mainly to collect all sorts of research information, accelerate ripening their scientific and technological achievements. 当然,月球上那些人想真正掌握如此多高级文明的知识,也是需要一个很长的时间来消化,否则他们不会利用整个地球来做进化试验,主要是为了收集种种研究信息,催熟他们的科技成果。 Cannot think that invades a control central procedure/program of bio-machine dog, became difficult......” the Mu Xiao forehead to seep out the thin perspiration, the eye sent out transparent fine white ray, as if some inside innumerable ray rotations, Thoughtsource Power suppressed other three bio-machine dogs, the palm held down a bio-machine dog, full power stimulated the strength of data to invade Core LightBrain. “想不到侵入一只生化机械狗的主脑程序,变得这么难……”木萧额头渗出了细汗,眼睛发出透明精白的光芒,仿佛里面有无数光线回转,念源力压住其余三只生化机械狗,手掌按住了其中一只生化机械狗,全力激发出数据之力来入侵核心光脑 Mu Xuanyin clear oneself cannot help, secure awaits calmly is completing the alert at the same time. 木绚音清楚自己帮不上忙,安静待在一边做好戒备。 Became.” “成了。” After a half hour, the strength of Mu Xiao's machinery data, broke through a procedure/program of bio-machine dog finally. But at this time, other three bio-machine dogs sent out wēng wēng wēng shivering, body these machinery sent out the high-temperature heat, will soon want self-destruct. 半小时后,木萧的机械数据之力,终于攻破了一只生化机械狗的程序。但就在这时候,其余三只生化机械狗发出了‘嗡嗡嗡’的颤抖,身躯那些机械发出了高温热量,即将要自爆 „It is not good!” “不好!” Mu Xiao calls out in alarm one, immediately held down the heads of two bio-machine dogs, the data unifies the Thought Divine Power violence invasion, interrupted the self-destruct order of bio-machine dog brain. Although, launches the brain attack with Thought Divine Power, can exempt self-destruct of two bio-machine dogs, the side effect of but presenting is the bio-machine dog brain is damaged, the revolution order slows down, temporarily is unable to fight effectively, but this always compared with what does not have must good. 木萧惊呼一声,马上按住了两只生化机械狗的脑袋,数据结合意念神力暴力入侵,打断了生化机械狗大脑的自爆命令。虽然,用意念神力进行大脑攻击,可以免去了两只生化机械狗的自爆,但出现的副作用就是生化机械狗大脑受损,运转命令变慢,暂时无法有效战斗,不过这总比什么没有都得的好。 Xuanyin make way!” 绚音闪开!” Last bio-machine dog has rescued without enough time, Mu Xuanyin does not know what condition, but Mu Xiao very decisive a stream telekinesis stroked. 最后一只生化机械狗已经来不及抢救,木绚音不知道什么状况,但木萧很果断的一道念力击打了出去。 Bang! 轰! The deafening explosion big sound, like shock-wave in the metal channel intense reverberation, the entire only bio-machine dog explodes one group of two meters high flame raging fire light, the self-destruct might hardly is inferior to A Grade High-explosive Grenade, around the machinery fragment and stump residual limb blood and flesh disperses, turns into the wreckage that place scorches. 震耳欲聋的爆炸大响,如同一股冲击波在金属通道剧烈回荡,整只生化机械狗爆炸成一团两米高的炎烈火光,自爆威力几乎不亚于一个A级高爆手雷,机械碎片和残肢血肉四周飞散,化成一地烧焦的残骸。 In the bio-machine dog body has an energy to support machinery to revolve, the necessary time also becomes the self-destruct best fuel. 生化机械狗身体内有一股能量支持机械运转,必要时候也成为了自爆的最好燃料。 Because Mu Xiao strikes to fly that only self-destruct bio-machine dog, therefore Evolution Power Origins belongs to him, but the bio-machine dog explodes one group of residuals, without host body Ability Origins is unable to stabilize presents, moreover machinery origins that in addition an explosive force impact, the bio-machine dog possibly appears did not have like this. 因为木萧击飞那只自爆生化机械狗,所以一股进化力源泉归于他身上,可是生化机械狗爆炸成一团残渣,没了宿主身体能力源泉无法稳定呈现,而且加上爆炸力一冲击,生化机械狗可能浮现的一个机械源泉就这样没了。 brother, did this only machinery dog dog subdue?” Mu Xuanyin by the mecha electronic eye, observes closely that only to squat to sit the bio-machine dog in ground, scanned a data, does not have discovered what unusual hostility. ,这只机械狗狗是不是收服了?”木绚音透过机甲的电子眼,盯住那只蹲坐在地面上的生化机械狗,扫描了一遍数据,没有发现什么异常的敌意。 Un.” Mu Xiao complied with one, is concentrating on the strength of release data, subdues the final two bio-machine dogs. “嗯。”木萧应了一声,正在专注释放数据之力,收服最后两只生化机械狗。 Had one time beforehand subdued experience, but the brains of two bio-machine dogs received the injury of Thought Divine Power. Therefore, Mu Xiao only used for about ten minutes to invade Core LightBrain of two bio-machine dogs on the success, revised inside procedure/program and order, obtained authority of bio-machine dog. 有了之前一次收服经验,而两只生化机械狗的大脑又受了意念神力的伤害。因此,木萧只用了十分钟左右就成功入侵两只生化机械狗的核心光脑,修改了里面程序和命令,得到生化机械狗的权限 However, these two bio-machine dogs withstood an attack of Mu Xiao Thought Divine Power, injury does not have of brain recovered, appeared the red glow of machinery eye to be a little low-spirited, the entire condition was a little weary and clumsy appearance, not like bio-machine dog like that solemn vicious that first only subdued. 不过,这两只生化机械狗承受了木萧一次意念神力的攻击,大脑的伤害没有痊愈,显得机械眼的红芒有点黯然,整个状态都有点疲倦和笨拙的样子,不像第一只收服的生化机械狗那般冷峻凶厉 Mu Xiao makes three bio-machine dogs follow in the rear area, if the front has the fight to happen, does not plan to serve as the battle efficiency, because of two bio-machine dogs be at the damage condition, does not favor fights, moreover these three bio-machine dogs have upgrade space, if dies a little wastes here without doubt. 木萧让三只生化机械狗跟随在后方,如果前方有战斗发生,不打算用作战斗力,因为有两只生化机械狗处于受损状态,不利于进行战斗,而且这三只生化机械狗还有提升空间,如果死在这里无疑有点浪费。 Original five machinery dog here standby......” Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin, in the front discovered trough position that five fall the ground, inside has a beach withered bloodstain, breaks to pieces the components guns and defense clothing/taking wreckage, „, should the machinery dog have variation time, they ate here guard.” “原来五只机械狗一只在这里待机……”木萧木绚音在前方发现了五个陷进地面的槽位,里面有一滩干枯的血迹,还有碎掉成零件的枪支和防御服残骸,“嗯,应该机械狗发生变异的时候,它们吃了这里的守卫。” Mu Xiao speculated probably the variation situation at that time having, these bio-machine dog brains fall into variation manic, goes beyond the control of LightBrain, went crazy to kill the guard, swallowed blood and flesh to achieve evolution, finally stabilized, entered waiting for an opportunity again. 木萧大概推测了当时发生的变异情况,这些生化机械狗大脑陷入变异狂躁,超出光脑的控制,发狂袭杀了守卫,吞食血肉达到了进化,最终才稳定下来,又再进入了待机。 brother, these machinery dog dogs have half are variation beast, can subdue is because their brains have chip LightBrain.” Mu Xuanyin spreads the words from mecha, said: If we study such chip LightBrain, could control other variation beast?” ,这些机械狗狗有一半是变异兽,能够收服是因为它们脑子有晶片光脑。”木绚音机甲中传出话语,说道:“如果我们研究出这样的晶片光脑,是不是可以控制其它变异兽了?” We does not have enough condition, study these chip LightBrain temporarily, because of related to the Bio-machinery Species knowledge.” Mu Xiao explained said: Moreover generally variation beast evolution has finalized, is hard to transform turns into Bio-machinery Species , even the success transforms unsettled entire, is not good to control, only then clones does not have to infect the variation virus primitive biomorph, then conducts to re-equip the machinery species, finally infects variation constitution them, such is safest and slaughtering machine of best control ............ “我们暂时没有足够条件,研究这些晶片光脑,因为涉及生化机械物种的知识。”木萧解释说道:“而且一般变异兽进化已经定型,难以改造变成生化机械物种,就算成功改造也不安全、不好控制,只有克隆出没有感染变异病毒原始生物形态,然后进行改装成机械物种,最后才把它们感染成变异体质,那样是最安全和最好控制的杀戮机器…………” Mu Xiao said a material of big pile about Bio-machinery Species , hearing Mu Xuanyin to appear to understand but not really understand, but she also understands that makes these bio-machine dogs is not the simple matter, comparing subdued with the machinery ability is much simpler. 木萧说了一大堆关于生化机械物种的资料,听得木绚音似懂非懂,不过她也明白制造这些生化机械狗不是简单的事情,相比用机械能力来收服就简单得多了。 Then, Mu Xiao opened the front a stream metal front door, in the road surface filled the blood-soaked smell and explosion imprint, several rotten guard bodies , some lot of machinery wreckage, can use the weapon equipment of A Grade quality much, was only inside energy probably already by the suck dry. 接下来,木萧打开了前方一道金属大门,路面上充满了血腥气味和爆炸痕迹,还有好几具腐烂的守卫尸体,又有大量机械残骸,其中不少可以用A级品质的武器装备,只是里面的能量好像已经被吸干。 Suddenly, the front presents kā chā sound, the shadows of two eye sparkle red glow, the sinister and vicious is cold and gloomy, throws swiftly and violently. 突然,前方又出现‘咔嚓’的声响,有两条眼睛闪耀红芒的黑影,阴鸷森冷,迅猛扑来。 Mu Xuanyin was clear that this is two bio-machine dogs, but does not have sends out any attack, for fear that destroys, loses subdues a good battle efficiency the opportunity. 木绚音清楚这是两只生化机械狗,但没有发出任何攻击,生怕打坏其中一只,失去收服一个好战斗力的机会。 Two bio-machine dogs came the halfway, was seized, suppression by Mu Xiao's Thoughtsource Power directly in the place, when two bio-machine dogs prepare self-destruct, Mu Xiao strikes Thought Divine Power to interrupt the brain order of bio-machine dog, then the strength of data starts to invade. 两只生化机械狗来了半路,直接被木萧的念源力擒下、镇压在地,当两只生化机械狗准备自爆的时候,木萧一击意念神力打断生化机械狗的大脑命令,然后数据之力开始进行入侵。 After a little while, two bio-machine dogs joined in troop. 少顷,又两只生化机械狗加入了队伍之中。 Xuanyin, if meets the surprise attack attention to guard, remembers that the time places the first position oneself safely, even if massacres several still does not have anything so- said.” Mu Xiao can see the Mu Xuanyin's idea, but does not think that she regarded as important these external objects to be busy at the oneself life security, moreover met unknown Bio-machinery Species, mecha was not multipurpose. 绚音,如果遇见突袭注意防备,记得时刻把自己安全放在第一位,就算杀掉几只也没有什么所谓的。”木萧看得出木绚音的想法,但不想她太看重这些外物忙掉了自己的人生安全,而且遇见未知生化机械物种,机甲也不是万能的。 brother, you could rest assured that next time I will be ready.” Mu Xuanyin feels the Mu Xiao's concern, at heart one warm. ,你放心,下次我会做好准备。”木绚音感到木萧的关切,心里一暖。 Since met five bio-machine dogs to start, had many transformation all the way, finds at everywhere rotten remnant body, machinery fragment and weapon that equipment guarded, but Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin does not have packed the thing that the part can also use, but was the choice continues to proceed, places here people not to take in any case, what so long as verified the deep place to exist, later tidied up slowly is not late. 自从遇上了五只生化机械狗开始,一路上有了很多变化,随处可见守卫的腐烂残体、机械碎片、武器装备,但木萧木绚音没有收拾部分还可以用的东西,而是选择继续往前走,反正放在这里不会有人拿取,只要探明深处有何物存在,以后慢慢收拾也不迟。 On the road met the surprise attacks of several bio-machine dogs, but was subdued by Mu Xiao without exception completely, the quantity of present bio-machine dog has ten, can definitely compose small troop that surpasses ordinary Neo-Human. 路上遇见了好几次生化机械狗的突袭,但无一例外全部被木萧收服,现在生化机械狗的数量已经有十只,完全可以组成了一支超出普通新人类的小队伍 The a stream metal important pass front door opens, but this time kills is not the bio-machine dog, strengthened-type zombie that but by guarding variation becomes. 一道金属关口大门打开,但这次杀出来的不是生化机械狗,而是由守卫变异而成的强化型丧尸 Mu Xuanyin did not need Mu Xiao to remind carries the energy machine gun immediately, made into the honey honeycomb front most strengthened-type zombie, only then 5~6 only such as wind illness/quick quick strengthened-type zombie, sensitive avoided the fire, killed aggressively. 木绚音不用木萧提醒立刻端起了能量机关枪,把前方大部分强化型丧尸打成蜜蜂窝,只有五六只如风疾快的强化型丧尸,灵敏回避了射击,凶悍杀来。 Suddenly, a stream dazzling ray cuts the darkness sharpness, strengthened-type zombie that these rushes come, in flowing ray double-edge energy longblade by the Mu Xiao hand, was cut the waist completely ominously horizontally, the zombie half waist such as the collapse river raises falls in torrents the blood massively, is only divided into two to pour in the pool of blood. 忽然,一道耀眼光芒划破黑暗般的锋锐,那些冲杀而来的强化型丧尸,全部被木萧手中一把流动光芒的双刃能量长刀,凶横斩腰,丧尸半腰身如崩溃的河提大量倾泻血液,一只只分成两段倒在血泊之中。 brother, can you don't such cruel, is very disgusting.” Mu Xuanyin complained that said one. ,你能不能别这样残暴,很恶心的。”木绚音抱怨的说了一句。 Actually Xuanyin you also almost......” Mu Xiao look to front these make into blood and flesh fuzzy zombie, at heart secretly thought silently. “其实绚音你也差不多……”木萧望向前方那些打成血肉模糊的丧尸,心里默默的暗道。 These guard strengthening zombie Genetic Resonance frequency only in the 40 time about, place strengthening origins, majority are tenacity and sensitive and antibody and muscle and vigor ...... and other strengthening origins. 这些守卫强化丧尸基因共鸣次数只在四十次左右,还有一地强化源泉,大多数是坚韧灵敏抗体肌肉血气……等强化源泉 Mu Xuanyin absorbed most strengthening origins to strengthen constitution, Mu Xiao also absorbs the other parts to refine to turn into Evolution Power Origins, what a pity was unable to satisfy Genetic Resonance upgrade time. 木绚音吸收了大部分强化源泉增强体质,木萧也吸收了余下部分炼化成进化力源泉,可惜还不能满足一次基因共鸣提升
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