REE :: Volume #2

#139: Starts to show some clues

Mu Xiao deliberated at present these two roads according to the Villa Region direction, can determine the left road probably, possibly place to unknown, therefore the palm releases Machinery Control the strength of data, captured the metal sluice gate LightBrain system, opened the front door, presented a channel. 木萧根据别墅区的方向推敲了眼前这两条路,大概可以确定左边一条路,可能是通往未知的地方,于是手掌释放机械掌控的数据之力,攻陷了金属闸门光脑系统,开启了大门,出现了一条通道。 Is independent LightBrain, the does not have end host......” in the Mu Xiao hand takes back the strength of data, obtains information that fed back, knew that this metal sluice gate with basement that gate is the same, does not have connects any main engine control. “又是独立光脑,没有终端主机……”木萧手中收回数据之力,得到了反馈回来的信息,得知这道金属闸门跟地下室那道门都是一样,没有连接任何主机控制。 This channel does not have light, distinguishes with channel does not have anything of rear area as before. 这条通道依旧没有灯光,与后方的通道没有什么分别。 Xuanyin, walks.” 绚音,走吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Two people continue to be thorough toward inside, but a more thorough atmosphere is stranger and is more depressing, every time walks the 300 meter to have a stream metal sluice gate to obstruct the road, as if the darkness deep place imprisoned terrifying monster, such as the sea tide wells up one cruelly, blood-soaked, ice-cold, to wither violently, the death immense oppression strength. 两人继续往里面深入,但越深入气氛越诡异、越压抑,每走三百米就有一道金属闸门挡道,仿佛黑暗的深处囚禁了一头恐怖怪物,如海潮激涌一股残暴、血腥、冰冷、肃杀、死亡巨大压迫力。 The atmosphere that as time and surges, Mu Xiao basically can determine this channel not to Villa Region, but leads to elsewhere. 随着时间和涌动的气氛,木萧基本可以确定这一条通道不是通往别墅区,而是通往别处。 Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin walked for more than ten minutes, the front had new transformation finally, a stream installed metal sluice gate of weaponry system, above contained incomparable intense high-voltage magnetic power, made the S Grade constitution person instantaneously lethal sufficiently, but lost LightBrain control metal sluice gate , the activation this weaponry system, Mu Xiao opened sluice gate very much easily. 木萧木绚音走了十多分钟,前方终于有了新变化,一道装置了武装系统的金属闸门,上面蕴含了无比剧烈的高压电磁力,足以让S级体质的人瞬间致死,但失去了光脑控制的金属闸门,也激活不了这个武装系统,木萧很轻而易举的打开了闸门 After metal sluice gate opens, presenting a wall and ground is the metallized channels of alloy. 当金属闸门打开之后,出现了一条墙壁和地面都是合金的金属化通道。 Probably was getting more and more interesting.” Mu Xiao eye pupil in darkness splendid, has had a premonition intensely inside deep place possibly hid an enormous secret. “好像越来越有意思了。”木萧眼眸在黑暗中熠熠生辉,有强烈预感里面深处可能隐藏了一个极大秘密。 brother, you know that what inside has? Can be an underground city?!” Mu Xuanyin is also the full curiosity, the mecha system non-stop scanning the metal channel, looked to find what traces. ,你知道里面有什么吗?会不会是一个地下城?!”木绚音也是满满的好奇心,机甲系统不停扫描金属通道,看能不能找到什么蛛丝马迹。 All unknown on this world, may be a fortuitous encounter, may be killing tribulation, but we continue to walk downward, will naturally get the answer.” Mu Xiao has Fearless all confidence, one step stepped into the metal channel. “在这个世界上所有未知,有可能是一场奇遇,也有可能是一场杀劫,但我们继续往下走,自然就会得到答案。”木萧拥有无畏一切的信心,一步踏进了金属通道。 during this time, Mu Xuanyin almost understands in clear mecha all system functions, her body and mecha coordination was getting better and better, was very high synchronization rate/lead. 在这一段时间,木绚音差不多了解清楚机甲里面所有的系统功能,她身体和机甲的协调性越来越好,达到了非常高的同步率。 Her mecha walks on the metal floor, sends out an intermittent heavy powerful big sound, clear reverberation entire channel. 她的机甲走在金属地板上,发出一阵阵沉重有力的大响,清晰回荡整条通道。 Xuanyin, you seem like Leviathan.” 绚音,你好像巨无霸。” brother, you seem like the dwarf.” ,你好像小矮人。” Two people teased mutually, point does not have entered the nervousness of unknown place. 两人互相打趣,一点都没有进入未知地方的紧张心情。 This channel by metal construct, that has certainly other uses, but Mu Xiao mental strength could not survey to have what unusual, if at this time Dan Miaoyi or Jiang Yue, can certainly survey clearly by two female perspective/see through abilities. 这一条通道由金属建造而成,那一定有其他用处,但木萧精神力探测不了有什么奇特,如果这时候单妙依姜月在的话,以两女的透视能力一定可以探测得清楚。 According to before walked a 300 meter front to have a stream metal sluice gate every time, but this time walked the 200 many meters, Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin does not have discovery front had metal sluice gate. When Mu Xuanyin just wants to say this issue, she discovered in mecha front has the strange fluctuation, probably fluctuation of electronic countermeasure, probably life aura that has the hostility. 按照之前每走三百米前方就有一道金属闸门,但这次走了二百多米,木萧木绚音没有发现前方有金属闸门。当木绚音正想说这个问题的时候,她在机甲发现了前面有奇怪的波动,好像是电子干扰的波动,又好像是一股带着敌意的生命气息。 brother......” Mu Xuanyin just wants to remind. ……”木绚音刚想提醒。 Un. I have induced to the front have the sound, you pay attention to complete the alert.” Mu Xiao also induces to having that strange fluctuation, a train of thought revolution, remembered in vain in the previous life memory, there is this electronic fluctuation and a life aura...... perhaps is that lifeform. “嗯。我已经感应到前方有动静,你注意做好戒备。”木萧也感应到有那一股奇怪的波动,思绪一转,徒然想起了在上一世的记忆中,有这种电子波动和生命气息的……或许是那种生物。 kā chā! 咔嚓 The resounding of metal switch, the front jumps out of five shadows with lightning speed fiercely, almost integrated in darkness, is quick all of a sudden is unable to see clearly is what monster, only saw that one both sends out the eyeball of deep red ray, the belt/bring in the high-speed movement lifts heavy objects heavy phantom, ice-cold and savage. 金属开关的脆响,前方猛地跳出五条风驰电掣的黑影,几乎融入了黑暗之中,快得一下子无法看清是何种怪物,只看到有一双双散发深红光芒的眼珠,在高速移动中带起重重魅影,冰冷而凶残。 Fire!” “射击!” Mu Xiao just reminded the Mu Xuanyin's time, that five shadows shone the flame, unexpectedly was about than one step to send out the attack Mu Xuanyin, the lasing has a stream to say the blazing bullet hole, was similar to biting of hot snake to nip in darkness. 木萧刚提醒木绚音的时候,那五条黑影亮起了火光,居然比木绚音快一步发出攻击,激射出一道火焰弹痕,在黑暗中如同火蛇的噬咬。 dá dá dá!!...... 哒哒哒!!…… The flame twinkle, the crowded blazing bullet shoots the position that Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin are, simultaneously five shadow whole body sending out annihilate all cold aura, is close fast. 火光闪烁,密集的火焰子弹射去木萧木绚音所在的方位,同时五条黑影浑身散发歼灭一切的冷冽气息,飞快接近过来。 During Mu Xiao speeches time, Thoughtsource Power turned into an invisible big shield, blocks the blazing bullet that all shot, Mu Xuanyin loses clearly attacked the situation, therefore raised up the mecha arm, starts the defense stance, on the arm presents at the same time the metal shield of rhombus, an energy produced in the shield surface, thickens the defense nature of shield also to have the dashing strength. 木萧说话间的时候,念源力化成了一张无形大盾,挡住了所有射来的火焰子弹,木绚音明白失去了攻击先机,于是竖起了机甲手臂,启动防御姿态,手臂上呈现出一面菱形的金属盾,一股能量在盾面上生成,加厚了盾牌的防御性还有冲撞力。 Ha!” “哈!” Mu Xuanyin sends out the clear full tenderness to drink, the sole moves suddenly, the Apex Body Two-layered Realm strength revolves the whole body, mecha proceeds to advance vigorously like the Thunder Stirs eruption attacks, incomparably hit a shadow barbarically, the energy machine gun lasing of another hand had/left the a stream large flame, shadow that the fierce strafe approached. 木绚音发出清脆十足的娇喝,脚底猛然一动,顶尖体二重境的力量运转全身,机甲雷动般爆发往前猛进突击,野蛮无比地撞去了一条黑影,另外一只手的能量机关枪激射出一道火舌,凶猛扫射临近的黑影。 pēng rán! 砰然 A shadow on the metal shield by Mu Xuanyin mecha, positive violence dashing, had 8000 kilogram heavy blow of directly, that shadow flew like kite with broken string, throws down layer on layer/heavily in the metal ground, explodes one group of electric light sparks, twitched to stand. 一条黑影直接被木绚音机甲上的金属盾,正面暴力冲撞,足足有八千公斤的重击,那道黑影如同断线风筝飞了出去,重重摔倒在金属地面上,炸出一团电光火花,抽搐了一下又重新站了起来。 „Is this dog?” Mu Xuanyin discovered the true colors of that shadow, although compared with general wolfdog big 2x, but in the muscle installed machinery unexpectedly, like growth in blood and flesh steel muscle. “这是狗?”木绚音才发现了那黑影的真面目,虽然比一般狼狗两倍,但筋肉之中竟然加装了机械,如同生长在血肉的钢铁肌肉 Bump! Bump! Bump!...... 碰!碰!碰!…… At this time, Mu Xuanyin heard the rear intense collision sound, has looked back, discovered that four -and-a-half lifeform half machinery wolfdog, short time by Mu Xiao with Thoughtsource Power, had been deadlocked the four limbs suppression completely in the ground, is unable to shake off the fetter of Thoughtsource Power. 这时候,木绚音听到了后方一阵激烈碰撞声音,回过头一看,发现那四只半生物半机械狼狗,短短时间已经全部被木萧念源力,锁死了四肢镇压在地面上,无法挣脱念源力的束缚。 machinery wolfdog struggles unceasingly the resistance, sends out hoarse low roar that such as the metal rubs, probably understands the speech, is repeating a language. 机械狼狗不断挣扎反抗,发出如金属摩擦的沙哑低吼,好像懂得说话,在重复一段语言。 extinguishes to enter to invade to annihilate 入侵歼灭 Xuanyin, rear area!” Mu Xiao drank one, seeing that only to receive machinery wolfdog of Mu Xuanyin dashing strength, suddenly restored, turned into the urgent telegram aggressive speed, violent present pair of sharp metal claw, vicious killing. 绚音,后方!”木萧喝了一句,看见那只本来受了木绚音冲撞力的机械狼狗,忽然恢复了过来,又化成了急电般的凶悍速度,暴现一双尖锐的金属爪子,凶厉地扑杀而来。 Almost in speech one of the Mu Xiao reminder, Mu Xuanyin obtained the warning of mecha system, the body revolved keenly, but she took out dagger on mecha back energy double knife-edge longblade and thigh without enough time, the mecha wrist/skill spot, stretched out the a stream cutting sharp blade, wiped the sharp electricity glow sparkle swiftly and violently, ruthless accurate machinery wolfdog that only threw, cut two sections, a lot of bloody water and sparks bloomed. 几乎在木萧提醒的说话一出,木绚音得到了机甲系统的警报,身体敏锐回旋,但她来不及取出机甲背后的能量双刃长刀和大腿上的匕首,不过机甲的手腕部位,伸出了一道切割利刃,迅猛一抹锋利电芒闪耀,狠准的把那只扑来的机械狼狗,斩成两截,大量血水和火花绽放。 extinguishes to enter to invade to invade That only machinery wolfdog body succeeds in giving up two sections, still does not have died to send out the hoarse strange voice. 那只机械狼狗身躯断成两截,依然没有死去发出了沙哑的怪异语音。 brother, what variation monster is this? Like this to be how strange......” Mu Xuanyin to take back the shield and machine gun, took out back double-edge longblade, provokes machinery wolfdog that half had not died, discovered that half a year body non-stop bleeding, meanwhile some energy liquids flow out, but inside organ unexpectedly majority is machinery. ,这是什么变异怪物?怎么这样奇怪……”木绚音收回盾牌和机关枪,取出了背后的双刃长刀,拨弄了一下那半只没死的机械狼狗,发现半载身体不停流血,同时还有能量液体流出,而里面的器官竟然大部分是机械 Hit one...... actually to could subdue remnantly.” Mu Xiao is suppressing four machinery wolfdog, said: This is passes through the variation bio-machine dog, variation later blood and flesh and machinery assimilates a body, presents alternative lifeform, therefore machinery dog machinery does not have malfunctions, because machinery has become part of their body, even can use the transformation of machinery, the mouth spits the criticism/human language.” “打残了一只……其实也许可以收服的。”木萧镇压着四只机械狼狗,说道:“这是经过变异生化机械狗,变异之后血肉机械同化成一体,呈现出一种另类生命体,所以机械狗身上的机械没有失灵,因为机械已经成为了它们身体的一部分,甚至可以利用机械的改造,口吐人言。” Originally is such monster, moreover can subdue.” Mu Xuanyin small acting like a spoiled brat said: brother, how you did not tell me earlier, I showed mercy, did not cut two halves it.” “原来是这样的怪物,而且还可以收服。”木绚音小小的撒娇道:“,你怎么不早点告诉我,那我就手下留情,不把它斩成两半了。” I also just thought......, let alone the bio-machine dog appeared too suddenly said without enough time.” Mu Xiao looked at a that only half dead undying bio-machine dog, said: Since, this bio-machine dog is not only able to restore the treatment, defeats Core of its head simply, harvests Evolution Power Origins, perhaps will have a machinery ability.” “我也刚想起来……何况生化机械狗出现得太突然来不及说。”木萧看了一眼那只半死不死生化机械狗,说道:“既然,这只生化机械狗无法修复治疗,干脆击破它脑袋的核心,收获进化力源泉,说不定还会有一个机械能力。” Un.” Mu Xuanyin is not first time slaughters monster, was very neat pierced the head of bio-machine dog, that off and on machinery voice also stopped, only had four bio-machine dog that suppressed in the ground endlessly is still repeating. “嗯。”木绚音不是第一次杀戮怪物,很干净利落得刺穿了生化机械狗的头部,那断断续续的机械语音也停止了下来,只有四只镇压在地面的生化机械狗还在不断重复。 The bio-machine dog has 40 Genetic Resonance probably, but Mu Xuanyin is higher than this frequency, dissatisfied upgrade Genetic Resonance, but such as Mu Xiao expects, the bio-machine dog of dying, machinery origins appeared the appearance, moreover specialization degree. 生化机械狗大概有四十基因共鸣,但木绚音高于这个次数,不满足提升一次基因共鸣,但如木萧所料,死去的生化机械狗,有一个机械源泉浮现了出现,而且还是专精程度。 brother, how you know that these machinery dogs do have the machinery ability?” Mu Xuanyin absorbed this machinery origins happily, was near one step from Machinery Control . ,你怎么知道这些机械狗有机械能力的?”木绚音高兴地吸收了这个机械源泉,距离机械掌控又近了一步。 Guesses.” Mu Xiao one, was unable to tell Mu Xuanyin in a tone with, in later Earth and days of Moon real eruption conflict, Moon will release massive Bio-machinery Species to fight, attempts to bring back the Earth initiative. “猜的。”木萧一语带过,无法告诉木绚音,在以后地球月球真正爆发冲突的一段日子里,月球会释放大量生化机械物种来进行战斗,企图取回地球的主动权。 Now, Mu Xiao guessed correctly probably this channel deep place is anything, but is hard in the estimate to have existence of many this kind of Bio-machinery Species . 如今,木萧大概猜到了这条通道深处是什么东西,但难以估计里面有多少这类生化机械物种的存在。 Mu Xiao is thinking thing time, Mu Xuanyin asked almost lets the issue that he faints. 木萧正在想东西的时候,木绚音问了一个差点让他晕倒的问题。 brother, can the meat of these machinery dogs, take to eat?” ,这些机械狗的肉,可以拿回去吃吗?” „...... Takes your oneself to eat?” “……拿回去你自己吃?” I want you to eat to brother.” “我想给你吃。” ...... …… Mu Xiao does not pay attention to the idea of this small little girl unearthly temporarily, starts full power to activate oneself the strength of data, invades in the bio-machine Dog Head section that Core LightBrain, changes inside these data, gains authority of bio-machine dog, that can receive for oneself uses. 木萧暂时不理会这个小妮子古灵精怪的想法,开始全力激活自己的数据之力,入侵生化机械狗头部里那个核心光脑,修改里面那些数据,获取生化机械狗的权限,那就可以收为己用。 This high-end bio-machine technology, is not Earthling develops, excellent Kuwait technology that but wanders about destitute from Space Vibration, is the product of another advanced definite orders. 这种高端生化机械技术,不是地球人开发出来的,而是从空间震荡流落出来的高超科技术,是另外一个高级明文的产物。 The bio-machine dog of Mu Xiao present uniform/subdue is most elementary one, it can be said that beginning end product, only then tears and bites and Attack Power of small machine gun, but constitution unified the machinery characteristics, just only has Apex Body One-layered Realm, but this is variation later strengthening. 木萧现在制服的生化机械狗是最低级的一种,可以说是初成品,只有撕咬和小机枪的攻击力,但体质结合了机械的特性,刚好只有顶尖体一重境,不过这是变异之后的强化 But Bio-machinery Species does not have any special capability, majority are only machinery weapon close-combat these three kinds of abilities, but can swallow any energy and meats, has strong digestion ability, strengthens the itself constitution intensity lifeform blood and flesh, even after absorption lifeform gene, presents some characteristics, as well as has extremely strong slaughtering, turns into the ice-cold terrifying fight machine. 生化机械物种没有任何特殊能力,大多数只是机械武器格斗这三类能力,但可以吞食任何能量和肉类,拥有很强消化能力,把生物血肉加强自身体质强度,甚至吸收生物基因之后,呈现出一些特性,以及有极强的杀戮性,化成冰冷恐怖的战斗机器。
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