REE :: Volume #2

#138: Restores small-scale mecha

To be better to develop this small-scale mecha biggest potential, Mu Xiao continually uses Machinery Control the strength of data the process optimization, makes Mu Xuanyin turn looks for Room machinery, looks at these things, can use the addition on this small-scale mecha. 为了更好开发这一副小型机甲的最大潜力,木萧不断用机械掌控的数据之力来优化程序,又让木绚音翻找一下机械,看有那些东西,可以利用加装在这一副小型机甲上面。 „The rotation of energy engine can also increase 3x obviously, these designers are really one crowd of straw bags......” “明明能量引擎的转数还可以加大三倍,那些设计师真是一群草包……” Installs the metal shell of thick body, may affect the speed, but this is only the Old Human standard, regarding having Apex Body qualitative newbie, such weight does not start the alleviating burdens installment still to disregard even.” “加装厚身的金属外壳,可能会影响速度,但这只是旧人类的标准,对于拥有顶尖体质的新人来说,这样的重量就算不开启减负装置也可以无视掉。” Really, all sorts of values only suit Old Human, here has enough part fortunately, strengthens this mecha. If digs down Security Office these dark gold is, makes a metal shell, mecha Defensive Power increases over several times at least, even changes greatly one time, this mecha I can use.” “果然,种种数值只适合旧人类,还好这里有足够元件,将这一台机甲重新加强一遍。如果挖下保安厅那些暗金属,重新做成一个金属外壳,机甲防御力起码增加加几倍以上,甚至大改一次,这台机甲我就可以使用了。” ...... …… Mu Xiao has the Machinery Control ability, equally in having the strong machinery knowledge, let alone he since Genetic Resonance frequency, after upgrade to the 82 time, originally Machinery Control that Eight-layered Realm skilled, automatic upgrade to peak Nine-layered Realm. 木萧机械掌控的能力,相等于拥有超强机械知识,何况他自从基因共鸣次数,提升八十二次之后,本来机械掌控八重境的熟练度,自动提升巅峰九重境 Included Weapon Control and Close-combat Control ability, comprehensively to peak. 包括了武器掌控格斗掌控的能力,全面到了一个巅峰 His present these three spirit wisdom System Ability, have handled skillfully, read , then passed. 现在这三个灵智系能力,已经运用自如,一念则通。 however, has seen innumerably in Mu Xiao previous life compared with present also high-end mecha, strengthening this mecha nature is easy, accomplishes a task with ease. 然而,在木萧上一世见过无数比现在还高端的机甲,强化这一副机甲自然手到擒来,游刃有余。 Spent for two -and-a-half hours, the Mu Xiao maximization oneself machinery ability, help of one pile of construction robots, strengthened this mecha various aspect values in addition finally brand-new, originally the value can only have the Apex Body Three-layered Realm strength, present had the Four-layered Realm initial strength. 花了二个半小时,木萧最大化自己机械能力,又加上一堆工程机器人的帮忙,终于全新加强了这一副机甲的各方面数值,本来数值只能有顶尖体三重境的力量,现在有了四重境初期的力量。 Because a Villa Region war harvested numerous variation beast, has rich meat resource, the Mu Xiao preparation then uses these variation beast meat, makes the breakthrough in this time constitution again, therefore did not consider this mecha as the equipment. 因为别墅区一战收获了众多变异兽,有很丰富的肉食资源,木萧准备接下来利用这些变异兽肉,在这段时间体质再做突破,所以不考虑这副机甲作为装备了。 This small-scale mecha is: UC S005, fifth generation body. 这副小型机甲本来是:UC-S005,第五代机体。 present Mu Xiao revised to change one time: UC S006, sixth generation of body. 现在木萧又修改了一次就改成了:UC-S006,第六代机体。 UC S006 highly two meters high, after the weight Mu Xiao has strengthened, the metal body fully has the 5~6 ton, carrying capacity upgrade, strength upgrade, defense upgrade and engine increased, the reduction installment and energy equipment...... and so on equipment and systems also underwent the optimization, made some changes. UC-S006高度有两米高,重量给木萧增强过之后,金属身躯足有五六吨重,承受力提升、力量提升防御提升、引擎加大、减重装置、能量装置……等等装置和系统也经过了优化,做了一些改变。 If beforehand UC S006 mecha is a youngster, that present UC S006 is grew up the middle-age people. 如果之前的UC-S006机甲是一个少年,那现在的UC-S006就是一个长大了的壮年人。 UC S006 also has the external weapon equipment, the back has double-edge energy longblade and an energy machine gun, on the thigh has two energy daggers, in the body arm brings the expansion cutting sharp blade and metal shield, the head, shoulder and some chest energy beams. UC-S006还有外置武器配备,背后有一把双刃能量长刀和一把能量机关枪,大腿上有两把能量匕首,机体手臂里自带伸缩切割利刃和金属盾牌,头部、肩膀、胸口都有能量射线。 But begins using the weapon comparison waste energy on body, therefore has the external weapon equipment, one of them to save body energy, its two are to strengthen the lethality on body. 但启用机体上的武器比较浪费能量,所以才有外置武器配备,其中之一就是为了节省机体能量,其二就是加强机体上的杀伤力。 however, UC S006 external weapon provided altogether deposits three sets, Mu Xiao equipped one set on the body, two sets. 然而,UC-S006的外置武器配备一共存放了三套,木萧装备了一套在机体上,还有两套。 Originally this weapon provides quite in a big way, for example double-edge energy longblade, is usually the energy longblade 3x size, the A Grade constitution person takes strenuously, let alone handled skillfully, moreover must connect LightBrain on body to start weapon. 本来这武器配备比较大,譬如一把双刃能量长刀,是平时能量长刀三倍大小,A级体质的人拿起来都吃力,别说运用自如了,而且必须连接机体上的光脑才能启动武器 However, under the Mu Xiao's machinery ability, attacks and captures the limit on weapon immediately, but his constitution went beyond the range of ordinary person, can use these weapon directly. 不过,在木萧的机械能力之下,立刻就攻克了武器上的限制,而他体质又超出了普通人的范围,直接可以用这些武器 I test.” Mu Xiao said to Mu Xuanyin, hit a sound to refer, said: UC armed activation!” “我上去测试一下。”木萧木绚音说了一句,打了个响指,说道:“UC武装激活!” This is name of Mu Xiao in LightBrain establishment to small-scale mecha, when LightBrain confirmed the Mu Xiao's sound and life fluctuates, the body ocular region sends out the bright, each spot splits the individual fast, flies on Mu Xiao to conduct the assembly. 这是木萧小型机甲里面光脑设置的名字,当光脑验证了木萧的声音和生命波动,机体眼部发出亮光,每一个部位快速分裂成个体,飞行到木萧身上进行组装。 Did not need the 30 second, the Mu Xiao whole body to cover a layer upon layer metal, turned into a two meters high silver steel person. 不用三十秒,木萧全身覆盖了一层层金属,化成了一个两米高的银色钢铁人。 brother! You are quite charming!” Mu Xuanyin pupil twinkle star ray. !你好帅气!”木绚音眸子闪烁星星般的光芒 Probably also good......” Mu Xiao brandished a steel arm layer on layer/heavily, air such as the broken wind of monster low roar howled, surged a compelling strength, this fist had about 8000 kilogram gravity at least. But Mu Xiao only used partly to become about the strength, strengthened the three parts strength, but also was almost extreme limit. “好像还不错……”木萧重重挥舞了一下钢铁手臂,空气一阵如怪物低吼的破风呼啸,激荡了一股压逼的力,这一拳起码有上八千公斤左右的重力。但木萧只用了半成力量左右,足足增强了三成力量,不过也差不多是极限了。 Because Mu Xiao only did exterior re-equipped, internal does not have enough good material, moreover his also does not have too many time re-equipped, only optimized various internal values, achieved the strength of having Apex Four-layered Realm, but did not represent the eruption output that can withstand Four-layered Realm, present can withstand him partly to become the strength to calculate well. 因为木萧只做了外部改装,内部没有足够好的材料,而且他也没有太多时间来进行改装,只优化了内部各种数值,达到了有顶尖四重境的力量,但不代表可以承受四重境的爆发式输出,现在能承受他半成力量已经算不错了。 After Mu Xiao a series of tests, does not have discovered that Nerve Connection System has anything to make a mistake, all reaction agree with the body very much. 经过木萧一系列测试,没有发现神经连接系统有什么出错,一切反应力跟身体都很契合。 UC armed release!” The Mu Xiao words fall, mecha opened the outer covering, he walked from inside directly. “UC武装解除!”木萧话语一落,机甲打开了外壳,他直接从里面走了出来。 Looks the thoughts that Mu Xuanyin is ready to make trouble, Mu Xiao says with a smile: Our present goes to bottom one, there has a place bottom to lead, I do not know that inside has the does not have danger, you first defended self with this mecha.” 看着木绚音蠢蠢欲动的心思,木萧笑道:“我们现在去地底一层,那里有一条地底通往,我不知道里面有没有危险,你先用这一副机甲防身好了。” Un good.” Mu Xuanyin nodded immediately, walked into mecha, said grinningly: UC armed activation.” “嗯好。”木绚音马上点头,走入了机甲内部,笑嘻嘻地说道:“UC武装激活。” mecha LightBrain has the Mu Xuanyin's information, quick confirms successfully, the outer covering closes quickly. 机甲光脑木绚音的信息,很快就验证成功,外壳很快又关闭。 Mu Xuanyin made some simple movements full of enthusiasm, adapts weight feeling that mecha brings. 木绚音兴致勃勃地做了一些简单动作,适应机甲带来的重量感。 Because there is Nerve Connection System mecha to synchronize the human activity, does not limit height these values, almost achieved anybody to conduct weaponry, but must withstand a mecha small part the weight, even if there is an alleviating burdens installment, definitely cannot subtract the complete weight. 因为有神经连接系统机甲才可以同步人体动作,也不局限身高这些数值,几乎达到了任何人都可以进行武装,只不过就要承受机甲一小部分的重量,就算有减负装置,也不是完全能减去全部重量。 Before was lowest is the A Grade constitution talent can weaponry mecha, but Mu Xuanyin present has Apex Two-layered Realm constitution, quick adapted to the mecha weight feeling, was equally relaxed like the breath. 以前最低是A级体质的人才可以武装机甲,而木绚音现在已经有顶尖二重境体质,很快就适应了机甲的重量感,如同呼吸一样轻松。 No one can think that compels the feeling full mecha steel person, inside is a pretty little miss. 谁也想不到一个压逼感十足的机甲钢铁人,里面是一个娇滴滴的小姑娘。 Xuanyin, you use the oneself machinery ability to coordinate manipulate, such can understand, the skilled this mecha function.” Say/Way that Mu Xiao taught. 绚音,你用自己机械能力来进行配合操控,那样可以更加了解、熟练这副机甲的功能。”木萧教导的道。 brother, how I am not the fool possibly do not know.” Mu Xuanyin said smart-alecky: Dares to despise me, was careful that my fist beats up you.” ,我又不是笨蛋怎么可能不知道。”木绚音俏皮地说道:“敢小看我,小心我一拳揍扁你。” Yes. Queen Xuanyin, we walk.” Mu Xiao smiles, took one similar and oneself equally high double knife-edge energy longblade, walks toward outside. “是的。绚音女王,我们走吧。”木萧笑了笑,取了一把差不多跟自己一样高的双刃能量长刀,往外面走去。 I did not make Queen......” Mu Xuanyin to tread the steel footsteps to follow Mu Xiao all of a sudden. “我才不做女王……”木绚音踏着钢铁脚步一下子就跟上了木萧 ...... …… The entire underground base only has three layers, final layer is the depositing a lot of commodity places, Mu Xiao first time the time of exploring this underground base, discovered in has one is ships the cargo the channel, but because his strength was not high at that time, the does not have adventure turns on that channel, in order to avoid inside had variation monster to kill not to deal with suddenly. 整个地下基地只有三层,最后一层是存放大量物资的地方,木萧第一次探索这个地下基地的时候,发现了里面有一条似是运输货物的通道,但由于当时他实力不高,没有冒险开启那条通道,以免里面有变异怪物突然杀出来应付不了。 present he had enough confidence, naturally wants to nose one this channel to lead to where, he suspected that leads to Villa Region somewhere. But An Rongru had said that has examined the Villa Region large-scale system, does not have had discovered any strange place, does not have discovers what channel. 现在他有了足够信心,自然想去查探一番这条通道是通向哪里,他怀疑是通往别墅区的某处。但安蓉茹说过已经查看过别墅区大系统,没有发现有什么古怪的地方,更没有发现什么通道。 Mu Xiao is certainly believes An Rongru's to speak, but channel not to Villa Region, only then two possibilities, a first possibility, passes true understanding not to Villa Region, is only fortunately, some second people have hidden the truth from the large-scale system, made a covert channel, An Rongru the does not have discovery. 木萧当然是相信安蓉茹的说话,但通道不是通往别墅区,那只有两个可能,第一个可能,通道真不是通往别墅区,只是凑巧,第二个就是有人瞒过了大系统,做了一条隐蔽通道,安蓉茹没有发现。 Although, the Villa Region large-scale system is very high-end, but this dark organization respective Moon, definitely does not lack breaks through or conceals the system the method. 虽然,别墅区的大系统是很高端,但这个暗机构所属月球,肯定不缺攻破或隐瞒系统的手段。 Mu Xiao and weaponry mecha Mu Xuanyin, arrived piles up with the commodity the final layer basement. Mu Xuanyin saw so many commodities unable to bear call out in alarm, but the Mu Xiao goal was in deep place that metal sluice gate. 木萧武装机甲木绚音,来到堆满物资的最后一层地下室。木绚音看见如此多物资忍不住惊呼了起来,但木萧目标是在深处那道金属闸门 Before arriving at this metal sluice gate, Mu Xiao actually discovered that the system in gate, does not connect the large-scale system of base unexpectedly, that means that in also the system, has the does not have system to be the same in the Mu Xiao eye, in the hand exudes the machinery data, activated the sluice gate switch instantaneously. 当来到了这道金属闸门前,木萧却发现门上的系统,居然不是连接基地的大系统,那意味着里面还有一个系统,不过在木萧眼中有没有系统都一样,手中泛起机械数据,瞬间就激活了闸门的开关。 Mu Xiao makes Mu Xuanyin take out the back energy machine gun to alert, then opened at present this a stream sluice gate, presented profound cold desolation to let the channel that the will of the people trembled, inside pitch-dark does not know that extended where, could not see the end, gloomy and cold moist aura filled the air gradually, seemed channel a to lead to hell. 木萧木绚音取出背后的能量机关枪进行戒备,然后开启了眼前这一道闸门,出现了一条幽深冷寂得让人心颤的通道,里面漆黑一团不知延伸到何处,看不见尽头,渐渐有一股阴冷潮湿的气息弥漫出来,仿佛是一条通向地狱的通道。 Xuanyin, your mecha has the night vision function, what does the distant place have to discover?” The night vision ability of Mu Xiao eye is good, but also can only see clearly front 300~400 meter about, might as well have mecha Mu Xuanyin to look farther ahead. 绚音,你机甲有夜视功能,远处有什么发现?”木萧眼睛的夜视能力不错,但也只能看清前方三四百米的左右,不如有机甲木绚音看得远。 does not have, empty.” Mu Xuanyin returns said. 没有,空荡荡。”木绚音回道。 Un. I go.” Mu Xiao said the sentence, when first walked into, Mu Xuanyin later, then closed metal sluice gate, the prevention suddenly presented variation monster, sneaked into the basement. “嗯。那我进去吧。”木萧说了句当先走入了去,木绚音随后,然后关闭了金属闸门,预防突然出现变异怪物,溜进地下室。 At this time, a channel thorough darkness piece, but Mu Xuanyin opened the illumination function of mecha forehead, relaxed front that gloomy terrifying greatly, like fierce big mouth sensation. 此时,通道彻底黑暗一片,但木绚音开启了机甲额头的照明功能,大大缓和了前方那一股阴森恐怖,像一张狰狞大口的感觉 The channel has a 5~6 meter width, the wall is very smooth with the floor, like the rough construct said/tunnel, is not only all the way the does not have half lamp, other does not have least bit things, such as Mu Xuanyin said is the same, empty, actually showed very strange strange aura. 通道有五六米宽,墙壁和地板都很平滑,不像粗糙建造的地道,只是一路上没有半盏灯,更没有半点其他东西,如木绚音所说的一样,空空荡荡,却透出了一股非常诡异古怪的气息。 This channel deathly stillness fearfully, only then the Mu Xuanyin mecha heavy sound of footsteps non-stop reverberating, covers sound that Mu Xiao walked. 这一条通道死寂得可怕,只有木绚音机甲的沉重脚步声不停回荡,掩盖了木萧行走的声音。 brother, probably does not have monster, but a little sensation of infant.” The Mu Xuanyin's sound passed from mecha. ,好像没有怪物,不过有点毛毛的感觉。”木绚音的声音从机甲里面传了出来。 If goes nonstop to Villa Region, does not have monster is not extraordinary, but my sensation this underground walk does not have like this was simple......” a Mu Xiao words saying to end, seeing the front to present the minute/share of road fork of two roads, above also had a stream metal big sluice gate. “如果是直通别墅区,没有怪物不出奇,但我感觉这条地下通道没有这样简单……”木萧话语一说完,看见前方出现了两条路的分岔口,上面同样有一道金属大闸门 brother, what to do?” Mu Xuanyin is a little anxious, for fear that separates with Mu Xiao. ,怎么办?”木绚音有点紧张,生怕跟木萧分开走。 Your this girl, just added anything to assume sole responsibility for an important task, originally depends in the big brother small girl.” Mu Xiao teased said. “你这丫头,刚刚还说什么独挡一面,原来还是赖在大哥的小丫头。”木萧取笑得说道。 Snort, but you said that protects my.” Mu Xuanyin this was teased, sensation was not quite anxious, understands that oneself elder brother is impossible to throw down oneself, immediately put down the worry. “哼,可是你说保护我的。”木绚音被这一调笑,感觉也不太紧张了,也明白自己哥哥不可能丢下自己,顿时放下了担心。 Before two people arrive at metal sluice gate, Mu Xiao stood a while to think, one greatly possibly to Villa Region, one was to very lead to a secret place without doubt. 当两人来到金属闸门前,木萧站立了一会儿想了想,一条很大可能是通往别墅区,一条无疑是通往一个秘密地方。
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