REE :: Volume #2

#137: Returns to the basement

After the system of Law Firm and underground base was activated by Mu Xiao, LightBrain starts to conduct the comprehensive reorganization, all cleaning robots received the control of LightBrain. But Law Firm is a Moon dark organization, begun using LightBrain is not naturally bad, this is market does not have sell high intelligent LightBrain, has is not lower than the thinking power and comprehension faculty of human, even there are calculate strength that surpasses human. 律师楼和地下基地的系统被木萧激活之后,光脑开始进行全面整顿,所有清洁机器人受到了光脑的支配。而律师楼是一个月球一个暗机构,启用的光脑自然不差,这是市面没有出售的高智能光脑,拥有不低于人类的思考力和理解力,甚至有超出人类的计算力。 Mu Xiao activates the large-scale system LightBrain, simultaneously changed the highest authority establishment, present he became highest authority, control all systems of entire dark organization. For example, defense system and weaponry system, detection system, supervisory system and warning system...... wait/etc, these system facilities compared with Villa Region advanced several times, if does not have obtains the authority person, is unable the safe and sound coming in basement. 木萧激活大系统的光脑,同时修改了最高权限设置,现在他成了最高权限者,掌控了整个暗机构的一切系统。譬如,防御系统和武装系统、探测系统、监控系统、警报系统……等等,这些系统装置比起别墅区先进好几倍,如果没有获得权限的人,无法安然无恙的进来地下室。 Perhaps this dark organization does not have weaponry robot, had the weaponry robot before, but after Ending World erupts, did not remove some people to take these robots, Mu Xiao also issued additionally has some weapon equipped is taken the trace. If not here has many commodities, Ending World so erupts is also sudden, here commodity had possibly been shifted, round on Mu Xiao did not collect this fruit. 但这个暗机构没有武装机器人,也许之前有武装机器人,不过末世爆发之后,不排除有人取走了这些机器人,木萧也增发现有一些武器装备被取走过的痕迹。如果不是这里拥有不少物资,末世爆发得又如此突然,很可能这里的物资早就被人转移,轮不上木萧来拾取这个果实了。 At this time, all cleaner people make the health busily, some lot of trash swept clear, cleanser water vapor scatters in the channel, but two do not pay attention to busy of cleaning robot, step by step thorough next base. 此时,所有清洁器人忙忙碌碌地做卫生,有大量垃圾清扫了出来,一股清洁剂水汽飘散在通道,但有两人不理会清洁机器人的忙碌,一步步深入下一层基地。 brother, what do you lead me to look at?” Mu Xuanyin eye pupil water sparkling, curious sizes up this underground base. ,你带我去看什么?”木绚音眼眸水莹莹,充满好奇的打量这个地下基地。 Can the equipment of large scale upgrade battle efficiency.” Mu Xiao said with a smile mystically. “一件可以大幅度提升战斗力的装备。”木萧神秘一笑道。 Mu Xuanyin also wants to ask anything time, Mu Xiao stops in front of machinery laboratory, saw inside center by the armored glass, steel small-scale mecha that just like the robot. At first Mu Xiao knew this mecha time, is pleasantly surprised, but soon knew mecha is only the half-finished product . Moreover the part procedure/program also misses the last step optimization, let alone some weapon also does not have dispose, therefore he gave up reluctantly the thought of carrying off this set of mecha. 木绚音还想问什么的时候,木萧停在机械研究室的门前,透过钢化玻璃看见了里面中心处,那副犹如机器人的钢铁小型机甲。起初木萧得知了这副机甲的时候,非常惊喜,但很快得知了机甲只是半成品,而且元件程序还差最后一步的优化,更别说一些武器没有配置好,所以他无奈地放弃了带走这套机甲的念头。 present Mu Xiao had the Machinery Mastery ability, so long as coordinates project LightBrain of machinery laboratory, can definitely complete this small-scale mecha. Mu Xiao leads Mu Xuanyin to enter Room machinery, arrived to connect in front of mecha of many data line, said: Xuanyin, I complete this mecha to you......” 现在木萧拥有了机械掌握的能力,只要配合机械研究室的工程光脑,完全可以做好这副小型机甲木萧领着木绚音来进入机械,走到连接了很多数据线的机甲面前,说道:“绚音,我把这副机甲做好给你……” brother, my favor your frequently love, places the first position me very much safely, but are you partial to me is not unfair to others?” Mu Xuanyin is pure, the look impurity, has not the artificial delicate beauty limpidly no other , the intelligent clever analysis said: However this mecha only then close combat type Neo-Human can play the maximum might, but my ability like playing inside assistance master, assists to affect in the fight, if I used this mecha to increase the security solely, will waste the mecha main close combat strength. brother, I am not a good candidate.” ,我心里很喜爱你时刻的宠爱、把我安全放在第一位,但你过于偏爱我是不是对其他人不公平?”木绚音纯真明秀,眼神清澈别无杂质,有不做作的清秀之美,又聪明伶俐的分析说道:“而这副机甲只有近战类型的新人类才能发挥到最大的威力,但我的能力就像游戏里面的辅助法师一样,在战斗中起协助作用,如果我用了这副机甲只是单一增加安全性,会浪费机甲主要近战力。,我不是一个好人选。” Sees the Mu Xiao vision to have happily also has the applause, the Mu Xuanyin small face is a little charming , is a little at heart proud. 木萧目光有欣慰又有赞许,木绚音小脸有点娇羞,心里又有点骄傲。 Originally my family's small princess grew up, understood that the analysis issue refuted my elder brother. However I am partial to your small princess, originally is natural.” The Mu Xiao intimate and concerned words, made the Mu Xuanyin tender and delicate cheek well up lovable blushing all of a sudden, the heart such as integrate the honey to be fragrant. “原来我家的小公主长大了,懂得分析问题来反驳我这个哥哥。但是我偏爱你这位小公主,本来就是理所当然的。”木萧亲密和关切的话语,一下子让木绚音娇嫩脸蛋涌上可爱的红晕,芳心如融入了蜜糖般香甜。 But I do not want in others eyes, younger sister that but protects by elder brother, I also want like the ability that Yuanxin elder sister them assumes sole responsibility for an important task.” Mu Xuanyin becomes earnest, that pair of pupil was bright as if completely understood the will of the people, „, because I know that elder brother you want to return to Moon to ask for all, therefore I must become elder brother your side most powerful helper.” “但我不想在别人眼中,只是一个靠哥哥来保护的妹妹,我也想有像媛馨姐姐她们一样独当一面的能力。”木绚音变得认真起来,那双眸子明亮得仿佛看透了人心,“因为我知道哥哥你想重返月球讨回一切,所以我要成为哥哥你身边最强大的帮手。” Mu Xiao silent a meeting, cannot think that Mu Xuanyin looked at all at heart, no wonder she in the dwelling, insisted that went out to plunder the commodity with the motorcade, originally in her mind had a goal of effort. Thought of here, Mu Xiao could not help grasp this surface to be soft, innermost feelings actually strong small little girl. 木萧沉默了一会,想不到木绚音把一切都看在了心里,怪不得她在住处的时候,坚持跟车队出去搜刮物资,原来她心目中有了一个努力的目标。想到了这里,木萧情不自禁抱住了这个表面柔软,内心却坚强的小妮子 The Mu Xuanyin tender face wipes shyly ruddy, like the lover family member during the Mu Xiao warm bosom, soft such as the exquisite body of water snuggles on earnestly that strong solid chest, is listening to inside strong powerful heartbeat clearly, at this moment so calm and steady. 木绚音娇颜一抹羞涩红润,如同情侣亲人般埋头在木萧温热的怀抱之中,柔软如水的玲珑身子依偎那健硕结实的胸膛上,清晰听着里面一颗强壮有力的心跳,这一刻如此的安稳。 Her flesh has like the milk fragrant fragrance, the attractive kiss tastes, but Mu Xiao does not think that offensive pure she, wants to transform this relations to give her happy romantic love sensation slowly, does not think that she is what regret, because in some sense, this is her first time romantic love. 她身上肌肤有着如牛奶般香甜的芳香,诱人亲吻品尝,但木萧不想唐突纯洁的她,想慢慢转变这段关系给她美好的恋爱感觉,不想她留下什么遗憾,因为从某种意义上,这是她第一次的恋爱 Xuanyin, I only think that your does not have worry lives, does not think that you deliberately make the change.” Mu Xiao lets loose she pleasantly warm exquisite body, the facial expression is gradually faint, „, to assume sole responsibility for an important task in this era, must learn callous and blood and iron, but your heart is pure and good, perhaps your kill monsters thing has the excuse to comfort oneself, but if makes you massacre over a thousand, over ten thousand, conquered by killing all life...... that you to do?” 绚音,我只想你没有烦恼生活下去,不想你刻意去做改变。”木萧放开她温软玲珑的身子,神情渐渐淡漠,“因为如果想在这个时代独当一面,就必须学会冷酷和铁血,但你的心是纯洁和善良的,也许你杀怪物有借口安慰自己,但如果让你杀掉上千名、上万,血洗一切生命……那你做得了么?” Looks that her complexion becomes slightly white, probably thinks the fight that massacres life, Mu Xiao pities kisses her forehead lightly, said: Mu Xuanyin is Mu Xuanyin, does not serve as any change, because I liked such Mu Xuanyin...... these sins making me shoulder am good.” 看着她脸色变得微白,好像想到了残杀生命的战斗,木萧怜悯地轻吻她额头,说道:“木绚音木绚音,不用做任何改变,因为我喜欢这样的木绚音……那些罪孽让我来背负就好了。” Mu Xuanyin eyes are red red also wants to speak, but Mu Xiao shakes the head, she understands that oneself elder brother does not think the oneself adventure. 木绚音眼红红还想说什么话,但木萧摇了摇头,她明白自己哥哥不想自己冒险。 If you really, me did not go on living and have what significance. 如果你真不在了,我活下去又有什么意义。 Mu Xuanyin low and deep musing. 木绚音低沉的暗想。 The Mu Xiao palm according to her head, as if heard speech in her heart, smiles was saying: I will not have the matter, because I have said guardianship you.” 木萧手掌按在她的头上,仿佛听到了她心中的说话,微笑着说道:“我不会有事,因为我说过守护着你。” Shifting to a new subject, Mu Xiao said: If you really want to help, I can you arrange a matter to do.” 话锋一转,木萧说道:“如果你真想帮忙,我可以你安排一个事来做吧。” Really?” Mu Xuanyin pupil one bright, the facial expression becomes lively. “真的?”木绚音眸子一亮,神情变得活泼起来。 Until now, her sensation Shangguan Yuanxin's love, is also looking after oneself, the does not have arrangement matter has been done to oneself, actually also wants to work at heart. 一直以来,她也感觉上官媛馨的宠爱,非常照顾着自己,一直没有安排事情给自己做,其实心里也很想做点事情。 present permits after Mu Xiao's, she naturally was happy. 现在木萧的允许,她心里当然高兴了。 What matter is?” Mu Xuanyin curious and impatient asking. “是什么事情?”木绚音好奇又心急的问道。 Manages all ordinary people.” Mu Xiao smiles saying: „The duty of similar public relations, making these ordinary people have order to work, displays their proper ability......” “管理所有的普通人。”木萧笑了笑说道:“类似公关的职务,让那些普通人有秩序做事,发挥出他们应有的能力……” Previous Shangguan Yuanxin wants to make Xia Meiqin the Mu Xiao's woman, then does to hold the post of this Core duty, but Mu Xiao rejected devotion of Xia Meiqin, thus this matter reaches a deadlock temporarily, present Mu Xiao recalls, if holds the post to could to Mu Xuanyin good, after all Mu Xuanyin has the good popularity in the motorcade, can plan to make up experience to be insufficient. 上次上官媛馨想让夏美琴成为木萧的女人,然后做担任这个核心职务,但木萧拒绝了夏美琴的献身,从而这件事情暂时搁浅,现在木萧回想起来,如果给木绚音担任也许能行,毕竟木绚音在车队里有不错的人气,可以拟补经验不足。 Mu Xiao could see that Mu Xuanyin a little worried and worried at heart, because runs several hundred people all of a sudden, is not an easy matter, then said with her: I will make Shangguan Yuanxin find a person to be your assistant, there is a Shangguan Yuanxin management general situation, actually will not have greatly is too troublesome.” 木萧看得出木绚音心里有点顾虑和担忧,因为一下子掌管好几百人,不是一件容易的事情,便跟她说道:“我会让上官媛馨找一个人来做你助手,又有上官媛馨主持大局,其实不会有太大麻烦。” Listened to his speech, the Mu Xuanyin small face to launch the smile gradually. 听了他的说话,木绚音小脸渐渐展开了笑颜。 Xuanyin, you said that oneself is not suitable to make this mecha master, you said that who suits.” Mu Xiao with Mu Xuanyin spoke the time, the palm touched on a machine, emitted continuously data ray, connected inside LightBrain to restore. 绚音,你说自己不适合做这副机甲主人,那你说说谁适合。”木萧木绚音说话的时候,手掌触摸一台机器上,放出一缕缕数据光线,连接里面的光脑进行修复。 Naturally was elder brother you are most suitable.” Mu Xuanyin wants not to think, the small sweet-talking said with a smile. “当然是哥哥你最适合了。”木绚音想也不想,小嘴甜笑道。 Un. This is the fact right. What a pity my constitution strength has gone beyond the mecha tolerance range, similarly is not a good candidate.” Mu Xiao did not deny the great strength of oneself, but mecha also had a extreme limit value, even Overclocking is unable to plan to make up some insufficient, for example mecha material quality intensity. “嗯。这是事实没错。可惜我的体质力量已经超出机甲的承受范围,同样不是一个好人选。”木萧不否认自己的强大,不过机甲同样有一个极限数值,就算超频激发也无法拟补一些不足,譬如说机甲的材质强度。 The Mu Xiao present strength has the 10,000 kilogram fully, this mecha material quality cannot withstand such immense output, possibly fights with the fists, the mecha internal energy system collapsed. Naturally, if treated as mechanical inner armor to put on, can increase the defense nature. 木萧现在力量足有一万公斤,这副机甲的材质承受不了这样巨大输出,可能一拳打出,机甲内部的能量系统就崩溃了。当然,如果当作了机械内甲来穿的话,也是可以增加防御性的。 Simply speaking, this mecha limited the Mu Xiao's constitution strength, only if SS Grade above mecha. When because constitution exceeded a value, mecha becomes more and more unimportant, only if Vermilion Bird Battle Armor this kind of treasure, or transforms mecha that becomes with the unusual metal, can withstand constitution, the release like the nuclear bomb explosive strength. 简单来说,这副机甲限制了木萧的体质力量,除非是SS级以上的机甲。因为当体质超出了一个数值的时候,机甲变得越来越不重要,除非是朱雀战铠这类宝物,又或者用奇特金属改造而成的机甲,才能承受极体质,释放如同核弹般的爆炸性力量。 however, in future New World mecha, majority after the re-equipping and strengthening, can bear the strength impacts of most constitution, therefore receives Neo-Human to welcome very much, causes Neo-Human too not to take seriously the constitution Cultivation primary cause. 然而,在未来新世界机甲,大部分都是经过改装和强化,可以承受大多数体质的力量冲击,所以很受新人类欢迎,也造成新人类不太重视体质修炼的主要原因。 Because wants good mecha, the constitution value has big amplification, exempts the laborious Cultivation constitution process. 因为只要一副好机甲,体质数值有一个大增幅,免去辛苦修炼体质的过程。 present this S Grade mecha, can only the amplification Apex Body Three-layered Realm degree, be higher than Three-layered Realm constitution, mecha will unable to withstand. Except that the ordinary person is unable to equip beside, most Neo-Human can equip, moreover equipped this mecha, were in disguised form many to be next to the Mu Xiao's constitution expert. 现在这一副S级机甲,只能增幅顶尖体三重境的程度,高于三重境体质,机甲就会承受不住。除去普通人无法装备之外,大部分新人类都可以装备,而且装备了这一副机甲,变相多了一个仅次于木萧的体质高手。 After Mu Xuanyin listens Mu Xiao's explained that looking pensive thought a while, said: I and Elder Sister Zhou Xuan they are Two-layered Realm constitution, Yaoyao is also two-layered constitution, then elected a person is not OK in them?” 木绚音听了木萧的讲解之后,若有所思想了一会儿,说道:“我和周萱姐姐她们都是二重境体质,还有瑶瑶也是二重体质,那在她们里面选一个人不就可以了么?” Whom do you elect?” Mu Xiao both hands emit the mass data rays, non-stop restoring all machines. “那你选谁?”木萧双手冒出大量数据光线,不停修复所有机器。 Elder Sister Zhou Xuan has that sunlight ability, possibly does not like sealing in mecha, moreover she very fierce......” Mu Xuanyin has thought, finally said: I thought that to Shaonan elder sister, because of her does not have good attack capability, Elder Sister Ling also has been very probably suitable, but she absorbs an attack capability today, the battle efficiency had upgrade, might as well plans to make up the Attack Power insufficiency to Shaonan elder sister.” 周萱姐姐有那个阳光能力,可能不喜欢密封在机甲里面,而且她已经很厉害……”木绚音想了想,最终说道:“我觉得给韶楠姐姐,因为她好像一直没有好的攻击能力,本来玲姐姐也挺适合的,但今天她吸收了一个攻击能力,战斗力有了提升,还不如给韶楠姐姐拟补攻击力的不足。” Plundered the commodity in the motorcade that time, Jiang Yunwei obtained a Space-dividing Strike attack capability, but other Dan Miaoyi and Sun Xinyue ability was not the close combat class, the fight is inferior to Yan Shaonan, especially the war feeling on weapon, she had very high talent. Also strong as for the Jian Hanyao battle efficiency, does not need several plus one vice- mecha to come amplification, Shangguan Yuanxin is not the main combatants. 在车队搜刮物资的那一段时间,蒋云蔚获得了一个隔空打击的攻击能力,而其余单妙依孙新月能力不是近战类,战斗又不如严韶楠,特别是兵器上的战感,她有很高天赋。至于简涵瑶战斗力也很强,不需要多加一副机甲增幅,上官媛馨也不是主要战斗人员。 Therefore, Mu Xuanyin considers them on does not have. 因此,木绚音没有考虑她们。 Actually in the motorcade also some Neo-Human can consider, is only Mu Xuanyin with a Mu Xiao temper, biased oneself person. 其实车队里还有一些新人类可以考虑,只是木绚音木萧一个性子,都偏心自己人。 That long leg does one -man show / female......” “那个长腿闷骚/女么……” Mu Xiao smiled at heart, then complied with Mu Xuanyin to Yan Shaonan, but must look how finally mecha restores, can decide truly. When comprehensive restoration all engineering robot, Mu Xiao formally started to restore this mecha. 木萧心里笑了一下,便答应了木绚音严韶楠,但还是要看最终机甲修复得如何,才能真正决定。当全面修复了所有工程机械人,木萧正式开始修复这一副机甲
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