REE :: Volume #2

#145: Peaceful evening

Sky low-spirited, when the last red cloud annihilates in the nighttime sky, welcomed a variation monster revelry night. 天空黯然了下来,当最后一丝火烧云歼灭在夜空之中,迎来了一个变异怪物狂欢的夜晚。 However, under the Villa Region 200 many people are together busy, basically tidied up the remaining corpses of overwhelming majority places. Moreover, the Shangguan Yuanxin arrangement has Neo-Human of machinery ability, restore large number of cleaning robots, increases the efficiency of clearing, told that Zhou Xuan, Duan Lingling, Sun Xinyue, Yan Shaonan, Jiang Yunwei and Dan Miaoyi...... have other owners, leads troop respectively, hunts and kills the suburb dispersion variation monster, lets peaceful time that Villa Region has at night cultivates to live to rest up shortly. 不过,在别墅区二百多人共同忙碌之下,基本收拾了绝大部分地方的残余尸体。而且,上官媛馨安排有机械能力的新人类,修复大量清洁机器人,增加清洁工作的效率,也吩咐周萱段玲玲孙新月严韶楠蒋云蔚单妙依……还有其他业主,分别带领一支队伍,猎杀郊外游散的变异怪物,让别墅区夜晚有短暂修生养息的安宁时间 Systematic that this work of day of getting down, Shangguan Yuanxin arranges, careful thorough, everyone displays the itself proper working strength, Villa Region cleans up extraordinary good. 这一天下来的工作,上官媛馨都安排的井井有条,细致周密,每一个人都发挥出自身应有的工作力,别墅区清理得出奇的好。 Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin arrive at outside the An Rongru's villa, then sent a message to make Zhou Xuan come, then sent information Shangguan Yuanxin, after informing her dinner, informing Neo-Human to meet in the garden completely, prepares a big conformity. 木萧木绚音来到安蓉茹的别墅外,然后发了一条短信让周萱过来,接着又发了一条信息上官媛馨,告知她晚饭之后,通知全部新人类在花园里开会,准备来一次大整合。 Shortly, Zhou Xuan wears the short clothes vest and small hot-pants walks, she smooth delicate like coffee flesh, waist delicately beautiful flexible, slightly several small lovable abdominal muscles, present vigorous, but sexy beauty of savagery, a double cultivation long sleek/moist greasy beautiful leg, kēng qiāng takes a step powerfully. 不久后,周萱身穿短衣背心和小热裤走来,她柔滑细嫩如咖啡般的肌肤,腰肢纤美柔韧,微微有几块小可爱的腹肌,呈现出矫健而野性的性感之美,一双修长润腻的美腿,铿锵有力地迈步而来。 „Do you make me come, have the matter?” The Zhou Xuan beautiful pupil looked at Mu Xiao one like the flowing fire, then greeted with Mu Xuanyin with a smile, asked that she plays today is happy. “你让我过来,有事么?”周萱美眸如流火般看了木萧一眼,然后笑着跟木绚音打招呼,问她今天玩得开不开心。 Walks, I think that you have a dinner together.” No matter Mu Xiao Zhou Xuan does comply, extends to pull her slender and delicate slender waist, pulls up Mu Xuanyin to walk toward the An Rongru's villa. “走吧,我想你们一起吃个晚饭。”木萧不管周萱答不答应,伸挽住她纤柔细腰,拉起木绚音安蓉茹的别墅走。 How you want...... to be think that I did divide the size with that Madam An?” Zhou Xuan cold hēng hēng charmingly angry say/way. “你想怎样……是想我和那位安夫人分大小了么?”周萱哼哼的娇嗔道。 You are my woman minute/share of anything size, has food purely.” Mu Xiao cracks a joke saying: I know that your women are hard to be harmonious, but I do not think that the oneself harem is in great confusion, only after hope you, had a tacit understanding of be good.” “你们都是我女人分什么大小,单纯吃一顿饭而已。”木萧开玩笑道:“我知道你们女人难以融洽下来,但可我不想自己的后宫乱成一团,只希望你们以后有一个默契就好了。” Bastard, you also wants many women.” Zhou Xuan like the small stray cat that acts crazy quickly, when the Mu Xiao palm slides to her soft ball full outstanding buttocks, pinched one group of tender meat that take a walk solid the ball, her pair of beautiful pupil flatters and fire immediately, wishes one could to nip several to come, has savagery of person to be charming. “混蛋,你还想要多少女人。”周萱就像一只快发飙的小野猫,只是当木萧掌下滑到她软弹饱满的翘臀,捏了捏一团走动中结实又弹的嫩肉,顿时她一双美眸又媚又火,恨不得咬几口过来,有荡人的野性妩媚。 Mu Xuanyin can hear the oneself elder brother words, includes in oneself his woman, shy lowering the head , the snow greasy elegant face got drunk the good wine to be common slightly probably, probably was tender and delicate bright red to drop the water leakage. 木绚音听得出自己哥哥的话,把自己也列入成他的女人里面,微微羞涩的低下头,雪腻的俏脸像是喝醉了美酒一般,娇嫩鲜红得好像会滴出水来。 Actually Zhou Xuan understands that oneself is not the Mu Xiao only woman, side a more powerful man does not lack the woman , present and future this is the man invariable law. Zhou Xuan had the preparation early, or had oneself positioning early...... 其实周萱明白自己不会是木萧唯一的女人,越强大的男人身边不缺少女人,不论是过、现在未来这都是男人不变的定律。周萱早有了心理准备,或者早有了自己定位…… Perhaps that does madam have such mentality? 也许那位夫人同样有如此心态吧? Zhou Xuan secret wants to say. 周萱暗暗的想道。 ...... …… In villa, only then An Rongru and Jian Hanyao, three maids, they in Villa Region were the servants who helped the owner do the housework. Although, An Rongru past life not specially luxurious, but how she is also the woman of quality who has a high and respected position, cook is not good, does not use as for Jian Hanyao this violent female, therefore An Rongru cannot avoid the convention, invited three maids to help prepare food from the survivor. 别墅里,只有安蓉茹简涵瑶,还有三名女佣,她们以前在别墅区一直是帮忙业主打理家务的佣人。虽然,安蓉茹以往的生活不是特别的奢华,但她怎样也是一个养尊处优的贵妇,厨艺方面不是太好,至于简涵瑶这个暴力女更不用了,所以安蓉茹也免不了俗套,从幸存者之中请来了三名女佣帮忙做饭。 But An Rongru has oneself one set of working standard, three maids who she invited, will pay blood bead to give them as the reward every weeks, established employee relations in disguised form, and does not have treated as the meaning that them the slave urged. 安蓉茹自己的一套做事标准,她请来的三名女佣,每一个星期都会支付血珠给她们作为报酬,变相建立一种雇工关系,并没有把她们当作奴隶来驱使的意思。 In Villa Region, the owner and Neo-Human have the oneself maid, this is not the strange matter, little has like An Rongru extremely gentle lady-like, treats people tolerantly. 别墅区,业主和新人类都有自己的女佣人,这不是什么奇怪的事情,极少有像安蓉茹这样温婉娴淑,待人宽容。 Even some men chose some beauty good women to make on the bed secretly the toys, most women are the consideration of later security and life will comply voluntarily, but also had some young women not to make the toys of man, but these men do not dare forcefully, because there is An Rongru and Jian Hanyao maintains Villa Region order, especially Jian Hanyao to this kind of matter hating the wicked as though they were enemies, played the role of deter. 甚至有部分男人暗地里挑选了一些姿色不错的女人做床上玩物,多数女人出于以后安全和生活的考虑都会自愿答应,但也有小部分女人不愿意做男人的玩物,而那些男人也不敢强行下,因为有安蓉茹简涵瑶维持别墅区秩序,尤其简涵瑶对这类事情嫉恶如仇,起了震慑的作用。 Therefore, An Rongru in the ordinary person heart of Villa Region, there is a very good prestige, even the Jian Hanyao's image also becomes positive to get up. 所以,安蓉茹别墅区普通人心中,有很好的声望,连简涵瑶的形象也变得正面起来。 ...... …… Mu Xiao does not have comes to eat meal in the evening, in the An Rongru heart understands that side Mu Xiao possibly has other women, is impossible to accompany oneself all day. Therefore, her does not have expected that Mu Xiao arrives suddenly, but also brought Mu Xuanyin and Zhou Xuan comes, immediately had a busy foot to be chaotic, but only a person expressed very angrily. 木萧没有晚上过来吃饭,安蓉茹心中明白木萧身边可能有其他女人,不可能整天陪伴自己。因此,她没有预料到木萧突然到来,还带了木绚音周萱过来,顿时有了点忙脚乱,但只有一个人表示非常愤怒。 Your this bastard......” Jian Hanyao stared the pupil that contained the flame, the advantage tooth in small mouth bit to rub, an appearance of bitter hatred, but held down by An Rongru quickly. “你这个混蛋……”简涵瑶瞪起了蕴含火光的眸子,小嘴巴里的利齿咬磨着,一副深仇大恨的样子,但很快被安蓉茹按住了。 How did you...... how come?” “你怎么……怎么过来了?” The An Rongru's sound such as contained the honey to be sweet, a pair of beautiful pupil was spring clear and bright, the solemn beautiful face was beautiful, the cheek passed is annoying blushing of person daydream lightly, that lush beautiful full luster of the skin, concealed one to flatter the graceful bearing in bone ripe, especially after with Mu Xiao spring breeze one night, in her foreheads had thousand charming characters and styles, facial features ripe sleek/moist was gentle and lovely, jade cheek powder sleek/moist Ying Ze, just like thoroughly ripe water honey / peach, young and fresh-looking many / juice, as if made an effort gently, must squeeze out the water. 安蓉茹的声音如含了蜜糖般甜腻,一双美眸春水盈盈,端庄秀丽的面庞美艳动人,脸蛋透着淡淡惹人遐思的红晕,那丰美婀娜的饱满玉体,隐含一股熟媚到骨子里的风韵,尤其经过和木萧春风一夜,她眉宇之间有千种娇媚万般风情,面容熟润婉媚,玉颊粉润莹泽,宛如熟透了的水蜜/桃儿,水嫩多/汁,仿佛轻轻一用力,就要挤出水来。 Her beautiful mature character and style, the abundant full luster of the skin, looked lives has absent-minded for female Zhou Xuan and Mu Xuanyin, the Mu Xiao eye pupil deeply hid scalding hot, as if penetrated on her the clothes, saw the lush luster of the skin of that cream white Nisi snow clearly, can't help but recalled in the morning with her tangled up happy love, really the bloodline ebullition, yu cannot. 她绝美的成熟风情,丰盈饱满的玉体,看得生为女性的周萱木绚音都有一阵的失神,木萧眼眸深深隐藏了一股灼热,仿佛穿透了她身上衣服,清楚看到早上那凝脂般白腻似雪的丰美玉体,不由回想与她缠绵欢爱,真叫人血脉沸腾,yu罢不能。 An Rongru seems sensation to think that to Mu Xiao anything resembles, the tender face wipes the beautiful moving flushed, becomes more enchanting charming. 安蓉茹好像感觉木萧想到什么似的,娇颜一抹美艳动人的红潮,变得更加妖娆妩媚。 Bastard, is careful your dog eye!” The Jian Hanyao small face gets angry red, broke away An Rongru's, scolded one angrily. Her eye noble bearing gain like the knife, how will unable to see that the Mu Xiao eye pupil deep place that wipes to An Rongru ** the fire, such as a bomblet erupted immediately. “混蛋,小心你的狗眼!”简涵瑶小脸怒红,挣开了安蓉茹的,气鼓鼓的骂了一句。她眼神锋利得像刀子一样,怎么会看不到木萧眼眸深处对安蓉茹那一抹的**之火,顿时如一个小炸弹般爆发了起来。 Mu Xiao is not serious Jian Hanyao, the facial expression becomes tranquil, said with a smile pale: I introduced that their two people give you to know. This is I most important younger sister, Mu Xuanyin, this is Zhou Xuan, my woman, naturally you are also my woman, your position did not need to obtain was too clear, because you were my closest people.” 木萧不把简涵瑶当回事,神情变得平静,淡笑道:“我来介绍她们两人给你认识。这是我最重要的妹妹,木绚音,这是周萱,我身边的女人,当然你也是我的女人,你们地位就不用分得太清了,因为你们都是我最亲密之人。” You must really suffice just and honorable.” The Zhou Xuan tender face swings the light red, sexy mouth broke to pieces one, cannot think of the Mu Xiao so direct introduction. But An Rongru lush face is also one red, but the does not have many anything words, understand at heart Mu Xiao brings to light this relations, has tacit being together for oneself and Zhou Xuan. “你得真够光明正大。”周萱娇颜荡起浅红,性感的嘴儿碎了一口,想不到木萧如此直接的介绍。而安蓉茹丰美脸儿也是一红,但没有多什么话,心里明白木萧挑明这一段关系,也是为了自己周萱有一个默契的相处。 Hateful!” “可恶!” The small cheek of Jian Hanyao pure and beautiful air/Qi purplish red, the silver tooth must bite quickly, but understands the present what coarse words, cannot change the oneself mother and Mu Xiao this bastard's relations, especially mother is heavy to his sentiment profound meaning, the body and mind gave......, but, oneself will not acknowledge this cheap relations! 简涵瑶纯美的小脸蛋气得紫红,银牙都快得咬碎,但明白现在什么难听的话语,也改不了自己母亲和木萧这个混蛋的关系,尤其母亲对他情深意重,身心都交给了出……不过,自己是不会承认这种便宜的关系! The dinner, had joining of Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin and Zhou Xuan, three maids bustled about to add the vegetable/dish thoroughly, because five people were Neo-Human, special today's Mu Xiao overdrew a big Bloodline Gene energy, the appetite was usually bigger, ordinary food could not satisfy the appetite. 晚饭,有了木萧木绚音周萱的加入,三名女佣彻底忙碌了起来加菜,因为五人都是新人类,特别今天木萧透支了不小血脉基因能量,食量比平时大很多,普通食物满足不了胃口。 Finally he assigns/life the person to send a variation chicken to come, made one big to join the meat and medicinal meal of medicinal herb, greatly nutritious void of Bloodline Gene, ate whole body vigor to be warm including Mu Xuanyin, Zhou Xuan, An Rongru and Jian Hanyao, probably soaked in the hot spring is ordinary, each bloodline cell resulted in moistening, blood power gradually became fine prosperous. 最后他命人送来一只变异鸡过来,亲做了一大顿加入了药材的肉食和药膳,大大滋补了血脉基因的空虚,包括木绚音周萱安蓉茹简涵瑶都吃得浑身血气温热,好像泡在温泉一般,每一个血脉细胞得了滋润,血力渐渐变得精旺。 However, present their constitution had Two-layered Realm, -and-a-half only elementary variation chickens, can only provide the function of nutritious body, cannot provide exuberant blood power like before, achieves to break through the constitution demand with ease. Because after constitution upgrade, the digesting system strengthens, Bloodline Gene expands, the absorbing power speeds up, can definitely withstand the rich blood and flesh energy of ordinary variation beast implication. 不过,现在她们体质有了二重境,一只半只低级变异鸡,只能提供滋补身体的作用,不像以前那样可以提供旺盛的血力,轻松达到突破体质的需求。因为体质提升之后,消化系统加强,血脉基因壮大,吸收力加快,完全可以承受普通变异兽蕴含的丰富血肉能量。 Food gets down, Mu Xiao is dining mostly, supplemented blood power that today consumes, Zhou Xuan and An Rongru were together to maintain a politeness, was not warm is not desolate, as for Mu Xuanyin does not have anything cautious, instead has also bickered regarding Mu Xiao on with Jian Hanyao, Mu Xuanyin was argues certainly strongly based on reason to support oneself elder brother, Jian Hanyao makes the attack that undermined naturally. 一顿饭下来,木萧大多数在就餐,补充今天消耗的血力,周萱安蓉茹相处保持了一份客气,不热情也不冷淡,至于木绚音没有什么拘谨,反而一直跟简涵瑶围绕木萧身上来斗嘴,木绚音当然是据理力争支持自己哥哥,简涵瑶理所当然做拆台的抨击。 Perhaps had these two small little girl to come words, making the dinner not appear is extremely awkward and peaceful, had the lively and warm feeling slightly. 也许有了这两个小妮子一来一句的话语,让晚饭不显得太过于尴尬和安静,微微有了点热闹和温馨之感。 After the food, Zhou Xuan looked for one to give a pretext that side Shangguan Yuanxin, Mu Xiao understands that she came to here to give in to oneself probably, does not want to end up unsettled to divide and petty impression in oneself at heart, perhaps she was together with An Rongru, had irritable sensation at heart unavoidably. 饭后,周萱找了一个借口回了上官媛馨那边,木萧明白她来这里大概是为了迁就自己,不想在自己心里落得一个不安分和心胸狭窄的印象,也许她跟安蓉茹相处,心里免不了有一种别扭的感觉 Although, among them the relations are truly harmoniously difficult, did not expect that they are intimate like sisters, but passes the section day to arrive outside, when is unable to know comes back, if present does not deal with their relations well, makes the scene of being in sharp opposition, when the time comes, oneself came back really not to know that side this/should help/gang.” “虽然,她们之间的关系很难真正融洽,不奢望她们如同姐妹般亲密,但过段日子就要到外面一趟,无法得知什么时候回来,如果现在不好好处理她们两人的关系,闹出针锋相对的场面,到时候,自己回来真不知道该帮那一边了。” Mu Xiao is soaking in the bathtub, closes eyes to think shortly after arrangement that oneself leaves, therefore there is a tonight's conference. 木萧正泡在浴缸之中,闭目想着不久后自己离开的安排,所以有了今晚的一场会议。 Suddenly, outside the bathroom heard the knock, resounded the An Rongru charming persuasive sound quickly, new clothes sent, outside I place......” 忽然,浴室外传来了敲门声,很快响起了安蓉茹娇媚婉转的声音,“新的衣服送来了,我放在外面……” Un?” Mu Xiao remembers just came the time slightly, the An Rongru plentiful full luster of the skin shows that to flatter the enchanting beautiful character and style ripe, Qi read at heart gets up gradually, can't help but to outlet: Rongru, comes to accompany me to soak.” “嗯?”木萧微微想起了刚来的时候,安蓉茹丰腴饱满的玉体透出那一股熟媚妖娆的绝美风情,心里绮念渐起,不由对外道:“蓉茹,进来陪我泡下吧。” Immediately, outside An Rongru shames beautiful to be infinite, was clear that definitely cannot avoid giving him to eat a cleanness, but the body and mind as if has a numb itchy intent, did not deny that after the sentiment read opened, the body becomes sensitive, probably ironed Mu Xiao's imprint, shamed bashfully wants with Mu Xiao intimate, was only Jian Hanyao also outside, too long will cause her to suspect, has to bear shame intent, prepared to turn down the Mu Xiao's invitation. 顿时,外面的安蓉茹羞美无限,清楚进肯定不能避免给他吃个干净,但身心仿佛有阵酥酥麻麻的痒意,不否认情念打开之后,身子变得敏感,好像烙上了木萧的印记似的,羞臊的想跟木萧亲热一番,只是简涵瑶还在外面,太久不出会引起她怀疑,只好忍住羞意,准备婉拒木萧的邀请。 But her also does not have words, Mu Xiao as if understands her worry, the access road/simply said: I do not stay overnight tonight here, moreover some outside Xuanyin look at Hanyao, we relate had determined, did not need covertly.” 但她还没有话,木萧仿佛明白她的顾虑,便道:“我今晚不在这里留宿,而且外面有绚音看着涵瑶,我们关系又已经确定,不需要偷偷摸摸了。” Outside An Rongru does not have words, but Mu Xiao saw her plentiful physique on the glass of bathroom indistinctly, is in the taking off/escaping clothes of rustling sound. 外面安蓉茹没有话,但木萧在浴室的玻璃上隐约看见了她丰满身姿,正在悉悉索索的脱衣服。 The Mu Xiao corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, Thoughtsource Power opened the gate of bathroom, immediately saw the An Rongru colorful ripe snow greasy luster of the skin to be almost naked, the bra of pink lace fettered two groups such as cream beautiful jade snow white immense jade breasts, the gigantic powder meat was palatial, under a lower abdomen of her smooth does not have flab had a pinch of glossy soft fragrant grass, hid indistinctly that is wiping bashful and bright red fat soft fleshly petals, fills mature attraction that was in full bloom in bud. 木萧嘴角微微翘起,念源力拉开了浴室的门,顿时看见了安蓉茹艳熟雪腻的玉体差不多全裸着,粉红花边的胸罩束缚了两团如凝脂美玉般雪白的巨大玉/乳,硕大粉肉巍峨壮观,她平滑没有一丝赘肉的小腹下有一撮油亮柔软的芳草,隐约藏着那一抹羞答答、嫣红肥软的肉/瓣,充满了含苞怒放的成熟诱惑力。 How you... how this......” An Rongru shamed to look at Mu Xiao bashfully with emotions, the whole body exuded the soft vigor, on elegant face reappearing flushed, breath gradually rapid, two groups of gigantic powder meat shivered slightly, as if the Mu Xiao vision filled tease of caress, almost the does not have strength continued to take off the chest front final fetter. “你怎么…怎么这样……”安蓉茹羞臊动情的看了一眼木萧,浑身泛起了软劲,秀润脸庞上浮现红潮,呼吸渐渐急促了起来,两团硕大粉肉微微颤抖,仿佛木萧目光充满了爱抚的挑逗,差点没有力气继续脱掉胸前最后的束缚。 When she sees the Mu Xiao grand strong body to stand up from the bathtub, twinkling lush moving luster of the skin, like arrow arrow weak, but soon has the crook of the elbow of powerful to flutter her soft soft luster of the skin, the last clothing also falls, gigantic ** the angry peak, charming charming powder sleek/moist stands upright slightly, such as a red plum in snowy peak, walks randomly the exploration in her wonderful luster of the skin suddenly greatly, rubbing of chest front big group tender white butterfat in five fingers pinches, gets makes various types ** the shape, fertile gigantic snow white buttocks also has only big crude pinching. Rubs, arouses her whole body to gush out the love tide that the numb hemp, such as the fire heats......, when that finger/refers touches her sensitive inguen, the luster of the skin can not help shivers, the sentiment read such as the tide to be in flood cannot restrain, the unconsciousness lifted lush snow white buttocks slightly, catered to finger/refer to own initiative when the caress of her stock ditch tender meat, longs for making deep place some, the sentiment moved also delivered the wet hot and damp hot fragrant lip on own initiative. 当她看见木萧雄伟健硕的身体从浴缸站起,瞬息丰美动人的玉体,如同中了箭矢般酥软了下来,但很快有强力的臂弯勾住她的软绵玉体,最后一丝衣物也落下,硕大**怒耸而出,娇羞迷人的粉润微微挺立,如雪峰中的一点红梅,忽然一只大在她美妙的玉体上游走探索,胸前大团嫩白乳脂在五指间的揉捏下,变作各种**的形状,肥腴硕大的雪白臀儿也有一只大粗暴的捏揉,激起她浑身涌出酥麻麻、如火烫热的爱潮……当那指触及她敏感的腹股沟,玉体情不自禁的颤抖起来,情念如潮水泛滥不可抑止,无意识微微抬了抬肥美雪白的臀儿,主动迎合指在她股沟嫩肉的爱抚,渴望弄得更深处一些,情动之时还主动送上了湿湿热热的香唇。 The bathroom front door closes slowly, soon after has the sound that the water splash splashes indistinctly, simultaneously spreads An Rongru ** wonderful decadent music. 浴室大门缓缓关上,不久之后隐约有水花溅起的声音,同时传出安蓉茹**美妙的靡靡之音。 ----- Asked a complimentary ticket while the on the shelf brazenly. 趁上架厚着脸皮求点红票。
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