REE :: Volume #2

#129: Here all are his

Each is a powerful enemy! 每一个都是劲敌! The Villa Region key personnel are headed by An Rongru, their sensation obtains opposite these to have the elegant demeanor beautiful appearance female respectively, their whole bodies showed enormous battle prestige, such as an invisible strength is exerting pressure on them, even several masculine battle efficiencies, not under each of them. 别墅区的主要人员以安蓉茹为首,他们感觉得出对面那些各有风采的美貌女性,她们全身透出了极大战威,如一股无形力量正在向他们施压,甚至有几名男性的战斗力,都不下于他们每一个人。 „Should they all not be the Mu Xiao's women?” “她们该不会全是木萧的女人吧?” Ding Qilue and the others exuded so a thought that but World Great Change, any morals could not restrain the human nature at this time, especially grasped powerhouse of absolute strength, but Mu Xiao in their mind, was such powerhouse. 丁奇略等人泛起了如此一个念头,但此时世界大变,任何道德都约束不了人性,特别是掌握了绝对力量的强者,而木萧在他们心目中,正是这样的强者 Regardless of before present, there are man of position, always does not lack the woman, even if Mu Xiao received all survivor inside females, is not the astonishing action. They even suspected in private Mu Xiao An Rongru and Jian Hanyao this to mother and daughter, received together was his woman. 不论现在还是以前,有身份地位的男人,从来都不缺女人,就算木萧收了所有幸存者里面的女性,都不是什么惊人之举。他们私下甚至怀疑木萧安蓉茹简涵瑶这对母女,都一起收了做他的女人。 Therefore, Shangguan Yuanxin they even all are the Mu Xiao's women, their point is surprised. 所以,上官媛馨她们就算全是木萧的女人,他们一点都惊讶。 What Ding Qilue and the others were surprised, Shangguan Yuanxin they have this grade of battle efficiency, is all trains by Mu Xiao? 丁奇略等人惊讶的是,上官媛馨她们有这等战斗力,是不是全由木萧培养出来的? If is really the combatants who Mu Xiao trains, he mastered many Neo-Human evolution knowledge. 如果真是木萧培养出来的战斗人员,那他到底掌握了多少新人类进化知识。 All these are the issues that Ding Qilue and the others attach importance. 这一切都是丁奇略等人所看重的问题。 Mu Xiao not , motorcade everyone are headed by Shangguan Yuanxin, her side has Zhou Xuan, Jiang Yue, Lü Xiaoman, Mu Xuanyin, Duan Lingling, Yan Shaonan and Jiang Yunwei...... rear area also to have Aybar, Cheng Shugao wait/etc. to follow earliest in Mu Xiao Neo-Human. 木萧不在的时候,车队所有人都以上官媛馨为首,她身边有周萱姜月吕晓蔓木绚音段玲玲严韶楠蒋云蔚……后方还有艾巴尔程书高等最早跟在木萧身边的新人类 Part of Neo-Human, but also does to tidy up the work outside. 其中一部分新人类,还在外面做收拾工作。 Shangguan Yuanxin their more than ten females, all are the great beautiful appearance beautiful women, their acme of beauty and deportment and clear spirit pure and beautiful, delicate and exquisite and beautiful wonderful, tall healthy...... their look and stature are the extremely outstanding females, has the oneself unique charm. 上官媛馨她们十多位女性,全是一等一的美貌佳人,她们千娇百媚、清灵纯美、娇小玲珑、婀娜妙曼、高挑健美……她们相貌和身材都是极其出众的女子,有着自己独特的魅力。 Middle, Shangguan Yuanxin is most beautiful one, she like angel jade face, myo- with creamy white skin tender like water, regardless of the beautiful appearance and stature perfection impeccablly, the does not have slightly slight defect, seems the masterpiece of heaven, an inborn arousing heartstrings outstandingly beautiful outstanding person. 当中,上官媛馨是最绝美的一个,她有如天仙般的玉颜,肌肤如凝脂般柔嫩如水,不论美貌和身材都完美得无可挑剔,没有丝毫瑕疵,仿佛是上天的杰作,天生撩人心弦的一位绝色尤物。 Here only then An Rongru can compared with Shangguan Yuanxin, she have female that to flatter the character and style ripe, is in itself lofty solemn, is joined to the elegant peerless appearance, as well as in her polished stature, has pair of full gigantic startled peak grand breasts, increased many scores for her. 在这里只有安蓉茹可以和上官媛馨相比,她有着女性那份熟媚风情,本身又是高雅端庄,配上秀美绝伦的容貌,以及她那珠圆玉润的身材上,有着一对饱满硕大的惊耸豪/乳,都为她增添了不少分数。 But she most attractive incessantly is chest front pair of grand breasts, the abundant soft lush round buttocks, are make the man spurt the primitive seduction of blood. 而她最诱人的不止是胸前一对豪/乳,还有丰软肥美的圆臀,更是令男人喷血的原始诱惑。 An Rongru has maintained the elegantly simple manner, actually in her heart not does not have immense pressure, because these women all are Mu Xiao person, if they really have the material relation with Mu Xiao, An Rongru sensation oneself perhaps in the Mu Xiao mind is not extremely in the importance, is only in a small position. 安蓉茹一直保持淡雅的神态,其实她心中未尝没有巨大压力,因为这些女人全是木萧身边的人,如果她们真跟木萧有实质关系,安蓉茹感觉自己或许在木萧心目中不是太过于重要,只占据着一个小小的位置。 Thinks of here, in the An Rongru heart can't help but is somewhat desolate. 想到这里,安蓉茹心中不由有些落寞。 In his heart has me, this is enough. 他心中有我,这就已经足够了。 The women have such dog blood idea, is not the docile natural personality. Because the woman even is inborn the multi- tender feelings, is gentle, but in the mind same has the acquisitive instinct with the man, does not want to share the oneself man with other women, but they have such dog blood idea, but forces in a not being able to put down sentiment, has such helpless choice. 女人有这样的狗血想法,不是出于温顺大方的性情。因为女人就算天生多柔情,多温婉,但心目中都跟男人一样存有占有欲,不想跟其他女人分享自己的男人,而她们有这样的狗血想法,只是逼迫于一种放不下的感情,才有这样无奈的选择。 Actually, Shangguan Yuanxin most of them with the Mu Xiao does not have material relation, only then Zhou Xuan is the woman who Mu Xiao determines, but they have the female sensitive intuition, could see that this mature beautiful woman has the great relations with Mu Xiao. 其实,上官媛馨她们之中大部分人跟木萧没有实质关系,只有周萱木萧确定下来的女人,但她们有着女性敏感的直觉,看得出这一名成熟美妇跟木萧有不浅的关系。 Although Mu Xiao raises oneself Villa Region to have another woman, but in the Zhou Xuan heart same has a big irritable feeling, but this sensation solicited her suggestions in former Shangguan Yuanxin, let arrange Xia Meiqin this supermodel to be close to Mu Xiao's sensation being intense. 虽然木萧提过自己别墅区有另一名女人,但周萱心中一样有不小别扭之感,而这种感觉在之前上官媛馨征求她意见,是否让安排夏美琴这个名模接近木萧的感觉还要强烈。 Perhaps, Xia Meiqin in the Zhou Xuan heart, could not threaten her the position in Mu Xiao mind, but from An Rongru, her does not have such confidence. 或许,在周萱心中一个夏美琴,威胁不了她在木萧心目中的位置,但从安蓉茹身上,她没有这样的信心了。 Among the women competes, has the heart of struggling for favor. 女人之间有攀比,有争宠的心。 The An Rongru plentiful stature, is that man sees the blood boiling with excitement type, she is an elegant respectable family beautiful woman, is mature such as the thoroughly ripe fruit to drool with envy, whole body attractive degree, absolutely far ultra Zhou Xuan this savagery woman. 安蓉茹丰腴的身材,是那种男人见到都血脉贲张的类型,她又是一个秀美良家美妇,成熟得如熟透的果实般垂涎欲滴,浑身的诱人程度,绝对远超周萱这种野性女人。 If, what Zhou Xuan arouses is the male conquers, that An Rongru is to make the male be caught up. 如果,周萱激起的是男性征服,那安蓉茹是让男性沉醉其中。 However, Zhou Xuan also has the most attractive place, that is she private / place does not have a fragrant grass smoothly, has female rare and precious White Tiger /. 不过,周萱同样有最诱人的地方,那是她私密/处光滑无一丝芳草,有着女性珍稀的白虎名/器。 At this time, everyone had the different thoughts, Zhou Xuan was mentally confused, An Rongru was desolate, Mu Xuanyin and Zhao Yiling somewhat were also absent-minded. 这时候,每个人有不同心思,周萱心乱,安蓉茹落寞,木绚音赵依凌同样有些心不在焉。 Only then Jian Hanyao displays the truth personality, her innocent tender and delicate small cheek, fiend(s), just like a female tiger of ignition, the vision does not take a fast look around Shangguan Yuanxin very much in a friendly way they, as if she is the Mu Xiao's name brand woman is the same, is hard to endure side Mu Xiao to have such many beautiful women at heart. 只有简涵瑶表现出真实性情,她那张纯情娇嫩的小脸蛋,凶神恶煞,犹如一只发火的雌虎,目光很不友好地扫视上官媛馨她们,仿佛她才是木萧的正牌女人一样,心里难以忍受木萧身边有这样多美女。 however, she also knew Mu Xuanyin is Mu Xiao's younger sister, even more uncomfortable Mu Xiao this scoundrel, how will have such clear lovable younger sister at heart. 然而,她还得知了木绚音就是木萧的妹妹,心里越发不爽木萧这个混账,怎么会有这样一个清纯可爱的妹妹 At this time, the atmosphere of entire hall is very depressed depressing, no one is good to pick up the topic to make the leading role, because this is a primary and secondary issue, each other does not have too in a big way relates, even later possibly is the competitor, even some owners know Shangguan Yuanxin, but exploits one's connections in such situation, is really not a good action, that shows meaning dominated by her without doubt. 此时,整个大厅的气氛十分沉闷压抑,谁也不好挑出话题做主导作用,因为这是一个主次的问题,彼此又没有太大关系,甚至以后可能是竞争对手,就算有些业主认识上官媛馨,但在这样的场合拉关系,实在不是一个好举动,那无疑是透出以她为主的意思。 An owner side is primarily An Rongru. Actually An Rongru has the qualifications to present to make the leadership, but is she cannot feel Shangguan Yuanxin one of the Mu Xiao's women, after all the motorcade is she is making the direction, obviously is the person who Mu Xiao regards as important. 业主一方是以安蓉茹为主。其实安蓉茹有资格在场做主导,只是她摸不着上官媛馨是不是木萧的女人之一,毕竟车队都是她在做指挥,显然是木萧看重的人。 Let alone the An Rongru personality is refined, does not want to struggle these initiative privilege. She outlines on LightBrain wholeheartedly, Reconnaissance Villa Region surrounding sound, but when is also paying attention to Mu Xiao to come back. But Shangguan Yuanxin also concentrates in LightBrain, directs the tidying up work of outside these people, making them report the progress. 何况安蓉茹性情温雅恬静,不想争这些主动权利。她一心一意在光脑上勾划,侦察别墅区周围的动静,还在留意木萧什么时候回来。而上官媛馨同样专注在光脑上,指挥外面那些人的收拾工作,让他们汇报进度。 Two chancellor person does not have other thoughts, others are not naturally good to speak. 两位主事人没有别的心思,其他人自然不好说话。 Until, inborn almost all gets dark, the cleaning work of Villa Region conducted about 70 percent probably, the other these do not have the corpse and bloodstain of processing in the remote place. 直至,天生差不多全黑了下来,别墅区的清扫工作大概进行了百分之七十左右,余下那些没处理的尸体和血迹都是在偏远的地方。 An Rongru and Shangguan Yuanxin understand at heart, is unable to erase Villa Region all traces, quite a while has such result already extreme limit, but cleanness of supreme headquarters cleaning up peripheral cleaning, although outside also loafing some variation monster, but will not attract the arrivals of massive variation monster at least at night. 安蓉茹上官媛馨心里都明白,无法抹去别墅区一切痕迹,半天有这样的结果已经极限,而大本营清理周边清扫的干净,虽然外面还有一些游荡的变异怪物,但起码夜晚不会吸引大量变异怪物的到来。 Therefore, they told that everyone returns to the supreme headquarters, today worked can only come here. 所以,她们吩咐所有人返回大本营,今天工作只能到这里了。 Only then Mu Xiao does not have comes back for a very long time, but also is collecting the work of blood bead. 只有木萧久久没有回来,还在收集血珠的工作。 When the weather all gets dark, outside transmitted variation monster to be cruel, but the hissing strange roar of revelry, such as the darkness tides of fluctuating, are filling gloomy and cold, bloodthirsty, the demented and brutal ghost demon qi breath, from surrounded entire Villa Region in all directions, making in the person heart not probably stabilize, life had the annihilated misconception anytime. 当天色全黑了下来,外面传来了变异怪物暴戾而狂欢的嘶声怪吼,如一股股起伏的黑暗浪潮,弥漫着阴冷、嗜血、癫狂、残酷的鬼魔气息,从四面八方包围了整个别墅区,让人心中不得安定,有一种生命随时有被湮灭的错觉。 After a day of fierce battle, everyone body and mind wearily, but at night is the true hell -type fight, everyone nerve has been at the tight condition, does not dare one to relax, prepares continually fight. 经过了一天激烈战斗,每个人身心都疲倦之极,但夜晚才是真正地狱式的战斗,所有人神经一直处于绷紧状态,不敢有一丝放松,做好持续战斗的准备。 But supreme headquarters does not have presents the monster attack slowly, but the distant place has monster to transmit unceasingly tyrannically shouts, some as if people enraged all monster demented nerves, madness died to stare at a goal not to put, attracted all variation monster attention imperceptibly, the supreme headquarters were safe and sound temporarily. 但大本营迟迟没有出现怪物袭击,而远处有怪物不断传来得暴虐嘶吼,仿佛有人触怒了所有怪物的癫狂神经,疯狂死盯一个目标不放,无形中吸引了所有变异怪物的注意力,大本营才暂时安然无恙。 Grasped An Rongru of Villa Region large-scale system, who the nature clearly also the person who fights outside is, including Shangguan Yuanxin they and the others were clear that this person is. 掌握了别墅区大系统的安蓉茹,自然清楚还在外面战斗的人是谁,包括了上官媛馨她们等人都清楚这个人是谁。 however, Ding Qilue and the others are not the jerks, they understand quickly, even motorcade most people, know that present this guardianship supreme headquarters and guardianship their life, who made the bait to attract all variation monster people by the body is. 然而,丁奇略等人也不是愚笨之人,他们很快就明白过来,甚至车队大部分人,都知道现在这个守护大本营、守护他们性命,以身作饵吸引了所有变异怪物的人是谁。 Only then Villa Region these ordinary people have not seen Mu Xiao, but has also spread his matter. 只有别墅区那些普通人没见过木萧,但也有流传过他的事情。 The present motorcade discusses spiritedly, acclaiming Mu Xiao's is powerful, therefore quick spreads in the Villa Region ordinary person range, they knew in the man of outside fight, is ruling this Villa Region, is the owner of this weaponry motorcade. 现在车队议论纷纷,赞叹木萧的强大,因此很快在别墅区普通人范围传开,他们都得知了正在外面战斗的男人,正是统治了这一个别墅区,又是这一支武装车队的拥有者。 Meanwhile, he is here all Neo-Human most powerful one. 同时,他是这里所有新人类最强大的一位。 Mu Xiao by a person of strength, blocked night all variation monster, all ordinary people felt inconceivable, but more rejoiced does not need to face, at night hell fight. 木萧以一人之力,挡住了夜晚所有变异怪物,所有普通人感到了不可思议,但更多是庆幸不用面临,夜晚地狱般的战斗。 Supreme headquarters does not have any accident/surprise happens, in many hearts stabilized gradually inexplicably, as if that tight nerve, obtained relaxation, had by guardianship sensation. 大本营没有任何意外发生,渐渐很多人心中莫名安定了下来,仿佛那绷紧的神经,得到了放松,有了被守护感觉 At this moment, they incomparably understand clearly in danger, powerful Neo-Human are protecting, heart spirit how calm and steady. Invisible , the Mu Xiao image in many mind, becomes positive to get up, everyone is inspired and gratitude of him. 此时此刻,他们无比清晰地明白了在危难之中,有一个强大新人类保护着,心灵是多么的安稳。无形之中,木萧在很多人心目中的形象,变得正面起来,每一个人都对他心存敬畏和感激。 Mu Xiao fighting bravely is at night in the Villa Region standing erect prestige, the absolute overwhelming battle efficiency, deter has the person of disloyalty. 木萧在夜间奋战就是要在别墅区竖立威信,还有绝对压倒性的战斗力,震慑别有异心之人。 Shangguan Yuanxin is the person of clearest his intention, therefore does not have sends out Zhou Xuan they and the others to go to battle, but An Rongru does not have wants is too deep, the complete thoughts are paying attention to him to fight the situation. 上官媛馨是最明白他用意的人,所以没有派出周萱她们等人出战,而安蓉茹没有想太深,全副心思都在关注他战斗情况。 Madam An, his fight will not end little while, even possibly whole evening fights, we make an arrangement of oneself side, how doesn't know under your opinion?” Shangguan Yuanxin broke silent, the tone that to discuss gave the comment. 安夫人,他的战斗一时三刻不会结束,甚至可能整晚战斗,我们做好自己一方的安排,不知你意下如何?”上官媛馨打破了沉默,以商量的口吻来提出意见。 An Rongru is the Mu Xiao's woman, in the intelligent person eyes, this is not the secret. Shangguan Yuanxin very clear oneself and Mu Xiao are only the companion relate, on intimate is inferior to An Rongru and Mu Xiao's relations, therefore does not have displays extremely strongly, but will not display to be one step below others, but is one neither arrogant nor servile attitude. 安蓉茹木萧的女人,在聪明人眼中,这不是什么秘密。上官媛馨非常清楚自己木萧只是同伴关系,亲密上不如安蓉茹木萧的关系,所以没有表现得太过强势,但也不会表现出低人一等,而是一副得不亢不卑的态度。 Un.” An Rongru lifts the elegant face, the pupil light such as the water gazes at Shangguan Yuanxin, the gentle voice said: If you did not mind, I think you arrange Villa Region all manpower, like this unifies, facilitates to complete the coordination work, does not use the wave spend a lot manpower.” “嗯。”安蓉茹抬起秀美的脸庞,眸光如水地注视上官媛馨,柔声说道:“如果你不介意,我想你来安排别墅区所有人手,这样统一起来,方便做好协调工作,不用浪费多余的人力。” Mu Xiao comes back, An Rongru naturally has the entire Villa Region right to speak. 木萧回来,安蓉茹自然拥有整个别墅区的话语权。 Un?” Shangguan Yuanxin a little accidental/surprised An Rongru cedes this authority like this naturally, because this is an opportunity of certificate ability, so long as obtained the approval of Villa Region basic unit, was equal to standing erect the prestige of belonging to oneself. “嗯?”上官媛馨有点意外安蓉茹这样大方让出这个管理权,因为这个是一个证明能力的机会,只要得到了别墅区基层的认同,等于竖立了属于自己的威信。 In the heart also puzzled An Rongru's makes concessions including Ding Qilue and the others, Jian Hanyao drew the An Rongru's clothes in secret, suggested that oneself mother, should not drop the authority of Villa Region that 200 survivor, such loses the biggest advantage without doubt. 包括丁奇略等人心中也不解安蓉茹的退让,简涵瑶更是暗中拉了拉安蓉茹的衣服,暗示自己的母亲,不该放手别墅区二百个幸存者的管理权,那样无疑失去最大的优势。 The An Rongru affection is rubbing the Jian Hanyao's small head lightly, comforts irritable in her heart, as if also understands that Shangguan Yuanxin and Ding Qilue and the others the places of doubts, then the soft word song said one: Here all are his.” 安蓉茹慈爱地轻揉着简涵瑶的小脑瓜子,安抚她心中的急躁,仿佛也明白上官媛馨丁奇略等人的疑惑之处,便绵言细语的说了一句:“这里一切都是他的。” ---- Thank your monthly tickets: Whom Ninghai resolved, point to solve to occupy, hated the day of war casualty horizontal wooden board on the front carriage body, to call the gale song and fish of Mo tears and love flower occasionally, half degree sentiment day. 感谢你们的月票:宁海立心、点解谁占了、恨天殇轼、偶叫大风歌、陌漢淚、爱花儿的鱼、半度情天。
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