REE :: Volume #2

#128: Control and cleaning

The foreign aggression just controlled, in contracts gets up gradually. 外患刚控制,内患又渐起。 The Villa Region owner is divided into two schools, faction is headed by An Rongru, for example Ding Qilue and Yun Shuxue and the others, another faction does not have is headed by whom, only then a goal, is primarily the itself benefit, does not want to be accused to make others' tool. 别墅区的业主分为两派,一派安蓉茹为首,譬如丁奇略云舒雪等人,另一派没有以谁为首,只有一个目的,以自身利益为主,不想被控制成别人的工具。 Initially they obeyed the Mu Xiao's order, but the situation compelled, especially under the Mu Xiao terrifying battle efficiency, they have to put down the dignity and arrogance temporarily, let alone Mu Xiao told evolution information that was helpful their upgrade strength much, therefore temporarily the idea of does not have anything disloyalty. 当初他们服从木萧的命令,只是形势所逼,尤其在木萧恐怖的战斗力之下,他们不得不暂时放下尊严和高傲,何况木萧告诉了不少有助他们提升实力的进化信息,所以暂时没有什么异心的想法。 But since Mu Xiao vanished for almost two weeks, they upgrade certain strength, everyone trained several Neo-Human, eliminated gradually to Mu Xiao that sense of fear, is prepared greatly independence mountain top meaning. 但自从木萧消失了差不多两个星期,他们又提升了一定实力,每个人都培养了好几名新人类,渐渐消除了对木萧那一份恐惧感,大有准备‘自立山头’的意思。 If suddenly does not present the surprise attack of variation monster, they likely attempt the throne An Rongru, shared the Villa Region large-scale system authority. Because grasped the Villa Region large-scale system, equally in having eye conducted the surveillance square sound, there is a defense system to increase the itself security. 如果不是突然出现变异怪物的突袭,他们很可能逼宫安蓉茹,共享别墅区大系统的权限了。因为掌握了别墅区的大系统,相等于有了‘眼睛’进行监视四方动静,又有了防御系统增加自身安全性。 Good An Rongru and Jian Hanyao does not have has exposed refining body art, otherwise Villa Region very likely clashes early, caused unable to deal with the surprise attack of variation monster, then on danger. 还好安蓉茹简涵瑶一直没有暴露炼体术,否则别墅区很可能更早发生冲突,导致应付不了变异怪物的突袭,那就危险了。 Now, Villa Region presents the motorcade, goes to probe Shangguan Yuanxin after some owners, knew the man who very much clearly that lets their dread not just stopped does not have dead, instead grasped a well-equipped motorcade to come back, even Neo-Human quantity by far they, this that man was not better than to cope before. 如今,别墅区出现车队,又经过部分业主前去试探上官媛馨,很清晰得知那个让他们畏惧的男人不单止没有死去,反而掌握了一支装备精良的车队回来,甚至新人类数量远胜了他们,这一下那个男人比以前更加不好对付了。 We should dread escape , to continue empty and winding......” “我们该畏惧而逃,还是继续虚与委蛇……” You thought that he to the opportunity that we do continue?” “你觉得他会给我们继续的机会?” We, only then leaves here, life is true unobstructive, moreover by our common battle efficiencies, can definitely find another place to develop, we have on the market to sway back and forth many years of rich to gain experience and wisdom, can rush out a base industry surely, why to occupy under others here.” “我们只有离开这里,生命才是真正的无碍,而且以我们共同的战斗力,完全可以找另一个地方发展,我们有商场上打滚多年的丰富历练和智慧,必定能闯出一番基业,何必在这里屈居别人之下。” A stature is tall and straight, the pupil light solemn man did not dread, brought to light the thoughts directly. 一个身材挺拔,眸光冷峻的男人毫不忌惮,直接挑明了心思。 Before this man, has had conflict Lin Guang with An Rongru, he offended An Rongru thoroughly, front section time refused to turn in blood bead, was equal to disobeying the Mu Xiao's order, present Mu Xiao came back, the war will definitely bide one's time for punishment from now on. 这个男人正是之前跟安蓉茹有过冲突的林光,他彻底得罪了安蓉茹,前段时间又拒绝上缴血珠,等于拂逆了木萧的命令,现在木萧一回来,战事过后肯定秋后算账。 Therefore, Lin Guang is clear, Villa Region the does not have his place of taking shelter, must win over others to leave, after all a person left the risk is too big. Before that several with Lin Guang in the together owner, were clear why he brought to light like this, although his half were the selfishness, but the other half is being said their heart. 所以,林光非常清楚,别墅区已经没有他的容身之处,必须拉拢其余的人离开,毕竟一个人离开风险太大了。之前那几名跟林光在一起的业主,清楚他为什么这样挑明,虽然他一半是私心,但另一半正好说中了他们心坎。 At this moment, they truly are in a disadvantageous situation. 此时此刻,他们确实处于一个不利的情况。 Voting!” “投票吧!” Quite has the dignity man to say. 一个颇有威严的男人说道。 Their altogether seven people, five people approve to leave finally, only then two people do not approve to leave. If these two do not follow them, did not have the support is a difficulty, therefore can only follow the brigade to leave. 他们一共七人,最终五人赞成离开,只有两人不赞成离开。如果这两人不跟他们走,没了支持又是一个难处,所以只能跟随大队离开。 Everyone finds the opportunity to go back to pack the thing, before dusk, in the outside cart yard set, remembers other bystander, did you understand?” That dignified man said. “大家找机会回去收拾东西,黄昏前在外面车场集合,记得别外人,你们明白了?”那名威严的男人说道。 Un.” “嗯。” Others complied with one, starts the dispersion , to continue to invest in slaughtering of variation monster, is actually looking for the opportunity to leave the field. 其他人应了一声,开始分散,继续投入变异怪物的杀戮之中,其实在寻找机会离场。 They were very high in the Villa Region position, trained part of ordinary subordinates, simultaneously supported some women, but the critical moment they not care these sexually satisfy tools and watch-dogs. 他们在别墅区的地位很高,培养了一部分普通手下,同时包养了一些女人,但关键时刻他们不会将这些泄/欲工具和看门狗放在心上。 Neo-Human that however, they train, died much in the fight of variation monster surprise attack, the other that several people, are not necessarily able to follow them to leave Villa Region, after all both does not have too deep relations, are many of using each other, naturally is not the trusted subordinate. 然而,他们培养出来的新人类,在变异怪物突袭的战斗中死了不少,余下那几个人,未必会跟随他们离开别墅区,毕竟两者没有太深的关系,一直都是互相利用的多,自然不是什么亲信。 Therefore, they are only seven people leave. 所以,他们只是七人离开。 ...... …… Some present Villa Region places are still in the tangled warfare, but the main supreme headquarters range killed many variation monster clear, the logistic personnel of motorcade are speeding up the ruin corpse, reduces the surrounding blood-soaked taste, including Villa Region these ordinary people by other owners, the peaceful venting processing corpse, did not participate during the fight that kills clear. 现在别墅区一些地方依然处于混战,但主要大本营范围清杀了不少变异怪物,车队的后勤人员正在加快毁灭尸体,减少周围血腥味,连别墅区那些普通人被其余的业主,安排去处理尸体,不参加清杀的战斗之中。 Actually the ordinary person killed unable to kill many variation monster, clear kills the speed might as well dozens robots. 其实普通人杀也杀不了多少变异怪物,清杀速度还不如几十台机器人。 Zhou Xuan leads Duan Lingling, Dan Miaoyi and Sun Xinyue...... they in other places kills variation monster clear, but actually rather, they in leveling upgrade Genetic Resonance frequency. 周萱带领段玲玲单妙依孙新月……她们正在其它地方进行清杀变异怪物,但其实倒不如说,她们在‘练级提升基因共鸣次数 By present their Apex Two-layered Realm constitution, an excellent equipment, each other ability cooperating with, basic does not have variation monster can resist them quickly to be fierce such as the offensive of wind, simply is the lopsided slaughter. 现在她们顶尖二重境体质,还有一身精良装备,在彼此的能力配合之下,根本没有变异怪物能抵挡得了她们快猛如风的攻势,简直是一面倒的屠杀。 Mu Xiao fought not to mention, simply was the humanoid fight machine, clear killed the variation monster speed to be extremely quick, pours variation monster under his sickle, does not have 100 also has 90. 木萧战斗起来更不用说了,简直是人形战斗机器,清杀变异怪物的速度极快,倒在他镰刀下的变异怪物,没有一百也有九十 According to the people high-speed kills like this clear, at night can kill most variation monster probably clear. But at this time ground rivers of blood, surroundings too many corpses, cause the blood-soaked taste that in the air sends out, point does not have becomes pale, instead becomes more and more rich. 按照众人这样的高速清杀下去,夜晚大概可以清杀大部分变异怪物。但此时地面血流成河,周围实在太多尸体,导致空气中散发的血腥味,一点都没有变淡,反而变得越来越浓郁。 This is a trouble.” Mu Xiao pressed brow, wielded on the sickle to moisten some black bloody water. “这是一个麻烦。”木萧蹙了蹙眉头,挥去了镰刀上沾有的黑色血水。 Suddenly, the greenbelt spouted a water splash, is also spraying including some building thing, the entire Villa Region water conservation cleaning system opened comprehensively, in the ground has a a stream big and small water column to spew out, but also has a clean perfume flavor, washed and rinsed ground these black red blood, immediately diluted blood-soaked smell that covers in Villa Region. 忽然,绿化带喷出了一股水花,包括一些建筑物也在喷洒,整个别墅区的水利清洁系统全面开启了起来,地面上有一道道大小水柱喷涌而出,还带有一股清洁香剂的味道,洗涮了地面那些黑红的血液,顿时冲淡了笼罩在别墅区血腥气味。 An Rongru to save the energy, does not have has opened this water conservation cleaning system, because opens this system to consume a day of energy comprehensively probably, moreover is being fought where she dares to open is used to do cleanly, but the present fight stabilized, her thoughts opened this system closely, just like timely rain, greatly reduced the Villa Region existence hidden danger. 安蓉茹为了节省能量,一直没有开启这个水利清洁系统,因为全面开启这个系统大概要消耗一天的能量,而且正在战斗中她哪敢开启用来做清洁,但现在战斗稳定了下来,她心思细密地开了这个系统,犹如一场及时雨,大大降低了别墅区的存在隐患。 „It is quick-witted.” Mu Xiao approved An Rongru to open such timely rain, in the heart can't help but anticipated that met with her. “还挺机智的。”木萧赞了一句安蓉茹开启这样一场及时雨,心中不由期待跟她见面。 The Mu Xiao figure walks fast in the water splash splashes, the sickle blows the howling gale, on the cutting edge the electricity glow sparkle, only zombie divided to cut two halves, the black blood increased for the water splash like the black ink color. 木萧身形在水花飞溅之间疾走,镰刀刮起呼啸大风,锋刃上电芒闪耀,一只只丧尸劈斩成两半,黑色血液为水花增添了如墨般的颜色。 present variation beast basically did not have the trace, the giant wolf aura vanishes probably, has variation beast of savagery intuition, recognized here is a warning area, chose retreating. 现在变异兽基本没了踪影,大概巨狼的气息消失,有野性直觉的变异兽,认定了这里是个危险区,选择了退走。 ...... …… Villa Region everyone works as one to complete the lawful occasion time, there are that seven owners to be far away from the supreme headquarters range quietly. Because fought still had not finished, everyone was busy, mainly could not branch out the unnecessary energy to monitor while An Rongru, they chose this best time to retreat. 别墅区所有人齐心合力做好本份工作的时候,有那七名业主悄然远离了大本营范围。因为战斗依然未结束,所有人都非常忙碌,主要是趁着安蓉茹分不出多余精力来进行监视,他们选择了这个最佳时候退走。 But seven owners do not know, some people have stared at their every action and every movement. 但七名业主不知道,有人早已盯上了他们的一举一动。 That person is Shangguan Yuanxin. 那个人就是上官媛馨 The matter that Mu Xiao confesses her does not have forgot, her almost half of thoughts placed on these seven owners, from the beginning they discussed the whereabouts shortly, then returned to outside clear to kill zombie intentionally, was far away from the range of supreme headquarters to them finally gradually. 木萧交代的事情她没有忘记,她差不多一半心思放在了这七名业主身上,从一开始他们短暂商议去向,然后又故意返回外面清杀丧尸,到最后他们渐渐远离大本营的范围。 All these Shangguan Yuanxin look completely in the eye. 这一切上官媛馨都全部看在眼中。 Knew their trend, Shangguan Yuanxin related An Rongru, looked for Jiang Yue, dual monitored them to make anything closely. When knew that they go back to tidy up the personal belonging, intends to leave Villa Region, Shangguan Yuanxin was not such softhearted. 得知了他们动向,上官媛馨联系了安蓉茹,还有找来了姜月,双重紧密地监视了他们想做什么。当得知他们回去收拾私人物品,有意离开别墅区,上官媛馨不是那样心慈手软了。 If puts them to leave, in the future must to become big contract......” “若放他们离开,日后必成大患……” This is the thought that Shangguan Yuanxin first time floats off. Then, she informed An Rongru decisively, making her stimulate the defense system immediately the high-pressured electric shock, electro loses the consciousness to control completely them, when Mu Xiao comes back to punish. 这是上官媛馨第一时间浮起的念头。然后,她非常果断地通知了安蓉茹,让她马上激发防御系统的高压电击,将他们全部电致失去意识控制起来,待木萧回来发落。 So long as seven owners in the Villa Region range, were still hard to avoid the everywhere electric shock installment. 只要七名业主还在别墅区范围,就难以躲避得了无处不在的电击装置。 An Rongru understands clearly Shangguan Yuanxin's to worry, does not have was slightly loathsome, locked the positions of seven owners, stimulated the high-pressured electric shock of defense system comprehensively. Seven owners under the unexpectedness, are infiltrated the whole body and direct impact forehead by fierce electrical current that however comes suddenly in abundance, flickers loses the resistance consciousness, fell into fainting. 安蓉茹了然上官媛馨的担忧,没有丝毫拖泥带水,锁定了七名业主的位置,全面激发了防御系统的高压电击。七名业主在猝不及防之下,纷纷被突然而来的凶猛电流渗透全身、直冲脑门,瞬即失去反抗意识,陷入了晕厥。 For hiding, Shangguan Yuanxin looked for another vehicles, made Mu Xuanyin transform Jiang Yue and Jian Hanyao's image, created two people of most time intentionally in the supreme headquarters, the sign that does not have left, actually two people in secret the place that went to seven owners to faint, catches the whole lot in a dragnet owner who these seven want to flee, transported in the underground secret room in An Rongru back garden in secret, waited for Mu Xiao final execution. 为了遮人耳目,上官媛馨找了另一辆车辆,又让木绚音幻化了姜月简涵瑶的影像,故意造成两人大部分时间在大本营,没有离开的迹象,其实两人暗中去七名业主晕厥的地方,一网打尽了这七名想逃离的业主,暗中运去了安蓉茹后花园的一个地下密室之中,等候木萧最终的处决。 Shangguan Yuanxin makes so covertly, mainly does not think foreign aggression not clear time, Villa Region presents seven owners bring to contract, if the control is not good, the will of the people are likely separate, all day long fearful unsettled left the hidden troubles. 上官媛馨做成如此隐蔽,主要是不想外患未清的时候,别墅区又出现七名业主带来的内患,如果控制不好的话,很可能人心离散,终日惶惶不安埋下了隐患。 Now, quick blade cutting through a tangled heap, controlling seven owners is the best way. 如今,快刀斩乱麻,控制七名业主是最好的办法。 Can cause them to leave secretly, such others will not have the different kind idea, will only accuse them to lack consideration for the whole. 可以造成他们私自离开,那样其他人不会有别样想法,只会指责他们不顾大局而已。 Sky magnificent red clouds, Villa Region has sprayed the water splash that has the cleanser massively, washed and rinsed the blood-soaked tastes of many place, but the corpse are too many also does not have to tidy up completely, but the fight had reached the last act. 天空一片瑰丽的火烧云,别墅区一直喷洒大量带有清洁剂的水花,洗涮了很多地方的血腥味,只是尸体太多还没有完全收拾完毕,但战斗已经进入了尾声。 Mu Xiao looked for a leather bag, Thoughtsource Power swept the corpse in ground, the bead broken bodies of grains of red light twinkles, flew to invest in the leather bag unceasingly, he gathered the speed compared with the motorcade people was much quicker. 木萧找来了一个皮袋,念源力一扫地面上的尸体,一粒粒红光闪烁的珠子破体而出,不断飞来投入皮袋之中,他收取速度比起车队众人的快捷得多了。 Dusk Villa Region, small crowd of zombie of wander to seek for the corpse, part of zombie are swallowing the body of companion to take the dinner, as long as is zombie that Mu Xiao meets, by Plasma Scythe of electricity glow twinkle, was cut the percentage body separation completely. 黄昏的别墅区,有一小群的丧尸游荡寻找尸体,还有一部分丧尸正在地吞食同伴的尸体作为晚餐,但凡是木萧遇见的丧尸,全部被电芒闪烁的等离子镰刀,斩成头身分离。 From the beginning in Zhou Xuan, Duan Lingling, Yan Shaonan, Jiang Yunwei, Dan Miaoyi and Sun Xinyue Villa Region sweeping already toward the supreme headquarters centralism that the motorcade is, only then the logistic personnel and some Neo-Human still do to tidy up the work outside, other Core personnel almost returned to the supreme headquarters. 一开始在别墅区扫荡的周萱段玲玲严韶楠蒋云蔚单妙依孙新月已经往车队所在的大本营集中,只有后勤人员和部分新人类还在外面做收拾工作,其余核心人员差不多都回了大本营。 Sky more and more pale yellow. At this time, Villa Region and motorcade all important figures, in An Rongru's villa mid rank, when Mu Xiao comes back. 天空越来越昏黄。此时,别墅区和车队所有重要人员,都在安蓉茹的别墅中等木萧回来。 The owner who variation monster the war of surprise attack, a Villa Region side only saves only has five, but they only on behalf of Villa Region part of main action strength, three people of small teams that because Pang Xuejun and men and women compose, as well as outside these do to tidy up the work that five Neo-Human, in addition An Rongru and Jian Hanyao this to the mother and daughter words, Villa Region has the 15 Neo-Human strength. 一场变异怪物的突袭之战,别墅区一方仅存下来的业主只有五名,但他们只代表别墅区的一部分主战力,因为还有庞学军和一对男女组成的三人小团队,以及外面那些做收拾工作的那五名新人类,加上安蓉茹简涵瑶这对母女的话,别墅区十五新人类的战力。 But the motorcade quantity far exceeds them, before fought the motorcade only to lose six Neo-Human, but these six Neo-Human were killed by giant wolf, after giant wolf complete death ray, does not have has had Neo-Human death matter. 但车队数量远超他们,之前战斗中车队只损失了六名新人类,而这六名新人类都是被巨狼所杀,当巨狼全部死光之后,没有发生过新人类死亡的事情。 Therefore, the motorcade preserved overwhelming majority Neo-Human battle efficiencies, is the ordinary Neo-Human quantity, has about the 20 name fully, this was already not calculate Shangguan Yuanxin, Lü Xiaoman, Mu Xuanyin, Jiang Yue and Zhou Xuan...... their crowd of Core battle efficiencies female. 所以,车队保存了绝大部分的新人类战斗力,就是普通新人类数量,足有二十名左右,这是已经不计算上官媛馨吕晓蔓木绚音姜月周萱……她们这群核心战斗力的女性了。 At this time, two side people in silent to holding to compete, but Shangguan Yuanxin they have overwhelming population momentum and individual battle prestige, compels a person of Villa Region side, restless, the whole body is not comfortable. 此时,两方人正在无声对持攀比,但上官媛馨她们有压倒性的人数气势、个人战威,逼得别墅区一方的人,如坐针毡,浑身不自在。
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