REE :: Volume #2

#127: Existed in contracts

Jian Hanyao this small little girl was impolite, swept understanding veins and vigor and keen sense these three best strengthening origins, left behind hearing and of smell origins two does not have what big uses. 简涵瑶这小妮子一点都不客气,扫荡了认识的筋脉血气敏觉这三个最好的强化源泉,留下了两个没有什么大用处的听力嗅觉源泉 however, Powerful Rending Bite and Corrosive Saliva , includes origins that Wolf King appeared, she not clear is what ability, anticipated that the Mu Xiao help explains. 然而,还有强力撕咬腐蚀唾液,包括了狼王浮现出来的源泉,她不清楚是什么能力,期待木萧帮忙解答。 Massacred all giant wolf, that Wolf King, Mu Xiao promoted Genetic Resonance, he did not mind that Jian Hanyao wanted these strengthening origins, after all is not big to his constitution use. 杀掉了所有巨狼,还有那头狼王,木萧晋升了一次基因共鸣,他不介意简涵瑶要了那些强化源泉,毕竟对他体质用处不大。 Mu Xiao absorbed hearing and smell strengthening origins, transform becomes pure Primitive Origins, for strengthening Bloodline Gene, prepared to absorb Powerful Rending Bite and Corrosive Saliva said that these two Ability Origins, you should not want to use.” 木萧吸收了听力嗅觉强化源泉,转化成纯正的原始源泉,用于加强血脉基因,准备吸收强力撕咬腐蚀唾液说了一句,“这些两个能力源泉,你应该不想用。” What is that?” Jian Hanyao pursues asks. “那是什么?”简涵瑶追问道。 Can make your hands and feet turn into Wolf Claw, can make the saliva of your small mouth have the corrosion nature, later cannot kiss with the man.” Mu Xiao teased suddenly said: Right, you such barbaric willful, is very suitable to turn into little monster, moreover should the does not have man dare to kiss to you, these two Ability Origins turned over to you to absorb.” “一个可以让你手脚变成狼爪子,一个可以让你小嘴里的唾液有腐蚀性,以后跟男人接不了吻。”木萧忽然取笑说道:“对了,你这样野蛮任性,挺适合变成一只小怪物,而且应该没有男人敢给你接吻,这两个能力源泉归你吸收了。” How you do not die!” Jian Hanyao like only stepped on the stray cat of tail, fellow who almost lightsaber cuts this scoundrel, but in the heart is clear, if it's going to be like this, what finally suffers a loss is only oneself. “你怎么不去死!”简涵瑶像只被踩了尾巴的野猫,差点一激光剑斩去这个混账的家伙,但心中个非常明白,如果这样做,最后吃亏的只是自己 She does not suppress the oneself anger, grasps lightsaber, aggressive swift and fierce, kills variation monster that these clash unceasingly, asked that does not want to ask that Wolf King origins is what ability. 她也不压制自己的火气,手持激光剑,凶悍凌厉,杀去那些不断冲来的变异怪物,连问都不想问那头狼王源泉是什么能力。 „An inspiration puts out the compression wind ball the ability, the human body vital capacity the abundance that does not have giant wolf, the might affirmed that reduces...... Mu Xiao greatly directly absorbs together it together with Powerful Rending Bite and Corrosive Saliva , transform becomes Bloodline Gene evolution degree, but does not have breaks through Genetic Resonance frequency. “一个吸气吐出压缩风弹的能力,人体肺活量没巨狼的雄厚,威力肯定大减……”木萧直接连同强力撕咬腐蚀唾液一起将其吸收掉,转化血脉基因进化度,但没有突破基因共鸣次数 Slaughters, Mu Xiao absorbed many Ability Origins and Evolution Power Origins, from the beginning has killed variation monster of region clear, then changed the position to kill a meeting, meet was most variation beast absorbs big strengthening origins, promoted one time. 一路杀戮,木萧吸收了很多能力源泉进化力源泉,一开始就已经清杀一个区域的变异怪物,然后转移阵地又杀了一会,遇上是大部分变异兽吸收不小强化源泉,晋升了一次。 But he is in suspense the place that An Rongru is, therefore came this, just met one crowd of suffering defeat and fleeing giant wolf, it is no doubt that he was also clear the wolf vicious and retaliation degree, almost does not have launched the attack hesitant directly, after killing off, one time that also promoted, altogether only had 73 Genetic Resonance. 但他放心不下安蓉茹所在的地方,因此来了这处,刚好遇上了一群败走的巨狼,不用说,他也清楚狼性的凶狠和报复程度,几乎没有犹豫直接发起攻击,杀光之后,又晋升的一次,一共只有七十三基因共鸣 however, is not every variation monster, falls Ability Origins, even if variation beast also has some aptitude to exist incorrect, these aptitude incorrect variation beast, are unable to fall Ability Origins, each cannot only fall like strengthened-type zombie. 然而,不是每一只变异怪物,都掉落能力源泉的,就算是变异兽同样有一些资质不行的存在,这些资质不行的变异兽,就无法掉落能力源泉,不像强化型丧尸每只都可以掉落。 variation beast blood energy, has not many big uses to Mu Xiao, but Villa Region variation monster are too many, Genetic Resonance frequency is not high, he does not have diverts attention the absorption, but these giant wolf Genetic Resonance frequency, have almost the 50~60 time, is worth absorbing. 变异兽血能,对木萧有不多不小的用处,但别墅区变异怪物太多,基因共鸣次数不高,他才没有分心吸收,但这些巨狼基因共鸣次数,差不多有五六十次,值得吸收。 Mu Xiao re-absorption effect blood energy, becomes using Thoughtsource Power very exquisite, the heart of does not have destruction giant wolf, extracted inside rich blood energy, sends in the mouth. After all the giant wolf whole body has the value very much, this is the good fortune of delivering he said. 木萧多次吸收血能,运用念源力变得非常精妙,没有破坏巨狼的心脏,就抽取了里面的浓郁血能,送入嘴巴之中。毕竟巨狼全身都很有价值性,这可是他所说的送上门的造化。 Cannot think of this leader variation wolf, Wolf King bloodline, no wonder can urge this multi- variation beast.” Mu Xiao makes a belch, giant wolf blood energy absorbs completely, refining up to turn into evolution power that optimizes gene, resonance frequency, rises to the 75 time. “想不到这头首领变异狼,有一丝狼王血脉,怪不得能驱使这多变异兽。”木萧打了个嗝,巨狼血能全部吸收,炼化成一股优化基因进化力,共鸣次数,上升至七十五次。 Wolf King and all giant wolf death, nearby these variation beast did not have the restraint, quick to make a getaway, variation beast that but outside fled in all directions, moreover a group of zombie did not know anything to be afraid, the blood and flesh attraction of entire Villa Region, swallowed unceasingly. 狼王和所有巨狼死亡,附近那些变异兽没了约束,很快就逃之夭夭,但还有外面流窜的变异兽,而且也有一大群丧尸根本不知道什么害怕,全别墅区血肉吸引,不断吞食。 You go back to give me to have words, making one draw in all variation beast corpses.” Mu Xiao walked by Jian Hanyao, cut to turn strengthened-type zombie conveniently. “你回去给我带个话,让人收拢所有变异兽的尸体。”木萧走去了简涵瑶旁边,顺手砍翻了一只强化型丧尸 Why I help you, walked so many days, just came back to order me, you think that who you are!” Jian Hanyao like the young embittered wife, not only annoying and hidden bitterness, thinks that the oneself mother is the air/Qi does not hit one, do not think that I do not know you and my mother's relations, walk did not tell my mother personally, who you became my mother are! Where our was bullied you?!” “我为什么帮你,走了这么多天,刚回来就命令我,你以为你是谁!”简涵瑶像个小怨妇一样,既懊恼又幽怨,想到自己母亲更是气不打一处来,“别以为我不知道你和我妈的关系,走的时候都不跟我妈亲口说,你当我妈是什么人了!我们被人欺负你又在什么地方?!” This little girl mouth is hard, lacks the security sense seriously, does not understand to express the oneself emotion, has protected oneself with that bad personality. Although, she is not willing to accept Mu Xiao and An Rongru's intimate relation, but thinks the person protects her and An Rongru, at least in world that this monster runs amuck, had the safeguard of life. 妮子口硬心软,严重缺乏安全感,不懂表达自己情感,才一直用那糟糕性情来保护自己。虽然,她心里不太愿意接受木萧安蓉茹的亲密关系,但还是想有一个人来保护她和安蓉茹,起码在这个怪物横行的世界,有了生命的保障。 She mental surpassed the age boundary early, understands that world in what situation, contained what dark, even in she imagines, world also wanted darkness also to want chaos several times, the human nature does not have any bottom line, does not have the strength only compared with present to go on living like the slave, Villa Region these ordinary people were the best examples, regardless of the multi- brilliance, were much imposing in the past, finally only reduced this situation extremely. 她心智早超出了年龄界限,明白世界处于什么情况,蕴含了什么暗黑,甚至在她想象中,世界比起现在还要黑暗还要混乱好几倍,人性已经没有任何底线,没有了力量只能像奴隶一样活下去,别墅区那些普通人就是最好的例子,无论以往多光耀、多威风,最后只沦落了这个不堪的地步。 This is the result that she would rather die than to be willing to accept, but there is a strength, a person is unable to suffer disaster facing entire world's, once life will fall to the enemy will sink darkness death is not fearful forever, what feared will be refuses stubbornly such as dead...... 这是她宁死也不愿意接受的结果,但有了力量,一个人也无法面对整个世界的遭难,生命一旦沦陷就永沉黑暗死亡不可怕,怕的是死不如死…… The growth in her heart is a sorrowful matter, because there are the thing that thinks guardianship, does not hesitate to revolt against all, even is the oneself wish. Therefore, Jian Hanyao starts to attempt to accept some oneself should not the relations of acceptance, endures some unsupportable things. 在她心中成长是件悲哀的事,因为有了想守护的东西,不惜反抗一切,甚至是自己的意愿。所以,简涵瑶开始尝试接受一些自己本来不该接受的关系,忍受一些本不能忍受的事情。 Mu Xiao does not know that Jian Hanyao this bad small little girl, heart spirit has any subtle transformation, he only paid attention to the Jian Hanyao last speech. 木萧不知道简涵瑶这个糟糕的小妮子,心灵有什么微妙转变,他只注意了简涵瑶最后一句说话。 Some are Villa Region people disadvantageous to you?” In the Mu Xiao foreheads congealed malignant influences, the facial expression became cold. 别墅区有人对你们不利?”木萧眉宇间凝上了一股煞气,神情变得冷冽了起来。 Jian Hanyao as if looked for one to divulge, the small mouth such as spilled the beans equally concisely quickly, said some time ago the Villa Region condition. How included these owners to become estranged, wants to capture Villa Region large-scale system authority repeatedly, did not turn in blood bead wait/etc. 简涵瑶仿佛找了一个宣泄点似的,小嘴如竹筒倒豆子一样简明快捷,说出了不久前别墅区的状况。包括了那些业主怎样疏远,多次想夺取别墅区的大系统权限,又不上缴血珠等等。 I understood. You go back to give me many belt/bring a few words, lets that woman of host motorcade, the sound that the attention guards against these owners, do not have the action of acting out of desperation to them.” In the Mu Xiao heart had the resolution early, and other fights ended, I will process them personally.” “我明白了。你回去给我多带一句话,让主持车队的那名女人,注意防范那些业主的动静,别给他们有狗急跳墙的举动。”木萧心中早有了决断,“等战斗结束,我会亲自处理他们。” These owners are not with great difficulty the tame fellow, Mu Xiao were clear. 那些业主本来就不是好容易驯服的家伙,木萧非常明白。 But before did not kill them, actually two intentions, first want to them a submitting to opportunity, what a pity only then Ding Qilue and Yun Shuxue and some other young people have this coming to understand, others lose this opportunity, equally in losing hope. 但之前不杀他们,其实有两个用意,一来想给他们一个臣服的机会,可惜只有丁奇略云舒雪等小部分人有这份觉悟,其余人失去这个机会,相等于失去了希望 Secondly, Mu Xiao knows that oneself must go back the dwelling, therefore is leaving Villa Region this time, must use their Neo-Human strength, protects good Villa Region all, now the surprise attack of variation monster, happen to have their existences, Villa Region the does not have large-scale collapse. 二来,木萧知道自己一定要回去住处,所以在离开别墅区这段时间,就必须利用他们新人类的力量,来保护好别墅区的一切,如今变异怪物的突袭,正好是有他们的存在,别墅区没有大规模崩溃。 If, Mu Xiao killed off them initially completely, only An Rongru and Jian Hanyao are unable to manage and protect so many ordinary people, irresistibly so many variation monster, but there is their existence, pushed to them in disguised form front, blocked the surprise attack of variation monster, otherwise the Villa Region people are unable to delay to the arrival of motorcade, that An Rongru and Jian Hanyao's crisis was bigger. 如果,当初木萧全部杀光了他们,单凭安蓉茹简涵瑶无法管理和保护这么多普通人,更加无法抵抗这么多变异怪物,但有了他们的存在,变相将他们推向了前面,挡住了变异怪物的突袭,否则别墅区的众人无法拖延到车队的到来,那安蓉茹简涵瑶的危机更大了。 Jian Hanyao brought Mu Xiao's to speak, went back her family's villa. Mu Xiao continues to invest slaughters during the cleaning of variation monster, now zombie has sharply fallen, Zhou Xuan, Duan Lingling, Dan Miaoyi, Yan Shaonan, Sun Xinyue and Jiang Yunwei are tightening the front. 简涵瑶带着木萧的说话,回去了她家里的别墅处。木萧继续投入杀戮变异怪物的清扫之中,如今丧尸已经锐减了很多,周萱段玲玲单妙依严韶楠孙新月蒋云蔚正在收紧战线。 giant wolf death of biggest threat, the Villa Region owner and ordinary person battle efficiency can display, Shangguan Yuanxin has the foreknowledge very much, with Mu Xiao thinks, invested the manpower to tidy up some complete variation beast corpses, but these giant wolf corpses became the gather with attention to priorities target. 最大威胁的巨狼死亡,别墅区的业主和普通人战斗力得以发挥,上官媛馨很有先见之明,跟木萧所想的一样,投入了人手收拾一些完好的变异兽尸体,而那些巨狼尸体成了重点收集目标。 The front has variation monster that five heavy-scale giant tiger interception well up, the rear pressure reduces greatly, the motorcade loaded the logistic personnel tidied up the battlefield, divided exquisitely bright, Neo-Human killed some scattered variation monster, the logistic personnel gathers blood bead and stack corpse to conduct burning down, to transport the variation beast corpse, the Villa Region the personnel of personnel and motorcade, the processing matter gets up, has the obvious disparity. 前方有五台重型巨虎拦截涌上来的变异怪物,后方压力大减,车队装载了后勤人员进行了收拾战场,分工细明,新人类射杀部分零散的变异怪物,后勤人员收取血珠、堆积尸体进行焚烧、搬运变异兽尸体,别墅区的人员和车队的人员,处理事情起来,有明显的差距。 The motorcade personnel the team spirit of the frequent fight cultivating, moreover their majority is the people of middle and lower level, manages the disposition that the people of motorcade does not have keep aloof, the work will obtain blood bead to be used to strengthen itself, to be used to maintain life, even can be used to receive in exchange for the medicine of Mu Xiao manufacture, upgrade constitution, could become Neo-Human. 车队人员是从频密战斗中培养出来的团队意识,而且他们大部分都是中下层的民众,管理车队的人又没有高高在上的脾性,工作又会分得血珠用来增强自身、用来保命,甚至可以用来换取木萧制作的药物,提升体质,有望成为新人类 Otherwise, the Villa Region personnel are one to reverse side, they before were the life excellent crowds, although occupied most probably is the staff, the ordinary people that but compared to the outside world were much better, but world had big transformation, under the strong contrast, caused in their hearts the sensation distress, was much more bitter than the ordinary people. 反之,别墅区的人员就是一个对相反面,他们以前本来就是生活优质的人群,虽然占了大半是工作人员,但都比起外界的普通民众好得多,可是世界发生大变化,强烈反差之下,导致他们心中感觉的苦楚,比普通民众苦得多。 Also, led them to go out the owner of hunting, generally was indifferent their life and death, but also squeezed out blood bead that they hunted come unceasingly, naturally raised gradually does not work vigorously, let alone team mental. 再说,领导他们出外狩猎的业主,一般都是漠不关心他们的生死,还不断榨取他们狩猎得来的血珠,渐渐自然提不起劲来做事,更别说团队精神了。 If the motorcade gave ordinary person hope, that Villa Region owner, suppressed hope of ordinary person. 如果车队是给了普通希望,那别墅区的业主,就是压制了普通人的希望 Naturally, is not every owner is this, for example Ding Qilue, An Rongru, Yun Shuxue and other comparisons had the conscience owner, is assigning blood bead according to a proportion, will not squeeze out them extremely in serious, understands to take care of your pennies and dollars will take care of themselves, trains their strength. 当然,不是每个业主都是这样,譬如丁奇略安蓉茹云舒雪等比较有良知的业主,在分配血珠都会按照一个比例,不会榨取他们太过于严重,懂得细水长流,培养他们实力。 An Rongru their does not have Mu Xiao's pharmacy knowledge, is unable to compound better medicine, if matched the good strengthening medicine with league these early, An Rongru they do not give up the use, because Mu Xiao said that these medicines have the use greatly, can compound several times of properties, has more tangible strengthening effect. 只是安蓉茹他们没有木萧的药学知识,无法配制更好的药剂,如果用本来联盟那些早配好的强化药物,安蓉茹他们又舍不得用处,因为木萧说那些药物大有用处,可以配制出好几倍的药性,有更明显强化效果。 Therefore, the Villa Region ordinary person overall quality, is far less than the ordinary person of motorcade, even the battle efficiencies of these owners, are inferior to Shangguan Yuanxin similarly their several females. Villa Region, only then a Jian Hanyao battle efficiency can compare them. 因此,别墅区普通人综合素质,远不如车队的普通人,甚至这些业主的战斗力,同样不如上官媛馨她们几位女性。别墅区,只有一个简涵瑶战斗力可以相比她们。 Jian Hanyao returned to the coming home entrance, first time looks for Mu Xuanyin to complain ruthlessly, then Mu Xuanyin led her to look for Shangguan Yuanxin, conveyed the Mu Xiao's speech. 简涵瑶回来家门口,第一时间找了木绚音狠狠吐槽了一番,然后木绚音带她找了上官媛馨,转达了木萧的说话。 Now Mu Xiao has come back to manage the general situation, person who before had the disloyalty, if clear Mu Xiao did not let off them, possibly abandoned this base industry to run away, may carry a rod and ask for punishment, does not remove them to act out of desperation......” “如今木萧已经回来主持大局,之前别有异心的人,如果清楚木萧不放过他们,可能抛弃这份基业逃走,有可能负荆请罪,也不排除他们会狗急跳墙……” During Shangguan Yuanxin is lost in thought. 上官媛馨陷入了沉思之中。 Finally, she defers to Mu Xiao's to speak, guards against these owners, if they have any illegal sound, has to eradicate directly, present is not softhearted and discussed the friendship the time. 最终,她还是按照木萧的说话,防范那些业主,如果他们有什么不轨动静,只好直接铲除掉,现在不是心慈手软、论交情的时候。
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