REE :: Volume #2

#126: Cuts to kill

Fearless Jian Hanyao, fears a clear graceful supple young girl unexpectedly, this probably was the meaning of every man has his master. 天不怕地不怕的简涵瑶,居然怕一个清纯婉柔的少女,这大概是一物降一物的意思了。 Actually, Jian Hanyao and Mu Xuanyin's relations are very simple, is only same class schoolmate. If Mu Xuanyin is in the class the outstanding student, that Jian Hanyao is in the class the spokesman of rebel student, two people came does not have anything to contact, but since has time two people were divided into one group the extracurricular activity, henceforward, all forms a team is their two people, even the seat redistributed turned into about the neighbor, two people started to be together to be incompatible, the topic, rubbed one gradually friendship relations. 其实,简涵瑶木绚音的关系很简单,只是同班同学。如果说木绚音是班里优秀学生,那简涵瑶就是班里叛逆学生的代表者,两人本来没有什么接触,但自从有次两人被分成一组出课外活动之后,自此以后,所有组队都是她们两人,连座位重新分配都变成了左右邻居,两人开始相处格格不入,渐渐了话题,摩擦了一段‘友谊’关系。 It can be said that Jian Hanyao only friend Mu Xuanyin. Because only then Mu Xuanyin does not fear her, not dread her family background, dares to contradict her speech. 可以说,简涵瑶唯一的‘朋友’正是木绚音。因为只有木绚音不怕她,不畏惧她家庭背景,敢顶撞她的说话。 however, regardless in the Jian Hanyao heart has multi- driven mad annoyingly, thinks oneself not compared with Mu Xuanyin that innocent gently beautiful cheek difference many, but when sees her pure free of evil intention smile, naturally sends out pure and beautiful cure spirit qi, does not know why will not have the impulsion of eruption, the speech that wants to curse at people filled with, wants to spit does not come out. 然而,无论简涵瑶心中有多抓狂有多懊恼,又自认为自己不比木绚音那张纯情柔美的脸蛋差多少,但当一看到她那纯净无邪的笑容,自然散发纯美治愈灵气,就不知为何会没了爆发的冲动,满腔想骂人的说话,想吐也不出来。 Due to the family reason, Jian Hanyao is a vigilance very strong young girl, but trained her to have very sensitive sense of touch, clearly knows that these were close to her person having anything to attempt, have what goal, only then Mu Xuanyin gave her very pure sensation, probably did not have the crystal of impurity together, she could not see any to be false and malicious in the Mu Xuanyin eye. 由于家庭原因,简涵瑶是一个戒心很强的少女,但同时培养了她有非常敏感的触觉,清楚知道那些接近她的人有什么企图,怀有什么目的,只有木绚音给她非常单纯的感觉,好像是一块毫无杂质的水晶,她在木绚音眼中看不见任何虚假与恶意。 But Jian Hanyao is not a person who is good at expressing the oneself feelings, on the mouth said that oneself does not have friend, actually approved Mu Xuanyin at heart, once happened in Ending World, she also relates Mu Xuanyin repeatedly, but could not relate, has had the short negativity, thinks that Mu Xuanyin met the misfortune, losing this is the friend is not friend's relations. 简涵瑶不是一个善于表达自己感情的人,嘴上说自己没有朋友,心里却认可了木绚音,曾在末世发生,她还多次联系木绚音,但一直联系不上,有过短暂的消极,以为木绚音遇上了不幸,失去这段是朋友又不是朋友的关系。 At this moment, Jian Hanyao saw oneself this friend in heart to be pleasantly surprised, was surprised she to have present oneself main house gate, probably still in the appearance of fight, liking was her does not have died, but also living...... 此时此刻,简涵瑶看见了自己这个‘朋友’心中又惊又喜,惊讶她出现在自己家门口,好像还在战斗的样子,欢喜是她没有死去,还活生生…… While the Jian Hanyao mood is elated, forgot to pay attention to the ambient condition all of a sudden, the rear building thing high place jumped out of ten giant wolf, was headed by that Wolf King killing that unexpectedly, sudden clap of thunder was as fast as lightning! 正当简涵瑶心情欢跃,一下子忘了注意周围情况,后方一座建筑物高处跳出了十头巨狼,竟以那头狼王为首,惊雷掣电的袭杀而来! Miss Jian! Rear area attention!” 简小姐!注意后方!” Hanyao schoolmate! Be careful!” 涵瑶同学!小心!” Careful giant wolf!” “小心巨狼!” Pang Xuejun and Mu Xuanyin, periphery the people on the scene sent urgently shouted, at the same time, the ground jumped out of ten ray that just like the silver snake, turns into electrical current that several chi (0.33 m) winding abhorred, filled the air fast, limited killing of that ten giant wolf. 庞学军木绚音,还有周围在场的众人发了急呼,在这同时,地面跳出十多道犹如银蛇的光芒,化成了数尺长的蜿蜒疾动的电流,快速弥漫开去,限制那十头巨狼的袭杀。 An Rongru pays attention to outside tactical situation always, seeing the oneself daughter to have the danger, immediately is burning with impatience, ignores the energy consumption, stimulated explosive high-pressured electrical current, attacks these giant wolf, is the oneself daughter strives for time. 安蓉茹无时无刻关注外面战况,看见自己女儿有危险,顿时心急如焚,不顾能量消耗,激发了爆裂性的高压电流,攻击那些巨狼,为自己女儿争取时间 Under blazing sunlight, sparkle bunch of intense electric shocks that is erupting resplendent ray. 炽烈阳光之下,闪耀一团团爆发着璀璨光芒的强烈电击。 pī pī pā pā!...... 噼噼啪啪!…… Six giant wolf unexpected under were hit by electrical current, shines a piece of resplendent electric light spark, such as the smoke and fire explodes, the whole body stands erect to emit the hair of light smoke, the eye pupil turns white, the mouth spits the foam, lost the consciousness to collapse on the ground twitches unceasingly. 六头巨狼猝不及防之下被电流击中,亮起一片璀璨的电光火花,如烟火爆炸,浑身竖立冒出青烟的毛发,眼瞳翻白,口吐白沫,失去了意识倒塌在地上不断抽搐。 Other four giant wolf that Wolf King leads, surge fiercely strong gale, rising with a spring, the spring is astonishing, just like the big bird of leap, evaded in the ground these high-pressured electrical current, unexpectedly the line in the midair, such as Chasing Wind is as fast as lightning speedily, vicious killed behind Jian Hanyao's. 狼王带领的余下四头巨狼,猛地激荡一股烈风,一跃而起,弹跳力惊人,宛如飞跃的大鸟,躲过了地面上那些高压电流,居然在半空中疾速而行,如追风掣电,凶厉地杀来了简涵瑶的背后。 Mastery over Wind 风的掌握 Wolf King has the sourcepower system ability, gathered peripheral wind power, helped four subordinate giant wolf, amplification the jump altitude, accelerated killing! 狼王具有源力系的能力,聚拢了周边风力,帮助四头下属巨狼,增幅跳跃高度,加速了扑杀! Has not come to throw truly, Wolf King has sent out the offensive, the abdomen suddenly ballooning, a fierce big mouth, sprays a wind ball that fiercely compressed the air, the midair curls up a micro cyclone, the straight bang falls in front of Jian Hanyao that just turned around, has greatly extinguishes at one fell swoop kills ruthless spicy. 还没来真正扑来,狼王已经发出了攻势,腹部忽然鼓胀了起来,一张狰狞大口,猛地喷射出一股压缩了空气的风弹,半空卷起一个小旋涡,直轰落刚转过身来的简涵瑶面前,大有一举灭杀的狠辣。 The wind ball surged the ripples, under the short distance, Jian Hanyao is so calm, starts the energy in wrist/skill to protect the shield instantaneously, a pēng rán Rupture big sound, the wind ball strong impulse, almost plays crush the energy shield, but she drew support from wind ball impulse, picked up suddenly/violently to retreat the speed. 风弹激荡了涟漪,在如此近距离之下,简涵瑶处变不惊,瞬间启动手腕之中的能量护盾,砰然一声破裂大响,风弹的强劲冲击力,几乎把能量盾牌打得破碎,但她借助了风弹这股冲击力,加快了暴退的速度。 Her fight consciousness is flexible exceptionally. 她的战斗意识灵活得异常。 Wolf King and four giant wolf lost all of a sudden killed her best opportunity, when they prepared the moment that fell to the ground to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, the front air trembled slightly, a stream said that the certain kill life bright granule light beam, as if pierced space, by the potential of sudden clap of thunder, instantaneously oncoming front. 狼王和四头巨狼一下子失去了扑杀她的最佳机会,当它们准备落地乘胜追击的一刻,前方空气微微一颤,一道绝杀生命的煌煌粒子光束,仿佛洞穿了空间,以惊雷之势,瞬间来临面前。 The distant place villa, lies to lie in figure of vehicle roof high place, is blacker much the sniper's rifle under sunlight, aimed at Wolf King and four giant wolf. 远处别墅,有一名趴卧在车顶高处的身影,一支在阳光下黑得深邃的狙击枪,对准了狼王和四头巨狼 This is the granule light beam that Jiang Yue sends out, she has locked Wolf King with Perspective Light Eyes , is waiting for like the hunter generally, finally waited for an excellent monkey killing intentions meeting in this moment, even locked four giant wolf life while convenient. 这是姜月发出的粒子光束,她一直用透视光瞳锁定了狼王,如同猎人一般守候着,终于在这一刻等待了一个绝佳的狙杀机会,甚至顺带锁定了四头巨狼生命 These five giant wolf induced to the crisis keenly approaches, stimulates ruthless spicy wolf, the autonomy overdrew the Bloodline Gene energy greatly, twinkling whole body blood power inflated, muscle gave birth explosive force that just like Thunder Stirs, immediately must conduct to avoid to dodge. 这五头巨狼敏锐感应到危机来临,刺激了狠辣的狼性,自残般大透支了血脉基因的能量,瞬息浑身血力膨胀,肌肉生出了犹如雷动的爆发力,马上就要进行回避闪躲。 But in the ground presents one such as the giant stone to press carrying a heavy load magnetic power of body accidentally/surprisingly, limited Wolf King and four giant wolf explosive forces in vain, even in the carrying a heavy load pressure of flash, body blood power revolved not smooth appeared slowly. 可是地面上意外出现一股如巨石压身的负重磁力,徒然限制了狼王和四头巨狼的爆发力,甚至在一瞬间的负重压力,身躯血力运转不畅顺出现了迟钝。 Critical moment, small mistake, created often is fatal. 关键时刻,微小差错,造成的往往是致命。 The slow moment, the a stream granule light beam hurricane comes, pierces four giant wolf foreheads accurately, passes through from the back of the head, immediately spread the burnt smog, life passed with light beam withering away of going far away. 迟钝的一刻,一道道粒子光束狂飙而来,准确洞穿四头巨狼的额头,从后脑贯穿而出,顿时传出了焦糊的烟雾,生命随着远去的光束消亡流逝。 Only then that Wolf King started the blood power raging tide, broke away forcefully the limit that carries a heavy load of magnetic power, evaded fatally struck, but was still shot through an ear by the a stream granule light beam, the peripheral hair scorched, delimits the a stream blood and flesh fuzzy burning mark. 只有那头狼王掀起了血力狂潮,强行挣开了负重磁力的限制,躲过了致命一击,但依然被一道粒子光束射穿了一只耳朵,周边毛发烧焦,划出了一道血肉模糊的灼痕。 áo wū! 嗷呜 Suddenly, Wolf King sends out to howl low and deep, calls these to hide in building thing giant wolf, quick leader giant wolf jumps down from the building thing. The Wolf King hyperemia swift and fierce eye pupil, the mean hatred looked at distant place one, contained the deep hatred, very unwilling turning around, is leading less than ten giant wolf remnants of defeated troops, such as the hurricane retreats generally fast. 忽然,狼王发出低沉呼啸,唤出那些隐藏在建筑物的巨狼,很快一头头巨狼建筑物跳下。狼王充血凌厉的眼瞳,阴狠怨毒看了远处一眼,蕴含了深深的仇恨,非常不甘心的掉头,领着不足十只的巨狼残部,如飓风一般快速退走。 Wolf, inborn sly, retaliating the heart is extremely strong, especially after variation, wolf nature extreme, its hard to deal with degree under not bleeding off variant, even is slier than intelligently variant. If this Wolf King successfully retreats, only feared that later Villa Region can not be peaceful. 狼,天生狡猾,报复心极强,尤其经过变异之后,狼性极端至极,其难缠程度不下于放走变异人,甚至比变异人更加狡猾聪明。如果这头狼王成功退走,只怕以后别墅区就不得安宁了。 Aybar, you do everything possible and spare nothing to intercept these variation wolves!” Shangguan Yuanxin is clear these giant wolf to run away to have any dire consequence, issues the order severely, making Aybar they control five heavy-scale giant tiger to intercept. 艾巴尔,你们想尽办法、不惜一切代价拦截那些变异狼!”上官媛馨非常清楚这些巨狼逃走有什么可怕后果,严厉发出命令,让艾巴尔他们控制五台重型巨虎进行拦截。 Meanwhile, she uses Mu Xiao's LightBrain, the first time to talk over the telephone with An Rongru, saying of treating a matter seriously: We cannot bleed off these variation wolves, otherwise the consequence is dreadful! hope you limit the speeds of these variation wolves as far as possible!” 同时,她用木萧的光脑,第一次跟安蓉茹进行通话,郑重其事的说道:“我们不能放走那些变异狼,否则后果不堪设想!希望你尽可能限制那些变异狼的速度!” Does not need......” An Rongru elegantly charming to smile. “不用了……”安蓉茹风雅迷人一笑。 Shangguan Yuanxin pressed black eyebrow, was mistaken that An Rongru makes the stance, not to coordinate to fight with her, but after listening to the An Rongru following speech, her black eyebrow stretched, originally the solemn and respectful and discontented facial expression, regained the tranquil condition gradually. 上官媛馨蹙了蹙黛眉,误以为安蓉茹跟她摆姿态、不配合战斗,但听了安蓉茹接下来的说话之后,她黛眉舒展了开来,本来肃穆和不满的神情,渐渐恢复了平静状态。 It is simple a speech. 只是很简单一句说话。 desolate came back.” “萧回来了。” The An Rongru gentle sound, as if also contained missing such as the deep affection of honey. 安蓉茹轻柔的声音,仿佛还蕴含了一股思念如蜜的浓情。 The Shangguan Yuanxin surface looks that on the field fought to fall into the superheating, in the heart actually reminisced the An Rongru speech tone and facial expression, immediately understands Mu Xiao and she possibly had the unusual relations, mused: What originally Mu Xiao provokes was this once the richest beautiful woman, but she used the sentiment to be very deep probably, originally thinks that Mu Xiao provoked is her daughter......” 上官媛馨表面看着场上战斗陷入了白热化,心中却回念安蓉茹说话口吻和神情,顿时明白了木萧和她可能有不寻常的关系,暗想:“原来木萧招惹的是这个曾经最富有的美妇,而她好像用情很深,本来以为木萧招惹是她的女儿……” , Shangguan Yuanxin can't help but appeared independently an absurd suspicion. 顿了一下,上官媛馨不由自主浮现出一个荒唐的猜想。 ...... …… After Jian Hanyao evaded killing of one crowd of giant wolf, temporarily will meet good friend the Mu Xuanyin's matter to reach a deadlock, the figure illness/quick moves suddenly, turns into a stream afterimage, pursues these giant wolf to go, enmity of the report sneak attack. 简涵瑶躲过了一群巨狼的袭杀之后,暂时将遇见‘好友’木绚音的事情搁浅,身形猛然疾动,化成一道残影,追赶那些巨狼而去,一报偷袭之仇。 Dares to take advantage I with the rotten wood spoke the time, sneak attacked this great-aunt!” The Jian Hanyao intense retaliation heart is not worse than giant wolf many, even is more narrow-minded than giant wolf. “竟敢趁我跟烂木头说话的时候,偷袭本姑奶奶!”简涵瑶强烈报复心不比巨狼差多少,甚至比巨狼还要小心眼。 She had/left the scopes of several villas, seeing the front man to grasp a scythe, sparkle cold Hui under sunlight, giant wolf seemed only fettered the action, had no place to go, under a blade all giant wolf cut two, only had that Wolf King temporarily does not have death, went all out to erupt blood power to escape, was actually pulled back by an invisible strength, only feared that also leaves death is not far. 只是她出了几座别墅的范围,看见了前方一个男人手持一把大镰刀,在阳光下闪耀冷辉,一只只巨狼仿佛被束缚了行动,无处可走,一刀之下所有巨狼斩成两段,唯有那头狼王暂时没有死亡,拼命爆发血力逃跑,却被一股无形力量拉回来,只怕也离死亡不远了。 Is only Mastery over Wind, what a pity is not Wind Sourcepower.” Mu Xiao Thoughtsource Power turns into a fist, hits to explode the wind ball that Wolf King spat, from wind power regarding the Wolf King body, was clear immediately what ability Wolf King has. “只是风的掌握,可惜不是风源力。”木萧念源力化成一拳,打爆了狼王吐出来的风弹,从一股风力围绕狼王身躯,顿时清楚了狼王有什么样的能力。 Mastery over Wind can only condense surrounding wind power, the lethality is limited, but may be used in the amplification speed, sensitive, jump, dodging and other body values. But Wind Sourcepower produces in gene, the amplification effect is more powerful, has very high lethality. 风的掌握只能凝聚周围风力,杀伤力有限,但可用于增幅速度,灵敏跳跃、闪避等身体数值。而风源力产生基因之中,增幅效果更加强大,同时具有很高杀伤力。 Wolf King constitution, only then the Apex Two-layered Realm mid phase degree, Genetic Resonance frequency is actually good, has about the 65 time probably, but the Mu Xiao constitution intensity and Genetic Resonance frequency, surpasses in Wolf King, particularly the constitution aspect, high under stands sentences, whatever Wolf King shows the skills, finally cannot run away to be cut the head by a Mu Xiao blade. 狼王体质,只有顶尖二重境中期的程度,基因共鸣次数倒是不错,大概有六十五次左右,但木萧体质强度和基因共鸣次数,都超于狼王,尤其是体质方面,高下立判,任由狼王施展浑身解数,最终逃不了被木萧一刀斩掉了脑袋。 death Wolf King, appears a air mass of oval-shape. 死亡狼王,浮现出一个椭圆形的气团。 Other these giant wolf appeared respectively bunch of origins, has veins origins, is helpful effect and that vigor origins strengthens the explosive force to continue, makes up the bloodline strength and keen sense origins greatly, strengthens the sense sense of touch and hearing origins, strengthens the ear reception and smell origins, strengthens the resolution smell, altogether six constitution system strengthening origins. 其余那些巨狼分别浮现了一团团源泉,有筋脉源泉,有助增强爆发力持续的功效、血气源泉,大补血脉力量、敏觉源泉,增强感官触觉、听力源泉,加强耳朵接收力、嗅觉源泉,加强分辨气味,一共六种体质系强化源泉 Two giant wolf appeared different kind ability Powerful Rending Bite and Corrosive Saliva , both are constitution System Ability, after Powerful Rending Bite absorbs, the tooth and finger and toe meet transformation to become the tooth and claw of similar Beast, has grasps very much bites the ability. 只有两只巨狼浮现了别样能力强力撕咬腐蚀唾液,两个都是体质系能力,强力撕咬吸收之后,牙齿和手指、脚趾会变化成类似野兽的牙齿和爪子,有很强抓咬能力。 As for absorbs Corrosive Saliva , is doomed ability that loses kisses. 至于,吸收一个腐蚀唾液,注定失去接吻的能力。 Hey! What good thing did these domestic animals explode?” Jian Hanyao hēng hēng walked, the bright eyes suppress with raw hate die to stare on the Mu Xiao face, the ruddy small mouth digs to curl upwards Old Gao, is lovable and rampant. “喂!这些畜生爆了什么好东西?”简涵瑶哼哼的走了过来,明眸凶狠狠得死盯木萧脸上,红润小嘴巴撅翘得老高,可爱又嚣张。 Good.” Mu Xiao had discovered she arrived, sizes up her, the nod said: Your this girl grows very quickly, has 60 Genetic Resonance, constitution also has initial period of Apex Two-layered Realm, before has not wasted me training.” “不错。”木萧早就发现了她到来,打量了她一番,点头说道:“你这丫头成长得挺快,有六十基因共鸣,体质也有顶尖二重境初期,没白费我之前的一番培养。” Nonsense!” Jian Hanyao did not appreciate kindness rendered curls the lip. “狗屁!”简涵瑶毫不领情地撇撇嘴。 Her bad personality as always. 她一如既往的糟糕性情。 -------- PS: In August possibly two a little are unstabler, but everyone felt relieved that certainly will not break, will at least have one. Because the private affair is busy this month, reduced sat in front of the computer the symbol, for these days with retaining the draft, but will renew next month can restore, non-periodical will also erupt three...... to ask various big book friends to forgive and sympathize. PS:八月可能二更有点不稳定,但大家放心一定不会断更,至少会有一更。因为这个月私事繁忙,减少了坐在电脑面前码字,这几天都是用存稿,不过下个月更新会恢复,不定期还会爆发三更……请各大书友谅解、体贴。 Thank: Loves the flowered the fish and bathe water, Mo tears, 3 M 14 E and shrimp fragrance, Louis951117 and Li you trash and nowhere not dog blood and zhen yi, moe the god...... big hitting to enjoy with the monthly ticket support greatly( this month has the monthly ticket benefits, but the renewal is not powerful, did not dare the thick cheek to want with everyone. Therefore thanked the person of voting very much.) 感谢:爱花儿的鱼、沐水、陌漢淚的、3M14E、三寸丁香、Louis951117、李你哦垃圾、无处不狗血、鎭乂、大萌神……大大们的打赏和月票支持(这个月有月票福利,但更新不给力,也不敢厚面皮跟大家要了。所以很感谢投票的人。)
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