REE :: Volume #2

#125: Threat of giant wolf

One crowd of variation beast attack, regarding Mu Xiao is a delivering good fortune, but provoked a group of zombie to arrive, to him was also only a trouble. But one crowd of variation beast to Villa Region these people, is a life and death war, if one crowd of zombie well up in addition, simply is despair. 一群变异兽来袭,对于木萧来说是一场送上门的造化,但又招惹了一大群丧尸到来,对他来说也只是一场麻烦。可是一群变异兽别墅区那些人来说,就是一场生死大战,如果加上一群丧尸涌来,简直是绝望 However, present they had hope, the favorable turn is the appearance of 20 weaponry motorcade, the blazing bullet, the intense laser line and electromagnetism stirs up light cannon, on vehicle roof Neo-Human energy weapon lasings, the gorgeous incomparable energy beam, such as the raindrop was dense and numerous, killed a group of variation monster, even these ominous prestige cruel wolf beasts died 5~6. 不过,现在他们有了希望,转机是二十武装车队的出现,火焰子弹、强烈激光线、电磁激光炮,还有车顶上一个个新人类的能量武器激射,绚丽无比的能量射线,如雨点般密密麻麻,射杀了一大群变异怪物,甚至那些凶威暴戾的狼兽都死了五六只。 In a minute, Light-edged Flying Saucer and Sword and Cannon Robot kills, strangle to death another variation monster, slaughtered the scene like the slaughter house, the blood of splash dyes the metallic body sends black hair to be red. 片刻,光棱飞碟剑炮机人一路杀来,绞杀了一只又一只的变异怪物,杀戮场面如同屠宰场,飞溅的血液将金属机体都染得发黑发红。 But these picture does not have bring the disgusting feeling, but brought to be elated enormously. 但这些画面没有给人带来恶心感,而是给人带了极大欢跃。 Shangguan Yuanxin resulted in Mu Xiao to give her Villa Region control, she can relate on An Rongru, but the motorcade the region that came in Villa Region to persevere finally, An Rongru turns on the energy cover to greet coming of motorcade quickly. 上官媛馨得了木萧给她的别墅区控制权,她可以联系上安蓉茹,而车队一进来别墅区最后坚守的区域,安蓉茹很快就打开了能量罩迎接了车队的进来。 In the car(riage) everyone is rapid, does not have chaos, on everyone almost wears the defense clothing/taking, in the hand and conducts the back the cold weapons and torches to fill, rapid freeze, they are responsible for the logistics, but can also coordinate the Neo-Human fight. 车里所有人迅速下来,没有一丝混乱,每个人身上都几乎穿有防御服,手中和背上有冷兵器和喷火灌、急冻器,他们是负责后勤,但也可以配合新人类战斗。 Five heavy-scale giant tiger person does not have gets out, is Aybar and Cheng Shugao several Neo-Human, controlled heavy-scale giant tiger to continue to rush ahead, used the thick steel chassis, on the vehicle roof rows of Blazing Machine Gunner , the hit slaughtered variation monster that peripheral these welled up. 只有五台重型巨虎的人没有下车,是艾巴尔程书高几个新人类,控制了重型巨虎继续冲杀出去,利用厚实的钢铁车体,还有车顶上一排排火焰机枪手,撞击杀戮周边那些又涌上来的变异怪物 Lü Xiaoman, Mu Xuanyin, Zhao Yiling, Jiang Yue and Tong Jingzhen, 20 many Neo-Human, the 100 many ordinary people, they all make the center by Shangguan Yuanxin, she does not pay attention to the vision of Villa Region these people, the direction people of being calm gets ready for action. 吕晓蔓木绚音赵依凌姜月童静珍,还有二十多名新人类,一百多名普通人,他们全以上官媛馨做中心,她不理会别墅区那些人的目光,处变不惊的指挥众人做好战斗准备。 Only must according to usually fight, but here can advance or retreat, well use.” “只须按照平时战斗,而这里可进可退,好好利用。” The Shangguan Yuanxin tender body also puts on mechanical inner armor, the charming beautiful jade face, increased the British graceful bearing to pick, including Lü Xiaoman and in the Mu Xuanyin investment fight, did not have the shy pure and beautiful aura, but were many firm and resolute color of making a decision, just like female general in battlefield. 上官媛馨娇躯同样穿有机械内甲,妩媚绝美的玉颜,增添了英风姿采,包括吕晓蔓木绚音投入战斗中,没了青涩纯美气息,而是多了决断的坚毅之色,犹如战场上的女将军 Had five heavy-scale giant tiger to suppress all around variation monster, Neo-Human goes to battle more relaxed much, even can pick to take some strengthening origins, strengthening itself, but they had the organization sense and sense of discipline very much, understands that cannot be too greedy, otherwise was extremely easy to lose the life, companion who or offended these laborious fights. 有了五台重型巨虎镇压四周变异怪物,新人类出战轻松得多了,甚至可以捡取一些强化源泉,强化自身,但他们很有组织性和纪律性,明白不能太贪婪,否则极容易丢了性命,或者得罪那些辛苦战斗的同伴。 A Villa Region side only has more than ten Neo-Human, moreover equips unable with the motorcade people to compare, the defense clothing/taking that even the logistics team member has, dresses well compared with Villa Region these Neo-Human. Quite makes the Villa Region person lose face, if not use up munitions weapon that these Jian Hanyao provided from the beginning, they are insufficient like this poor. 别墅区一方只剩下十多名新人类,而且装备无法跟车队众人相比,甚至后勤队员拥有的防御服,都比别墅区那些新人类穿得好。好让别墅区的人丢脸,如果不是一开始用光了那些简涵瑶提供出来的军火武器,他们不至于这样寒酸。 The motorcade is well-equipped, has high-end weaponry, be only that several owner equipment , the reluctant ratio resulted in Shangguan Yuanxin their equipment. 车队装备精良,拥有高端武装,只有那几名的业主身上的装备,勉强比得了上官媛馨她们的装备。 „Are you Miss Shangguan?” Ding Qilue walked, the probe asked one. “你是上官小姐?”丁奇略走了过来,试探地问了一句。 Un?” Shangguan Yuanxin then looked at this complexion to be weary, but the look was still bright, has an uncommon demeanor man, immediately thinks the status of this person, originally was Chief Ding, cannot think that here can see your acquaintance.” “嗯?”上官媛馨回头看了这个脸色疲倦,但眼神依然明亮,有着一股不凡风度的男人,顿时想了这个人的身份,“原来是丁总,想不到在这里可以见到你这位熟人。” Places the peace period, Ding Qilue is a great person, moreover had had commercial league with Shangguan Household repeatedly, the membership is very friendly. Therefore, Shangguan Yuanxin takes household heir, naturally meets frequently Ding Qilue such ally. 放在和平时期,丁奇略是一个大人物,而且曾经多次跟上官家族有过商业联盟,一直以来关系挺友好。所以,上官媛馨作为家族继承人,自然经常见面丁奇略这样的盟友。 I cannot think.” Ding Qilue has the demeanor to smile, asks: „Are you Mu Xiao's?” “我也想不到。”丁奇略颇有风度一笑,问道:“你是木萧的?” Companion.” Shangguan Yuanxin replied quickly, because some relations were are not not, was, did not conceal did not deny, this was her style. “同伴。”上官媛馨回答得很快,因为有些关系不是就不是,是就是,不掩饰也不否认,这是她的风格。 ha ha......” Ding Qilue laughed suddenly, said: Just I am also that companion, later we were the oneself people.” 哈哈……”丁奇略忽然大笑了,说道:“刚好我也是那位的同伴,以后我们都是自己人了。” Soon, the person who in several businesses has met, went forward with the Shangguan Yuanxin smalltalk several, but continued to put into the fight with them quickly, after all present did not gather the old time. Actually they to determine certain relations, or expressed some good intentions and comes. 不久,有几名商业上见过面的人,上前跟上官媛馨客套了几句,但跟快他们又继续投入战斗中,毕竟现在不是聚旧的时候。其实他们只是为了确定某些关系,又或者表达了某种善意而来。 Jiang Yue, kills that first three o'clock that giant wolf, likely is existence of Wolf King.” Shangguan Yuanxin grasps the ordinary energy spear/gun to kill zombie, but there is mental strength to make the locking target, even does not have Weapon Mastery ability, marksmanship still almost every shot hits the target, even can also pay attention to slight transformation in field, controls the attack of robot, transmits the order of oneself, uses wholeheartedly. 姜月,把那头三点钟那头巨狼狙杀掉,很可能是一头狼王的存在。”上官媛馨只是手持普通能量枪射杀丧尸,但有精神力做锁定目标,就算没有武器掌握的能力,枪法依然几乎百发百中,甚至还能注意着场上的细微变化,控制机器人的进攻,传达自己的命令,一心多用。 These giant wolf vigilance are very high, speed sensitive, is unable to conduct effective locking.” Jiang Yue withstand/top in RV, the sniper's rifle aimed at that Wolf King instance, the next quarter loses the Wolf King trace. “那些巨狼警惕性很高,速度非常灵敏,无法进行有效锁定。”姜月在一辆房车顶上,狙击枪瞄准了那头狼王的瞬间,下一刻就失去狼王的踪影。 Ten lime shadow fresh breeze agitations, attack logistics troop that one team of Neo-Human lead fierce. They only resisted less than ten seconds, one group of people exuded the pitiful yell sound, was ripped the blood and flesh fragment by more than ten giant wolf cruelly. 十多道白灰影子劲风鼓动,凶猛袭击一队新人类带领的后勤队伍。他们只抵挡了不足十秒,一群人发出了惨叫声,被十多只巨狼残忍撕成了血肉碎片。 „It is not wonderful!” “不妙!” Shangguan Yuanxin sees small giant wolf to kill troop that other Neo-Human lead, immediately understands these giant wolf want to annihilate a oneself side New Power Army. 上官媛馨见又有一小股巨狼袭杀其余新人类带领的队伍,顿时明白了这些巨狼想歼灭自己一方的新力军 All comes back!” “全部回来!” Shangguan Yuanxin sent out drank tenderly, all Neo-Human and logistic personnel returned in the energy cover immediately. 上官媛馨发出了娇喝,所有新人类和后勤人员马上退回了能量罩之中。 An Rongru pays attention to the tactical situation in the bedroom, the closure opening energy cover is controlling by her, if will have the wrong possible death population to increase, in the moment of Shangguan Yuanxin speech, she closed an energy immediately, admitted everyone to come, coordinates unusual without a gap. 安蓉茹在卧室关注着战况,关闭开启能量罩都由她来控制,如果出了一点错可能死亡人数会增加,在上官媛馨说话的一刻,她马上关闭一处的能量,放进了所有人进来,配合得非常无间。 Two people LightBrain has been opening the condition, although does not have official conversation, but can convey some information through LightBrain. 两人光脑一直在开启状态,虽然没有正式交谈,但可以通过光脑来转达一些信息。 In energy cover inside person, can easily walk, but can also launch the long-distance attack in inside, but enters must pass through permits. 待在能量罩里面的人,可以轻易走出去,还可以在里面进行远程攻击,但进入就必须经过允许。 Aybar, calculate has the giant wolf speed and avoids the direction, full power dashing, kills as far as possible!” Shangguan Yuanxin transmitted the order with LightBrain. 艾巴尔,计算巨狼速度和回避方向,全力冲撞,尽可能杀死!”上官媛馨光脑传达了命令。 Has the difficulty......” Aybar twittering returning to say. “有难度……”艾巴尔呢喃的回道。 Shangguan Yuanxin does not pay attention to his complaint, said with Jiang Yue: You seize the time, coordinating Aybar to kill.” 上官媛馨不理会他的抱怨,又跟姜月说道:“你看准时机,配合艾巴尔进行狙杀。” Understood.” Jiang Yue should say refreshedly. “明白。”姜月爽快应道。 Owner that side one group of ordinary people were massacred, they also recalled the ordinary person, did not make the senseless sacrifice. Although can launch the long-distance attack in inside, but these giant wolf are sly, walks randomly in some building thing, or jump coming up high place, avoidance fire. 业主那方又有一群普通人被杀掉,他们也召回了普通人,不做无谓牺牲。虽然可以在里面进行远程攻击,但那些巨狼非常狡猾,游走在一些建筑物之间,又或者跳跃上去高处,躲避射击。 Only then zombie of these crowds of no brains, not dread life and death rushes ahead unceasingly, these giant wolf using this point expended energy cover. 只有那些一群群无脑的丧尸,不畏惧生死地不断冲杀,那些巨狼正是利用这一点来消耗能量罩。 Five heavy-scale giant tiger have the energy cover, these giant wolf attacked several times, but flies back without any results, instead was killed several companions, surplus these giant wolf avoid dashing of heavy-scale giant tiger unceasingly, does not plan to meet hardly. 五台重型巨虎同样有能量罩,那些巨狼攻击了几次,但无功而返,反而被杀了好几个同伴,剩余那些巨狼不断回避重型巨虎的冲撞,不打算硬接。 Immediately, calculate that the head of Aybar, he racked brains painstakingly, under the coordination of Jiang Yue, increases three scores in addition, then all giant wolf jumped up the building thing, only if heavy-scale giant tiger violence destruction, otherwise is unable to do to these sly giant wolf. 顿时,苦了艾巴尔的脑袋,他绞尽脑汁的计算,又加上姜月的配合之下,才增添三名战绩,接下来所有巨狼都跳上了建筑物,除非重型巨虎暴力破坏,否则无法奈何这些狡猾的巨狼 Sword and Cannon Robot one crowd of giant wolf also cannot profit, moreover understands quickly Sword and Cannon Robot is not lifeform, these giant wolf many pay attention on does not have. Only then Light-edged Flying Saucer Cutting Ray, such as the shape chases down along with the shadow, making these giant wolf feel extremely hot tempered , sky over is unable to attack. 剑炮机人一群巨狼同样占不了便宜,而且很快明白了剑炮机人不是生命体,那些巨狼没有多加理会。只有光棱飞碟切割光线,如形随影地追杀,让那些巨狼感到了极度暴躁,又无法攻击上空。 However, they entered in some building, Light-edged Flying Saucer approaches on does not have goes forward, because their jump strength is astonishing, fell by break and devastate very much easily. But they once want to introduce Light-edged Flying Saucer to come, but at Shangguan Yuanxin how meeting the ideas of these domestic animals. 不过,它们进入了一些建筑之中,光棱飞碟没有靠近上前,因为它们跳跃力惊人,很容易被摧毁掉。而它们曾经想引入光棱飞碟进来,但上官媛馨怎么会中这些畜生的计。 Aybar, you are responsible for rushing ahead zombie of distant place, reduces wells up to come here zombie quantity, these giant wolf did not need to pay attention temporarily, he is hurrying back.” Shangguan Yuanxin said the sentence, simultaneously understands these giant wolf wisdom do not need the person to be bad, has to drop other plans. 艾巴尔,你们负责冲杀远处的丧尸,减少涌来这里丧尸数量,那些巨狼暂时不用理会了,他正在赶回来。”上官媛馨说了句,同时明白这些巨狼智慧不必人差,只好放弃其它计划。 Everyone understands who that he is, immediately relaxed. 大家明白了那个他是谁,顿时放松了下来。 But Mu Xiao also does not have comes back, petite figure of a stream whole body berserk aura, towering in the present location, as if just small yao demon that killed from the hell, has cruel incomparable blood-soaked killing intent, sharp and swift and fierce. 木萧没有回来,一道浑身狂暴气息的娇小身影,突兀地出现在场地上,仿佛刚从地狱杀出来的小妖魔,有着一股暴戾无比的血腥杀意、锋锐而凌厉。 Mu Xiao! Your this bastard died finally!” 木萧!你这混蛋终于死回来了!” The Jian Hanyao clear and insolent tenderness drank, passed on. 简涵瑶清脆又张狂的娇喝,传了开来。 The motorcade people are startled slightly, does not know the little miss who this whole body bloodstain has what relations with Mu Xiao, but she like what ordinary young girl, the whole face malignant influences, the look such as sharp sword light, does not cut space probably, has powerful battle prestige, making one tremble. 车队众人微微一怔,不知道这个浑身血迹的小姑娘跟木萧有什么关系,而她好像不像什么普通少女,满脸煞气,眼神如锋利剑光,划破空间,拥有一种强大的战威,让人颤栗。 Small freak. 一个小怪胎 At this time, three giant wolf stuck out suddenly suddenly, body blood power inflated, the gust of wind passed through the body, killed savage tyrannicalally. 这时候,猛然有三头巨狼暴起,身躯血力膨胀,疾风贯体,凶残强横地杀来。 My present rose enough progression, but also thinks that can occupy me to be cheap!” Jian Hanyao calls out one, swings the body suddenly in a flash, lightsaber blooms the a stream high-frequency sword rainbow, touches the Strong when Confronted war feeling instantaneously, the five senses induces keenly, the body accelerates in vain, the step shifts like the ghosts and demons, high-speed sword light surges intermittent ripples, sways violently, in an instant, blazing sword glow puncture the bodies of three wolves. “我现在升了足够级数,还以为能占得了我便宜!”简涵瑶暴喝一声,猛然摇身一晃,激光剑绽放一道高频剑虹,瞬间触动遇强则强的战感,五官感应敏锐至极,身体徒然加速,步伐移转如鬼魅,高速剑光激荡一阵阵涟漪,猛烈挥洒出去,刹那间,炽烈剑芒穿刺了三头狼的身躯。 Before the first wave variation beast attack, she met giant wolf from the beginning, killed 1~2, giant wolf that but quick was caught up with by other jointly attacked, causing her to evade its point, shifted elsewhere kill monsters leveling. 之前第一变异兽来袭,她一开始遇上巨狼,杀得了一两只,但是很快就被其它赶来的巨狼合击,导致她不得不避其锋芒,转移别处杀怪练级’。 She has slaughtered variation monster absorbed, absorbs Evolution Power Origins unceasingly, often also has the strengthening origins absorption, Neo-Human Genetic Resonance frequency, accelerates upgrade, even soon constitution promoted Apex Two-layered Realm. When she receives the information that An Rongru sent, knows Mu Xiao comes back, immediately returns to the final supreme headquarters that in the family/home defended, takes advantage of opportunity to look for the unluckiness of these giant wolf. 她一直忘我杀戮变异怪物,不断吸收一股股进化力源泉,不时又有强化源泉吸收,新人类基因共鸣次数,加速提升着,甚至不久体质晋升了顶尖二重境。当她接收了安蓉茹发来的信息,知道了木萧回来,立刻返回了家里防守的最后大本营,顺势来找那些巨狼的晦气。 She has not seen Mu Xiao to appear, but actually transmitted one to smuggle is being surprised and joyous, cannot believe shouted tenderly. 只是她没见木萧出现,但却传来了一把夹带着惊讶、欢悦,又不敢相信的娇呼。 Hanyao schoolmate?!” 涵瑶同学?!” Hears this sound, the Jian Hanyao whole body trembles in vain, looks instantaneously to the place that the motorcade is, immediately has a big shock, sends out the exaggerating tenderness to shout: God! How Mu Xuanyin your rotten wood can here! Today was the day of my death!? If I die today definitely am you come to to subdue|grams dead my!” 听到这把声音,简涵瑶徒然浑身一颤,瞬间望向车队所在的地方,顿时大惊失色,发出夸张的娇喊:“天啊!木绚音你这根烂木头怎么会在这里!难道今天是我死亡之日!?如果我今天死了肯定是你来克死我的!”
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