REE :: Volume #2

#124: Good fortune that delivers

Mu Xiao is the person who restores the Villa Region system, he naturally systematic authority, therefore just entered the Villa Region range, he can relate on An Rongru with LightBrain immediately, even obtained Villa Region all pictures. 木萧是恢复别墅区系统的人,他自然有系统的权限,所以刚进入别墅区的范围,他立刻就能用光脑联系上安蓉茹,甚至得到了别墅区所有画面。 The situation such as he imagines, Villa Region presented the monster attack. 情况如他想象的一样,别墅区出现了怪物袭击。 Relax, here has me. You protect good oneself, I then related in detail with you.” Mu Xiao sees the An Rongru pupil light to be full of the gentle tears, rich and smooth gently beautiful face, the Pear Blossom belt/bring rain, the gentle affection of actually everywhere passing, as if the experience over night wind and rain, welcoming sunlight is beautiful, added the gentle character and style, sufficiently the body and mind of softened any man. “放心,这里有我。你保护好自己,我回头跟你细说。”木萧安蓉茹眸光饱含温柔泪水,丰润柔美的脸儿,梨花带雨,却处处透出来的温柔情意,仿佛经历过夜风雨,迎来阳光明媚,添了柔媚风情,足以软化任何男人的身心。 This does not seem like that steadily not short date and time, she as if experienced several years of missing, that affection like good wine of fermentation, more and more spicy...... 这一段看似不长不短的时日,她仿佛经历了几年的思念,那一股情意就像发酵的美酒,越来越香浓…… Un.” “嗯。” An Rongru nods gently, supple smiles, is gentle and lady-like. 安蓉茹轻轻点头,柔柔一笑,温婉而娴淑。 She is only a sentimental simple woman, did not complain about and does not hate, not angry...... only the intention to be the oneself happiness. 她只是一个感情简单的女人,不怨、不恨、不恼……只心怀属于自己的幸福。 ...... …… Outside the villa, the 20 stage vehicles energy cover opens comprehensively, turns into the a stream steel turbulent current, the hōng hōng rush keeps off variation monster on road, on three 15 stage S Grade Blazing Machine Gunner fixed row of vehicle roofs, sweeps away the lasing to have a stream such as the scarlet flame bullet of fierce hot snake. 别墅外,二十台车辆能量罩全面开启,化成一道钢铁激流般,轰轰冲杀挡在路上的变异怪物,三十五S级火焰机枪手固定一排车顶上,横扫激射出一道道如狰狞火蛇的赤炎子弹。 One crowd of SS Grade Light-edged Flying Saucer circle in the air, sharp incomparable Cutting Ray, is extremely common under sunlight, as if hides the needle in wadding, delimits variation monster back and forth, the blood and flesh body is only cut instantaneously, does not sliver two sections, is the blood spring spout and light smoke rises, presents the a stream deep scalding hot scar. 一群SS级光棱飞碟盘旋空中,锋利无比的切割光线,在阳光下极其不起眼,仿佛藏在绵里的针,来回划过一只只变异怪物,血肉身躯瞬间被切割,不是切成两截,就是血泉喷涌、青烟急升,出现一道深深的灼热伤痕。 Light-edged Flying Saucer Cutting Ray puts receives , the shift next attack place, took the enormous advantage in the sky, harvests and causes heavy losses to variation monster unceasingly. 光棱飞碟切割光线一放即收,又转移下一个攻击地,在天空中占了极大便宜,不断收割、重创变异怪物 The flying saucer only has 20, can only play minor some roles in so many variation monster. 只是飞碟只有二十个,在如此多变异怪物只能起一小部分作用。 But in the motorcade, 15 stage strongest SSS Grade robot Sword and Cannon Robot , has the long-distance ability and close combat ability, the body may be possible to be small greatly, state of activation, only then child size, after opening activation, the steel body grows up the altitude of adult. 但车队里,还有十五台最强的SSS级机械人剑炮机人,拥有远程能力和近战能力,身躯可大可小,未激活状态只有小孩子大小,当开启激活之后,钢铁身躯长大有成年人的高度。 Sword and Cannon Robot provides a plasma magnetic power big sword and chest to be loaded with a death beam artillery behind, the eye has the laser beam, the hands and feet joint has the sharp electric light to puncture...... almost the whole body to have attack-attribute, but also has extremely high fight intelligence. 剑炮机人身后配备一把等离子磁力大剑、胸口装有一门死亡射线炮,眼睛有激光射线,手脚关节有尖锐电光刺……几乎全身都有攻击性,还具有极高战斗智能。 15 SSS Grade Sword and Cannon Robot goes to battle with the attack, is as good as 15 Neo-Human, even exceeds certain elementary Neo-Human. 十五SSS级剑炮机人出战攻击,不亚于十五新人类,甚至胜过某些低级新人类 Sword and Cannon Robot was established the battle formation pattern by Mu Xiao, 15 the twinkle ray big sword, the synchronization rate/lead is extremely high, any variation monster dashes, has 15 to cut instantaneously the big sword, immediately blood and flesh flies horizontally, until the life fluctuation of variation monster vanishes, 15 stops the big sword. 剑炮机人木萧设定了战阵模式,十五把闪烁光芒的大剑,同步率极高,任何变异怪物冲撞过来,瞬间就有十五把大剑斩来,顿时血肉横飞,直至变异怪物生命波动消失,十五把大剑才停止下来。 15 Sword and Cannon Robot in the battle formation pattern is the integration fight, like the meat grinder same strangle to death audience. 十五剑炮机人战阵模式就是一体式战斗,如同绞肉机一样绞杀全场。 hōng lóng lóng!...... 轰隆隆!…… 15 said that the death beam such as the smoke and fire fires a salvo, is full of the destruction nature energy the deep red granule light beam, such as the blood incarnadine the air, the bang fell the variation monster most crowded place generally, made the intense explosion sound, one crowd of variation monster submerge in scarlet red fire flame, the casualty is serious. 十五死亡射线如烟火齐放,充满破坏性能量的深红粒子光束,如鲜血一般染红了空气,轰落变异怪物最密集的地方,发出了剧烈的爆炸声响,一群变异怪物淹没在赤红火炎之中,死伤惨重。 heavy-scale giant tiger such as riot steel savage beast, the poor ominous extreme evil rush, opened the weaponry system simultaneously, a vehicle roof electromagnetic gun, condenses electrical current bombing of sparkle, by the automobile body three laser machine guns, the rear two rows of blazing barrels, just like the Gale sudden downpour to fall in torrents the intense ray and hot ball generally. 重型巨虎暴/动的钢铁猛兽,穷凶极恶冲杀,同时开启了武装系统,车顶一门电磁炮,凝聚一股闪耀的电流轰炸而出,车身两侧的三门激光机关枪,后方两排火焰枪管,犹如狂风骤雨一般倾泻激烈的光线、火弹。 Five heavy-scale giant tiger look like a motion turret, madness overflows to explode, suppresses several hundred variation beast sufficiently, temporarily controlled a Villa Region aspect. At this time, Mu Xiao returned the Shangguan Yuanxin control Blazing Machine Gunner and Light-edged Flying Saucer and Sword and Cannon Robot authority, he then same drilled outside the car(riage) like the civet. 五台重型巨虎像一座移动炮塔,疯狂滥炸,足以镇压好几百变异兽,暂时控制了别墅区一个局面。这时候,木萧火焰机枪手光棱飞碟剑炮机人权限交回上官媛馨控制,他然后如灵猫一样钻出了车外。 Meanwhile, Zhou Xuan, Duan Lingling, Jiang Yunwei, Dan Miaoyi, Sun Xinyue and Yan Shaonan with get out to fight with Mu Xiao together. 同时,周萱段玲玲蒋云蔚单妙依孙新月严韶楠跟同木萧一起下车战斗。 Each of them equipped mechanical inner armor, each set of mechanical inner armor performance has the difference respectively, on their thighs has the energy blade that two close combats use, the back also energy machine gun, the standard weaponry equipment, weapon and mechanical inner armor are not lower than the A Grade degree. 她们每个人身上装备了机械内甲,每一套机械内甲的性能各有不同,她们大腿上配有两把近战用的能量刀刃,背后还有一把能量机关枪,标准的武装配备,武器机械内甲都不低于A级程度。 Other Neo-Human control motorcades, a rush thorough Villa Region direction, their main battleground is not here, but is in the full power defense region in An Rongru. If there is a Neo-Human help of motorcade, An Rongru that side pressure will decrease. 其他的新人类控制车队,冲杀深入别墅区一个方向,他们主要战场不是这里,而是在安蓉茹正在全力防御的区域。如果有了车队的新人类帮助,安蓉茹那边的压力会减低很多。 however, Mu Xiao leads Zhou Xuan their six females, is responsible for attracting the variation monster attention, fast cleaning. 然而,木萧带领周萱她们六女,负责吸引变异怪物的注意力,快速清扫。 The entire Villa Region corpse can be seen everywhere , the air fills the rich blood-soaked taste, under the burning hot sunlight insolation, even breathes the one breath to have the thick dry and hot thorn nosebleed taste, desire of more exciting one crowd of variation monster bloodthirsty, each variation monster is in the extreme hot tempered condition. 整个别墅区尸体到处可见,,空气弥漫浓郁的血腥味,在炎热阳光暴晒之下,连呼吸一口气都带有浓浓燥热的刺鼻血味,更加刺激一群变异怪物嗜血的欲望,每一只变异怪物都处于极端暴躁的状况。 Mu Xiao and Zhou Xuan they fell the car(riage) just to gather in the same place, became the object of variation monster madness attack instantaneously. Zhou Xuan they bring the energy machine gun from the back rapidly, the lasing has a stream such as the energy bullet hole of hot whip, comes variation monster to shoot the honey honeycomb the rush. 木萧周萱她们落车刚集合在一起,瞬间成了变异怪物疯狂攻击的对象。周萱她们迅速从背后取来能量机关枪,激射出一道道如火鞭子的能量弹痕,把冲杀而来变异怪物射成蜜蜂窝。 So many variation beast, simply are the good fortunes that one delivers, but were many massive zombie truly to be an eyesore very much.” “如此多变异兽,简直是一场送上门来的造化,只是多了大量丧尸确实碍眼得很。” Mu Xiao Thoughtsource Power branches out ten, each has a 1000 kilogram effort, turned into the telekinesis heavy blows, displays invisible attacking to kill. 木萧念源力分出十股,每一股都有一千公斤的力度,化成了一个个念力重拳,施展无形的攻杀。 A fist represented the Apex One-layered Realm strength, ordinary zombie could not resist telekinesis heavy blows, put in an appearance is hit to explode the head, if were some strengthened-type zombie or physical body strong variation beast, 3~4 stock telekinesis turned into one, the strength rises dramatically in vain, the instantaneous bang killed as before. 一拳代表了顶尖一重境的力量,普通丧尸抵不住一股念力重拳,一个照面就被打爆了脑袋,如果是一些强化型丧尸或者肉体强壮的变异兽,三四念力化成一股,力量徒然飙升,依旧瞬间的轰杀。 variation monster in what degree, his Thoughtsource Power on the mixture big might, does not waste a strength. 变异怪物处于什么程度,他念源力就调制多大威力,不浪费一丝力量。 Now, Mu Xiao constitution Apex Four-layered Realm, the mortal body has a 10,000 kilogram effort fully, Thoughtsource Power had so the strength in disguised form, here variation monster is unable to resist attacking of such immense strength to kill. 如今,木萧体质已经顶尖四重境,肉身足有一万公斤力度,念源力变相有了如此力量,这里的变异怪物无法抵挡得了这样巨大力量的攻杀。 The variation beast quantity, in the Villa Region defense system, with the coordination of these owner Neo-Human, has actually killed had almost half, mainly presented massively by zombie that the blood-soaked taste attracts, became so the chaos blood-soaked scene. 变异兽的数量,其实已经在别墅区防御系统,和那些业主新人类的配合之下,杀了差不多有一半,主要是出现了大量被血腥味吸引过来的丧尸,成了如此混乱血腥场面。 zombie is good to kill, was only too many.” Jiang Yunwei holds the energy machine gun, hardly with the aiming, lifts the hand to project a series of large flames, exploded the heads of front several zombie continuously, said: If before night, we did not end the fight, likely large quantities of zombie well up. I suggested that kills the similar time, can take away everyone, choice temporary strategic retreats. desolate, how do you feel?” 丧尸好杀,只是太多了。”蒋云蔚持着能量机关枪,几乎不用瞄准,抬手射出一连串火舌,连续爆掉了前方几只丧尸的脑袋,说道:“如果夜晚之前我们不结束战斗,很可能又有一大批丧尸涌来。我建议,杀得差不多的时候,可以带走所有人,选择暂时战略性撤退。萧,你觉得怎样?” „Are several hundred people of communities, where retreating safe? I had meant has a secret base, but does not plan to come out publicly......” the Mu Xiao Thoughtsource Power continuous output, with the strafe coordination of their energy machine gun, does not have variation monster can be close to a 100 meter range being hit to explode and kill, formed absolute domain. “好几百人的群体,退去哪里才安全?我是说过有一个秘密基地,但不打算公开出来……”木萧念源力绵绵不绝的输出,跟她们能量机关枪的扫射配合之下,没有一只变异怪物能接近一百米范围就被打爆、射杀,形成了一个绝对领域 According to such clear killed the speed, can catch up before the darkness kills zombie, but dealt with the corpse issue, was the difficult suspect.” Zhou Xuan said. “按照这样清杀速度,还是可以赶在天黑前杀死丧尸,只是处理尸体问题,又是难犯。”周萱说道。 We sped up the progress is not good!” The Duan Lingling powder tongue licked the small mouth, the pupil twinkle flame, the fight desire surged upward extremely. But in her hand also incessantly an energy machine gun, but also has a air pressure on attack artillery , the air shock ware that shells, only hits 3~4 variation monster such as sandbag flying upside down, the energy machine gun of her another hand, strafes a long large flame to 3~4 only variation monster on fast, the instantaneous wind projects the blood holes. “那我们加快进度不就好了!”段玲玲粉舌舔了舔小嘴,眸子闪烁火光,战斗欲望极其高涨。而她手中还不止一把能量机关枪,还多持有一门空压突击炮,轰击出来的空气冲击波,打得三四变异怪物如沙包倒飞,她另一只手的能量机关枪,快速扫射出一条长长的火舌到三四变异怪物身上,瞬间飙射出一个个血洞。 Good that Lingling, she said that we speed up the progress to slaughter.” The Mu Xiao big hand extends suddenly, took an exceptionally heavy metal short club from the thigh of Duan Lingling, threw down a few words, your here strengths are enough, elsewhere I went to clear to kill alone, like this sped up a lot.” 玲玲,她说的不错,我们加快进度杀戮。”木萧忽然大手一伸,从段玲玲的腿部取了一条异常重的金属短棍,丢下了一句话,“你们这里战力已经足够,我独自去别处清杀,这样加快得多了。” The words fall, his figure turned into the extreme speed fiercely, in the hand that metal short club, elongated one two meters suddenly, the peak launched a bulk sharp bitbinary digit, one flashed intermittently explodes magnetic power ray, composed the immense sickle. 话语一落,他身形猛地化成了极速,手中那条金属短棍,突然伸长成了一把两米长,顶端展开一大块锋利刃片,有一阵阵闪爆磁力光芒,组成了巨大镰刀。 S Grade weapon Plasma Scythe that Duan Lingling most loves. 正是段玲玲最爱的S级武器等离子镰刀 My phantom!” Duan Lingling greatly is anxious beloved weapon to be taken away, the timely snow tender small face annoyingly, treated as front only zombie very irritably vented the object, caused Zhou Xuan and in Dan Miaoyi their hearts laughs in one's heart. “我的魅影!”段玲玲大急心爱武器被拿去,顿时雪嫩小脸十分懊恼,火爆地把前面一只只丧尸当作了发泄对象,引得周萱单妙依她们心中暗笑。 Mu Xiao has this phantom sickle, the lethality is more enormous, the blade blade is sharp, the sharp air/Qi does not have to prevent, cut a variation ox strange/monster head at the scene, blood spring spurted crazily, like the gust of wind, a blade cut two sections several variation chickens quickly ruthlessly strangely. 木萧持有这一把魅影镰刀,杀伤力更极大,刀刀锋利,锋锐之气无可阻挡,当场就斩掉了一头变异牛怪的头部,一股血泉狂喷了出来,快如疾风,一刀狠狠把几只变异鸡怪斩成两截。 The blood spurts, each variation monster was cut to kill in his blades. 鲜血飞洒,每一只变异怪物都在他一刀之间被斩杀。 time is too tight, has to waste these blood spring, in any case monster Genetic Resonance frequency not high......” 时间太紧,只好浪费这些血泉了,反正怪物基因共鸣次数并不高……” Quick such as rushes to the thunder the traveling speed and illness/quick such as the slaughtering speed of lightning, Mu Xiao place visited blood spurts, as if the incarnation becomes Death God of harvesting life, that immense sickle is very good symbol. 快如奔雷的移动速度、疾如闪电的杀戮速度,木萧所过之处一片血液飞洒,仿佛化身成为收割性命的死神,那一把巨大的镰刀就是很好的象征。 At this time, ten Thoughtsource Power that he stimulates, transform became ten big hand, seize only zombie comes, he grazes blade past, suddenly massacred more than ten zombie, the figure moved the shift next place. 此时,他激发出去的十股念源力,转化成了十只大手,捕抓一只只丧尸过来,他飞掠一刀过去,眨眼之间就杀掉了十多只丧尸,身形一动又转移下一个地方。 Thoughtsource Power as auxiliary, conducts to draw strangely, the main body strength is used to cut to kill directly. 念源力作为辅助,进行拉怪,本体力量直接用于斩杀。 The coordination of main body strength and itself ability, is truly impregnable. 本体力量与自身能力的配合,才是真正无懈可击。 Mu Xiao is killing greatly kills especially, the figure and blade light are quick synchronously present piece of afterimage, the flash at present is vicious incomparable variation monster, next in a flash only then one pile of fresh corpses, his figure vanishes on same place. 木萧正在大杀特杀,身形和刀光快得同步出现一片残影,一瞬间眼前是凶狠无比的变异怪物,下一瞬间只有一堆新鲜尸体,他身形又消失在原地上。 He wields each time cuts the sickle to carry off several variation monster life, slaughtering momentum is fiercer than tyrannically, variation monster variable. 他每次挥斩镰刀都带走几只变异怪物生命,杀戮气势变异怪物更加凶猛、更加暴虐无常。 Is less than a half hour, a region was emptied all variation monster by Mu Xiao, peripheral does not have any moving lifeform, only then the bodies of variation beast or zombie, pour in pool of blood that in bright red and becomes dark, such as small brook everywhere. 不到半小时,一个区域就被木萧清空了所有变异怪物,周边没有任何一只动弹的生物,只有一具具变异兽丧尸的躯体,倒在鲜红和发黑的血泊之中,如小溪流了满地。 Like a frigid battlefield, does not have gunsmoke, thick blood-soaked taste. 如同一个惨烈的战场,没有硝烟,只有浓厚血腥味。 Killed more than hundred variation lifeform, bloodline upgrade two Genetic Resonance. Harvested 30 many Ability Origins fortunately, can transform become Genetic Resonance to need the bloodline energy completely, although, broke through the 70 Genetic Resonance checkpoint finally merely, but is high-speed promote.” “杀了百多只变异生物,血脉提升了二次基因共鸣。还好收获了三十多个能力源泉,可以全部转化基因共鸣所需血脉的能量,虽然,最后仅仅突破了七十基因共鸣的关卡,但已经算是高速升级了。” During Mu Xiao slaughtered resulted in many Ability Origins, strengthening was origins occupies most, some small Ability Origins, the might was not big, his does not have absorbed to become the oneself new ability, direct transform became most primitive pure origins. 木萧杀戮之中得了不少能力源泉,其中强化源泉占据最多,小部分能力源泉,威力不大,他没有吸收成为自己新能力,直接转化成了最原始的纯正源泉 His present constitution situated in Apex Four-layered Realm, surpassed this time proper constitution, led innumerable Neo-Human, few variation monster have constitution of his such degree. 现在体质处于顶尖四重境,超出了这个时期应有的体质,领先了无数新人类,只有极少数变异怪物有他这样程度的体质 Therefore, these variation beast and strengthened-type zombie strengthening origins, does not have too big strengthening effect on him, but he has willfully the transform talent, became Bloodline Gene resonance frequency origins transform, upgrade to the 71 times resonance. 所以,这些变异兽强化型丧尸强化源泉,在他身上没有太大的强化效果,不过他有任意转化的天赋,将源泉转化成了血脉基因的共鸣次数,提升七十一次共鸣。
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