REE :: Volume #2

#130: The night kills

Does not struggle. 不争。 This is the good intentions that An Rongru expressed that and brought to light Mu Xiao and her relations indistinctly. 这是安蓉茹表达出来的善意,而又隐约挑明了木萧和她的关系。 Listened to this speech, Shangguan Yuanxin to understand her meaning and good intentions, does not have declined received the authorities of Villa Region 200 many survivors. If motorcade that 100 many people, about some 400 people take orders in Shangguan Yuanxin's in addition told, but grasps such population, she did not think that has anything to be good to be arrogant and complacent. 听了她这一句说话,上官媛馨明白了她的意思和善意,没有推辞地接收了别墅区二百多个幸存者的管理权。如果加上车队那一百多人的话,足足有四百人左右听命于上官媛馨的吩咐,不过掌握这样的人数,她不觉得有什么好骄傲自满的。 Because, she grasped the Redbud Flower group and half Shangguan Household before, its population of grasping surpasses in this time 400 many people by far, even is the power and position is extremely high, has been admired reverence, the body revolves magnificent radiance, is not present pure manager status can make her sensation proud and satisfied. Moreover she has balanced the mentality, former that proud and complacent deeply buried, potential that Villa Region has let alone, in the future will be very likely to exceed beforehand Shangguan Household, her heart will become higher, the vision will become...... 因为,她以前掌握了紫荆花集团和半个上官家族,其掌握的人数远远超于此时四百多人,甚至是权力和地位都极高,一直受人尊崇仰慕,身上围绕一个个华丽的光华,根本不是现在单纯一个管理者身份就能让她感觉骄傲和满足的。而且她早已经摆正了心态,把以前那一份的骄傲和自满深深埋藏了起来,更何况别墅区拥有的潜力,将来极有可能超越以前的上官家族,她的心变得更高,眼光变得更远…… This world, although has incomparable terrifying unknown, but created the innumerable opportunities. 这个世界,虽然拥有无比恐怖未知,但何尝不是蕴含了无数机遇。 Shangguan Yuanxin has the oneself aspiration and looks wildly, Villa Region is only the new beginning of her life, regardless of present obtains many manpower is not the heart movement, her vision puts in future Splendor era, because there becomes the world big stage of legend truly! 上官媛馨自己抱负与野望,别墅区只是她人生的一个新起点,无论现在获得多少人力也不为心动,她眼光放远在未来一个辉煌时代,因为那里才是真正成为传奇的世界大舞台! ...... …… At this time, Shangguan Yuanxin and Zhou Xuan, Mu Xuanyin, Lü Xiaoman, Zhao Yiling and the others left the An Rongru's villa, lived in neighbor another villa, but Aybar and other male were not naturally good, but present must obey Shangguan Yuanxin to do the job placement, they together with. 这时候,上官媛馨周萱木绚音吕晓蔓赵依凌等人离开了安蓉茹的别墅,在附近另一座别墅住了下来,而艾巴尔等男性自然不好住进去,但现在还要听从上官媛馨做安排工作,他们才一起跟了进去。 Soon, villa inside had the transmissions of order, everyone had order to do the work of oneself busily. 不久之后,别墅里面有一个个命令传达了出来,所有人繁忙而有秩序地开展自己的工作。 The refit equipment, makes an inspection tour to stand guard and count blood bead and variation beast warehousing and dinner preparation...... the trivial work and wait/etc, she arranges the manpower to do meticulously. At this time, entire Villa Region personnel, like a large-scale machine inside part, fast turn-around. 整修装备、巡守站岗、统计血珠变异兽入库、晚饭准备……等等的琐碎工作,她都一丝不苟地安排人手来做。此时,整个别墅区的人员,如同一台大型机器里面的元件,快速运转了起来。 Shangguan Yuanxin does not have sends out the combatants only, she believes that Mu Xiao has the sufficient strength, the solution at night the trouble of variation monster. 上官媛馨唯独没有派出战斗人员,她相信木萧有足够实力,解决夜间变异怪物的麻烦。 If she believes is the same. 如她所相信的一样。 At this time, Mu Xiao cold desolation stands in a Villa Region park, on the sickle passes Wang Feng li dazzling electricity glow, the whole body shows one swiftly and fiercely, to cut to extinguish vitality sharp battle prestige, as if probably a treasured sword of being repeatedly tempered, any lifeform does not dare to meet its point. 此时,木萧冷寂地站立在别墅区一个公园之中,镰刀上流转一汪锋利耀眼的电芒,浑身透出一股凌厉至极、斩灭生机的锋锐战威,仿佛像是一把千锤百炼的宝剑,任何生物都不敢接其锋芒。 Dark dim darkness, covered entirely the bloodthirsty eye pupil of dense and numerous twinkle red light, transmits an intermittent hoarse Rupture low roar respite unceasingly, as if must kill the human life anytime and anywhere, formed a gloomy and cold cruel negative magnetic field, the end strange incomparable. 幽暗朦胧的黑暗,布满了密密麻麻闪烁红光的嗜血眼瞳,不断传来一阵阵嘶哑破裂的低吼喘息,仿佛随时随地都要扑杀人命,形成了一个阴冷暴戾的负面磁场,端的诡异无比。 Mu Xiao was being surrounded by over a hundred variation monster, the distant place also tumult wells up. 木萧正被上百只变异怪物包围了起来,远处还有一阵骚动涌来。 Unexpectedly brought in variant.” Mu Xiao detected keenly periphery has a vague wicked fluctuation, this does not belong to ordinary zombie and strengthened-type zombie aura, only then variant has this type to just like the yao demon evil spirit general gloomy evil aura. “居然引来了一只变异人。”木萧敏锐地察觉了周围有一股隐晦的邪异波动,这不属于普通丧尸强化型丧尸的气息,而只有变异人才有这一种犹如妖魔厉鬼一般的阴森邪气。 previous life, Mu Xiao has had the innumerable social dealings with variant, how possibly error in judgment. 上一世,木萧变异人打过无数次交道,怎么可能判断错误。 however, variant to this time newbie, is extreme fearful existence, the independent person, is hard to kill dies. 然而,变异人对这个时期的新人来说,是极端得可怕的存在,单独一人,难以杀得死。 The most dangerous hidden danger, inevitably is a first clear goal. 最危险的隐患,必然是第一个清楚目标。 Mu Xiao pure mental strength such as fine laces spread, the seize variant position, is only the fluctuation of variant is scattered, hidden in a group of zombie aura inside, is and out, seems is sending out the probe, does not dare to launch the offensive rashly. 木萧纯净的精神力如一根根细线扩散开去,捕抓变异人的方位,只是变异人的波动非常零散,隐藏在一大群丧尸气息里面,忽隐忽现,好似是正在发出试探,不敢冒然发起攻势。 Truly variant stared at Mu Xiao abundant Bloodline Gene, but on Mu Xiao contained the pressure that variant dreaded, does not have cropped up slowly, wants to probe taking advantage of one crowd of zombie. 确实有一只变异人盯上了木萧雄厚的血脉基因,但木萧身上蕴含了一股变异人非常忌惮的威压,才迟迟没有冒头,想借一群丧尸来进行试探。 Here most zombie are also variant brings, but was just right for the Mu Xiao's intention, avoided the supreme headquarters by the surprise attack of variation monster, but can also solution massive variation monster, increase itself Genetic Resonance frequency. 这里大部分丧尸也是变异人引来,不过正合了木萧的心意,避免了大本营受变异怪物的突袭,还可以一次解决大量变异怪物,增加自身基因共鸣次数 Because kills variation monster at night, Evolution Power Origins rich. 因为夜间杀死变异怪物,进化力源泉更加的丰富。 Since does not come out, that roots out here completely zombie, when looked at you to hide!” “既然不出来,那斩除这里全部丧尸,看你隐藏到了什么时候!” The Mu Xiao figure moves suddenly, such as thunderbolt flashes explodes, approaches at the inconceivable speed to one crowd of zombie front, just like the Death God plasma immense sickle, blooming Ling benefits the incomparable electricity glow, under a blade, blood and flesh bodies such as the tofu is divided into two sections generally, the bloody collapse like the spring, the rich blood-soaked stink, fills the air in cold Rushui the air. 木萧身形猛然一动,如雷霆闪爆,以不可思议的速度来临到一群丧尸的面前,宛如死神的等离子巨大镰刀,绽放凌利无匹的电芒,一刀之下,一具具血肉身躯如豆腐一般分成两截,血崩如泉,浓郁血腥臭味,弥漫在冷如水的空气之中。 His blade detonated angry roaring of variation monster, madness killed to come completely cruelly. 他这一刀引爆了全部变异怪物的怒吼,疯狂残暴地扑杀而来。 Comes well!” “来得好!” The color of Mu Xiao does not have fear, instead fighting intent blazing slightly greatly, such as bullying, aggressive in this way, the sickle maneuver brandishes, zombie that such as Gale volume seat all life, a big piece throws was cut the waist completely, crash-bang the bloody water and intestines flowed place are, cruel wicked torture. 木萧没有丝毫害怕之色,反而战意大炽,如虎入羊群,凶悍如斯,镰刀回旋挥舞,如狂风卷席一切生命,一大片扑来的丧尸全部被斩腰,哗啦啦的血水和肠子流了一地都是,残暴无道的虐杀。 But zombie not easy death, half body to be crawling, Mu Xiao Thoughtsource Power turned into a fist strength, hits to explode zombie that the ground these barely managed to maintain a feeble existence one by one, in the hand Plasma Scythe electrical current rises suddenly, on the sharp blade the lasing dazzling electricity glow, changes into the light to cut one after another, incomparably harvests the zombie life sharply, coming many to cut to kill many. 丧尸不容易死亡,还有半个身都在爬行,木萧念源力化成了一股拳力,逐一打爆了地上那些苟延残喘的丧尸,手中等离子镰刀电流暴涨,锋锐刃上激射耀眼的电芒,化为一轮又一轮光斩,犀利无比地收割丧尸的性命,来多少斩杀多少。 The Mu Xiao Close-combat Control ability, comprehensive triggering, the exquisite war feeling rises sharply, each zombie that kills to come during the induction, if twinkling blade light the thunderclap illness/quick electricity, the power and influence incomparably cut to kill past swiftly and fiercely, a lot of blood jumped shoot, do not have zombie to be able to escape cut to kill. 木萧格斗掌控的能力,全面触发,精妙战感大涨,每一只扑杀而来的丧尸都在感应之中,瞬息刀光如若迅雷疾电,威势凌厉无比斩杀了过去,大量的血液迸射,无一只丧尸能逃得过斩杀。 He murders decisively, to flees, cuts to kill the zombie speed, must plant him quickly is monster, these zombie small and weak pitiful creatures. 他一路杀伐果断,向所披靡,斩杀丧尸的速度,快得有种他才是怪物,那些丧尸弱小的可怜虫。 So powerful battle efficiency, hid in variant of hidden place had an alarmed and afraid mood, understands clearly this lifeform was not present oneself can kill. 如此强盛的战斗力,隐藏在暗处的变异人都生出了一股惊惧的情绪,清楚明白这个生物不是现在自己能杀死得了的。 variant Bloodline Gene, contained collapse the strength of extreme evolution, but still preserved the human gloomiest negative consciousness, had the oneself mood and judgment in disguised form, completely does not lose the thought consciousness like zombie, by bloodthirsty desire control. 变异人血脉基因,蕴含了崩溃的极端进化之力,但依然保存了人类最阴暗负面意识,变相有了自己情绪和判断力,不像丧尸那样完全失去思维意识,被嗜血欲望所掌控着。 Therefore, variant does not think death, used this time chaos aspect, retreats fast. 所以,变异人不想死亡,利用了此时混乱的局面,快速退走。 Under surrounding variation monster all sounds, all in the Mu Xiao Close-combat Control war feeling, the mental strength proliferation cover, the surrounding has anything to change not to hide the truth from his induction. 周围变异怪物的一切动静,全在木萧格斗掌控的战感,还有精神力扩散笼罩之下,外围有什么异动瞒不过他的感应。 variant moves, body that deep and quiet dense/woods cold fluctuation, obviously. 变异人一动,身上那一股深幽森寒的波动,更加明显。 Can get away?” “走得了?” Mu Xiao rumbles suddenly Thoughtsource Power, just like berserk sudden clap of thunder, broke through space from, drops down the variant top of the head. 木萧猛然轰出一股念源力,犹如狂暴惊雷,攻破了空间距离,直落变异人的头顶。 Bang! 轰! If the depressed big sound of heavy item hit, that variant entire only arm discounts, becoming blood and flesh is fuzzy, almost became the meat sauce. If it is not sensation to having a crisis approaches, instantaneous blood power such as the boiling water rolled, triggered one such as the steel hard strength, met the tough head-on with toughness to hit past forcefully, possibly present its entire head blossomed. 如重物撞击的沉闷大响,那变异人整只手臂打了折,变得血肉模糊,几乎成了肉酱。如果它不是感觉到有一股危机来临,瞬间血力如沸水滚动,触发了一股如钢铁坚硬的力量,强行硬碰硬打了过去,可能现在它整个脑袋都开花了。 Just that Thoughtsource Power, contained the Mu Xiao whole body five to six tenths Overbearing effort, unexpectedly only broke a variant arm. 刚刚那一股念源力,蕴含了木萧全身十分之五六霸烈力度,居然只打断了变异人一只手臂。 But the Mu Xiao pupil light like the sword, zombie that a more excessive tight encirclement kills, falling is bare in a not far away head, the flesh such as on the steel smooth hard humanoid lifeform, was clear immediately what's the matter. 木萧眸光如剑,越过重重围杀过来的丧尸,落在不远处一个脑袋光秃秃,肌肤如钢铁光滑坚硬的人形生物身上,顿时明白了是怎么回事。 This variant has Iron-powered Vigor constitution System Ability, after the stimulation, Bloodline Gene transform becomes rich metal element, that attack has hard heavy blow and nail such as the steel disk to be sharp, the physical body defense steel is likely firm, the skin has the counter- tension, is an ability of possessing both offense and defense operational requirement. 这个变异人拥有铁力血气体质系能力,激发之后,血脉基因转化成一股浓郁金属元素,那攻击就带有坚硬的重击、指甲如钢片锋利、肉体防御像钢铁般坚固,皮肤具有反弹力,是一种攻防兼备的能力。 Originally this......” “原来这样……” Mu Xiao sticks out suddenly such as wild with rage great antiquity savage beast fiercely, in the hand the immense sickle such as the thunderbolt storm was suddenly common, is verve and rapid, cuts to fall all being in the way zombie, Thoughtsource Power such as the body of mortar shell bombardment variant, by slaughtering of thunderbolt extremely heavy potential. 木萧猛地暴起如狂怒的洪荒猛兽,手中巨大镰刀骤然如雷霆风暴一般,刚猛而迅疾,斩落了所有挡路的丧尸,念源力如迫击炮弹般轰击变异人的身上,以雷霆万钧之势的杀戮而来。 Bang! Bang! Bang!...... 嘭!嘭!嘭!…… Thoughtsource Power shells continuously unceasingly, suppressed the variant ability to act thoroughly, it can only passive stimulate to movement Iron-powered Vigor to defend extremely, but within the body sends out one intermittently kā chā kā chā the bone break sound, its bone does not have reached the level of steel obviously truly. 念源力绵绵不断进行轰击,彻底压制了变异人的行动能力,它只能极其被动地催动铁力血气来进行防守,但体内发出一阵阵‘咔嚓’‘咔嚓’的骨头断裂声音,显然它骨头没有真正达到了钢铁的水准。 variant has Apex Two-layered Realm constitution, still supports is killed by the Mu Xiao's Thoughtsource Power bang at once, but short time variant has become very wicked. 变异人顶尖二重境体质,依然支持一时之间不被木萧的念源力轰杀,但短短时间变异人已经变得非常惨厉。 Mu Xiao Vigor Ebullition and ominous offense killed a main road cruelly, the rear road surface piled up with the limbs separation remnant body. His figure approaches like the ghosts and demons, the sickle aroused howling fresh breeze, ray Ling very cold, ultra-frequency rises suddenly high-pressured electrical current, Thoughtsource Power turned into the rope of fetter, twined the variant entire body solid. 木萧血气沸腾、凶戾残暴地杀出了一条大路,后方路面堆满了肢体分离的残躯。他身影如鬼魅般来临,镰刀激起一股呼啸劲风,光芒凌冽,超频暴涨出一股高压电流,念源力化成了束缚的绳索,把变异人整个躯体严严实实缠绕。 Suddenly, the variant eyeball becomes dies white gloomy, death intent mental strength rumbled in Mu Xiao's sea of awareness, was decayed his mental thought, making him lose the fight the courage, inspired the death fear. 突然,变异人眼珠变得死白阴森,一股死意精神力轰进了木萧的意识海之中,腐朽他的精神意念,让他丧失战斗的勇气,引动死亡的恐惧。 The Mu Xiao eye pupil bright glow sparkle, the thought concentrates a unequaled sharp sword, cut to kill sea of awareness all death intent mental instantaneously, the immense sickle in hand not to stop, wiped resplendent blazing sharp electrical current, cut the head of variant ruthlessly severely. 只是木萧眼眸精芒闪耀,念头凝成一把无敌利剑,瞬间斩杀了意识海所有死意精神,手中的巨大镰刀一刻不停,一抹璀璨炽烈的锋锐电流,狠厉地斩下了变异人的脑袋。 Instantaneous thick Evolution Power Origins flutters, enters in the Mu Xiao's body, immediately rose twice Genetic Resonance. 瞬间一股浓厚进化力源泉飘出,进入木萧的身体之中,顿时上升了两次基因共鸣 variant is not clear in the death flash, Mu Xiao why not by the influence of death intent mental. 变异人死亡的一瞬间不明白,木萧为什么不受死意精神的影响。 mental strength attack, basic to my does not have any use.” 精神力攻击,根本对我没有任何用处。” Mu Xiao was clear that death intent mental is the Death Spurring ability, has corrosion sea of awareness, multiplies the endless frightened mood, making one walk into the mental attack of death gradually. What a pity, he had extremely the deeply qualified Neo-Human will, there is inside and outside Thought Divine Power to protect the body, is not such is affected by the external force easily. 木萧清楚那一股死意精神死亡引动的能力,有腐蚀意识海,滋生出无尽恐惧的情绪,让人逐步走入死亡精神攻击。可惜,他拥有了极其资深新人类意志,又有意念神力内外护体,不是那样容易被外力影响的。 variant died, appeared coming out Ability Origins, was not Iron-powered Vigor , was not Death Spurring , but was therapy class the ability. 变异人一死,浮现了出来的能力源泉,不是铁力血气,也不是死亡引动,而是一个疗伤类的能力。 This seems like Forceful Damage Shifting ......” “这好像是强制伤害转移……” Mu Xiao recalled this ability, can shift other lifeform the bodily injury, but in each lifeform short time can only withstand to force one time to injure, but during shift, if lifeform is unable to withstand many injuries to explode body death, that meaning shift injury failure, that fiercer backlash main body. 木萧记起了这个能力,可以将身体伤害转移其他生命体,但每个生命体时间内只能承受一次强制伤害,而在转移之中,若生命体无法承受过多伤害而爆体死亡的话,那意味转移伤害失败,那会更加凶猛反噬本体。
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