REE :: Volume #2

#118: treasure

Pear Blossom famed sword. 梨花名剑 The sword blade has the Pear Blossom petal blade mark, a frail sword blade does not have flexible nature, instead is very sharply hard, any sourcepower can pour into the sword blade to be able transform to become extremely sharp sourcepower sword qi, once the owner radiance beautiful woman, she was the future Evolution Era super first-rate influence, one under of Radiant Queen place Female Personal Guard, once had one slightly to celebrate a holiday with Mu Xiao. 剑身有梨花瓣般的刃纹,单薄剑刃没有一丝柔韧性,反而十分坚硬锋利,任何源力都能灌注剑身都会转化成一股极其锋锐的源力剑气,曾拥有者光明玉女,她是未来进化时代超一流势力,光明女王座下的女亲卫之一,曾与木萧有过一段小过节。 Nothing but is the matter that the man sexually harasses the woman, but a Mu Xiao sword was difficult to seek at that time, the radiance beautiful woman took the famed sword advantage, making Mu Xiao be restrained everywhere, has to retreat. Naturally, if flees preying, dying certainly is the radiance beautiful woman, but she is a super first-rate influence, but this influence led Earth all Neo-Human at that time, with powerful existence that Moon contended with, that time Mu Xiao really could not offend. 无非就是男人调戏女人的事儿,只是当时木萧一剑难寻,光明玉女占了名剑的便宜,让木萧处处受制,不得不退走。当然,如果是亡命搏杀,死的一定是光明玉女,只是她所在的是一个超一流势力,而这个势力当时又是带领地球所有新人类,跟月球抗衡的强大存在,那时候的木萧实在得罪不起。 But at this time is different in those days, Mu Xiao who strikes the first blow has the advantage took Pear Blossom famed sword, is only a start, he also understands many method of cultivation, will only exceed the past, dominates all Neo-Human. 但今时不同往日,木萧先下手为强取了梨花名剑,只是一个开始,他还懂得很多修炼之法,只会超越以往,凌驾所有新人类 however, powerhouse has certainly the past deeds to spread, happen to he remembers the Pear Blossom famed sword location, in this antique street, including other two rare things. 然而,强者一定有过去事迹流传,正好他记得梨花名剑的所在地,就在这条古董街,包括其余两件珍物。 Mu Xiao explained succinctly a immense value of famed sword implication, after this is, achievement powerhouse essential war soldier. He observes the situation the appearance that their females intent moves, asked: This is the female saber, I have famed sword, temporarily the does not have necessary replacement, does this want anyone of you?” 木萧简洁说明了一下名剑蕴含的巨大价值,这是以后成就强者不可缺少的战兵。他环视她们众女都意动的样子,问道:“这是女性佩剑,我已经有一把名剑,暂时没有必要更换,这把你们谁要?” Duan Lingling wants famed sword, but looked at this Pear Blossom extremely to be a little fragile, not too suitable oneself, moreover oneself present had S Grade Plasma Scythe, as weapon, famed sword can seek while convenient in the future is not late, to certain realm, famed sword can display the biggest battle efficiency in any case. 段玲玲想要一把名剑,但看了这一把梨花有点太过娇气,不太适合自己,而且自己现在有一把S级等离子镰刀,作为趁手武器,名剑可以日后在寻找也不迟,反正到了一定境界,名剑才可以发挥最大战斗力的。 You know where also has famed sword not?” Duan Lingling asked one discretely. “你知道哪里还有名剑不?”段玲玲还是谨慎地问了一句。 Knows.” Mu Xiao spoke frankly said: I can help you make famed sword and so on weapon, moreover here should have one such weapon.” “知道。”木萧直言说道:“我可以帮你们都弄上一把名剑之类的武器,而且这里应该还有一把这样的武器。” What weapon is that?” Duan Lingling asked. “那是什么的武器?”段玲玲问道。 Met you not to know.” Mu Xiao said: present this Pear Blossom, does anyone of you make its master?” “等会你不就知道了。”木萧说道:“现在这个一把梨花,你们谁做它的主人?” Shangguan Yuanxin, Zhou Xuan, Yan Shaonan, Jiang Yunwei, Lü Xiaoman and Mu Xuanyin they are quite indifferent, Duan Lingling thought that oneself is not suitable to withdraw automatically, Zhao Yiling and Tong Jingzhen are not Neo-Human, knows that could not participate in such striving qualifications, but Mu Xiao had pledged that helped their several females seek for other famed sword, let alone their affection was deep, the nature competition cannot be too fierce. 上官媛馨周萱严韶楠蒋云蔚吕晓蔓木绚音她们都比较无所谓,段玲玲觉得自己不适合自动退出,赵依凌童静珍不是新人类,知道参与不了这样的争取资格,而木萧已经承诺帮她们几位女子寻找其它的名剑,何况她们感情深厚,自然竞争不会太激烈。 Pear Blossom belongs to finally, in Sun Xinyue and Sun Xinyue liangs female. However, two females also decided quickly, was Sun Xinyue gave Dan Miaoyi. 梨花最终归属,在孙新月女之中。不过,两女也很快决定,是孙新月让给了单妙依 Henceforth Pear Blossom became Dan Miaoyi famed sword, future had a small change in disguised form. 从此梨花成了单妙依名剑,变相未来有了一个小改变。 This building only had fifth floor, the safe-deposit vaults already other does not have discoveries, Mu Xiao and Shangguan Yuanxin they on straight the final layer building. 这座楼宇只有五楼,保险库已经没有其它发现,木萧上官媛馨她们直上了最后一层楼。 Before, here fifth building, is not the ordinary people can come up, because here each table of chairs, decorated and decorate are completely the value not poor antiques, but these rare things used on receiving a guest, was really the great writer. 以前,这里第五楼,不是普通人都可以上来,因为这里每一桌一椅、装饰、摆设全部都是价值不菲的古董,而这些珍物用在迎客上,实在是大手笔。 But Mu Xiao is not interested, mental strength spreads, then found a room, has safe-deposit vaults, but this safe-deposit vaults size compared with former that small 1st, but dependability and defense equipment actually upgrade 2~3 time. 只不过木萧不太感兴趣,精神力扩散开去,然后找到了一件房间,又藏有一个保险库,而这个保险库的大小比之前那个小一号,但坚固度方面和防御设备却提升二三倍之多。 What a pity in front of Mu Xiao, is one does not suppose the defense safe-deposit vaults, he used the machinery ability to open the metal door, telekinesis arrests two goods from inside, then laid aside in a floor, their several females encircled as if by prior agreement. 可惜在木萧面前,都是一个不设防御的保险库,他用机械能力打开金属门,念力从里面拘来了两件物品,然后放置在一张台面上,她们几位女子不约而同地围了上来。 One is the long volume, is wrapping with not well-known black, another square vermilion-red wooden box. 有一件是长型体积,用一块不知名的黑色皮布包裹着,另一个四四方方朱红色的木盒。 Can open looks?” The Duan Lingling small mouth was asking, but a pair of hand has traced that wooden box. “可以打开看吗?”段玲玲小嘴在问,但一双手已经摸去了那一个木盒了。 This is a blade and an armor.” Mu Xiao made known succinctly the answers of two goods, takes black was wrapping longblade. “这是一把刀和一件铠甲。”木萧简洁地揭晓了两件物品的答案,取了黑色皮布包裹着的长刀 After untying, there are blacker much the scabbard, touches, has the non- iron non- jade, is full of the unusual ice-cold sense of reality, above carved the a dragon mark design, during mental induces, as if blocked the darkness dragon of abyss, cruel, overbearing and vigorous, military might and evil strong fluctuation sending out. 解开皮布之后,有黑得深邃的刀鞘,触摸上去,有着非铁非玉,充满奇特冰冷的质感,上面雕刻了一条龙纹图案,在精神感应之中,仿佛封锁了一条来自深渊的黑暗之龙,有一股暴戾、霸道、雄浑、威武、邪恶的强劲波动散发而出。 The person who any induction obtains this fluctuation, exudes a thought similarly. 凡是感应得到这股波动的人,同样泛起一个念头。 This is one very is very very overbearing the strange blade!” “这是一把很强很霸道很诡异的刀!” At this time, Duan Lingling also turned on the vermilion-red wooden box, inside is an armor, like the feathery scarlet red armor piece, in the thin lines had a small birds chart mark, disperses the blazing fluctuation that burnt always, as if even mental strength fired the ashes sensation. 这时候,段玲玲也打开了朱红色的木盒,里面正是一件铠甲,有如羽毛般的赤红甲片,细纹之中有一只雀鸟图纹,散出一股无时无刻燃烧的炽热波动,仿佛连精神力都烧成灰烬的感觉 Quite beautiful.” “好美。” Duan Lingling and Lü Xiaoman and Mu Xuanyin...... and other females sent out acclaiming, this armor has the fire to be equally gorgeous, as if not see the armor, but is work of art. When they touch, ice-cold of complete does not have metal, instead has a warm touch. 段玲玲吕晓蔓木绚音……等女子发出了赞叹,这件铠甲有火一样绚丽,仿佛不是一见铠甲,而是一件艺术品。当她们触摸上去,完全没有金属的冰冷,反而有一阵温热的触感。 Duan Lingling launches the scarlet red armor, the discovery is high and low one set, each spot close connected, the fine workmanship is inconceivable, but the issue is...... 段玲玲展开赤红铠甲,发现是上下一套,每个部位都紧密相连,做工精细得难以想象,但问题是…… How this puts in the body, probably each spot cannot disassemble.” Duan Lingling said with Mu Xiao. “这怎样穿在身上,好像每个部位都拆不开的。”段玲玲木萧说道。 present we cannot open, is only value not poor work of art ornaments, only had to gain Fire Sourcepower, can equip this set of Vermilion Bird Battle Armor, became the oneself battle efficiency......” 现在我们都打不开,只是一件价值不菲的艺术品摆设,唯有获取了火源力,才能装备这套朱雀战铠,成为自己的战斗力……” Mu Xiao looks at this set of scarlet red like fire flame bird armor, once was on Moon powerhouse all. But after this powerhouse equipped this set of Vermilion Bird Battle Armor , has to be a worthy opponent and even dominate instantaneously the Blazing Queen battle efficiency. 木萧看着这套赤红如火炎鸟的铠甲,曾是月球上一个强者的所有。而这位强者装备了这套朱雀战铠之后,瞬间拥有匹敌、甚至凌驾火焰女王的战斗力。 This powerhouse named Vermilion Bird, is the Blazing Queen life and death archenemy, one of the Moon Four Saints. 这位强者名为朱雀子,是火焰女王的生死大敌,月球四圣者之一。 Other three very obviously are convention Cyan Dragon, White Tiger and Black Tortoise, is this Four Saints battle efficiency not convention, they on Moon is next to these pseudo-god existence, goes on an expedition Earth Neo-Human great general, they is a worthy opponent on Earth all King, because they have the King battle efficiency. 其余三位很明显就是俗套的青龙白虎玄武,可是这四圣者战斗力可不俗套,他们在月球上仅次于那些‘伪神’的存在,又是征战地球新人类大将,他们匹敌地球上所有王者,因为他们本身就具有王者战斗力。 They have extremely numerous resource, this set of Vermilion Bird Battle Armor is one of them, has immunity blazing, instead absorbs blazing, the amplification itself Fire Sourcepower might. 他们拥有极多资源,其中这套朱雀战铠就是其中之一,具有免疫火焰,反吸收火焰,增幅自身火源力的威力。 Four Saints can be said as the Earth Neo-Human life and death archenemy, when until Vermilion Bird death, encountered numerous King's to search for the god. 四圣者可以说是地球新人类的生死大敌,直至朱雀死亡之时,遭到了一众王者的搜神。 Therefore, about Vermilion Bird Battle Armor at first where came from, quick was spread, including Pear Blossom Sword also to have that the blade, all was the Moon person discovered that but had certainly the casualties in the fight, the victor was natural, gained the spoils of war of loser. 因此,关于朱雀战铠的最初来自什么地方,很快就被流传出来,其中包括了梨花剑还有那把刀,全是月球人发现的,只是在战斗中一定有伤亡,胜利者理所当然,获取了失败者的战利品。 Once the owner was also one overawed temporary powerhouse like this Dragon-shaped Blade , what a pity in this world that had innumerable monster, there is in view of the evil Moon organization that Earthling did the research, these scenery temporary powerhouse, fell from the sky to be missing, was not the unusual matter. 就像这一把龙形刀曾拥有者也是一个威震一时的强者,可惜在这个有无数怪物世界,又有针对地球人做研究的邪恶月球组织,那些风光一时的强者,陨落失踪,不是什么稀奇的事情。 however, this Dragon-shaped Blade is death rate/lead highest weapon, because obtains this powerhouse of blade, died without exception, after King falls from the sky, this blade thoroughly becomes existence of ominous, drains in world. 然而,这一把龙形刀死亡率最高的武器,因为获得这把刀的强者,无一例外都死掉,直至一个王者陨落之后,这一把刀彻底成为了不祥的存在,流失在世界之中。 famed sword is the same nature...... Mu Xiao allocates longblade with famed blade fiercely, the pure black like the crystalloid knife, as if there is scale to be and out, „, but this blade a little ominous evil, I did not suggest that you as weapon, you want certainly, I do not force.” 名剑名刀都是一样性质……”木萧猛地拨出长刀,纯黑色如同晶体的刀身,仿佛有鳞片忽隐忽现,“但这刀有点不祥邪性,我不建议你们作为武器,当然你们还是想要,我也不勉强。” Some numerous female their people on the scene had the thoughts to want, but listened to the Mu Xiao's speech, the facial expression decided that understands that Mu Xiao did not say things just to frighten people, does not want to misappropriate, after all here thing was he discovered that he had the absolute distribution right, will not move unnecessarily. 在场众女她们有人本来有心思想要,但听了木萧的说话,神情定了下来,明白木萧不是危言耸听,也不是想私吞,毕竟这里东西都是他发现的,他有绝对的分配权,不会多此一举。 This world randomly is enough dangerous enough, I do not think several plus one share potential hazard.” Jiang Yunwei does not strive very much sanely. “这世界已经够乱够危险,我可不想多加一份潜在危险。”蒋云蔚很理智地不争取。 I do not want.” Sun Xinyue calm say/way. Other person of quick statements do not want, appearance that only then the Zhou Xuan a little intent moves, but Mu Xiao received, does not plan to give her as weapon. “我也不要。”孙新月冷静的道。其余人很快也表态不想要,只有周萱还是有点意动的样子,但木萧直接收了起来,不打算给她作为武器 My late point helps you look for other famed sword.” Mu Xiao looked at Vermilion Bird Battle Armor, said: Anyone of you evolution has Fire Sourcepower, discussed this set of battle armor ownership issue again. If your does not have opinion, battle armor were taken care of temporarily by me.” “我迟点帮你们找其它名剑。”木萧又看了朱雀战铠,说道:“你们有谁进化火源力,再讨论这套战铠的归属问题。如果你们没有意见,战铠暂由我保管好了。” The females shake the head, in any case is the equipment that has no need, they do not know that these antique equipment some big might, extremely do not regard as important at heart. 众女摇了摇头,反正都是用不着的装备,她们也不知道这些古董装备到底有多大威力,心里不是太过看重。 But Mu Xiao understands clearly in their hearts to think, but does not think that multi- in addition explained these equipment have the tremendous effect and to a powerhouse significance to future significant. If future same will let out the exchange, some certainly innumerable powerhouse, even King will put out dominion, innumerable population, innumerable weapon...... wait/etc huge commodities, received exchange these treasure. 木萧了然她们心中所想,但也不想多加解释这些装备对未来有多大影响、对一个强者的意义有多重大。如果未来将其中一样放出去交换,一定有无数强者,甚至王者都会拿出地盘,无数人口,无数武器……等等庞大物资,来换取这些的宝物 Otherwise, before a Mu Xiao sword will not be difficult to seek. 否则,以前木萧不会一剑难寻。 If Mu Xiao oneself had famed sword initially, that fierce combat on Moon will not die, naturally his undying falls is unable rebirth to come back...... 如果当初木萧自己有一把名剑,在月球上那场激战就不会死掉,当然他不死掉也无法重生回来…… ...... …… The people come out from the building, most ordinary people and Neo-Human are alerting, Jiang Yue stands on the vehicle roof, Reconnaissance surrounding sound. 众人从楼中出来,大部分普通人和新人类都在戒备,姜月站在车顶上,侦察周围的动静。 „Does jewelry firm have our useful things?” Shangguan Yuanxin and Mu Xiao walk side-by-side, Mu Xuanyin and Lü Xiaoman, Zhou Xuan and Yan Shaonan...... they also follow Mu Xiao, goes together a building thing of majestic noble air to walk. “珠宝商行有我们用得上的东西?”上官媛馨木萧并肩而行,木绚音吕晓蔓周萱严韶楠……她们也跟着木萧,同往一座堂皇贵气的建筑物走去。 According to the scale and popularity of this jewelry firm, many existence that has that type of thing.” Mu Xiao said. “按照这间珠宝商行的规模和知名度,多少有那种东西的存在。”木萧说道。 Shangguan Yuanxin does not have asked that before coming this, oneself has patronized repeatedly jewelry firm. 上官媛馨没有多问下去,来了这间以前自己多次光顾过的珠宝商行。 If the antique store were antique, that here was gold and greens Splendor and being bedecked with jewels, but after the end, multi- Splendor, the bright jewelry covered the gloomy color, but could not prevent the female inborn to favor of jewelry, particularly here jewelry excellent workmanship. 如果刚才的古董店是古色古香,那这里就是金碧辉煌、珠光宝气,只是末日之后多辉煌、多明亮的珠宝都蒙上了黯淡无光的色彩,但阻止不了女性天生对珠宝的喜爱,尤其是这里的珠宝做工精美。 Their one group of females quickly on the investment joyous excavation treasure, even Mu Xuanyin and Lü Xiaoman, Zhao Yiling and Tong Jingzhen become active. 她们一群女性很快就投入欢悦的发掘宝贝之中,连木绚音吕晓蔓赵依凌童静珍都变得活跃起来。 Mu Xiao sees the Shangguan Yuanxin look to move fast, the appearance that as if a little intent moves, can't help but smiled, originally she has inborn that the woman likes to look good. 木萧上官媛馨眼神飘忽,仿佛有点意动的样子,不由笑了一下,原来她有着女人爱美的天生。 „Very extraordinary?” Shangguan Yuanxin notices the Mu Xiao's happy expression, indifferent say/way: I am does not have like in your eyes, does not have appeal, woman who only then a brain plans the benefit?” “很出奇么?”上官媛馨注意到木萧的笑意,淡然的道:“难道我在你眼中就是没有喜好,没有情趣,只有一脑子算计利益的女人?” You give my sensation truly are so.” Mu Xiao speak bluntly say/way. “你给我的感觉确实是如此。”木萧直言不讳的道。 My hope you have had a new look...... Shangguan Yuanxin to say such words to me subconsciously, but said later discovered oneself said probably ambiguous, inexplicable intent is at heart chaotic, that indifferent such as Water Soft beautiful face, floated off gradually wiped the soul-stirring light red...... the abundant god is so beautiful, attracts all living things. “我希望你对我有所改观……”上官媛馨下意识说出这样的话,但说了之后发现自己好像说得过于暧昧,心里莫名意乱,那张淡然如柔水的绝美脸庞,渐渐浮起了一抹惊心动魄的浅红……如此的丰神美丽,魅惑众生。 Un.” “嗯。” Mu Xiao complied with one very much at will, does not have excessively paid attention, she was charming nearly enchanting beautiful manner. 只是木萧很随意应了一声,没有过多关注,她妩媚得近乎妖娆的绝美神态。 This being bedecked with jewels building, soon under the Dan Miaoyi penetrate|thoroughly ability, discovered treasury location that deposits the jewelry. 这座珠光宝气的大楼,很快在单妙依透彻能力之下,找出了存放珠宝的金库所在地。 After Mu Xiao opens the treasury, not only stops him to induce to mental fluctuates, on the scene has mental System Ability Mu Xuanyin, Lü Xiaoman, Shangguan Yuanxin and Sun Xinyue, they induce to pure mental strength similarly, is inspiring their sea of awareness mental strength gently. 木萧打开金库之后,不单止他一个人感应到精神波动,在场拥有精神系能力木绚音吕晓蔓上官媛馨孙新月,她们同样感应到一股纯净的精神力,正在轻轻引动她们意识海精神力
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