REE :: Volume #2

#117: Pear Blossom

Motorcade so few weaponry, have SS Grade and SSS Grade weaponry robot does not have incessantly at least starts, these are the Armament equipment, including Shangguan Yuanxin they and other female mechanical inner armor and S Grade of weapon, five heavy-scale giant tiger, is Mu Xiao told that Shangguan Yuanxin goes to the key search the commodity. 车队不止如此少武装,起码还有SS级SSS级武装机器人没有启动,这些都是军械装备,包括上官媛馨她们等女子身上的机械内甲S级武器,还有五台重型巨虎,全都是木萧吩咐上官媛馨去重点搜索的物资。 His previous life knows that has an influence on rise in Capital of Magic, this influence in a military Reconnaissance foothold, discovered this batch of weapon equip, thus there is a capital of rise, this influence sightest time, even occupied Capital of Magic 1/10 dominion. 上一世知道有一个势力在魔力之都崛起,这个势力就在一个军事侦察据点里面,发现了这一批武器装备,从而有了崛起的资本,这个势力最风光的时候,甚至占据了魔力之都十分之一的地盘 However, this influence annihilates in third World Upheaval. 不过,这个势力在第三世界剧变湮灭掉。 Although, these equipment in the late phase Neo-Human world does not have what big use, but in this beginning period, without doubt is a not to be underestimated weaponry strength, if using well, truly can overcome piece of dominion, has one to be good opening in Ending World. 虽然,这些装备在后期新人类世界没有什么大用处,但在这个开端时期,无疑是一股不容小觑的武装力量,如果利用得好,确实可以打下一片地盘,在末世中有一个好开局。 Once the opening sharp weapon of that influence, the achievement Mu Xiao's this weaponry motorcade, equips to use now particularly, in one crowd had on Apex Body qualitative Neo-Human, played the weaponry might comprehensively. 曾经那个势力的开局利器,如今成就了木萧的这一支武装车队,尤其是装备用在一群拥有顶尖体质的新人类身上,更加全面发挥出武装的威力。 His indirect strangled the rise of this influence, but saved the lives of many, making them be insufficient in third World Upheaval, all destruction in catastrophe. 他间接性扼杀了这个势力的崛起,但何尝不是救了很多人的性命,让他们不至于在第三世界剧变,全体覆灭在灾难之中。 Tongyuan Street, under the blazing sunlight shines, each ordinary person is sweating profusely, is sultry makes one feel nervous, these rapid freeze corpses exude a lot of white fog, has to tow to the insolation of sunlight, lays aside in the peripheral building thing...... 通源街,在炽烈日光照耀下,每个普通人都满头大汗,闷热得让人发慌,那些急冻的尸体泛起大量白雾,只好拖离阳光的暴晒,放置进周边的建筑物里面…… These small things, Shangguan Yuanxin does not need to tell, these ordinary people will have the consciousness to know how to do, after all concerns their itself life, if makes a mistake, caused brings in the huge zombie group, the casualties are highest can only be their these ordinary people. 这些小事情,上官媛馨不用吩咐,那些普通人也会有意识知道怎样去做,毕竟关乎他们自身性命,如果出一点差错,导致的引来庞大丧尸群,伤亡最高只会是他们这些普通人。 Therefore, they were careful compared with anybody, the processing corpse was naturally needless to say. 所以,他们比任何人都小心,处理尸体自然不用多说。 ...... …… Mu Xiao comes Tongyuan Street mainly to take three good things, next comes clean out treasures. Moreover here international being able to stand in line number jewelry firm, greatly possibly found the thing that he wants to look for very much. 木萧通源街主要来取三件好东西,其次是来淘宝。而且这里有一间国际排得上号的珠宝商行,很大可能找到他想找的东西。 He led one group of females first to go to the most famous antique store, before the determination, first that three things, really here. 他带领一群女子先去了最有名气的一间古董店,确定前一世那三件东西,是不是真的在这里。 Quite hot..., if we became Neo-Human, can refine the body is not sensitive to heat.” The Tong Jingzhen forehead sweats profusely, the soft and smooth water sleek/moist flesh, is glowing red and fresh-faced, serves as contrast she pretty white and tender cheek, the youth moving aura of that share of school girl, even more fragrant attractive. “好热啊…如果我们成了新人类,也可以炼体就不怕热了。”童静珍额头香汗淋漓,柔腻水润的肌肤,红彤彤、粉嫩嫩,衬托她娇俏白嫩的脸蛋,那一股女学生的青春动人气息,愈发芬芳诱人。 Un.” The Zhao Yiling chilly elegant face, has clear beads of sweat tumbling slowly, was hot does not seem willing to speak a few words. “嗯。”赵依凌清冷秀美的脸庞,有晶莹的汗珠徐徐的滚落,热得好像不愿多说一句话。 Even is not Neo-Human, so long as you and Yiling have 3 S constitution, basically can disregard spends like this burning hot.” Duan Lingling proud say/way: Comes one time burning hot not to fear like our Apex Body nature again.” “就算不是新人类,只要你和依凌有3S体质,基本可以无视这样的炎热度了。”段玲玲自傲的道:“像我们顶尖体质再来一倍炎热也不怕。” present with the Mu Xiao close female, only then their does not have becomes Neo-Human, but two female constitution are powerful compared with many ordinary people, has S Grade above constitution. 现在木萧亲密的女子当中,只有她们两人没有成为新人类,但两女体质比起很多普通人都强大,有S级以上的体质 Shangguan Yuanxin and other female all have been in the Apex Body nature, this weather burning hot they did not think that has anything to affect, but the Mu Xiao corners of the mouth smile vague, thought that Duan Lingling was prematurely optimistic. 上官媛馨等女子全体都已经处于顶尖体质,这种天气炎热度她们不觉得有什么影响,只是木萧嘴角若有若无一笑,觉得段玲玲过早乐观了。 Outside has Aybar and the others to guard the motorcade, Mu Xiao gets one group of big or small beautiful women to arrive at an antique building. 外面有艾巴尔等人看守车队,木萧领着一群大小美女来到一间古色古香的楼宇。 This building to the utmost luxurious luxurious, all with Moon new variety wooden construct, and other precious materials makes beam, column and movable partition screen decoration by the water ironwood, the moonlight wooden and even hot wood, the windows and doors beam colonnade wall all by the precious crystal wooden constitution, and serves with the craft exquisite carving, not only has the lifelike sandal-wood carving, as well as mounts the design with the jade the ground. 这座楼极尽豪华奢侈,全是用月球新品种木质建造,以水铁木、月光木乃至火木等名贵材料做梁、柱及隔扇装饰,门窗梁柱廊壁全由珍贵的水晶木构成,并施以工艺精巧的雕刻,其中不仅有栩栩如生的檀香木雕,以及用玉石镶嵌图案的地面。 Has the taste elegantly, does not fall the custom magnificently and expensively. 风雅而有品味,华贵而不落俗。 Person who has mental strength, can be released externally mental strength, feels this antique utensil to have does not have to fluctuate, if there is a fluctuation to appear, explained that the utensil has certain use to our Neo-Human.” “有精神力的人,可以外放精神力,感受这处的古董器物有没有波动,如果有波动出现,说明器物对我们新人类有一定用处。” Mu Xiao enters some wall cabinets, mental strength sweeps the above antique, does not have discovers any fluctuation. 木萧走进一些墙柜,精神力一扫上面的古玩,没有发现任何波动。 Xinyue (new moon) and Miaoyi, we also go to clean out treasures.” Duan Lingling two have drawn Sun Xinyue and Dan Miaoyi, quick one step a ladder mouth that walked up to two buildings, for fear that misses thing. 新月妙依,我们也去淘宝。”段玲玲两手拉过孙新月单妙依,快一步走上了二楼的梯口,生怕错过好东西似的。 You know here early, has our useful goods?” Shangguan Yuanxin asked Mu Xiao, while walked from another side wooden frame, took up a quality good jade carving, element sends out the glimmer, obviously used Contact Induction innate ability, further value of definite goods. “你早知道这里,有我们用得上的物品?”上官媛馨一边问木萧,一边走去从另一边的木架子,拿起一件成色不错的玉雕,素手发出微光,显然动用了接触感应先天能力,进一步确定物品的价值性。 However, she threw down this jade carving quickly, obvious does not have any value. 不过,她很快就丢下了这个玉雕,明显没有任何价值。 Is.” Mu Xiao sees building does not have what to be truly good to discover, walked up to two buildings, others have various searches respectively. “算是吧。”木萧见一楼确实没有什么好发现,也走上了二楼,其他人也各有各的搜索。 Two building also many antiques, but is only the common bronzeware or the chinaware, Mu Xiao mental strength sweeps fast, similarly does not have anything discovered, came up directly third floor. He has purest mental strength origins, has the extremely high acuity in sensation. 二楼也有不少古玩,但只是一般的青铜器或瓷器,木萧精神力快速一扫,同样没有什么发现,直接上去了三楼。他拥有最纯正的精神力源泉,在感知方面有极高的敏锐度。 Mu Xiao found some classical books in third floor, reads carefully one by one, discovered that does not have record least bit related Cultivation content, that similarly is the thing of does not have use. 木萧三楼找到了一些古典书籍,细心逐一翻看,发现没有记载半点有关修炼的内容,那同样是没有用处的东西。 What value do classical books have?” “古典书籍有什么价值?” When does not know, Shangguan Yuanxin stands side Mu Xiao's gracefully, reads he had read a moment ago the books gracefully dedicated. 不知何时,上官媛馨婀娜多姿地站在木萧的身边,优雅专注地翻看他刚才看过的书籍。 Neo-Human further upgrade realm, some contains the Cultivation classical books, can supply us to comprehend.” Mu Xiao said: You should know, Earth had had Space Vibration, the thing of some massive different civilization reveal on Earth, on some books has method of cultivation. Although may not understand, so long as spirit wisdom to a degree, can clearly become aware the books content the general idea/careless.” 新人类进一步提升境界,有一些蕴含修炼的古典书籍,可以供给我们一些参悟。”木萧说道:“你应该知道,地球曾经发生过空间震荡,有大量异文明之物流露在地球上,其中有些书籍上面有修炼之法。虽然不一定能读懂,但只要灵智到了一个程度,还是可以明悟书籍内容的大意。” The moment spoken language, contained promoted realm to Neo-Human, as well as later comprehended Sourcepower Martial Study and Spirit Soul Secret Method key is, especially Neo-Human still in evolution first phase, going into seriously was one may be possible greatly the small secret, but Mu Xiao does not have concealed to say succinctly, he by Shangguan Yuanxin's wise and farsighted, definitely understands clearly this speech contained any important information. 片刻言语,蕴含了对新人类晋升境界,以及以后领悟源力武学灵魂秘法的关键所在,尤其新人类还在进化前期,深究起来是一个可大可小的机密,但木萧没有隐瞒简洁地说了出来,他清楚以上官媛馨的睿智,肯定会明白这一番说话蕴含了什么重大信息。 Why did you tell me these things?” The Shangguan Yuanxin beautiful pupil twinkle, the eyelash is shivering slightly, such as the no flaw flesh of cream beautiful jade, shows light powder sleek/moist, light red lip, such as rose leaf, charming gentle. “你为什么告诉我这些事情?”上官媛馨美眸闪烁,睫毛微微地颤动着,如凝脂美玉的无瑕肌肤,透出淡淡粉润,薄薄的红唇,如玫瑰花瓣,娇嫩欲滴。 Her a little accidental/surprised Mu Xiao told her such secret. 她有点意外木萧告诉她这样的秘密。 Because I want to seek your heart.” Mu Xiao half jokingly half earnestly said: If you become my woman, later thinks that is a I powerful good wife, can help me share a lot.” “因为我想博取一下你芳心。”木萧半玩笑半认真的道:“如果你成为我女人,以后想必是我一位有力的贤内助,可以帮助我分担很多事情。” You did not think that was a little insatiably greedy?” The Shangguan Yuanxin beautiful immortal face, such as equally was indifferent solemn in the past, your side has many outstanding women to choose. Although, present they to your does not have too big sensation, but their does not have has the malice to you at least, I think after them, similarly will not reject you.” “你不觉得有点贪得无厌了么?”上官媛馨绝美仙颜,如往常一样淡然端庄,“你身边有很多优秀的女人可以挑选。虽然,现在她们对你没有太大感觉,但起码她们没有对你有恶感,我想她们以后同样不会拒绝你。” She understands that Mu Xiao such speech, teased is in the majority, because could see Mu Xiao, similarly was one supercilious and heart clear as a mirror's man, had any thoughts unable to hide the truth from his profound eye, his present did not receive Duan Lingling they to become the oneself woman, might as well have the idea that the body and mind is capturing. 她明白木萧这样的说话,调笑居多,因为看得出木萧,同样是一个心高气傲和心明如镜的男人,有任何心思瞒不了他那双深邃的眼睛,他现在不收段玲玲她们成为自己的女人,未尝不是打着身心攻陷的主意。 Because this is true conversion. 因为这样才是真正的归心 Compels will only leave the hidden troubles, he does not want to handle such stupid matter. 强逼只会埋下隐患,他不想做这样愚蠢的事情。 Therefore, Shangguan Yuanxin was not worried that Mu Xiao compels oneself to submit, but also understands that Mu Xiao regards as important the oneself wisdom, rather than stature look. This point, makes Shangguan Yuanxin have more favorable impressions without doubt at heart. 因此,上官媛馨不担心木萧强逼自己屈服,但也明白木萧看重自己的智慧,而不是身材相貌。这一点,无疑让上官媛馨心里生出更多的好感。 In the past others regarded as important her are only the stature looks, finally was the wisdom, that made her have unvalued sensation. 以往别人看重她只是身材相貌,最后才是智慧,那让她有很不受重视的感觉 Zhao Yiling is one has the potential young girl very much, she has the method of assuming sole responsibility for an important task with the charm, if she became your woman, same is your side good helper.” 赵依凌是一个很有潜质的少女,她有独当一面的手段和魅力,如果她成了你的女人,想必一样是你身边的好帮手。” Shangguan Yuanxin spoke these words, discovered that the Mu Xiao facial expression is strange, probably his facial features are somewhat stiff. 上官媛馨说完这一句话,发现木萧神情非常古怪,好像他面容有些僵硬。 Un, I cracked a joke a moment ago, you leave are too earnest.” Mu Xiao throws down these words, on straight fourth floor ladder mouth, only leaves behind Shangguan Yuanxin that was startled slightly, how whatever she wants not to know that oneself spoke incorrectly what words. “嗯,我刚才只是开玩笑,你别太较真。”木萧丢下这一句话,直上了四楼的梯口,只留下了微微怔住的上官媛馨,任凭她怎样想也不知道自己说错了什么话。 ...... …… Cracks a joke, if provoked the Zhao Yiling's sentiment, does not process well, was not her enter demon is my enter demon. 开什么玩笑,如果招惹了赵依凌的感情,不好好处理的话,不是她入魔就是我入魔了。 The Mu Xiao unstated criticism thinks. 木萧腹诽地想。 fourth floor, Duan Lingling and Dan Miaoyi and Sun Xinyue in this yet higher goal, their three females are happen to observing other utensils, the Mu Xiao also does not have action, Dan Miaoyi fragrant wind walked. 四楼,段玲玲单妙依孙新月正好在这一层楼,她们三女正在观察其它器物,木萧没有行动,单妙依一阵香风就走了过来。 Behind that landscape painting has medium-scale safe-deposit vaults, you are capable of machinery to open look, perhaps has the thing of serving a need.” Dan Miaoyi said with a smile pretty. “那一副山水画背后有一个中型保险库,你有机械能力可以打开看一下,说不定有用得着的东西哦。”单妙依娇俏一笑道。 This is we first discovered that has the good thing, calculates our one.” Duan Lingling pasted, does not let up the opportunity of profiting. “这是我们先发现的,有好东西,算我们的一份。”段玲玲贴了上来,不放过占便宜的机会。 Originally she thought violent destruction a moment ago, but after the analysis of Dan Miaoyi and Sun Xinyue, she gave up such idea quickly. Because this safe-deposit vaults all are new-type mix the metal manufacture, even entire building break and devastate, the safe-deposit vaults will certainly not break. 本来她刚才想暴力破坏,但经过单妙依孙新月的分析,她很快就放弃了这样的想法。因为这个保险库全是新型混合金属制造,就算整座楼宇摧毁,保险库一定不会破开。 Un.” Mu Xiao complied with one, arrives at this not to know the scenery treasured painting that directly what famous teacher draws, careless and wasteful use of nature's products ripped open very much at will, revealed a stream one meter high metal door, above had the electronic system. “嗯。”木萧应了一声,直接来到这张不知什么名师画的山水墨宝,很暴殄天物地随意撕开,露出了一道一米多高的金属门,上面有电子系统。 Mu Xiao puts out a hand to direct the LightBrain system, ability triggering of twinkling Machinery Control , activated the system LightBrain procedure/program, opened the metal door easily. 木萧伸出手指点去光脑系统,瞬息机械掌控的能力触发,激活了系统光脑的程序,轻而易举的打开了金属门。 His present Machinery Control ability, almost can solve any procedure/program, but if the motorcade does not have his Machinery Control ability, lets the machinery part increased the immunity, perhaps the ordinary person is unable to take the vehicles of machinery part. 现在机械掌控的能力,几乎可以解决任何程序,而车队如果不是有他机械掌控的能力,让机械元件的加大了免疫力,说不定普通人无法乘坐有机械元件的车辆。 Because the ordinary person magnetic field has negative ion virus, the short distance contacts the machinery part, is very easy to cause machinery to lose the function. So long as the machinery ability were the control degree, can strengthen the machinery immunity, can avoid this situation. 因为普通人磁场有负离子病毒,近距离接触机械元件,很容易导致机械失去功能。但只要机械能力达到了掌控程度,就可以加强机械的免疫力,可以避免这种情况。 Naturally, along with world time transformation, virus will also add quick change different, now first phase can strengthen the immunity of machine, later may not, only if constantly strengthens the itself machinery ability. 当然,随世界时刻变化,病毒也会加快变异,如今前期可以加强机器的免疫力,以后不一定可以,除非不断加强自身机械能力。 For example, the present Mu Xiao's ability only limits them not to contact LightBrain of vehicles on own initiative, if they contacted LightBrain, the vehicles will expire similarly, like contacting weapon is unable to use, malfunctions instantaneously, is direct transmission virus goes in disguised form, does not have complete immunity effect. 譬如,现在木萧的能力只限他们不主动接触车辆的光脑,如果他们接触了光脑,车辆同样会失效,就像接触武器无法使用一样,瞬间就失灵,变相是直接传输病毒进去,没有完全免疫的效果。 ...... …… The metal front door opens, Mu Xiao and Sun Xinyue and Dan Miaoyi mental strength almost searched simultaneously, twinkling Mu Xiao discovered a thing had the fluctuation. 金属大门打开,木萧孙新月单妙依精神力几乎同时探进了去,瞬息木萧就发现了一件东西有波动。 Really here.” Mu Xiao telekinesis moves, extracted a deep place wooden box. “果然就在这里。”木萧念力一动,将深处一个木盒抽取了出来。 This is a sword chest that carved the fine flowering branch, there is a refined fragrant aura. The next quarter, Sun Xinyue and Dan Miaoyi on sword chest of sensation to Mu Xiao hand, have the uncommon fluctuation, that is a sharp and clear spirit fluctuation. 这是一个雕刻了精美花枝的剑匣,有一种雅致的古香气息。下一刻,孙新月单妙依感觉木萧手中的剑匣,有不凡的波动,那是一股锋利而清灵的波动。 What is, is what?” The Duan Lingling pupil light flicks, if not taken in the Mu Xiao's position and strength, she has snatched past. “是什么,是什么?”段玲玲眸光一闪一闪,如果不是摄于木萧的地位和实力,她早就一手抢过去了。 At this time, Shangguan Yuanxin and Zhou Xuan, Mu Xuanyin and Zhao Yiling...... they also came up, see Mu Xiao to be encircled by three females in the side, is sizing up a sword chest in his hand, understands he had discovered. 这时候,上官媛馨周萱木绚音赵依凌……她们也上来,见木萧被三女围在身边,正在打量他手中的一个剑匣,明白了他已经有所发现。 What thing?” Zhou Xuan is also very curious, to the Neo-Human useful thing is anything. “什么东西?”周萱同样很好奇,对新人类有用的东西是什么。 Mu Xiao does not have spoke, turned on the sword chest directly, has a petite clever thin sword. Scabbard snow white as jade, inscribes classical elegant flower-pattern, is a women's saber, the naked eye cannot see what special place, but mental sweeps to discover the strange place. 木萧没有说话,直接打开了剑匣,有着一把娇小灵巧细剑。剑鞘雪白如玉,刻有古典文雅的花纹,是一把女子佩剑,肉眼看不出有什么特别的地方,但精神一扫就发现有奇异之处。 Pear Blossom Sword, another famed sword succeeds in obtaining. The radiance beautiful woman, you chased down far of my thousand li (500 km) the sword with this initially, now I report little hatred/enemy finally ahead of time.” Mu Xiao recalls previous life, under Female Personal Guard by Radiant Queen place was chased down the thousand li (500 km), but present rebirth came back to have the memory of being prescient, intercepted with her becoming famous weapon, can't help but had the pleased feeling. 梨花剑,又一把名剑到手。光明玉女,当初你可是用这把剑追杀我千里之远,如今我总算提前报了个小仇了。”木萧回想上一世,被光明女王座下的女亲卫追杀了千里,但现在重生回来有了先知先觉的记忆,截取了跟她的成名武器,不由生出了快意之感。 -- Thanks, the shrimp fragrant monthly ticket, Mo tears, moe hitting of god to enjoy greatly. 谢,三寸丁香的月票,还有陌漢淚、大萌神的打赏。
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