REE :: Volume #2

#116: Tongyuan Street

Tongyuan Street in Capital of Magic, is a famous High Street, every day has the huge amount income, but a day of money number, far ultra ordinary street one year of financial revenue. Because, here many rich and powerful people come to patronize frequently, has the rich woman to come to here to spend money like it is going out of style. 通源街魔力之都,是一条鼎鼎有名的繁华街道,每天都有庞大金额进账,而一天的金钱数目,远超普通街道一年的财政收入。因为,这里经常有很多富豪进来光顾,更有富婆来这里一掷千金。 This is an antique street, besides having the strange and precious rare treasure, the world's top ten jewelry firm, various fine decorations are comprehensive, the woman most likes competing, these have money not to know that let alone how flower rich woman, the consumption level is naturally astonishing. 这是一条古董街,除了有奇珍异宝之外,还有一间国际排名前十的珠宝商行,各种精美饰物包罗万有,女人最爱攀比,更何况这些有钱得不知怎样花的富婆,消费水平自然非常惊人。 Do not look at the power of consumption of concubine, sometimes spends more extravagant than and be cut-throat the man. 别看小女人的消费能力,有时候消费起来比男人更加阔绰、更加凶狠。 however, the person who comes here to shop non- rich expensive/noble, but comes the clean out treasures person to be many frequently, the surrounding presents that several hundred zombie to be not many. 然而,进来这里购物的人非富则贵,但经常来淘宝的人不少,外围出现那数百只丧尸不算多。 Motorcade all 20 many Neo-Human put into the fight momentarily. 车队全体二十多名新人类随时投入战斗。 Jiang Yue grips a dark colored spear's/gun's body, named S Grade Particle Accelerator Sniper Rifle . 姜月握住一支暗黑色枪身,名为S级-粒子加速狙击枪 She partly squats on the vehicle roof, the eye pupil contracts and enlarges from time to time from time to time, three light halos rotate, how suddenly she as if not need to aim, the finger rouses the trigger fast, the Particle Accelerator Sniper Rifle lasing has a a stream purple light beam, flashes to pass under sunlight, is about the naked eye to be hard seize, penetrated the front many building weak points directly, accurate hit target. 她半蹲在车顶上,眼睛瞳孔时而收缩、时而放大,有三个光圈转动,突然她仿佛不用怎样瞄准,手指快速勾动扳机,粒子加速狙击枪激射出一道道紫光束,在阳光下一闪而逝,快得肉眼难以捕抓,直接穿透了前方多座建筑的薄弱点,准确命中目标。 Distant place only strengthened-type zombie has law to fall to the ground, even some strengthened-type zombie responded without enough time, was passed through the head by the sudden purple light beam, dying cannot die again. 远处一只只强化型丧尸非常有规律地倒地,甚至有部分强化型丧尸来不及反应,就被突如其来的紫光束贯穿了头部,死的不能再死。 Jiang Yue quick ruthless kills 7~8 only strengthened-type zombie, surroundings over a hundred zombie sent out shouting, the total overall reaction madness looks for sneak attack, but Jiang Yue was separates many building thing to kill, these zombie could not look at once. 姜月快狠准地狙杀掉七八强化型丧尸,周围上百只丧尸发出了嘶吼,全部反应过来疯狂地寻找偷袭者,但姜月是隔住了多座建筑物来进行射杀,那些丧尸一时之间找不了过来。 She strange ruthless accurate killing, the strengthened-type zombie quantity gradually reduces. 她诡异狠准的狙杀,强化型丧尸的数量逐渐减少。 Because she is the long-distance sniper, is unable to be separated by such long-distance range to absorb Evolution Power Origins, only if will approach, if also has Evolution Power Origins that part of does not have dissipate, she can absorb in the same old way. 由于她是远程狙击手,无法相隔这么远距离吸收进化力源泉,除非等会靠近上去,如果还存有一部分没有消散的进化力源泉,她照样可以吸收。 Fire that Jiang Yue sends out, is the same direction, one crowd of zombie detected the situation keenly, immediately the whole body trundle cruel aura, the eye pupil packing savage blood light, madness destruction keeps off the building thing on road, the violence punctured several partition wall, dashes about wildly wells up the incoming vehicle team in position. 姜月发出的射击,一直是同一个方向,一群丧尸敏锐地察觉了情况,顿时浑身滚动暴戾的气息,眼瞳填充凶残血光,疯狂破坏挡在路上的建筑物,暴力打穿了几道隔墙,狂奔涌来车队的所在位置。 All giant tiger launches the charge hit.” Shangguan Yuanxin dignified issuing order. “全体巨虎发起冲锋撞击。”上官媛馨威严的下达命令。 Five heavy-scale steel vehicles, the tail place spout the strong scarlet red energy, like savage giant tiger of floodgate, smuggles easily accomplished immense oppression gravity, the front surface is dashing in the building thing, in the crude barbaric way, dashes about wildly to come zombie these directly, positive dashing and steamroll become the meat sauce. 五台重型钢铁车辆,尾处喷涌出浓烈的赤红能量,如同出闸的凶残巨虎,夹带着一股摧枯拉朽的巨大压迫的重力,迎面冲撞进去建筑物里面,直接以粗暴野蛮的方式,将那些狂奔而来丧尸,正面冲撞、碾压成肉酱。 hōng lóng lóng...... a series of rapid dashing big sounds! 轰隆隆……一连串急促的冲撞大响! An outer wall of building thing almost by five heavy-scale giant tiger break and devastate, inside transmits zombie is roared to shout, five heavy-scale giant tiger forcefully, dash a main road in the building thing, that building thing creakies, so long as if fierce wind blows collapses. 一座建筑物的外墙几乎被五台重型巨虎摧毁,里面传来丧尸的咆哮嘶吼,五台重型巨虎硬生生,在建筑物里面冲撞出一条大路,那座建筑物摇摇欲坠,仿佛只要一阵猛风就吹得倒塌。 The sniper's rifle in Jiang Yue hand still kills strengthened-type zombie unceasingly, Shangguan Yuanxin and other female control ten top RV, does not fear building to collapse, across building, arrives at the Tongyuan Street center steadily directly. 姜月手中的狙击枪依然不断狙杀强化型丧尸,上官媛馨等女控制的十辆顶级房车,也不怕建筑倒塌,稳稳穿过建筑,直接来到通源街的中心处。 At this time, one crowd of zombie that five heavy-scale giant tiger have hit are scattered about, strengthened-type zombie was almost killed by Jiang Yue, but over a hundred ordinary zombie or motorcade Neo-Human 3~4x, but entire Tongyuan Street internal zombie also comes, in addition had 200 many only zombie to surround the motorcade fully. 此时,五台重型巨虎已经撞的一群丧尸七零八落,强化型丧尸几乎被姜月独自一人狙杀掉,但上百只普通丧尸还是车队新人类三四倍之多,而整条通源街内部的丧尸也闻声而来,前后加起来足有二百多只丧尸包围了车队。 But even 200 many only zombie to the motorcade are still only the pediatrics. 但就算是二百多只丧尸对车队来说也只是小儿科。 Mu Xiao sees the Shangguan Yuanxin beautiful snow face, does not have is slightly panic, was clear that she is not because oneself in motorcade, had depended upon certainly greatly, but was she truly is the fearless such scene. 木萧上官媛馨绝美雪颜,没有丝毫惊慌失措,清楚她不是因为自己在车队之中,就有了绝大依靠,而是她真正是无惧这样的场面。 However, Mu Xiao then thinks the commodity that the motorcade contains, in the heart smiles helplessly, now the motorcade is not the ordinary motorcade, is a small-scale weaponry motorcade, has such weaponry is not worried about the attack of small stock zombie basically...... 不过,木萧回头一想车队蕴藏的物资,心中无奈一笑,如今车队不是普通车队,可是一支小型武装车队,有这样的武装基本不担心小股丧尸的来袭…… Shaonan, sending out 20 stage S Grade Blazing Machine Gunner to join to assist to fight.” Shangguan Yuanxin said: zombie of all giant tiger impact distant place, delays to be besieged, others sweep clear first batch of zombie as soon as possible.” 韶楠,派出二十S级火焰机枪手加入协助战斗。”上官媛馨说道:“全体巨虎冲击远处的丧尸,延缓被围击,其他人尽快清扫第一批的丧尸。” Understood.” Yan Shaonan said from the LightBrain response. “明白。”严韶楠光脑回应道。 Other Neo-Human also then responded. 其余新人类也接着回应。 At this moment, motorcade weaponry reveals the fierce fang, a row of vehicle door opens suddenly, the robots of scarlet red color metals walk. 这一刻,车队武装露出狰狞的獠牙,一排车门骤然打开,一台台赤红色金属的机器人行走下来。 This 20 stage Blazing Machine Gunner is the weaponry robot, just like the 7~8 year child's size, the arm is two small-scale gun tubes, may spout the high-temperature scarlet fire, to launch the roaring flame light beam. The shoulder and head can also raise the 360° machine muzzle, may launch with the energy bullet that the metal packages, like previous gunpowder bullet, but the gunpowder was replaced the energy, its lethality is much fiercer than the gunpowder bullet, but even polishes the bullet, can make blazing as before, but penetrability on weak a point, but the present motorcade does not lack the bullet. 二十火焰机枪手武装机器人,犹如七八岁孩子的大小,手臂是两支小型炮管,可喷出高温赤火、可发射烈焰光束。肩膀和头部还可以升起三百六十度的机枪口,可发射出用金属包裹的能量子弹,像以前火药子弹一样,只不过火药被取代成能量,其杀伤力远比火药子弹厉害得多,而就算打光子弹,依旧可以打出火焰,只不过穿透性就弱了一点,不过现在车队不缺子弹。 Also, more than ten Neo-Human that wears the defense clothing/taking also gets out rapidly, including the manpower to hold A Grade High-temperature Artillery , the muzzle condensed one group of forthcoming fierce energies, before this is, Shangguan Yuanxin their weapon, but present as before available. 随之,十多个身穿防御服的新人类也迅速下车,其中有人手持A级高温炎火炮,炮口凝聚了一团即将爆发的烈性能量,这是以前上官媛馨她们的武器,而现在依旧可用。 Also some people hold the transparent luminous A Grade air pressure on attack artillery . This is one type compresses the air using the energy to the full, an invisible shell of formed similar shock-wave, uses to attack to wash out weapon of crowd mostly, but if the close-in attack, in the A Grade following constitution person, light must hit internal organs Rupture, the heavy body was punctured directly. 还有人持着透明光亮的A级空压突击炮。这是一种利用能量将空气最大限度压缩,形成的一股类似冲击波的无形炮弹,大多数用在突击冲散人群的武器,但如果近距离攻击,在A级以下体质的人,轻则得打内脏破裂,重则身体直接被打穿。 bō bō bō!...... 啵啵啵!…… The invisible air pressure artillery sent out the attack, the air is common like the tranquil lake surface falling big stone, surges strong ripples, zombie as if by an invisible dashing strength, after being only attacked the body, flies upside down. 无形的空压炮发出了攻击,空气如同平静湖面掉落大石一般,激荡起一波波强劲涟漪,一只只丧尸仿佛被一股无形冲撞力,冲击身体后倒飞出去。 The attacks of other high lethality are following. 其余高杀伤力的攻击随之而来。 High-temperature Artillery such as volcano erupts no difference bombardment, Blazing Machine Gunner dá dá dá strafes the blazing bullet, in each granule ejection the object blows out one group of high-temperature raging fire, hits outside the zombie body to burn down, lost the most battle efficiency seriously. 高温炎火炮火山爆发无差别轰击,火焰机枪手哒哒哒地扫射火焰子弹,每一粒子弹射中物体都爆出一团高温烈火,击中丧尸身体外内都在焚烧,严重丧失了大半战斗力。 Other grasp Neo-Human of energy sharp blade, has under the rear violent firepower shield, such as the bullying, the big piece harvests zombie life. 其余手持能量利刃的新人类,有后方猛烈的火力掩护之下,如虎入羊群,大片收割丧尸生命 Duan Lingling this irritable female, she does not know well-known where seeks a two meters S Grade plasma phantom sickle, brandishes during the maneuvers, the illustrious ion light blade, easily cuts two sections the zombie body. Any zombie that attacks, Plasma Scythe in her hand, dances in circles exquisitely, immediately the black blood such as the rainwater splash, forms one about two meters attack range, like harvesting wheat common slaughtering. 最受瞩目段玲玲这个火爆女,她不知道哪里寻来一把两米长的S级等离子魅影镰刀,挥舞回旋之间,光耀的离子光刃,轻易将丧尸身体斩成两截。凡是冲击过来的丧尸,她手中的等离子镰刀,优美旋舞,顿时黑血如雨水飞溅,形成一个两米左右的攻击范围,如同收割麦子一般的杀戮。 Sun Xinyue and Jiang Yunwei and Zhou Xuan join in the fight simultaneously, their several females put on A Grade mechanical inner armor, but general goods mechanical inner armor, does not have Mu Xiao wraps Gold Steel mechanical inner armor excellent to Mu Xuanyin that but in their hands is also ordinary energy weapon. 孙新月蒋云蔚周萱同时加入战斗中,她们几女都穿有A级机械内甲,不过只是一般货色的机械内甲,没有木萧木绚音那套金钢机械内甲的精良,而她们手中也是普通的能量武器 But their skill vigorous sensitive, but also constitution cooperating with Apex Two-layered Realm, the preying skill displays incisively, even the ordinary cold weapons can display the biggest lethality, all strikes to kill. 但她们身手矫健灵敏,还在顶尖二重境体质配合之下,搏杀技巧发挥得淋漓尽致,就算是普通冷兵器都能发挥出最大杀伤力,全是一击必杀。 Now this time, only then variant and variation savage beast poses the threat to them, these ordinary zombie and strengthened-type zombie, but delivers experience, to deliver the share of treasure to them. 如今这个时期,只有变异人变异猛兽才对她们造成威胁,这些普通丧尸强化型丧尸,只是给她们送经验、送宝贝的份儿。 When here eliminates bits and pieces, Sun Xinyue and Jiang Yunwei, Zhou Xuan and Duan Lingling lead other Neo-Human, 20 stage Blazing Machine Gunner shifts to heavy-scale giant tiger that side tactical situation. 当这里清除得七七八八,孙新月蒋云蔚周萱段玲玲带领其他新人类,还有二十火焰机枪手转移到重型巨虎那边的战况。 „Was the person of driving too also cruel?” “开车的人也太残暴了吧?” The Duan Lingling chill looked that a tread a stream black blood drags the mark, one pile of zombie must look like the meat sauce to be the same by the steamroll, even some zombie does not have crush the brain and heart, constrains the half body to struggle to crawl, flows out the odor black blood and intestines, while the tear and bite similar corpse, restores the injury. 段玲玲恶寒地看着地面一道道黑血拖痕,一堆丧尸被碾压得像肉酱一般,甚至有些丧尸没有压坏脑子和心脏,拖住半边身体挣扎爬着,一边流出恶臭的黑血和肠子、一边撕咬同类的尸体,恢复伤势。 You use the sickle to cut to kill the zombie blood-soaked scene, where also not necessarily good to go.” Sun Xinyue exquisite smooth tender white Qiaolian, two curved such as smoke thin eyebrow pressed, obviously did such scene to be not quite satisfied to Aybar and the others. “你用镰刀斩杀丧尸血腥场面,也不见得好到哪里去。”孙新月细腻柔滑的嫩白俏脸,两弯如烟细眉蹙了蹙,显然对艾巴尔等人搞成这样的场面不太满意。 Because eliminates the trace to spend time very much, the smell disseminates quickly. 因为清除痕迹很花费时间,气味又传播得快。 They were not many saying that joined during the fight, sped up sweeping. 她们不多说下去加入了战斗之中,加快了扫荡。 The logistic personnel are led by Zhao Yiling and Tong Jingzhen, a group of people are responsible for the rapid freeze corpse, blocks the dissemination of odor smell, a group of people are responsible for harvesting the corpse blood bead. 后勤人员由赵依凌童静珍带领,一批人负责急冻尸体,封锁恶臭气味的传播,一批人负责收割尸体的血珠 „The present vehicles can spout the synthetic gas.” Shangguan Yuanxin said that has transferred such as the flattering face of suet beautiful jade, said with Mu Xiao: They almost clean up, we can also get out.” 现在车辆可以喷出混合气体了。”上官媛馨说了一句,转过如羊脂美玉的媚颜,跟木萧说道:“她们差不多清理完毕,我们也可以下车了。” Un......” “嗯……” Mu Xiao just wants to ask anything time, seeing above the front vehicles to have water vapor to spray, the twinkling integrated in the air. 木萧刚想问什么的时候,看见了前方车辆上方有一股水雾气喷洒而出,瞬息融入了空气之中。 At this time, Shangguan Yuanxin has opened the vehicle door, Mu Xiao smelled gas that clearly mixed many materials, had the perfume, to have irritating the nose chemistry medicine...... the strange smell. 这时候,上官媛馨已经打开车门,木萧清晰闻到了一股混合了多种物质的气体,有香水、有刺鼻化学药剂……奇奇怪怪的气味。 Mu Xiao understands Shangguan Yuanxin such intention, then said: You use the everything in disorder smell, covers the blood-soaked taste that in the air flutters, truly is a good idea, but later zombie advancement, this means were not quite again practical.” 木萧明白了上官媛馨这样的用意,便说道:“你用乱七八糟的气味,掩盖空中飘荡的血腥味,确实是一个不错的想法,但以后丧尸再次进阶,这种办法就不太实用了。” „Does zombie have advancement?” Shangguan Yuanxin only asked the key point. 丧尸还有进阶?”上官媛馨只问重点。 Un.” Mu Xiao said: Since our Neo-Human can evolution, why zombie unable advancement.” “嗯。”木萧说道:“既然我们新人类可以进化,为什么丧尸不能进阶。” How do you know?” “你是怎么知道的?” Could not say.” “说不得。” All do variation monster have advancement?” “所有变异怪物都有进阶?” Un.” “嗯。” ...... …… Shangguan Yuanxin sees the meaning that Mu Xiao is not willing to talk over thoroughly, does not have closely examines, but changed the present topic. 上官媛馨木萧不愿深谈下去的意思,没有追问下去,而是换回来了现在的话题。 I do not know why you must come Tongyuan Street suddenly. Here most valuable, only then antique and jewelry, but world is not most valuable now is these things...... I thinks ordinary nutrient solution probably, compared these once treasure more valuable.” “我不知道,你为什么突然要来通源街。这里最值钱的只有古董和珠宝,但如今世界最不值钱大概就是这些东西……我想一支普通营养液,都比这些曾经的珍宝更有价值。” Not necessarily.” The Mu Xiao corners of the mouth hold the happy expression. “未必。”木萧嘴角噙着笑意。 Comes here, is not the goal in plan, Mu Xiao conceives a plan temporarily, or when the evacuation, would here. Therefore, he thought that the plan does not plan is the same. 来此处,不是计划中的目标,木萧是临时起意,或者说在撤离之时,总会来这里一趟。所以,他觉得计划不计划都是一样。 After two people go down the car(riage), Mu Xuanyin vividly walks side Mu Xiao, behind also has Lü Xiaoman, Yan Shaonan and Sun Xinyue...... other Neo-Human in motorcade, but also in the battlefield cleanup, they should receive blood bead receiving blood bead, should absorb strengthening origins absorbs origins, so chaos dangerous world, this formed had the order miniature tranquilly. 两人走下车后,木绚音轻快地走来木萧身边,后面还有吕晓蔓严韶楠孙新月……在车队里的其他新人类,还在打扫战场,他们该收血珠的收血珠,该吸收强化源泉的去吸收源泉,如此混乱的危险世界,这处形成了平静而有秩序的缩影。
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