REE :: Volume #2

#119: Heaven Crystal

Former 22nd Century, on one year of Earth has many unknown Space Vibration, some lot of strange weird things were shaken. But at that time Space Vibration alarmed entire world, technical goods that innumerable people have wandered about destitute massively from Space Vibration. 前二十二世纪,有一年地球上发生多处未知空间震荡,有大量奇异怪诞的东西被震出来。而当时空间震荡惊动了整个世界,其中无数人们从空间震荡得到大量流落出来的科技物品。 Although majority on gives the government to levy outwardly, but there is a character of high pulse energy, can gain some strange rare things from certain ways as before. 虽然大部分明面上给政府征收,但有大能量的人物,依旧可以从某些途径获取了部分奇异珍物。 If, beyond the day the meteorite can build famed sword and famed blade and so on thing that treasure, that Space Vibration wanders about destitute, not only some goods treasure is so simple, in future evolution big era, certain extremely rare thing implication wonderful ability quantities, or extremely high-end technical goods, by Moon these fellows, was called Divine Artifact. 如果说,天外陨石可以打造名剑名刀之类的宝物,那空间震荡流落出来的东西,有一部分物品不只是宝物这么简单,在未来进化时代,某些极其稀有的东西蕴含奇异能量、又或者极其高端的科技物品,都被月球那些家伙,称之为神器 Because they are not even able to analyze these goods the data, is unable to duplicate, this surpassed the Earth civilization product completely. 因为连他们都无法分析这些物品的数据,更无法复制,这是完全超出了地球文明的产物。 And the named Heaven Crystal mineral substance, comes other space products, is not the Earth material, but no one discovered initially this Heaven Crystal contained any strange effect, the material quality is not specially hard, but inside has overlapping little space, wants clear penetrate|thoroughly compared with the diamond crystal, has ornamental . Moreover the when a thing is rare , it becomes precious, the good and evil is also outside other space products, has big market value, even is more expensive than several scales diamond. 其中有一种名为天晶的矿物质,就是来其它空间的产物,并非地球的物质,只是当初无人发现这种天晶蕴含了什么奇异功效,材质又不是特别坚硬,只是里面有层层叠叠的小空间,比钻石水晶还要晶莹透彻,非常有观赏性,而且物以稀为贵,好歹也是外其它空间的产品,有很大市场价值,甚至比钻石昂贵好几个档次。 But in the Mu Xiao's cognition, was a different matter. 但在木萧的认知中,又是另一回事了。 Because this Heaven Crystal in the Neo-Human hand of Mental System, simply is cheating, even later Cultivation Spirit Soul Secret Method, has the enormous subsidiarity. 因为这种天晶精神体系新人类手中,简直就是一个作弊器,甚至以后修炼灵魂秘法,有极大辅助作用。 Mu Xiao in Heaven Crystal of this firm discovery, he took out a fine peerless crystalloid necklace from the treasury, crystalloid that above establishes contacts, is Heaven Crystal that sizes vary, altogether has the 12 block. 木萧在这个商行发现的正是天晶,他从金库中取出了一条精美绝伦的晶体项链,上面串连起来的晶体,是一块块大小不一的天晶,一共有十二块。 Good unusual sensation.” Shangguan Yuanxin releases oneself mental strength, discovered that 12 block crystalloid like having life is ordinary, absorbs oneself mental strength unceasingly. “好奇特的感觉。”上官媛馨释放自己精神力,发现十二晶体如同有生命一般,不断吸收自己精神力 Is useful?” The Sun Xinyue ability is Vision Sharing belongs to Mental System, similarly fluctuations of sensation these Heaven Crystal. “有什么用?”孙新月能力是视野共享属于精神体系,同样感觉这些天晶的波动。 Mu Xuanyin and Lü Xiaoman have similar sensation. 木绚音吕晓蔓也有类似的感觉 These Heaven Crystal have two effects, one is amplification mental System Ability, another is to store up mental strength.” Mu Xiao removes badly the necklace of fine workmanship, takes out 12 block Heaven Crystal directly, then the spoilt necklace, still threw like the trash. “这些天晶有两个功效,一个是增幅精神系能力,另一个是储存精神力。”木萧将做工精细的项链拆坏,直接把十二天晶取出,然后将坏掉的项链,像垃圾一样仍丢。 Let Dan Miaoyi they sigh secretly, is good to be a pity a value not poor necklace, ruins like this in this male person hand. 单妙依她们暗叹,好可惜一条价值不菲的项链,就这样葬送在这个男人手中。 Then, they heard Mu Xiao saying: Your mental is bigger, the amplification multiple is higher, but mental strength stores up in crystalloid these overlapping little space, only pours into little space itself mental strength, you will discover that a place is very bright. A space capacity varies, but later mental strength enhances, little space, will reduce the mental strength depuration, when itself mental strength consumes cleanly, immediately can propose mental strength from little space, compensates to need.” 接下来,她们又听见了木萧说道:“你们精神越大,增幅倍数越高,而精神力就储存在晶体里面那些层层叠叠的小空间,只将自身精神力灌注一个小空间,你们就会发现有一个地方特别明亮。一个空间的容量有大有小,而以后精神力提高,小空间会把精神力提纯、压缩,当自身精神力消耗一干二净,立刻可以从小空间提出精神力,补满所需。” „, The game follow-up shot is even same!” Duan Lingling negligent say/way. “哦,就算游戏补篮一样嘛!”段玲玲大咧咧的道。 It can be said that.” The Mu Xiao nod said. “可以这么说。”木萧点头道。 In other words, little space of Heaven Crystal implication are more, only need pour into inside all space, replying frequency are more?” Shangguan Yuanxin beautiful pupil twinkle ray, if that was true, that meaning opposes the enemy, can have the unceasing supplies, even consumes compared with a oneself more powerful enemy. “那就是说,一个天晶蕴含的小空间越多,只须灌注里面所有空间,回复次数就越多?”上官媛馨美眸闪烁光芒,如果真是这样的话,那意味对敌的时候,可以有不断的补给,甚至耗死比自己更强大的敌人。 Right, Heaven Crystal is mental system ability user cheating.” Mu Xiao said with a smile: In addition, amplification cannot belittle, the true value lies in the amplification effect, because can manifest by the most low consumption, itself Mental Ability effect.” “没错,天晶就是精神系能力者的作弊器。”木萧笑道:“除此之外,增幅也不能小觑,真正价值在于增幅效果,因为能以最低消耗体现出,自身精神能力的功效。” Can many uses?” Jiang Yunwei asked the key, if many Heaven Crystal used together, that was unequaled divine object. “可以多个使用吗?”蒋云蔚问出了关键,如果多个天晶一起使用的话,那可是无敌神物 It can be imagined, when a ordinary mental impact, suddenly amplification 100x and 1000x, even ten thousand times of times, even displaying is rookies Neo-Human, can definitely instakill deeply qualified evolution degree Neo-Human. 可想而知,当一个普通精神冲击,突然增幅百倍千倍、甚至万倍的时候,就算施展者是一个菜鸟新人类,完全可以秒杀一个资深进化度新人类 Simply is when Divine Artifact uses, but is unable together with using pitifully. 简直就是当神器来用,但可惜无法一起同用。 „Everyone can only the same place, because many uses will only create the conflict, Heaven Crystal will disrupt.” Mu Xiao explained said: „The Heaven Crystal flintiness is not high, is only harder than the crystal, if crush inside space will reduce, the use decreases. Therefore, this point you must pay attention.” “每个人只能一块,因为多个使用只会造成冲突,天晶就会碎裂。”木萧解释说道:“天晶坚硬度不高,只比水晶硬一点,如果破碎里面的空间就会减少,用处就减低很多。所以,这一点你们要注意。” Mu Xiao apportioned Mu Xuanyin, Lü Xiaoman, Shangguan Yuanxin and Sun Xinyue Heaven Crystal, only then their four people of ability that has Mental System, but Zhou Xuan, Duan Lingling, Yan Shaonan, Dan Miaoyi, Jiang Yunwei and does not have Mental System ability, is unable to stimulate the Heaven Crystal effect. 木萧天晶分给了木绚音吕晓蔓上官媛馨孙新月,只有她们四人有精神体系的能力,而周萱段玲玲严韶楠单妙依蒋云蔚没有精神体系的能力,无法激发出天晶的功效。 But Mu Xiao also pledged with them, if they found the suitable Mental System ability, can ask him to together Heaven Crystal. 木萧也跟她们承诺,如果她们找到了适合的精神体系能力,可以来找他要一块天晶 Heaven Crystal is only auxiliary class treasure, is in the Cultivation Spirit Soul Secret Method Neo-Human mind, is as good as the famed sword value. 天晶只是辅助类的宝物,可是在修炼灵魂秘法新人类心目中,不亚于名剑的价值。 The action that Mu Xiao delivers at will, including that famed sword and famed blade, places future evolution big era, he can trade the lots, even female powerhouse is willing to surrender, side becomes him to rest the head on the person. 木萧随意送出去的举动,包括那名剑名刀,放在未来进化时代,他可以换来很多东西,甚至女强者都甘愿投怀送抱,成为他枕边人。 Mu Xiao said unclearly, later waited them to understand the oneself meaning, that can draw in their hearts. 只是木萧不明说出来,以后待她们明白自己意思,那更能收拢她们的心。 Shangguan Yuanxin guesses does not have to be wrong, Mu Xiao truly hits the plan that the body and mind is capturing, does not want to let go this crowd of many enchanting females big or small beautiful woman, because they, regardless of that aspect is very outstanding, has to become the powerhouse potential. 上官媛馨猜得没有错,木萧确实是打着身心攻陷的计划,不想放走身边这群莺莺燕燕的大小美女,因为她们无论那方面都很优秀,拥有成为强者的潜质。 Therefore, Mu Xiao does not train them parsimoniously. 所以,木萧不吝啬地培养她们。 12 block Heaven Crystal, after the Mu Xiao mental strength survey, was clear the space quantity in each containing, most small-scale Heaven Crystal altogether six, contain about 30 little space, medium-scale Heaven Crystal has three, contains is not lower than 55 little space, the biggest three Heaven Crystal implications make 80 little space. 十二天晶,经过木萧精神力探测,清楚了每一块里面蕴含的空间数量,最小型天晶一共有六块,蕴含三十个左右的小空间,中型天晶有三块,蕴含不低于五十五个的小空间,最大三块天晶蕴含约八十小空间 Mu Xuanyin and Mu Xiao occupied two biggest Heaven Crystal, but Lü Xiaoman, Shangguan Yuanxin and Sun Xinyue gave medium-scale Heaven Crystal, finally that biggest Heaven Crystal Mu Xiao prepares to leave An Rongru, after all she is the oneself woman, natural bias. 木绚音木萧占了两块最大的天晶,而吕晓蔓上官媛馨孙新月就给了中型天晶,最后那一块最大的天晶木萧准备留给安蓉茹,毕竟她已经是自己的女人,自然偏心一点。 Capital of Magic, several international jewelry firms.” Mu Xiao said: If we have the sufficient strength, can penetrate the urban district center to search, could find other Heaven Crystal, when the time comes you can replace the maximum capacity Heaven Crystal, present this you are first using.” 魔力之都,还有好几间国际珠宝商行。”木萧说道:“如果我们有足够实力,可以深入市区中心查找一番,说不定可以找到其它天晶,到时候你们可以更换最大容量的天晶,现在这一块你们先用着吧。” Because the urban district center is the lively section, inside zombie quantity terrifying is absolutely incomparable, facing continuous corpse tide, individual can the battle efficiency become will be incapable frailly. The present motorcade also can only in non- lively local roaming Zhuan, not dare to penetrate the urban district center, once entered the does not have escape route, that really appeals to heaven should not, called not to work. 因为市区中心是繁华地段,里面丧尸的数量绝对恐怖无比,面对绵绵不绝的尸潮,个人能战斗力都会变得单薄无力。现在车队也只能在非繁华地区游转,根本不敢深入市区中心,一旦进入了没有后路,那真是叫天不应,叫地不灵了。 Actually Shangguan Yuanxin each is not the stupid person, the behavior and conduct experience are many, nature clear Heaven Crystal has what kind of value, even world is transformation, the Heaven Crystal value is higher. 其实上官媛馨她们每一个都不是笨人,为人处世经历不少,自然清楚天晶有何等价值,甚至世界越是变化,天晶价值越高。 They feel training that the Mu Xiao's trust and intends, but also a little wants to move meaning of their heart, but they do not repel Mu Xiao such action, instead thought that he is here strongest man, is capable of making them submit truly, but his does not have does this, without doubt is to their respect. 她们感受到木萧的信任和有意的培养,还有点想打动她们芳心的意味,但她们不排斥木萧这样的举动,反而觉得他是这里最强男人,有能力让她们真正屈服,但他没有这样做,无疑是对她们的尊重。 Even obtains is not Heaven Crystal of maximum capacity, they had understood that was content. 就算得到不是最大容量的天晶,她们已经懂得知足了。 Then, Mu Xiao taught that they Heaven Crystal recognizes lord, such can let mental strength amplification and storage. 接下来,木萧教导她们将天晶认主’,那样才能让精神力增幅、储存。 The recognizes lord process is very simple, pours into little space oneself mental strength, maintains day of time, making Heaven Crystal record this mental strength aura, later mental strength first released after Heaven Crystal, can achieve the amplification effect. 认主过程很简单,就是将自己精神力灌注一个小空间,保持一天时间,让天晶记录了这股精神力的气息,以后精神力先经过天晶释放出去,就可以达到增幅的效果。 Should better look for the thing to protect good Heaven Crystal, otherwise near body fights is destroyed very much easily.” Mu Xiao does not have pours into mental strength eagerly, but turned looked for treasury's inside jewelry, looked that had the does not have good metal to use. “最好找东西来保护好天晶,不然近身战很容易就被打碎。”木萧没有急于灌注精神力,而是翻找了金库里面的首饰,看有没有好的金属可以利用。 Shangguan Yuanxin they also understand that this truth, joins in the ranks that turned looks for together, but a moment later, evolved jewelry meet of woman, they discussed the decorations to be attractive mutually, but also before wearing a method placed, is the first decorations of sky-high price. 上官媛馨她们也明白这个道理,一起加入了翻找的行列之中,但片刻之后,演变成了女人的首饰大会,她们互相讨论饰物好不好看,还佩戴了一套套放在以前都是天价的首饰物。 Finally, Mu Xiao found several good metals, can make a jewelry that protects Heaven Crystal. Therefore, just before leaving time, Mu Xiao also took a robot that makes the jewelry, the preparation is used to build the Heaven Crystal jewelry. 最终,木萧找到了几种不错的金属,可以做成一个保护天晶的首饰。所以,临走的时候,木萧还取了一台做首饰的机器人,准备用来打造天晶首饰。 But leaves arrives at outside time, Mu Xuanyin, Lü Xiaoman, Duan Lingling, Tong Jingzhen and Zhao Yiling their several young girls, is bedecked with jewels, everyone brought one set of gorgeous resplendent jewelry, but also smuggled other many types attractive jewelry, they were young and beautiful, present becomes sharper shocking. 而出到外面的时候,木绚音吕晓蔓段玲玲童静珍赵依凌她们几个少女,一身珠光宝气,每人都带了一套华美璀璨的首饰,还夹带了不少其它种类的漂亮首饰,她们本来就青春美丽,现在变得更加亮丽惊艳。 But do not look that Shangguan Yuanxin and Sun Xinyue, Zhou Xuan and Yan Shaonan...... on them does not have has one's eyes tested and wear glasses any jewelry, but actually they are only reserved, essence everyone collected several sets. 但别看上官媛馨孙新月周萱严韶楠……她们身上没有配戴任何首饰,但其实她们只是内敛,实质每个人都收藏了好几套。 however, that treasury by their several females, was taken the most expensive most beautiful jewelry. 然而,那个金库都被她们几位女性,取走了最贵最美的首饰了。 Small little girl, you are really the vanity.” Mu Xiao rubbed the Mu Xuanyin's top of the head, say/way that teased. “小妮子,你真是虚荣。”木萧揉了揉木绚音的头顶,取笑的道。 brother, you are quite repugnant.” Mu Xuanyin charmingly angry say/way. ,你好讨厌。”木绚音娇嗔的道。 Mu Xiao played to make several with her, told that the Aybar belt/bring person went to the parking lot of jewelry shop, looked for several vehicles to share some commodities, because the 15 stage vehicles loaded most commodities, loaded the 100 many people really to be very crowded. 木萧跟她玩闹了几句,吩咐艾巴尔带人去珠宝行的停车场,找几台车辆分担一部分物资,因为十五台车辆装载了大部分物资,又装载一百多人实在拥挤无比。 Including the dwelling has most commodity does not have to take, the 15 stage vehicles are unable to load too many things, only selected some main commodities to transport Villa Region, then came back to transport slowly, these commodities that in the building deposited, the does not have person will go to there in any case, put a time also does not have anything risk. 包括,住处有大部分物资没有取走,十五台车辆无法装载太多东西,只挑了部分主要的物资运回去别墅区,然后慢慢回来运输,楼中存放的那些物资,反正没有人会去那里,放一段时间没有什么风险。 Soon, around Aybar looked for five emergency tow trucks, this was used to deliver the vehicles of jewelry, defense was excellent, float, acceleration and energy cover kind of system all had, but the volume was inferior to big of RV and giant tiger, but can sit 20 person one passable. 不久之后,艾巴尔前后找来了五辆保险车,这是用来运载珠宝的车辆,防御度极好,悬浮、加速、能量罩这类系统全有,只是体积不如房车巨虎的大,但可以凑合坐二十人一辆。 These five emergency tow trucks after restore of again Mu Xiao Machinery Control , the immunity of machinery part enhance, so long as is not the ordinary person drives personally, can negative ion virus that avoids the ordinary person side magnetic field carrying. 这五辆保险车经过木萧机械掌控的再次修复,机械元件的免疫力提高,只要不是普通人亲自开车,就可以避免普通人身边磁场携带的负离子病毒 The tour of motorcade Tongyuan Street, harvests to have special significance, a Mu Xiao well satisfied downward destination, but considering the vehicles is unable to load many commodities, most can only increase five car(riage)s again, because is Neo-Human is almost all driving, that main action strength must take on by oneself. 车队通源街之行,收获意义非凡,木萧心满意足往下一个目的地,但考虑到车辆无法装载较多物资,最多只能再次增加五辆车,因为差不多全是新人类在开车,那主战力就必须由自己来担当。 However the following place, Mu Xiao does not plan to plunder the ordinary grain food capital, but is the energy block, equipment, advanced medicine and wait/etc principal item. 不过接下来的地方,木萧不打算搜刮普通的粮食物资,而是能量块、设备、高级药物等等的主要物资。 When Mu Xiao leads the motorcade to conduct sweeping, Villa Region faced the severe aspect. 木萧带领车队进行扫荡的时候,别墅区面临了严峻的局面。 Villa Region situated in the suburb, is very remote development zone, but does not know when presented one crowd of variation beast, even sneak attacked Villa Region to hunt and kill zombie troop repeatedly, had almost small crowd of variation beast every day, unceasing probing attack Villa Region, in this crowd of variation beast short-terms greatly possibly initiated very much always attacks. 别墅区处于郊外,本来是挺偏僻一个开发区,但不知何时出现了一群变异兽,甚至多次偷袭了别墅区猎杀丧尸队伍,几乎每天都有一小群变异兽,不断试探攻击别墅区,这群变异兽短期内很大可能发起总进攻。
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