RINAPE :: Volume #2

#200: Unprecedented prestige

9 : 30, Siland Middle School Junior middle school sections and high middle more than 3000 students flood into the drill ground, this class recess is the calisthenics to radio music time, but somewhat is unusual today, the students discovered curiously, on a flag tower of drill ground end set out several tables, above sat several strangers, is seemingly young , about 20, moreover looks at their clothes, probably big city. 九点半,西兰中学初中部、高中部三千多学生涌入操场,原本这个课间是广播体操时间,不过今天却有些异常,学生们好奇的发现,操场一端的升旗台上摆了几张桌子,上面坐了好几个陌生人,看起来年纪不大,也就二十左右,而且看他们的穿衣打扮,像是大城市来的。 Li Mu and Zhao Ziqiu and 606th Dorm five people and Dong Ai they sit on the stage, but besides Liu Nian, their others acts to count money Hedi the money today the role, principal Wang Jianshe is responsible for mentioning by name, to mounting the stage, Liu Nian is responsible for giving in their hands money. 李牧赵子秋以及606寝的五人、董艾她们都坐在台上,只不过除了刘念之外,他们其他人今天都充当数钱和递钱的角色,校长王建设负责点名,点到名的上台,刘念负责把钱给到他们手上。 Wang Jianshe wants to make Li Mu give a simple speech, Li Mu rejected, spoke in Siland Middle School, no one was more suitable than Liu Nian, therefore Li Mu then advanced on this duty Liu Nian, the Liu Nian natural disposition was shy, this matter he was 10.01 million does not want, but Li Mu was only said superficially: You are your Junior Brother study younger sisters' examples, good that if your speech makes, Siland Middle School next year perhaps many more than ten even dozens undergraduate students, if you instigated at this time, lost , is not only your face,......” 王建设本想让李牧做个简单的演讲,李牧拒绝了,在西兰中学演讲,没人比刘念更适合,所以李牧便把这个任务推到了刘念身上,刘念生性腼腆,这种事情他是一千一万个不愿意,但李牧只是轻描淡写的说:“你是你这些学弟学妹的榜样,如果你这场演讲做的好,西兰中学明年或许多十几个甚至几十个本科生,如果你在这个时候怂了,丢的不光是你的脸,还有……” The Li Mu words have not said, Liu Nian clenches teeth: I do!” 李牧话没说完,刘念一咬牙:“我做!” Province TV Station and this city TV Station reporter also arrived at the scene, the information channel of reporter is quite unobstructed, they had heard about 3321 things, at present 3321 arrive at Siland to assist students, to them is not only a flash news, is the good opportunity of carrying forward the spirit. 电视台和本市电视台的记者也都到了现场,记者的信息渠道比较通畅,关于3321的事情他们早就有所耳闻,眼下3321到西兰来助学,对他们来说不但算是个大新闻,也是一个弘扬精神的好机会。 9.4 ten times, several thousand students start to discuss, the familiar calisthenics to radio music music did not have the sound, was the principal wears an obsolete suit to step onto the flag tower on the contrary, his front also put a microphone rack, what was more unusual, side also gathered round reporter who carried the long spear/gun short artillery much, had what major event? 九点四十的时候,数千名学生开始议论起来,熟悉的广播体操音乐一直没有动静,反倒是校长穿着一身老旧的西装走上了升旗台,他的面前还放了一个麦克风架子,更稀奇的是,旁边还围着不少扛着长枪短炮的记者,难道有什么重大事件? The end of crowd, Chen Kai and Huang Zhen cross the hands behind the back to stand, two people complexions are not quite attractive. Some Huang Zhen lingering fear said at heart: Director Chen, how did this matter bring in such multimedia?” 人群的尾部,陈恺黄振负手而立,两人的脸色都不太好看。黄振心里有些后怕的说:“陈主任,这事怎么引来了这么多媒体?” Does not know, had/left strange!” Chen Kai also finds it strange, the Siland district is the scar in city. City TV Station will basically not do anything to interview to Siland all year round, but city TV Station comes today not only, even/including Shengli TV Station came, but also is left over big group of them not to know where from comes the reporter, making two people feel presses strength mountain to be big. “不知道,真是出了奇了!”陈恺也觉得奇怪,西兰县是市里的一道疮疤。市电视台一年到头基本上不会到西兰来搞什么采访,可今天不光市里电视台来了,连省里电视台都来了,还剩下一大堆他们也不知道从哪来的记者,让两人感觉压力山大。 Huang Zhen afraid saying: Such multimedia. That surnamed Li won't consider our shape before the media?” 黄振心虚的说道:“这么多媒体在。那个姓李的不会在媒体面前告咱们状吧?” Chen Kai thinks, said: He cannot say that anything, the verbal statements are no guarantee, said again, we have also said the matter with the rural primary school, if he really complained before the media, we can coming of circle.” 陈恺想了想,说:“他也说不了什么,空口无凭,再说,咱们一直也都是拿乡村小学说事,如果他真的在媒体面前告状,咱们能圆的过来。” Huang Zhen said: I have not accepted TV Station to interview, must faces the camera, I feared that even the words cannot reach an agreement.” 黄振说:“我还没接受过电视台采访,要真是面对摄像机,我怕连话都说不好。” Chen Kai sighed, he also accepted several Xi'an to broadcast the TV Station interview. But the district broadcasts TV Station, because the signal firing tower does not have money to replace obsoletely, cannot achieve 30% in the coverage fraction of this district, almost no one looks. 陈恺叹了口气,他也只是接受过几次西安广播电视台采访。但县广播电视台因为信号发射塔老旧没钱更换,在本县的覆盖率都达不到30%,几乎就没人看。 May have a look at present the battle formations of these media again, oneself exactly for a lifetime, even could not have compared a 20-year-old young boy. 可再看看眼前这些媒体的阵势,自己活一辈子,甚至还比不上一个20岁的年轻小子。 Chen Kai said: Today with Wang Jianshe do not discuss that took back the donation from the student hand the matter, waited for several days of past this gusty area to say again.” 陈恺说:“今天就不要跟王建设谈从学生手里收回捐款的事了,等几天过去这个风口再说。” Huang Zhen asked: Coming up that and other day of this money can also receive? Must receive money, today is the best opportunity.” 黄振问:“等几天这钱还能收的上来吗?要收钱,今天是最好的机会。” A Chen Kai face loved dearly said: Today is not good, waits for several days, when the time comes can receive many are many.” 陈恺一脸心疼的说:“今天不行,等几天吧,到时候能收上来多少是多少。” ...... …… Wang Jianshe stands before several thousand students never has anxiously, because today many reporters present. He is unconscious somewhat has stage fright, but the good and evil is to get up the battlefield soldier family background, then adjusted own rhythm quickly. 王建设站在几千名学生面前从来没有紧张过,但今天因为有大量记者在场。他也不自觉有些怯场,不过好歹是上过战场的军人出身,很快便调整好了自己的节奏。 When the students heard from the Wang Jianshe mouth, today is Senior Brother Liu Nian that they worship comes back to give them to speak unexpectedly. And brings 3321 that student social services organizations to give the high three financially strapped students to provide assistance, the entire drill ground boiled. 当学生们从王建设口中听说,今天竟然是他们崇拜的师兄刘念回来给他们演讲。并且带着3321那个学生公益组织来给高三贫困生发放助学款,整个操场都沸腾了。 Wang Jianshe had not said, then makes everyone applause invited Liu Nian to go on stage speak, Liu Nian steps onto flag tower under the applause of school, stands in the front of microphone, lowered the altitudes of some microphones with both hands of shivering diligently. 王建设没有多说,便让大家掌声有请刘念登场演讲,刘念在全校的掌声下走上升旗台,站在麦克风的面前,用颤抖的双手努力调低了一些麦克风的高度。 Lived as Siland Middle School once highest quality people. He in flag tower speech already more than once, although every week a flag-raising ceremony time will have a student representative to mount the stage to speak, but school also only then he in high school three years, mounted the stage to speak more than ten times. 作为西兰中学曾经的尖子生。他在升旗台演讲已经不止一次了,虽然每周一升旗仪式的时候都会有一个学生代表上台演讲,但全校也只有他在高中三年的时间里,登台演讲了不下十次。 Stands on this flag tower, Liu Nian recalled the own first mounting the stage time, is almost also the same as the present, the both legs become tender, the both arms to shiver, the sound that even spoke including oneself is shaking, but he mounts the stage today again, is not the student of Siland Middle School, but was the Renmin University first-year university student student, this also made him in remind itself unable to be anxious at heart unceasingly, he must make these Junior Brother study younger sisters see oneself tried hard to test into the university later transformation, must be envied by them, thus had the power to take the same path diligently. 重新站在这个升旗台上,刘念回想自己第一次登台的时候,几乎也是跟现在一样,双腿发软、双臂颤抖,甚至连自己说话的声音都在抖,不过今天他再登台,已经不是西兰中学的学生,而是人民大学大一学生,这也使得他在心里不断提醒自己不能紧张,他要让这些学弟学妹们看到自己努力考上大学之后的蜕变,要让他们羡慕,从而才有动力去努力走上相同的道路。 In the warm applause, Liu Nian was completed to say itself in the effort and family/home that initially in the life of Siland Middle School, to test university made on oneself university for the effort that made, his these experiences, under the stage at least had 1000 people of shall be gratefuls as a personal favor. 在热烈的掌声里,刘念脱稿说了自己当初在西兰中学的生活、自己为考大学所做的努力、家里为自己上大学做所的努力,他的这些经历,台下至少有一千人感同身受。 Afterward, Liu Nian also said oneself to the colorful of impression and outside world of Yanjing this ancient capital, as well as how joined 3321 in the school, how to use 3321 to gain to the matter of life's first income. 随后,刘念又说了自己对燕京这座古都的印象、外面世界的丰富多彩,以及自己在学校如何加入了3321,如何利用3321赚到人生第一笔收入的事情。 More than 20 minutes, Liu Nian more said is more relaxed, more said is more natural, the stage next 2,000-3,000 students listen is also very fascinated, standing was so long, no one feels wearily. 二十多分钟的时间里,刘念越说越轻松,越说越自然,台下2,000-3,000学生听的也很入迷,站了这么久,没有一个人感觉到疲倦。 Finally, Liu Nian said the specific detail of this 3321 education assistances, when he said: High 3220 financially strapped students, everyone aids 1000 Yuan stipend time, on drill ground thorough ebullition. 最后,刘念说了这次3321助学行动的具体细节,当他说:“高三两百二十名贫困生,每人援助一千元助学金”的时候,操场上彻底沸腾了。 Liu Nian takes Wang Jianshe to give his list, is getting angry saying: Under, I called the schoolmate of name, please mount the stage to receive the stipend.” 刘念拿着王建设递给他的名单,红着眼说:“下面,我叫到名字的同学,请上台领取助学金。” Li Mu they have taken 1000 Yuan for the unit to inspect and verify to separate 220,000 cash that non-stop in behind, one hundred dollar bill is rebating and clamping nine hundred Yuan bill. 李牧他们在后面已经不停的把二十二万现金以一千元为单位点清分开,一张百元大钞对折、夹着九张百元钞票。 First by Liu Nian to the student 's name is Zhang Tiezhu, he runs up to stage excitedly, stands in the Liu Nian front, Liu Nian turns around 1000 Yuan cash that received Hu Zhengdao to hand over, then handed in Zhang Tiezhu's hand, Zhang Tiezhu attains 1000 Yuan cash time, was unable to believe that this is real. 第一个被刘念点到名字的学生名叫张铁柱,他激动的跑上台,站在刘念的面前,刘念转身接过胡正道递过来的一千元现金,转而又递到了张铁柱的手里,张铁柱拿到一千元现金的时候,还不太敢相信这是真的。 Liu Nian knows the time press, called the second person of name. 刘念知道时间紧迫,又叫了第二人的名字。 The speed that the scene pays out money was fast, being called the name, to mount the stage, the cash that received to hand over from Liu Nian, student one after another mounted the stage, afterward Liu Nian thought this was too slow, therefore on asked ten people to mount the stage one time, sent after one time, called ten. 现场发钱的速度非常快,叫了名字、上台、从刘念手里接过递来的现金,一个接着一个的学生上台,后来刘念觉得这样还是太慢了,于是就一次叫十个人上台,一次发完之后再叫十个。 The anxiety that Chen Kai and Huang Zhen look, they did so many years in Education Committee, has not seen such big cash, eye looks at so many cash almost crash-bang has flowed at the speed of running water outward, they are uncomfortable are also normal. 陈恺黄振看的肉疼,他们在教委做了这么多年,还从来没有见过这么大笔的现金,眼看着这么多现金几乎以流水的速度哗啦啦往外流,他们心里难受也属正常。 Liu Nian the time that the stipends of 220 people provide completely, the quick third class had finished class, attains the stipend student each wear a look of excitedly, each of them's idea also has the difference respectively, some people are thinking goes home in money Song, some people are thinking buys some teaching assistant teaching materials with this sum of money, will keep next semester school expense while convenient, some people will ponder over are being used to make merry. 刘念把二百二十个人的助学金全部发放完毕的时候,已经快第三节课下课了,拿到助学金的学生每一个都面带兴奋,他们每个人的想法也各有不同,有人想着把钱送回家里,有人想着用这笔钱多买些教辅教材,顺便留出下学期的学费,也有人琢磨着用来吃喝玩乐。 Li Mu is unable to guarantee that these 220 people of each people use the stipend on Zhengdao, he does not intertwine this matter, he must do to financially strapped student an opportunity, as for the opposite party whether holds, this was not he can decide, but, some people cannot depend on this thousand Yuan enhancement academic records even finally, at least can help them on the basic necessities of life. 李牧无法保证这两百二十人每人都把助学金用在正道上,他也不去纠结这种事情,他要做的就是给贫困生一个机会,至于对方是否抓住,这不是他能决定得了的,不过,就算有些人最终不能靠这一千块钱提高学习成绩,起码还是可以在衣食住行上帮到他们。 Money sent, excited Wang Jianshe led everyone to be on the stage Liu Nian applauds and also encourages everyone again to try hard to study again, in the future tests into university to have the opportunity to change own destiny, high three student each hear of one's blood bubbles up to the brim of 1 st, they has been very general to the future hope is also very fuzzy, the speech of Liu Nian, lets them to future hope's first embodiment, had to tuck up the function of heart fog. 钱发完了,激动不已的王建设在台上带着大家再次为刘念鼓掌、也再次鼓励大家努力学习,将来考上大学才有机会改变自己的命运,从初一到高三的学生各个听的热血沸腾,他们对未来的希望一直很笼统又很模糊,刘念的演讲,让他们对未来的希望第一次具象化,有撩开心头云雾的作用。 Wang Jianshe wants to tell the cafeteria, prepares a sumptuous meal to receive cordially Li Mu one line, but was rejected by Li Mu, the students of Siland Middle School dismiss returns to the classroom the fourth class time, the teaching and administrative staff who Their group more than ten people said goodbye to Wang Jianshe as well as Siland Middle School, sit Costner who that rented, starts to step the road of return trip. 王建设想吩咐食堂,准备一顿丰盛的饭菜来款待李牧一行,但被李牧拒绝了,西兰中学的学生们解散回教室上第四节课的时候,他们一行十几人告别了王建设以及西兰中学的教职工,坐上了那辆租来的考斯特,开始踏上返程的路。 Returned to the Yanjing second day, Yanjing TV Station to have «War casualty of news special edition Assistance», with a half hour, was the audience reappears their reporters to follow 3321 person in charge to go to the entire process of Siland district assistance , Siland district Education Committee deputy director the Huang Zhen recording content shocked the nation! 回到燕京的第二天,燕京电视台就出了一个新闻特辑《助学之殇》,用半个小时的时间,为观众重现了他们的记者跟随3321的负责人前往西兰县助学的全过程,其中,西兰县教委副主任黄振的录音内容震惊了全国! Yanjing TV Station domestic viewing ratio although cannot arrange the satellite TV stage first three, but row first five are not a problem, what is more important, it is the Capital Media, this special status, making its content attach great importance. 燕京电视台在国内的收视率虽然排不进卫视台前三,但排个前五还是不成问题的,更重要的是,它是首都媒体,这个特殊身份,让它的内容更加受到重视。 That night then had the written comments that the ministries executives were furious, must investigate thoroughly this matter, not only need make Siland district Education Committee be responsible, must accountability to their higher-up leaders, executive's written comments were reprinted by the media within several days massively: Educates the system official, has not made the contributions to the education, actually, discredits the education great project for the hind leg that money Tuo educates the basis, this person torments, will be the future of descendant and country of people, cannot keep the educational system this malignant tumor, will raise the person of this malignant tumor, must be responsible for the appearance of this malignant tumor!” 当天晚上便有部委高管震怒的批示,一定要彻查这件事情,不但要让西兰县教委负责,更要向它们的上级领导问责,高管的批示在数日之内被媒体大量转载:“身为教育系统的官员,没为教育做出贡献,却为了钱拖教育的后腿、抹黑教育百年大计的根本,这种人荼毒的,是人民的后代、国家的未来,决不能将这种毒瘤留在教育体系,养大这枚毒瘤的人,也要为这枚毒瘤的出现负责!” In one week, Huang Zhen and Chen Kai finished class, Huang Zhen to protect oneself, threw Chen Kai, saying Chen Kai is the round allocation of vehicles dream, has 3321 assistance ideas the inside stories, the media have been tracking to report, finally the higher authority city Education Committee of Siland district Education Committee is also receiving to involve, the leadership two people demote, a person by inner-party warning. 一周内,黄振陈恺先后下课,黄振为了自保,把陈恺撂了出来,道出陈恺为圆配车梦、打3321助学款主意的内情,媒体一直在跟踪报道,最后连带着西兰县教委的上级市教委也收到牵连,领导层两人降职,一人被党内警告。 3321 domestic prestige reached the unprecedented altitude, Li Mu know, later some people do not dare to have 3321 ideas again.( To be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net 3321在国内的声望达到了空前高度,李牧知道,以后不会有人再敢打3321的主意了。(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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