RINAPE :: Volume #2

#199: Grazes a horse

Huang Zhen does not know, Li Mu brought Yanjing several news media, the local province and City Media also make Dong Ai inform, when the time comes should also be able to come, after all is 200,000 donations, in now, 200,000 truly is a great sum of money, even the house in provincial capital also two thousand Yuan draws, 200,000 are proper one set of provincial capital third-year occupies now ready. 黄振并不知道,李牧自己带了燕京的几家新闻媒体,当地省、市媒体也让董艾通知过,到时候应该也会过来,毕竟是二十万的捐助,在当今来看,二十万确实算是一笔巨款,连省会的房子现在也才两千块钱一平,二十万是妥妥的一套省会大三居。 In the Huang Zhen eye, he also thinks that Li Mu is the big city second generation of rich who a doggedly sincere, seeks fame, gives the boasts first-year university student time of donation the condition, thinks to give what is desired, once he money Juan, Education Committee really will not praise first-year university student time this number, the 4-5 100,000 amounts, the upper-level unit feared that was must snatch the meat to eat, so long as Li Mu complied, when the time comes oneself reneged on a promise he also only to do looks at. 黄振眼里,他还以为李牧就是一个一腔热血、沽名钓誉的大城市富二代,给出夸大一倍捐款金额的条件,也是自以为可以投其所好,一旦他把钱捐了,教委才不会真的把这个数目夸大一倍,四五十万的金额,上级单位怕是都要来抢肉吃了,只要李牧答应,到时候自己这边反悔他也只能干看着 Li Mu incomparably despises to it at heart, on the mouth brings asking of several points of induction: If I contribute 250,000, Education Committee can the media declare that I did contribute 500,000?” 李牧心里对其无比鄙视,嘴上却带着几分诱导的问:“如果我捐二十五万,教委能对媒体宣称我捐了五十万?” Huang Zhen is striking one's chest to vouch for: You could rest assured that you want you 250,000 to contribute Education Committee here, Education Committee to the outside world will certainly explain that your donation is 500,000.” 黄振拍着胸脯打包票:“你放心,你要你把二十五万捐到教委这里,教委一定会向外界说明你的捐款金额就是五十万。” Li Mu asked: „Does Education Committee do this does not conform to the stipulation?” 李牧问:“教委这样做不太符合规定吧?” Huang Zhen did so many years in Siland Education Committee this government office with low expenditures, the village official in true government experience might as well rich and populous area, sees several hundred thousand funds all of a sudden, considers only to consider the means to eat up it, which also cares about the table manners is whether attractive, therefore highly did not care said: This Boss Li did not need to be worried, stipulated that was the person decides, was not all that serious.” 黄振在西兰教委这个清水衙门干了这么多年,真正的官场经验还不如富庶地区的一个村官,一下子看到几十万资金,只顾着想办法把它吃下,哪还顾及吃相是否好看,所以非常不在意的说:“这个李老板就不用担心了,规定都是人定的,没什么大不了嘛。” Li Mu also asked: Why doesn't Education Committee want me to donate the financially strapped students of Siland Middle School money? They will want the college entrance examination next year, had this sum of money, will have very big help to their college entrance examination, perhaps this 200,000, can change more than 200 individual destinies also perhaps, is bad, gives them a travel expense of going out wanderer, making them be able to go out of the mountain, looks at and rushes to Yanjing, Shanghai and Shenzhen this big city, always compared with keeping in the mountain is much better.” 李牧又问:“为什么教委不愿意我把钱捐给西兰中学的贫困生呢?他们明年就要高考了,有了这笔钱,对他们高考会有很大的帮助,或许这二十万,能改变两百多个人的命运也说不定,再不济,也算是给他们一个出去闯荡的路费,让他们能够走出大山,到燕京沪市深市这种大城市去看一看、闯一闯,总是要比留在大山里要好得多。” Hi!” Huang Zhen beckons with the hand. said with a laugh said: They can read high three already all that one could wish, our Siland district the popular rate of education speaking the truth nine-year compulsory education is very low, they most people wanted luck are more, money donated them also to have no use.” “嗨!”黄振摆了摆手。笑着说道:“他们能读到高三就已经烧高香啦,咱们西兰县的教育情况说实话九年义务教育的普及率都很低,他们已经比大多数人要幸运的多了,把钱捐给他们也没什么用处。” Saying. Huang Zhen sets a sincere appearance, said to Li Mu: Boss Li, you looked that the family yearly income of Siland Middle School financially strapped student cannot arrive at three thousand Yuan, such child. What university encourages him to read? Encourages him to read university that not to do the good, is sins, I said that this saying should not be angry, said that really you think, if a child tests into university, his parents can face the tremendous pressure? Where can for him to go to school? He threw toward the family/home in the notice, is weeping and wailing wants on university, his parents not to have the auspicious day over the next 3-4 years, for oneself went to school, implicated the whole family. Might as well after letting his high school graduates, go out to work the subsidy subsidy home, or goes home to help the parents farm, shares a life heavy burden for the parents, this does the good.” 说着。黄振做出一副推心置腹的样子,对李牧说:“李老板,你看啊,西兰中学贫困生的家庭年收入都到不了三千块钱,这样的孩子。鼓励他读什么大学?鼓励他读大学那不是做善事,是造孽啊,我说这话你可别生气,说真的你想一想,一个孩子要是考上大学,他爸妈得面临多大的压力?哪能供得起他上学?他把通知书往家里一扔,哭着喊着说要上大学,他爸妈三四就别想有好日子过,为了自己上学,拖累全家人。还不如让他高中毕业之后就出去打打工补贴补贴家用,或者回家帮爸妈种地、替爸妈分担一点生活重担,这才是做善事。” Li Mu hehe smiles, said: Is this way, the mountain child is more difficult to change own destiny, only then in more and more mountains the child tests into university, to walk, to change own life, the child who can encourage more mountain studies diligently, follows the example the power to change own destiny, otherwise, always says the vicious circle like you, when can the impoverished hat pick?” 李牧呵呵笑了笑,说:“越是这样下去,大山里的孩子就越难改变自己的命运,只有越来越多的山里孩子考上大学、走出去、改变自己的人生,才能激励更多大山里的孩子去努力学习、去遵循榜样的力量改变自己的命运,否则的话,总是像你说的那样恶性循环,贫困的帽子什么时候才能摘下来?” The Huang Zhen itself/Ben thinks oneself have flickered Li Mu. didn't expect he started to educate itself unexpectedly all of a sudden, he does not want to respond to the Li Mu's words, but was somewhat unbearably anxious saying: Boss Li, these things you did not need to worry. Even the country said that the education is the great project, hundred years can have the result, we worry blindly do not have the significance, wanted me saying that we chatted the matter of donation. I know that you must return to Yanjing tomorrow, I proposed a moment ago you don't have the opinion? Declared 500,000 donations to the outside, you returned to the Yanjing face to have the face!” 黄振本以为自己已经忽悠住了李牧没想到他竟然一下子又开始教育自己了,他不想回应李牧的话,而是有些急不可耐的说道:“李老板,这些事情你就不用操心了。连国家都说了,教育是百年大计,百年才能有成效,咱们瞎操心也没意义,要我说啊,咱们还是聊一聊捐款的事情吧。我知道你明天就要回燕京了,我刚才的提议你没意见吧?对外宣称五十万捐款,你回了燕京脸上多有面子啊!” Li Mu's face all of a sudden cold, the sound recording records was similar, Huang Zhen must certainly pay the deeply grieved price for his opinion, but he will also offer a sacrifice to the first person of flag to himself, at this time does not need to continue rubbish with him, therefore Li Mu then coldly said: Director yellow, your heart is not in the education from the start, the slang said that different is not the stratagem, we have nothing to chat, please first return.” 李牧的脸一下子冷了下来,录音录的差不多了,黄振肯定要为他的这番言论付出惨痛的代价,而他也将是给自己祭旗的第一人,这时候也没必要继续跟他废话,于是李牧便冷冷说道:“黄主任,你的心压根就不在教育上,俗话说道不同不相为谋,咱俩也没什么可聊的了,请你先回吧。” Huang Zhen was startled, how meaning? Fortunately was a moment ago good, then also said that got angry gets angry? The condition arrived in this share, haven't you complied? You are really must assist students wholeheartedly? Do not crack a joke, at best 20-year-old young people, with several hundred thousand come to assist students wholeheartedly, whose his mother letter/believes. 黄振怔住了,怎么个意思?刚才还好好的,这下又说翻脸就翻脸?条件都开到这个份上了,你还不答应?你真是一心要来助学的吗?别开玩笑了,一个充其量20岁的年轻人,拿几十万过来一心助学,谁他妈信啊。 Boss Li, specific condition you , if unsatisfied, we can also discuss again......” “李老板,具体条件你要是不满意,咱们还可以再商量……” Li Mu stands up, points at the front door to shout angrily: Goes out!” 李牧站起身来,指着大门怒喝一声:“出去!” Huang Zhen was also hot, you lead money to come, I want to take when you were God of Wealth are supplying, if you bumped do not make me bump, I can also supply you? Really laughs! 黄振也火了,你带着钱来,我想拿到手才当你是财神爷供着,你要是连碰都不让我碰,我还能供着你?真是笑话! Leaps one to stand, Huang Zhen then points at Li Mu saying: Surnamed Li, how saying that this is also in the place in Siland district, do not propose a toast does not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit, does not coordinate with Education Committee, this money you want to contribute unable to contribute!” 腾地一下站起来,黄振便指着李牧说道:“姓李的,怎么说这也是西兰县的地头上,别敬酒不吃吃罚酒,不跟教委配合,这钱你想捐都捐不出去!” Li Mu knits the brows to interrogate: What's wrong? I do not give you money, don't you make the student accept my donation?” 李牧皱眉质问道:“怎么?难道我不把钱给你们,你们就不让学生接受我这笔捐款?” Right!” Huang Zhen sneers saying: I must have a look but actually, who Siland Middle School dares to take your money!” Then, Huang Zhen feared frightens off Li Mu directly, then threatens saying: Not is only no one dares to take your money, when the time comes I must relate the media, told them you to come to the Siland district to assist students, actually wanted our Siland district Education Committee in secret, when to the outside world said turned time your donation, your young fellow, we were the educational institutions, having a look at the people to believe anyone when the time comes.” “没错!”黄振冷笑道:“我倒要看看,西兰中学谁敢拿你的钱!”说完,黄振怕直接把李牧吓走,便又威胁道:“不光是没人敢拿你的钱,到时候我还要联系媒体,告诉他们你来西兰县助学,却私底下非要我们西兰县教委在对外界说的时候把你的捐款金额翻倍,你一个毛头小子,我们是教育机构,看看到时候群众更相信谁。” The Li Mu anger instead smiles extremely, the nod said gently: Ok, I who you said received, what to do will be casual you, I to go to Siland Middle School to donate money tomorrow morning, has the ability to graze a horse when the time comes although.” 李牧怒极反笑,轻轻点头说道:“行,你说的我都收到了,随便你怎么办,明天上午我还是会去西兰中学捐款,有能耐到时候尽管放马过来。” After Huang Zhen is nipping , the molar puts down the aggressive statement: Good! Tomorrow I make you cry not to have the tears!” 黄振咬着后槽牙放下狠话:“好!明天我让你哭都没有眼泪!” Said that this saying, Huang Zhen slammed a door, Li Mu put out the recording pen, will record to stop, rebroadcast, the reporter special-purpose import sound recording pen performance was truly powerful, to record completely, Li Mu that the stereo recording function of high definition said the words that does not omit a single word Huang Zhen along with, even if called own room everyone completely, more than ten people gathered together listened to Huang Zhen. 说完这话,黄振一摔门走了,李牧拿出录音笔,将录音停止,重播了一遍,记者专用的进口录音笔性能确实强大,高清晰度的立体声录音功能把黄振所说的话一字不漏的全部录了下来,李牧随即便把大家全部都叫到了自己的房间,十几号人聚在一起把黄振的话又听了一遍。 The sound recording listens, in room Schoolmate Li Mu's or the reporters exploded, such shameless Education Committee officials are really rare, emaciated Chen Lei is stamping one's foot saying that must expose this not good Huang Zhen, other reporters are also filled with righteous indignation, Li Mu said: We will bring the cash to go to Siland Middle School tomorrow morning, they definitely cannot block, threatens media there to discredit me as for him, there are these sound recordings to make the evidence , some of your these Yanjing media, me were not worried.” 录音听完,房间里无论是李牧的同学还是记者都炸了,这么无耻的教委官员实属罕见,瘦弱的陈蕾跳着脚说回去一定要把这个无良的黄振曝光出来,其他的记者也都义愤填膺,李牧说:“咱们明天早晨带着现金去西兰中学,他们是肯定拦不住的,至于他威胁到媒体那里抹黑我,有这些录音做证据,又有你们这些燕京媒体在,我也不担心。” Chen Lei said: Li Mu you felt relieved although, he could not discredit you, I have the schoolmate to work in CCTV now, the news mouth, returned to Yanjing I to look for him, making him find the way to expose in CCTV.” 陈蕾说:“李牧你尽管放心,他抹黑不了你的,我有同学现在在央视工作,新闻口的,回燕京我就去找他,让他想办法在央视曝光。” Li Mu said: I am not the media, does not have any press relations, the matter of exposure must depend on everyone, after all later 3321 education assistances will also develop unceasingly, in the future does not know that will also have many portraits they the same as hit assistance the idea, if this time can make benchmark sex, can make other similar local officials dread.” 李牧说:“我不是媒体,也没有什么媒体关系,曝光的事情就得靠各位了,毕竟以后3321的助学行动还会不断开展下去,未来不知道还会有多少人像他们一样打助学款的主意,如果这一次能够做成标杆性事件,也能让其他类似的地方官有所忌惮。” ...... …… Around 8 : 00 am, everyone then drew back the room, rode Costner first to arrive books the good bank to raise 220,000 cash, then went to Siland Middle School directly. 翌日早晨八点多,大家便退了房间,乘坐考斯特先到预约好的银行提了二十二万现金,然后便直接驱车前往西兰中学。 Wang Jianshe has raised the head to hope that Li Mu's arrived, this morning, he convenes the school key leader to meet, requests among 9 : 30 enlarged classes the time, does exercises in the drill ground while the school students, gathers everyone, does a presentation ceremony on the flag tower, the school teachers and students witness together, even if the third class not on, wants the entire journey to look at this donation. 王建设早就翘首期盼李牧的到来了,今天上午,他召集学校主要领导开会,要求九点半大课间的时候,趁全校学生都在操场做操,把大家集合起来,在升旗台上搞一个捐赠仪式,全校师生共同见证,哪怕第三节课不上,也要全程看完这次捐赠。 At the same time, Wang Jianshe also thinks the exchange of gifts between friends, he can the feedback to Li Mu's, not have except for the sincerity other ; On the other hand, such Shanda matter, he also wants to make the school students witness, to other students of grade, is a drive. 一方面,王建设也想投桃报李,他能够回馈给李牧的,除了诚意没别的了;另一方面,这么盛大的事情,他也想让全校学生亲眼目睹,对其他年级的学生来说,也是一个激励。 Nine o'clock, Costner advanced Siland Middle School, Li Mu their front leg just arrived, the members and seconds in command of district Education Committee sit rubs came. 九点钟,考斯特开进西兰中学,李牧他们前脚刚到,县教委的一把手、二把手就坐着摩的来了。 This morning Chen Kai is getting angry to discuss with Huang Zhen one hour, finally decided that if Li Mu is really intractable, they start from Wang Jianshe. 今早陈恺黄振红着眼讨论了一个小时,最后决定,如果李牧真的软硬不吃,那他们就从王建设身上下手。 Li Mu can donate the student money, this they cannot block, but, they can force Wang Jianshe to receive again from the student hand these money. 李牧可以把钱捐给学生,这个他们拦不住,但是,他们可以逼迫王建设把这些钱再从学生手里收回来。 Chen Kai has thought that this group of high school students are away from the college entrance examination also seven months, that told them simply, this sum of money regulated for them by the school, chasing moon returned, every month 150 Yuan, no matter the student did believe and does want, each person of compulsory took back 850 Yuan to come back. 陈恺已经想好了,这帮高三学生距离高考还有七个月,那就干脆告诉他们,这笔钱由学校替他们监管,逐月返还,每月150元,不管学生信不信、愿不愿意,强制性的每人收回850块钱回来。 Saw that few years must retire, Chen Kai also really flew into a rage, no matter what, must gnaw this sum of money, gnaws motionless from Li Mu there, that gnaws from student here. 眼看没几年就要退休了,陈恺也是真急眼了,不管怎样,都要把这笔钱啃下来,从李牧那里啃不动,那就从学生这里啃。 Li Mu leaves behind everyone to wait in the car(riage), divides according to 1000 Yuan way the cash while convenient, oneself went to the principal's office to see Wang Jianshe with Liu Nian together. 李牧留下大家在车里等候,顺便把现金按照一千元的方式分一下,自己则与刘念一起去校长室见了王建设 Because of before according to 220,000 preparations, therefore Li Mu this decision contributes 220,000, in the impoverished files that Wang Jianshe delimits the student has 209 people, but also wealthy 11 quotas, therefore Li Mu then from the remaining people, by condition worst strokes upward, strokes 11 people, decided a 220 people of big list. 因为之前是按照二十二万准备的,所以李牧这次决定就捐二十二万,王建设划定的贫困档内学生有209人,还富裕十一个名额,于是李牧便从剩下的人里,以条件最差的往上捋,又捋出十一人,定了一个二百二十人的大名单。 Wang Jianshe said to Li Mu 9 : 30 holds the arrangement of presentation ceremony, Li Mu does not have the opinion, but said one to Liu Nian: This donation, money is issued all students by you.”( To be continued.) 王建设李牧说了九点半举行捐赠仪式的安排,李牧没有意见,只是跟刘念说了一句:“这次捐赠,钱由你来发给所有学生。”(未完待续。) ps: Tonight three chapters cash certainly, cashes in again late. 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