RINAPE :: Volume #2

#198: Two signs

That surnamed Li was supercilious!” “那个姓李的太目中无人了!” In Anyuan Hotel theater box, Huang Zhen annoyed scolded one, his front Siland district Education Committee director the Chen Kai complexion is also quite ugly/difficult to look at. 安源酒店包厢里,黄振恼火的骂了一句,他面前的西兰县教委主任陈恺脸色也相当难看。 Shen Dong adds inflammatory details in the one side: „The boy does not pay attention to our district Education Committee completely, how my brother-in-law told him, his least bit is not convinced, simply hatefully!” 沈东在一旁添油加醋:“那小子完全不把咱们县教委放在眼里,我姐夫怎么跟他说,他都半点不买账,简直可恶至极!” Huang Zhen also said: Director Chen, several years cannot wait for such a wealthy person, more than 200,000, cash! Tomorrow morning said that was proposes money to go to the school to send from the bank directly, if we do not want to select the means that this opportunity wrong in the past, waited not to know to again next time lord knows when!” 黄振又说:“陈主任,几年也等不来这么一个财主,二十几万啊,现金啊!明天早晨说是直接从银行提了钱就去学校发了,咱要是不想点办法,这次机会错过去,再等下次不知道要猴年马月了!” Chen Kai that had not spoken at this moment is pale the face. 一直没说话的陈恺此刻已经铁青着脸了。 Good and evil are also the member of district Education Committee, the officer of government office with low expenditures is also an officer, oneself suppose invites him is not convinced, this boy truly was also too rampant, Yanjing comes was great? Under with more than 200,000 works as the eyes to hide casually delivers to itself to govern in more than 200 poor student hands of next middle school, this is just like is having an empty stomach, some people are in front to deliver the feast to several hundred people, was only smelled by oneself does not begin by oneself, who this is to be anxious Ah? 好歹自己也是县教委的一把手,清水衙门的官也是官啊,自己设宴请他都不买账,这小子也确实太嚣张了,燕京来的就了不起了?随随便便拿二十几万过来当着自己眼皮子底下送到自己治下一所中学的两百多穷学生手里,这就好比是自己饿着肚子,有人当着自己面给几百人送大餐,只让自己闻闻不让自己上手,这是要把谁急死啊? Chen Kai pounds on the table, angrily rebukes: „The boy who Yanjing comes is too rampant, his mother felt strange how to directly soar Siland Middle School?” 陈恺一拍桌子,怒斥一声:“燕京来的小子太嚣张啊,也他妈奇了怪了,怎么就直奔着西兰中学去了?” Shen Dong hastily said: This boy is Siland Middle School's this year's college entrance examination's first brings, second of our district.” 沈东急忙说道:“这小子是西兰中学今年的高考第一名带来的,咱们县的第二名。” Nod of Chen Kai suddenly realize: In other words, this God of Wealth is the student who Siland Middle School graduates invites.” 陈恺恍然大悟的点了点头:“也就是说,这尊财神是西兰中学毕业的学生请回来的。” Right.” “没错。” Chen Kai simply said: „One side that line, first saw with the student who that Siland Middle School graduated, permits he selected the advantage, making him urge that boy surnamed Li, if were not good, I personally the boarding house that went to him to live, I have not believed that also really can make him bypass us 200,000 to contribute in Siland!” 陈恺便道:“那行了,先跟那个西兰中学毕业的学生见一面,许他点好处,让他去劝那个姓李的小子,要是还不行,我就亲自去他住的招待所,我还就不信了,在西兰还真能让他绕过咱们把二十万捐出去!” Huang Zhen said: „The boy is seemingly hard, by saying I fear am unbearable, we must make a preparation. If he clearly had money to go to Siland Middle School naively, we what to do?” 黄振说:“那小子看起来硬得很,靠说的我怕是够呛,咱们还得做一手准备。要是他明天真带着钱去了西兰中学,咱们怎么办?” Chen Kai coldly said: If also has no meeting of minds tonight, tomorrow morning I will go to a Siland Middle School personally, said that anything must block this sum of money!” 陈恺冷冷的说:“如果今晚还谈不拢,明天上午我亲自去一趟西兰中学,说什么也得把这笔钱拦下来!” ...... …… Li Mu several people returned to the boarding house. Liu Nian makes to meet in the county city with his father in the afternoon, must the thing that giving in the family/home buys, as well as some cash give him, therefore after returning to the boarding house, he brought the thing to go out. 李牧几人回了招待所。刘念跟他爸爸约好下午在县城见面,要把给家里买的东西,以及一些现金给他,所以回招待所之后,他就带着东西出去了。 Dinner Li Mu made Li Ya only decide a quite clean ordinary hotel. The group come out from the boarding house, had a dinner to the hotel, Liu Nian had not come, but looked for the family/home roadside small restaurant in the county city, ate with his father together, morning that they ate, while day also not black, in the Liu Nian father must rush home. 晚饭李牧李亚唯定了一个比较干净的普通饭店。一行人从招待所出来,到饭店吃了个晚饭,刘念没来,而是在县城找了家路边小饭馆,跟他爸爸一起吃了点,他们吃的早,趁天还没黑,刘念的爸爸还要赶回家里。 The time is tight, in Liu Nian also goes home to have a look without enough time, many somewhat is at heart moved. However he gave the father a thing that a oneself two weeks of gaining money as well as bought, 2000 came Yuan, one pile of Yanjing local products. 时间仓促,刘念也来不及回家里看看,心里多少有些伤感。不过他把自己两个星期赚的钱以及买的一点东西都给了老爸,两千来块钱,还有一堆燕京土特产。 The Liu Nian father asked that he did have to himself keeps the living expenses, Liu Nian said: I will make the family education also to have the income next week, enough I spend, I will give in the family/home to send a money to come back in the future every month.” 刘念的爸爸问他有没有给自己留点生活费,刘念说:“我下周做家教还有收入呢,足够我花的了,往后我就每隔一个月给家里寄点钱回来。” The Liu Nian father brings several points of gratified, had several points to say ashamed: You just now go to school can make so much money, were more than my prospect, your mother said, you do that family education, if stabilizes. Next year beginning of the spring me will build three tile-roofed houses, does not know how long your family education is competent?” 刘念的爸爸带着几分欣慰,又带着几分惭愧的说:“你才刚上学就能挣这么多钱,比我出息多了,你妈说,你干那个家教要是稳定的话。明年开春咱家就盖三间瓦房,就是不知道你这个家教能干多久?” The house that the Liu Nian very clear Chu situation, live in now is ten years ago cultivates, before was the sun-dried brick thathed hut. Ten years ago changed to the brick house, to economize, the roof or the bushes makes, time long everywhere water leakage, before he at home, after raining must make up the roof with the father. The condition was too truly difficult. 刘念很清楚家里的情况,现在自家住的房子还是十年前修的,以前是土坯茅草房。十年前改成了砖房,不过为了省钱,房顶还是茅草造的,时间久了到处漏水,以前他在家的时候,每逢下过雨之后都要跟爸爸补房顶。条件确实太艰苦了。 How much money do three tile-roofed houses want?” “三间瓦房要多少钱?” The Liu Nian father thinks, said: Dug up my old house, the old brick entire entire words, buying the brick can save a lot of money, more than 10,000 Yuan should be able to cover, me currently have 3-4 thousand Yuan.” 刘念爸爸想了想,说:“把咱家老房子扒了,把旧砖整一整的话,买砖能省不少钱,一万多块钱应该就能盖起来了,咱家现在还有三四块钱。” Liu Nian nods gently, said: This year celebrated the new year is on February 12, we had a vacation the estimate also in early February, the words that calculated, should also three months, I gained the year ago to 10.000 Yuan as far as possible.” 刘念轻轻点了点头,说:“今年过年是2月12号,我们放假估计也得二月初了,这么算的话,应该还有三个月的时间,我尽量在年前赚到一万块钱。” Heard 10,000 this numbers, the Liu Nian father's eyes hides to jump jumping, he does not want to make the son help build a house with son opening the mouth, but the old house was really worn-out, made money never, the son by him can make money simply at present, this let the hope that the whole family saw to build a house. 听到一万块这个数,刘念爸爸的眼皮子跳了跳,他原本不想跟儿子开口让儿子帮忙盖房,但老房子实在是太破旧了,靠他赚钱简直遥遥无期,眼下儿子能赚钱了,这才让一家人看到盖房的希望。 The Liu Nian old father sighed, said: Shameless person, the father was unpromising, is laborious you.” 刘念的老父亲叹了口气,说:“赖子,爸没出息,辛苦你了。” Liu Nian shows a faint smile: Father, do not say, I now was also a man, should shoulder a burden/shoulder pole for the family/home.” 刘念微微一笑:“爸,别这么说,我现在也是个男人了,该替家里扛点担子。” Has eaten meal, Liu Nian gazed after the father to ride that second-year eight bicycles that the grandfather is leaving behind to walk, looks at his rickets body and that obvious some big worn-out bicycle so unharmonious matched in together, in heart of Liu Nian grieved. 吃过饭,刘念目送父亲骑着爷爷留下的那辆大二八自行车走了,看着他佝偻的身躯和那辆明显有些偏大的破旧自行车如此不和谐的搭配在一起,刘念的心中酸楚不已。 The words that usually does not rain, rides a bicycle also for two hours from the county city, the Siland district has just rained today, oneself entrance that road, the bicycle feared that can carry the ability to pass? 平时不下雨的话,从县城骑车回去也得两个小时的时间,西兰县今天刚下过雨,自家门口那条路,自行车怕是要扛着才能过得去吧? Thinks that the difficulty of old father going home road, Liu Nian two red, billowing tears drop following the cheeks in the place. 想到老父归家路的艰辛,刘念两眼一红,滚滚热泪顺着脸颊滴落在地。 After the moment, he wipes tears, finally saw the father the increasingly estranged form, has turned around, steps the stride to walk fast toward the boarding house. 片刻后,他擦干眼泪,最后看了看父亲已经渐行渐远的身影,转过身,迈着大步朝着招待所疾走。 Leaving of kinship is deep moved, the poor difficulty is the helpless pain, but, the life is developing in a better direction after all, at least he has been able to support oneself now, and returned nurturing to parents the difficult parents. 亲情的离别是深沉的伤感,贫穷的艰辛是无奈的痛苦,不过,生活总归是在朝着更好的方向发展,起码他现在已经可以自食其力,并且反哺艰辛的父母了。 Again to oneself four years, when oneself graduate, have a stable work, take root in that remote city, oneself have certainly the opportunity to be able the family member's belt/bring from this out-of-the-way mountain area to go out. 再给自己四年时间,等自己毕了业、有了一份稳定的工作、在那个遥远的城市扎下根来,自己一定有机会能够把家人从这个山窝窝里带出去。 Liu Nian returns to the boarding house time, Li Mu they have the reporters to eat meal from boarding house about one kilometer hotel, before he arrives at the boarding house gate , a familiar face appears in suddenly at present, blocked the Liu Nian way. 刘念回招待所的时候,李牧他们还有记者都正在距离招待所一公里左右的饭店吃饭,当他来到招待所门前的时候,一个熟悉的面孔忽然出现在眼前,拦住了刘念的去路。 Liu Nian looks at present Shen Dong, polite called one: Principal Shen.” 刘念看着眼前的沈东,礼貌的叫了一声:“沈校长。” Shen Dong shows a faint smile, looks at height one meter six over Liu Nian, said: „Does Schoolmate Liu Nian, have the time, my a little matter wants to chat with you alone, or do we go to nearby teahouse?” 沈东微微一笑,看着身高不过一米六出头的刘念,说:“刘念同学,有没有时间,我有点事情想跟你单独聊聊,要不咱们去附近的茶馆?” Liu Nian said: Principal Shen had anything to say here.” 刘念说:“沈校长有什么事情就在这里说吧。” Shen Dong smiles, said in a low voice: I am thank on behalf of the school your, goes out to go to school shortly, gives us Siland Middle School to get a rich man, moreover contributes must contribute 200,000, is really the great writer.” 沈东笑了笑,低声说道:“我是来代表学校感谢你的,出去上学没多久,就给咱们西兰中学领回来一个有钱人,而且一捐就要捐二十万,真是大手笔。” Six years said: Your this saying deserved the surface to say to Brother Mu, rather than told me.” 六年说:“那你这话该当面跟牧哥说,而不是跟我说。” Shen Dong hehe said: „ Was only that Li Mu speech was too absolute, was not suitable to chat the matter with him, Liu Nian, you were the outstanding student who our Siland district came out, our district below these village elementary and middle schools difficult, you definitely know, must say this money, can first tighten most is needing its person to give? You, urged that Li Mu well, 200,000 placed Siland Middle School, donated more than 200 students, if were controlled by our Education Committee, at least can help 2000 elementary students, which significance was bigger, you can definitely obtain clear was right? „ 沈东呵呵道:“只是那个李牧说话太绝对了,跟他不适合聊事情,刘念,你是咱们西兰县出来的高材生,咱们县下面那些乡村中小学有多艰苦,你是肯定知道的,要说这个钱啊,还是要先紧着最需要它的人给是不是?你啊,好好劝劝那个李牧,二十万放在西兰中学,也就捐助两百多学生,如果由咱们教委来支配,至少能帮助两千个小学生,哪个意义更大,你肯定能分得清对不对?“ Liu Nian is not a fool, knows at heart Shen Dong is having what idea, but his character is quite always outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, is not good to speak the rebuttal, then nods, said: Principal Shen you said is also reasonable, but this money Brother Mu, since has decided to donate to Siland Middle School, I do not have the qualifications to interrupt to interfere.” 刘念也不是傻子,心里知道沈东在打什么主意,但他的性格一向比较阴柔,也不好出言反驳,便点了点头,说:“沈校长你说的也有道理,不过这笔钱牧哥既然已经决定捐给西兰中学,我是没有资格插嘴干涉的。” Shen Dong sees Liu Nian somewhat to approve own viewpoint, then hastily strikes while the iron is hot, said: Schoolmate Liu Nian, Director Chen of Education Committee said that if who can put Education Committee and benefitting village elementary student this sum of money, who is our Siland district education career big hero, bonus 5000!” 沈东一见刘念有些认同自己的观点,便急忙趁热打铁,说:“刘念同学,教委的陈主任可是说了,谁要是能把这笔钱放到教委、造福乡村小学生,谁就是咱们西兰县教育事业的大功臣,奖金五千块!” Liu Nian understood what is heard, brings saying of several points of anger: You are really dirty! This money donates to the high three financially strapped students, subsidizes them to test university, even this money you keep thinking, does not have the human nature simply!” 刘念听明白了,带着几分怒气的说道:“你们真是龌龊!这钱是捐助给高三贫困生、资助他们考大学的,连这个钱你们都惦记,简直是毫无人性!” Then, one side Liu Nian both hands arrive at Shen Dongba, bypassed him to enter the front door of boarding house. 说完,刘念双手将沈东扒拉到一边,绕过他进了招待所的大门。 Shen Dongzhan in same place quite a while responded, this boy unexpectedly also with that surnamed Li same was supercilious, how meaning? That side these 200,000 Education Committee really couldn't have put in order inadequately? 沈东站在原地半天才反应过来,这小子竟然也跟那个姓李的一样目中无人,怎么个意思?这二十万教委那边难道还真整不到手了不成? Shen Dong chokes with rage, actually has no way to manifest suddenly, he can only Huang Zhen call the brother-in-law, informs the opposite party, oneself have not handled, the last also means must he personally. 沈东心里窝火,却又没法发作,他只能给姐夫黄振打个电话,告知对方,自己没搞定,最后一个办法还得他亲自来。 Last means that were look for Li Mu to lay cards on the table, Education Committee wants to temporarily stop the donation, can only play the bitterness sign and honorary sign with Li Mu, but put out village school bitterness sign to come out, Li Mu did not pay completely, at present also can only do to tempt with the honorary sign. 最后一个办法,就是找李牧摊牌了,教委想截留捐款,只能跟李牧打苦情牌和名誉牌,但拿出乡村学校这张苦情牌出来,李牧完全不买单,眼下也只能拿名誉牌来做引诱了。 Must make brother-in-law Huang Zhen come, brings to light the words with Li Mu in secret, money donates to Education Committee, Education Committee can help him embrace more reputations, if this road is invalid, that really did not have the means. 得让姐夫黄振过来,跟李牧私下里把话挑明,钱捐给教委,教委能帮他揽得更多的名誉,如果这条路还行不通,那就真是没办法了。 After Li Mu returns to the boarding house, Liu Nian asked him to say in secret came across the Shen eastern matter a moment ago, the indignation that Liu Nian said that Li Mu has no mood to fluctuate, on the one hand oneself were also unalarmed by strange sights, on the other hand, ate to compare ugly/difficult to look at their were many. 李牧回到招待所之后,刘念私下里找他说了刚才遇到沈东的事情,刘念说的愤慨,李牧却没什么情绪波动,一方面自己也是见怪不怪了,另一方面,吃相比他们难看的多了去了。 However, those who let Li Mu didn't expect is, 9 : 00 pm time, Huang Zhen came. 不过,让李牧没想到的是,晚上 9 点的时候,黄振又来了。 Huang Zhen found the room that Li Mu is, proposed that must chat with Li Mu alone, Li Mu boasted on says does not have the issue, first invited others in room, later oneself also found an excuse first to draw back from the room, to Chen Lei there borrowed the portable recording pen, how the learned, holds in the pocket went to the room. 黄振找到李牧所在的房间,提出要跟李牧单独聊一聊,李牧说嘴上说没问题,把房间里的其他人先请了出去,随后自己也找了个借口先从房间里退出来,到陈蕾那里借了个便携录音笔,学会怎么用之后,揣在兜里回了房间。 Huang Zhen after Li Mu polite a few words, knows that plays the sympathetic sign to be useless, ejected own condition directly, said: This sum of money, so long as donates to Education Committee, we coordinated you to complete other things absolutely completely, the multicolored silk banner and thank-you letter these are needless saying that that will be the minor matter, the television interview and newspaper interviews us also to arrange, when the time comes our Education Committee when foreign public, can turn one time your donation amount! Does not turn two times!”( To be continued.) 黄振李牧客气两句之后,也知道打同情牌无用,直接抛出了自己的条件,说:“这笔钱只要捐给教委,我们绝对完完全全配合你做好其他的事情,锦旗、感谢信这些都不用说了,那都是小事,电视采访和报纸采访我们也会安排,到时候我们教委在对外公开的时候,可以把你的捐款数额翻一倍!哦不,翻两倍!”(未完待续。) ps: Originally thinks that last night three chapters of today's two chapters, now seemed like my acting cool, the week-end corporation arranged dining together, proficient already nearly ten points, this, tomorrow's three will compensate. The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:本来想昨晚三章今天两章,现在看来是我装逼了,周末公司安排聚餐,到家都已经快十点了,这样吧,明天三更补偿。手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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