RINAPE :: Volume #2

#197: Worked as the dish the young master?

The although Wang Jianshe words saying is not very direct, but Li Mu ravelled. 虽然王建设话说的不是很直接,但李牧还是弄明白了。 No wonder oneself always thought that this Shen Dong standpoint has the issue, originally also has Education Committee this relations. 怪不得自己总觉得这个沈东的立场有问题,原来还有教委这一层关系。 Shen Dong has said the countryside elementary and middle schools need to help, unify him to have a brother-in-law to be the deputy director in Education Committee, Li Mu also understood at heart, the donation temporarily stops, this matter has seen to him. 沈东一直说乡下中小学更需要帮助,结合他有个姐夫在教委当副主任,李牧心里也就懂了,捐款截留,这种事情对他来说早就见惯不惯了。 In the news of later generation reported this matter a lot, since that after Miss Guo who is driving Maserati fire, the education and charitable system so many year of uncovering big or small clothes eating insects could not have counted, their repertoires nothing but were two types, first was the donation diverts ; Second is the donation interception. 后世的新闻里没少报道这种事情,自从那位驾驶着玛莎拉蒂的郭小姐火了之后,教育、慈善系统这么多年揪出的大小蛀虫已经数不过来了,他们的套路无非就是两种,第一是捐款挪用;第二是捐款截留。 The donation diverted financial affairs that nothing but was others contributes to be diverted other uses, the donation temporarily stops this matter somewhat to be disgusting, generally was the donor must donate for directly by the donor, but the relevant departments must come to mix, the request money Juan to their hands , was first transferred by them donates by the donor, then, donates money to hit to rebate are few, and what is more can the interception next 90% even 100%. 捐款挪用无非就是别人捐来的财务被挪作其他用处,捐款截留这种事情就有些恶心了,一般是捐助者要直接捐赠给被捐助者,但有关部门非要进来搅和搅和,要求先把钱捐到他们手里,再由他们来转捐给被捐助者,如此一来,所捐款项打个对折都是少的,更有甚者能截留下90%甚至100%。 Li Mu must go to the trouble of traveling a long distance oneself to run to carry out the assistance, rather than donates 3321 net profits to the relevant departments and social services organization directly, feared is assistance cannot enter the pocket of student, falls into the pouches of others on the contrary, didn't expect, just sat before long, some people in the principal office had oneself this assistance idea. 李牧之所以要不远千里自己跑来搞助学,而不是直接把3321的净利润捐赠给有关部门和公益机构,怕的就是助学款没能进学生的口袋,反倒落入其他人的囊中,没想到,刚在校长办公室坐了不一会儿,就有人过来打起了自己这笔助学款的主意。 Shen Dong by a Wang Jianshe such saying, somewhat became angry out of shame, but has not manifested suddenly immediately, but pretended a being righteous appearance to say intentionally: Principal king, your thought was too narrow, before complete is by all means the gate , the snow, does not attend to others Vanuatu the frost! Boss Li has a mind to donate our Xishan county's education, this sum of money must use on the blade to be right.” 沈东被王建设这么一说,有些恼羞成怒,但又没有立刻发作,而是故意装作一副深明大义的样子说:“王校长,你思想太狭隘了,完完全全是只管自己门前雪、不顾他人瓦上霜啊!李老板有心捐助咱们西山县的教育,这笔钱一定要用到刀刃上才对。” Wang Jianshe asked one: You know where the blade is at?” 王建设反问一句:“你知道刀刃在哪?” Shen Dong one pats the thigh, blurted saying: How I do not know!” 沈东一拍大腿,脱口说:“我怎么不知道!” You said where the blade is at? If you are reasonable, persuaded Mr. Li, Mr. Li could come up the blade that money delivered to you to say personally.” “那你说说刀刃在哪?你如果说的有道理,说动了李先生,李先生或许可以亲自把钱送到你说的刀刃上去。” Shen Dong didn't expect Wang Jianshe comes such a, anxious is pointing at him: You, you......” you quite a while, could not say a reason why unexpectedly. 沈东没想到王建设来这么一手,急的指着他:“你,你这个人……”你了半天,竟是说不出一个所以然来。 At this time. Out of the door hears rapid sound of footsteps, just stopped to the entrance, without hearing to knock on a door, then hears the door to be shoved open. Li Mu raised the head, a body somewhat obese man pushed the door to walk, he wore the stiff pants and long sleeve blue shirt, the hair from the right side toward the one-sided, typical Mediterranean hairstyle. 这时。门外传来一阵急促的脚步声,到门口刚停下,没听见敲门,便听见房门被人推开。李牧一抬头,一个身体有些肥胖的男子推门走了进来,他穿着板正的西裤、长袖蓝衬衣,头发从右侧往一边倒,典型的地中海发型。 Came the person to pass through the gate then said: Oh. Principal king, which is honored guest Ah? that Yanjing comes 来人进门便说:“哎哟。王校长,哪位是燕京来的贵客啊? Wang Jianshe looked came person one eyes, not salty not pale saying: Director yellow, you come our school inspection work?” 王建设看了来人一眼,不咸不淡的说道:“黄主任,你这是来我们学校视察工作的?” Future district Education Committee deputy director Huang Zhen. 来者正是县教委副主任黄振 Huang Zhen hears the inquiry of Wang Jianshe, hehe smiles, said: I am see the honored guest who came from Yanjing, district Education Committee feared that your Siland Middle School greeted inconsiderately, neglected the honored guest, moreover was also worried that you too did not know our district overall education, if misleads the honored guest is not good again.” 黄振听到王建设的询问,呵呵一笑,说:“我是过来见从燕京来的贵客的,县教委怕你们西兰中学招呼不周,怠慢了贵客,另外也担心你们不太了解咱们县整体的教育情况,万一再误导了贵客就不好了。” From passing through the gate. Huang Zhen is like Shen Dong, two turning round chaotic revolutions in room, how many seconds target in Li Mu, but he is actually surprised about the Li Mu's age, because Li Mu seems like also about 20 years old, possibly has not arrived at 20, do 200,000 where he comes donate the student of Siland Middle School? 从一进门。黄振就跟沈东一样,两眼滴溜溜在屋里乱转,几秒钟就把目标锁定在了李牧身上,不过他倒是对李牧的年纪非常惊讶,因为李牧看起来也就二十岁左右,可能还没到二十,他哪来的二十万捐给西兰中学的学生? From the beginning, Huang Zhen also felt like that the opposite party is talks nonsense, but careful thinks, others come from Yanjing far away. Only travel expense on how much money? Some where people toss about themselves, to play practical joke? Let alone, others also led such a attractive girlfriend, beautiful in star with television. 一开始,黄振心里还觉得对方是不是来扯淡的,但仔细一想,人家大老远从燕京过来。光路费就得多少钱了?哪有人这么折腾自己,就为了搞个恶作剧的?更何况,人家还带了个这么漂亮的女朋友,美的跟电视里的明星似的。 Thinks through this. Huang Zhen was at heart happier, the young people, come out to conduct the charity event, should be head hot wealthy family juniors, is such person is better to coax, so long as makes them shift from Siland Middle School the attention. Oneself lead them to have a look to below villages village school, can perhaps make his cavity does the good hot blooded boil, so long as makes him feel that the Siland district has more rural primary schools to need money compared with Siland Middle School, Education Committee serves with the guidance again, should be able to make him feel relieved money Juan to Education Committee. 想通这一层。黄振心里更开心了,年轻人嘛,出来搞慈善活动,应该是脑袋一热的富家子弟,越是这样的人就越好哄,只要让他们把注意力从西兰中学转移出来。自己带他们到下面乡镇村学校去走走看看,没准就能让他心里那腔做善事的热血更沸腾,只要让他觉得西兰县有更多乡村小学比西兰中学更需要钱,教委再施以引导,应该就能让他放心把钱捐到教委来。 Huang Zhen although had not had such operating experience, but city Education Committee meets, another colleague of poverty stricken county Education Committee second in command has said the attainment to oneself simultaneously, their district had had a celebrity, the soldier family background, afterward entered the cultural work group, before was also a little small fame, afterward on the opportunity, retired from the armed services to go to sea to do business, in the south reformed the window to be the entrepreneur, to make a lot of money, a few years ago wants to return to the hometown to do a good deed, originally wants to contribute a money to the alma mater, afterward the Education Committee first move, leading him to transfer a circle under the villages. 黄振虽然还没有过这样的操作经验,但市教委开会的时候,另一个同时贫困县教委二把手的同僚给自己说过心得,他们县曾经出过一个名人,军人出身,后来进了文工团,以前也算是有点小名气,后来恰逢机会,退伍下海经商去了,在南方改革窗口当了企业家、赚了不少钱,前些年想回家乡做点好事,本来是想给母校捐点钱,后来教委一插手,带着他在乡镇下面转了一圈。 That entrepreneur really felt the school that the hometown needs to help are too many, the condition of village school alma mater is more difficult, therefore had the original donation amount 55 thought that half to the alma mater, half to Education Committee, Education Committee have not quit when you're ahead, but ejected the reputation to tempt with that entrepreneur in secret, if donated money to Education Committee, Education Committee gave him to deliver three multicolored silk banners continually, moreover was sends people to deliver to the reform window, to deliver to his company personally. 那个企业家果然觉得家乡需要帮助的学校太多,乡村学校远比自己母校的条件更艰苦,所以就动了把原定的捐款数额五五分的念头,一半给母校,一半给教委,教委没有见好就收,而是私下里跟那企业家抛出了名声引诱,如果捐款全给教委,教委给他连送三面锦旗,而且是派人亲自送到改革窗口、送到他的公司去。 The entrepreneurs agree immediately. 企业家立刻就同意了。 Donated the original intention of alma mater also to be thrown into beyond the highest heavens by him wholeheartedly. 原本一心捐助母校的初衷也被他抛到了九霄云外。 Huang Zhen prepares to follow the example today, first comforts this young people, making him leave anxiously money to Siland Middle School, then hits the sympathy and tempts two sets of combination sign, believes that this young people certain meeting little darling delivers to Education Committee money. 黄振今天就准备有样学样,先把这个年轻人安抚住,让他别急着把钱给西兰中学,然后再打同情和引诱两套组合牌,相信这年轻人一定会乖乖把钱送到教委来。 He and member hopes that an allocation of vehicles hopes was too long, this 200,000 arrive, not only can solve a problem of car(riage), this end of the year end of the year shortly, the day can also feel better much. 他和一把手盼一辆配车盼太久了,这二十万到位,不但能解决一辆车的问题,这眼看的年底年关,日子也能好过不少。 Wang Jianshe this moment mood is very uncomfortable, Huang Zhen also came unexpectedly, really not cannot benefit early, Education Committee seemed like stakes 200,000 that Li Mu will soon bring to donate money, if this were really temporarily stopped money by them, that can arrive at the money in student hand finally, if 1/10, was all that one could wish. 王建设此刻心情很是不爽,黄振竟然也来了,真是无利不起早,教委看来是盯死李牧即将带来的二十万捐款了,这要是真被他们把钱截留了,那最后能到学生手里的钱如果有十分之一,也是烧高香了。 Shen Dong saw the brother-in-law to come, hurrying gave him to introduce Li Mu, Huang Zhen smalltalk, then said: Boss Li is so far to aid education career of our Siland district, our district Education Committee affirms performs the duties of a host, our Director Chen has ordered the banquet in our district best Anyuan Hotel, receives cordially Boss Li your to do good Shanjia specially, you looked at now also quick four o'clock, were we now on the past, first drinks tea and chats?” 沈东一见姐夫来了,慌忙的给他介绍李牧,黄振客套一番,便说:“李老板这么远过来援助我们西兰县的教育事业,我们县教委肯定得尽地主之谊,我们陈主任已经在咱们县最好的安源酒店订好了酒席,专程款待李老板你这一行慈善家,你看现在也快四点钟了,咱们是不是现在就过去,先喝喝茶、聊聊天?” Shen Dong also hastily echoes to say in the one side: Yes Boss Li, Director Chen just right tomorrow must go to the countryside inspection work, you can chat with him, had a look together in the past, is familiar with education in our Siland district, you came far away, can't we make your muddleheaded donations of walk are?” 沈东也急忙在一旁附和道:“是啊李老板,陈主任正好明天要去乡下视察工作,你可以跟他聊聊,一起过去看看,也算是熟悉熟悉咱们西兰县的教育情况,你大老远来了,咱们怎么也不能让你们稀里糊涂的捐了款就走是不是?” Li Mu had not spoken, looked that these two give a two-man comic show in, has the anger at heart, how meaning? Really worked as the dish the young master? Were this table manners too also ugly? Is the discipline location that the face work makes good? 李牧一直没说话,看这两人在跟前唱双簧,心里早就有了怒意,怎么个意思?真把小爷当盘菜了?这幅吃相也太难看了点吧?表面工作做的专业点好不好? From the beginning Li Mu also felt, puts out a hand not to hit the smile person, but later 3321 assistances must place that is similar the Siland district many, if, has the place Education Committee coming out intention interception donation at every stop, that 3321 assistance could not do, therefore this must be strong for the first time absolutely enough, happen to lead the media reporter, this must make a benchmark event to come for the first time, after making the later monsters and freaks meet, yielded and withdrew voluntarily! 一开始李牧还觉得,伸手不打笑脸人,但是以后3321的助学还要更多类似西兰县的地方,如果每到一个地方,都有地方教委出来意图截留捐款,那3321的助学也就干不下去了,所以这第一次自己绝对得足够强硬,正好自己带着媒体记者,这第一次就得做出一个标杆事件来,让以后的牛鬼蛇神遇到之后自觉退避三舍! Silent Li Mu spoke, opens the mouth simply said: Deputy Director yellow, ate meal does not need, the Siland district became the best hotel, one banquets also a lot of money, remaining are donating a student to be better much.” 沉默的李牧说话了,开口便道:“黄副主任,吃饭就不必了,西兰县成最好的酒店,一桌酒席也得不少钱,留着多捐助一个学生更好。” Huang Zhen at heart thump, how meaning? Attaches great importance to not accepting this invite, was really assists students wholeheartedly? 黄振心里咯噔一下,怎么个意思?这么重视都不赏脸,难道真是一心助学来了? A Huang Zhen brain revolution, trades a repertoire immediately: Boss Li said is reasonable, this, arrives in my family to eat in the evening simply, I make my lover stir fry several simple dishes, on the dining table I with you introduced well education in Siland district also has the matter that tomorrow will inspect.” 黄振脑子一转,立刻换了个套路:“李老板说的有道理,这样吧,晚上干脆就到我家里吃,我让我爱人炒几个家常菜,饭桌上我跟你好好介绍介绍西兰县的教育情况还有明天考察的事。” In Huang Zhen at heart, if Li Mu seeks fame, on that dining table will definitely talk clearly, so long as money gives Education Committee, Education Committee in delivering the multicolored silk banner and writes at thank-you letter matter absolutely is ******** service, but if Li Mu really wants to assist students, that is also good, with going to the country to have a look at the countryside teaching the difficulty, Education Committee, so long as displays to have an emotional tie with the basic unit, he will be will also give Education Committee to come money most likely, said again, the multicolored silk banner and thank-you letter cost will be inexpensive, can definitely also promise when the time comes not line, the student was being welcome on the principal by rural primary school and teacher belt/bring, when the time comes a that difficult appearance, believes. His 20-year-old young people decide however are unable to continue watching. 黄振心里来看,如果李牧是沽名钓誉,那饭桌上就肯定会说清楚,只要钱给到教委,教委在送锦旗和写感谢信这种事情上绝对是********服务,但如果李牧是真想助学,那也行,跟着下乡看看乡下教学的艰苦,教委只要表现出心系基层,他八成也是会把钱给到教委来,再说,锦旗和感谢信成本低廉,完全可以也许诺进来,到时候再不行,就让乡村小学的校长、老师带着学生欢迎一番,到时候那个艰苦模样,相信他一个20岁的年轻人定然看不下去。 The wishful thinking hits well, only waits for Li Mu to comply in the family/home to eat meal very much, didn't expect Li Mu unemotional saying: Matter of eating meal really does not need, we to come also to the high three financially strapped students of Siland Middle School donate some stipends, tomorrow morning we sent to the student hand to return to Yanjing money.” 如意算盘打得很好,只等李牧答应到家里吃顿饭,没想到李牧面无表情的说道:“吃饭的事情真的不必了,我们过来也只是要给西兰中学的高三贫困生捐助一些助学金,明天上午我们把钱发到学生手里就回燕京了。” Huang Zhen hastily said: „Is that does not delay eats meal.” 黄振急忙说道:“那也不耽误吃顿饭啊是不是。” Li Mu stands up, attitude firm saying: Good intention thank you, declined with thanks.” Then, he said to Wang Jianshe: Principal king, the list defers to comes, tomorrow morning troublesome will organize the student who you decide, we will wait for the bank to open the door tomorrow morning withdraw money, before nine points, will go to the school.” 李牧站起身来,态度坚决的说道:“谢谢你的好意,心领了。”说完,他对王建设说道:“王校长,名单就按照你定的来,明天上午麻烦把学生组织一下,我们明天上午等银行开门就去提款,九点之前到学校。” Wang Jianshe sees Li Mu to take a stand, moreover all of a sudden Huang Zhen and Shen's eastern path dying of suffocation, cannot help but held in high esteem to him at heart, excited saying: Good! 9 : 00 am I let the school students in the drill ground set!” 王建设一见李牧表了态,而且一下子就把黄振和沈东的路子给堵死了,心里对他不由得刮目相看,一脸兴奋的说道:“好!明早九点我让全校学生在操场集合!” Li Mu nods, said: We will see tomorrow.” Afterward said to Zhao Ziqiu, Hu Zhengdao as well as Liu Nian: We walk.” 李牧点点头,说:“那咱们明天见吧。”随后对赵子秋胡正道以及刘念说:“咱们走吧。” Other three people also see the Huang Zhen countenance early, is not willing to continue to treat with this person here in a room, one hear of Li Mu said that must walk, sets out to follow he to in abundance go out, Huang Zhen was anxious, hurries to catch up: Boss Li, Boss Li, the matter of this donation decides is really some child's play Boss Li.” 其他三人也早看出黄振的嘴脸,不愿在这里继续跟这种人待在一个房间里,一听李牧说要走,纷纷起身跟着他要出门,黄振急了,赶紧追上来说:“李老板,李老板,你这个捐款的事情定的实在是有些儿戏啊李老板。” Li Mu pays no attention to him, he pursues to go out, said on the corridor: Boss Li, the villages village level school needs your offering......” 李牧不理他,他追出门去,在走廊上说:“李老板,乡镇村级学校更需要你的这笔善款啊……” Boss Li, or we hit to discuss, you want to donate money to Siland Middle School, without issue, but Siland Middle School does not need so many offerings, wants not to divide into two offering, part leaves Siland Middle School, part leaves the villages village level school......” “李老板,要不咱们打个商量,你想捐钱给西兰中学,没问题,不过西兰中学不需要这么多的善款,要不把善款一分为二,一部分留给西兰中学,一部分留给乡镇村级学校……” Li Mu by him with being tired, stopped footsteps looks at he, saying every single word or phrase: All offerings give Siland Middle School, moreover gives the student in directly the hand, this matter does not have the leeway that the least bit discussed!”( To be continued.) 李牧被他跟烦了,停下脚步看着他,一字一句的说道:“所有的善款都给西兰中学,而且都直接给到学生手里,这事没半点商量的余地!”(未完待续。) ps: Third, slightly erupts. 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