RINAPE :: Volume #2

#191: Money should be colored

The Su Yingxue words let the Li Mu originally somewhat deeply worried mentality quick tranquil, the report of CCTV truly made him feel the anticipation, but own mood should not be affected by this, after all this matter will not take own mood as the shift. 苏映雪的话让李牧原本有些焦灼的心态很快平静了下来,央视的报道确实令他倍感期待,但自己的情绪不该受此影响,毕竟这件事情也不会以自己的情绪为转移。 Su Yingxue sees the anxiety on Li Mu face to vanish does not see, smiles, said: „Since this period of time, on you have been most different from the average man when is encounters a difficulty that is self-confident and calm, a 3321 such big platform you do, why also to care about a report of CCTV.” 苏映雪李牧脸上的焦躁已经消失不见,嫣然一笑,说:“这段时间以来,你身上最不同于常人的就是遇事时那股自信和淡定,3321这么大的一个平台你都做起来了,又何必在意央视的一个报道。” Li Mu unavoidably somewhat is at heart ashamed, after all has also lived 30 young people, could not have achieved the calm words at this matter, later when facing a bigger matter, the mentality feared that has can crash? 李牧心里不免有些惭愧,毕竟也是活过三十好几岁的人了,在这种事情上都还做不到心平气和的话,以后在面对更大的事情时,心态怕是早就要崩盘了吧? A great strength of man, not only the limbs strength powerful or the society is powerful, most important, is the innermost feelings must be powerful enough. 一个男人的强大,不只是肢体力量强大或者社会实力强大,最首要的,是内心要足够强大。 Thought through this, Li Mu said to Su Yingxue: You said right, truly does not need to care about these.” 想通了这一层,李牧苏映雪说:“你说得对,确实没必要太在意这些。” Su Yingxue happily smiles, said: You also leave always place on 3321 the energy, university, you have not been able the first semester to drop the learn/study early, I heard that has to hang the branch is too many, second-year was persuaded to quit.” 苏映雪欣慰一笑,说:“你也别总是把精力都放在3321上,大学还早呢,你可不能第一学期就把学习落下了,我听说有挂科太多的,大二就被劝退了。” Li Mu selected the eyebrow, said with a rampant tone intentionally: I do not believe the school to dare to persuade to quit I, how saying that I now am also the signboard of school.” 李牧挑了挑眉,故意用一副嚣张的语气说:“我不信学校敢劝退我,怎么说我现在也是学校的一块招牌。” Su Yingxue smiles, talked about with interest: That is, If nothing else, can probably come to three lecture halls from the school free is not the average person can achieve, now in the school many people are saying, when a person third-year room did well, results to interview a concurrent job to do.” 苏映雪抿嘴一笑,乐道:“那是,别的不说,能从学校免费要来三间大教室可不是一般人能做到的,现在学校里很多人都在说,等人大三间房弄好了,一定得过来面试一份兼职做做。” Person third-year room?” “人大三间房?” Su Yingxue said with a laugh: Yes, the Yanjing east side has a place named three room, does not know that who first head of belt/bring, the manages 3321 that three electricity classrooms called ‚a person third-year room, now spreads.” 苏映雪笑着说:“是啊,燕京东边有个地名叫三间房,也不知道谁先带的头,管3321那三间电教室叫‘人大三间房’,现在都传开了。” Li Mu nods: Waits for three classrooms make, it is estimated that wanted the adult first-year university student scenery line.” 李牧点点头:“等那三间教室都弄完,估计要成人大一道风景线了。” Smiling of Su Yingxue shows neither approval nor disapproval, remembers discussion that over the two days heard, then said: 3321 present income power is so high. You also said the commission of before to the outside collecting must be used to do the assistance fund, now some schoolmates are still discussing that in secret, does not know you said also kept a promise, does not know how you prepared to make the assistance fund when the time comes. Do yourself have the plan? 3321 although are decides very good public welfare project, but this commission, if operates improper, very easy to bring the negative impact on you.” 苏映雪不置可否的笑了笑,想起这两天自己听到的一些议论,便说:“3321现在收入能力这么高。你之前也对外说收取的佣金要用来搞助学基金,现在有些同学还在私底下议论呢,不知道你说的还算不算数,也不知道你到时候准备怎么做助学基金。你自己有规划吗?3321虽然是个立意很好的公益项目,但这笔佣金要是操作不当,很容易给你带来负面影响的。” Li Mu said: This sum of money must be divided two parts, one is 3321 day-to-day operation funds, these expenses I can regular public. The remaining net profits are the parts of assistance fund . Moreover the detail of this part I have thought that prepares to make the high school to assist students, does not make the university to assist students.” 李牧说:“这笔钱要分两个部分来看,一个是3321的日常运营资金,这些开销我会定期公开。剩下的净利润才是助学基金的部分,而且这部分的细节我已经想好了,准备做高中助学,不做高校助学。” Su Yingxue curious asking: „Does high school assist students? After 3321, only faces the poor high-school student?” 苏映雪好奇的问:“高中助学?3321以后只面对贫困高中生?” Right.” Li Mu said: Originally is thinking makes a university assistance fund directly, but now 3321 order volumes are so big, it is helps university live the concurrent job money-making platform, so long as is university lives, can make money to solve own financial problem on 3321, if I make a university assistance fund again, is somewhat self-contradictory. Might as well is used to help the high school poor student this sum of money, making them try hard to test into university, after on university , if still has very major financial problem, can use 3321 to come independent.” “对。”李牧说:“本来是想着直接做一个高校助学基金的,但是现在3321的订单量这么大,它本身就是帮助大学生兼职赚钱的平台,只要是大学生,都可以在3321上赚钱解决自己的经济困难,我如果再做一个高校助学基金的话,有些自相矛盾。还不如把这笔钱用来帮助高中贫困学生,让他们努力考上大学,上了大学之后如果还存在很大的经济困难,就可以利用3321来自食其力。” , Li Mu also said: During high school years depends on 3321 donates to test into university, when university depends on 3321 platforms to read off university, if this flow can carry out, is very good.” 顿了顿,李牧又说:“高中时靠3321的捐助考上大学,大学时靠3321的平台读完大学,这个流程要是能执行下来,还是很不错的。” Su Yingxue asked: 3321 present also serves the Yanjing local area after all, do you later also prepare to achieve other cities 3321?” 苏映雪问:“3321眼下毕竟还只是服务于燕京本地,难道你以后还准备把3321做到其他城市去?” The Li Mu nod said: 3321 cores are its operation mode, moreover most links on online solve. So long as online this set of standardization, later expands this pattern to other cities is very easy, perhaps the future 3321 businesses will expand to each city that has university also perhaps.” 李牧点头说:“3321的核心是它的运作模式,而且大部分的环节都在线上解决。所以只要线上这一套标准化,以后把这个模式扩展到其他城市还是很容易的,或许将来3321的业务会扩展到每一个有大学的城市也说不定。” Aiya, you must really be locate. Later did not have the time to study, even if the school escorted to you, graduation time you have not learned the knowledge, what to do did later arrive in the society to be possible?” “哎呀,那你要真是这么定位。以后就更没时间学习了,就算学校给你保驾护航,毕业的时候你没学到知识,以后到了社会上可怎么办?” Does not have you.” Li Mu said freely spoken: My eyes saw that you will have the potential in the future being the capable woman, if later graduates I unable to mix, is depending on you.” “不是还有你呢吗。”李牧顺口说道:“我一眼就看出你将来有做女强人的潜质,要是以后毕了业我混不下去,就赖着你了。” How can......” Su Yingxue say slightly shy: I may miss compared with you far.” “怎么会……”苏映雪微微害羞的说:“我比起你可差远了。” Li Mu looks at Su Yingxue smiles not to speak. The heart said that but you in the future the yearly salary 1 million dollars top businessmens, in our school that your although are not richest, but is the strength is absolutely strongest. 李牧看着苏映雪笑而不语。心说,你将来可是年薪百万美金的商界精英,在咱们学校那一届里,你虽然不是最有钱的,但绝对是自身实力最强的。 Su Yingxue felt the look that Li Mu stares, the heart slightly had the flurry, hastily changes the topic saying: Right, the school must do New Year's Day the party, our institute responsible teacher makes me be the host, said that completed can add the school grades, you sang are so good, can report a program?” 苏映雪感觉到李牧直勾勾的眼神,心底略有慌乱,急忙岔开话题说:“对了,学校要搞元旦晚会,我们院负责的老师让我去做主持,说是做好了能加学分,你唱歌这么好,要不要报个节目?” Li Mu said with a smile: I did not mess about, in the future will be getting more and more busy.” 李牧笑道:“我就不瞎掺和了,往后越来越忙。” ...... …… Wednesday on this day, attended the second examination Chen Wan to CCTV, the person who it is said through second examination has almost 200, the quota that but broadcast management enrolls finally altogether also on six people, as for the result of second examination, must wait till can come out next week. 周三这天,陈婉到央视参加了复试,据说通过复试的人有差不多两百个,但播音主持方面最终录取的名额一共也就六个人,至于复试的结果,要等到下周才能出来。 Li Mu comforts her do not care, she what favors in any case is more is Yanjing TV Station, might as well first go all-out to get down the Yanjing TV Station surface. 李牧安慰她不要在意,反正她心里倾向更多的是燕京电视台,不如先尽全力把燕京电视台面下来。 If Chen Wan went to CCTV, Li Mu does not know which aspects completely can from help her, but if she went to Yanjing TV Station this place satellite TV, oneself can help her too be many, now place satellite TV basically one ball type of national, each one is the maldevelopment ugly duckling, is in the lead one step on Xiangnan TV, slightly mature a wee bit, but also was only a wee bit, which place satellite TV now regardless, dares on a round of reality show, or came a wave of competition, can one in large quantities of place satellite TV ride to be above mundane thoughts immediately. 如果陈婉去了央视,李牧完全不知道能从哪些方面帮她,但如果她去了燕京电视台这种地方卫视,自己能帮到她的就太多了,现在全国的地方卫视基本上都一个球样,个个都是发育不良的丑小鸭,也就湘南卫视领先一步,稍稍成熟了丁点,但也就只是一丁点了,现在无论哪个地方卫视,敢上一轮真人秀,或者来一波选秀,就能立刻在大批地方卫视里一骑绝尘。 Wednesday night, Li Mu draws in Zhao Kang to ask Chen Wan to eat meal together, Chen Wan opened Li Mu's gl8, said that must give back to him the car(riage), Li Mu has not wanted, this car(riage) is because Chen Wan buys, oneself although also hopes that a car(riage) will ride instead of walking will be more convenient, but really not will be usually useful. 周三晚上,李牧拉上赵康一起请陈婉吃了顿饭,陈婉李牧的gl8开了过来,说是要把车还给他,李牧没要,这辆车就是因为陈婉才买的,自己虽然也希望有辆车来代步会更方便,但平时还真不怎么用得上。 On Thursday, Chen Wan attended the preliminary test in Yanjing TV Station, is relying on the splendid appearance makings, took the second examination qualifications with ease, the second examination time decided next Tuesday. 周四,陈婉燕京电视台参加了初试,凭借着出色的容貌气质,轻松拿下了复试资格,复试时间定在下周二。 To Friday this day. CCTV has no related 3321 reports, but Li Mu was also disinclined to pay attention, this weekend crossed, the second week that 3321 got online officially also passed by. 一直到周五这天。央视还是没有任何有关3321的报道,不过李牧也懒得去关注了,这个周末一过,3321正式上线的第二周也过去了。 The first week. 3321 commissions pull out 165,000 Yuan, the commission of second week pulls out 400,000, the operation cost is the concurrent job pay of pushing personnel, is only the odd change leaves are not many, remaining net profits about 500,000. 第一周。3321佣金抽成16.5万元,第二周的佣金抽成40万,运营成本就是地推人员的兼职薪资,光是零头就出不多了,剩下的净利润将近五十万。 Li Mu felt. This 500,000 also this/should flowered flowers. 李牧觉得。这五十万也该花一花了。 Friday night, Room 606th Dorm, Li Mu calls the same place everyone, 3321 profit notified with other five people these two weeks simply. 周五晚上,606寝,李牧把大家召集到一起,把这两周3321的盈利情况跟其他五人简单通报了一下。 Two weeks of almost 500,000 net profit, making the bedroom five people startled could not speak. 两周差不多五十万的净利润,让寝室五人惊的说不出话来。 Li Ya only suppressed for quite a while, said: Brother Mu, I thought that you owed in a big way, such big project, why must say initially didn't oneself make the one cent? Even if keeps 1/10, you also became the local tyrant.” 李亚唯憋了半天,说:“牧哥,我觉得你亏大了,这么大的项目,当初为什么要说自己不从中赚一分钱?哪怕留十分之一,你也成土豪了。” Sun Jian nods. Echoes saying: Two weeks of the words that gains 50,000 Yuan, Li Mu your one year can gain over a million!” 孙坚点点头。附和道:“两个礼拜赚五万块钱的话,李牧你一年能赚上百万!” Hu Zhengdao sighed one: 50,000 Yuan can build six pretty new homes in my native place, the remained money can also drill well in the courtyard.” 胡正道感叹一声:“五万块钱在我老家能盖六间漂亮的新房,剩的钱还能在院子里打口井。” „......” Liu Nian quite a while has not spoken, at this time suppressed one: In our that buys a Vietnamese wife to almost 15,000, 50,000 Yuan can buy three.” “呃……”刘念半天没说话,这时憋出一句:“在我们那,买一个越南老婆要差不多一万五,五万块钱能买三个。” ****, Real false?” Xue Jianfeng holds in the mouth the smoke to be stunned: Vietnamese little girl such small advantage?” “****,真的假的?”薛剑锋叼着烟一脸错愕:“越南妞这么便宜?” Liu Nian said: Not small advantage, our that side farmers want to accumulate next 15,000 thousand Yuan, at least over five years.” 刘念说:“不便宜啊,我们那边的农民想攒下一万五千块钱,至少得五年以上。” Li Ya only asked: Liu Nian, your is close to Vietnam. Very many people marries the Vietnamese wife?” 李亚唯笑问:“刘念,你们那离越南近。是不是挺多人娶越南媳妇?” Liu Nian said: Does not calculate many......” 刘念说:“也不算多……” Li Ya only then said to Li Mu: Brother Mu, more calculates that more for you thinks, it is fortunate that you in money Chuai, if 3321 gains captures, can marry many wives!” 李亚唯转而对李牧说道:“牧哥,越算越替你觉得亏,你要是把3321赚的钱揣兜里,能娶多少个媳妇!” Li Mu said with a smile: Takes a wife cannot use this money. In this money to/past pocket holds one point to deteriorate.” 李牧笑道:“娶媳妇也不能用这个钱。这个钱往自己口袋里揣一分都会变质。” Hu Zhengdao asked: How do you plan now? 500,000 do almost funds, contribute directly? Donates to Red Cross? Educational foundation?” 胡正道问:“那你现在怎么打算?差不多五十万的资金,难道就直接捐出去?捐给红十字会?还是教育基金会?” Li Mu beckons with the hand: Does not donate other groups, 3321 establish a public welfare foundation, oneself control.” 李牧摆摆手:“不捐给其他团体,3321自己成立一个公益基金会,自己支配。” Saying, Li Mu looks at Liu Nian, is asking him: Your there high school. How many does the financially strapped student proportion occupy?” 说着,李牧看着刘念,问他:“你们那里的高中。贫困生比例占多少?” Liu Nian thinks: „The high school in our district, the financially strapped student at least accounts for 3% and 40, in the student condition except for county city is better, the students in peripheral rural area are very basically difficult.” 刘念想了想:“我们县的高中,贫困生至少占百分之三、四十吧,除了县城里的学生条件好一些,周边农村的学生基本上都很困难。” Li Mu also asked: High school that you study? Some high school student probably how many?” 李牧又问:“你读书的高中呢?高三学生大概有多少?” Liu Nian said: Our that high three altogether six classes, more than 400 people.” 刘念说:“我们那一届高三一共六个班,四百多人吧。” Li Mu said: „More than 400 people, according to the words that 40% financially strapped students calculate, the financially strapped student number should not over 200, everyone to 1000 stipends, 200,000, are very relaxed, decided.” 李牧说:“四百多人,按照40%的贫困生算的话,贫困生数量应该不超过两百,每人给一千块助学金,也才二十万,很轻松,就这么定了。” The Liu Nian hear stood all of a sudden, surprised saying extremely: Brother Mu, aren't you joking with me?” 刘念听完一下子站了起来,惊讶万分的说道:“牧哥,你不是在跟我开玩笑吧?” Other bedroom people were also startled, did Li Mu decide the whereabouts of 200,000 funds at will? 寝室其他人也惊了,李牧怎么这么随意就定了二十万资金的去向? Li Mu sincere said to Liu Nian: My present idea does not support impoverished university to live, but provides the platform to make them go diligently, will be used to support these high schools soon to test on the energy and fund the university student, therefore first started from your alma mater.” 李牧诚恳的对刘念说:“我现在的想法是不赞助贫困大学生,而是提供平台让他们自己去努力,把精力和资金用于赞助那些高中即将考大学的学生身上,所以就先从你的母校开始好了。” Liu Nian was all of a sudden excited, the eye socket rapid flood red and sheds full tears. 刘念一下子激动了,眼圈迅速泛红并噙满眼泪。 The county city that his family/home is the state-level poverty stricken county, even if the Lianxian city in the mountain, the economy is bad, the high school that he goes to is still damaged, the school special bedroom has not provided to their students in residence, can only make the bedroom with the ordinary classroom, a room lives in 40 people, is the child who the mountain village comes out, every day the board expenses cannot surpass 2-3 Yuan, to learn/study to collect money to buy the teaching assistant to look in turn, with picking the topic on scrap paper calculation teaching assistant, one school uniform from high puts on high three...... 他家所在的县城是国家级贫困县,即便连县城都在山里,经济非常差,他就读的高中也是破败不堪,学校没有专门的寝室提供给他们这种住校生,就只能用普通的教室做寝室,一间屋住四十号人,都是山村出来的孩子,每天伙食费超不过2-3块钱,为了学习凑钱买教辅轮流看,用捡的废纸演算教辅上的题目,一套校服从高一穿到高三…… A Li Mu opens the mouth, can bring a thousand Yuan stipend to these financially strapped student each people, this thousand Yuan place in the city child's body possibly not to be regarded anything, on child but who places mountain village, is really has a dream does not dare to imagine.( To be continued.) 李牧一开口,就能给这些贫困生每人带来一千块钱的助学金,这一千块钱放在城里孩子的身上可能算不得什么,但放在山村里的孩子身上,真的是做梦都不敢想象的了。(未完待续。) ps: Sorry, renewal late. 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