RINAPE :: Volume #2

#192: Assistance program

Sees Liu Nian mood some to be excited, the tears flowed, Li Mu then said: Little NianNian your also a little prospect, did this cry? That turn head faces your teacher Junior Brother time, braving nasal mucus bubble that cannot cry?” 刘念的情绪有些过于激动,以至于眼泪都流了出来,李牧便说:“小念念你也有点出息,这就哭了?那回头面对你那些老师学弟们的时候,你还不得哭的冒鼻涕泡?” Liu Nian was shocked, asked Li Mu: Brother Mu, you mean......” 刘念愣住了,问李牧:“牧哥,你的意思是……” Li Mu said: Donated matter, we are must certainly to and on the spot gives in the cash the poor student hand personally, this sum of money cannot have any third party to meddle between us and financially strapped students, therefore I organize a small team when the time comes, everyone goes to your alma mater to complete the donation together the matter.” 李牧说:“捐助的事情,我们是肯定要到现场并且亲手把现金给到贫困学生手里的,这笔钱在我们和贫困生中间不能有任何的第三方插手,所以到时候我组织一个小队伍,大家一起去你母校完成捐款的事。” A Liu Nian face said weak: But our that was too far, single Tang on more than 30 hours of distances, where our has so many time.” 刘念一脸无力的说:“可是我们那太远了,单趟就得三十多个小时的路程,咱们哪有这么多时间啊。” Li Mu beckons with the hand: Takes plane, ahead of time contacts with hold/container Liangche, after your provincial capital alit from the airplane, directly goes by car your county city, these expenses calculate that directly made 3321 operation funds.” 李牧摆摆手:“坐飞机去,提前联系好包辆车,到你们省会下了飞机之后,直接坐车去你们县城,这些费用就直接算做3321的运营资金了。” Liu Nian slow of speech asking: „Can I also go with you together?” 刘念讷讷的问:“我也可以跟你一起去吗?” Naturally.” Li Mu said with a smile: That is your alma mater, don't you go to be good? You are the lead of this education assistance.” “当然了。”李牧笑道:“那是你的母校,你不去能行吗?你才是这次助学行动的主角。” Liu Nian saw the meaning that Li Mu has not cracked a joke slightly, the mood crashed immediately, is covering the face then cried, bedroom several people of hastily went forward to comfort, Hu Zhengdao is getting angry saying: smelly brat you cry a egg, such good matter, others asked unable to strive, also not for your Junior Brother study younger sisters thank you Brother Mu!” 刘念李牧丝毫没有开玩笑的意思,情绪顿时就崩盘了,捂着脸哇的一声便哭了出来,寝室几人急忙上前安慰,胡正道红着眼说:“臭小子你哭个蛋,这么好的事情,别人求都求不来呢,还不替你那些学弟学妹们谢谢你牧哥!” Liu Nian wiped tears: Brother Mu, thank you!” 刘念擦了把眼泪:“牧哥,谢谢你!” Li Mu shakes the head smiles, looks at Hu Zhengdao, said: Zhengdao, what situation is your high school? The Little NianNian high school calculates probably about 200,000, the multi- plans select, even 230,000, but can also remain more than 200,000......” 李牧摇头一笑,看着胡正道,说:“正道,你们高中是什么情况?小念念的高中大概算算在二十万左右,多打算点,就算是二十三万,还能剩二十几万……” Hu Zhengdao tarries immediately, asked Li Mu: Brother Mu, you are not crack a joke?” 胡正道顿时呆住,问李牧:“牧哥,你不是开玩笑的吧?” Li Mu said: „Do I crack a joke? The financially strapped student in you and Liu Nian High school Alma mater. Is we 3321 first group of aid targets.” 李牧说道:“我开什么玩笑?你和刘念高中母校的贫困生。就是咱们3321的首批援助对象。” Hu Zhengdao is excited immediately, said: Good! Our family/home that is also the poverty stricken county, the financially strapped student are also many.” 胡正道立刻兴奋起来,说:“太好了!我们家那也是贫困县,贫困生也不少。” Li Mu nods, said: We set a plan. Strives for as soon as possible runs you and Liu Nian high school alma mater.” 李牧点了点头,说道:“那咱们就定个计划。争取尽快把你和刘念的高中母校都跑下来。” Hu Zhengdao hastily asked: When starts? Today Friday, catches up with this weekend?” 胡正道急忙问道:“什么时候开始?今天周五了,这周末还赶趟吗?” Li Mu thinks, said: The words that tomorrow embarks not too, something arranged with enough time ahead of time, said again we must donate to the student. Definitely the arrangement on Monday to these days that Saturday attended class.” 李牧想了想,说:“明天出发的话不太来得及了,有些事情得提前安排,再说咱们是要向学生捐赠。肯定得安排在周一到周六上课的这几天。” Hu Zhengdao then said: Our Sunday, donates on Monday, donates to come back immediately, delays a day of class is not unimportant.” 胡正道便说:“那咱们就周日出发,周一捐赠,捐赠完了就立刻回来,耽误一天的课也不要紧。” Li Ya only asked Li Mu: Brother Mu, can several of us participate?” 李亚唯问李牧:“牧哥,我们几个能参加吗?” Ok.” Li Mu said: although donates, the matter that but needs to handle are very many, must arrange the traveling schedule, to contact with the driver, to take with the school communication and relation bank, checks the financially strapped student information and scene stipend to provide presently, even must some people of coordinated local media, therefore the entire flow gets down, at least 7-8 individual.” “可以啊。”李牧说:“虽然是捐助,但需要做的事情还挺多的,要安排行程、联系司机、跟学校沟通、联系银行取现、核对贫困生信息、现场助学金发放,甚至还得有人协调当地媒体,所以整个流程下来,至少得七八个人。” Sun Jian one hear of this saying. Was busy at saying: That resulted, is counted our bedroom six.” 孙坚一听这话。忙说:“那得了,把咱们寝室六个都算上吧。” Xue Jianfeng also said: Yes, such meaningful matter, is certain count me in.” 薛剑锋也说:“是啊,这么有意义的事儿,一定得算我一个。” Li Ya only said: I, Brother Mu you if at this time put aside me, I fought you.” 李亚唯说:“还有我,牧哥你这时候要是把我撇开,我就跟你拼了。” Li Mu nods: I communicate again with Senior Sister Ai, making her also bring personally with us together.” 李牧点点头:“那我再跟艾学姐沟通一下,让她也带个人跟咱们一起。” ...... …… Li Mu knows that has the increasing number of people to pay attention to 3321 following fund trends, this sum of money will take for a long time instead possibly to annoy some idle talk in own, the flower went out would rather as soon as possible, the aid target who most started will choose Liu Nian and Hu Zhengdao alma mater. On the one hand is Li Mu stemming from the respect to two roommates, on the other hand also to be free from worry convenient. 李牧知道有越来越多的人在关注3321后续的资金动向,这笔钱在自己手里拿久了反而可能会惹来一些闲言碎语,倒不如尽快花出去,最开始的援助对象之所以会选择刘念胡正道的母校。一方面是李牧出于对两个室友的尊重,另一方面也是为了省心省事。 Decides, Li Mu hurries to give Dong Ai to telephone, makes her to come out to chat in detail. Dong Ai then makes Li Mu to meet to the extracurricular cafe. 打定主意,李牧赶紧给董艾打电话,约她出来详细聊聊。董艾便约李牧到校外一家咖啡厅见面。 For serveral days, Dong Ai overwhelming majority energy centralized on 3321, three room the hardware has handled, she has also recruited has been willing much in the schoolmates and alumni of 3321 work, at present 3321 employees have dozens people, overwhelming majority held concurrent jobs. Full-time employment only has financial affairs, was just graduated from the Renmin financial affairs management profession last year. 这些天来,董艾绝大部分精力都集中在3321上,“三间房”的硬件设施都已经搞定了,她也已经招收了不少愿意在3321工作的同学和校友,眼下3321的雇员已经有好几十人,绝大部分都是兼职。全职的只有一个财务,是去年刚从人大财务管理专业毕业的。 Li Mu donating the plan of high school financially strapped student told Dong Ai, regarding Li Mu's this decision, Dong Ai has no objection, but asked Li Mu: „Do your two roommates, make the concurrent job family education on 3321?” 李牧把捐助高中贫困生的计划告诉了董艾,对于李牧的这个决定,董艾没有任何异议,只是问李牧:“你那两个室友,都在3321上做兼职家教吗?” Li Mu nods: In.” 李牧点点头:“都在。” The Dong Ai miraculous glow flashes, then said: That is inferior to this, later we first aid these in 3321 concurrent jobs university fresh alma maters, in this case, can enhance them to a certain extent to 3321 loyalty.” 董艾灵光一闪,便说:“那不如这样,以后我们就优先援助这些在3321兼职的大学生的母校,这样的话,一定程度上也能提高他们对3321的忠诚度。” Li Mu said: Ok, when the time comes I make Baidu that side technology open a function to 3321 student backstages, making them submit the information of oneself high school alma mater, which schools but aids specifically, is decided by us, not and group interferes by any individual, moreover is the state-level poverty stricken county first.” 李牧说:“可以,到时候我让百度那边的技术给3321的学生后台开个功能,让他们提交自己高中母校的信息,不过具体援助哪些学校,由我们自己定,不受任何个人和团体干涉,而且是国家级贫困县优先。” Dong Ai said: Good, our first goes to Guangxi on Sunday?” 董艾说:“好,那我们这周日先去广西?” Li Mu said: Un, tomorrow I make Liu Nian relate with his alma mater, establishes provisionally that provides the stipend Monday to the school to the financially strapped student, the school that side, if There's no problem, will book the airplane ticket, to relate that side renting a car and drawing money business tomorrow, before several have interviewed 3321 media, gives you to communicate, having a look at them to be interested, if interested, can send the reporter to follow.” 李牧道:“嗯,明天我让刘念跟他的母校联系一下,暂定周一到学校给贫困生发放助学金,学校那边如果没什么问题,明天就订机票、联系那边的租车和取款业务,以前几家采访过3321的媒体,就交给你去沟通一下,看看他们感不感兴趣,如果感兴趣的话,可以派记者跟随。” Dong Ai asked: Sends the words of reporter, do we wrap the expense?” 董艾问:“派记者的话,我们包费用吗?” Does not wrap, so as to avoid being gossipped.” “不包,免得被人说闲话。” Good, I will relate tomorrow.” “好,我明天联系一下。” Li Mu also said: Yanjing TV Station I related that's alright, I knew a that side news column screenwriter-director.” 李牧又道:“燕京电视台的我来联系就行了,我认识那边的一个新闻栏目编导。” Earliest reported 3321 was Yanjing TV Station, this must benefit from Xie Tingfang of late news is a 3321 user, came up to give a special coverage directly, this was very powerful, Li Mu wants to relate personally with Xie Tingfang, told that this assistance plan, had a look at her whether was interested. 最早报道3321的就是燕京电视台,这还要得益于晚间新闻节目的谢婷芳正好是3321的一个用户,一上来就直接给了一个专题报道,这个还是非常给力的,李牧想亲自跟谢婷芳联系一下,跟她说说这次的助学计划,看看她是否感兴趣。 Dong Ai also asked: Us altogether how many quotas? Eight?” 董艾又问:“咱们这边一共几个名额?八个?” Li Mu said: Almost, about eight, add on you now already seven.” 李牧道:“差不多吧,八个左右,现在加上你已经七个了。” Dong Ai then said: I looked that Yingxue is very appropriate, you are the high school schoolmates, can call her?” 董艾便说:“我看映雪就挺合适的,你俩是高中同学,要不要把她叫上?” Li Mu thinks, said: That is the state-level poverty stricken county in mountainous area, it is estimated that a passable hotel does not have, her girl, do not let her follow to suffer hardship.” 李牧想了想,说:“那可是山区里的国家级贫困县啊,估计连个说得过去的酒店都没有,她一个女孩子,还是别让她跟着受罪了。” Dong Ai was white immediately Li Mu: I am also a girl, how haven't you made me go?” 董艾顿时白了李牧一眼:“我也是女孩子啊,你怎么还非让我去呢?” You are different.” Li Mu said with a smile: You are famous Senior Sister Ai, now is 3321 executives, this matter you must act.” “你不一样啊。”李牧笑道:“你是大名鼎鼎的艾学姐,现在又是3321的高管,这种事情你是必须得出面的。” Dong Ai shook the head to sigh: Ok the line, who makes me wholeheartedly want in 3321 to work now, even if you make me go to the Qinghai–Tibet plateau to carry out the assistance, I do not dare to have the opinion.” 董艾摇头叹气说:“行啦行啦,谁让我现在一心想在3321做事,你就算是让我去青藏高原搞助学,我也不敢有意见。” Li Mu looks at Dong Ai, has said with a laugh of profound meaning greatly: Senior Sister Ai, most mostly year later, 3321 these things depended entirely on you to appear in public, I after all was the first-year university student student, cannot put the cart before the horse and forget to study this labor of duty, you were different, your school grades cultivated/repaired early completely, in the future the time and energy are many, guarantee the learn/study pressure after research is not heavy, if you 3321 regarded your career to do, the future harvest will be certainly more than you expected.” 李牧看着董艾,大有深意的笑着说:“艾学姐,最多半年以后,3321这些事情就全靠你去抛头露面了,我毕竟还是个大一学生,不能本末倒置、忘了学习这个本职工作,你不一样,你学分早修满了,未来时间和精力都很多,保研后的学习压力也不重,如果你把3321当成自己的事业去做,未来的收获一定会超出你的预期。” Dong Ai understood the Li Mu's look, she knows that Li Mu had also seen own goal, 3321 this projects, if really can participate, and has certain right to speak and sensitometry, to the future help will be very big, particularly will test the National worker, or will be enters the business career unit to have very big help, the average person diligently, the political investigation can only obtain the appraisal of a normal family background and no case history even again, will want to surpass average man one step on political investigation link, must have the related qualifications, 3321 will be an excellent choice. 董艾看懂了李牧的眼神,她知道李牧也早就看出了自己的目的,3321这种项目,如果真能参与进来并且在其中拥有一定话语权和曝光度,对将来的帮助是非常大的,尤其是考国家公务员,或者是进企事业单位都有很大的帮助,普通人就算再努力,政审只能得到一个正常出身、无案底的评价,想要在政审这个环节上超出常人一步,就必须要有相关资历,3321就是个极好的选择。 Li Mu the meaning in words also was very a moment ago obvious, he is not 3321 things has appeared in public, but in his mind also had suited for the candidate who he appeared in public, that person was Dong Ai. 李牧刚才话里的意思也很明显了,他不会一直为3321的事情抛头露面,而他心目中也有了适合替他去抛头露面的人选,那个人就是董艾 This drew a considerably large cake to Dong Ai without doubt, making the Dong Ai instantaneous feeling be hit completely the chicken blood from top to bottom, class/flow of she and Sun Tan also had very big difference, her although also pursued the reputation/honorary, but side social responsibilities, appear and disappear compared with Sun Tan, 3321 attracted her not only also reputation/honorary, its values. 这无疑是给董艾画了一个相当大的饼,让董艾瞬间感觉浑身上下被打满了鸡血,她和孙坦之流还有很大的不同,她虽然也追求名誉,但在社会责任感方面,要比孙坦强出没边了,3321吸引她的也不只是名誉,还有它的价值观。 After Dong Ai communicates, Li Mu specially gives Xie Tingfang to telephone, the Xie Tingfang child also is only years old littler than one Li Mu, but very natural name opposite party of Li Mu actually in the telephone is Sister Xie, a name then makes Xie Tingfang at heart very happy, sighed this young people secretly is really the sweet-talking. 董艾沟通完之后,李牧专门给谢婷芳打了个电话,谢婷芳的孩子也只比李牧小一岁多,不过李牧在电话里却很是自然的称呼对方为谢姐,一个称呼便让谢婷芳心里美滋滋的,暗叹这年轻人真是嘴甜。 When Xie Tingfang heard that Li Mu must lead the Guangxi mountainous area to carry out the assistance, she is interested immediately, after querying the Li Mu's idea, she said to Li Mu: This matter is very meaningful, we have also wanted in view of 3321 to make a follow-up interview actually, but a while ago continuously didn't expect good breakthrough point, if this time takes that Schoolmate Liu Nian alma mater as the breakthrough point again, happen to can keep up with a time topic to be on good terms to gather, the first issue is you helps Liu Nian, now is you and Liu Nian together , helping the schoolmate in Liu Nian alma mater, two issues of programs can see very obvious contrast.” 谢婷芳听说李牧要带队去广西山区搞助学,她立刻就感兴趣起来,问清了李牧的想法之后,她对李牧说:“这件事情很有意义,我们其实也一直想针对3321做一个后续的采访,但前段时间一直没想到好的切入点,如果这次再以那个刘念同学的母校为切入点,正好能跟上次的专题相契合,第一期是你们帮助刘念,现在则是你们和刘念一起,去帮助刘念母校的同学,两期节目能够看到很明显的对比。” Li Mu was then asking: Sister Xie, is your meaning?” 李牧便笑着问:“谢姐,那您的意思是?” Xie Tingfang said: I favor taking this opportunity do again reported together, but must wait for me to communicate specifically with our ministers, what you establish provisionally is when?” 谢婷芳说:“我个人是非常倾向于借这个机会再做一起报道的,不过具体得等我跟我们部长沟通一下,你们暂定的是什么时间?” Li Mu said: The day after tomorrow, put in the assistance golden hair the four days from now to the school the student hand.” 李牧说:“后天出发,大后天到学校把助学金发放到学生手里。” Xie Tingfang said with amazement: Catches up? That this, I will communicate tomorrow morning with the leadership, if his side does not have the issue, I arrange the reporter and photograph pass with you together.”( To be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net 谢婷芳惊讶的说:“这么赶?那这样吧,明天上午我跟领导沟通一下,如果他那边没问题,我就安排记者和摄像跟你们一起过去。”(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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