RINAPE :: Volume #2

#190: Anxious waiting

Ate Li Mu of sea crab is not interested in the steamed crab actually very much, he ate meal the multi- imbalance mouth, steamed the sea crab rarely to eat generally, must eat is also being popular spicy sea crab or is the salty egg-yolk ju sea crab, steams the steamed crab facing bulk lots that Zhao Ziqiu made laboriously, his although was not interested, praise without cease that but ate, making Zhao Ziqiu especially satisfied. 吃惯了海蟹的李牧对大闸蟹其实并不是很感兴趣,他吃饭多偏重口,清蒸海蟹一般都很少吃,要吃也都是吃香辣海蟹或者是咸蛋黄焗海蟹,面对赵子秋辛辛苦苦弄出来的一大盘清蒸大闸蟹,他虽然不太感兴趣,但还是吃的赞不绝口,让赵子秋格外满足。 As for Zhao Ziqiu, looked is eats the crab the expert, the meat or the ovary and digestive gland and crab paste, eat unusual is clean. 至于赵子秋自己,一看就是吃蟹的老手,无论是肉还是蟹黄、蟹膏,都吃的非常干净。 Two people are busy coping with big pile of steamed crabs time, Zhao Ziqiu sits in a Hangzhou Mother person on the sofa knits the brows to think the matter. 两人忙着对付一大堆大闸蟹的时候,赵子秋远在杭城妈妈正一个人坐在沙发上皱眉想事情。 In her eyes, the daughter is always cleverly sensible, from infancy to maturity anything will also chat with oneself, has almost not lain, but today, this girl lies to deceive itself unexpectedly one after another, deliberates carefully, possibility makes her be flustered unavoidably. 在她眼里,女儿一向懂事乖巧,从小到大什么事情也都会跟自己聊,几乎就没撒过谎,但是今天,这个丫头竟然接连撒谎欺骗自己,仔细推敲一下,这其中的可能性让她难免心慌。 The girl of puberty, the learned lies biggest possibly because of the opposite sex, Zhao Ziqiu Mother also came from this ages, is quite understood to the thoughts of this ages young people, but, the understanding is an aspect, can accept, is on the other hand. 青春期的女孩子,学会撒谎的最大可能就是因为异性,赵子秋妈妈也是从这个年龄段过来的,对这个年龄段年轻人的心思还算是比较理解,不过,理解是一方面,能不能接受,就是另一方面了。 Today's matter said that is not what important matter, nothing but is the daughter is truly studying is making the steamed crab is not false, but actually not in the Asian Games Village Residental District villa, not with her childhood friend Jingyi in the same place, if she is other friends, or the schoolmate in bedroom, that this matter definitely does not need to conceal to lie, tells the facts, possibly can lie the reason, on is she now and some male student in together. 今天的事情说起来不算什么大事,无非就是女儿确实是在学着做大闸蟹不假,但却不是在亚运村的自家别墅中,也更不是跟她的发小静怡在一起,如果她是和其他朋友,或者寝室的同学,那这种事情完全没有必要隐瞒撒谎,实话实说就可以,最可能会撒谎的原因,就是她现在正和某个男生在一起。 Steams a crab, what important matter cannot be regarded but to the 18-19 years old young people, but also how many are somewhat troublesome, how can have a place? The ordinary dormitory is also good, the hotel is also good, does not meet this requirement, then biggest possibly is in somebody's family/home, a moment ago in addition obtained, daughter with some male student in together conclusion, Zhao Mother felt that some are not wonderful. 蒸个螃蟹,算不得什么大事但对十八九岁的年轻人来说,还多少有些麻烦,怎么着都要有一个地方吧?普通的宿舍也好,宾馆也好,都不具备这个条件,那么最大的可能就是某个人的家里,再加上刚才得出的、女儿是跟某个男生在一起的结论,赵妈妈就感觉有些不妙。 The guardian's of guardian and male student of female student mentality in this aspect has the enormous disparity, the male student guardian do not stir up trouble and take care of themselves good to the child biggest caring that goes to school outside. But the female student guardian is actually bullied and not been wronged to the child biggest caring that goes to school outside. 女生的家长和男生的家长在这方面的心态有极大的差距,男生家长对在外上学的孩子最大的惦记是别惹事、照顾好自己。而女生家长对在外上学的孩子最大的惦记却是别被人欺负、别受了委屈。 Especially the Zhao Ziqiu this beautiful girl's parents, usually wish one could to protect her stubbornly, in order to avoid by these hormone exuberant male student harassment, if knows that which male student the daughter might in, do in secret together steamed steamed crab behavior that has the obvious home life flavor. Was not worried instead to be strange. 尤其是赵子秋这种漂亮女孩的父母,平时都恨不得把她死死的护着,以免被那些荷尔蒙旺盛的男生骚扰,如果知道女儿有可能私下里跟哪个男生在一起、做了蒸大闸蟹这种有着明显居家生活味道的行为。不担心就反而奇怪了。 A Zhao Mother telephone projected in the father Zhao father's cell phone, said own speculation hurriedly and worried. 妈妈一个电话打到了赵爸爸的手机上,急匆匆的说出了自己的推测和担忧。 The Zhao Ziqiu father in telephone that silent moment, said: „A your such saying, I thought actually, the unmarried girl worshipped a male student probably very much very much.” 赵子秋的爸爸在电话那头沉默片刻,说:“你这么一说,我倒是想起来,闺女好像很很崇拜一个男生。” Right? When matter?” “是吗?什么时候的事情?” father Zhao then said: Has a telephoning time she has mentioned with me. Said that boy made very extraordinary family education website , helping first-year university student freshman look for the family education concurrent job specially.” 赵爸便说:“有次打电话的时候她跟我说起过。说那个男孩弄了一个非常了不起的家教网站,专门帮大一新生找家教兼职的。” You suspected what the unmarried girl does have with that male student?” “你是不是怀疑闺女跟那个男生有什么?” father Zhao said: I cannot reach an agreement, but this matter do not think, Ziqiu in the Yanjing that far place, you wants to manage her is not possible, can only place hopes in her own to protect itself good.” 赵爸说:“我也说不好,不过这件事你也不要多想,子秋燕京那么远的地方,你想管她是不可能的,只能寄希望于她自己能够保护好自己。” Ms. Zhao blurted saying: Spoke the idle talk unexpectedly, I am worried she protects herself not good by some chance.” 赵妈脱口说:“竟说废话,我担心的就是万一她保护不好自己。” father Zhao shows a faint smile, said: This was tests our so many years to her to teach the Yucheng merit or not, the child grew, under you were impossible to place your eye to hide her. Also cannot to her person or the matter has too many sensitivity.” 赵爸微微一笑,说:“这就是考验咱们这么多年对她的教育成功与否了,孩子大了,你不可能一直把她放在你的眼皮子底下。也不能对她身边的人或事有太多的敏感。” Said dexterously.” Ms. Zhao's discontented whisper, said: That Jia Hui what to do? Others that good boy.” “说得轻巧。”赵妈不满的嘀咕一声,道:“那嘉辉怎么办?人家那么好的男孩子。” father Zhao said with a smile: „Doesn't your worry blindly? Did you ask your daughter to like him? Asked him to like your daughter? I understand your mood, since two children had known, that can arrive at the same place, must depend on their fates, we cannot excessively interfere.” 赵爸笑道:“你这不是瞎操心吗?你问过你闺女喜不喜欢他吗?问过他喜不喜欢你闺女吗?我理解你的心情,既然俩孩子已经认识了,那能不能走到一起,要靠他俩的缘分,咱们不能过多干涉。” Ok! Ok! Alright!, your heart is biggest.” Ms. Zhao some not too happy mumbled one, said: I did not tell you, to play the lute to a cow.” 行行行,就你心最大。”赵妈有些不太高兴的嘟囔一句,说:“我不跟你说了,对牛弹琴。” ...... …… Eats the crab time, Zhao Ziqiu had no interest in give Li Mu to disclose a news: Yesterday afternoon saw a car(riage) of CCTV in the school. Probably did to interview, in the evening listened to the schoolmate saying that CCTV interviewed several to participate in 3321 students, including 3321 weight highest that Han Bowen.” 吃螃蟹的时候,赵子秋无心给李牧透露了一个消息:“昨天下午在学校看到一辆央视的车。好像是做采访来了,晚上听同学说,央视过来采访了几个参与了3321的学生,其中还包括了3321上权重最高的那个韩博文。” Really?” Li Mu looks surprisedly. “真的?”李牧面露惊讶。 Zhao Ziqiu nods. Definitely said: Broadcast van I personally see, the matter of interview was the roommate in bedroom said that should not have the false?” 赵子秋点点头。肯定的说:“采访车我是亲眼见的,采访的事情是寝室的室友说的,应该不会有假吧?” In Li Mu heart one happy, said: Their one week, has not seen their shadows, didn't expect they bypass me and Renmin unexpectedly directly. Went to Yanjing to do the people to interview.” 李牧心中一喜,说:“等他们一个礼拜了,也没见他们的影子,没想到他们竟然直接绕过我和人大。去燕大搞群众采访了。” Zhao Ziqiu asked: What's wrong? Have you waited for them to interview you?” 赵子秋问道:“怎么?你一直等他们采访你呢?” Li Mu said: Yes, when the flower thanked, 3321 present although influence is big, but after all is the local start-up, temporarily was unable to attract the attention across the country truly, first week comes the interview report, except for several Portal website, other basically is the Yanjing local media, media of state-level has not appeared.” 李牧说:“是啊,等的花儿都谢了,3321现在虽然影响力不小,但毕竟是个地方性的创业项目,暂时还不能真正吸引全国范围内的关注,头一个礼拜过来采访报道的,除了几个门户网站,其他的基本都是燕京本地媒体,国家级的媒体一个都没出现。” Saying, Li Mu is also sighing one: Now I understood, they have been waiting and seeing in secret, in view of 3321 this freshman things, their attitudes be much more discrete than the local medium, but thinks that can also understand, after all is the home most authoritative and peak media, they looked that the issue look compared with others deeply.” 说着,李牧也感叹一声:“现在我明白了,他们一直在暗中观望着,针对3321这个新生事物,他们的态度要比地方媒体谨慎得多,不过想想也可以理解,毕竟是国内最权威、最顶尖的媒体,他们看问题要比其他人看的更深一些。” Zhao Ziqiu said: Said is also, they actually have not interviewed you, even Renmin has not gone, looked for several to Yanjing directly in the student interviews of 3321 concurrent jobs, should want to attain the most real feedback directly.” 赵子秋说:“说的也是,他们竟然没采访你,甚至连人大都没去,直接到燕大找了几个在3321兼职的学生采访,应该是想直接拿到最真实的反馈吧。” The Li Mu nod said: Interviewed these students directly, should be to know that they as the core participant, from 3321 obtained anything, hopes that these in the schoolmates who on 3321 make money, 3321 do not hold back at this time.” 李牧点头说:“直接采访那些学生,应该就是要知道他们作为核心参与者,到底从3321得到了些什么,希望那些在3321上赚了钱的同学们,不要在这个时候给3321拖后腿。” ...... …… Zhao Ziqiu after finishing eating the food helped Li Mu tidy up to return to the school remainingly, because she could also see that Li Mu was busy, does not want to stay here to disturb him to make the proper business. 赵子秋在吃完饭后帮李牧收拾完残余就回学校了,因为她也看得出李牧非常忙,不想留在这里干扰他做正事。 Li Mu delivers to downstairs her, blocked a car(riage) to deliver her to come up, remembered the car license silently, issued Zhao Ziqiu the number, later then returned to Yucheng Garden to continue to develop Legend plug-in. 李牧把她送到楼下,拦了辆车送她上去,默默记下车牌,把号码发给赵子秋,随后便回了裕城花园继续开发传奇外挂 Monday on this day, Chen Wan went to CCTV to attend the preliminary test, it is said the feeling was good, but the second examination result needs to wait for two days to come out, therefore she then concentrated on the preparation on Thursday the interview of Yanjing TV Station. 周一这天,陈婉去央视参加了初试,据说感觉还不错,但是复试结果需要等两天才能出来,所以她便把精力放在了准备周四燕京电视台的面试上。 Li Mu Monday night wants to make her also to have Su Yingxue with Zhao Kang to eat meal together, after all is the Haizhou fellow villager, the warm feelings of remote dining together are very strong, but Chen Wan said oneself have made with Dong Ai, can only first go to making of Dong Ai temporarily. 李牧周一晚上本想约她跟赵康还有苏映雪一起吃饭,毕竟都是海州老乡,异地聚餐的亲切感还是非常强的,不过陈婉却说自己已经跟董艾约好了,只能暂时先赴董艾的约。 Li Mu then makes Su Yingxue to have the dinner simply together, although drank two glasses of liquor to say on that day muddleheaded must pursue her, but calms down, Li Mu has not thought where this pursuing character should from start, changes a girl perhaps also to understand, but arrives on Su Yingxue, how Li Mu did not know should. 李牧便干脆约苏映雪一起吃晚饭,虽说那天喝两杯酒稀里糊涂的说要追她,但冷静下来,李牧也没想好这个“追”字到底应该从哪做起,换个女孩或许还懂,但一到苏映雪身上,李牧就不知道该怎么着手了。 Therefore two people ate slightly to fry in school canteen two building Suibian together, in this period Li Mu has stared at the news broadcast to keep watching, had no ambiguous unclear content with chat of Su Yingxue, seeming like not different from before. 于是两人一起在学校食堂二楼随便吃了点小炒,期间李牧一直盯着新闻联播看个不停,跟苏映雪的聊天也没有任何爱昧不清的内容,看起来跟以前也没什么两样。 Luckily Su Yingxue is also a slow hot person, in her opinion, Li Mu seems like intending to slow down the rhythm, but this instead makes her be able more natural relaxed. 幸好苏映雪也是一个慢热的人,在她看来,李牧似乎是在有意放慢节奏,不过这反而让她能够更自然轻松。 A half hour of news broadcast looked, Li Mu has not seen about 3321 half character, the last news about some chemical plant environmental pollution, Host said later focal Interview will have the special coverage, Li Mu somewhat was at heart disappointed. 半小时的新闻联播看完了,李牧也没看到关于3321的半个字,最后一条新闻是关于某地化工厂环境污染的,主持人说稍后的焦点访谈会有专题报道,李牧心里不禁有些失望。 He does not expect 3321 to be able on an issue of focal Interview, he hopes can be taken a mouth in 30 minutes of news broadcasts, now looked like this hope to fail, perhaps tonight or tomorrow morning 6-7 point, in the evening or the morning news can report, but that influence must miss infinitely compared with the news broadcast far. 他不奢望3321能上一期焦点访谈,他只是希望能够在三十分钟的新闻联播里被提上一嘴,现在看来这个希望是要落空了,没准今天夜里或者明天早晨六七点,晚间或早间新闻会报道,不过那个影响力比新闻联播要差出无限远。 At the present, various province stages also only then 12 grades or two third gear channels, moreover regarding the closed circuit television audience in any provinces and cities, and this saves TV Station to see other channels except for local TV Station, other provinces and cities stage all first-level TV Station, but first-level TV Station of all provinces and cities must retransmit the news broadcast. 在眼下,各省市地方台都还只有一两档或者两三档频道,而且对于任何省市的闭路电视观众来说,除了本地电视台和本省电视台能够看到其他频道,外省市台一律只有一级电视台,而所有省市的一级电视台都必须转播新闻联播。 In other words, now this age, 7 : 00 pm to 7 : 30, in television in limited dozens channels, over 90% are broadcasting the news broadcast, therefore the influence of this program is it can be said that unequalled, only then every year Spring Night can contend with it. 换句话说,现在这个年代,晚 7 点到七点半,电视里有限的几十个频道里,90%以上都在播放新闻联播,所以这个节目的影响力可以说是无与伦比的,只有每年的春晚能够与之抗衡一把。 Su Yingxue has paid attention to Li Mu, sees his eye always to glance toward the television that on above slanting is hanging once for a while, then asked him: When did you like looking at the news broadcast?” 苏映雪一直留意李牧,见他的眼睛总是时不时往斜上方悬挂的电视机上瞟,便问他:“你什么时候喜欢上看新闻联播了?” Li Mu said: I heard Saturday time, the reporters of CCTV went to Yanjing, interviewed several in the students of 3321 concurrent jobs, this, how had not seen the sound over the past two days.” 李牧道:“我听说周六的时候,央视的记者去燕大了,采访了几个在3321兼职的学生,这都过去两天了,怎么还没见动静呢。” Su Yingxue shows a faint smile: No rush, CCTV, since sent the reporter to interview, will definitely report that 3321 were the organizations of pure public welfare nature, had no negative news completely, does not have the news temporarily the removed possibility.” 苏映雪微微一笑:“别急,央视既然都派记者来采访了,就肯定会报道的,3321是纯公益性质的组织,完全没有任何负面消息,也不存在新闻临时被撤下的可能。” Li Mu nods, but in the expression somewhat is anxious, hoists 3321 flags, Li Mu may, not only need make the public welfare and abundant reputation, he must be Alipay seeks a having a good class origin and performance family background taking advantage of the public welfare and in the future. 李牧点了点头,但表情上还是有些焦躁,扯起3321的大旗,李牧可不只是要做公益、博名声,他要借公益为支付宝博取一个根正苗红的出身和未来。 Seeing Li Mu somewhat seems to be impatient, Su Yingxue then selected gently several on his back of the hand, the gentle voice said: You, first leave care about these, changes an angle to think, they attain the news, the time of fermentation is longer, instead more proves their attaching great importance to this news, if interviewed and on grade of news on hurried says one and report 20-30 seconds on Saturday on Sunday freely spoken, could not achieve the effect that you wanted, is right?”( To be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net 李牧似乎还是有些心急,苏映雪便轻轻在他的手背上点了几下,柔声说道:“你啊,先别太在意这些,换个角度想想,他们拿到新闻,酝酿的时间越久,反而越证明他们对这个新闻的重视,如果周六采访、周日就匆忙上一档新闻节目顺口说一句、报道个20-30秒钟,也远达不到你想要的效果,对不对?”(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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