RINAPE :: Volume #2

#189: Lying

Kong Lingyu tidies up own laptop, ran at the back of the package, when Li Mu delivers him to go out, comes back Zhao Ziqiu has started to open the bubble box in the kitchen, inside neat is placing 20 steamed crabs, is very big, looks at is also spitting the bubble, has not died. 孔令宇收拾完自己的笔记本电脑,背着包就跑了,李牧送他出门,回来时赵子秋已经开始在厨房把泡沫箱打开,里面整整齐齐的摆放着二十只大闸蟹,个头很大,看着还都在吐着泡泡,一个都没死。 Li Mu by the sea, many that usually the seafood eats, but the thing in steamed crab type of fresh water lake their family/home there does not have, usually has not basically eaten, how to make his most issue of concern. 李牧家靠海,平时海鲜吃的不少,不过大闸蟹这种淡水湖里的东西他们家那里没有,平时也基本上没怎么吃过,怎么做成了他最关心的问题。 Zhao Ziqiu said: Later buys a toothbrush to come back them to brush cleanly, then places in the sauce pan to steam that's alright, dips is adjusting the good juice on tasty is not good.” 赵子秋说:“待会去买一只牙刷回来把它们刷干净,然后放在蒸锅里蒸熟就行,蘸着调好的汁就鲜美的不行。” Li Mu nods: Since you said probably very specialized appearance, that this outdoor shop matter I do not manage, only waits to eat.” 李牧点点头:“既然你说的好像很专业的样子,那这摊子事我就不管了,只等吃。” Zhao Ziqiu said with a laugh: Originally has not prepared to make you begin, you accompany me to go shopping in a supermarket, after coming back, why you should, I make.” 赵子秋笑着说:“本来也没准备让你动手,你陪我去逛个超市,回来之后你该干嘛干嘛,我来弄。” Li Mu asked: „Do you often do the housework at home?” 李牧问:“你在家经常做家务吗?” Zhao Ziqiu said: Not too frequently.” 赵子秋说:“不太经常。” Said at heart, has not done excessively, in the family/home usually even Mother rarely goes to the kitchen, generally is the aunt does. 心里却说,从来都没做过好嘛,家里平时连妈妈都很少下厨,一般都是阿姨来做。 Li Mu also asked: „Before you, has made the crab?” 李牧又问:“那你以前弄过螃蟹吗?” Zhao Ziqiu thought that Li Mu goes to the kitchen to have the scruples to oneself at heart probably, said: Aiya do not worry that definitely eats does not go bad you.” 赵子秋觉得李牧心里好像对自己下厨有顾忌,就说:“哎呀你别担心啦,肯定吃不坏你。” Li Mu said with a smile: I did not fear how ate badly or, was this crab seemingly is mainly good, do not waste.” 李牧笑道:“我不是怕吃坏了或者怎么样,主要是这螃蟹看起来挺好的,别浪费了。” Zhao Ziqiu is wrinkling the nose, throws out the chest saying: Do not look down upon the person, later I make you experience my strength.” 赵子秋皱着鼻子,挺胸说道:“别瞧不起人,待会我就让你见识见识我的实力。” The Zhao Ziqiu special posture made Li Mu lowering the head cannot help but look at her chest front curve, sighed at heart secretly, really been partial secure, such a stature, made these still the woman of going all out abundant chest breast implant envy the envy to hate sufficiently. 赵子秋特别的姿势让李牧不由自主的低头看了一眼她胸前的曲线,心里暗暗叹气,果然被偏爱的都有恃无恐,这么一副身材,足以让那些还在拼命丰胸隆胸的女人羡慕嫉妒恨了。 01 years of Yanjing economic development are also very ordinary, with the supermarket, Wal-Mart has not come, Carrefour although has, but shop quantity serious insufficiency. Renmin University nearby surrounding area several kilometers, true comprehensive supermarket, only then a Hualian Supermarket, the area is not in a big way, one. 01年的燕京经济发展也很一般,拿超市来说,沃尔玛还没进来,家乐福虽然已经有了,但门店数量严重不足。人民大学附近方圆几公里,真正的综合超市只有一家华联超市,面积也算不上大,就一层。 Li Mu and Zhao Ziqiu take taxi to arrive at Hualian Supermarket. After entering the supermarket, a Zhao Ziqiu then fire message, at the same time toward selling the seasoning region walks. 李牧赵子秋打车来到华联超市。进了超市之后,赵子秋便一边发短信,一边往卖调味料的区域走。 She must send the message to Mother, asked that actually the dipping material of steamed crab needs which things, has what art. 她要发短信给妈妈,问一下大闸蟹的蘸料究竟需要哪些东西,有没有什么讲究。 The steamed crab is actually very good to do. Washes on the clean pot to steam that's alright, but dips the material , if not move well, the delicacy will sell at a discount greatly. 大闸蟹本身倒是很好做。洗干净上锅蒸熟就行,但蘸料要是调不好的话,美味会大打折扣。 Zhao Ziqiu Mother dips the thing that the material needs to tell her in the message the accent, and said small knacks on some matching to her. 赵子秋妈妈在短信里把调蘸料所需要的东西告诉她,并且跟她说了一些搭配上的小诀窍。 Zhao Ziqiu apologized to Mother, then held the cell phone cheerful start to choose various seasonings, Mother is somewhat complex to the dipping material that she sent , the yellow wine, sesame oil and soy sauce also had the vinegar, the white sugar and onion, ginger and garlic, but was complex, more made Zhao Ziqi feel credible. Therefore then prepares to defer to prepares the complete set material that completely mother said. 赵子秋谢过妈妈,便抱着手机欢快的开始挑选各种调味料了,妈妈给她发来的蘸料有些复杂,黄酒、香油、酱油还有醋,白糖、葱姜蒜,不过越是复杂,越让赵子琪觉得靠谱。于是便准备完全按照老妈说的来准备全套材料。 Li Mu raises a shopping basket to follow in side, fully completes to overcome the work of hand. 李牧提着一个购物篮跟在旁边,充分做好打下手的工作。 But at this time, calculated own wishful thinking in Hangzhou Zhao Mother at heart. 而此时,远在杭城的赵妈妈心里盘算起了自己的小心思。 Zhao Ziqiu father driver around 11 : 00 delivered to the steamed crab, the daughter asks how now the sauce of steamed crab should do, should prepare to begin, the steamed crab must the retreatment, where the daughter be, and whom together, became her the issue of concern. 赵子秋爸爸的司机十一点多就把大闸蟹送到了,女儿现在问大闸蟹的酱料应该怎么做,应该是已经准备动手了,大闸蟹还得再加工,女儿去哪里做、和谁一起,就成了她所关心的问题。 Therefore she sends the information to ask Zhao Ziqiu: „Does unmarried girl, where you prepare to make the crab to eat?” 于是她发信息问赵子秋:“闺女,你准备去哪做螃蟹吃?” Zhao Ziqiu then replies conveniently: Went to Asian Games Village Residental District, the bedroom is not convenient.” 赵子秋顺手便回复:“去了亚运村呀,寝室又不方便。” Oneself go with schoolmate together Ah? “自己去还是和同学一起啊? I and Jingyi together. Does not want to lead the schoolmate to come, feared that others think.” “我和静怡一起。不想带同学过来,怕别人多想。” Jingyi that in the Zhao Ziqiu message said is her childhood friend, two people junior middle school high school is a schoolmate, now goes to school in the Yanjing cinema institute. Two people relate very well, moreover knows the whole story mutually, the daughter is not willing the schoolmate to know in the family/home too many situations, therefore her excuse Zhao Mother also without slight suspicion, but confessed that she uses the fuel gas to pay attention to the security , there would be no to chat with her again. 赵子秋短信中所说的静怡是她的发小,两人初中高中都是同学,现在在燕京电影学院上学。两人关系很好,而且相互知根知底,女儿不愿同学知道家里太多情况,所以她的说辞赵妈妈也就没有丝毫的怀疑,只是交代她用燃气一定要注意安全,便没再跟她聊。 Has in Hangzhou Zhao Mother at heart thinks in the past few days in Yanjing has seen that young fellow. Thinks of him, Zhao Mother felt that the opposite party is a match is not good with own daughter, the makings, appearance, learn/study and family circumstances, with the daughters are good combination, is only the daughter is young, this words were not suitable to say was too direct. 远在杭城的赵妈妈心里有不由想到前些天在燕京见过的那个小伙子。一想到他,赵妈妈就感觉对方跟自己女儿般配到不行,无论是气质、长相、学习、家境,和自家女儿都是天作之合,只是女儿年纪还小,这种话自己不适合说的太直接。 More thinks, Zhao Mother more wants to create some opportunities to two people at heart, therefore then gives that male student to telephone. 越是这么想,赵妈妈心里就越想给两人创造些机会,于是便给那个男生打了个电话。 Jia Hui, I am your Auntie Song.” 嘉辉啊,我是你宋阿姨。” Auntie Song hello.” “宋阿姨您好。” You are also good, the aunt telephones to ask that what you are making now? Ate meal?” “你也好,阿姨打电话是想问问你现在在做什么?吃饭了没有?” Has not eaten, today comes out to help my father management sentiment, just prepared to go back.” “还没吃,今天出来帮我爸办点事情,刚准备回去。” „Did matter get through?” “事情办完了?” Got through Auntie Song.” “办完了宋阿姨。” That, I made one give Ziqiu to deliver a steamed crab in the morning, she liked eating this since childhood, this just did not deliver to her, she wanted to do impatiently was eating, the aunt felt you, if nothing, might as well went to that side Asian Games Village Residental District to have a look at her, only then she and her high school schoolmate in that side, preparing food to make fuel gas anything, the aunt did not feel relieved.” “那个,我上午让人去给子秋送了点大闸蟹,她从小就爱吃这个,这不刚给她送过去,她就迫不及待要自己做着吃了,阿姨觉得你要是没什么事情,不妨去亚运村那边看看她,只有她和她的一个高中同学在那边,做饭要弄燃气什么的,阿姨也不放心。” The opposite party stunned moment, opens the mouth saying: Auntie Song you could rest assured that I give Ziqiu to call to ask later she does need to help.” 对方错愕片刻,开口道:“宋阿姨您放心,我待会给子秋打个电话问问她需不需要帮忙。” Do not ask.” Zhao Mother said: Ziqiu temperament axis, you might as well go to that side Asian Games Village Residental District directly, your previous time meets we go to the airport the time in any case has gone, should still remember the place?” “别问了。”赵妈妈说道:“子秋脾气轴,你不如直接去亚运村那边,反正你上次接我们去机场的时候去过,应该还记得地方吧?” „, But also remembers......” “呃,还记得……” Remembers that's alright, the aunt did not disturb you.” “记得就行,那阿姨就不打扰你了。” The telephone hangs, the Zhao Ziqiu father just passes through from, curious asking: „Does wife, call whom?” 电话一挂,赵子秋的爸爸刚好从跟前经过,好奇的问道:“老婆,给谁打电话呢?” Jia Hui.” Zhao Mother shows a faint smile, said the matter probably, later also said: You said my Ziqiu, if can arrive at the same place with Jia Hui, that this/should good, a perfect match, properly matched.” 嘉辉。”赵妈妈微微一笑,把事情大概说了说,随后又道:“你说咱家子秋要是能跟嘉辉走到一起,那该多好,郎才女貌、门当户对的。” father Zhao shakes the head: Only this matter we can do is to make two children know, should better not to say as for other words, so as to avoid Ziqiu was not at heart happy, do not look your daughter was usually laughing, actually had the idea at heart.” 赵爸摇了摇头:“这种事情咱们唯一能做的就是让两个孩子认识,至于其他的话最好不要说,免得子秋心里不高兴,别看你女儿平时嘻嘻哈哈的,其实心里有主意的很。” Zhao Mother said: Jia Hui that child is truly good, I did not say that wants to make the child too be in love early, is meets such various aspects appropriately is not mainly easy, my becomes mother, must first find the way to reserve to the daughter, making the children contact, can have opposite party that's alright at heart, the remaining things didn't we need to worry are not?” 妈妈说:“嘉辉那孩子确实非常不错,我也不是说想让孩子太早谈恋爱,主要是遇上这么一个各方面都合适的不容易,我这个当妈的,得先想办法给女儿预留着,让孩子们多接触接触,心里能有对方就行,剩下的事情咱们也就不用操心了不是?” father Zhao said lightly: Daughter's later life important matter, our two must formulate a unified policy to be good.” 赵爸淡淡说:“女儿以后的人生大事,咱们两个得制定一个统一方针才行。” What unified policy?” “什么统一方针?” father Zhao said: First, we cannot directly encourage the daughter on just first-year university student to start to be in love, therefore, she with the Jia Hui matter, we only may guide is not exactable.” 赵爸说:“首先,我们不能直接去鼓励女儿刚上大一就开始谈恋爱,所以,她跟嘉辉的事情,我们只可引导不可强求。” Also?” “还有呢?” „To give the daughter certain respect, if she will make the choice in the future, even if runs counter to our wishes again, we must maintain about the basic principle that the daughter respects.” “还有就是要给女儿一定的尊重,如果将来她自己做出了选择,就算再违背咱俩的意愿,咱俩也必须保持对女儿尊重的基本原则。” Zhao Mother said: What this matter definitely cannot go with her, otherwise she, if really looks for a gate to be improper, household is incorrect, what to do later can?” 妈妈说:“这种事情肯定不能什么都随着她去,不然她要是真找一个门不当、户不对的,以后可怎么办?” father Zhao not care said: What likes what looks, has not worked as the household not unimportant, if the opposite party condition is better than me, daughter's future dowry I will certainly try to prepare, strive not to make her marry the husband's family's home to be looked down upon ; If opposite party condition me am not good, so long as the daughter had a liking for me not to have the opinion, at the worst I raised them together.” 赵爸毫不在意的说:“喜欢什么样的就找什么样的,没不当户不对也不要紧,要是对方条件比咱家好,女儿未来的嫁妆我一定尽全力去准备,争取不让她嫁到婆婆家被人看不起;要是对方条件没咱家好,女儿只要看上了我也没意见,大不了我把他们俩一起养了。” Free and easy of saying, doesn't have a look at several guardians like you said?” “说的洒脱,也不看看有几个家长像你说的那样?” father Zhao helpless beckoning with the hand, said: Ok, do not chat some no, after this matter waited, said that I also treat with courtesy at noon, was not at home to eat.” 赵爸无奈的摆了摆手,说:“行啦,别聊这些有的没的了,这种事情还是等以后再说吧,我中午还个应酬,不在家吃了。” ...... …… Zhao Ziqiu bought neat the accent to dip the thing that the material needed in the supermarket, Li Mu is holding the basket, went kitchen ware there to select a sauce pan of dual purpose with her together. 赵子秋在超市里买齐了调蘸料需要的东西,李牧提着篮子,跟她一起又去厨房用品那里挑了一个两用的蒸锅。 Is of great success, Zhao Ziqiu then returned to Yucheng Garden with Li Mu together, just passed through the gate, Zhao Ziqiu then hurriedly went to the kitchen, starts with the toothbrush clean crab that buys newly, simultaneously washes the sauce pan cleanly, the place sails upstream slowly is burning. 大功告成,赵子秋便跟李牧一起回到了裕城花园,刚进门,赵子秋便急匆匆的去了厨房,开始用新买的牙刷清洗螃蟹,同时又把蒸锅洗干净,座上水缓缓的烧着。 Li Mu wants to help hit to overcome the hand, but Zhao Ziqiu said that anything does not want, Li Mu is then relying in the kitchen doorframe simply, looked that a Zhao Ziqiu person juggles. 李牧本想帮忙打打下手,但赵子秋说什么都不愿意,李牧便干脆在厨房门框上倚着,看赵子秋一个人忙里忙外。 Overwhelming majority men do not like doing the housework, Li Mu are no exception, are the men who this type most does not like doing the housework, more was made the woman capture of housework easily, for example present Li Mu, looks at person busy Zhao Ziqiu, rose a scale to her favorable impression at heart unknowingly. 绝大部分的男人都不喜欢做家务,李牧也不例外,越是这种最不爱做家务的男人,越容易被做家务的女人俘获,就比如现在的李牧,看着一个人忙忙碌碌的赵子秋,心里对她的好感不知不觉中又上升了一个档次。 At this time, a Mercedes S level sedan of import drove into Zhao Ziqiu to be located in Asian Games Village Residental District nearby villa area, the opposite party then arrived at Zhao Ziqiu main house gate the car(riage) familiar and easy, along with even got out according to the half-day doorbell, what is strange, pressed for quite a while, unexpectedly no one responded himself. 此时,一辆进口的奔驰s级轿车驶入了赵子秋家位于亚运村附近的别墅区,对方轻车熟路便把车开到了赵子秋家门口,随即便下车按了半天门铃,奇怪的是,按了半天,竟然没人搭理自己。 Did not say that Zhao Ziqiu does make the steamed crab with her childhood friend here? How many wraps oneself also brought to remove the crab tool specially, how can no one? 不是说赵子秋跟她的发小在这里做大闸蟹吗?自己还专门带了几套拆蟹工具,怎么会没人呢? Zhao Mother receives the time quite surprise of his telephone, how in the villa can no one reply? What accident/surprise difficult to be inadequate is two girls had/left? Anxious under she telephones to Zhao Ziqiu immediately. 妈妈接到他电话的时候颇为诧异,别墅里怎么会没人应答?难不成是两个女孩子出了什么意外?紧张之下她立刻打电话给赵子秋 Zhao Ziqiu is busy at work in the kitchen, the cell phone places on the pocket to hang in the basic threshold to buddhism place, made a sound after the half of the day, Li Mu first detects exceptionally, arriving at the living room discovery is the Zhao Ziqiu cell phone in the sound, then since she is hanging in the clothes pocket pulled out, hurried to give to deliver. 赵子秋正在厨房忙活,手机放在上衣兜里挂在入门玄关处,响了半天之后还是李牧先察觉到异常,走到客厅发现是赵子秋的手机在响,便从她挂着的衣服口袋里掏了出来,赶紧给送了过去。 Zhao Ziqiu is almost when the last sound pressed down the answering key, along with, even if hears telephone that side mother anxious questioning immediately: Ziqiu, haven't you had an accident?” 赵子秋几乎是在最后一声响的时候按下了接听键,随即便立刻听见电话那边老妈紧张的追问:“子秋,你没出什么事吧?” All right.” The Zhao Ziqiu surprise asked: What's wrong?” “没事啊。”赵子秋诧异地问:“怎么了?” That......” Zhao Mother just wants to ask why, since is all right that not to give Jia Hui to open the door, but quick then subconscious received the words, does intentionally calm asking: You with Jingyi to Asian Games Village Residental District that side?” “那……”赵妈妈刚想问既然没事那为什么不给嘉辉开门,但很快便下意识的把话收了回去,故作淡定的问:“你跟静怡亚运村那边了吗?” Arrived.” Zhao Ziqiu had several points to say afraid: „ I am washing the crab. „ “到了呀。”赵子秋带着几分心虚的说:“我正在洗螃蟹呢。“ In Zhao Mother heart has doubts, simply said: Jingyi? The mother has not seen her for a long time, said a few words to her.” 妈妈心中疑惑,便道:“静怡呢?妈好久没见她了,跟她说两句。” That, Jingyi in bathroom......” “那个,静怡在卫生间……” Oh, that line, you are busy, mother first hung.” Zhao Mother thump, understood at heart immediately, knows that the daughter is lying, has not actually punctured in the telephone.( To be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net “噢,那行,你忙吧,妈先挂了。”赵妈妈心里咯噔一下,顿时懂了,知道女儿在撒谎,却没有在电话里戳破。(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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