RINAPE :: Volume #2

#188: Ate it together

15 days? 20 days? 15天?20天? Li Mu listened to these two time nodes, smiled at heart, said: Handling the matter must be able to think first, although I did not determine when Alipay gets online, but you as soon as possible develop it, because my present development demand had at heart the schedule of public performances, the Alipay matter makes, Tieba (Post It) must make a promotion.” 李牧听了这两个时间节点,心里笑了笑,说:“做事情要先敢想,虽然我不确定支付宝什么时候上线,不过你还是尽快把它开发出来,因为我现在的开发需求已经有了心里排期,支付宝的事情弄完,贴吧还要做一次升级。” Kong Lingyu nodded, knew about Li Mu's by him, the promotion of Tieba (Post It) is inevitable, at present the Tieba (Post It) volume of users is getting bigger and bigger, how long it is estimated that could not want, can become the biggest network Chinese community, Li Mu certainly will have when the time comes better product design, maintains and developed the user. 孔令宇点了点头,以他对李牧的了解,贴吧的升级是必然的,眼下贴吧的用户量越来越大,估计要不了多久,就能成为最大的网络华语社区,到时候李牧一定会有更好的产品设计,来维系和拓展用户。 Afterward, Li Mu bumped to give the Alipay build with Kong Lingyu the core frame, the earlier period does not request to have other functions, was mainly the fund converges, pays and exits, inquiry as well as the record and other basic functions, on this basis, but must develop a connection again, so long as any third party platform signed the agreement with Alipay, the connection opened can use this payment platform. 随后,李牧孔令宇碰了一下自己给支付宝搭建的核心框架,前期不要求有其他功能,主要就是资金汇入、支付、转出、查询以及记录等基本功能,在此基础上,还要再开发一个接口,任何第三方平台只要跟支付宝签订协议,接口一开就可以使用这个支付平台。 Kong Lingyu asked Li Mu: Does not conform with 3321 Alipay, such looks like, should Alipay be a product of independent operation?” 孔令宇李牧:“不把支付宝整合进3321,这么看来,支付宝应该是一个独立运作的产品了吧?” Li Mu said: Far more than operates independently, but also wants the independent registration company.” 李牧说:“何止独立运作,还要独立注册公司。” Kong Lingyu slightly surprise: Not in Muye Science and Technology?” 孔令宇微微诧异:“也不在牧野科技?” Naturally not.” Li Mu said with a smile: „The Muye Science and Technology core product is community and public relations, in the future will also carry on the derivative development regarding this core, the Alipay core pays, must make the open third party online payment platform, later can be open to any enterprise.” “当然不。”李牧笑道:“牧野科技的核心产品是社区和社交,未来也会围绕着这个核心进行衍生发展,支付宝的核心就是支付,要做开放的第三方网络支付平台,以后可以向任何企业开放。” Li Mu had already made the discrimination the domain that oneself must browse, the projects of diverse sector, do not place under the same company shell to operate as far as possible. 李牧早就把自己要涉猎的领域做了区分,不同领域的项目,尽量不放在同一个公司壳子下面运作。 Kong Lingyu understood the Li Mu's meaning, along with, even if starts carefully to study the frame that Li Mu provides, the place that some does not understand immediately inquired, because, once leaves from this, ******** investment to developing, if after going back, calls to ask that which places again Boss have entire not to understand, that hits own face. 孔令宇明白了李牧的意思,随即便开始仔细研究李牧提供的框架,有不理解的地方就立刻询问,因为自己一旦从这离开,就得********的投入到开发上去了,要是回去之后再打电话问波ss自己有哪些地方没整明白,那岂不是自己打自己的脸。 ...... …… Zhao Ziqiu was somewhat bothersome over the two days, several days have not seen Li Mu. Li Mu has not contacted her, although she knows that Li Mu specially was recently busy, light interviewed does not know that accepted many waves, but remembered him. Zhao Ziqiu somewhat unusual thinking, this type thought at heart, not only wants to see him to be so simple, sometimes the meeting wants to swim with him, sometimes the meeting wants to sit in the car(riage) that in he rents this city in loafing that flaneries, sometimes simply wants to treat with him in the same place. As for making anything is unimportant. 赵子秋这两天有些烦,几天没见李牧李牧也没跟她联系,虽说她知道李牧最近特别忙,光采访就不知道接受了多少波,但一想起他来。赵子秋心里还是有些非同一般的想念,这种想念不只是想见他这么简单,有时候会想和他一起游泳,有时候会想坐在他租来的车里在这个城市漫无目的的游荡,有时候干脆就只是想跟他待在一起。至于做什么都不重要。 Thought is only annoyed, on the one hand, on the other hand was last week her parents came, stayed for several days situated in Asian Games Village Residental District nearby villa in oneself, for these days father except for being busy at his matter, but also introduced the whole family gave her to know, the family member was the partner in his business, the opposite party family of three is the Yanjing person, luckily the son of that family member happen to second-year on Yanjing university. 想念只是心烦的一方面,另一方面是上周她的爸妈来了一趟,在自家位于亚运村附近的别墅住了几天,这几天爸爸除了忙他自己的事情,还介绍了一家人给她认识,那家人是他生意上的合作伙伴,对方一家三口都是燕京人,巧的是那家人的儿子正好就在燕京大学大二 Opposite party from the appearance and stature, is from the education and background, can be possible be called the best pick of the crop. In Yanjing was also the man of the hour, Zhao Ziqiu once listened to a female schoolmate to mention but actually, Yanjing liked his girl being countless, but he was maintaining alone, commented in the Yanjing wind very well. 对方无论是从容貌、身材来看,还是从教养、背景来说,都能堪称拔尖。在燕大倒也是个风云人物,赵子秋曾听一个女同学说起,燕大喜欢他的女孩子不计其数,不过他一直保持着单身,在燕大风评非常好。 The although both sides parents have not mentioned any matters about two children on the dining table, but Zhao Ziqiu saw an obvious flavor from the faces of two pairs of guardians. 虽然双方父母在饭桌上没有提及任何关于两家孩子的事情,但赵子秋还是从两对家长的脸上看出了一丝心照不宣的味道。 Later short note that in several day, Zhao Ziqiu can receive that person of sending-in every day, the opposite party each time is only the polite regards, supplements a light care, the criterion grasps very is good. But why Zhao Ziqiu does not know, repels at heart, unreasonable repel. 之后的几天里,赵子秋每天都能收到那人发来的短信,对方每次都只是礼貌性的问候,附带上一句淡淡的关心,尺度把握的非常好。但赵子秋不知道为什么,心里就是非常排斥,没道理的排斥。 On Friday on that day, Zhao Ziqiu took a afternoon leave. At noon has eaten meal that side Asian Games Village Residental District, prepares to send father and mother to the airport, didn't expect father and mother actually called the son of that partner, the opposite party opened to import Mercedes to deliver to the airport the Zhao Ziqiu whole family, sat in Zhao Ziqiu of copilot thought that the whole body was not comfortable. 周五那天,赵子秋请了一下午的事假。中午在亚运村那边吃过饭,准备送爸妈去机场,没想到爸妈竟然把那个合作伙伴的儿子叫了过来,对方开着一辆进口奔驰赵子秋一家人送到了机场,坐在副驾驶的赵子秋一路都觉得浑身不自在。 Delivers father and mother to the airport, Zhao Ziqiu thinks after looks at two people enter the security check, rides the bus to go back on oneself. But before Mother walks, desirably asked itself the opposite party certainly safely to deliver to the school, but also exhorted itself not to take a person to run all over the place. 送爸妈到机场,赵子秋本想看着两人进安检之后就自己坐大巴回去。但妈妈走之前还刻意拜托了对方一定把自己安全送到学校,还嘱咐自己不要一个人乱跑。 Basically a few words have blocked own escape route. 基本上一句话就堵住了自己的退路。 Goes back, Zhao Ziqiu sat in the back row on own initiative, the opposite party was also but actually indifferent, has not said that has not demanded, drives to deliver on the Zhao Ziqiu road, gentleman asked her evening must eat meal together, Zhao Ziqiu did not say hungrily, the opposite party did not have said again. 回去的时候,赵子秋主动坐在了后排,对方倒也非常淡然,没多说没强求,开车送赵子秋的路上,绅士的问了她一句晚上要不要一起吃饭,赵子秋说不饿,对方也就没再多说。 Friday night, Zhao Ziqiu Mother has called a very long telephone her, first ten minutes in various cares and injunctions, after ten minutes, a Mother thread of conversation revolution, said that young fellow of previous understanding is good, she and fathers thinks very good, letting Zhao Ziqiu can maintain the relation, when the first friend is together, perhaps later can arrive at the same place. 周五晚上,赵子秋妈妈给她打了一个很长的电话,前十分钟都在各种关心和嘱咐,十分钟之后,妈妈话锋一转,说上次认识的那个小伙子非常不错,她和爸爸都觉得很好,让赵子秋可以保持联系,先当朋友相处,没准以后能走到一起。 Zhao Ziqiu repels at heart very much, on the mouth said during own university, has not thought must be in love. 赵子秋心里很排斥,嘴上说自己大学期间还没想过要谈恋爱。 Mother had not said, what she also understands is knows when to stop, the words point arrives at that's alright, said that will work just the opposite. 妈妈也没多说,她也懂什么叫适可而止,话点到就行,多说就会适得其反。 Zhao Ziqiu is not quite at heart satisfied to father and mother vague procedure, always thought at heart has the share air/Qi, is mad father and mother actually not, but thought that they should not try to control oneself emotion, even if their ways were considered as on are very gentle. 赵子秋心里对爸妈这种隐晦的做法不太满意,心里总是觉得有股子气,倒不是真生爸妈的气,而是觉得他们不该试图掌控自己的情感,即便他们的方式已经算得上是非常柔和。 At heart agitated, cannot express discontentedly with Mother, the Zhao Ziqiu then freely spoken complaint said father and mother come time has not thought brings a steamed crab to her, does not love her. 心里烦躁,又不能跟妈妈表达不满,赵子秋便顺口抱怨说爸妈来的时候也没有想过给她带点大闸蟹,一点都不疼她。 Also is divulges disaffection at heart with the temperate method. 也算是用温和的手段来宣泄心里的不满。 However, on the other hand, the Jiangsu , Zhejiang girls generally like eating the steamed crab, particularly Hangzhou is very close to Yangcheng Lake, the Zhao Ziqiu family is also well-off, therefore in the past November of every year steamed crab lush time, Mother will find the person to go to Yangcheng Lake to look for the reasonable mariculture operator specially, buys back the best crab to eat to the family member, this year is the Zhao Ziqiu first year comes out to go to school, to this time, then also truly somewhat fondly remembered exactly. 不过,话说回来,江浙女孩普遍爱吃大闸蟹,尤其是杭城离阳澄湖很近,赵子秋家境又好,所以以往每年十一月份大闸蟹肥美的时候,妈妈都会找人专门去阳澄湖找靠谱的养殖户,买回最好的蟹给家人食用,今年是赵子秋第一年出来上学,恰好到了这个时候,便也确实有些怀念。 Zhao Ziqiu Mother one hear of this saying, early morning made the person go to Yangcheng Lake on Saturday, the evening time hundred jin (0.5 kg) steamed crabs have transported in the Hangzhou family/home, on Sunday in the morning, the Zhao Ziqiu father's driver taking a seat airplane flew to Yanjing, has delivered to the villa two box of steamed crabs situated in Asian Games Village Residental District. 赵子秋妈妈一听这话,周六一大早就让人去了阳澄湖,傍晚的时候百来斤的大闸蟹就已经运到了杭城的家中,周日上午,赵子秋爸爸的司机就坐飞机飞赴燕京,把两箱大闸蟹送到了位于亚运村的别墅。 Zhao Ziqiu didn't expect yesterday spoke thoughtlessly a complaint, Mother has made unexpectedly making up immediately, receives the call time, father's drivers walked, Mother was sorry in the telephone first, said did not have the means to do to oneself personally, had confessed simply how should steam and how adjust the juice, then be not eaten by oneself one time too, said that the cold thing woman ate to be temperate. 赵子秋自己都没想到昨天随口一句抱怨,妈妈竟然立刻就做出了弥补,接到电话的时候,爸爸的司机都已经走了,妈妈在电话里先是抱歉,说没办法亲手给自己做了,简单交代了一下该怎么蒸、怎么调汁,然后又让自己一次别吃太多,说寒性的东西女人吃起来要有节制。 The care of Mother lets Zhao Ziqiu at heart that obstruction guilty vanishing into thin air, but, remembers that male student with oneself in same the school, she thought that some are not comfortable. 妈妈的关心让赵子秋心里那点芥蒂愧疚的烟消云散,只是,一想起那个男生就跟自己在同一所学校,她还是觉得有些不自在。 It is not comfortable, wants to see Li Mu on more. 越是不自在,就越想见李牧 She piqued and headstrong thinking, why the university entrance examination has not even made a mistake, if also in Renmin this good. 她甚至负气的想,为什么当初高考没失误一下,要是自己也在人大该多好。 Zhao Ziqiu simply took taxi Asian Games Village Residental District, then picked up 20 from two box of fresh steamed crabs well installs, after going out, then blocked the car(riage) to directly soar the abundant city garden. 赵子秋干脆打个车去了亚运村,然后从两箱鲜活的大闸蟹里挑出20只最好的重新装好,出门后便拦了车直奔裕城花园。 The share good food is a good excuse of meeting, she wants to make the steamed crab to eat to him personally. 分享美食是一个见面的好借口,她想亲手做大闸蟹给他吃。 Boarding time, Zhao Ziqiu telephoned to Li Mu, came up saying: You in abundant city garden? My mother asked somebody to give me to bring a steamed crab, I alone did not have the place to make eating, or went to the abundant city garden, we ate it together.” 上车的时候,赵子秋李牧打了个电话,一上来就说:“你在裕城花园吗?我妈托人给我带了点大闸蟹,我一个人没地方可以做着吃,要不去裕城花园,咱俩一起把它吃了吧。” Li Mu is communicating frame with Kong Lingyu at this time, listening to Zhao Ziqiu saying that said with a laugh said: Aunt is really also interesting, clear(ly) knows that you do not have the place to do to give back to you to bring, moreover here does not have the kitchenware and tableware.” 李牧此时正在跟孔令宇沟通框架,听赵子秋说完,笑着说道:“阿姨也真有意思,明知道你没地方做还给你带,而且我这里也没有厨具和餐具啊。” Zhao Ziqiu can invite Li Mu to go to Asian Games Village Residental District directly, such words do not need to hug the crab to run everywhere, but this thought flashes past, after immediately she threw into the brain, went, she does not want in high-sounding talk that too in front of Li Mu displayed, so as to avoid he thought by some chance oneself was showing off...... 赵子秋本来是可以直接邀请李牧亚运村,那样的话自己也不用抱着螃蟹到处跑,不过但这个念头只是一闪而过,就立刻被她抛到脑后去了,她不想在李牧面前表现的太高调,免得万一他觉得自己是在炫耀…… My mother thinks that the bedroom can select electric stove......” Zhao Ziqiu to lie, immediately some acting like a spoiled brat said: „Have you had free time, the crab has no way to put too for a long time, said again eats the crab is not very troublesome, bought sauce pan that's alright, did to dip the material the material is very simple, I can buy while convenient...” “我妈以为寝室可以点电炉呢……”赵子秋撒了个谎,随即有些撒娇的说:“你到底有没有空嘛,螃蟹没法放太久,再说吃蟹也不是很麻烦,买个蒸锅就行了,还有做蘸料的材料也很简单,我顺便就可以买…” Li Mu said with a smile: I in abundant city garden, you am direct first, after coming, I buy other things with you together.” 李牧笑道:“我就在裕城花园呢,你先直接过来吧,来了之后我跟你一起去买其他的东西。” Zhao Ziqiu at heart one happy, was busy at saying: My this went.” 赵子秋心里一喜,忙说:“那我这就去了啊。” Good, needs me to go downstairs to meet you?” “好,需要我下楼接你吗?” Does not use, I remember the door plate.” The Zhao Ziqiu sound is all of a sudden cheerful, after having made the telephone call, swept couple days ago haze including the mood. “不用,我记得门牌号。”赵子秋的声音一下子欢快起来,挂了电话之后,连心情都一扫前几天的阴霾。 ...... …… Li Mu hears the knock, hastily sets out to open the door, Zhao Ziqiu both hands are holding a bubble box, seeing Li Mu to crack into a chuckle, both hands proceed to deliver, said prettily: Then, I hugged quickly motionless.” 李牧听到敲门声,急忙起身打开房门,门外的赵子秋双手捧着一个泡沫箱,看见李牧嘻嘻一笑,双手往前一送,娇滴滴的说:“快接着,我抱不动了。” Li Mu hurried to receive the bubble box, has hefted the weight/quantity, called out in alarm one: My goodness, several 20 jin (0.5 kg)? Eats these many?” 李牧赶忙把泡沫箱接了过来,掂了掂分量,惊呼一声:“好家伙,得个十几20斤吧?吃的了这么多?” Zhao Ziqiu covers mouth to smile two: Has spread many ice bags for maintaining freshness, is silly.” 赵子秋捂着嘴笑了两声:“为了保鲜里面铺了不少冰袋的,是不是傻。” Li Mu smiles awkwardly, busy say/way: First comes.” 李牧尴尬一笑,忙道:“先进来吧。” Zhao Ziqiu entered the room, Kong Lingyu in living room also stands to prepare with the Li Mu's guest to greet, what didn't expect is, comes is may not unexpectedly local products Great Beauty. 赵子秋进了房间,客厅里的孔令宇也站起来准备跟李牧的客人打招呼,但没想到的是,一进来竟然是一个不可方物的大美女 Zhao Ziqiu also didn't expect Li Mu here also has other people, somewhat surprised looks at Kong Lingyu, Kong Lingyu hastily greeted: Hello, I am Chief Li......” 赵子秋没想到李牧这里还有其他人,有些吃惊的看着孔令宇,孔令宇急忙打个招呼道:“你好,我是李总的……” While Kong Lingyu is thinking how should introduce when oneself, admitted Li Mu of kitchen to walk the steamed crab, said with a smile: Introduced to you, Kong Lingyu was my here technical person in charge, Zhao Ziqiu, was my friend.” 正当孔令宇想着该怎么介绍自己时,把大闸蟹放进厨房的李牧走了出来,笑道:“给你们介绍一下,孔令宇是我这边的技术负责人,赵子秋,是我朋友。” Two people greeted, Kong Lingyu then said to Li Mu: Boss, the frame I see, or do I first go back?” 两人打了个招呼,孔令宇便对李牧说:“波ss,框架我都理解了,要不我就先回去?” Li Mu then said: At noon remains to eat together, Ziqiu brought some steamed crabs to come.” 李牧便说:“中午留下来一起吃吧,子秋带了些大闸蟹过来。” Kong Lingyu hastily beckons with the hand saying: I go back to eat.” 孔令宇急忙摆手说道:“我还是回去吃吧。” Leads with the beautiful woman's appointment in home, oneself must really be silly complies to stay behind eats meal, that brain was makes the gate push.( To be continued.) 领导跟美女在家中约会,自己要真是傻乎乎的答应留下吃饭,那脑子才是让门挤了。(未完待续。) ps: The third chapter delivers, the mission is completed, thank all subscription, voting and Reward friend, I love you . 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