RINAPE :: Volume #2

#187: Alipay blueprint

Kong Lingyu recently busy badly battered, from arriving at Yanjing started, he has not been idling, because this time came Yanjing, his responsibility be more than much in Jinling, what he must manage in Jinling was a technology team, leading everyone to defer to Li Mu's to request to make the development, but now, what he acted was the Muye Science and Technology General Manager role, all of a sudden, a lot needed him to pay attention, understood that even operated. 孔令宇最近忙的焦头烂额,从来到燕京开始,他就一刻也没有闲着,因为这次来燕京,他的职责要比在金陵的时候多出不少,在金陵他要管的是一个技术团队,带领大家按照李牧的要求做开发,但是现在,他充当的是牧野科技总经理的角色,一下子,很多事情都需要他去关注、去了解甚至去运作。 Also has the Lin Qingya help luckily, oneself can chaotic ordered, had not been messed up the hands and feet by many numerous and disorderly things. 也幸亏有林清雅帮忙,自己才能乱中有序,没有被诸多庞杂的事情弄乱了手脚。 Saturday on that day, Kong Lingyu just in online completed the docking with Baidu that side technical personnel, later 3321 routine maintenances will shift to Baidu went, his matter on hand can reduce one, one side he plans to put the most adept technology temporarily, catches up to follow close on the Lin Qingya same place, the regulation stipulation company and performance review makes, in addition has the issue of hiring, Lin Qingya although has planned the new department construction, but the company is also the condition of desperately short of talent, these issues must hurry to be solved, Muye Science and Technology can straighten out truly. 周六那天,孔令宇刚在网上跟百度那边的技术人员做完对接,以后3321的日常维护就会转移到百度去了,他手头的事情又可以减少一件,他计划暂时把自己最拿手的技术放到一边,赶紧跟林清雅一起,把公司的章程规定、绩效考核弄出来,另外还有人员招聘的问题,林清雅虽然已经规划好了新的部门架构,但公司还处在急缺人才的状态,这些问题都得赶紧解决,牧野科技才能够真正步入正轨。 Sunday on this day, the Kong Lingyu original plan reorganized the performance review plan at home, finally a Li Mu telephone hit, said: Comes to a Yucheng Garden, having the matter must speak face-to-face with you.” 周日这天,孔令宇原计划是在家整理绩效考核方案,结果李牧一个电话打过来,开口就说:“来趟裕城花园,有事情要跟你面谈。” Kong Lingyu one hear of his tones, guessed correctly that definitely also had new must get down, although felt miserable beyond description at heart, but in the bone is actually passing that pilgrimage anticipation and excitement. 孔令宇一听他的口气,就猜到肯定是又有新任务要下来了,虽然心里感觉苦不堪言,但骨子里却透着那种朝圣般的期待与兴奋。 He regards as Li Mu early in the internet world only lighthouse and on the career path only direction, therefore he has also been anticipating, which new things Li Mu also has to let own to broaden one's horizon. 他早将李牧视为自己在互联网世界唯一的灯塔、自己事业道路上唯一的指引者,所以他心里也一直在期待着,李牧还有哪些新东西能让自己大开眼界 Therefore he brings oneself laptop, took taxi to go to Yucheng Garden. 于是他带着自己的笔记本电脑,打车来到了裕城花园。 In the Li Mu's living room, he listens to Li Mu said Alipay the blueprint for the first time. 李牧的客厅里,他第一次听李牧说出了“支付宝”的蓝图。 The first impression of Kong Lingyu is to feel this blueprint is not big, a online payment method, now 3321 viscosities are so high, to the parents, almost became the strong demand, in this situation the nowadays payment is even troublesome. They will not have any complaint, even if really has the complaint, will not affect their payment actions, therefore at present looks like. The centralized such big energy makes a online payment platform, seems somewhat makes a fuss over a trifling matter. 孔令宇的第一印象是感觉这个蓝图并不算大,一个网络支付的手段而已,现在3321的粘度这么高,对学生家长来说,几乎成了强需求,这种情况下就算现今的支付再麻烦。他们也不会有任何怨言,就算真有怨言,也不会影响他们的支付行动,所以眼下看来。集中这么大精力做一个网络支付平台,似乎是有些小题大做。 Li Mu has not blamed his vision being insufficient. 李牧没有怪他的眼界不够。 In fact, tells any internet person of present the Alipay most basic payment model, it is estimated that will not obtain very big attention. 事实上,把支付宝最基本的支付模式告诉现在的任何一个互联网人,估计都不会得到很大关注。 Nowadays, does not have any enterprise will be interested this online payment platform. Because present internet hardly has the demand of shopping online, in internet consumer behavior, vast majority of Online Games virtual product, for example Point card. 现如今,没有什么企业会感兴趣这种网络支付平台。因为眼下的互联网几乎不存在网上购物的需求,互联网消费行为中,绝大多数还是网游的虚拟产品,比如点卡 However, Online Games Corporation has developed in offline paid the channel, the online payment to them, the attraction is not very strong, they will not put in the tremendous effort to make such a thing. 不过,网游公司早就在线下发展了支付渠道,线上支付对他们来说,吸引力不是很强,他们也不会投入巨大精力去做这么一个东西。 Alipay founder Chief Ma, will not cross e-Commerce at present, looks the Alipay prospects for development. Let alone, Alipay early localization, but strengthens the Taobao consumer trust a tool, tool got bigger and bigger as for this afterward, Alipay can become internet industry one finally specially, is fully laden with the aircraft carrier of cash, mostly the result of chance accomplished what art had failed. 就连支付宝的创始人马总,眼下也不会越过电商本身,去看支付宝的发展前景。更何况,支付宝早期的定位,只是增强淘宝用户信任度的一个工具,至于后来这个“工具”越做越大、最后支付宝能成为互联网行业一艘特殊的、载满现金的航母,多半还是无心插柳的结果。 Li Mu cannot tell him, the payment platform is only one gathers the user, to tie up the method that the user is familiar with, in the future, he must make on internet about half resource flow, he also probably make Alipay through Alipay match a huge e-Commerce platform, for example Taobao net ; Even he also before Jingdong does is big becomes its major stockholder, finally makes Alipay a super financial platform that has the huge fund to precipitate. 李牧不能告诉他,支付平台只是一个聚拢用户、捆绑用户习惯的手段,将来,他要让互联网上近半的资金流动都通过支付宝、他还要让支付宝搭配一个庞大的电商平台,比如淘宝网;甚至他还会在京东做大之前成为它的大股东,最后把支付宝做成一个拥有巨额资金沉淀的超级金融平台。 Li Mu cannot guarantee. Oneself make Alipay, can make truly Alipay, thinks that this type of thing, needs to consider, the scruples place is too many. Also was too controlled by the policy easily. 就连李牧自己都不敢保证。自己去做支付宝,能不能把支付宝真正做起来,以为这种东西,需要去考虑、顾忌的地方太多。也太容易受到政策管控。 Kong Lingyu after seeing Li Mu's product frame, some worries said: These are we one-sided wish, if the bank is not willing to make a connection with us this connection, all that we make are waste.” 孔令宇在看到李牧的产品框架之后,也有些担心的说:“这些都是咱们一厢情愿,银行如果不愿意把这个接口给咱们打通,咱们做的一切都是白费啊。” Li Mu nods: Also, continued.” 李牧点了点头:“还有吗,继续说。” Kong Lingyu said: I do not know how should say, you after all are Boss. Moreover although your past lot was in my opinion unlikely, but successes also made me have the absolute information to you, but, this time was a little probably different, we words that compared with the bank, the mass was too small, I suspected was not the Alipay pattern, but was these links that Alipay needs to make a connection with.” 孔令宇说:“我也不知道该怎么说,你毕竟是波ss。而且虽然你以往的很多东西在我看来都不太可能,但一次次的成功也让我对你有了绝对的信息,不过,这次好像有点不同,我们跟银行相比的话,体量太小了,我怀疑的不是支付宝的模式,而是支付宝需要打通的这些环节。” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: You said right, if you with Muye Science and Technology and compared with the bank system, basically are equal to the difference between sesame seed and watermelon, did not say Four Big Bank, even other stock commercial banks, we cannot compare others by far.” 李牧微微一笑,说道:“你说的没错,如果你拿牧野科技跟银行体系相比较,基本上等同于芝麻与西瓜之间的差别,不说四大行,就算是其他的股份商业银行,我们也远远比不上人家。” Hears here, Kong Lingyu is also the brow tight wrinkle, yes, how to go to establish the cooperation with the bank? Does not handle this, Alipay this project not possible landing. 听到这里,孔令宇也是眉头紧皱,是啊,怎么去跟银行建立合作?搞不定这一层,支付宝这个项目就不可能落地 At this time, a Li Mu thread of conversation revolution, in the foreheads had seven points self-confidently, three points to tease, asks one: Is only, I asked that your issue, why do we want to have to do with the entire bank system?” 这时,李牧话锋一转,眉宇间带着七分自信、三分戏虐,反问一句:“只是,我问你一个问题,我们为什么要去跟整个银行体系打交道?” Kong Lingyu was scared: „Is your meaning? Alone with some bank brand cooperation?” 孔令宇傻眼了:“你的意思是?单独跟其中的某个银行品牌合作?” „It is not.” Li Mu shakes the head: „The branch cooperation with most basic unit, for example my downstairs has Industrial and Commercial Bank Renmin University Branch directly.” “不是。”李牧摇了摇头:“直接跟最基层的分行合作,比如我楼下就有一个工商银行人民大学分行。” Works with them?!” Kong Lingyu does not understand. “跟他们合作?!”孔令宇更是不懂了。 Li Mu nods smiles, takes a a4 paper, drew a cloud contour above, inscribes the Alipay three characters, drew a circle in the left bottom, inscribes 3321, finally drew a circle in the right bottom, inscribes some Yanjing branch.” 李牧点头一笑,拿出一张a4纸,在上面画了一个云彩外形,写上支付宝三字,又在左下角画了一个圆,写上3321,最后在右下角画了一个圈,写上“燕京某分行。” The picture ends these, Li Mu key draws a circle to trace repeatedly thickly in 3321 that circles, explained to Kong Lingyu: We can attract the cash of 5000 payment guardians now, the average, is not lower than 5 million every month, this is also only 3321 initial stages, in the future, we will turn this digit again, we may also go to Shanghai, to go to the Guangzhou local area to develop 3321 businesses, possibly only takes a half year, the payment fund that we absorb every month will surpass ten million/countless.” 画完这些,李牧重点在3321那个圆圈上反复画圈描粗,跟孔令宇解释:“我们现在能够吸引五千付费家长的现金,平均下来,每个月不低于五百万,这还只是3321的初级阶段,再往后,我们会把这个数字翻一翻,我们可能还会去沪市、去羊城当地开展3321的业务,可能只需要半年,我们每个月吸收的付费资金就会超过千万。” Saying, Li Mu delimited an arrow, guides the Alipay clouds from 3321 circles, said: Before I converge the bank account this fund directly, but I now do not do that I wanted in this sum of money Nongjin Alipay, to any subbranch, this sum of money is representing the huge benefit and performance, if I promised that this sum of money made one week or half a month fund in their bank precipitates, you thought that what me they will regard?” 说着,李牧划了一道箭头,从3321的圆圈导向支付宝的云朵,说道:“之前我是直接把这笔资金汇入银行账户,但我现在不要这么做了,我要吧这笔钱弄进支付宝里,对任何一个支行来说,这笔钱都代表着巨大的利益与业绩,如果我许诺这笔钱在他们的银行里做一周或者半个月的资金沉淀,你觉得他们会把我当成什么?” Kong Lingyu eye one bright: You, when the God of Wealth supplies.” 孔令宇眼睛一亮:“会把你当财神供起来。” Right.” Li Mu nods, drew an arrow, from the Alipay clouds, to the circle of some Yanjing branch, said: Such huge fund flow precipitates in our Alipay, I can choose this sum of money precipitate to any bank, if I use this to go with them to discuss the cooperation, believes that any branch will not reject, but I do not need them to pay anything truly, must do only, so long as cleared Online payment business to be OK to me, drew an analogy, so long as Industrial and Commercial Bank had a bank to clear Online payment business to me, then Industrial and Commercial Bank online banking user of nation can pay money to Alipay through this channel, or withdrew cash from Alipay!” “没错。”李牧点了点头,又画了一道箭头,从支付宝的云朵,到燕京某分行的圆圈,说道:“这么庞大的资金流在我们的支付宝里沉淀,我可以选择把这笔钱沉淀给任何一家银行,如果我用这个去跟他们谈合作,相信任何一个分行都不会拒绝,而我也不需要他们真正付出什么,唯一要做的,只要给我开通网络支付商户就可以了,打个比方,只要工商银行有一家银行给我开通了网络支付商户,那么全国的工商银行网银用户都可以通过这个渠道向支付宝付款,或者从支付宝提现!” This saying saying ended, Li Mu struck with force one that a4 finger/refers high-spirited, his fingertip happen to aimed at 3321, brings a face said immeasurably deep: Don't forget, I had 3321 this golden character advertisements, at present 3321 reputations are so big, who stained him to be good, you thought that which bank will reject? If future 3321 can be reported by China CCTV directly, that all more proper! This called to handle big issue with smart power with the resources linkage as far as possible!” 这话一说完,李牧意气风发的猛拍了一下那张a4指,他的指尖正好指向3321,带着一脸的深不可测说道:“别忘了,我有3321这个金字招牌,眼下3321名声这么大,谁沾上他都有好处,你觉得哪家银行会拒绝?如果未来3321能够被华夏央视正面报道一下,那一切就更妥了!这就叫四两拨千斤和尽可能的资源联动!” In Kong Lingyu brain buzz. 孔令宇脑子里嗡的一声。 He to the present did not think that Alipay will have big prospects for development in the future, but Li Mu this handling big issue with smart power means that making his whole person as if open a new world. 他到现在也不觉得支付宝将来会有多大的发展前景,但是李牧这种四两拨千斤的办法,让他整个人仿佛打开了一个新的世界。 A moment ago, he is still intertwining 3321 also to be good, Alipay also to be good, Muye Science and Technology is also good, even if packed their three, in the front of any bank system, was still small and weak enough to can ignore, in this case, how possibly to make a connection with the access of this fund? 刚才,他还在纠结3321也好、支付宝也好、牧野科技也好,就算把他们三个都打包起来,在任何一个银行体系的面前,也是弱小到可以忽略不计的,这种情况下,怎么可能把这层资金的出入口打通? However, Li Mu does not consider the issue, he never thinks, oneself stands in the front of Four Big Bank or any commercial bank is tiny, because he has oneself haggling over, what I want is only a payment merchant who was approved by the bank, so long as open a mouth in any bank, was equivalent linked up the entire vein of this bank. 但是,李牧就不这么考虑问题,他从来不会去想,自己站在四大行或者任何一个商业银行的面前有多么渺小,因为他早就有了自己的计较,我要的只是一个被银行认可的支付商户而已,只要自己在任何一个银行打开一个口,就相当于贯通了这个银行的整个脉络。 Said is simpler, looks like the pos machine, so long as applied for a pos machine, can pay the bankcards of merchants and domestic all banks own swipe card links. 说的再简单一些,就像是pos机,只要申请下来一台pos机,就可以把自己的刷卡支付商户和国内所有银行的银行卡联系在一起。 It can be said that to Li Mu, this operation method, oneself make Alipay in a big way takes advantage, but he very hides contraband told Kong Lingyu, because he not only needs Kong Lingyu to help itself write the code, but also needs the Kong Lingyu prompt fast growth enhancement, becoming a great general who can help the horizontal blade immediately, therefore, many things must teach him, making him realize that in the future the pattern of internet world operation, making him keenly also more powerful. 李牧来说,这个操作手段,可以说是自己做支付宝的最大依仗,不过他还是好不藏私的告诉了孔令宇,因为他不仅需要孔令宇帮自己写代码,还需要孔令宇及时快速的成长提高,成为可以帮自己横刀立马的一员大将,所以,许多事情一定要教会他,让他意识到未来互联网世界操作的模式,让他更加敏锐也更加强大。 Kong Lingyu worshipped to sublimate a new altitude to Li Mu's again, with such a boss of evildoer/monstrous talent level, the potential progress and promotion had not previously imagined forever, Li Mu was one understood the boss who let alone divided the benefit, Series A rounds just started time, he has given the Kong Lingyu Muye Science and Technology option, compared many only to give the boss who the staff drew cakes to stave off hunger, Li Mu such boss was too rare. 孔令宇李牧的崇拜再次升华到了一个新高度,跟着这样一个妖孽级的老板,自己潜在的进步与提升是自己此前永远都不曾想象过的,更何况李牧是一个懂得分利的老板,a轮刚启动的时候,他就已经给了孔令宇牧野科技的期权,相比许多只给员工画饼充饥的老板来说,李牧这样的老板太难得了。 Kong Lingyu excited standing up, blurted saying: Boss, this matter gave me, for half a month within, oh not, most 20 days, I surely gave you to develop Alipay!”( To be continued.) 孔令宇激动的站起身来,脱口说:“波ss,这事交给我了,半个月之内,噢不,最多二十天,我一定给你把支付宝开发出来!”(未完待续。) ps: Second! Tonight also has one! The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:第二更!今晚还有一更!手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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