RINAPE :: Volume #2

#186: I listen your

This evening, Li Mu only gathered round Renmin to run with Li Ya, several Internet cafes looked everywhere for had not found the loom, each Internet cafe was full, moreover lined up the person who many waited for ten o'clock to start hold/container Ye. 这个晚上,李牧李亚唯围着人大跑了一圈,几个网吧都找遍了也没找到机子,每一个网吧都爆满,而且不乏排队等着十点钟开始包夜的人。 Finally, two people in being far away from Renmin in a small lane two kilometers away found a small Internet cafe of more than ten worn-out machine, braced oneself to play 1 : 00 am in the dirty , noisy and disorder environment. 最终,两人在远离人大两公里外的一个小巷子里找到了一家十余台破旧机器的小网吧,在脏乱差的环境里硬着头皮玩到了凌晨 1 点。 Li Mu mainly wants to have a look at the Legend present fiery/popular degree, now Internet cafe over half of people are not only playing this Game, Game with player also fiery/popular of area with clothing/taking very much, Li Mu practiced a new number, wants to kill only the chicken, to butcher a deer near the new village to look very for a long time, because the person are too many, the refresh rate of chicken and deer cannot stand off the extermination speed of important goods novice. 李牧主要是想看看传奇现在的火爆程度,现在网吧不仅有超过一半的人在玩这款游戏,游戏同区同服的玩家也火爆的很,李牧练了一个新手号,在新手村附近想杀只鸡、宰头鹿都要找很久,因为人太多,鸡和鹿的更新速度远敌不过大帮新手的灭绝速度。 The Li Ya rank slightly was only higher, has been all right now doubts in the Zombie(s) hole mined while convenient, but person who mined also many must die, sometimes fully occupied the person of mining along the Zombie(s) hole unexpectedly. 李亚唯级别稍高一些,现在已经没事就在僵尸洞打怪顺便挖矿了,而挖矿的人也多的要死,有时候竟然沿着僵尸洞占满了挖矿的人。 In Game besides the safe area, other any place PK is unceasing, has the small scale group war, some people to snatch the resources, explode the equipment, some people simply are pure for PK, but PK, basically sees the person to begin, because the PK pattern in hot blooded Legend is too simple is also too direct, looked that who is not pleasing to the eyes, comes up directly ****, from the primitive impulsion of person, the setting of this Game truly quite satisfies a craving. 游戏里除了安全区之外,其他的任何地方都pk不断,有小规模团战,有人为了抢资源、爆装备,有人干脆就是单纯为了pk而pk,基本上见人就动手,因为热血传奇里的pk模式太简单也太直接,看谁不顺眼,直接上去****就可以,从人的原始冲动上来看,这款游戏的设定确实相当过瘾。 Because Li Mu snatches the deer, was hacked to death by a fellow of high first-level and hand-held black wooden sword, after resurrecting, goes, to nearby was killed with the fireball by another magician, but he is not angry, mainly to use the angle of programmer, personally experiences most primitive hot blooded Legend again, moreover studies plug-in while convenient. 李牧因为抢鹿,被一个高自己一级、手持乌木剑的家伙砍死了,复活之后再去,到了跟前又被另外一个魔法师用火球打死,不过他也不生气,主要就是为了用程序员的角度,再亲身感受一下最原始的热血传奇,另外也顺便研究一下外挂 Charge plug-in will also be in the legal blank in the next two or three years, conservative point estimate, at least two years of legal life cycles, moreover plug-in is the short line makes the quick money, this rapid supplement cash flow business, must certainly make a lane, but Li Mu was also more discrete. Own present not only 3321, Muye Science and Technology, was plug-in matter unable to act, gave Zhao Kang to do appropriately. 收费外挂在未来两三年内还处于法律空白,保守点估计,至少还有两年的法律生命周期,而且外挂是短线赚快钱,这种迅速补充现金流的买卖,肯定还是要弄一弄,不过李牧也谨慎了许多。自己现在不仅有3321,还有牧野科技,做外挂的事情自己就不能出面了,交给赵康来做最合适。 Let Zhao Kang do. Li Mu will not make him take the legal risk, he still remembers time node that plug-in is punished, so long as on January 1 , 04 «about Development beforePrivate ClothingAndplug-inSpecial treatment Notice» formally implemented received the hand, basically does not have any risk, let alone. Li Mu does not prepare to make by that time, quickly one year plug-in, slow two years later, even if all gives oneself the plug-in income of national, oneself will not spare a glance. 赵康来做。李牧也不会让他承担法律风险,他还记得外挂入罪的时间节点,只要04年1月1日《关于开展对“私服“、“外挂“专项治理的通知》正式实施前收手,就基本上没有什么风险,更何况。李牧也不准备把外挂做到那个时候,快则一年,慢则两年之后,就算把全国的外挂收入全都送给自己,自己也会不屑一顾了。 although Li Mu now in pocket also 1 million, but this self-confidence, he definitely has. 虽然李牧现在兜里也就百万,但这份自信,他是绝对有的。 Li Ya only saw that Li Mu non-stop being killed in the open country, cannot bear say: Brother Mu, coming the mine tunnel to look for me, I do not mine. Forming a team leads you to hit Zombie(s).” 李亚唯眼看李牧不停被人在野外干掉,忍不住说道:“牧哥,来矿洞找我啊,我不挖矿了。组队带你打僵尸。” Li Mu said with a smile: You first dig your ore, I play casually, familiar.” 李牧笑道:“你还是先挖你的矿吧,我就随便玩玩,熟悉一下。” 1 : 00 am, Li Mu must walk, becomes addicted fascinated Li Ya only to wish one could to be able a evening's night. 凌晨 1 点,要不是李牧要走,上瘾入迷的李亚唯恨不得能够晚上一个通宵。 Returns to the road in school, Li Ya only also in exciting sigh: This Game was really crisp! What a pity the evening that I know, the players of area inside many high ranks just operated the clothing/taking to come , did you look at the equipment of high rank warrior? In a complete mess that the war-god armor very dazzles, that purgatory, Oh. When I can have that life!” 回学校的路上,李亚唯还在激动的感叹:“这个游戏实在是太爽了!可惜我知道的晚了,区里面不少高级别的玩家都是刚开服就进来了,你看高级别武士的装备了没?战神盔甲酷炫的一塌糊涂,还有那个炼狱,天哪。我什么时候才能有那个命!” Li Mu recalled previous life first-year university student plays Legend time, is similar to Li Ya mentality only, when every day is keeping thinking about to rise first-level, when to trade one again recently equipped, to study a new skill . Legend this attraction, in this age is national, the influence is huge. 李牧回想上辈子自己大一传奇的时候,也跟李亚唯的心态差不多,每天都在惦记着自己什么时候能再升一级、什么时候能换一件新装备、学一个新技能,而且。传奇这种吸引力,在这个年代是全民性的,影响力巨大。 Returns to the bedroom, the Li Ya only evening to keep thinking about Legend, rests in his lower berth Li Mu is also same. 回到寝室,李亚唯一晚上都在惦记着传奇,睡在他下铺的李牧也是一样。 Li Mu felt the time starts to develop Legend plug-in of commercial version. 李牧觉得,是时候开始开发一个商业版的传奇外挂了。 Next morning. Li Mu made with Zhao Kang went to Yucheng Garden to meet, said to Zhao Kang matter that prepared to do Legend plug-in. 第二天上午。李牧赵康约了去裕城花园见面,跟赵康说了准备搞传奇外挂的事情。 Zhao Kang one hear of Li Mu have prepared to begin, immediately says excitedly: I have been paying attention to Legend this Game recently, mother was really hot, our class male student almost everyone had the number, more than 50% people must play every day, moreover each player will use our Legend Overlord 1.0, although Legend has not collected fees now, but I thought that now powerful plug-in, should have the market potential of charge.” 赵康一听李牧已经准备动手,立刻兴奋地说道:“我最近一直在关注传奇这款游戏,妈的实在是太火了,我们班男生几乎每个人都有号,一半以上的人每天都得去玩,而且每一个玩家都会用咱们的传奇霸主1.0,虽然现在传奇还没收费,但我觉得现在一款功能强大的外挂,应该也有收费的市场潜力了。” Li Mu nods, said: Has not begun while other present plug-in work rooms, I hurried first to develop recently commercial plug-in.” 李牧点了点头,道:“趁着现在其他外挂工作室还没动手,我最近赶紧先把商业外挂开发出来。” Zhao Kang said immediately: „After this plug-in you develop, what matter you have to tell me by all means that before you had explained to me plug-in this thing, I still remember that you said sells the shaking the head pill in the disco the analogy, will this thing violate the law sooner or later?” 赵康当即说道:“这次外挂你开发出来之后,你有什么事情就只管吩咐我,之前你跟我解释过外挂这个东西,我还记得你说的那个在迪厅卖摇头药丸的比喻,这东西早晚会犯法吧?” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: Later may read in the laws and regulations, but does not have now, but this thing is eventually ignominious.” 李牧微微一笑,说:“以后可能会写入法律法规,但现在还没有,不过这东西终究不光彩。” Zhao Kang simply said: I act to do, your present fame is so big, cannot contaminate the negative news.” 赵康便道:“我出面做吧,你现在名气这么大,不能沾染负面消息。” Li Mu said: Is the slightly discrete point many, therefore do not act directly, particularly money, cannot certainly receive money with own real name account, when the time comes makes your team hand/subordinate look for the business agent in each region offline Internet cafe, every month money arrives to take immediately appears, most completes 03 the first half of the year, since the second half of 19 03, plug-in this bought and sold us no longer to bump forever.” 李牧说:“还是稍微谨慎一点好些,所以你也不要直接出面,尤其是钱,一定不能用自己的实名账户收款,到时候让你手下的团队在各地线下的网吧寻找代理商,每月钱一到就立刻取现出来,最多做完03年上半年,从03年下半年开始,外挂这买卖咱们就永远不再碰了。” Ahead of time national promulgation laws and regulation a half year receives the hand, Li Mu has the absolute assurance not to have the law to involve again, reason that thinks more discrete, does not think in the future took this matter to come disgusting, so long as completed this point, plug-in this big fat he should eat will eat. 提前国家颁布相关法律法规半年收手,李牧有绝对的把握不会再有法律牵扯,之所以想谨慎一些,也是不想将来被人拿这件事来恶心自己,只要做好了这一点,外挂这块大肥肉他该吃还是会吃。 Why Zhao Kang did not understand Li Mu to place in the first half of 2003 the node of plug-in business, but he has not questioned in detail, he just finished from the college entrance examination follows Li Mu to work, to Li Mu was 10.01 million trusts. 赵康不懂李牧为什么把外挂生意的节点放在2003年上半年,不过他也没有细问,他从高考刚结束就跟随着李牧做事,对李牧是一千一万个信任。 Li Mu said: I started to develop recently, strive to get online before the end of the month, but this time we want to make the plug-in sale, must therefore have own confirmation server.” 李牧说:“我最近就开始着手开发,争取在月底之前就能上线,不过这次咱们要自己做外挂销售,所以一定得有自己的验证服务器。” Zhao Kang then asked: How does this flow operate specifically? Our previous time sold plug-in is the one breath pack sold to Yanjing that two fellows, when I was not quite clear it to make concrete the logic and flow to hiring by the month charge.” 赵康便问:“这流程具体是怎么操作的?咱们上次卖外挂是一口气打包卖给燕京那俩家伙了,我不太清楚它具体到包月收费时的逻辑和流程。” Li Mu said with a smile: „ Logic nothing but is activates the code, after the plug-in development is completed, its function by one proving program is deadlocked, this is a commercial plug-in necessary link, otherwise only sells the peaceful packaging the words, that became the fool, because others took your secure packaging, he can also sell to others, people who therefore, had the brain will not do that. 李牧笑道:“逻辑无非就是激活码,外挂开发完成之后,它的功能是被一套验证程序锁死的,这是商业外挂必备的一个环节,否则只卖安装包的话,那就成傻逼了,因为别人拿了你的安装包,他也可以卖给其他人,所以,有脑子的人都不会这么做。 However speaking of confirmation logic, most appropriate is we build one specifically to be used in the server of confirmation, then me designs one set of activation code production logic, the random batch production massive long numerous and diverse activation codes, then give the dealer the activation code, sells by them to the user, the user opens our plug-in, registers a fixed account number, then inputs the activation code, can activate uses plug-in, each activation code can activate one month of life, expires the later automatic shut-off function, purchases the activation code activation until him again. ” 不过说到验证逻辑,最妥当的就是我们搭建一个专门用于验证的服务器,然后我这边设计一套激活码生成逻辑,随机批量生成大量冗长繁杂的激活码,然后把激活码交给经销商,由他们出售给用户,用户打开咱们的外挂,注册一个固定的账号,然后再输入激活码,就可以激活使用外挂了,每个激活码可以激活一个月使用期限,到期之后自动关闭功能,直到他再次购买激活码激活。” Zhao Kang thinks then to understand slightly logic, asked that Li Mu said: „Can user decode our activation codes?” 赵康稍微想了想便明白了其中的逻辑,问李牧道:“用户会不会去破解咱们的激活码?” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: So long as were the online procedure/program certainly cannot avoid being decoded, decoded the password most direct means is the exhaustion method, even your password setting again long again complicated, was still the combination of letter and digit, tried definitely to try, but was the time issue, if I imitated the method of Microsoft this big company, added the digit the pattern to encrypt with 20 letters, that the possibility estimate of combination must over 10,000 trillion types, but I altogether on will also sell several million activation yards to be great, several million calculated in 10,000 trillion times., The probability uncertain enough to can for zero.” 李牧微微一笑,说:“只要是网上的程序就一定避免不了被破解,破解密码最直接的办法就是穷举法,就算你的密码设定的再长再繁复,也不过就是字母和数字的组合,一个一个去试是肯定能够试出来的,不过就是个时间问题罢了,如果我模仿微软这种大公司的方法,用二十位字母加数字的模式来进行加密,那么组合的可能性估计要在亿亿种以上,而我一共也就会卖出几百万个激活码了不起了,几百万在亿亿次里算的话,机率渺茫到可以为零了。” Saying, Li Mu smiles, the popular science said: This exhaustion method is actually very easy to guard, if you do not give it to set a limit, ordinary home-use computer one second can also test over ten thousand combinations repeatedly, but if you limit his slightly, for example, after confirmation failure, within one minute does not allow to submit again, the opposite party fails to explode immediately, the remaining possibilities, were the hacker decoded, but this basically did not have the possibility, can have the hacker of such strong strength, will not be interested in plug-in this type of thing.” 说着,李牧又笑了笑,科普道:“这种穷举法其实很容易防范,你要是不给它设定一个限制,普通家用电脑一秒钟也能反复测试上万个组合,但如果你稍微限制他一下,比如,验证失败后,一分钟之内不允许再次提交,那对方就立刻哑火了,剩下的可能,就是黑客破解了,不过这个基本上不存在可能性,能有这么强实力的黑客,不会对外挂这种东西感兴趣。” Zhao Kang nods gently, sighed: You understand real many, I also understood what is heard probably, we only peddled this virtual activation code in any case when the time comes to the dealer, how many that's alright then recorded him altogether to sell out, right?” 赵康轻轻点了点头,叹道:“你懂的真多,我也听明白一个大概了,反正到时候咱们就只兜售这种虚拟的激活码给经销商,然后记录他一共卖掉了多少个就行了,对吧?” Right, matter is very simple, you found time to look for the server trust company over the two days, now the server trust does not force to request using real individual names, you look for these to manage the sloppiest engine room as far as possible.” “没错,事情很简单,你这两天就抽空去找个服务器托管公司,现在服务器托管不强制要求实名制,你就尽量找那些管理最散漫的机房。” Ok!” “ok!” Li Mu said: This time we operate the Legend plug-in net income, your three I seven.” 李牧说:“这次咱们操作传奇外挂的净收入,你三我七。” Zhao Kang takes off/escapes the tastes: Follows time to be the same, limited that I can make.” 赵康脱口道:“还是跟上次一样吧,我能做的有限。” Li Mu beckons with the hand: This time I was responsible for all development and following editions renewing as well as other secret work, retailing of plug-in and return to the funds mainly to depend on you, therefore this proportion was decided that do not consider too little do not dislike many, our blood brother, met with the money related matter even clearly does accounts, long-time that only then this can walk . Moreover, if you must choose person to give you when the time comes to help, elected the person time must discrete some.” 李牧摆摆手:“这次我负责所有的开发、后续版本更新以及其他的幕后工作,外挂的分销和回款就主要都靠你了,所以这个比例就这么定死了,你别嫌少更别嫌多,咱俩就算是亲兄弟,遇到跟钱有关的事情还是得明算账,只有这样才能走的长久,另外,如果你到时候要选择身边的人给你帮忙,选人的时候一定要谨慎些。” The Zhao Kang hesitant moment, nods gently. 赵康犹豫片刻,轻轻点了点头。 Li Mu remembers the Douban matter, then said: „ Right, we went to Muye Science and Technology on Monday at noon, the contract template did well, on Monday we signed, Douban turned over to the Muye Science and Technology capitalization holding officially, you used Douban to replace 500,000 cash as well as 5% stocks from Muye. 李牧想起豆瓣的事情,便说:“对了,周一中午咱们去牧野科技,合约模板弄好了,周一咱们签约,豆瓣正式归牧野科技全资控股,你用豆瓣牧野置换50万现金以及5%的股份。 However the brothers I must first explain the words, besides Baidu and Song Liang with the stock that the cash invests , the option that other I give is also good, the Douban replacement stock is also good, comes the generation to hold by me, has certain restraint in the leverage, as for me for holding reason, mainly after is, will have financing of many wheel, each financing is the dilution of stock, therefore I ensure own right to speak, you could rest assured that financing time, everyone is the same compared with the dilution. ” 不过兄弟我也得把话先说明白,除了百度宋亮用现金入股的股份之外,其他我给出去的期权也好,豆瓣的置换股份也好,都由我个人来代持,在套现上都有一定的约束,至于我代持的原因,主要是以后还会有很多轮的融资,每一次的融资都是股份的稀释,所以我得保证自己的话语权,不过你们放心,融资的时候,大家都一样等比稀释。” Zhao Kang saying without hesitation: I listen your.”( To be continued.) 赵康毫不犹豫的说道:“我听你的。”(未完待续。) ps: Today not song strives for three, is not before dawn that this chapter is first. 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