RINAPE :: Volume #2

#185: Legend fiery/popular

The 《Old Boy》 short film twinkle moment of thought in the Li Mu's mind, he then seals this thought later temporarily, if must make short film, cannot certainly for the literary arts, need to find profit point, has the good business model to begin is not late again. 《老男孩》微电影的念头在李牧的脑海中闪烁片刻,随后他便暂时将这个念头封存,如果要做微电影,就一定不能只是为了文艺,需要找到这其中的盈利点,有好的商业模式再动手也不迟。 Afterward, the topic at the matter that returns to Chen Wan to respond, Li Mu asked that which TV Station Chen Wan favors, the reply that she gives is: First did not say regardless the successful probability size, said purely these two TV Station words, I actually hope can enter the Yanjing stage.” 随后,话题又回到陈婉应聘的事情上,李牧陈婉更倾向于哪个电视台,她给出的回答是:“先抛开成功的机率大小不说,单纯说这两个电视台的话,我其实更希望能进燕京台。” Li Mu raising eyebrows, the surprise asked: Why is the Yanjing stage?” 李牧挑挑眉,诧异问道:“为什么是燕京台?” Chen Wan said: CCTV is too serious, the promotion system is also too complex, the popularity of although CCTV anchor is high, but I always thought that their makings some are legitimate, such image did not tally your previous time said that , takes a leg that I said in management, a leg in the entertainment world, the words of regional station, instead had this potential.” 陈婉说:“央视太严肃,晋升体系也太复杂,虽然央视名嘴的知名度都非常高,但我总觉得他们的气质有些过于正统,这样的形象不太符合你上次说跟我说的、要一条腿在主持界,一条腿在娱乐圈,地方台的话,反而更有这种潜质。” Li Mu surprised looks at Chen Wan, didn't expect she was really serious the words that oneself spoke unexpectedly, moreover her judgment also truly right. 李牧惊讶的看着陈婉,没想到她竟然真的把自己说的话当回事了,而且她的判断也确实没错。 The present television media have not entered to the future entertainment time, the present entertainment program can say the creativity hackneyed stuff and having nothing worthwhile, because does not have the good variety entertainment program to coordinate, therefore the present television viewer favors these legitimate programs of CCTV, the Host reputation of CCTV naturally is also biggest, several golden programs held red many management anchors, but, according to the experience of Li Mu later generation, fame although of these CCTV anchors was very big, but hardly had the entertainment world attribute. 现在的电视媒体还没进入到日后的娱乐时代,现在的娱乐节目可以说创意老套、乏善可陈,因为没有好的综艺娱乐节目牵头,所以现在的电视观众更倾向于央视的那些正统节目,央视的主持人名声也自然最大,几个黄金节目都捧红了不少主持名嘴,但是,根据李牧后世的经验来看,这些央视名嘴的名气虽然很大,但几乎不具备娱乐圈属性。 On the contrary, in the future these can the fire spread Host across the country, overwhelming majorities come from the regional station. 相反,日后那些能够火遍大江南北的主持人,绝大多数都来自于地方台。 That focuses in the Yanjing stage, CCTV is too truly serious, is not quite suitable to make the entertainment, strives to take the Yanjing stage.” Li Mu said own suggestion. “那就把重点放在燕京台身上吧,央视确实太严肃,不太适合做娱乐,争取把燕京台拿下来。”李牧说出了自己的建议。 Chen Wan nods, says with a smile: I as far as possible diligently.” 陈婉点了点头,笑道:“我尽量努力吧。” Li Mu mused at heart, if oneself want to help Chen Wan, what means should use? Yanjing stage CCTV, oneself does not know anyone. CCTV celebrity know actually many, but know others, others do not know himself. 李牧心里暗想,如果自己想帮陈婉,应该用什么办法呢?无论是燕京台还是央视,自己都不认识什么人。央视名人自己知道的倒是很多,可自己认识别人,人家也不认识自己啊。 However, in the Li Mu mind emits a person suddenly. That is the screenwriter-director of Yanjing TV Station late news, Xie Tingfang. 不过,李牧脑海中忽然冒出一个人来。那便是燕京电视台晚间新闻节目的编导,谢婷芳 Initially 3321 special coverages were Yanjing TV Station do, this news could be said as by a Xie Tingfang excavation, according to the convention of press, following this news, no matter were fried in a big way. Xie Tingfang is excavation of this news, if 3321 become the genuine flash news, Xie Tingfang can also enjoy by 3321 to take to her advantage. 当初3321的专题报道就是燕京电视台做的,这个新闻可以说是由谢婷芳一手发掘,按照新闻界的惯例,后续这个新闻不管被炒到多大。谢婷芳都是这个新闻的发掘者,如果3321成为真正的大新闻,谢婷芳也能享受到由3321带给她的好处。 Then, oneself with Xie Tingfang is also the understanding, does not know when the time comes can ask her to help. 说起来,自己跟谢婷芳也算是认识,不知道到时候能不能找她帮帮忙。 Sister and brother happy eating meal of, Li Mu drove to deliver to itself to open the hotel in room her, this four-star hotel condition was very good, the most important thing is, was not far from CCTV and Yanjing TV Station, the public transportation took taxi to be convenient. 姐弟俩开开心心的吃了顿饭,李牧开车把她送到了自己开好房间的酒店,这家四星级酒店条件很不错,最重要的是,距离央视和燕京电视台都不算远,无论是公交还是打车都非常方便。 Li Mu's makes Chen Wan be moved and warm intimately at heart. Li Mu fed in the room her, helping her put in the room the suitcase, then the injunction said: Elder sister you rests earlier, tomorrow on Sunday, will be all right I to look for you again.” 李牧的贴心让陈婉心里感动而又温暖。李牧把她送进了房间,帮她把行李箱放到房间里,便嘱咐道:“姐你早点休息吧,明天礼拜天,没什么事我再来找你。” Chen Wan asked him: „Do you return to the school now? Returns to the house that you rent?” 陈婉问他:“你现在回学校吗?还是回你租的房子?” Li Mu said: I return to the bedroom, the matter that must handle processes was similar.” 李牧说:“我回寝室,要处理的事情都处理的差不多了。” Chen Wan nods, says with a smile: You will be busy tomorrow your, I tomorrow the friend who prepares to visit my father, he also held me to bring a small gift to deliver.” 陈婉点了点头,笑道:“那你明天就忙你的吧,我明天准备去拜访拜访我爸的朋友,他还托我带了点小礼物要送过去。” Li Mu then pulls out the car(riage) key, gives Chen Wan saying: That this. I usually do not use a vehicle, tomorrow you will drive my car(riage), moreover on Monday do not join CCTV to interview.” 李牧便掏出车钥匙来,递给陈婉说道:“那这样。我平时也不怎么用车,明天你就开我的车去吧,另外你周一不就要去参加央视面试了吗。” Chen Wan asked Li Mu: „Didn't you use a vehicle for these days?” 陈婉李牧:“你这几天不用车啦?” Li Mu said with a smile: Does not use, the car(riage) buys not to use. I usually have no place of vehicle.” 李牧笑道:“不用,车买回来也没怎么用过。我平时没什么用车的地方。” Chen Wan then received the car(riage) key, said with a smile: That line, the car(riage) I first open for two days.” 陈婉便接过车钥匙,笑道:“那行,车我先开两天。” The Li Mu nod said with a smile: Drives to pay attention to the security.” 李牧点头笑道:“开车注意安全。” Said goodbye with Chen Wan, Li Mu took taxi to go back to the school, the five fellows in didn't expect bedroom unexpectedly, at this time is chatting bustling. 陈婉告别,李牧打车回到学校,没想到寝室的五个家伙竟然都在,此时正聊得热火朝天。 Li Mu sees Li Ya only to sit on the sides of the bed of upper berth exciting saying: Hey. You have not played have certainly not known, in Game simply is the violence is the king, you make what to be good to equip, will be snatched momentarily, will kill a person and take his possessions, I killed a boy to practice acquiring a skill in the Zombie(s) hole a moment ago, didn't expect blew out more than one to add a small best quality goods bracelet of attack.” 李牧李亚唯坐在上铺的床沿上兴奋的说道:“嘿。你们没玩儿过当然不知道,游戏里简直就是暴力为王,你打出什么好装备来,随时都会被人抢,甚至会被杀人越货,刚才我在僵尸洞就杀了一个小子练手,没想到爆出一个多加了一点攻击的小极品手镯。” Xue Jianfeng curls the lip: Your boy do not wallow Game, Saturday night does not go home to rest, but also the running bedroom tricks we to brush the night together, the demon was startled.” 薛剑锋撇了撇嘴:“你小子别沉迷游戏了,周六晚上不回家睡,还跑寝室来忽悠我们一起刷夜,魔怔了吧。” Li Ya only hastily said: Yeah, is also all right in any case, goes to the Internet cafe to play one late and that's the end, did I ask everyone's good?” 李亚急忙说道:“哎,反正也没什么事,去网吧玩一晚就是了,我请大家好不好?” Is saying, Li Ya only saw passing through the gate Li Mu, hastily to say to Li Mu: Brother Mu, goes to the Internet cafe night in the evening, do I treat, cannot go?” 正说着,李亚唯才看见进门的李牧,急忙李牧说:“牧哥,晚上去网吧通宵,我请客,去不去?” Plays Game?” Li Mu listened to his chat content a moment ago, guesses correctly Li Ya only to play Legend most likely, calculated the time, Legend gets online now also for almost two months, should compare fiery/popular. “去玩游戏?”李牧刚才听他的聊天内容,就猜出李亚唯十有八九是在玩传奇,算算时间,传奇现在上线也差不多俩月了,应该已经比较火爆了。 Really, Li Ya only confessed on own initiative: Recently was infatuated with Game, hot blooded Legend, hung compels, wants to draw everyone to play together, the brothers have to take care in Game together, perhaps we turn head can also establish our faction, awesome was definitely bad.” 果然,李亚唯自己主动交代:“最近迷上一款游戏,热血传奇,吊的一逼,想拉着大家一起玩呢,弟兄们一起在游戏里也有个照应,没准咱们回头还能建立自己的帮派,肯定牛逼坏了。” Li Mu thinks this Game in the fiery/popular degree of this age, then opens the mouth saying: Good inferior (Asia) only, do not torment their four in this, plays Game actually also to have nothing, but should not be dedicated.” 李牧一想到这游戏在这年代的火爆程度,便开口道:“行了亚唯,你就别在这荼毒他们四个了,玩玩游戏其实也没什么,但也别太专注了。” Li Ya only somewhat said resentfully: You are not interested Ah? 李亚唯有些悻悻的说:“你们都不感兴趣啊? Sun Jian said: I must give the student to make up for a missed lesson tomorrow afternoon, the words of night the condition affirmation will unable to adjust tomorrow.” 孙坚说:“我明天下午要去给学生补课,通宵的话明天状态肯定调整不过来。” Hu Zhengdao said: Right, I will have the class tomorrow.” 胡正道说道:“对啊,我明天也有课。” Liu Nian raises hand, said in a low voice: I have.” 刘念举起手来,低声说:“我也有。” Li Ya only sighed: Bedroom six people, three made the family education, did family education website, remaining I with Jianfeng, became the extension workers of family education network, our bedroom did with the family education industry.” 李亚唯叹了口气:“一个寝室六个人,三个做了家教,一个干了家教网站,剩下我跟剑锋,又成了家教网的推广人员,咱们寝室跟家教行业干上了。” Hu Zhengdao smiles, to say to Li Mu immediately: Brother Mu, I received money, this afternoon went to the automatic teller machine to check the balance, were many about 400.” 胡正道嘿嘿一笑,随即对李牧说道:“牧哥,我收到钱了,今天下午去自动取款机上查了查余额,多了将近四百。” Li Mu asked him: Your last week on the shelf how many class hours?” 李牧问他:“你上周上架了多少个课时?” 15, class market price in 30.” “十五个,课时价没过三十。” Li Mu asked Liu Nian: Liu Nian, you?” 李牧刘念:“刘念,你呢?” Liu Nian smiles: I also received, 817 Yuan!” 刘念腼腆一笑:“我也收到了,817元!” A Sun Jian face envied said: Little NianNian, the rate of second week generally lowered much compared with the first week, my time patted 22, Zhengdao 23, but you were publicized on TV, the price rises rather than drop, one hour are 100 feelings very crisp?” 孙坚一脸羡慕的说:“小念念,第二周的成交价普遍都比第一周低了不少,我这次才拍了二十二块,正道二十三,不过你上了电视,价格不降反升,一小时一百块的感觉很爽吧?” Li Mu curious asking: What's wrong? Little NianNian class market price to 100?” 李牧好奇的问道:“怎么?小念念的课时价到一百了?” Un.” Sun Jian said with a smile: Originally rose to about 70 motionless, afterward had a local tyrant to give 100 offers directly, what Little NianNian this week of on the shelf is 20 hours, in other words one week can gain 2000, but must buckle 100 commissions.” “嗯。”孙坚笑道:“本来到了七十块左右就涨不动了,后来有个土豪直接给了一百的报价,小念念这周上架的还是20个小时,也就是说一个礼拜能赚两千,不过要扣一百块佣金。” Li Ya only said: I depend, I who one week 2000, said want to do.” 李亚唯说:“我靠,一礼拜两千,说的我都想去干了。” Liu Nian somewhat said awkwardly: Mainly should the reason of that topic, my week of price of definitely also fall otherwise.” 刘念有些尴尬的说:“主要应该还是那次专题的原因,不然的话我这周的价格肯定也会降。” Li Mu hits is Liu Nian was at heart happy, the Liu Nian manner is upright, moreover looks after the household filial, he did not worry that will make money to have other negative impacts on Liu Nian. 李牧打心里为刘念高兴,刘念为人忠厚老实,而且孝顺顾家,他丝毫不担心赚钱会对刘念造成其他的负面影响。 Li Ya only sees everyone in playing Game is not interested very much, unavoidably is somewhat moved, said resentfully: You are not willing to go, I do not go, tomorrow will say again, what a pity I excuse that to play Game all night, compiles to my mother.” 李亚唯见大家对玩游戏都不是很感兴趣,不免有些怅然若失,悻悻说道:“你们都不愿意去,那我也不去了,明天白天再说吧,可惜了我为了通宵玩游戏,给我妈编造的借口。” Li Mu asked Li Ya only: „Does Legend start to collect fees now?” 李牧李亚唯:“传奇现在开始收费了吗?” Was quick, immediately.” Li Ya only said: That side Shanda had said that will start to collect fees, probably is the end of the month.” “快了,马上。”李亚唯说:“盛大那边早就说会开始收费,好像就是月底吧。” Li Mu nods, it seems like that the plug-in matter some did, this time gives Zhao Kang to operate simply, he has the core water army member, can directly transform as each region business agent, when the time comes unfolds the plug-in distribution, one month gains several hundred thousand with ease. 李牧点了点头,看来外挂的事情又有的搞了,这次干脆就交给赵康来运作,他手下有核心水军的成员,可以直接转化为各地代理商,到时候铺开外挂销售网络,一个月赚几十万轻轻松松。 Although Li Mu now also 1 million, just bought the car(riage), but his capital to own present unusual is unsatisfied, he huge plans, will also need not the poor foreign exchange to operate in the future, if that project starts to operate, earlier will spend is similar to will swallow up the general terrifying, must have enough cash to handle, but once this project became, profit that then it can bring, actually will be the blowout general, the Li Mu conservative estimate, must not be lower than over 3 million dollars for this project preparation, the time will make money with a sense of urgency, became Li Mu now at heart the matter of primary importance. One. 虽说李牧现在也有一百万,又刚买了车,但他对自己现在的这点资本还是非常的不满意,他未来还有一个巨大的规划,需要不菲的外汇去运作,那个项目如果开始运作,前期花钱会如同鲸吞一般恐怖,要有足够的现金才能玩得转,可一旦这个项目成了,那它能带来的利润,却是井喷一般的,李牧保守估计,自己要为这个项目准备不低于三百万美金以上,抓紧时间赚钱,成了李牧现在心里最重要的事情之一。 Thinks of here, Li Mu only said to Li Ya: inferior (Asia) only, or do I accompany you to play the little while?” 想到这里,李牧李亚唯说道:“亚唯,要不我陪你去玩会儿?” Li Ya somewhat was only disappointed, one hear of these words come the spirit immediately: „Hasn't Brother Mu, cracked a joke?” 李亚唯原本有些失望,一听这句话立刻来了精神:“牧哥,没开玩笑?” Li Mu nods, said: Like this, the package night definitely is inappropriate, we go out to play a meeting, before 12 o'clock, comes back to rest, in the weekend, the school bedroom does not close in any case today.” 李牧点点头,说:“这样,包夜肯定是不合适,咱俩出去玩一会,一两点钟之前回来休息,反正今天周末,学校寝室不关门。” Li Ya only without hesitation complies, later immediately a both hands brace, the body jumps down from the upper berth sides of the bed on, has taken a coat rapidly, said to Li Mu: Walks Brother Mu, tonight I treat.” 李亚唯毫不犹豫的答应下来,随后立刻双手一撑,身体自上铺床沿上跳下,迅速拿过一件外套,对李牧说:“走牧哥,今晚我请客。” Li Mu and Li Ya are only to an extracurricular Internet cafe , the Internet cafe altogether twenty machines, had all been filled at this moment, moreover overwhelming majorities seem like the students, Li Mu looked probably, male has 19, was overwhelming majorities, but in his 19 male students, is playing hot blooded Legend, really has 11 people. 李牧李亚唯一起来到校外的一家网吧内,网吧一共有二十几台机器,此刻已经全坐满了,而且绝大多数看起来都是学生,李牧大概看了看,男的有19个,占了绝大多数,而其19个男生里,在玩热血传奇的,竟然有十一人。 In addition, several female student two are also playing hot blooded Legend, moreover a face that plays is excited, Li Mu calculates probably, in the Internet cafe played the Legend player proportion to surpass 50%, moreover their download(ing) Legend Overlord 1.0 plug-in of free version.( To be continued.) 除此之外,几个女生也有两个在玩热血传奇,而且玩的一脸激动,李牧大概算了算,网吧里玩传奇的玩家比例已经超过了50%,而且他们每个人都下载了免费版的传奇霸主1.0外挂。(未完待续。) ps: Chapter 3. 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