RINAPE :: Volume #2

#184: Wanted on Spring Night?

Li Mu had a lunch casually, then directly soars the audiovisual education building in school, the goods of Baidu donation must deliver immediately, how Li Mu must plan these three classrooms to use. 李牧自己随便吃了点午饭,便直奔学校的电教楼,百度捐赠的物品马上就要送到,李牧还得规划一下这三间教室应该怎么利用。 The school has made a connection to the arranged three classrooms, in each classrooms opened about 1.5 meters in width opening, the worker just cleaned up the construction trash, according to the Li Mu's request, prepared the glass door that installed to be able bidirectional to open. 学校给安排的三间教室已经打通,每个教室之间打开了一个宽约1.5米的豁口,工人刚把建筑垃圾清理出去,按照李牧的要求,准备安装能双向打开的玻璃门。 1 : 30 pm time, Baidu several staff rush to Renmin, saw Li Mu in the audiovisual education building, they say, provides the supplier of work furniture immediately, they sent eight workers, in the shortest time will install the location and chair these, the supply chamber of commerce appearance of two o'clock computer equipment started to install the computer, as for the media, the Baidu aspect has informed their 2 : 30 punctual appearances. 下午 1 点半的时候,百度的几个工作人员赶到人大,在电教楼见到了李牧,据他们说,提供办公桌椅的供应商马上就到,他们派来了八个工人,会在最短的时间内把工位和椅子这些安装好,两点钟电脑设备的供应商会到场开始安装电脑,至于媒体,百度方面已经通知他们两点半准时到场。 Quick, the audiovisual education building starts one piece to bustle about, the scene is assembling the work position time, Tan Yaocheng also caught up in a hurry. 很快,电教楼就开始一片忙碌起来,现场正在拼装办公位的时候,谭耀成也匆匆赶来了。 Sees Li Mu, Tan Yaocheng then hastily goes forward to shake hand with Li Mu, the smalltalk said: Laborious the brother, media 2 : 30 came, before three points, certainly finished up.” 一见李牧,谭耀成便急忙上前跟李牧握了握手,客套说:“辛苦了老弟,媒体两点半过来,三点前一定完事。” Li Mu said with a smile: Director Tan so should not be polite, should be, after all Baidu 3321 donated so many hardware, I am very grateful you and Baidu.” 李牧笑道:“谭总别这么客气,都是应该的嘛,毕竟百度给3321捐助了这么多的硬件设施,我心里可是很感激您和百度的。” Tan Yaocheng said with a laugh said: Should, first did not say that among us cooperation, present company which doesn't want to do some to have the social responsibilities enterprise image to come out? With 3321 cooperation, absolutely was one of the public welfare domain best choices.” 谭耀成笑着说道:“应该的嘛,先不说咱们之间的合作关系,现在的公司哪个不想做点具备社会责任感的企业形象出来?跟3321的合作,绝对是公益领域最好的选择之一了。” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: Just right that Director Tan you come, but also a little matter must ask you to help.” 李牧微微一笑,说:“谭总你来的正好,还有点事情要请你帮帮忙。” Tan Yaocheng then asked: You said that anything.” 谭耀成便问:“你说吧,什么事。” Li Mu said: 3321 should settle accounts to last week student, but me did not have full-time financial affairs and teller, I want to make Baidu that side financial affairs help, settles accounts the pay for me, money unifies the merge to pay by me to Baidu.” 李牧说:“3321该给上周的学生结算了,但我这边还没有专职财务和出纳,我想让百度那边的财务帮帮忙,代我把薪资结算掉,钱由我这边统一合并支付给百度。” Tan Yaocheng thinks, this is not the important matter, nothing but was makes the financial affairs section the company add quite a while the class in the past. Therefore then complies, said: Ok, you said a time, I make one inform the people of financial affairs department to go to the company to work overtime.” 谭耀成想了想,这也不是什么大事,无非就是让财务部过去公司加半天班。于是便答应下来,道:“行,你说个时间,我让人通知财务部门的人去公司加班。” Li Mu nods. Said: I make the technology lead later detailed the account from the backstage, you introduced a person of docking, making them contact.” 李牧点点头。道:“我待会让技术从后台把账目明细导出来,你介绍一个对接的人,让他们去接触吧。” „Becoming, I telephone now, making them go to the company to work overtime.” “成,我现在就打电话,让他们去公司加班吧。” Waited for about an hour. The scene has shipped out many locations and computers, the reporters also catches up to come to the scene one after another. 等了将近一个钟头。现场已经装出不少工位和电脑,记者们也相继赶来现场。 For this time to 3321 donations, Baidu invited the 7-8 media, the television media only have one, Yanjing TV Station, paper media two, remaining is major internet Portal. 为了这次对3321的捐赠,百度请了七八家媒体,其中电视媒体只有一家,燕京电视台,纸媒两家,剩下的全是各大互联网门户 These media have interviewed have reported 3321, Li Mu has also dealt with their reporters, after Li Mu to the scene, paid attention to the media of appearance. Had not discovered that the new media unit appears. 这些媒体都已经采访报道过3321,李牧跟他们的记者也都打过交道,李牧到了现场之后,把到场的媒体都留意了一下。没发现新的媒体单位出现。 Li Mu somewhat is at heart disappointed, until now, but also no state-level media have reported 3321, properly speaking this type of news they not possible not to have received the message, should not have the attitude that what seed/type is concerned with, but does not know that they are still waiting and seeing anything. 李牧心里有些失望,到现在为止,还没有一家国家级媒体报道过3321,按理说这种新闻他们不可能没收到消息,也不应该采取何种不闻不问的态度,只是不知道他们到底还在观望什么。 This interview, Li Mu decided that to the Baidu exchange of gifts between friends, in the interview, he was therefore stressing repeatedly Baidu undertook 3321 following software and hardware demands on own initiative, decided that with partner who 3321 achieve the public welfare domain. Blew a new altitude the Baidu moral integrity. 这次采访,李牧决定对百度投桃报李,所以在采访中,他反复在强调百度主动承担了3321后续的软硬件需求,决定与3321达成公益领域的合作伙伴。把百度的节操吹到了一个新高度。 Tan Yaocheng didn't expect Li Mu shows due respect for the feelings unexpectedly, sighed at heart again and again, solid worth that this sum of money spends. 谭耀成没想到李牧竟然这么给面子,心里连连感叹,这笔钱花的实在值得。 Reporter besides interviewing this donation, cares about 3321 this week's bidding data very much. Li Mu has not hidden contraband, told the news media this week's real deal data, in surprised that in reporter concluded the interview. 记者除了采访了这次捐赠之外,也都很关心3321本周的竞拍数据。李牧也没藏私,把本周真实的成交数据告诉了新闻媒体,在诸位记者的惊讶之中结束了采访。 The interview just ended, Li Mu then receives the call that Chen Wan makes, she has prepared to board craft. 采访刚结束,李牧便接到陈婉打来的电话,她已经准备要登机了。 Li Mu approximately gets along with her because of the airport meets, later then telephoning lets Sun Jian and Hu Zhengdao helps stare at the progress. Oneself leave the school, returned to Yucheng Garden to open that gl8 that bought newly, first favored the position, opened a room in a four-star hotel to Chen Wan, later then directly soared the airport to go. 李牧跟她约好在机场见面,随后便打电话让孙坚胡正道过来帮忙盯着进度。自己则离开学校,回裕城花园把新买的那辆gl8开了出来,先看好位置,在一家四星级宾馆给陈婉开了一个房间,随后便直奔机场而去。 ...... …… When Chen Wan saw behind the airport exit|to speak parapet is standing when Li Mu, the mood such as the 18-year-old young girl just fell into the love river to jump for joy generally. 陈婉看到机场出口栏杆后面站着的李牧时,心情如18岁的少女刚刚陷入爱河一般雀跃。 Proposed a Chen Wan half step of company transport box to run from the exit, Li Mu also welcomed her to walk, nearby didn't expect just arrived is outstretched the both arms to hold a solidity by Chen Wan. 提着一个小行李箱的陈婉快步从出口处跑了出来,李牧也迎着她走过去,没想到刚到跟前就被陈婉伸开双臂抱了个结结实实。 „Did bad boy, think the elder sister?” “坏小子,想姐了没?” Thought.” Li Mu smiles, teased: Elder sister, you became more attractive.” “想了。”李牧嘿嘿一笑,调侃道:“姐,你变得更漂亮了。” Today's Chen Wan, had very big change in the wear, a model of windproof coat, the practicing moral culture/slim fit trousers and high-heeled shoes, seeming like all of a sudden maturer, the makings also had with the past greatly were very different. 今天的陈婉,在穿着上有了很大的改变,中款风衣、修身长裤以及高跟鞋,看起来一下子就成熟了许多,气质也与以往有了很大不同。 Chen Wan was praised one by Li Mu, in the heart charming, hangs down the eyelid to ask: Will coax me, where became attractive?” 陈婉李牧夸赞一句,心中娇羞,低垂着眼睑问:“就会哄我,哪里变漂亮了?” Makings.” Li Mu said earnestly: Official that such how you dress up today?” “气质。”李牧认真说道:“你今天怎么打扮的这么正式?” Chen Wan looked down own dressing up, showed a faint smile, said: I do not like wearing this type of clothes actually, but wants to be familiar ahead of time, do not wait for the interview time was seen the non- nature, two TV Station that this time must interview, I do not have the energy very much.” 陈婉低头看了看自己的装扮,微微一笑,说:“我其实不太喜欢穿这种衣服,但是还是想提前熟悉一下,别等面试的时候被人看出不自然来,这次要面试的两个电视台,我心里都不是很有底气。” Li Mu nods, received the suitcase from her hand, a sideband she is leaving the airport, at the same time said with a laugh said: Your condition is so good, this interview can definitely.” 李牧点了点头,从她手里接过行李箱,一边带着她出机场,一边笑着说道:“你条件这么好,这次面试肯定能过。” Chen Wan said: I am not so self-confident, come to ask somebody to inquire before, the hope of CCTV is very uncertain, basically is 5/1000 capacities, Yanjing TV Station is better, about 1%.” 陈婉说:“我可没这么自信,来之前托人打听了一下,央视的希望很渺茫,基本上是千分之五的通过率,燕京电视台稍好一些,百分之一左右吧。” Li Mu surprised asking: Such low capacity?” 李牧惊讶的问:“这么低的通过率?” Chen Wan shrugs, said: Yes, Yanjing media university has the national best broadcast and management specialty, every year here graduation several hundred people, the Jilin university related specialized graduate, the first choice is also Yanjing these two TV Station, everyone sharpened the head to run toward Yanjing, many that the interview capacity naturally lowered.” 陈婉耸耸肩,道:“是啊,燕京的传媒大学有全国最好的播音与主持专业,每年这里就毕业好几百人,吉林大学相关专业的毕业生,首选也是燕京这两家电视台,大家都削尖了脑袋往燕京跑,面试通过率自然就低的多了。” Li Mu encourages saying: Elder sister, I believes that your strength, surely does not have the issue!” 李牧鼓励道:“姐,我相信你的实力,肯定没问题!” Chen Wan said with a smile: I may not have you is so self-confident, is still thinking on the airplane a moment ago, what to do if both TV Station cannot respond successfully should.” 陈婉笑道:“我可没你这么自信,刚才在飞机上还在想,要是两家电视台都没能应聘成功该怎么办呢。” Li Mu said: If both TV Station have not succeeded, I look for the work to you.” 李牧就说:“要是两家电视台都没成功,那我就给你找工作。” Good.” Chen Wan then said: I do not manage, if these two TV Station I have not interviewed on, I depend in Yanjing eat your, drink your, live your, looked how long you can support.” “好啊。”陈婉便说:“那我就不管了,要是这两家电视台我都没面试上,我就赖在燕京吃你的、喝你的、住你的,看你能撑多久。” Li Mu said with a laugh: Looks at the ability that makes money by me, how long really wants to support to support how long.” 李牧笑着说:“以我看赚钱的能力来看,真是想撑多久就能撑多久。” Blows.” On the Chen Wan mouth disdains, is actually exuding at heart sweetly. “吹吧。”陈婉嘴上不屑,心里却泛着甜。 Boards, Li Mu asked Chen Wan: What in the evening wants to eat?” 上了车,李牧陈婉:“晚上想吃什么?” Chen Wan thinks, said: „To eat the hot small lobster.” 陈婉想了想,说:“想吃麻辣小龙虾。” Becoming, I lead you to go to Yanjing to be best.” “成,我带你去燕京最好的。” Young local tyrant is different, young has on career, but also bought the new car to open, really could not discover second in your ages, did the miss in your school die by your fan quickly?” “小土豪就是不一样,年纪轻轻就事业有成,还买了新车开着,在你这个年龄段也实在找不出第二个了,你们学校的姑娘快被你迷死了吧?” Li Mu ridicules one: I live in the bedroom, usually definitely does not drive in the school, the truth said that this car(riage) usually stops outside the school, the person who the school drives to go to school are very actually many, every 100 also dozens, are the Yanjing natives.” 李牧讪笑一声:“我就住寝室,平时在学校肯定不开车,实话说这车平时都是停在学校外面的,学校开车上学的人其实还挺多的,每一百也有好几十,都是燕京本地人。” Chen Wan nods: „The low key selects.” 陈婉点了点头:“还是低调点好。” Saying, Chen Wan was saying: Right, my cousin made me have words to give you.” 说着,陈婉道:“对了,我表哥让我带个话给你。” Oh? What words does he have also to want you to take to me?” Li Mu had the day they not to relate with Zhang Kexuan, they have been very recently busy, in the television and network can see their news frequently, always the performance, followed everywhere a while ago a public welfare performance team, developed to Hong Kong , Macao , Taiwan, now they most principal two songs are 《Sunflower》 and «Flying Higher», the latter was especially fierce, last month Shanghai had a popular music awards ceremony, this song was evaluated the annual best song and annual best writing words, the crest of wave was unmatched. “噢?他有什么话还要你带给我?”李牧有日子没跟张克轩他们联系了,他们最近一直挺忙的,电视和网络上经常能看到他们的消息,总是到处演出,前段时间还跟着一个公益演出团队,到港澳台演了一圈,现在他们最主打的两首歌就是《向阳花》和《飞得更高》,后者尤其厉害,上个月沪市有一个流行音乐颁奖典礼,这首歌被评为年度最佳歌曲、年度最佳作词,风头一时无两。 Chen Wan said: They received the invitation of CCTV, participates in this year's Spring Night, he said that several days later performs after outside area will arrive at Yanjing to come to see you.” 陈婉说:“他们收到了央视的邀请,参加今年的春晚,他说过几天从外地演出回来之后就到燕京来看你。” „Was Simple Plan invited by Spring Night? Such awesome?” Li Mu was shocked, CCTV Spring Night can be said as the most difficult on television program, they will only invite a big star, as for the second-tier stars thinks that on Spring Night must depend on the strength, luck and personal connection is good, Simple Plan just shortly after fire, can receive the invitation of CCTV Spring Night unexpectedly, is really the hard to imagination. 简单计划春晚邀请了?这么牛逼?”李牧被惊呆了,央视春晚可以说是最难上的电视节目,他们只会邀请一线大牌明星,至于二线明星想上春晚都得靠实力、运气以及人脉才行,简单计划刚火不久,竟然能收到央视春晚的邀请,真是难以想象。 Chen Wan somewhat regretted that said: Actually is your merit, if you do not give them the song, you already fire.” 陈婉有些惋惜的说:“其实都是你的功劳,你要是不把歌给他们,你早就火了。” Li Mu beckons with the hand: I do not want to be the singer, right, which song CCTV did Spring Night invite them to sing?” 李牧摆摆手:“我可不想当歌星,对了,央视春晚邀请他们唱哪首歌?” Flying Higher.” Chen Wan said with a smile: This song now is their signboard programs, regardless of participates in anything to perform, this song must sing, particularly TV Station, likes this song especially, when looks at they perform the mood of audience, actually spreading of old boy is broader, in KTV generally is the hot list first, has not dropped out first three.” 飞得更高啊。”陈婉笑道:“这首歌现在是他们的招牌曲目,无论参加什么演出,这首歌都是必唱的,尤其是电视台,格外喜欢这首歌,不过看他们演出时现场观众的情绪,其实还是老男孩的流传度更广一些,在ktv里一般都是热榜第一,从来没掉出过前三。” Li Mu nods, ponders at heart secretly, an old boy light/only song can the fire spread across the country, if can also take to fear the influence short film to be bigger? 李牧点了点头,心里暗忖,老男孩光一首歌就能火遍大江南北,要是能把微电影也拿出来恐怕影响力会更大吧? Old boy short film principal sensational encouraging sign, has the breakthrough point, is matching this 《Old Boy》 song of the same name, making this short film rapid become a hit in the nation, the chopsticks brothers have a run-away success, if with later generation big ip concept defines, 《Old Boy》 this song has become big ip now, if can pat short film, perhaps can also the fire a while. 老男孩微电影主打煽情励志牌,还是非常有切入点的,搭配着这首《老男孩》同名歌曲,让这部微电影迅速在全国爆红,筷子兄弟也一炮而红,如果用后世的“大ip”概念来定义的话,《老男孩》这首歌现在已经成了一个大ip,如果能把微电影拍出来,恐怕还能大火一阵子。 The old boy also promoted its of the same name big movie afterward, but the commercial aura of that big movie was too thick, to make money, the sincerity that is far from short film coming, therefore, Li Mu sprouted at heart a thought that found an opportunity, shot 《Old Boy》 short film, this thing could not want the big investment, when a half hour was long, several hundred thousand RMB can handle.( To be continued.) 老男孩后来也推出了它的同名大电影,不过那部大电影的商业气息太浓了,一切就是为了赚钱来的,远没有微电影来的真诚,所以,李牧心里萌生出了一个念头,找个机会,把《老男孩》微电影拍了,这东西要不了多大投资,半小时的时长,几十万人民币就能搞定。(未完待续。) ps: Second, thank I like me loving 200 Yuan Reward as well as Barkol Hsiungnu Hundred Yuan Reward, tonight also again a chapter, but will be quite late . Moreover, everyone recently to Female lead warm of very matter discussion, the mood of some friends was not very beautiful, the non- songbook wants to smile not to speak, but was slightly said with a laugh one: Is calmer, we not oppressive ~ mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:第二更,感谢【吾爱我爱】的两百元打赏以及【巴里坤匈奴】的百元打赏,今晚还会再更一章,不过会比较晚了,另外,大家最近对女主的事情议论的很热烈,有些朋友的情绪不是很美丽,不歌本想笑而不语,不过还是微微笑着说一句:淡定些,咱不虐~手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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