RINAPE :: Volume #2

#183: In the future will be very long

Su Yingxue has listened to many vindicating and commitments, these words that but no can speak with Li Mu a moment ago compare. 苏映雪听过许多表白与承诺,但没有一个能与李牧刚才说的这句话相比较。 Li Mu barely escapes death, the attractive miss also has seen much, actually also no one can in forget Su Yingxue by oneself at heart, she looks like a lighthouse in oneself emotion sea, is directing the direction to who the this solitary one boat takes a long journey, even if oneself cannot approach shore repeatedly diligently, should still always be looking at it, looks at it in the ray that in the darkness sends out. 李牧两世为人,漂亮的姑娘也见过不少,却也没有一个人能让自己在心里把苏映雪忘掉,她就像是自己情感海洋里的一座灯塔,给孤舟远行的自己指引着方向,就算自己屡次努力都靠不了岸,也总是会望着它,看着它在黑暗中发出的光芒。 The mood is also good, the heart knot, Li Mu says the words that oneself do not dare to say when tonight, recalled youngster the love letter and youth who gives Su Yingxue to write that have not been able to deliver writes has deleted actually never clicks on to transmit vindicating in the QQ dialog box, tonight he is also the first step that took previous life not to take. 情怀也好,心结也罢,李牧在今晚说出了自己从来没敢说出的话,回想少年时给苏映雪写过的那一封封没能送出去的情书、青年时在qq对话框里写过又删却从未点击发送过的一次次表白,今晚他也算是迈出了上辈子不曾迈出的第一步。 As for Su Yingxue, has been sighing with emotion Li Mu to be so good at heart unexpectedly, he who the criterion acts bashful does not have to exhibit the agreement to come by himself to be presented the choice question with the topic of not agreeing with directly, but sent a signal, in this signal has not mentioned any him to like own phrase, actually full is this signal. 至于苏映雪,心里一直在感慨李牧竟然能把尺度拿捏的这么好,他没有直接摆出同意与不同意的题目来让自己做选择题,只是释放了一个信号,这个信号里没有提及任何他喜欢自己的字眼,却满满的都是这个信号。 Perhaps Li Mu also want to leave a cushion and room to oneself, in the future, proceeding in an orderly way pushes two people relations. 或许李牧自己也想给自己留下一点缓冲和余地,在未来的日子里,循序渐进的推进两人的关系。 Su Yingxue felt suddenly, the light university life, had the unusual hope all of a sudden. 苏映雪忽然觉得,平淡的大学生活,一下子有了不同寻常的期盼。 In the future day is long, she at least needs in the campus to support each other for more than three years in this with Li Mu, therefore, will be very long in the future. 往后的日子还长,她至少要跟李牧在这所校园里相守三年多,所以,未来还很长。 Su Yingxue has felt, something the darker the better, is just right, the deep words saying, the long road walks slowly, like this, can walk is farther. 苏映雪一直觉得,有些事情并不是越浓越好,要恰到好处,深深的话浅浅地说,长长的路慢慢地走,这样,才能走的更远。 That night, she accompanied Li Mu to drink to drink 12 points in rooftop, was good to have the Li Mu's coat, she has not felt a cool feeling in the roof, Li Mu is sturdy, blows the cold wind not to compare the mosquito bite. 这天晚上,她陪着李牧在天台喝酒喝到了十二点,好在披着李牧的外套,她在楼顶上也没有感受到一丝凉意,李牧身强力壮,吹吹冷风还比不上蚊子叮咬。 Night, the bedroom could not go back. Su Yingxue worries for tonight at heart, Li Mu although drinks, but has not actually taken advantage of somebody to propose that presumptuous request, the house that oneself rent has three bedrooms. And a bedding is complete, another put the computer, but also is left over one to lie on one's side the bed to have the spring mattress cushion, Li Mu then makes Su Yingxue rest in the master bedroom, oneself sleep on the spring mattress cushion and clothes of lying on one's side. 夜深了,寝室是回不去了。苏映雪心里不免为今晚犯愁,李牧虽然喝了点酒,但却没有趁人之危提出非分的要求,自己租的房子有三个卧室。其中一个被褥齐全,另一个放了电脑,还剩下一个侧卧有床有席梦思垫子,李牧便让苏映雪睡在主卧,自己在侧卧的席梦思垫子上和衣而眠。 Su Yingxue slightly one hesitant. Complied. 苏映雪略一犹豫。答应了。 Actually that bed of Li Mu master bedroom is big enough, one meter eight width, if two people respect one another as one would a guest rests an evening, pouring is not considered as that what issue, naturally, this also merely is to Li Mu, she believes the Li Mu's manner, believes him to own respect. 其实李牧主卧的那张床够大,一米八的宽度,如果两个人相敬如宾的睡一晚,倒也不算是什么问题,当然,这也仅仅是对李牧,她相信李牧的为人,更相信他对自己的尊重。 This words , if the request that Li Mu set, oneself can take advantage of opportunity to comply. But must be said such words to come by a oneself girl, she feels saying that even if said that still feared that transmitted the wrong meaning. 只是,这种话如果是李牧提出的要求,自己可以顺势答应。但要让自己一个女孩子说出这样的话来,她又感觉说不出口,就算说出来,也怕传达错意思。 Therefore she can only loving dearly some looks at Li Mu enter that the lying on one's side rest without the bedding, oneself lie down on bed that in Li Mu stays occasionally, feels light aura that he is leaving behind. 于是她只能有些心疼的看着李牧进了那个没有被褥的侧卧休息,自己则躺在李牧偶尔栖身的床上,感受着他留下的淡淡气息。 ...... …… Next day, Su Yingxue gets up early, originally yesterday evening should go to the paternal aunt home, because of the thunderbolt, she then tells the paternal aunt must in the evening with the gathering. Changes to go to this morning again. 翌日,苏映雪早早起来,本来昨天晚上就该去姑妈家,但因为突发事件,她便跟姑妈说晚上要跟同学聚会。改到今天上午再去。 After getting out of bed, she shoves open the door that lies on one's side gently, sees Li Mu to wear the clothes to lie is still sleeping soundly on the bed, then held the quilt to come quietly. Puts on to him. 起床后,她轻轻推开侧卧的房门,见李牧穿着衣服躺在床上还在熟睡,便悄悄抱了被子过来。给他披上。 Li Mu has not awaked, last night that alcohol although had not been drunk, but actually plays very good helping dormancy effect. 李牧没醒,昨晚那点酒精虽然没醉,但却起到了很好的助眠效果。 Su Yingxue walked, Li Mu is still shouting to rest greatly, in the brain is having a dream, in the dream Su Yingxue became own girlfriend. But she actually refused herself to break through the request of final level repeatedly, in the dream annoying Li Mu the status is worrying for own beginning elder brother of this whole life, but the next picture, oneself actually held Zhao Ziqiu to tumble on the bed. 苏映雪走了,李牧还在呼哈大睡,脑子里正在做着一场梦,梦里苏映雪成了自己的女朋友。可她却屡次拒绝了自己想要突破最后一层的要求,梦中懊恼的李牧正在为自己这辈子的初哥身份犯愁,可下一个画面,自己却抱着赵子秋在床上翻滚。 Li Mu is preparing and Zhao Ziqiu comes a happy sprint, the ting of cell phone to awaken from the sleep him. 李牧正准备和赵子秋来一场幸福的冲刺,手机的铃声把他从睡梦中惊醒。 After waking up Li Mu to hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, looked at the cell phone, was Sun Jian hits, then remembered still in rescue Sun Tan, Sun Jian should keep abreast of the newest situation last night. 醒来之后的李牧打了一个激灵,看了看手机,是孙坚打来的,便想起昨晚还在抢救的孙坦,孙坚应该是掌握了最新情况了。 Connected the call, Sun Jian then said: Sun Tan was out of the danger, Wu Shuai that two blades held was not deep, it is said a knife wound renal capsule membrane, a knife wound intestines, but did not have the big matter.” 接通电话,孙坚便说:“孙坦脱离危险了,武帅那两刀捅的不深,据说一刀伤了肾包膜,一刀伤了肠子,但都没大事儿。” Li Mu un, said: Does not have danger that's alright, remaining makes their two family members solve.” 李牧嗯了一声,说:“没生命危险就行,剩下的让他们两家人去解决吧。” Wu Shuai offends somebody maliciously, used the blade, in addition in the Sun Tan family/home a little relates in Yanjing, it is estimated that he at least needs to sentence several years, as for Sun Tan, hopes after Wu Shuai these two blades can let him , the learned low-key point cultivates the behavior. 武帅恶意伤人,又用了刀,再加上孙坦家里在燕京有点关系,估计他至少要判个几年,至于孙坦,希望武帅这两刀能让他以后学会低调一点做人。 Thinks Chen Wan must arrive today, Li Mu then checks the flight no. that she sent, the airplane is about 5 : 30 arrives at the Yanjing international airport probably, she must go to China CCTV and Yanjing TV Station interview, oneself must first go to look for a geographical position to her is quite convenient, the hotel of condition also standard. 一想到陈婉今天就要到了,李牧便查了一下她发过来的航班号,飞机大概是五点半左右到燕京国际机场,她要去华夏央视和燕京电视台面试,自己得先去给她找一家地理位置比较方便、条件也达标的酒店。 Li Mu takes a bath simply, comes out the time also almost nearly 11 points, turned on the computer to look at the data of 3321 this week of bidding, 5000 authenticated university to live, the person who attained the offer has achieved more than 4700. 李牧简单洗了个澡,出来的时候时间也差不多快十一点了,打开电脑看了看3321这一周竞拍的数据,五千个认证大学生,拿到报价的人已经达到了四千七百多。 So long as attains to bid certainly will bid successfully, therefore the second week of 3321 official starts, as before placed 95% ultra-high rates of transaction, this makes Li Mu at heart very gratified, a project can make 5000 university live to find a concurrent job, to solve their school expense and living expenses issue, if can maintain about 30 Yuan class hour average price this week, the income that then this week creates to the student can achieve 2,000,000-3,000,000, this fund scale must far exceed the scholarship and financially strapped student stipend of any university. 只要拿到出价就一定会竞拍成功,所以3321正式启动的第二周,依旧保持在95%的超高成交率,这让李牧心里非常欣慰,一个项目能让五千名大学生找到一份兼职、解决他们的学费和生活费问题,如果本周能保持30元左右的课时均价,那么这一个礼拜给学生创造的收入就能达到2,000,000-3,000,000,这个资金规模要远超任何一所高校的奖学金和贫困生助学金。 Tan Yaocheng is also paying attention to 3321 this week of data, although he cannot be attaining the actual data statistics, a group of students but who according to him examine at will bid the situation, he also calculated an average probability, his conservative estimate, this 3321 rate of transaction over 90%, 5000 students, over 90%, 3321 this was must certainly go against heaven's will! 谭耀成也在关注着3321这一周的数据,虽然他拿不到实际的数据统计,但是根据他随意查看的一批学生出价情况,他也计算出了一个平均概率,他保守估计,这次3321的成交率肯定在90%以上,五千名学生,90%以上,3321这是要逆天啊! Just, is responsible for following up Baidu to support the subordinates of 3321 projects to make the phone call, to 100 computers as well as necessary work furniture, network switching that and other equipment 3321 provide, that side the supplier has prepared, can momentarily the approach installation and adjustment. 刚好,负责跟进百度赞助3321项目的下属打来电话,给3321提供的一百台电脑以及配套的办公桌椅、网络交换机等设备,供应商那边已经准备好了,随时可以进场安装调试。 Tan Yaocheng then gives Li Mu to telephone, cheerful told him: Brother, all things that you want arrived, when goes to Renmin to install to you?” 谭耀成便给李牧打电话,乐呵呵的跟他说:“老弟,你要的所有东西都到位了,什么时候去人大给你们安装?” Li Mu said with a laugh: On time does not catch up late, or on this afternoon?” 李牧笑着说:“赶早不赶晚,要不就今天下午吧?” Tan Yaocheng asked: „Are you all right in the afternoon?” 谭耀成问:“你下午没事?” Li Mu said: Installs these also to need me to present? Installed not that's alright in the location directly.” 李牧说:“安装这些还需要我在场吗?直接在场地安装不就行了。” Tan Yaocheng said with a smile: You may be certain on the scene, you not on the scene, the thing does not deliver!” 谭耀成笑道:“你可一定得在场,你不在场,东西不送!” Why?” Some Li Mu surprise. “为什么?”李牧有些诧异。 Tan Yaocheng said: Brother, we to 3321 provided 1 million support, you cannot make our not making a sound throws this money? Must make us receive a social benefit effect good, when the time comes must invite some reporters, we make a simple small ceremony again, we also propagandize well.” 谭耀成道:“老弟啊,我们给3321提供了一百万的赞助,你不能让我们不声不响的就把这钱扔出去吧?怎么也得让我们收到一点社会公益效应才行啊,到时候肯定得邀请一些记者,咱们再弄一个简单的小仪式,我们也好宣传一下。” Li Mu understood. 李牧懂了。 Tan Yaocheng wants nothing but is Baidu supports 3321 reputations generously, if 3321 this week of turnovers settled down, perhaps the media will also come to a wave to report again, at this time Baidu happen to sent 100 computers and various types of office equipment, this great writer, the news hot spot that coordinating 3321 soon to welcome, established the social influence on have the tremendous assistance to Baidu this brand, had the possibility these to make the whole nations time remember Baidu, remembered their great support to 3321 this public welfare projects. 谭耀成想要的无非就是百度慷慨赞助3321的名声,3321这周成交量如果尘埃落定,恐怕媒体还会再来一波报道,这个时候百度正好送来一百台电脑、各种办公设备,这个大手笔,配合着3321即将迎来的新闻热点,对百度这个品牌建立社会影响力是有巨大帮助的,有可能这一次就能让全国人民都记住百度,记住他们对3321这个公益项目的大力支持。 Is part of transaction, Li Mu also understood after all at heart, simply said: That this Director Tan, you first make one arrange in the afternoon, the computers as well as other equipment start the approach installment, making the reporter also follow to pat some installment news briefs, before my 4 : 00 pm, has the time, when the time comes can make the reporter arrange an interview, I make a banner later, this matter must make makes officially.” 总归都是交易的一部分,李牧心里也非常理解,便道:“那这样吧谭总,你下午就先让人安排好,电脑以及其他的设备开始进场安装,让记者也跟着拍一些安装花絮,我下午 4 点之前都有时间,到时候可以让记者安排个采访,我待会就去做个横幅,这事儿要弄就弄的正式一点。” Tan Yaocheng said with a laugh says immediately: These you did not need to worry, the banner us has prepared, the content was also realistic, was Baidu to 3321 donation office equipment ceremonies and so on.” 谭耀成立刻笑着说道:“这些你就不用操心了,横幅我们这边早就准备好了,内容也实事求是,就是百度向3321捐赠办公设备仪式之类的。” Li Mu refreshed saying: That that's alright, pressed the office that you said that today doesn't have the issue?” 李牧爽快的说道:“那就行了,就按你说的办,今天没问题吧?” Tan Yaocheng said with a smile: „The installment words, estimated in the afternoon cannot make, making the worker work overtime the estimate to do well in the evening, but you, so long as beams with joy, accepted to interview that's alright, the remaining things you found several trustworthy people to install in the inspector general, our company will also keep several hardware engineers in the inspector general.” 谭耀成笑道:“安装的话,一个下午估计弄不完,让工人加加班估计晚上能弄好,不过你只要露个脸,接受个采访就行了,剩下的事情你找几个信得过的人在现场监督安装,我们公司也会留几个硬件工程师在现场监督。” Ok.” “行。” ...... …… When 12 : 00 pm, 3321 final deal population achieved 4825 people, Li Mu relates with Dong Ai immediately, telling her is to devote the time of payment over the next two hours, wants her to lead the person to complete the matter that the payment information confirms, after two o'clock, she must arrange the person rapidly to complete the information checking of payment employer, in these 4825 people, besides the previous batch already has verified the employer, remaining at least more than 3000, must verify before tonight. 等到中午12点,3321的最终成交人数达到了4825人,李牧立刻跟董艾联系,告诉她未来的两个小时是集中付款的时间,要她带人把付款信息确认的事情做好,两点钟之后,她就得安排人快速完成付款雇主的信息核实,这4825人里,除了上一批已经核实过的雇主之外,剩下至少三千多家,都要在今天晚上之前核实下来。 Dong Ai very simple complies, and pledged certainly to handle the matter before the evening. 董艾很是干脆的答应下来,并且承诺一定在晚上之前把事情全搞定。 Dong Ai works very one set, is also unusual in the school rallying point, previous time makes the authentication to more than 3500 students , the speed of her group leader led to be faster than Li Mu initially, in the coordinated overall plan of manpower and amount of assignment, she compares Li Mu to be an expert. 董艾做事情很有一套,在学校里号召力又非同寻常,上次给三千五百多学生做认证,她带队领导的速度比李牧当初带队还要快,在人力和任务量的协调统筹方面,她比李牧要在行。 Li Mu except for must let Dong Ai at present as soon as possible this week of new employer information checking, a very important matter must be done, that is on more than 1000 students of one week of auction class hour, basically has completed the class hour number, 3321 called the funds them. 李牧眼下除了要尽快让董艾把这一周新增的雇主信息核实,还有一件非常重要的事情要做,那就是上一周拍卖课时的一千多名学生,基本上都已经完成课时数,3321得给他们打款了。 No online payment platform, the drawback manifested all of a sudden, is not only the buyer payment is troublesome, the statistical checking of payment information also troubles . Moreover, the student who provides the family education service, wants to withdraw cash own income also to trouble, at least must have the specialist to remit money to them one by one, the efficiency is too low, if there is a payment platform, all these flows will become simply. 没有一个线上支付平台,弊端一下子就体现了出来,不光是买家付款麻烦,付款信息的统计核实也麻烦,而且,提供家教服务的学生,想提现自己的收入也麻烦,至少得有专人挨个给他们汇款,效率太低,如果有了支付平台,这一切流程就会变得简单许多。 It seems like that the development of Alipay wanted to be quicker started, when the time comes, the parents transferred accounts Alipay, can in 3321 bid and pay money directly, when the after class hour of student was completed, 3321 can converge their Alipay accounts the reward, they can choose to withdraw cash in the respective Alipay account directly, then changed to own bank in the card money.( To be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net 看来,支付宝的开发要快些启动了,到时候,学生家长转账进支付宝,就可以直接在3321竞拍并付款,等学生的课时完成后,3321就可以把酬劳汇入他们的支付宝账户,他们直接就可以在各自的支付宝账户里选择提现,然后把钱转到自己的银行卡里去了。(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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