RINAPE :: Volume #2

#182: Long supports each other

The Li Mu's issue, making the Su Yingxue expression flash through a flurry. 李牧的问题,让苏映雪表情闪过了一丝慌乱。 To Li Mu, he has felt own previous life live failure, therefore to last lacking of many memory instinct self-confident, his freshman starting from last day of afternoon of college entrance examination, that is his life fault/chasm, after that he, self-confidently, courageously and enough tenacious, but he before how, he was not quite definite. 李牧来说,他一直觉得自己上辈子活的挺失败,所以对上一世的很多记忆都有些本能的缺乏自信,他的新生从高考的最后一天下午开始,那是他的人生断层,在那之后的他,自信、果敢又足够坚韧,但在那之前的他到底怎样,他都不太确定了。 In the memory, high school three years have nothing worthwhile, the learn/study, appearance, attire and family, only the energy in the class reluctantly are middle-grade, Su Yingxue is different, her every action and every movement and frown and smile, are concerning entire school male student, therefore previous life Li Mu has felt, oneself unrequited love to the Su Yingxue will not have the result, even if this whole life will have to covet her thoughts and some confidence occasionally, that still after the rebirth. 记忆中,高中三年自己乏善可陈,无论是学习、长相、衣着、家庭,在班里都只能勉强算是中等,苏映雪却不同,她的一举一动、一颦一笑,都牵动着整个学校男生的心,所以上辈子李牧一直觉得,自己对苏映雪的单相思是不会有结果的,这辈子就算自己偶尔会有觊觎她的念头与些许信心,那也是在重生之后。 However, the Su Yingxue words, actually somewhat subverted the Li Mu's consistent cognition, Su Yingxue can say the high school so many details in three years, fully explained, she was the attention had paid attention in the past oneself. 但是,苏映雪刚才的一席话,却有些颠覆了李牧的一贯认知,苏映雪能说出自己高中三年里的那么多细节,足以说明,她当年是关注留意过自己的。 Sees Su Yingxue not to speak, Li Mu simply said: I said that innermost thoughts, the high school three years I very have actually paid attention to you.” 苏映雪不说话,李牧便道:“我说句心里话吧,高中三年我对你其实一直挺关注的。” Su Yingxue shows a faint smile, the beforehand that vanishes flurriedly does not see, on the face is brimming with a different kind self-confidence and gratified, said to Li Mu: I am also same.” 苏映雪微微一笑,之前的那点慌乱消失不见,脸上洋溢着一种别样的自信与欣慰,对李牧说:“我也一样。” Saying, Su Yingxue carries the can in hand, said: We drink one, made up former that.” 说着,苏映雪端起手里的易拉罐,说道:“咱俩喝一个吧,把之前那个补上。” Li Mu said: You just said, before that to the farewell drink, does make up it to do now?” 李牧说:“你刚说完,之前那个是离别酒,现在还补它干嘛?” Su Yingxue said with a smile: What made up is the liquor, as for the prefix, that glass of liquor left initially, now this cup is......” 苏映雪笑道:“补的是酒啊,至于前缀,当初那杯酒是离别,现在这杯就是……” Li Mu front Su Yingxue fell into the thinking suddenly. 李牧面前的苏映雪忽然陷入了思索。 She said subconsciously a contrast, wants to tell Li Mu, this glass of liquor no longer leave the farewell drink, but had the opposite meaning, but has words on the tip of the tongue, does not know that should describe with what glossary. 她下意识的说了个对比,本是想告诉李牧,这杯酒已经不再是离别酒了,而是有了相反的含义,但话到嘴边,又不知道该用什么词汇去描述。 In her at heart. Word, but she said embarrassed. 在她的心里。是有一个词的,只是她不好意思说出来。 She felt that cup of defect leaves, made up cup. Supports each other...... 她觉得,缺失的那杯是离别,补上的这杯。是相守…… Supports each other waits for mutually, is very appropriate with the Li Mu present situation with, but she felt, supports each other this word always to be used in the love, said. Whether will have to lose acts with constraint, whether will also make one misunderstand. 相守就是相互守候,和自己跟李牧现在的情况很贴切,但她又觉得,相守这个词总是被人用在爱情上,说出来。是否会有失矜持,又是否会让人误会。 Li Mu sees Su Yingxue to have words on the tip of the tongue to fall into the thinking, at heart clear, oneself stumped ten rounds, Su Yingxue not stumped, she definitely thinks must say anything, but says. 李牧苏映雪话到嘴边陷入思索,心里明白,自己词穷十轮,苏映雪都不会词穷,她肯定想到了要说什么,但只是说不出口。 What is, Li Mu also thought of that word. 恰好的是,李牧也想到了那个词。 Therefore, he pretends saying calmly: Now this cup supports each other.” 于是,他装作若无其事的说道:“现在这杯是相守。” Su Yingxue is slightly stunned, Li Mu said this word suddenly. Her heart thinks, acting with constraint cleared off, she lifted the wine glass, the nod was saying: Said right, supports each other.” 苏映雪微微错愕,李牧忽然说出这个词。恰好正是她的心头所想,刚才的矜持一扫而光,她举着酒杯,点头说:“说得对,是相守。” Li Mu raises head, one bottle of liquor drank a cleanness. 李牧仰头,一瓶酒又喝了个干干净净。 Looks at Su Yingxue again, is frowning to drink a big mouth, didn't expect, when drinks up quickly choked, initiated a fierce cough. 再看苏映雪,皱着眉头喝了一大口,没想到在快喝完的时候呛到了,引发一阵剧烈的咳嗽。 Li Mu is whipping the back for her gently, said: Small mouth small mouth drank meaning meaning that's alright.” 李牧轻轻替她拍打着后背,说:“小口小口的喝点意思意思就行了。” „It is not good.” The Su Yingxue sound brings several points of charm in anger: I have not indulged myself. You make me have one's wish.” “不好。”苏映雪的声音带着几分娇嗔:“我可从来没有这么放纵过自己。你就让我随心所欲吧。” Li Mu slightly nodded, at heart on university after oneself, the attitude and performance to Su Yingxue were for more several points to regret, at least when oneself should like the high school, continued to pay attention to her. This does not forget the first thought. 李牧微微点了点头,心里对自己上大学之后、对苏映雪的态度和表现就更多了几分懊悔,至少自己该像高中时那样,继续关注着她。这才是不忘初心。 The liquor more drinks, when thinks, the alcohol capacity will become difference especially, several bottles of beer get into the stomach, has made Li Mu somewhat murky, in brain actually intense indulges in flights of fancy. 酒越喝越多,心有所想时,酒量就会变得格外的差,几瓶啤酒下肚,就已经让李牧有些昏沉,脑子里却变本加厉的胡思乱想起来。 Recalls previous life Su Yingxue the road of life. Except that the sentimental life seems like a blank, other domains she does unusual is splendid, succeeds in study, career to have. 回想上辈子苏映雪的人生之路。除了感情生活看起来一片空白,其他领域她都做的非常出色,学业有成、事业有成。 Also the impression of previous life causes trouble, Li Mu has felt, Su Yingxue is a very opinionated woman, she looked that the issue compared with wants thorough many that the contemporaries look, moreover is much longer-term, therefore, he has thought, Su Yingxue is the woman who that type completely does not rely on the sentiment, the satisfied point of her life will never depend on the opposite sex to provide, but by realizes own value and dream diligently. 也正是上辈子的印象作祟,李牧一直觉得,苏映雪是一个非常有主见的女人,她看问题比同龄人看的要透彻的多,而且也长远得多,所以,他一直以为,苏映雪就是那种完全不依赖感情的女人,她人生的满足点永远不靠异性来提供,而是靠努力实现自己的价值与梦想。 However, he does not know, until now, Su Yingxue the dependency on the sentiment buried. 但是,他不知道,一直以来,苏映雪只是把对感情的依赖埋藏起来了而已。 Not only previous life pays attention to Li Mu's quietly, including for several days, Su Yingxue was almost also keeping thinking about him recently at heart every day, was only she very sane feeling, Li Mu was quite certainly busy for several days, various things were encumbered, oneself although cannot bring what substantive help to his career, at least cannot be a drag on his. 不只是上辈子悄悄对李牧的关注,包括最近这些天,苏映雪心里也几乎每天都在惦记他,只是她很理智的觉得,李牧这些天一定比较忙,各种事情缠身,自己虽然不能给他的事业带来什么实质性的帮助,最起码也不能拖他后腿。 Su Yingxue previous life is this type pale such as the woman of water, even if worries again, she still worrying to place at heart, will little make the opposite party know extremely. 苏映雪上辈子就是这种淡如水的女人,即便是再牵挂,她也只是把牵挂放在心里,极少会让对方知道。 On first, two people tacit to each other concealed oneself that to worry, Su Yingxue rode the train to go north to that night that Renmin studied, what in her brain thought will soon go to Jinling Li Mu, Li Mu when Jinling that two drifting along, in the brain also thought in Yanjing Su Yingxue frequently. 上一世,两人默契的对彼此都隐瞒了自己心里的那份牵挂,苏映雪坐火车北上到人大求学的那天晚上,她脑子里想的是即将前往金陵李牧,李牧金陵那所二本混日子的时候,脑子里也经常想到远在燕京苏映雪 He wants to know the news about Su Yingxue, therefore found 0001751 9/11, because of Su Yingxue in the school reputation enormous reason, on Li Mu direct 0001751 9/11 can see about her innumerable information, but Su Yingxue wants to know that his news, in the ordinary circumstances is always very difficult. 他想知道关于苏映雪的消息,于是找到了@0001751911@,因为苏映雪在学校名声极大的缘故,李牧直接上@0001751911@就可以看到关于她的无数信息,但苏映雪想知道他的消息,一般情况下总是很困难。 She has also paid attention to Li Mu that the forum of school, but entire first-year university student that year, she had not seen above any with the Li Mu related news, until second-year that year, she saw the Li Mu university period Band first performance picture when a post, at that time she also somewhat lost slightly, because she knows, plays the music university to have some side always many girls to linger. 她也关注过李牧那所学校的论坛,但整个大一那一年,她都没在上面看到任何与李牧有关的消息,直到大二那年,她才在一个帖子上看到了李牧大学时期乐队首演时的照片,那时候她还微微有些失落,因为她知道,玩音乐的大学生身边总是有很多女孩子萦绕。 Two people are worrying about the opposite party, thought that the opposite party had forgotten oneself, in life, because of but like this cannot arrive at the together men and women to have numerous number, the magnetic field is too similar, sometimes will instead play the reaction. 两人都牵挂着对方,却又都觉得对方早就把自己忘了,生活中,因为这样而没能走到一起的男女多不胜数,彼此间的磁场太相似,有时候反而会起到反作用。 Therefore will present Li Mu to pursue Su Yingxue to come Yanjing, actually discovered that Su Yingxue went to the overseas, Li Mu kept the news of Yanjing development to be known by Su Yingxue, Su Yingxue gave up dream returning to homeland of Wall Street developing, but finally two people finally when the same city took root, Su Yingxue actually never had any news that when Li Mu sent. 于是才会出现李牧追着苏映雪来了燕京,却发现苏映雪去了国外,李牧留在燕京发展的消息被苏映雪得知,苏映雪又放弃华尔街的梦想回国发展,但最终两人终于又在同一个城市扎根的时候,苏映雪却从来没等到李牧发来的任何消息。 She and Li Mu are the same , felt each other in the opposite party perhaps already not the remaining anything. 她和李牧一样,也觉得彼此在对方心里恐怕早就没剩下什么了。 Those words, big Yanjing, has not given the fate that they had brushed past. 还是那句话,偌大的燕京,从不曾给过他们俩擦肩而过的缘分。 Finally Su Yingxue puts on career wholeheartedly, was compelled by the family/home in anxiously, with one when US (America) studied the good sisters' blood younger brother to get married. 最后苏映雪一心扑在事业上,被家里逼急了,跟一个在美国读书时的好姐妹的亲弟弟结婚了。 Her becoming reconciled sisters know that the opposite party is the homosexuality, Su Yingxue rushes to the shape marriage to go, puts on that moment of nuptial dress to her in US (America), she still has more than a years of regret: farewell dinner party that the 11 th grade graduates, she wants to drink glass of leaving liquor with Li Mu, but on that farewell dinner party, Li Mu is drunk is too quick, quickly to Su Yingxue was just determined to ask him to drink glass of liquor on own initiative the time, he already fragment. 她和好姐妹都知道对方是同性恋,苏映雪就是奔着形婚去的,一直到她在美国穿上婚纱的那一刻,她心里还存在一个多年的遗憾:高三毕业的散伙饭,她想跟李牧喝杯离别的酒,但那一场散伙饭上,李牧醉的太快,快到苏映雪刚下定决心主动去找他喝杯酒的时候,他就已经断片儿了。 It is a pity that previous life these passing, Li Mu does not know the inside story, Su Yingxue is at this moment more impossible to know own previous life has passed through a life path. 遗憾的是,上辈子的这些过往,李牧并不知道内情,苏映雪此刻更不可能知道自己上辈子已经走过一遍的人生轨迹。 However, Li Mu in this evening, found same suddenly never in the thing that on Su Yingxue found. 不过,李牧忽然在这个晚上,找到了一样自己从来不曾在苏映雪身上找到的东西。 Is the confidence. 是信心。 Perhaps, Su Yingxue is not imagines that type only to care about the capable woman of career and dream ; Perhaps, she also once when paid attention to itself quietly, has burst out with the same idea ; Perhaps, she to love, there are with other girl's same expectation. 或许,苏映雪不是自己想象中那种只在乎事业与梦想的女强人;或许,她也曾在悄悄关注自己的时候,迸发过与自己一样的想法;或许,她对爱情,也有和其他女孩一样的憧憬。 Leaving of previous life, this whole life supports each other...... 上辈子的离别,这辈子的相守…… Li Mu repeated innumerable these words in the heart, the life has such big reversal, why not also to clench teeth, transferred his earth-shakingly?! 李牧在心底将这句话重复了无数遍,人生已经有了这么大的逆转,又何不咬咬牙,转他个天翻地覆呢?! Suddenly, Li Mu seems felt own is ambitious, he raised the head suddenly, the eyes burst out the scalding hot brilliance, stared at Su Yingxue saying: Yingxue, I will pursue you from now on!” 一时间,李牧好似感受到了自己的雄心万丈,他忽然抬起头来,双眼迸发出灼热的光彩,盯着苏映雪说:“映雪,我从现在开始追你吧!” Su Yingxue such as been struck by lightning was shocked dull, she in the Li Mu's words, why he said with amazement from now on will pursue itself, rather than like other men, said directly I like you, you are my girlfriend, the latter is the habitually used repertoire that vindicates is right? 苏映雪如遭雷击的呆愣住了,她惊讶于李牧的话,为什么他说从现在开始追自己,而不是像其他男人那样,直接说我喜欢你,你做我的女朋友吧,后者才是表白的惯用套路才对吧? Let alone, she likes Li Mu's, since she sees this all day the murky fellow when looking at her, in look that type of different kind shining, she discovered, somehow, oneself unexpectedly also by his pair not but greatly the jet black eye pupil attracts, sometimes, likes a feeling of person not needing the material and semblance even ability to support, review that cannot forget for a very long time enough. 更何况,她是喜欢李牧的,自从她看到这个整天昏昏沉沉的家伙在看她时、眼神里那种别样的流光溢彩,她就发现,不知怎的,自己竟然也会被他那双不大但又漆黑的眼眸所吸引,有些时候,喜欢一个人的感觉不需要物质、外表甚至能力来支撑,一个久久不能忘记的回眸就够了。 However, Su Yingxue wants to understand quickly, if Li Mu said like others a moment ago directly is my girlfriend this words, perhaps oneself will certainly struggle scruple, not only after all oneself promised the parents is not in love in the university period, even oneself have not made the preparation that any must be in love, if Li Mu slightly crossed vindicating suddenly, took an explicit answer to oneself directly, oneself will perhaps be frightened by him. 不过,苏映雪很快想明白,如果刚才李牧直接像别人那样说出“做我的女朋友吧”这种话,自己恐怕一定会迟疑挣扎,毕竟自己不仅答应了父母在大学时期不谈恋爱,甚至自己也都没做过任何要谈恋爱的准备,如果李牧忽然略过表白,直接向自己要一个明确答复,自己恐怕会被他吓到。 Li Mu says that must start to pursue itself, should this also calculate alternative vindicating? This fellow, does not take the common road vindicating. 李牧现在说要开始追自己,这应该也算一种另类的表白了吧?这个家伙,连表白都不走寻常路。 Su Yingxue such as is thinking, surges to be charming and joyful at heart unexpectedly, she had looked at In short in the magazine, meant probably: If you liked a person when he was young, happiest is not you can quickly in the same place, but is you know that each other is liking mutually. 苏映雪如是想着,心里竟也涌起娇羞与欣喜,她曾经在杂志上看过一句话,大概意思是说:如果你在年轻时喜欢一个人,最幸福的不是你们很快能在一起,而是你们知道彼此正相互喜欢着。 Su Yingxue is blushing to ask Li Mu: How do you prepare to pursue me?” 苏映雪红着脸问李牧:“那你准备怎么追我?” I do not know.” Li Mu spreads out the hand to smile bitterly: I have not thought, you must make me think well.” “我不知道。”李牧摊开手来苦笑一声:“我还没想好,你得让我好好想一想。” Su Yingxue discovered that Li Mu usually works has the opinion extremely, is insightful, now but why actually does not know, the whole body is passing a vacant strength, the whole person is seemingly silly, but is very unexpectedly lovable. 苏映雪发现李牧平时做事极有主见,又有眼光,可现在却不知道为什么,浑身透着一股茫然的劲头,整个人看起来傻傻的,不过竟然还很可爱。 Su Yingxue blushes to ask Li Mu with the rare bashfulness: What do you pursue my goal are?” 苏映雪用少有的羞赧问李牧:“你追我的目的是什么?” Li Mu said lightly: Long supports each other? Long supports each other is a test, anytime and anywhere, life......”( to be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net 李牧淡淡道:“长相守吧?长相守是个考验,随时随地,一生……”(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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