RINAPE :: Volume #2

#181: Accompanies me to drink

Li Mu made a phone call to the emergency medicine department of Haidian Hospital, inquired whether the students named Sun Tan was sent to the first aid, divided to examine the stage to take the nurse of telephone saying that right, but also is rescuing. 李牧给海淀医院的急诊部打了一个电话,询问是否有一个名叫孙坦的学生被送去急救,分诊台接电话的护士说没错,还在抢救。 Li Mu asked that others are in danger, the nurse asked back: Can the people still in the ER, how I know? ” 李牧问他人有没有生命危险,护士反问:人还在抢救室,我怎么能知道?” The although attitude is somewhat stiff, but the truth actually does not allow to refute. 虽然态度有些生硬,但道理却不容反驳。 Li Mu also felt some own rashes, then said the sound is embarrassed, made up one to thank, later made the telephone call. 李牧也觉得自己有些孟浪了,便说了声不好意思,又补了一句谢谢,随后挂掉了电话。 From him, naturally did not want Sun Tan dead, if he died, Wu Shuai this whole life also destroyed thoroughly, even if can preserve a life, does not know that must stay many years in inside, manipulating strategically between students, should not have such serious consequence. 从他心里,自然是不希望孙坦死掉,他如果死了,武帅这辈子也毁到彻底,就算能保住条命,也不知道要在里面待上多少年,学生之间的勾心斗角,不该有这么严重的后果。 However now looks like, the situation is less optimistic, Sun Tan is still rescuing, person who needs to rescue, majority faces the danger. 不过现在看来,情况不容乐观,孙坦还在抢救,需要抢救的人,大部分都面临生命危险。 Actually this matter will have the big consequence, it seems like must wait for the result of Sun Tan rescue to come out. 这件事究竟会有多大的后果,看来还是要等孙坦抢救的结果出来。 All of a sudden, Li Mu feels confusedly, does not rebuke oneself, is not benevolent, but at heart that balances that control three views cause trouble. 一下子,李牧感觉心烦意乱,并非自责,也并非仁慈,只是心里那个掌控三观的天秤作祟。 Li Mu wants to find the person to accompany speech suddenly, or drinks glass of liquor. 李牧忽然很想找人陪着说说话,或者喝杯酒。 He pulls out the cell phone, the name in looks at Instant Messenger record, one after another is turning. 他掏出手机,看着通讯录里的名字,一个接着一个的翻着。 brothers of bedroom by his pass, looked at finally, he is thinking optiman, is Su Yingxue and Zhao Ziqiu. 寝室的哥们都被他pass了,最后看下来,他心里想着的最佳人选,是苏映雪赵子秋 In two choose in an issue the indecisive time, the picture of phone screen suddenly from the Instant Messenger record turns had the telephone to come in the condition, is Su Yingxue! 正在二选一的问题上犹豫不决的时候,手机屏幕的画面忽然从通讯录变成了有电话进来时的状态,是苏映雪 Several days have not seen Su Yingxue, at this critical moment see her telephone, the Li Mu's heart suddenly to plant suddenly to be moved, there is a light regret. 好几天没有见到苏映雪了,在这个关键时刻忽然看见她的电话,李牧的心底忽然有种感动,又有种淡淡的悔意。 This thinks that comes Renmin with Su Yingxue together, will be the future university four years most is worth the happy matter, didn't expect, own ambition will transform with the transformation of environment, that heart that will bring from Haizhou that small city, in Yanjing first by compared with enlargement. Now, because of Series A rounds financing of Muye Science and Technology, as well as 3321 attains greatly successfully, but geometrical time of promotion. 本以为跟苏映雪一起来人大,是自己未来大学四年最值得开心的事情,没想到,自己的野心随着环境的变换而变换,那颗从海州那个小城带出来的心,在燕京先是被等比放大。现在,又因为牧野科技a轮融资,以及3321的大获成功而几何倍提升。 The ambition is too big, thinks is also big. Instead was neglected side many gorgeous people and matters by oneself, not only Su Yingxue, Zhao Ziqiu. 野心太大,想得也太大。反而让自己忽略了身边很多绚丽多彩的人和事,不只是苏映雪,还有赵子秋 When Li Mu is staring at the name feeling of Su Yingxue, forgot unexpectedly answered the telephone, a Su Yingxue telephone has not made a connection. The anxious heart soon jumped from the throat, she uses the right hand in the friction that the heart non-stop, is feeling heart that powerful and fast beat frequency, while is talking over at heart: Li Mu you may do not have an accident. 李牧盯着苏映雪的名字感慨时,竟然忘记了接听电话,苏映雪一个电话没打通。急的心都快要从嗓子里跳了出来,她用右手在心头不停的摩擦,一边感受着心脏那强力而又快速的跳动频率,一边在心里念叨:李牧你可千万不要出事。 She also heard that Wu Shuai held to injure the Sun Tan matter, she is hearing was very at first stunned, but, she then started to be worried about Li Mu. 她也听说武帅捅伤了孙坦的事情,她在听说的最初很错愕,但紧接着,她便开始担心李牧 She knows, Wu Shuai also has the contradiction with Li Mu . Moreover the contradiction is quite deep, a large number of reasons because. Since Wu Shuai made such hysteric matter, he has perhaps been determined to want before doing to retaliate recklessly, at this time she most was worried is the Li Mu's security, but Li Mu does not answer the telephone. 她知道,武帅李牧也有矛盾,而且矛盾颇深,相当一部分原因还是因为自己。武帅既然做出了这么歇斯底里的事情,那他或许在做之前就已经下定决心要不顾一切去报复了,这个时候她最担心的就是李牧的安全,而李牧偏偏又不接电话。 The ting and vibration of cell phone stopped, Li Mu then responded, oneself fumbled the phone call that Su Yingxue made unexpectedly helplessly. 手机的铃声和震动都停止了,李牧这才反应过来,自己竟然眼睁睁的漏接了苏映雪打来的电话。 Therefore he then must return to Su Yingxue, didn't expect Su Yingxue hit. 于是他便要给苏映雪回过去,没想到苏映雪又打了过来。 Hey Yingxue.” “喂映雪。” Li Mu, where are you at?” 李牧,你在哪呢?” The Su Yingxue sound is rapid and flustered, Li Mu has not heard her such sound, feels like a rabbit that received frightening. 苏映雪的声音急促而又慌张,李牧还从来没有听到她这样的声音,感觉像是一只受了惊吓的兔子。 Li Mu said: I outside. You?” 李牧说:“我在外面呢。你呢?” „Are you all right?” Su Yingxue pursues asks: Where are you at? Is oneself?” “你没事吧?”苏映雪追问道:“你在哪?是自己吗?” I am all right, in extracurricular, is oneself.” “我没事啊,在校外呢,是自己。” Is all right on...... Su Yingxue well long to relax, said: „The Wu Shuai matter did you hear?” “没事就好……”苏映雪长长松了口气,说:“武帅的事你听说了吗?” Heard.” Li Mu knows that she is worried about herself. When is moved , the comfort said: My anything matter does not have.” “听说了。”李牧知道她是在担心自己。感动之余,也安慰道:“我什么事也没有。” Then, how Li Mu does not know, the god makes the ghost bad made up one: Was thinks you......” 说完,李牧不知道怎么,神使鬼差的补了一句:“就是想你了……” Su Yingxue almost asking without hesitation: Where are you at? I look for you.” 苏映雪几乎不假思索的问道:“你在哪?我去找你。” Li Mu said: I in extracurricular rented a house, Yucheng Garden in school east gate.” 李牧说:“我在校外租了套房子,学校东门的裕城花园。” Su Yingxue then asked: „Did I facilitate in the past?” 苏映雪便问:“我方便过去吗?” Convenient.” “方便。” I go out now.” “那我现在就出门。” I go to downstairs you.” “我去楼下等你。” Made the telephone call, Li Mu welled up for several points to be anxious and excited at heart suddenly. He took the wallet and key then goes downstairs hurriedly, waits for Su Yingxue the time, bought some can beer and peanuts, chicken feet and other between-meal snack in the convenience store of neighborhood entrance, ties the account comes out, his instinct looks toward the overpass, happen to looks at Su Yingxue runs in Tianqiao by far, later fast running down steps. 挂了电话,李牧心里忽然涌上几分急切与兴奋。他拿了钱包和钥匙便急匆匆下了楼,等苏映雪的时候,在小区门口的便利店里买了一些易拉罐啤酒和花生、鸡爪等零食,结完账出来的时候,他本能的往过街天桥看去,正好远远看着苏映雪在天桥上一路小跑,随后快速的跑下阶梯。 Yingxue!” Li Mu beckons to her, where under Tianqiao just halted to have a look at roadside is Su Yingxue of Yucheng Garden then sees Li Mu all of a sudden, hastily ran over toward Li Mu. 映雪!”李牧冲她招了招手,刚在天桥下站住想看看路边哪里是裕城花园的苏映雪一下子便看到了李牧,急忙又朝着李牧跑了过来。 Arrives around Li Mu time, Su Yingxue has panted, elegant face also because of reason of running, but exudes the flushed, looks at her appearance out of breath, some Li Mu loving dearly said: You ran to do quickly, how long walk unable to want.” 来到李牧跟前的时候,苏映雪已经气喘吁吁了,俏脸也因为奔跑的缘故而泛起红潮,看着她上气不接下气的样子,李牧有些心疼的说:“你跑那么快干嘛,走着过来也要不了多久。” Su Yingxue looks at Li Mu, four eyes met, the tone had several points rebuke saying: Has not been worried about you, heard that Wu Shuai held a person of my heart to frighten quickly.” 苏映雪看着李牧,四目相对,语气带着几分嗔怪的说:“还不是担心你吗,听说武帅捅人我心脏都快吓出来了。” Li Mu said with a laugh: But I had told you I was all right, Wu Shuai was grasped, but can also run to hold I to be inadequate from the police station?” 李牧笑着说:“可我都跟你说过我没事了啊,武帅都被抓了,还能从警察局里跑出来捅我不成?” Do not talk nonsense!” The Su Yingxue beautiful eye stared Li Mu one, sees in his hand to raise pile of beer, then asked him: Big evening buys so many liquor to do?” “别瞎说!”苏映雪美目瞪了李牧一眼,又见他手里提着一堆啤酒,便问他:“大晚上买这么多酒干什么?” Li Mu appearance gruff scratching the head smiles: „It is not quite happy, you said that must come, I want to make you accompany me to drink a liquor.” 李牧模样憨憨的挠头一笑:“心情不太好,你说要过来,我就想让你陪我喝点酒。” Then, Li Mu hurries to supplement one: Relax, does not make you drink.” 说完,李牧又赶紧补充一句:“放心,不让你喝。” Smiling of Su Yingxue shows neither approval nor disapproval, gets angry saying: You are really also ungrateful, in extracurricular rented the house quietly, greeting does not hit.” 苏映雪不置可否的笑了笑,嗔怒道:“不过你也真不够意思,什么时候悄悄在校外租了房子,连个招呼也不打。” I was wrong.” Li Mu hastily admits mistakes, said: Recently made futile effort, is busy at busy to become dog.” “我错了。”李牧急忙认错,说:“最近瞎忙,忙来忙去忙成狗了。” Su Yingxue showed a faint smile, pushed Li Mu: Does not want to drink, hurries.” 苏映雪微微一笑,推了李牧一把:“不是想喝酒吗,赶紧走吧。” Li Mu brings in the house that Su Yingxue is arriving at itself to rent, Su Yingxue looked to be clear probably, originally this was Li Mu makes the proper business the place. 李牧带着苏映雪来到自己租的房子里,苏映雪大概看了看才明白,原来这是李牧做正事的地方。 Saw that two computer also operate the machine, Su Yingxue is knowing, Li Mu's 3321, should do here. 看到那两台电脑其中一台还开着机,苏映雪就知道,李牧的3321,应该就是在这里做出来的。 Li Mu introduced to Su Yingxue probably a here situation, oneself rent here motive and goal, later then said to Su Yingxue: Roof rooftop can come up. Or we go to the roof to drink, can have a look at the scenery.” 李牧苏映雪大概介绍了一下这里的情况,自己租下这里的动机和目的,随后便对苏映雪说:“楼顶天台能上去。要不咱们去楼顶喝吧,能看看风景。” Su Yingxue nods, excited complies. 苏映雪点了点头,略带兴奋的答应下来。 Li Mu brings Su Yingxue to sit the elevator to arrive at the attic, then crawled then to arrive at the roof from the stair hall. Two people arrived at the roof close to Renmin that one side , the roof designed two guard rails, innermost almost one meter high, the wide more than 30 40 centimeters, crossed this guard rail. About two meters, therefore Li Mu then places on the beer and between-meal snack the cement guard rail of inner layer, asked Su Yingxue: Can sit?” 李牧带着苏映雪坐电梯到顶楼,然后从楼梯间爬了一层便来到了楼顶。两人来到了楼顶靠近人大的那一侧,楼顶设计了两层护栏,最内侧一层差不多一米高,宽三十多四十公分,翻过这层护栏。两米开外还有一层,所以李牧便把啤酒和零食都放在内层的水泥护栏上,问苏映雪:“要不要坐上去?” Su Yingxue nods, but is blushing saying: I feared that cannot come up.” 苏映雪点点头,不过红着脸道:“我自己怕是上不去。” Even can come up, Su Yingxue will not be working as the Li Mu's surface crawling guard rail, harms the image. 就算能上去,苏映雪也不会当着李牧的面爬护栏,太有损形象。 Li Mu patted the floating dust on guard rail, said with a smile: I hold you to sit, your own readjustment.” 李牧拍了拍护栏上的浮尘,笑道:“我托着你坐上去,你自己再调整吧。” Good.” “好。” The Li Mu both hands card in the Su Yingxue graceful and soft waist, both hands makes an effort slightly a request, turned away from Su Yingxue of guard rail to borrow potential jumps then sits on the guard rail with ease. Afterward she turns around, the both legs build in the outer layer, the Renmin campus in looks at not far away. 李牧双手卡在苏映雪曼妙而柔软的腰肢,双手稍稍用力一托,背对着护栏的苏映雪借势一跳便轻松坐在了护栏上。随后她自己转了个身,双腿搭在外层,看着不远处的人大校园。 Li Mu sat in her side, oneself opened one can of beer, the one breath first drank one can. 李牧坐在了她的身边,自己打开一罐啤酒,一口气先喝了一罐。 Su Yingxue also wants to block is making his slow point drink, but looked Li Mu slightly has been pressed brow, only in closing one's eyes to drink has some stretched, she then arriving at the words of mouth swallows back. 苏映雪本来还想拦着让他慢点喝,但看李牧一直微蹙着的眉头,唯独在闭眼喝酒时才有了些许舒展,她便把到嘴边的话又咽了回去。 Li Mu the can in the palm pinches the distortion drinking to empty, later pulled out one bottle to come out from the bag, just opened the suspension link. Su Yingxue then took advantage that he overtakes unprepared, said: Thanks, this bottle is my.” 李牧把喝空了的易拉罐在手心里捏变形,随后又从袋子里抽了一瓶出来,刚拉开拉环。苏映雪便趁他不备抢了过去,说:“谢谢,这瓶是我的。” Li Mu said: I drank to select that's alright, do not drink.” 李牧说:“我自己喝点就行了,你就别喝了。” Su Yingxue said with a smile: Understanding was so long. Has not been drinking together, graduation farewell dinner party I want to drink one cup with you on that day, but you told me at that time three characters, my although does not believe that but the thought that gives up asking you to drink.” 苏映雪笑道:“认识这么久了。没在一起喝过酒,毕业散伙饭那天我本来想跟你喝一杯的,但你当时跟我说了三个字,我虽然不信,但还是放弃了找你喝酒的念头。” Li Mu disorderly blurting asked: Which three characters?” 李牧没头脑的脱口问:“哪三个字?” Su Yingxue winks the big eye to ask: „Do you forget?” 苏映雪眨着大眼睛问:“你忘啦?” Li Mu shows a faint smile, in the brain flashes through picture of that day. Saying with a smile: Naturally has not forgotten.” 李牧微微一笑,脑子里闪过那天的画面。笑道:“当然没忘。” „?” Su Yingxue asked back with a smile: You said to look, on that day what you said is which three characters?” “哦?”苏映雪笑着反问:“那你说说看,你那天说的是哪三个字?” Li Mu said with a laugh: I said me also in.” 李牧笑着说:“我说‘我还在’。” Su Yingxue nods, sighs with emotion with a smile: I 10,000 do not believe at that time, from you, when class said you must test Renmin I do not believe, I always felt, you are usually completely muddled day in day out, the learn/study does not mix the investment, English rotten is not good, how possibly to test into Renmin.” 苏映雪点了点头,笑着感慨道:“我当时一万个不相信,从你在班里说你也要考人大的时候我就不相信,我总觉得,你平时一天到晚晕头转向的,学习也不是混投入,英语又烂的不行,怎么可能考得上人大。” farewell dinner party time everyone is very moved, you me did not tell that also has you, I think at that time you are deceive certainly me or comfort me, I want to drink glass of liquor with you, is because thinks is separated, but you said after that three characters, my although does not believe that but actually starts to expect at heart, therefore I bear have not asked you to drink, finally didn't expect you were really accepted unexpectedly......” 散伙饭的时候大家都挺伤感的,你非跟我说还有你,我当时想你一定是骗我或者安慰我,我想跟你喝杯酒,也是因为想到要分开,但你说了那三个字之后,我虽然不信,但心里却开始期待着,所以我忍住没找你喝,最后没想到你竟然真的考上了……” Li Mu smiles to ask: At that time do you want to drink the cup to leave the farewell drink with me?” 李牧笑问道:“当时你是想跟我喝杯离别酒吗?” Yes.” Su Yingxue recalled initially, the smile on face especially sweet: Has a dream cannot believe at your area-wide student examination Renmin.” “是啊。”苏映雪回忆起当初,脸上的笑容格外的甜:“做梦都不敢相信你会考上人大。” Doesn't believe my strength?” “就这么不相信我的实力?” Excuse me, where have your high school three years shown what strength? Every day is appearance of a casual study study, attended class only listens for a half hour, the remaining 15 minutes are basically doing other, the English course is the entire journey is absent-minded, the homework that the teacher usually assigns you do not write frequently, specially frequent forgetting belt/bring textbook, before attending class, flustered runs Zhao Kang their class, looks for Zhao Kang borrowing books...... “拜托,你高中三年哪展现过什么实力了?每天都是一副随便学学的样子,上课只听半小时,剩下的十五分钟基本都在干别的,英语课更是全程开小差,老师平时布置的作业你也经常不写,特别频繁的忘带课本,上课前慌慌张张的跑去赵康他们班,找赵康借书…… I am sometimes very curious, the schoolmate who in the class looks like your performance, tests four percentages generally the appearance, but you simulate to test each time can test more than 500, the college entrance examination was the extraordinary display tested more than 600, really cannot believe how you did achieve? ” 有时候我特别好奇,班上像你这种表现的同学,一般也就考个四百分的样子,可你偏偏每次模拟考都能考五百多,高考更是超常发挥考了六百多,真是不敢相信,你到底是怎么做到的?” Li Mu is listening to the recollection of Su Yingxue, suddenly leans the face to come looks at Su Yingxue, the slanting above cool-colored moonlight and slanting under warm color light scatter on her face, looked at the past from Li Mu this angle, was really beautiful to not the local products. 李牧听着苏映雪的回忆,忽然侧过脸来看着苏映雪,斜上方冷色的月光与斜下方暖色的灯光铺撒在她的脸上,从李牧这个角度看过去,真的是美到不可方物。 Su Yingxue feels vision, moving forward to meet somebody of instinct, two people vision connection, the Li Mu eye does not wink asked her: We attend the high school time, you have paid attention to my Ah?( to be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net 苏映雪感受到身边的目光,本能的迎上去,两人目光交汇,李牧眼睛不眨的问她:“咱俩上高中的时候,你关注过我啊?”(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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