RINAPE :: Volume #2

#180: Final resistance

Friday after last class, Li Mu has not enjoyed the weekend with others, but was a person went to Yucheng Garden, tonight he needs writes the Alipay core demand and frame, then went to speak face-to-face with Kong Lingyu, told him oneself demand to the Alipay face to face, determined after he understood, made him start to arrange the team again to develop. 周五最后一节课后,李牧没有和其他人一起享受周末,而是一个人去了裕城花园,今晚他需要把支付宝的核心需求及框架写出来,然后去跟孔令宇面谈,把自己对支付宝的需求当面告诉他,确定他都懂了之后,再让他开始安排团队开发。 Li Mu although had not gone to Muye Science and Technology, but can also guess that at present obtains their active status, now the technology development team should quite be idle, has the sufficient energy to develop Alipay. 李牧虽然一直没去牧野科技,但眼下也能猜得出他们的工作状态,现在技术开发团队应该还比较清闲,有足够的精力来开发支付宝 Easy Music Network, Tieba (Post It) as well as 3321 these three website are stabilizing the operation condition, the development work have completed, at present only needs the daily maintenance then, did not have the new development mission temporarily. 易听网贴吧以及3321这三个网站都在稳定运营状态,开发工作已经完成,眼下只需要日常的维护即可,暂时还没有新的开发任务。 Easy Music Network has been the domestic current capacity highest music audition website throne, Tieba (Post It) under the Baidu drainage, the current capacity continually increased crazily, registers the user to fall present Tencent instant kill, after all the present Tencent Q q user has not arrived at 3 million, in addition was baby in a swaddling clothes. 易听网一直稳居国内流量最高的音乐试听网站宝座,贴吧百度的引流下,流量不断狂增,注册用户已经把现在的腾讯秒杀掉了,毕竟现在的腾讯qq用户还没到三百万,尚且还是一个襁褓中的婴儿。 Tieba (Post It) user also in rapidly ascent stage, therefore Li Mu has not requested them to develop the new function temporarily immediately, the Tieba (Post It) present core service is Tieba (Post It), Li Mu must first make user's function to the Tieba (Post It) most foundation have the sufficient viscosity, after that then in Tieba (Post It) -based the foundation, develops other functions and products. 贴吧的用户还在急速上升阶段,所以李牧暂时也没有要求他们立刻开发新功能,贴吧眼下的核心服务就是贴吧本身,李牧必须先让用户对贴吧最基础的功能产生足够的粘度,在那之后,再基于贴吧的基础上,开发其他功能和产品。 As for 3321, just must start second round of bidding at present, no development demand, said again, even if there is a demand, later was Baidu is still responsible. 至于3321,眼下才刚要开始第二轮的竞拍,没什么开发需求,再说,就算有需求,以后也都是百度来负责了。 Li Mu this time has not started to stare at 3321 bidding like last Friday from eight points, writes the Alipay frame earnestly, wrote wrote for three hours. 李牧这次没像上周五那样从八点开始就盯着3321的竞拍情况,埋头写支付宝的框架,一写就写了三个多小时。 Li Mu this was must take directly the Alipay mature version. 李牧这是要把支付宝的成熟版直接拿出来了。 Does the person patient and dedicated be stronger than the average person, Li Mu writes the code or writes the demand the time, in the ordinary circumstances could not feel that passing of time, was almost in an instant almost around 9 : 00, at this time, the Li Mu's cell phone made a sound suddenly, awakened from dedication him. 干it的人耐心和专注都要比一般人强一些,李牧写代码或者写需求的时候,一般情况下根本感觉不到时间的流逝,几乎是一转眼就差不多九点多了,这时候,李牧的手机忽然响了,才把他从刚才的专注中唤醒。 Is Sun Jian, he said in the telephone hurriedly: Li Mu. The school was the big deal.” 孙坚,他在电话里急匆匆的说:“李牧。学校出大事了。” Li Mu asking with a frown he: What big deal was?” 李牧皱眉问他:“出什么大事了?” That Wu Shuai, was just seized by the police in the bedroom.” “那个武帅,刚刚在寝室被警察抓走了。” Li Mu hears is Wu Shuai, that was somewhat stretching a moment ago the nerve was loose immediately, but. Wu Shuai was seized by the police, how many meanings is this? 李牧一听说是武帅,刚才那根有些绷着的神经顿时松了下来,不过。武帅被警察抓走,这是几个意思? Sun Jian then also said to Li Mu, Wu Shuai in extracurricular hotel entrance, holds with knife handle Sun Tan tonight. 孙坚接着才又跟李牧说,武帅今晚在校外一家饭店门口,拿刀把孙坦捅了。 Originally, this afternoon time. Wu Shuai beforehand homeroom teacher brings night/lodge manages and security to their bedroom, sees Wu Shuai not to pack the thing to leave, then wants to persuade somebody to leave him, but Wu Shuai actually lies on own bed remains unmoved, homeroom teacher does not want to make too stiffly, to Wu Shuai said do not wait, I gave your father mother to telephone, they are not willing to take you to go back. 原来,今天下午的时候。武帅之前的班导带着宿管和保安到他们寝室,见武帅还没有收拾东西走人,便想把他劝走,但武帅却躺在自己的床上不为所动,班导也不想闹得太僵,就跟武帅说你别等了,我给你爸妈打过电话了,他们不愿意来接你回去。 The Wu Shuai mood collapsed immediately, homeroom teacher brings night/lodge manages and security comes, actually shows the stance that you did not listen to advice that I to catch up with you to walk. This made his self-respect come under the destructive attack again, he died to support is not really wanting to depend in the school, but was he did not have enough courage to go out from this bedroom, without the courage went out of the Renmin school gate. 武帅的情绪顿时就崩了,原本班导带着宿管和保安过来,其实就是摆出了一个你不听劝那我就赶你走的架势。这让他的自尊心再次受到了毁灭性的打击,他死撑着也不是真的想赖在学校,而是他还没有足够的勇气从这间寝室出去,没勇气走出人大的校门。 Heard homeroom teacher saying that the parents are not willing to come Yanjing to take itself to go back, he frailest that point was also held ruthlessly a blade, since the parents know after oneself were dismissed, only made a phone call to oneself, in the telephone the father said in a rage I did not have your disgraceful son, Mother to keep crying in the one side, In short had not said. 一听到班导说爸妈不愿意来燕京接自己回去,他心里最脆弱的那个点又被狠狠的捅了一刀,自从爸妈知道自己被开除之后,只给自己打了一个电话,电话里老爸暴跳如雷的说我没你这个丢人现眼的儿子,妈妈则在一旁哭个不停,一句话也没说。 Now. The parents do not come the Yanjing news, even needs to make homeroom teacher transmit. 现在。爸妈不来燕京的消息,甚至都需要让班导来传达了。 But I before your pride, I receive the greatest grievance outside now, why don't you think my present situation? Why not first ascertaining matter what's the matter? I am your sons. Even if I make you lose face, but you cannot no matter like this did not ask...... 我以前可是你们的骄傲啊,现在我在外面受了莫大的委屈,你们为什么不想想我现在的处境?为什么不先问清楚事情到底是怎么回事?我是你们的独生儿子啊。即便我让你们丢脸,可你们也不能就这样不管不问啊…… Wu Shuai shed long time tears silently, suddenly crawls, said to homeroom teacher: Teacher reckless, I had not found the destination today, the thing have not tidied up. However you could rest assured that so long as you give me again evening's time, tomorrow morning you will come again, I definitely not in school.” 武帅默默流了半晌眼泪,忽然爬起来,对班导说:“胡老师,我今天还没找到去处,东西也还没收拾。不过您放心,只要您再给我一个晚上的时间,明天早晨您再来,我肯定不在学校了。” homeroom teacher is carries out the school authorities to order, but he also knows that Wu Shuai takes the rap for Sun Tan, is sacrificed the future by others, the heart somewhat did not endure, slightly one hesitant then complied with the request of Wu Shuai. 班导是来执行校方命令的,但他也知道武帅是替孙坦背了黑锅、被别人牺牲了前程,心底也有几分不忍,略一犹豫便答应了武帅的请求。 An evening, everything cannot do too certainly, allows a respite to others. 一个晚上而已,凡事不能做得太绝,给别人留一个喘息的余地。 However his didn't expect, overflowed in the evening, was the big deal. 但是他没想到,一个晚上还没过,就出大事了。 After homeroom teacher and night/lodge manages and security walk, Wu Shuai took a fruit knife from the bedroom, goes out hurriedly, several inquired, finally in an extracurricular hotel found in with Sun Tan that several Student Council members eat meal together. 班导和宿管、保安走后,武帅从寝室拿了一把水果刀,急匆匆就出了门,几番打听,最后在校外的一个饭店找到了正在里面跟几个学生会成员一起吃饭的孙坦 Is away from the glass display window of hotel, the Wu Shuai angry discovery, originally eats meal with Sun Tan together, unexpectedly is that several with together for the Assistance Group member who Sun Tan takes the rap, is only, his didn't expect, these people, not only does not hate Sun Tan, instead gives him to light the cigarette to propose a toast on the dining table in turn attentively. 隔着饭店的玻璃橱窗,武帅愤怒的发现,原来跟孙坦一起吃饭的,竟然是那几个和自己一起替孙坦背黑锅的助学帮成员,只是,他没想到,这些人非但一点都不恨孙坦,反而在饭桌上轮流殷勤的给他点烟敬酒。 One type was isolated the feeling of betraying completely, eliminated Wu Shuai at heart finally that a wee bit hesitant. 一种完全被孤立出卖的感觉,打消了武帅心里最后那一丁点犹豫。 Wu Shuai squatted for one hour in the entrance, until Sun Tan their drunken comes out from the hotel. 武帅在门口蹲了一个小时,直到孙坦他们醉醺醺的从饭店里出来。 Wu Shuai looks at Sun Tan more walks surrounded by several people is nearer, immediately moves forward to meet somebody, keeps off in the Sun Tan front. 武帅看着孙坦在几人的簇拥下越走越近,立刻迎了上去,挡在了孙坦的面前。 That, is you Wu Shuai, you how in this?” Several received the punishment but not dismissed Assistance Group member with Wu Shuai together, when sees Wu Shuai, somewhat is surprised, is somewhat ashamed. “那个,是你啊武帅,你怎么在这?”几个跟武帅一起受了处分但没有被开除的助学帮成员,见到武帅时,都有些惊讶,也有些惭愧。 Wu Shuai has not responded them, covers entirely the eyes of blood threads closely to stare at Sun Tan, interrogated: Sun Tan, I work oneself to death for more than two years to you, your he in an instant to protect oneself sold me, do you have a conscience?” 武帅没搭理他们,布满血丝的双眼紧紧盯着孙坦,质问道:“孙坦,我给你卖命两年多,你他吗转眼就为了自保把我卖了,你还有没有一点良心?” The interrogation of Wu Shuai, looks like in Sun Tan, was played had flung the hidden bitterness young girl like these by oneself. 武帅的质问,在孙坦看来,像极了那些被自己玩过又甩了的幽怨少女。 His although escapes reluctantly, but his mood is extremely also uncomfortable, recorded the serious offense eventually, cannot preserve oneself including own hall uncles truly, in the family/home had given him to spread the road, a graduation tests on the direct acceding state, enters the state commission, now, is about to graduate shortly, was recorded the serious offense, the examination definitely cannot pass, the family member can only request him on a Renmin again two years of graduate student, Sun Yong to help him handle the teacher quota, treats in Renmin again for two years, in the two years in the time, looks for the opportunity to level the file again. 虽然勉强逃过一劫,但他的心情也极其不爽,终究还是记了大过,连自己的堂大伯都没能把自己真正保全,原本家里早就给他铺好了路,一毕业就直接参加国考,进国家部委,现在,眼看就快毕业了,被记了大过,审查肯定是过不去的,家里人只能要求他在人大再上两年研究生,孙永可以帮他搞定导师名额,再在人大待两年,这两年时间里,再找机会把档案抹平。 Therefore, sees Wu Shuai this at this moment rebel, Sun Tan is also suppressing one group of fires at heart. 所以,此时此刻看见武帅这个“叛徒”,孙坦心里也憋着一团火。 Fuck your mother Wu Shuai, does your he also dare to interrogate me? Do not think that the father does not know that dirty matter that you do, in the 0001751 9/11 registration trumpet washes white to yourself, all advances on me his mother responsibility, you think that I don't know?” 我艹你妈武帅,你他吗还敢来质问我?你别以为老子不知道你干的那点龌龊事情,在@0001751911@注册小号给你自己洗白、把他妈责任全推到我身上,你以为我不知道?” Wu Shuai at heart thump, surprised at the same time, instantaneous clear(ly) became aware, originally that petty action, he has long known. 武帅心里咯噔一下,惊讶的同时,也瞬间明悟,原来自己那点小动作,他早就知道了。 At this time, drinking saying of Sun Tan face taunt: Truth said Wu Shuai, in the two years I have not held you in the school, you are the vagrant who an outside area comes, how much money in the two years I led you to make, to make you have how many, to do how many women in the school, didn't yourself know in heart? Even if you have not betrayed me, Assistance Group this was unjustly discredited you still this/should bounden back, his mother called to be full of gratitude!” 这时候,喝了点酒的孙坦一脸嘲讽的说道:“实话说吧武帅,这两年没有我在学校捧你,你就是个外地来的小瘪三,这两年我带着你赚了多少钱、让你在学校出了多少名、搞了多少女人,你自己心里没数吗?就算是你没出卖我,助学帮这个黑锅你也该义不容辞的背了,这他妈叫知恩图报!” Sun Tan is saying, nameless fire at heart leapt the place, seethed thick phlegm, shook then spits on the Wu Shuai pants, cursed angrily: Also non- his mother urinates according to the photo, without my you are anything!” 孙坦说着,心里的无名之火腾地点了起来,翻腾了一口浓痰,一甩头便吐在了武帅的裤子上,怒骂道:“也不他妈撒泡尿照照,没有我你算个什么东西!” Wu Shuai left to was angry, he bellowed hysteric: Without you, I am university lives at least!” 武帅出离愤怒了,他歇斯底里的大吼一声:“没有你,我起码还是个大学生!” Saying, Wu Shuai is stretching out the fruit knife from the sleeve cuff suddenly, has several points fiercely then punctured a blade to the Sun Tan abdomen fiercely , he pulls out the blade, made up a blade ruthlessly. 说着,武帅忽然从袖口里伸出水果刀来,带着几分狰狞的冲着孙坦的腹部便猛刺了一刀,紧接着,他把刀拔出来,又狠狠的补了一刀。 Body of Sun Tan all of a sudden soft, several people are also look to be dumbfounded, Wu Shuai grasps the appearance of belt/bring blood dagger to make their heart feel that incomparable panic-stricken, the retreat of instinct, for fear that Wu Shuai also held oneself at this time in abundance. 孙坦的身子一下子就软了下去,身边几个人也是看傻了眼,武帅手持带血尖刀的样子让他们心底感觉到无比的惊恐,这时候纷纷本能的后退,生怕武帅把自己也捅了。 Wu Shuai eye looks at Sun Tan falls down, eye looks at his both hands is covering a belly face pain, but the blood torrential is actually flowing from his referring to seam outward, at heart no startled, he has made the decision, the entire world has abandoned himself, oneself must burst out the final strength, making them see own dying resistance! 武帅看着孙坦倒在地上,眼看着他双手捂着肚子一脸痛苦、但鲜血却还是从他的指缝中滔滔往外流着,心里没有一点惊慌,他已经做好了决定,全世界都遗弃自己,自己就要迸发出最后的力量,让他们看到自己的垂死反抗! The Wu Shuai silent looks at whole face terrifying and painful Sun Tan, flings the right hand suddenly, bringing the fruit knife of blood then to fly, flew into nearby grove, later Wu Shuai pulled out the telephone, made a phone call to his father. 武帅默然的看着满脸恐怖与痛苦的孙坦,猛然一甩右手,带血的水果刀便飞了出去,飞进了旁边的小树林,随后武帅掏出电话来,给他的爸爸打了一个电话。 In the telephone, his father opens the mouth angrily then scolded: „Do you call to do me? I do not have your scoundrel son!” 电话里,他的爸爸一开口便是怒气冲冲的骂道:“你给我打电话干什么?我没你这个混账儿子!” Wu Shuai smiles bitterly: Un, I know, called to say one to you, I looked for a good destination to myself, your servant felt relieved, when only has not had my son.” 武帅苦笑一声:“嗯,我知道,打电话来就是跟你说一声,我给自己找了个不错的去处,你跟妈放心好了,只当没生过我这个儿子。” A words saying ended, Wu Shuai made the telephone call. 话一说完,武帅就挂了电话。 Afterward, Wu Shuai hit 120, said that some people were held the wound, in the report the address, then gave 110 to telephone, said oneself held the person, making the police catch itself to Renmin, meanwhile reported own bedroom building and door plate. 随后,武帅打了个120,说有人被捅伤了,又报上了地址,然后又给110打了个电话,说自己捅人了,让警察到人大抓自己,同时还报上了自己的寝室楼和门牌号。 Completes these, Wu Shuai fell on the ground the cell phone, turned around insanely then ran toward Renmin, he does not want to be seized by the police here, he wants to carry off by the police in Renmin, in oneself bedroom and on oneself bed, this was he to the final resistance that Renmin made. 做完这些,武帅把手机在地上摔了,转身便疯了似的往人大跑,他不想在这里被警察抓走,他想在人大、在自己的寝室、在自己的床上被警察带走,这是他对人大做出的最后反抗。 Sun Jian looks at Wu Shuai was taken the police vehicle exactly with own eyes, heard the beginning to end of matter, therefore gave Li Mu to make this phone call. 孙坚恰好亲眼看着武帅被带上警车,又听说了事情发生的始末,于是才给李牧打了这个电话。 The Li Mu hear asked one: „Hasn't person died?” 李牧听完就问了一句:“人没死吧?” although in the Li Mu eye, Wu Shuai and Sun Jian is dog-eat-dog, but he does not hope that this matter ends with loss of life, human life serious offense day, let alone the actions of these two, but also cannot reach the standard of deceased person by far. 虽然李牧眼里,武帅孙坚是狗咬狗,但他也不希望这点事情就闹出人命,人命大过天,何况这两人的所作所为,还远远达不到死人的标准。 Sun Jian said: I am not quite clear, was sent to administer first aid in any case, what situation, it is estimated that must wait specifically tomorrow.” 孙坚说:“我不太清楚啊,反正是被送去急救了,具体什么情况,估计要等明天了。” Li Mu asked: Which hospital Ah? 李牧就问:“哪个医院啊? Haidian Hospital.”( To be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net “海淀医院。”(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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