RINAPE :: Volume #2

#179: Li Mu telephones to Kong Lingyu: „These days must make the best use of the time to unearth various technical experts, how long could not want, we will have a new project.”

The Dong Ai temper is very steady, works can calm down, two people food eats the larger part time, she has not said the motive that oneself asked him to eat meal with Li Mu, continuously with Li Mu with pauses pulled idle, felt bored until Li Mu, asked her on own initiative: „ Senior Sister Ai, asks me to have anything to speak frankly, depends on you usually to uphold justice to me, I who can achieve definitely do not decline. 董艾性子很稳,做事很能沉得住气,两人饭吃到一大半的时候,她都没有跟李牧说出自己请他吃饭的动机,一直跟李牧有一搭没一搭的扯闲篇,直到李牧感觉无聊,主动问她:“艾学姐,找我有什么事就直说吧,就凭你平时对我这么仗义,能做到的我肯定不推辞。 …… …… …… …… Dong Ai puts down the chopsticks, smiles, said: My this does not want to make you eat, eats many, the mouth is softer 董艾放下筷子,莞尔一笑,说:“我这不是想让你多吃点,吃得越多,嘴越软嘛” Li Mu touched the belly: I was about to eat to the full, you said.” 李牧摸了摸肚子:“我都快吃饱了,你说吧。” Dong Ai saw Li Mu to speak frankly, oneself do not cover-up, said: I want in 3321 practices.” 董艾李牧都已经要打开天窗说亮话了,自己也别藏着掖着了,就直说道:“我想在3321实习。” What Dong Ai said is the practice, is not the concurrent job is not the work, this let some Li Mu surprise, asked that she said: You said that must in 3321 practices, was the fourth-year practice session prepares to do in 3321 董艾说的是实习,不是兼职也不是工作,这就让李牧有些诧异了,问她道:“你说要在3321实习,难道是大四的实习期就准备在3321做了” Right.” Dong Ai nods: I in 3321 am interested very much, favors very much, if you comply, I will guarantee starting from tomorrow graduate to fourth-year, I every week will not be lower than 40 hours will use on 3321.” “没错。”董艾点了点头:“我对3321很感兴趣,也很看好,如果你答应的话,我保证从明天开始到大四毕业,我每周不低于四十个小时的时间用在3321上。” Every Thursday ten hours of operating times, was equal to a 58 full-time employment to work, Li Mu surprised asking: Your studies what to do 每周四十个小时的工作时间,就等同于一份58的全职工作了,李牧惊讶的问:“你的学业怎么办” I guaranteed the research.” Dong Ai said with a laugh said: My school grades also cultivated/repaired completely, from now on by the end of the year, I will only need to make oral defense that's alright, time big many.” “我保研了啊。”董艾笑着说道:“我学分也修满了,从现在开始到年底,我只需要做个论文答辩就行了,时间大把多。” Li Mu suddenly realize, had heard that Senior Sister Ai guaranteed the research, was the similar super academic tyrant same woman, the fourth-year first half semester cultivated/repaired the full school grades also to have nothing surprisedly. 李牧恍然大悟,早就听说艾学姐保研了,也是个类似超级学霸一样的女人,大四上半学期修满学分也没什么惊奇的。 Therefore Li Mu then natural saying: Since this, I affirmed welcome Senior Sister Ai you to join 3321, does not know that you have anything to request to the pay 于是李牧便大方的说道:“既然这样,那我肯定欢迎艾学姐你加入3321,不知道你对薪资有什么要求” Dong Ai shakes the head saying: I have not requested to the pay, but I have the request to the position.” 董艾摇了摇头说:“我对薪资没要求,不过我对职位有要求。” Li Mu then asked: You want what position 李牧便问:“你想要什么职位” Dong Ai said: I want the management position. However you could rest assured that do not have any pressure, now 3321 just about to standardize. In the situation of earlier your short-handed gives me an opportunity to attempt, if I am not really good. Then you can drive away me momentarily.” 董艾就说:“我想要个管理岗位。不过你放心,你不要有任何心理压力,现在3321刚要正规化。前期你人手不足的情况下给我一个机会尝试一下,如果我真不行。那么你随时都可以把我赶走。” Li Mu had heard Dong Ai many stories, besides the stories in these academic tyrant aspects, the detail about Dong Ai behavior and conduct, in the undergraduate student section, Dong Ai receive the Junior Brother study younger sister to be respectable very much, the rallying point is strong, is the bringing certain leadership makings, if she is willing to join 3321. Oneself make her make the management post to oneself is also a big advantage, at least, 3321 other these from Student Council little darling of Renmin choice, no matter what she controls. 李牧听说过董艾的很多故事,除了那些学霸方面的故事,还有关于董艾为人处世的细节,在本科生部,董艾是很受学弟学妹尊敬的,号召力非常强,属于自带一定的领导气质,她如果愿意加入3321。自己让她做管理岗对自己也是一大好处,最起码,3321其他那些从人大挑选的学生会乖乖任她驾驭。 Therefore Li Mu said: That line, earlier the build of your person in charge recruitment, team and department.” 于是李牧就说:“那行,前期你就负责人员招聘、团队和部门的搭建。” Dong Ai hastily pulls out a small memorandum, extracts a mini ball pen from the middle, said: You said that which departments needs to build.” 董艾急忙掏出一个小小的记事本,从中间抽出一根迷你圆珠笔来,说道:“你说吧,都需要搭建哪些部门。” Li Mu said: First is the marketing department, is mainly the offline promoted team ; Second is the operation section, is responsible for the foundation operation work of website ; Third is guest Abe, is responsible for solving customer's demand. Including student and guardian.” 李牧说:“第一个是市场部,主要是线下的推广团队;第二个是运营部,负责网站的基础运营工作;第三个是客服部,负责解决客户的诉求。包括学生和家长。” Dong Ai asked: „The disposition of personnel scale 董艾问:“人员规模的配置呢” Li Mu said: Since you must make the management position, the disposition of personnel scale yourself pondered, you feel at our current situations and development speeds. Our personnel demands to these departments big.” 李牧道:“既然你要做管理岗位,人员规模的配置得你自己去思考,你觉得以我们目前的情况、发展速度。我们对这几个部门的人员需求量到底有多大。” Saying, Li Mu was also saying: 3321 next matters of primary importance are the student authenticate, my bedroom has two brothers to help me do this matter, turn head I introduced them to you, making them report the situation with you, the next batch of 3000 people are to authenticate before 8 : 00 pm, you must coordinate the good personnel and work load arrangement.” 说着,李牧又道:“3321下一步最重要的事情就是学生认证,我寝室有两个哥们帮我做这件事,回头我把他们介绍给你,让他们把情况跟你汇报一下,下一批三千人是要在周五晚上八点之前认证完的,你得协调好人员和工作量安排。” Dong Ai nods, immediately felt a certainly tremendous pressure, this is in so many year of studies professions has not felt. However, this pressure also aroused the fighting spirit of heart deep place. Therefore her both hands make a fist, said to Li Mu: Relax. I try certainly to complete this matter.” 董艾点了点头,顿时感觉到一股绝大的压力,这是自己这么多年学业生涯中所不曾感受过的。不过,这种压力也唤起了她内心深处的斗志。于是她双手握拳,对李牧说:“放心吧。我一定尽全力把这件事情做好。” Li Mu truly felt relieved very much, 3321 frame and core directions are control, these detail can actually not need to grasp is so tight, if Senior Sister Ai really can assume Renmin, takes on the roles of 3321 logistics majordomos, oneself can be truly relaxed. 李牧确实很放心,3321的框架以及核心方向都是自己来把控,这些细节其实自己可以不用抓的这么紧,艾学姐如果真能坐镇人大,把3321后勤大管家的角色担当起来,自己就能真正轻松下来了。 Dong Ai achieved own goal, thinks of the Muye Science and Technology matter, she hesitant over and over, said to Li Mu: Actually I have doubts, wants to confirm with you.” 董艾达成了自己的目的,想到牧野科技的事情,她犹豫再三,还是开口对李牧说:“其实我心里还有个疑惑,想跟你确认一下呢。” Li Mu asked: What has doubts I to be able to help 李牧问:“什么疑惑我能帮得上忙” Dong Ai nods, asked: Muye Science and Technology is your company 董艾点点头,问:“牧野科技是你的公司吗” Li Mu is slightly stunned, after three seconds, nods gently. 李牧微微错愕,三秒钟后,轻轻点了点头。 Is insincere, previous time also lies with me and Qingya elder sister.” “不厚道啊,上次还跟我和清雅姐撒谎。” Li Mu said with a smile: Does not calculate to lie, but does not want to say at that time.” 李牧笑道:“也不算撒谎吧,只是那时候没想说出来。” Dong Ai asked: Why this has anything to be good to cover-up.” 董艾问:“为什么这有什么好藏着掖着的。” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: If I told you at that time, was I had a company, please help me introduce a credible person, how you think 李牧微微一笑,说:“要是我当时跟你说,是我开了一个公司,请你帮我介绍一个靠谱的人,你会怎么想” Dong Ai thinks, said with a laugh: I will feel too the child's play, even , is still the young people pats the decision of forehead mostly suddenly, will not have what prospect.” 董艾想了想,笑着说:“我会觉得太儿戏,就算是真的,也多半是年轻人忽然之间拍脑门的决定,不会有什么前景。” Li Mu said: Therefore you will not definitely introduce Lin Qingya to me, even you any you will not think that the credible person introduced to me, is right 李牧接话道:“所以你肯定也不会把林清雅介绍给我,甚至你不会把任何你觉得靠谱的人介绍给我,对不对” Dong Ai awkward nod of: You said right.” 董艾尴尬的点了点头:“你说的没错。” Li Mu also said: Not only you, even if Lin Qingya, if she knows at that time is I must dig her from Softbank, perhaps she still will be very difficult to comply.” 李牧又道:“不光你,就算是林清雅,如果当时她知道是我要从软银把她挖过来,恐怕她也很难会答应吧。” Dong Ai nods again. 董艾再次点头。 Li Mu said with a smile: I really do not want to hide contraband, but thought that sometimes or do not make certain things seem too alternative, later I may also register other companies, to try other projects, but these and relations of campus are not big, does not need to take into the campus the news, had 3321 to be enough in the campus.” 李牧笑道:“我也不是真有心要藏私,只是觉得有些时候还是不要让某些事情显得太另类,以后我可能还会注册其他的公司、尝试其他的项目,但那些和校园的关系不大,也没必要把消息带进校园内,在校园内有3321就足够了。” Dong Ai exploratory asking: Muye Science and Technology really is so fierce the Qingya elder sister to be probably satisfied to the new decision that oneself make.” 董艾试探性的问道:“牧野科技真的这么厉害吗清雅姐好像对自己做出的新决定非常满意。” Li Mu wear a look of self-confident saying with a smile: I gave her a point option drive, three years later leverages only then, in three years she walked on own initiative, or does not do well enough, I have the right to take back the option, but, good that if she makes, three years later other cannot guarantee, the company estimate value turns ten times is very relaxed.” 李牧面带自信的笑道:“我给了她一个点的期权激励,三年之后方可套现,三年内她主动走了,或者做得不够好,我都有权利把期权收回,不过,如果她做的好,三年之后别的不敢保证,公司估值翻十倍还是很轻松的。” You blew you saying that turned ten times to turn ten times “你就吹吧你说翻十倍就翻十倍” Li Mu said with a smile: Senior Sister, you do not understand internet, what internet does is similar to making the wrong choice the same business, all art packing and concepts, the Baidu conduction current front door has opened now, in the future I must get online several models of new products, if operates well, Series B rounds can turn several times.” 李牧笑道:“学姐,你不懂互联网,互联网做的是类似于买椟还珠一样的买卖,一切讲究包装和概念,现在百度的导流大门已经打开,未来我还要上线几款新产品,如果运作得好,b轮就能翻好几倍。” Dong Ai dumbfounded looks at Li Mu, especially is at heart contradictory, her 10,000 felt like that Li Mu is rambling on, but the heart deep place really letter/believed. 董艾目瞪口呆的看着李牧,心里特矛盾,她心里一万个觉得李牧是在瞎扯,但内心深处偏偏又真的信了。 It is said a Dong Ai putting in an appearance time, let Xue Jianfeng and Li Ya only submits. 据说董艾一个照面的工夫,就让薛剑锋李亚唯臣服了。 Therefore these two by the person who Li Mu regards as the brothers, became the attentive small pug dog in front of Dong Ai. 于是这两个被李牧视作兄弟的人,在董艾面前成了殷勤的小哈巴狗。 Two people respective belts the respective place is pushing the team to obey the instruction of Dong Ai, started the second batch of student authentication. 两人各自带着各自的地推团队听从董艾的吩咐,开始做起了第二批的学生认证。 When two people busy day, presses the turning off the lights bell to come back, is more tired much to collapse. 等两人忙碌一天、压着熄灯铃回来的时候,已经累得快虚脱了。 Li Mu was also knows from their mouth at this time, Dong Ai puts out a Yanjing map today, first took central that axle as the benchmark, divided into two map about with a red symbol pen, then said to Xue Jianfeng: Now you are western district person in charge.”, Then also only said to Li Ya: You are Oriental person in charge.” 李牧也是这时候才从他们口中知道,董艾今天拿出一张燕京地图,先以中心那条中轴线为基准,用一根红色记号笔把地图左右一分为二,然后对薛剑锋说:“现在你是西部大区负责人。”,接着又对李亚唯说:“你是东部大区负责人。” Again then, Dong Ai makes them the team that from gets to know each other well respectively choose three abilities is quite prominent respectively, told Xue Jianfeng and Li Ya only, making them be divided into three parts the responsible district, was led the person to be responsible for by three outstanding team members respectively, did the authentication work with the quickest speed to various schools. 再接着,董艾又让他们各自从各自相熟的团队里挑选三个能力比较突出的,告诉薛剑锋李亚唯,让他们把自己负责的大区分成三个部分,分别由三个能力突出的团队成员带人负责,用最快的速度到各学校做认证工作。 In the past the pushing personnel made the authentication time was to screen all students in same school, then looked one by one, the Dong Ai big hand wielded, had the boldness to say very much: Now was they pursues us to come, you designated that the time of some school, in the student sending stand in school letter/believed to this in the backstage, making them ask you to make the authentication to the assigned location, exceeded the time limit does not wait.” 以往地推人员做认证的时候都是筛选出同一个学校的所有学生,然后挨个去找,董艾大手一挥,很有魄力的说:“现在得是他们追着咱们来了,你们选定去某所学校的时间,在后台给这所学校的学生发站内信,让他们到指定地点找你们做认证,逾期不候。” Therefore the efficiency one was higher. 于是效率一下就高了许多。 The team members who make the authentication just went to a school, the student who in the school waits for the authentication has gathered in the predetermined place, then lines up to verify the material rapidly, after verifying, went to next university directly. 做认证的团队成员刚到一所学校,学校里等待认证的学生就已经在预定地点集合了,然后就是迅速排队核实资料,核实完了之后直接去下一所大学 Li Mu is somewhat surprised, oneself how didn't expect this operation technique had truly saved many manpower as the matter stands, on Friday completes the issue of authentication should not be big. 李牧有些惊讶,自己怎么都没想到过这个操作手法这样一来确实节省了不少人力,周五完成认证的问题应该不大。 Friday around 3 : 00 pm time, Dong Ai turned in a perfect answer paper to Li Mu, second batch of 3000 authenticate the student to be fully completed. 周五下午 3 点多的时候,董艾李牧交了一个完美的答卷,第二批三千个认证学生已经全部完成。 Meanwhile, Dong Ai prepares to authenticate about 500 people conveniently again, mentioned 5000 3321 authentication student numbers. 同时,董艾准备顺手再多认证五百人左右,把3321的认证学生数量提到五千。 After Li Mu hears the plan of Dong Ai personally narration, Li Mu complied extremely simply. 李牧听到董艾亲口叙述的计划之后,李牧极干脆的答应了。 5000 authentication students, do not know that tonight to tomorrow's second round of bidding, what aspect can be. 五千认证学生,不知道今晚到明天的第二轮竞拍,会是一个什么样的局面。 Bidding is 3321 most appealing places, it gave each to authenticate the student tremendous imaginary space, under the stimulation of this system, Li Mu was not worried that the student and parents' meeting is reaching the agreement in secret, 3321 had many official policies and methods ensure the safety and benefit of student, this platform to all authentication students, had the sense of belonging. 竞拍才是3321最吸引人的地方,它给了每一个认证学生巨大的想象空间,在这种体系的刺激下,李牧丝毫不担心学生和家长会在私下里达成协议,3321本来就有许多官方政策和手段来保证学生的安全与利益,这个平台对所有认证学生来说,都非常有归属感。 In addition, Li Mu believes that so long as the systems of 3321 bidding also , the guardian and demand of student both sides conflict absolutely, the guardian is not willing to the high price, the student not to accept the low price blindly blindly, intense bidding can bring the infinite possibility to them. 除此之外,李牧坚信,只要3321竞拍的体系还在,家长和学生双方的诉求就是绝对冲突的,家长不愿意盲目给高价,学生更不愿意盲目接受低价,只有激烈的竞拍才能给他们带来无限的可能。
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