RINAPE :: Volume #2

#178: Standard real power faction

Several media to 3321 highly praise one after another, reported that the expression also quite some pushes Li Mu for present age university lives meaning of model, after the Li Mu's image the media enlarge one after another, to him brought many after-effects, every action and every movement in school, is noticeable. 接连几家媒体对3321盛赞有加,报道中的措辞也颇有将李牧推为当代大学生典范的意味,李牧的形象被媒体轮番放大之后,也给他带来了不少后遗症,在学校里的一举一动,都非常引人注目。 Although oneself in school most famous celebrity, but Li Mu at heart also clear, 3321 things make such greatly, is not only helps itself build an indestructible body, collection belief is also helping itself draw the hatred, not only now in the school has the Li Mu's follower and esteem, more feels the envy and not indignant crowd about his success. 虽说自己一下成了学校里最出名的名人,但李牧心里也清楚,3321的事情闹得这么大,不光是帮自己打造一个金刚不坏之身,收集信仰的同时也在帮自己拉仇恨,现在学校里不仅有李牧的追随者和推崇者,更不乏对他的成功感到嫉妒与不忿的人群。 Dong Ai to the Li Mu's success is some envy, this envy is not the derogatory meaning but actually, was mainly first-year university student freshman comes a semester not to make such a earth-shaking important matter shortly, had a look at itself again, probably was a waste firewood that is hanging Student Council Vice-President, this dropping variance feeling, was hard to avoids. 董艾原本对李牧的成功是有些嫉妒的,这个嫉妒倒也算不上贬义,主要是眼看一个大一新生来了没一个学期就做出这么一件惊天动地的大事,再看看自己,好像就是一个挂着学生会副会长的废柴而已,这种落差感,是难以避免的。 However Dong Ai felt huge dropping variance also rejoiced very much, lucky is not going astray road, otherwise ends up Sun Tan that fate is very unlucky incautiously, Wu Shuai not to mention, entire Renmin knows that he gave Sun Tan to work as the scapegoat, Sun Tan was the waste in waste. 不过董艾感到巨大落差的同时也很庆幸,万幸是自己一直没走错路,否则一不小心落得孙坦那个下场也挺倒霉,武帅就更不用说了,全人大都知道他给孙坦当了替死鬼,孙坦才是人渣中的人渣。 Dong Ai also pays attention to the announcement that the school issued, Renmin wants to approach 3321 to gain a prestige at this time is she is expected, unexpectedly but her didn't expect Li Mu perseveres is so good, announced on looked, Renmin had nothing to meddle 3321 signals, but played a role of incubator, 3321 Li Mu own. 董艾也关注到了学校发出的公告,人大这个时候想傍上3321赚点声誉是她意料之中的,但她没想到李牧竟然坚守的这么好,以至于公告上看,人大没有任何插手3321的信号,只是充当了一个孵化器的角色,3321还是李牧自己的。 Moreover, Li Mu took three classrooms from school there, seeming like must settle down in Renmin officially. 而且,李牧从学校那里拿了三间教室,看起来是要正式在人大落户了。 Afterward, Dong Ai saw in 0001751 9/11 the recruitment post that Li Mu publishes, these aroused her interest. 随后,董艾又在@0001751911@看到了李牧发表的招聘帖子,这一下就激起了她的兴趣。 Own present studies duty are few, was preparing to start to look for the right practice opportunity at the end of the year, she also wants to relate one to discuss the support cooperation foreign enterprises, post that but after seeing Li Mu publishes, she suddenly to 3321 had the strong interest. 自己现在学业任务已经非常少了,正准备年底就开始寻找合适的实习机会,原本她还想联系一家曾经谈过赞助合作的外企,但在看到李牧发表的帖子之后,她忽然对3321有了更加浓厚的兴趣。 Dong Ai was sighing to the computer, oneself before is still suspecting the Chen Wan's vision. Now looks like, the Chen Wan's vision is really poisonous, recalled that in the past few days introduced the matter that Lin Qingya gives his cousin, Dong Ai always felt strangeness that somewhat cannot say. 董艾对着电脑感叹,自己之前还在怀疑陈婉的眼光。现在看来,陈婉的眼光才真是毒啊,回想前些天自己介绍林清雅给他表哥的事情,董艾总觉得有些说不上来的怪异。 Thinks the half of the day cannot clear off the clue. Dong Ai made a phone call to Lin Qingya, asks then: „Did the Qingya elder sister, you go to the previous introduction that company to go to work?” 想了半天理不清头绪。董艾林清雅打了一个电话,开口便问:“清雅姐,你去上次介绍的那个公司上班了吗?” Has entered the duty.” Lin Qingya said with a laugh: „ For these days was busy, a lot must be done, no opportunity has told you. Originally also thinks to ask you to eat meal and thank you to introduce to I such good opportunity in the weekend, but now looks like, I must certainly work overtime to work in the weekend, does not know that Sunday night can get off work earlier, if before I can eight points, can finish up, goes to Renmin to ask you to eat meal to be good? „ “已经入职了。”林清雅笑着说:“不过这几天都非常忙,很多事情要做,一直没机会跟你说。本来还想周末请你吃饭、感谢你介绍给我这么好的机会呢,不过现在看来,我周末肯定是要加班做事,不知道周日晚上能不能早点下班,要是我能八点之前能完事的话,就去人大找你吃饭好不好?“ Dong Ai said: Our relations, you are polite with me!” Then, she also inquired curiously: That company such busy Ah? what do you feel?” 董艾说:“咱俩的关系,你还跟我客气啊!”说完,她又好奇的询问:“那个公司这么忙啊?你感觉怎么样?” Lin Qingya said: „Very busy, but is very substantial, the prospect of company I also favor. The speed of development is fast.” 林清雅说:“是挺忙的,但是很充实,公司的前景我也非常看好。发展的速度非常快。” Dong Ai then exploratory asking: „Is the boss in your company, that man who surnamed Kong previous time we eat meal together?” 董艾便试探性的问:“你们公司的老板,是上次咱们一起吃饭的那个姓孔的男人吗?” Lin Qingya said: This I am not clear, but he is General Manager, is responsible for technical with emphasis.” 林清雅说:“这个我也不清楚,不过他是总经理,重点负责技术方面。” Dong Ai also asked: „Can you help me ask that the legal person in your company, or who is the major stockholder?” 董艾又问:“你能不能帮我问问你们公司的法人,或者大股东是谁?” Lin Qingya said with a smile: How are you interested in this? I just came shortly, to ask that this issue is a little inappropriate.” 林清雅笑道:“你怎么对这个这么感兴趣?我刚来没多久,就问这个问题有点不合适吧。” Dong Ai one wants also to be, Lin Qingya works is very earnest, making a clear demarcation between public and private interests, oneself make her help itself ask that these gossip truly some are inappropriate, thinks of senior(s) in the industry and commerce system work. Dong Ai then said: You told me a full title of your company, best to send a message to me.” 董艾一想也是,林清雅做事很认真,公私分明,自己让她帮自己问这些八卦确实有些不合适,一想到有个学长就在工商系统工作。董艾便说:“你告诉我一下你们公司的全称吧,最好是给我发个短信。” Lin Qingya does not know why Dong Ai just entered the company of duty to be interested to oneself, but wants the company full title, this thing has no security significance. Therefore simply said: That line, I told you company full title later.” 林清雅不知道董艾为什么对自己刚入职的公司这么感兴趣,不过要个公司全称而已,这东西没任何保密意义。于是便道:“那行,那我待会把公司全称告诉你。” Hangs the power failure words a moment later, Dong Ai received a message, selects to look, is Lin Qingya sends in: Yanjing Muye Science and Technology Limited Company. 挂掉电话片刻之后,董艾收到了一条短信,点开一看,是林清雅发来的:燕京牧野科技有限公司 Dong Ai eye one bright, really! Thought that this inside has the issue. Now looks at this name again, Muye Science and Technology definitely is Li Mu's Corporation! This boy is is so wild, standard real power faction that what background Ah? first-year university student plays. 董艾眼睛一亮,果然吧!就觉得这里面有问题。现在再看这名字,牧野科技肯定就是李牧的公司!这小子到底是什么来路啊?大一就玩的这么野,标准的实力派啊。 Therefore Dong Ai gives Li Mu to telephone immediately. 于是董艾立刻给李牧打了个电话。 Li Mu for sometime has not seen Dong Ai, has not received her call, suddenly sees her name on the cell phone, all of a sudden also some surprise. 李牧有一段时间没见过董艾了,也没接到过她的电话,忽然在手机上看到她的名字,一下子还有些诧异。 Connects the call, polite called Senior Sister Ai, that side Dong Ai said: Li Mu, has the time, Senior Sister asked you to eat meal.” 接通电话,礼貌的叫了一声艾学姐,那边董艾就开口说:“李牧,有时间吗,学姐请你吃饭。” Eats meal Ah? Li Mu to think, asked: When?” “吃饭啊?李牧想了想,问道:“什么时候?” On today, a little matter wants to ask you.” “就今天吧,有点事情想拜托你。” Li Mu slightly hesitates, complied, no matter how said that is the Sister Wan friend, the words that Sister Wan comes in the weekend must certainly meet with her, best not neglect her. 李牧略一迟疑,还是答应了下来,不管怎么说都是婉姐的朋友,婉姐周末过来的话肯定是要跟她见面的,最好还是别怠慢了她。 Dong Ai decided the evening to go to an extracurricular restaurant, approximately good first to meet downstairs her bedroom with Li Mu, then passed together, Li Mu appeared downstairs the Dong Ai bedroom on time. 董艾定了晚上去校外的一家餐厅,跟李牧约好先在她寝室楼下见面,然后一起过去,李牧按时出现在董艾寝室楼下。 After several minutes, Dong Ai comes in waves, 22-year-old Dong Ai is very attractive, seems like the outline to be obviously maturer than the contemporaries, but is actually not old mannish, a woman was at age 18 looks at like over 20 years old, but to 30-year-old time, looks at also like over 20 years old, woman, once 30 years old, lets the best quality goods ripe female young married woman who the man was crazy crazily absolutely, but that graceful bearing is also short of social experience this crucial moment now. 几分钟后,董艾翩翩而至,22岁的董艾很漂亮,比同龄人看起来要略显成熟一些,不过却也不是老气,有一种女人就是18岁的时候看着就像二十多岁,但一直到了30多岁的时候,看着还像二十多岁,这样的女人一旦过了三十岁,绝对是让男人疯狂着迷的极品熟女少妇,只是现在那股风韵还欠缺了社会经验这道火候。 Meets, Dong Ai then teased Li Mu saying: Schoolmate Li Mu but now the Renmin scarlet person, didn't expect can also to my face, really be deeply grateful.” 一见面,董艾便调侃李牧道:“李牧同学现在可是人大的大红人了,没想到还能给我这个面子,真是感激不尽。” Li Mu said: Senior Sister Ai, please eat meal, do not dirty the person.” 李牧说:“艾学姐,你请吃饭可以,别埋汰人啊。” Dong Ai raising eyebrows: My this does not dirty you.” 董艾挑挑眉:“我这可不是埋汰你。” Saying, Dong Ai was also saying: Your Sister Wan approaches fast, are you very excited Ah? 说着,董艾又道:“你婉姐就快来了,你是不是很激动啊? Li Mu smiles: „Very excited.” 李牧笑了笑:“是挺激动的。” Dong Ai has nod of profound meaning greatly, said: You do not know, she is excited very!” 董艾大有深意的点了点头,说:“你不知道,她可是激动的很呢!” Two people spoke this saying, walks toward the school gate outside shoulder to shoulder together, the school gate, the person's shadow will appear in Li Mu and Dong Ai front together suddenly, Li Mu sees clearly to keep off after oneself and in front of Dong Ai that person of appearance, asking with a frown said: Wu Shuai? Do you want to do?” 两人说这话,并肩一起往校门外走,正要出校门,一道人影忽然出现在李牧董艾的面前,李牧看清挡在自己与董艾面前那人的长相之后,皱眉问道:“武帅?你想干什么?” A Wu Shuai face is dejected, which also had past, graceful high-spirited the appearance of dregs, he used to cover entirely the eyes of blood threads to stare at Li Mu stubbornly, said with the hoarse sound: Li Mu, I come to apologize to you, before was I have eyes but fails to see, sorry!” 武帅一脸颓然,哪还有昔日意气风发、帅到掉渣的模样,他用布满血丝的双眼死死盯着李牧,用嘶哑的声音说道:“李牧,我是来向你道歉的,以前是我有眼无珠,对不起!” Li Mu has known the Wu Shuai expelled from school news, is actually clear about this at heart to an attack of student in a big way . Moreover, Wu Shuai will have today this fate, cannot withdraw the responsibility with oneself, initially oneself were to counter-attack Sun Tan, moved his Assistance Group, didn't expect Sun Tan drew back to work as the scapegoat Wu Shuai unexpectedly. 李牧已经知道了武帅被开除学籍的消息,心里清楚这对一个学生的打击究竟有多大,而且,武帅会有今天这个下场,跟自己也脱不开干系,当初自己是为了反击孙坦,才动了他的助学帮,没想到孙坦竟然把武帅退出来当了替死鬼。 However, Li Mu may have no guilty conscience to Wu Shuai at heart, he will have today , is completely the result that he has only self to blame, could not complain about others, could not complain about itself. 不过,李牧心里对武帅可没有任何负罪感,他会有今天,也完全是他咎由自取的结果,怨不得别人,更怨不得自己。 looks at decadent Wu Shuai, Li Mu gives a calm smile at this time, said: „The beforehand matter passed.” 看着此时颓败的武帅,李牧淡然一笑,说:“以前的事情都过去了。” Wu Shuai is pursing the lips to nod layer on layer/heavily, past was regarded as the a good judge of talent person by oneself, sold itself thorough ; But past was regarded as the person of mortal enemy by oneself, actually without, when most go down in the world hits a person when he is down, but is displays to smile to vanish the love and hate the stance, this makes him realize, actually oneself before was how stupid. 武帅抿着嘴重重点头,昔日被自己视为伯乐的人,把自己卖了个彻底;而昔日被自己视为死敌的人,却没有在自己最落魄的时候落井下石,而是表现出一笑泯恩仇的姿态,这让他意识到,自己以前究竟是多么愚蠢。 No, is not stupid, is blind, moreover blind thorough. 不,不是愚蠢,是眼瞎,而且瞎的彻底。 However, Wu Shuai does not have to forget oneself look for the Li Mu's core to demand, he returned to normal a mood, can seem more sincere by oneself as far as possible, said: Li Mu, Assistance Group Sun Tan has been aiming at you and your 3321 in the back, he also looked for Zhang Qing attempt to make him enrage you......” 不过,武帅也没有忘记自己找李牧的核心诉求,他平复了一下心情,让自己尽量能显得更真诚,说:“李牧,助学帮孙坦一直在背地里针对你和你的3321,他还找了章庆试图让他激怒你……” Let alone.” Li Mu beckons with the hand, said lightly: Between you and Sun Tan have what gratitude and grudges, I do not want any relations, I do not want with anybody to be an enemy, you put best into it.” “别说了。”李牧摆了摆手,淡淡说道:“你和孙坦之间有什么恩怨,我不想扯上任何关系,我也不想和任何人为敌,你好自为之吧。” Wu Shuai immediately whole face nearly desperate losing. 武帅顿时满脸近乎绝望的失落。 Own that must not exposed to goal light/only, was easily pierced by Li Mu unexpectedly, but, oneself said is the truth! 自己心里那点见不得光的目的,竟然这么轻易就被李牧戳穿了,可是,自己说的都是实话啊! At this time, looks at Wu Shuai that Dong Ai some did not endure, said: Wu Shuai, I know your angry Sun Tan, but to this kind of time, what to do you had first considered next step.” 这个时候,董艾有些不忍的看着武帅,说:“武帅,我知道你恼怒孙坦,不过都已经到这种时候了,你还是先考虑好自己下一步怎么办。” Wu Shuai then sees clearly Li Mu Dong Ai, dumbfounded saying: Senior Sister Ai, how is you......” 武帅这才看清李牧身边的董艾,目瞪口呆的说道:“艾学姐,怎么是你……” Past he, where regardless of toward looked that first looked at the woman, moreover first looked at the pretty woman, but he at this moment, this natural disposition was even rubbed did not have, saw his situation at this moment to be pitiful sufficiently. 以往的他,无论往哪看都是先看女人,而且是先看漂亮女人,而此刻的他,连这点本性都被磨没了,足以见得他此刻的处境有多么悲惨。 Dong Ai sighed, said: I go out together the management sentiment with Li Mu.” 董艾叹了口气,说:“我跟李牧一起出去办点事情。” Wu Shuai nods again and again, is simultaneously lower the point, he did not have the temperament that she governed in front of Dong Ai before, now feels inferior. 武帅连连点头,同时又把头越点越低,他以前在董艾面前就被她治的没有脾气,现在就更加自惭形秽了。 Li Mu patted his shoulder at this time gently, without said again, winks to Dong Ai, Dong Ai said takes care, later then followed Li Mu together. 李牧这时轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀,没再多说,给董艾递了个眼色,董艾说了一句保重,随后便跟李牧一起走了。 Wu Shuai stands in bursting into tears that silently same place does not return , in this campus, he was one of the few several earthshaking people, but now, this campus does not have his shelter. 武帅站在原地头也不回的默默流泪,以前在这个校园里,他是少有几个叱咤风云的人之一,而如今,这个校园已经没有了他的栖身之所。 Sun Tan, blames Sun Tan! 孙坦,都怪孙坦 Wu Shuai leaves to the anger suddenly, had no more to do with then to run not to have the person's shadow. 武帅忽然间出离愤怒,拔腿便跑没了人影。 But at this time, just had/left school gate saying of Dong Ai face sympathy: Wu Shuai this child looks at is very pitiful.” 而此时,刚出了校门的董艾一脸同情的说道:“武帅这个孩子看着还是挺可怜的。” „The person of feeling sorry for must have the hateful place.” “可怜之人必有可恨之处。” Yes, you said is reasonable, but was this price too rather big?” “是,你说的有道理,可这个代价未免太大了点吧?” Big?” Li Mu shows a faint smile: Should be was just good.”( To be continued.) The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net “大吗?”李牧微微一笑:“应该是刚刚好吧。”(未完待续。)手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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