RINAPE :: Volume #2

#177: The Li Mu's first car(riage)

In the Li Mu ordinary circumstances does not work loathsome, for example buys car(riage) matter, he makes in the evening with Zhao Kang, making him accompany itself to look at the car(riage) noon tomorrow. 李牧一般情况下做事不拖泥带水,比如买车这个事情,他当晚就跟赵康约好,让他明天中午陪自己去看车。 Zhao Kang buys the decision of car(riage) not to find it to Li Mu strange, without hesitation complies. 赵康李牧买车的决定一点也不觉得奇怪,毫不犹豫的答应下来。 Next morning, Xue Jianfeng of going out morning exercise buys two newspapers, the Yanjing evening news and Yanjing Youth Daily are the morning sell, in the newspapers of two quartos, had the length of half page layout octavo to report Li Mu and his 3321, Xue Jianfeng the newspaper had that side of Li Mu picture to hand in front of Li Mu, said: You must do the brothers, played to lead to play in the newspaper! Also can be the friend happily?” 翌日早晨,出去晨练的薛剑锋买回来两份报纸,燕京晚报和燕京青年报都是早晨发售,两份四开的报纸里,都有半个版面足足八开的篇幅报道了李牧和他的3321,薛剑锋把报纸里有李牧照片的那一面递到李牧面前,说:“你这是要干嘛啊兄弟,耍帅都耍到报纸上了!还能不能愉快的做朋友了?” Li Mu looked at one, said with a smile: I also think that can give a color printing.” 李牧看了一眼,笑道:“我还以为能给个彩印呢。” Day, you also want to ascend the sky!” Xue Jianfeng curls the lip, other person of hastily going forward weight share newspapers looked, to them, on Li Mu the news and previous newspaper, they are also proud, is only on the mouth is like Xue Jianfeng, scolds Li Mu to get a swelled head, the modeling that the swayed pats is so rampant, this was must raise the bubble little girl difficulties of others indirectly. “日,你还想上天呢!”薛剑锋撇了撇嘴,其他人急忙上前分两份报纸看了起来,对他们来说,李牧上新闻、上报纸,他们心里也非常骄傲,只是嘴上都跟薛剑锋一样,骂李牧太烧包,摆拍的造型这么嚣张,这是要间接提升其他人的泡妞难度了。 Li Mu has not met their, but said: 3321 must set up the business location in Renmin, your three have not done the family education, being all right words can consider to hold concurrent jobs in the past, the pay will not be low.” 李牧没接他们这茬,而是说道:“3321要在人大设办公地点了,你们三个没干家教的,没什么事的话可以考虑过去兼职啊,薪资也不会太低。” Sun Jian said: I just want you to tell that I prepare to make the family education to try.” 孙坚说:“我正想跟你说呢,我准备做家教试试。” Li Mu nods, says with a smile: You register directly, second batch of authentication time first since you start.” 李牧点点头,笑道:“那你就直接注册呗,第二批认证的时候先从你开始。” Sun Jian said: „A month can gain over a thousand, my heart movement two days.” 孙坚说:“一个月能赚上千块呢,我心动两天了。” That does.” “那就干。” Xue Jianfeng and Li Ya are only not the lords of being short of money, two people then said: When starts the second group of students to authenticate Ah? both of us to lead to run when the time comes the matter of authentication.” 薛剑锋李亚唯都不是缺钱的主,两人便说:“啥时候开始第二批学生认证啊?到时候我们俩带队去跑认证的事情。” Li Mu said with a smile: Tomorrow will start, the second batch authenticate 3000 people, many looks for some concurrent jobs from the school, Friday night runs.” 李牧笑道:“明天就开始吧,第二批认证三千人,多从学校找些兼职,周五晚上都跑下来。” Xue Jianfeng said: „Do you go to 0001751 9/11 round of Tieba (Post It)? Your present rallying point is so big, posts, keeps me with Asian telephone only, both of us help you manage attractively this matter.” 薛剑锋就说:“那你去@0001751911@发个贴吧?你现在号召力这么大,发个帖子,留我跟亚唯的电话,我俩帮你把这事办得漂漂亮亮。” Li Mu thinks is also, then registered a nickname is the Li Mu's account number. Posted a post, in the Renmin recruitment concurrent job, recruits fourth-year student half full-time and Renmin graduate full-time employment, every hour of pay 5 Yuan of concurrent job and half full-time employment. The full-time pay 1500 Yuan, the eight-hour working day, double rests every month, pays the social security and common reserve fund through the special human resources company. 李牧想想也是,便注册了一个昵称为李牧的账号。发了一个帖子,在人大招收兼职,同时也招收大四学生半全职、人大毕业生全职,兼职、半全职的每小时薪资五元起。全职薪资每月1500元起,八小时工作制,双休,通过专门的人力资源公司缴纳社保和公积金。 This salary, in the regular company compared with the society must be much higher. Should be very competitive. 这个薪资待遇,比社会上正规公司还要高出不少。应该还是很有竞争力的。 The post sends, Li Mu ate meal to prepare to attend class with bedroom several brothers together. 帖子发完,李牧就跟寝室几个哥们一起去吃饭准备上课了。 In the morning, Li Mu is also thinking hurries to mix the morning two classes, then finished thoughts the truck unloading with a sense of urgency, didn't expect came several paper media in the morning, does not come is the local paper and magazine, China CCTV, People's Daily and Reference News type of highest magnitude media did not have the sound as before. 上午,李牧还想着赶紧把上午两节课混过去,然后抓紧把车提了了却一桩心思,没想到上午又来了几家纸媒,不过来的依旧是地方性报纸和杂志,华夏央视、人民日报、参考消息这种最高量级的媒体还都没有动静。 Li Mu felt, they should still wait and see, after all 3321 only started, has not stabilized. 李牧觉得,他们应该还在观望,毕竟3321刚起步,没稳定下来。 Li Mu although is quite usually low-key. But 3321 this things, hope at heart can the bigger the better that the influence tosses about, best is China CCTV can come Renmin to ask itself to interview one wave, that was perfect. 李牧虽然平时比较低调。但3321这件事情,心里还是希望能够把影响力折腾的越大越好,最好是华夏央视能来人大找自己采访一波,那就完美了。 Several media interviewed, the time arrived 11 : 30, Li Mu fled from the school hurriedly, took taxi to join Zhao Kang, went to consult Buick 4s Shop last night. 几家媒体采访完,时间都到了十一点半,李牧匆忙逃离学校,打车接上了赵康,前往昨晚咨询过的一家别克4s店。 Buick's present model are not many, the popular model is Buick of 1.6 displacements matches, the Buick century as well as Buick gl8. 别克现在的车型不多,热门车型就是1.6排量的别克赛欧、别克世纪以及别克gl8。 Li Mu has opened this year gl8, to its power and performance had certain understanding probably. Therefore after the 4s shop, has not tried to harness, only ran 40 kilometers present car(riage), he was direct entire to withdraw. 李牧开过今年款的gl8,对它的动力和性能大概有了一定了解。所以到了4s店之后也没试驾,有一辆只跑了四十公里的现车,他就直接全款提走了。 On the 4s shop the insurance, Li Mu then opened vehicle-borne Zhao Kang to pay taxes and get new license directly. Now buys is getting new license that the car(riage) most is free from worry is simple, middle all troublesome flows all look for the Ox/Ticket Scalper solution, the speed was also much fast. 在4s店上了保险,李牧便直接开车载着赵康去缴税、上牌。现在买车最省心的就是上牌简单,中间所有麻烦的流程一律找黄牛解决,速度又快了不少。 Li Mu has no special pursue to the number, the number section that now provides is Capital E, the number was the cardinal number words, Li Mu takes one not to have 4 casually. Then hurried to hang up the number plate, drives away. 李牧对号码没有什么特殊追求,现在发放的号段是京e,号码是纯数字号,李牧随便拿了一个不带四的。然后就赶紧把号牌挂上,开着走了。 Makes the number plate 3 : 00 pm, Zhao Kang didn't expect buys the car(riage) so to be unexpectedly simple, thinks must run repeatedly several days, didn't expect also on a 3-4 hour of time. 弄完号牌才不过下午 3 点,赵康没想到买车竟然就这么简单,原本还以为要反复跑个好几天,没想到也就三四个小时的工夫。 After making completely, Li Mu is also sighing with emotion at heart, just rebirth that little while, but also is thinking the first car(riage) must buy Mercedes, to buy a BMW, to buy the land cruiser of import, is didn't expect, the first car(riage) bought doctrine of the mean gl8 unexpectedly, mainly is also in the pouch shy, Li Mu altogether 1 million, buy the too expensive/noble car(riage) to waste completely, because buys the house in set of three-bedroom also to withstand/top on an import with the price that the land patrols now, ten years later, the house can rise to 8 million, buys ten land patrolling to string together the skewer. 全部弄完之后,李牧还在心里感慨,刚重生那会儿,还想着第一辆车要买辆奔驰、买辆宝马、买辆进口的陆地巡洋舰,可是没想到,第一辆车竟然买了一辆中庸的gl8,主要也是囊中羞涩,李牧一共就一百万,买太贵的车完全是浪费,因为现在买套三居室的房子也就一辆进口顶配陆巡的价格,十年后,房子能涨到八百万,买十辆陆巡串成串都可以。 Zhao Kang must go back to attend class, Li Mu then delivers to the school entrance him, gave him a car(riage) key, said to him: Car(riage) usually listens to Yucheng Garden, if you open notify me ahead of time, our consultation next time that's alright.” 赵康要回去上课,李牧便把他送到学校门口,给了他一把车钥匙,对他说:“车平时就听裕城花园,你要是开的话提前跟我打个招呼,咱俩协商下时间就行。” Zhao Kang nods, received the key saying: I first returned to the school.” 赵康点点头,接过钥匙说:“那我先回学校了。” Li Mu said: In the weekend Sister Wan comes, when the time comes eats meal together.” 李牧说道:“周末婉姐过来,到时候一起吃饭。” Zhao Kang thinks, said: Sister Wan came you not to entrain to make the electric lamp bulb me.” 赵康想了想,说:“婉姐来你就别把我也拽上做电灯泡了吧。” Li Mu said: Rambled on what egg, what electric lamp bulb where came.” 李牧说:“瞎扯什么蛋呢,哪来的什么电灯泡。” Zhao Kang sees a Li Mu face to be earnest, sighs, said: Eats meal, were many I not to participate.” 赵康李牧一脸认真,叹了口气,说:“就吃顿饭啊,多了我不参与。” Li Mu nods, said: Finds time us to go to that side Muye Science and Technology, we purchased the Douban contract to sign Muye, you Muye five points stocks and 500,000, did not pay taxes you to take care of oneself.” 李牧点点头,又说:“抽空咱俩去趟牧野科技那边,咱俩把牧野收购豆瓣的合同签了,你得牧野五个点的股份和五十万,不过税你自理啊。” Zhao Kang slightly one hesitant, said: Little Mu, what I take was too many? Following I worried that I cannot keep up with your rhythm.” 赵康略一犹豫,道:“小牧,我拿的是不是太多了?后续我担心自己跟不上你的节奏。” Li Mu then said: Can follow, really cannot follow me to entrain you, relax, this matter is not suitable delays, I find the person to have the contract template, did well informed you.” 李牧便说:“跟得上,真跟不上我就拽着你,放心吧,这件事不宜耽搁,我找人出合约模板,弄好了通知你。” Zhao Kang did not have to say again, the nod complied: Good.” 赵康也没再多说,点头答应下来:“好的。” ...... …… Wu Shuai was dismissed by Renmin. 武帅人大开除了。 After this news Li Mu goes back to the school, hear of Sun Jian said. 这个消息李牧是回到学校之后听孙坚说的。 The school pasted the announcement in the bulletin boards of several classroom buildings, announced several things. 学校在几个教学楼的布告栏都贴了公告,公布了几件事情。 First, is the School of Economics audiovisual education building 505, 506 and 5073 classrooms incorporate into 3321 as 3321 business locations officially ; 第一个,是财金学院电教楼的505、506、507三间教室正式划归3321做为3321的办公地点; Second, is the findings and punishment announcement of Assistance Group event. 第二个,是助学帮事件的调查结果及处罚公告。 The findings that the school gives are, four Assistance Group members headed by Wu Shuai, amasses money and colludes with using Assistance Group the extracurricular profiteer to entrap the schoolmate interest, the nature and influence are extremely bad, therefore makes to expel from school the punishment to Wu Shuai, another three demerits punishments ; 学校给出的调查结果是,以武帅为首的四名助学帮成员,利用助学帮敛财并勾结校外奸商坑害同学利益,性质与影响均极其恶劣,故对武帅做出开除学籍处分,另外三个记大过处分; Because Sun Tan regulates ineffectively to Assistance Group, there is an unshirkable responsibility, imposes the demerits punishment. 孙坦由于对助学帮监管不力,也有不可推卸的责任,给予记大过处分。 Sun Yong cannot help Sun Tan stay out, but, draws after Wu Shuai that several people takes the rap, at least is preserves his chief criminal is not dismissed. 孙永到底还是没能帮孙坦置身事外,不过,把武帅那几个人拉过来背黑锅之后,至少是保住他这个罪魁祸首不被开除。 It is said Wu Shuai obtains this notice time collapses cries to make a big row in the class, insane same scolded the school to harbor Sun Tan, because he had submitted the complete material of entire event to the school obviously, all are Sun Tan are planning secretly, the channel he looks for and plans him to come, money he also to make money, clarifying is the chief criminal, but dismissed is oneself. 据说武帅得到这个通知的时候崩溃的在班里大哭大闹,疯了一样骂学校包庇孙坦,因为他明明已经给学校递交了整个事件的全部材料,一切都是孙坦在幕后策划,渠道他找、策划他来、钱他也赚大头,摆明就是罪魁祸首,但被开除的偏偏是自己。 Wu Shuai made a afternoon in the class, finally was forced to carry over the classroom building by the security. 武帅在班里闹了一个下午,最后是被保安强制着带出教学楼的。 The security warned Wu Shuai, if honest no longer noisy, the school gave him to the time of Friday afternoon, he can pack the thing slowly, on Friday afternoon leaves the school then, otherwise, orders him to leave the bedroom today. 保安警告武帅,要是老老实实不再闹的话,学校给他到周五下午的时间,他可以慢慢收拾东西,周五下午离开学校即可,否则的话,今天就勒令他离开寝室。 Wu Shuai feels acutely disappointed, a person returns to the bedroom, throws into the bedding, the rending wail, he knows that oneself was sold by Sun Tan, became his scapegoat, although hated him to hate into the bone at heart, but the biggest problem, he actually does not know how at present should solve. 武帅万念俱灰,一个人回到寝室,一头扎进被窝里,撕心裂肺的哭嚎,他知道自己被孙坦卖了,成了他的替死鬼,心里虽然恨他恨入了骨,但眼下自己最大的问题,他却不知道该如何解决。 Parents continuously for oneself proud, during high school years praises whoever happens to come itself to study, after the college entrance examination, praised whoever happens to come itself to test into Renmin, after oneself entered Assistance Group, the parents praised whoever happens to come themselves to have the skill, can make money in the school, but now, the third-year first semester has not finished attending, must be dismissed by the school, he does not know how should go back to face own parents. 父母一直为自己骄傲,高中时逢人便夸自己学习好,高考后逢人便夸自己考上了人大,自己进了助学帮之后,父母逢人便夸自己有本事,在学校能自己赚钱,但现在,自己大三第一学期还没上完,就要被学校开除了,他不知道该怎么回去面对自己的爸妈。 university studied in school to his future plan also had a destructive attack, the beforehand all happy expectation came to naught, if he now does not go home, a person of high school record, can make anything in Yanjing, he does not know, but he if now goes home, he did not have the face countenance to treat at home, or looked for a work at home, was really disgraced. 大学肄业对他的未来规划也产生了一个毁灭性的打击,以前的一切美好憧憬都化为泡影,他现在如果不回家,一个高中学历的人,在燕京能做什么,他不知道,可他现在如果回家的话,他没有颜面待在家里,或者在家里找一份工作,实在是太丢人了。 Is this, Wu Shuai more hates Sun Tan. 越是这样,武帅越恨孙坦 He telephones to Sun Tan, Sun Tan does not meet, he sends the message to Sun Tan, cursing angrily him is a despicable villain, and will threaten Sun Tan certainly not to let off him. 他打电话给孙坦,孙坦不接,他发短信给孙坦,怒骂他是个卑鄙小人,并且威胁孙坦一定不会放过他。 Sun Tan has not replied as before. 孙坦依旧没回复。 Wu Shuai left to was angry, he left a message to Sun Tan, scolding his mother stole the person, to scold his father is the nature incompetent, scolds him is his mother and his uncle inbreeding the product, finally angered Sun Tan. 武帅出离愤怒了,他留言给孙坦,骂他妈偷人、骂他爸是性无能、骂他是他妈和他舅舅近亲繁殖的产物,终于把孙坦惹怒了。 Sun Tan returned to a message: Hurries to tumble out Yanjing, otherwise makes you lie down in the box leaves!” 孙坦回了一条短信:“赶紧滚出燕京,否则让你躺在盒子里离开!” Lies down in the box, to put it bluntly loads into the cinerary casket? 躺在盒子里,说白了就是装进骨灰盒了? Wu Shuai didn't expect, Sun Tan also hit a person when he is down at this time unexpectedly, oneself good and evil is to help him takes the rap, he not only does not have the least bit to be guilty, instead also threatens to kill itself! 武帅没想到,这个时候孙坦竟然还这么落井下石,自己好歹是帮他背了黑锅,他不但没有半点愧疚,反而还威胁要弄死自己! You really thought that you really do have multi- awesome in Yanjing? Even Li Mu you do not handle, have what good show off! 你真觉得你在燕京就真的有多牛逼吗?连李牧你都搞不定,有什么好得瑟的! Immediately, in the Wu Shuai mind the miraculous glow flashes, Li Mu! 随即,武帅脑海里灵光一闪,李牧 Right! Li Mu such awesome, Sun Tan he doesnot even can, oneself look for him, to want now to do his secret Sun Tan to expose, with the Li Mu's character, after knowing these, certainly with Sun Tan will die to knock? 对啊!李牧现在这么牛逼,连孙坦都奈他不得,自己去找他、把孙坦一直想搞他的秘密揭露出来,以李牧的性格,知道这些之后,一定会跟孙坦死磕到底吧? On the Wu Shuai face reveals to grin fiendishly, as if saw the hope of revenge.( To be continued.) 武帅脸上露出狞笑,似乎看到了复仇的希望。(未完待续。) ps: Later first sends one chapter as far as possible in the morning, evening's renewal looked that the time arranges, so as to avoid everyone great all day. The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:以后尽量还是上午先发一章,晚上的更新看时间来安排,免得大家一等一整天。手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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