RINAPE :: Volume #2

#176: You were also too black

Tan Yaocheng sees the Li Mu's time, these reports have not come out. 谭耀成见到李牧的时候,那些报道还没出来。 Li Mu looked for a peaceful restaurant to ask Tan Yaocheng to eat meal, Tan Yaocheng first talked at random, pulled for quite a while, started to say the subject with Li Mu. 李牧找了个安静的饭馆请谭耀成吃饭,谭耀成先是扯东扯西,扯了半天,开始跟李牧说正题。 Brother, 3321 this god projects, you must make us follow to profit at someone's expense, to you how makes our Baidu provide the complete technical support?” “老弟,3321这个神项目,你得让我们跟着沾沾光啊,要不让我们百度给你们提供全部技术支撑怎么样?” Li Mu pounds on the table: We want to go together, I accept the interview of Yanjing evening news and Yanjing Youth Daily today, but also mentioned Baidu to 3321 provide the free aid with them, but concrete was helps, I have not stated clearly, feared that you did not agree.” 李牧一拍桌子:“咱俩想一起去了,我今天接受燕京晚报和燕京青年报的采访,还跟他们说起百度要给3321提供无偿援助,不过具体是哪些帮助,我没明说,怕你不同意。” Tan Yaocheng two shine: Good younger brother, the complete technical support naturally not to have the issue, an issue does not have, the Elder Brother wrapped, has the interview again, you said that's alright to them directly!” 谭耀成两眼放光:“好弟弟,全部技术支撑当然没问题啊,一点问题都没有,哥哥包了,再有采访,你就直接跟他们这么说就行了!” Li Mu smiles, saying that is not a little concerned about face: Technical support I know that you will definitely agree, as for other......” 李牧嘿嘿一笑,有点不要脸的说道:“技术支撑我知道你肯定会同意,至于其他的就……” Tan Yaocheng at heart thump. 谭耀成心里咯噔一下。 It is not wonderful, what dirty trick is this fellow playing? What is he keeping thinking about? 不妙,这家伙在耍什么鬼把戏?他在惦记什么? Only listens to Li Mu whole face pitiful saying: You looked, server anything did not say, we must 3321 standardization, Renmin just support more than 400 even free business locations to me at present, is, inside is completely empty, a backless stool does not have.” 只听李牧满脸可怜兮兮的说道:“你看,服务器什么的就不说了,我们眼下要把3321正规化,人大刚给我赞助了四百多平免费的办公地点,可是,里面空空如也,连个板凳也没有啊。” Tan Yaocheng clenches teeth: Said that lacks anything!” 谭耀成一咬牙:“说吧,都缺什么!” Li Mu flexure scratched the head, breaks off the finger saying: You look at Brother Tan, I think, 100 computers must certainly have, the necessary location, furniture and network equipment switchboard these are also essential, the air conditioning, drinking fountain anything, must try to find the solution presently......” 李牧挠了挠头,掰着手指头说:“你看啊谭哥,我是这么想的,一百台电脑是肯定要有的,配套的工位、桌椅、网络设备交换机那些也必不可少,还有空调啊、饮水机啊什么的,都得现想办法……” Tan Yaocheng was startled, dumbfounded looks at Li Mu asked: „Should your meaning not be these will make us be responsible for? You were also too black! Owes our partnership between......” 谭耀成惊了,目瞪口呆的看着李牧问:“你的意思该不会是这些都让我们来负责吧?你也太黑了吧!亏咱俩还是合作伙伴关系……” A Li Mu face is shy: Yes Brother Tan, this can highlight your big Baidu social responsibilities, you could rest assured that so long as you comply, following has the interview, I certainly detailed telling reporter, which Baidu provided to help to us.” 李牧一脸羞涩:“是啊谭哥,这样才能凸显你们大百度的社会责任感啊,你放心,只要你答应,后续再有采访,我一定详细的告诉记者,百度都给我们提供了哪些帮助。” Saying. Li Mu breaks off the finger saying: You looked how much family/home news media Yanjing does have? The television media have Yanjing TV Station and China CCTV and traditional paper media besides the today's two Yanjing local papers, People's Daily and Reference News, Global Times and Guangming Daily, various types of magazine periodicals. Except for these, but also so many internet media, yourself felt, later at our also meeting how many media? You felt, 3321 such big sounds. The municipal party committee leaders or can the ministries leaders inspect? Yourself think, you want to understand you will discover, I to the pricetag small advantage that you opened to falling the dregs!” 说着。李牧又掰着手指头说道:“你看,燕京有多少家新闻媒体?电视媒体就有燕京电视台华夏央视、传统纸媒除了今天两个燕京本地报纸之外,还有人民日报、参考消息、环球时报、光明日报,还有各种杂志期刊。除了这些,还有那么多的互联网媒体,你自己觉得,以后我们还会上几家媒体?你觉得,3321这么大的动静。市委领导或者部委领导会不会来考察?你自己想,你想明白了你就会发现,我给你开的这个价码便宜到掉渣了!” Tan Yaocheng thinks, Li Mu said right, 3321 will become the flash news sooner or later, now flowered 1 million flatter at present this master, the Baidu sensitometry certainly will not be in the future few, so long as exposes certainly is the positive/direct news, value that too this business makes, could not do well CCTV to have in the opportunity several rounds. Such it seems like, this price is really small advantage to falling the dregs. 谭耀成想了想,李牧说的没错,3321迟早会成为大新闻,现在花个百万讨好眼前这位爷,往后百度的曝光度一定不会少,而且只要曝光就一定是正面消息,这买卖做的太值了,搞不好央视都有机会上几轮。这么看来,这价格真是便宜到掉渣啊。 Tan Yaocheng says immediately: Ok, this matter decided!” 谭耀成立刻说道:“行,这事就这么定了!” Finished eating the food, Tan Yaocheng must rush to pay, when the hotel entrance distinction, is shaking Li Mu's swung fiercely, Li Mu fitness, feared that was the physique is swung by him breaks. 吃完饭,谭耀成死活都要抢着买单,在饭店门口分别的时候,握着李牧的手一个劲的猛摇,要不是李牧一直健身,怕是身板都会被他摇散架了。 ...... …… In Haizhou Father Li Mother Li recently continuously the matter that was busy at Semir starting doing business, the shop just started doing business, business also very fiery/popular. Had two shops all of a sudden, their two people also bustled about, the meaning of Mother Li is, after Semir all enter the right track, is can relax. 远在海州李爸李妈最近一直在忙森马店开业的事情,店铺刚刚开业,生意也非常火爆。一下子有了两家店,他们两个人也忙碌了起来,李妈的意思是,森马店一切进入正轨之后才算是能松一口气。 Is busy. The couples do not have the time to watch the television, from the start does not know own that darling son, did the big sound in Yanjing. 一忙起来。两口子都没有时间去看电视,压根不知道自己那个宝贝儿子,在燕京搞出了多大的动静。 In the evening the couple has eaten meal at home, is preparing to go to the shop to transfer again, finally the teacher in charge of Li Mu high school period comes to congratulate to two people, their also face surprise. Found out carefully, originally own son prospect, carried out such a significant project in Yanjing, accepted the TV Station interview. 晚上两口子在家吃过饭,正准备再去店里转一圈,结果李牧高中时期的班主任找上了门来给两人道喜,两人还一脸诧异。仔细一问才知道,原来自己的儿子出息了,在燕京搞了这么一个意义非凡的项目,都接受电视台采访了。 The Li Mu's teacher in charge also sees the Yanjing TV Station news topic accidentally, this knows that in the original class had the student of ability, today passed to the school the matter, the school leader also knows that this matter, the school leader thought that this matter definitely in one tooted one's own horn to Haizhou, therefore then made the teacher in charge come to visit. 李牧的班主任也是偶然看到燕京电视台的新闻专题,这才知道原来自己班上出了一个这么有能耐的学生,今天把事情传到了学校,校领导也才知道这件事情,校领导觉得这种事情肯定是给海州一中脸上贴金的,于是便让班主任过来上门拜访一下。 Father Li Mother Li entertained the teacher in charge warmly, after packing off him the first matter telephones to Li Mu. 李爸李妈热情招待了班主任,送走他之后的第一件事就是给李牧打电话。 In telephone, Mother Li some not happy saying: smelly brat your wing was hard, did anything not to say one outside to the parents, the done parents must hear from others' mouth.” 电话里,李妈有些不高兴的说道:“臭小子你的翅膀硬了,在外面干点什么事情都不跟爸妈说一声,搞的爸妈还要从别人的嘴里听说。” Li Mu knows mother said definitely is 3321 things, hastily apologizes: Mother I made a mistake, I did not feel for several days you were definitely busy at opening a shop the matter that with my father, therefore has not added to the chaos to you.” 李牧知道老妈说的肯定是3321的事情,急忙道歉:“妈我错了,我不是觉得这些天你跟我爸肯定在忙开店的事情嘛,所以就没给你们添乱。” Saying, Li Mu hurries to change the topic, asked: My did Semir start doing business?” 说着,李牧赶紧岔开话题,问:“咱家的森马店开业了吗?” Started doing business, yesterday started doing business, with your 3321 was on the same day.” Mother Li discontented hmph hmph two, said: Your boy, later has anything to be certain on own initiative reports with the parents, if dares not to greet again, mother was really angry.” “开业了,昨天开业的,跟你那个3321是同一天。”李妈不满的哼哼两声,说道:“你小子,以后有什么事情一定得主动跟爸妈汇报,要是再敢不打招呼,妈就真生气了。” Li Mu hastily said: Mother you felt relieved that later cannot!” 李牧急忙说道:“妈你放心吧,以后一定不会了!” This also almost.” Mother Li shows a faint smile, said: Made your father say a few words to you.” “这还差不多。”李妈微微一笑,说道:“让你爸跟你说两句。” Father Li took the telephone, said with a laugh said: Young fellow, the ability is big, your such weaponry did your father I to be startled, really worthily was my son, is not why ordinary!” 李爸接过电话,笑着说道:“好小子,能耐不小啊,你这么一个阵仗搞得你老爸我都惊了,真不愧是我的儿子,干什么都不一般!” Li Mu hehe smiled two, asked: Father, my Hsintien business how?” 李牧嘿嘿笑了两声,问:“爸,咱家新店生意怎么样?” Very good.” Father Li said with a laugh said: First Day more than 70,000, others Song Liang gave back to us to hang the building body advertisement, but Semir did not have Meters/bonwe just started doing business well, should be cognition of brand is a little disparity.” “很好。”李爸笑着说道:“第一天七万多吧,人家宋亮还给咱挂了楼体广告,不过森马店美特斯邦威刚开业的时候好,应该是品牌的认知度还是有点差距。” Li Mu said with a smile: First Day more than 70,000 were also very fierce, right, you said that must open the wholesale department to my uncle, that matter how?” 李牧笑道:“第一天七万多也很厉害了,对了,你说要给我叔叔开批发部,那事怎么样了?” Father Li said: Wholesale department is repairing, immediately finished, according to the means that you said repairs the wall surface and illumination with emphasis, was very big, the shelf that the door also makes also has not many things with the city supermarket, several days later can install, it is estimated that passes the 7-8 day to start doing business again.” 李爸说:“批发部正在装修呢,马上就完工了,按你说的办法重点装修了墙面、照明,门头也弄的很大,货架也都是跟市里超市出不多的东西,过几天就能安装了,估计再过七八天能开业。” Told my uncle? Doesn't he have the opinion?” “跟我叔说了没?他没意见吧?” He dares to have the opinion, gives him a courage! I threw the words directly to him, the dry/does words on person of half, the words that did not manage, his elder brother several 10.000 Yuan threw away carelessly, he takes a stand immediately, dry/does.” “他敢有意见,给他个胆子!我直接把话撂给他了,干的话就一人一半,不管的话,他哥几万块钱打水漂了,他立刻就表态了,干。” Li Mu said with a smile: That is good, should not be tired, two shops have the shopkeeper to have the staff to have the system statistics, you little worry.” 李牧笑道:“那就好,你也别太劳累了,两家店有店长有员工有系统统计,你们就少操点心。” Father Li said: Your mother's meaning is to stare for a week, if your Little aunt does not have the issue, both of us can also relax, when the time comes I test the driver's license.” 李爸道:“你妈的意思是盯一个礼拜,你小姨要是没问题,我俩也就能松口气了,到时候我就考驾照去。” Li Mu is very gratified, said hastily: Good easy to learn words should be able to take the driver's license at the end of the year, before raising the car(riage), discussed with me, do not buy at a venture.” 李牧很是欣慰,连忙说:“好好学的话年底应该就能拿驾照了,提车之前跟我商量一下,别乱买。” Good!” “好!” When made the telephone call, the Li Mu walk returns to the school, receives the call that Chen Wan made. 挂了电话,李牧步行回学校时,又接到了陈婉打来的电话。 Chen Wan in Shanghai, does not know Yanjing these things, but Senior Sister Ai knew, she when the shock, are not related with Li Mu, but relates with Chen Wan, she said to Chen Wan, the boy who you have a liking for was really fierce, 3321 this thing, even she shocking no to attach. 陈婉远在沪市,也不知道燕京这些事情,但艾学姐知道了,她在震惊之余,没有跟李牧联系,而是跟陈婉联系,她对陈婉说,你看上的这个男孩真的是太厉害了,3321这个东西一出,连她自己都被震惊的无以附加。 Chen Wan asked carefully for a long time understands the beginning to end of 3321 this projects very much, as well as its present influence, is Li Mu feels at heart joyful, therefore telephones to Li Mu on hastily, congratulates him to obtain such big success. 陈婉仔细问了很久才明白3321这个项目的始末,以及它现在的影响力,心里也为李牧感到欣喜,于是就急忙李牧打了个电话,恭喜他获得这么大的成功。 After congratulates, the sister and brother also chatted, Li Mu remembers that Chen Wan said in early November must come Yanjing to participate in China CCTV and intern recruitment of Yanjing TV Station, now just enters in November, should she approach fast? 恭喜过后,姐弟俩又闲聊起来,李牧记得陈婉说十一月初就要来燕京参加华夏央视和燕京电视台的实习生招聘,现在刚进十一月,她应该就快来了吧? Chen Wan then said, the time of China CCTV somewhat postpones slightly, next Monday, therefore she booked the airplane ticket, on Saturday comes, after entering the interview of China CCTV, does not worry, waits for three days, on Thursday is the interview of Yanjing TV Station. 陈婉便说,华夏央视的时间稍稍有些推迟,在下周一,所以她订了机票,周六过来,参加完华夏央视的面试之后也不着急回去,等三天,周四就是燕京电视台的面试。 Li Mu at heart one happy, hastily said to Chen Wan: Sister Wan, you give me the flight no. when the time comes, I go to the airport to meet you!” 李牧心里一喜,急忙陈婉说:“婉姐,到时候你把航班号给我,我去机场接你!” Chen Wan said with a laugh: Does not use the trouble, the elder sister makes the airport bus first to go to that side your school to look for you, you prepared to ask the elder sister to eat meal that's alright.” 陈婉笑着说:“不用麻烦啦,姐姐做机场大巴先去你们学校那边找你,你准备好请姐姐吃饭就行了。” Li Mu said: You want to eat anything to have, put 10,000 hearts, when the time comes I drive to go to the airport to meet you.” 李牧说道:“你想吃什么都有,放一万个心,到时候我开车去机场接你。” Chen Wan then asked: Buys the car(riage) you?” 陈婉便问:“买车啦你?” Li Mu makes up wild stories said: Bought.” 李牧胡诌道:“买了。” The Chen Wan sweet and delicate voice smiles, said: That line, your driving technology my 10,000 felt relieved.” 陈婉娇声一笑,道:“那行,你开车技术我一万个放心。” Reached an agreement.” “就这么说好了。” Un, sees on Saturday!” “嗯呐,周六见!” On Saturday sees!” “周六见!” Holds in the cell phone the pocket, Li Mu is keeping thinking at heart, should buy a car(riage). 把手机揣回兜里,李牧心里惦记着,是该买辆车了。 Matter are getting more and more, no car(riage) is really not good to saunter because of big Yanjing, at present the Yanjing transportation does not stop up, has a car(riage) sitting the public transportation anything's convenience were too more, moreover now Yanjing buys the car(riage) not to need to draw, various aspect conditions were very mature. 事情越来越多,没车在大燕京还真不好转悠,眼下燕京交通也不堵,有辆车要比坐公交什么的方便太多了,而且现在燕京买车不用摇号,各方面条件都很成熟了。 Also, oneself were also rich, Muye Science and Technology Series A rounds leveraged 1.2 million, one point has not moved. 再说,自己也有钱啊,牧野科技a轮套现一百二十万,一分还没动呢。 Decides, Li Mu will then decide to hurry to buy the car(riage) tomorrow. 打定主意,李牧便决定明天就赶紧去买车。 However, buys anything, is a problem. 不过,买什么,又成了问题。 Li Mu likes all -terrain vehicle, in the pocket has 1 million, properly speaking can buy the tending horses person and Prado and so on opening, the tending horses person cannot buy at present, Toyota Land Cruiser that but imports can buy, but the price is too expensive, oneself this money bought a car(riage) unable to have many, cannot such dai Chinese zither. 李牧喜欢越野车,兜里有一百万,按理说可以买辆牧马人、普拉多之类的开开,眼下牧马人买不到,但进口的丰田陆地巡洋舰还是能买到的,不过价格太贵,自己这点钱买辆车也就剩不下多少了,不能这么嘚瑟。 At present is known as China home car(riage) first year at the end of 2001, many inexpensive home car(riage)s started the popularization, the populace treasure came, polo and Buick match Europe price to compare small advantage, but the model was too ugly, space also small hard to endured, Santana Li Mu kills will not buy, therefore thought it over unable to find out a reason why. 眼下正是号称华夏家用车元年的2001年底,不少廉价的家用车开始普及,大众宝来、polo、别克赛欧价格都比较便宜,但车型实在太丑,空间也小的难以忍受,桑塔纳李牧打死也不会买,于是想来想去也想不出个所以然来。 When goes back to the school, suddenly sees Buick gl8 to drive out of the school gate, Lenovo | mental association before oneself has opened gl8, that car(riage) the space or the comfortableness are good, moreover is also quite practical, mpv externally is the home car(riage), became Business Car to the home, oneself might as well buy one, matches 200,000, entire also about 300,000, but can also accept.( To be continued.) 回到学校时,忽然看见一辆别克gl8从校门驶出,联想到自己之前开过gl8,那车无论是空间还是舒适性都非常不错,而且也比较实用,mpv在国外一直都是家用车,到了国内才成了商务车,自己不妨就买一辆,中配二十万,全下来也就三十万左右,还可以接受。(未完待续。) ps: Chapter 3 delivers! 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