RINAPE :: Volume #2

#175: Sells the face

The reporters of two newspaper offices almost went to work to be dispatched, they found the Li Mu's classroom about the same time, was brought by Li Mu's homeroom teacher together, shortly was two groups of people, therefore everyone then discussed very much in a friendly way, asked some questions together, then after going back, used the different languages to organize the manuscript, if had the quite special issue, who who who asked interpolated in the draft. 两家报社的记者几乎都是一上班就被派遣过来了,他们前后脚找到李牧的教室,就被李牧的班导一起带了过来,眼看是两拨人,于是大家便很友好的商量了一下,共同问一些问题,然后回去之后用不同的语言去组织稿件,如果是有比较特殊的问题,谁问的谁写进稿子里。 Therefore Li Mu then accepted the interviews of two newspapers in the Sun Yong office, the interview first is to him, in asking many after 3321 details, transfers two school leaders the interviewee. 于是李牧便在孙永的办公室里接受了两家报纸的采访,采访先是对他个人,在问了诸多关于3321的细节问题之后,才把采访对象转为身边两个校领导。 Some Li Mu , the school leader do not have the means 3321 to embrace toward Renmin on too, can only according to with the agreement that Li Mu just reached, but Sun Yong also said some ficticious things, for example at the beginning of 3321 establishment, gains high attaching great importance to of Renmin school leader, said that at present has dialed about 400 draws office, specially to 3321 uses. 李牧在,校领导也没办法把3321往人大身上揽太多,只能按照与李牧刚达成的协议来说,不过孙永也说了些子虚乌有的东西,比如3321成立初期,就得到人大校领导的高度重视,又说眼下已经拨了400平左右的办公场所,专门给3321使用。 Heard that 3321 must set up oneself regular business location in Renmin, both reporters are curious, inquired together Li Mu several issues, after that is 3321 standardization, whether must be corporate, whether accepts the management of school or educational department, whether must from the extracurricular recruitment professional team. 听说3321要在人大设立自己正规的办公地点,两名记者都非常好奇,共同询问了李牧几个问题,那便是3321正规化之后,是否要公司化、是否接受学校或者教育部门的管理、是否要从校外招聘职业团队。 The Li Mu 11 responses, first, 3321 although are university lives the foundation, but also is the folk social services organization that the social natural people create, will therefore not be corporate, but maximum financial affairs will be public, the tax that all should pay will not fall behind absolutely, particularly will hire the specialized accountant, is 3321 students pays the personal income tax ; 李牧一一回应,首先,3321虽然大学生创建,但也是社会自然人创建的民间公益组织,所以不会公司化,不过会最大限度的财务公开,所有应该缴纳的税绝对不会拖欠,尤其是会聘请专业的会计,为3321的学生代缴个人所得税; Next, 3321 are the private social services organizations, therefore only accepts the people from various circles to supervise, does not accept any other individuals or the organization directly manages ; 其次,3321是民营公益组织,所以只接受社会各界监督,不接受任何其他个人或组织直接管理; Finally, 3321 will recruit this school student to hold concurrent jobs from the Renmin University school as far as possible, Senior Brother Senior Sister who or this school graduates full-time employment, the blood of guarantee this social services organization is as far as possible pure, is all lives comprised of person university. 最后,3321会尽量从人民大学校内招聘本校学生兼职,或者本校毕业的师兄师姐全职,尽量保证这个公益组织的血液纯粹,也就是全由人大学生组成。 Meanwhile, Li Mu sold the Tan Yaocheng half favor, told the reporter: „After 3321 get online . Also obtained had the social responsibilities company to help, for example the senior leadership of Baidu Corporation has contacted with me today, hoped that can 3321 provide help in one's power, what help makes concrete them to provide. I have not known temporarily, therefore has no way to disclose with you.” 同时,李牧卖了谭耀成半个人情,对记者说:“3321上线之后。也得到了一些有社会责任感的公司帮助,比如百度公司的高层领导今天联系过我,表示希望能够给3321提供力所能及的帮助,具体他们会提供什么样的帮助。我暂时还不知道,所以没法跟你们透露。” Li Mu is thinking, sells a Baidu face, letting them also to moisten above with the social benefit, then looks for Tan Yaocheng to discuss the condition. Doesn't he want taking advantage of 3321 to create the Baidu social image? Said, looked that which you can provide to help. 李牧想着,卖百度个面子,让他们也能和社会公益沾上边,然后再去找谭耀成谈条件。他不是想借3321树立百度的社会形象么?好说,就看你都能提供哪些帮助了。 Actually Li Mu has thought that what looked for Tan Yaocheng to want, oneself helped them paste on the public welfare label, can they technology and server and other support, wrap 3321 all work hardware? First supports 100 computers, with was needless to say again, 其实李牧已经想好找谭耀成要什么了,自己帮他们贴上公益标签,他们除了技术和服务器等支撑之外,怎么也得把3321所有的办公硬件包了吧?先赞助一百台电脑,用不用得了再说, Final of interview, the photographer requests to photograph several individual portraits to be used to Li Mu to publish in the newspaper, Li Mu has not rejected, Sun Yong and Zhou Xiaodi polite welcome to lens outside. Li Mu sits in the sofa of Sun Yong office , the both legs split slightly, both hands build alternately on the knee, body to lean forward, the corners of the mouth bring several points of self-confidence slightly, presses down that moment of shutter in the photographer, Li Mu narrows an eye slightly, in the smile were many for several points to ponder, the whole person were also young many for several points frivolous. 采访的最后,摄影师要求给李牧拍摄几张个人写真用来刊登在报纸上,李牧没有拒绝,孙永周晓迪被礼貌的请到了镜头外。李牧坐在孙永办公室的沙发正中间,双腿微微叉开,双手交叉搭在膝盖上、身体微微前倾,嘴角带着几分自信,就在摄影师按下快门的那一刻,李牧微微眯起一只眼,笑容里多了几分玩味,整个人也多了几分年少轻狂。 The interview completes, almost passed in the morning, Li Mu did not go back to attend class simply. Packs off the reporter, immediately says to Zhou Xiaodi: Dean Zhou, or you lead me to have a look at the work location.” 采访做完,一个上午也就差不多过去了,李牧也干脆不回去上课了。把记者送走,立刻就对周晓迪说:“周院长,要不您带我去看看办公场地吧。” The Zhou Xiaodi heart said your anxious anything, but also feared that I repudiate a debt inadequately. However on mouth actually very simple saying: Walks, I lead you to pass now.” 周晓迪心说你急啥,还怕我赖账不成么。不过嘴上却很是干脆的说道:“走,我现在就带你过去。” Sun Yong has not followed, after two people walked, he pulls out the cell phone to come oneself younger male cousin to call. 孙永没跟着,两人走了之后,他掏出手机来给自己的堂弟打了个电话。 Sun Tan father Sun Lianqing is meeting. 孙坦的爸爸孙连庆正在开会。 City Education Committee held an emergency meeting this morning, the content of conference about 3321. 市教委今天早上开了个紧急会议,会议的内容就是关于3321的。 Member some are not quite happy, 3321 appearances made him feel a powerless feeling. In his words, yes: This 33,211 come up to have such big influence, gives him to select the time again, feared that was this thing must stir to overturn the heavens the education community.” 一把手有些不太开心,3321的出现让他感觉到了一种无力感。用他的话说,就是:“这个3321一上来就有这么大的影响力,再给他点时间,怕是这东西要把教育领域搅翻天了。” The seconds in command said: „, The key was not it directly had the drastic effect on the high-school student and guardian, but was university lives to do, the high school turned over to us to manage, but Renmin as well as these 985 and 211 university, subordinate the ministries manages, you said how this 3321 should define the ownership issue? It should turn over to us to manage, should turn over to the ministries manages?” 二把手说:“可不,关键是它直接对高中生和家长产生了巨大的影响,但偏偏又是大学生搞的,高中归咱们管,可人大以及那些985、211大学,都是直属部委管的,你们说这3321应该怎么定义归属问题?它是应该归咱们管呢,还是该归部委管呢?” Some people said: It affirms turns over to our city Education Committee manages! Stipulates besides the ministries unified request, the ministries directly do not interfere with the day-to-day operation of local education department, in our local had such a folk educational institution, must turn over to us to manage, everyone thinks, in the city, except for the teacher in own opening small classroom, which education and training organizations other can not turn over to us to manage Ah? 有人说:“它肯定得归咱们市教委管啊!除了部委统一的要求规定之外,部委也不直接干涉地方教育部门的日常运作,在咱们市内有了这么一个民间教育机构,肯定得归我们管,大家想想,全市范围内,除了老师在自己家开设的小课堂,其他哪个教育培训机构不得归咱们管啊? Also some people asked: But you said, 3321 it is the educational institution? He one does not open the school, not to provide the teaching location ; Two do not set up any subject, not to recruit any student, it is equivalent to a transmission service, seems like the agent, lets purchase homes with the seller makes the deal.” 又有人问:“可你说,3321它属于教育机构吗?他一不开设学校、不提供教学场地;二不设立任何科目、不招收任何学生,它只是相当于一个中介服务,就好像房产中介,让买房和卖方达成交易而已。” Said makes sense......” “说的有道理……” Truth that has!” Blurting out of Sun Lianqing air/Qi: If we make this young fellow disturb the entire 11 th grade graduate to train casually, others must ridicule that our Education Committee is incompetent?” “有个屁的道理!”孙连庆气的脱口而出:“要是咱们随随便便让这种毛头小子来干扰整个高三毕业生培训,别人岂不是要嘲笑咱们教委无能?” Saying, Sun Lianqing thinks at heart own son cannot have the relations with this 3321, at this time naturally could not eat the grape, wants to step on broken the grape, therefore then brings saying of full anger: This matter will have a great influence, everyone who we bring thinks, now in our system, how many teachers are opening the supplementary class in secret? Some teachers in the private training organization concurrent job, 33,211, their income will be greatly affected, what do the teaching and administrative staff most fear? Most fears wasn't the rice bowl is passive?” 说着,孙连庆心里想到自己儿子到底还是没能跟这个3321扯上关系,这时候自然是吃不到葡萄,就想把葡萄踩碎,于是便带着十足怒火的说道:“这件事情会给咱们带来的影响非常大,大家想想,现在咱们体系里,有多少老师在私下里开设补习班?还有一些老师在民营培训机构兼职,3321一出,他们的收入会受到很大的影响,教职工最怕什么?最怕的不就是饭碗被动了吗?” Some people responded: That is also these teachers' contradiction with 3321, we do not need to embrace toward ourselves on.” 有人回应说:“那也是这些教师与3321之间的矛盾,咱们不必往自己身上揽。” How can that group of teachers 3321?” Sun Lianqing curls the lip saying: You also said that 3321 are, Renmin that person university lives to do turns over to the ministries direct management, we to have no right to interfere, these teachers could not interfere, what to do couldn't interfere? They affirm ask us to solve the problem, you think that 11 th grade graduating class teachers originally laborious, you do not make him earn an extra income, can his psychology balance? Now the extra income cannot gain, that also not rebellion Ah? teacher the matter of collective student strike may happen in the two years a lot.” “那帮老师能把3321怎么样?”孙连庆撇嘴道:“你们也说了,3321是人大学生搞的、人大归部委直管、咱们无权干涉,那些老师就更干涉不了了,干涉不了怎么办?他们肯定得找咱们解决问题啊,你想吧,高三毕业班老师本来就辛苦,你再不让他赚点外快,他的心理能平衡?现在外快赚不到了,那还不造反啊?这两年老师集体罢课的事情可没少发生。” The members deep frown, more wants more to think that this 3321 too urogenous, simply is the ghost who to/clashes! A first-year university student student, does website to educate system to bring such big impact, if later anybody follows the example, how that the work of Education Committee will also develop in the future? 一把手眉头紧锁,越想越觉得这个3321太尿性了,简直是冲出来的鬼!一个大一的学生,搞个网站就能给教育系统带来这么大的冲击,以后要是张三李四都有样学样,那往后教委的工作还怎么开展? Therefore, the member pounds on the table, said to Sun Lianqing: Comrade even/including celebrate said is very reasonable, we cannot ignores 3321 make big, ignores it to rob the high school student resources and guardian, must find the way to contain its development, we cannot control the Renmin student, but we can control the high three students, how to operate specifically, has full authority and responsibility including Comrade celebrate!” 于是,一把手一拍桌子,对孙连庆说道:“连庆同志说的很有道理,我们不能放任3321做大、放任它抢夺高三学生资源以及家长,一定得想办法遏制住它的发展,我们管不了人大的学生,但我们管得了高三的学生,具体怎么操作,连庆同志全权负责!” Sun Lianqing at heart one happy, immediately said: Director Qiu felt relieved, I find certainly the way to contain this 3321!” 孙连庆心里一喜,当即说道:“邱主任放心,我一定想办法遏制住这个3321!” Just said, the cell phone vibrated in the pocket. 刚说完,手机在兜里震动了。 Sun Lianqing lowers the head looks, is own male cousin, but is meeting now, he can only make the telephone call, then returned to an information: Elder Brother, I am meeting, have the matter message to say.” 孙连庆低头一看,是自己的堂兄,不过现在正在开会,他只能把电话挂了,然后回了个信息:“哥,我在开会,有事短信说吧。” A Sun Yong round of information said: Do not keep thinking about 3321, I have the premonition, it quick will be the ministries will even pay attention by the whole society, the ministries will most regard as important will be two, the elementary education and university, effect of 3321 this things on the college student were too big, the ministries will certainly notice, moreover I guess that the ministries will certainly escort to it, at this time did against with it, was unwise.” 孙永发信息说:“别惦记3321了,我有预感,它很快会被全社会甚至是部委关注到,部委最看重的就是两块,基础教育和高校,3321这东西对高校学生的影响太大了,部委一定会注意到,而且我猜部委一定会给它保驾护航的,这时候跟它对着干,太不明智。” The Sun Lianqing face was green. 孙连庆脸都绿了。 day the dog, your two minutes sent this information early, I did not raise one's head to attack 3321, now may be good, the director containing 3321 duties gave himself, if oneself aloof, must be regarded as by him will only say waste Ah? that will not make 日了狗,你早两分钟发这条信息,我就不出头攻击3321了,现在可好,主任把遏制3321的任务交给自己了,自己要是无动于衷,岂不是要被他视作只会说不会做的废物啊? Grass carelessly! 草草草! At this time, Director Qiu saw the Sun Lianqing lowering the head complexion to be very ugly, then spoke the comfort saying: Even Comrade celebrate you also leaves worries to get angry, how to contain 3321 certainly to pass through thinks, the not possible one breath to achieve, but I believe your ability.” 这时候,邱主任见孙连庆低着头脸色很是难看,便出言安慰道:“连庆同志你也别太着急上火,怎么遏制3321肯定是要经过深思熟虑的,不可能一口气就达成,不过我还是相信你的能力。” Sun Lianqing raised the head to smile bitterly, smiles also ugly/difficult to look at compares to cry. 孙连庆抬头苦笑一声,笑得比哭还难看。 Director Qiu the knuckle knocked on knocking on the desktop gently: Today's will arrive at this, breaks up.” 邱主任指关节在桌面轻轻叩了叩:“今天的会就到这吧,散会。” ...... …… Renmin School of Economics audiovisual education building. 人大财金学院电教楼。 Li Mu saw three idle classrooms in the audiovisual education building five buildings. 李牧在电教楼五楼看到了三个空闲的教室。 The area of each classroom actually has about 150 draws, moreover is the usable area, was not the floor space, Dean Zhou said, the audiovisual education building present disposition enough has satisfied the daily teaching to use, disposed an expense of electricity classroom is not low, therefore has not wasted, these three classrooms have been emptying. 每个教室的面积其实都有150平左右,而且是实用面积,不是建筑面积,周院长说,电教楼现在的配置已经足够满足日常教学使用了,配置一个电教室的费用也不低,所以就没有浪费,这三间教室一直空着。 Li Mu said: These three classrooms are linking, can open two doors in inside, makes a connection to link truly them?” 李牧说:“这三间教室是连着的啊,能不能在里面开两道门,把它们真正打通连起来?” Dean Zhou asking of surprise: „Can you use the big place all of a sudden? The disposition of our electricity classroom, is each room 50 computers, even if suspends loosely, 30 computers are still have more than enough to spare.” 周院长诧异的问道:“你一下子能用得了这么大的地方?咱们电教室的配置,是每个房间五十台电脑,就算是摆宽松点,三十台电脑也是绰绰有余啊。” Li Mu said with a smile: This you did not need to be worried, even if could not use temporarily, quick will still use, might as well first made a connection with it, avoid later was operational constructed again is quite troublesome.” 李牧笑道:“这个您就不用担心了,就算是暂时用不上,很快也就会用上了,还不如先把它打通,省得以后投入使用了再施工比较麻烦。” Dean Zhou nods, said: That this I must ask the person of logistic management, if not the bearing wall can definitely hit.” 周院长点点头,说:“那这个我得问问后勤管理的人,如果不是承重墙肯定就能打。” Li Mu said with a smile: That just right, you make them help have a look again, can these three room/house Danpao electric instruments, after so as to avoid , the power consumption is too big, increases the burden to the school.” 李牧笑道:“那正好,您再让他们帮忙看看,能不能给这三间房单跑一个电表,也免得以后耗电量太大,给学校增加负担。” Dean Zhou beckons with the hand: Our school may not have poverty that you imagine, water and electricity anything, you used that's alright directly.” 周院长一摆手:“咱们学院可没你想象的那么穷,水电什么的,你就直接用就行了。” Li Mu hypocritical asking: Dean Zhou, is this not quite perhaps appropriate?” 李牧假惺惺的问:“周院长,这样恐怕不太合适吧?” Having anything is inappropriate, if Renmin provides the location also to collect your water and electricity charges to you, if this passes on, where the face of our school toward puts.” “有什么不合适的,要是人大给你提供场地还要收你水电费,这要是传出去,咱们学校的脸往哪放。” The Li Mu nod said: You said is also reasonable, that presses the office that you said!”( To be continued.) 李牧点头说道:“您说的也有道理,那就按你说的办吧!”(未完待续。) ps: Chapter 2 came, Chapter 3 definitely has tonight! 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