RINAPE :: Volume #2

#174: Takes root in Renmin

Zhou Xiaodi vague to Li Mu said the school demand time, Sun Yong had not spoken, he was somewhat complex to the Li Mu's mentality, wants to clarify this young people the aspect several jin (0.5 kg) that cultivated the behavior to work several two, 3321 this projects played in a big way, influence too big, if the operation were not good, will ask for trouble. 周永迪隐晦的向李牧说出学校诉求的时候,孙永一直没有说话,他对李牧的心态有些复杂,也想弄清楚这个年轻人在做人做事的方面到底有几斤几两,3321这个项目玩得太大、影响太大,如果操作不好,是会惹火烧身的。 Zhou Xiaodi does not have Sun Yong so many thoughts, he feels somewhat deeply worried, last night the report of Yanjing TV Station was only the leading soldier, this matter exposed, following does not know that will have how much media to interview, they will interview Li Mu, will certainly interview the school, at this matter, the school needs with 3321 to have some relations, otherwise really must hit the face by many media one after another. 周晓迪没有孙永那么多的心思,他只是感觉有些焦灼,昨晚燕京电视台的报道只是先头兵,这事情一曝出来,后续不知道会有多少媒体采访,他们会采访李牧,就一定会采访学校,在这件事情上,学校需要和3321扯上些关系,否则真是要被众多媒体轮番打脸了。 However, Li Mu exhibits one to the stance that 3321 take strict precautions against cling to tenaciously, making Zhou Xiaodi feel that some are unable to start. 但是,李牧摆出一副对3321严防死守的架势,让周晓迪感觉有些无从下手。 Zhou Xiaodi with seeking help look looks at Sun Yong, the heart said that you play these experts, this boy you copes. 周晓迪用求助的眼神看着孙永,心说你是玩这些的高手,这小子你来对付吧。 Sun Yong pretended not to see, to carry the teacup god to decide the air/Qi to sip one idly. 孙永装作没看见,端着茶杯神定气闲的抿了一口。 The Zhou Xiaodi forehead sweats, looks at Li Mu, brings several points of awkward asking: „ Does Schoolmate Li Mu, about 3321 further development, where have needs the school to help? „ 周晓迪脑门冒汗,又看回李牧,带着几分尴尬的笑问:“李牧同学,关于3321后续的发展,有没有什么地方需要学校帮忙的?“ Li Mu slightly hesitates, the heart ponders secretly, 3321 present is only one by own name registration website, so long as 3321 corporations, others are very not difficult the opportunity to bribe, but, 3321 present had opened the harvesting belief pattern, the pursue of school should more be the nominal thing is. 李牧略一迟疑,心底暗忖,3321眼下只是一个以自己名义注册的网站,只要自己不把3321公司化,其他人很难有机会染指,不过,3321眼下已经开启了收割信仰模式,学校的追求应该更多是名义上的东西才是。 Therefore, Li Mu exploratory asking: „Does Dean Zhou, the school prepare to fund 3321 this projects?” 于是,李牧试探性的问道:“周院长,学校难道准备资助3321这个项目?” Zhou Xiaodi is somewhat stunned, who said that can subsidize you? Does your one week gains hundreds of thousands commissions, need the school independent egg? The school also thinks that you can subsidize the subsidization school, does a special scholarship. 周晓迪有些愕然,谁说要资助你了?你一礼拜赚十几万佣金,需要学校自主个蛋?学校还想你能资助资助学校,搞一个专门的奖学金呢。 However this is immaterial, Zhou Xiaodi records the instruction of Sun Yong now sincerely, first makes the school with 3321 hang up the relations, this is the most essential matter. 不过这都是无关紧要的,周晓迪现在谨记孙永的指示,先让学校跟3321挂上关系,这才是最关键的事情。 Zhou Xiaodi then asked: If 3321 present has what difficulty, you can also say.” 周晓迪便问:“如果3321现在有什么困难,你也可以说说嘛。” Li Mu insincere smiling, touches the nose: „ Probably really did not have. „ 李牧不厚道的笑了笑,一摸鼻子:“好像还真没有。“ Zhou Xiaodi face shocking looks at Li Mu. didn't expect he dare to play...... 周晓迪一脸震惊的看着李牧没想到他连自己都敢耍…… Sun Yong also somewhat stares, does what Ah? 孙永也有些瞠目,搞什么啊? Li Mu showed a faint smile at this time, said: Dean Zhou, actually mentioned 3321 following development. Is some issues has not truly solved, if studies our school to help solve, that was good.” 李牧这时候微微一笑,说:“周院长,其实说起3321的后续发展。确实是有些问题还没有解决,如果学咱们学校能帮忙解决一下的话,那就再好不过了。” Zhou Xiaodi hastily closely examines: Which aspect also has the issue?” 周晓迪急忙追问:“哪方面还有问题?” Li Mu said: 3321 in the future information processing work will be quite big, the order of promotion are more, the demand of customer service is also bigger. Therefore I prepare to 3321 seek for a fixed work place to hold the online attendants and custom services, 3321 are born from the Renmin campus, if settles down outside the campus, said that is not quite of pleasant to hear, therefore, hopes that our school can comment on and punctuate the location to me.” 李牧说:“3321往后的信息处理工作会比较大,促进的订单越多,客服的需求也就越大。所以我准备给3321寻找一个固定的办公职场来容纳线上维护人员和客服,3321是从人大校园内诞生的,如果落户到校园外,说起来也不太好听,所以,希望咱们学校能给我批点场地。” Oh, the location......” Zhou Xiaodi thinks, said: This is actually easy to do, our school office building also has the idle office, do you need the large surface area? I help you coordinate!” “噢,场地啊……”周晓迪想了想,说:“这倒是好办,咱们学院办公楼还有闲置的办公室,你需要多大面积?我帮你协调一下!” Sun Yong supports with the right hand immediately on the forehead, blocks the eyes. The heart said that Zhou Xiaodi your school the brain manages muddily the fool, did he give you to explain any advantage? Complied to make Renmin participate, complied with the Renmin joint administration? What advantage has not given you, makes you solve the office, are you silly how many does not draw must promise him? 孙永当即用右手撑在额头上、挡住双眼。心说周晓迪你个办学把脑子办浑了的傻子,他给你说明任何好处了吗?是答应了让人大参与,还是答应了人大共同管理?什么好处都没给你,就让你解决办公场所,你就傻不拉几的要答应他? Li Mu at this moment earnest thinks, although 3321 is the regional very strong o2o project, the family that but the rough estimate, must serve in Yanjing in the future will not be less than the 20,000 household, in other words, at least needs to guarantee in the future in the Yanjing local area. Solves the 20,000 university fresh concurrent job employment, Yanjing 985 and 211 university add over 20, light/only these colleges, every year freshman over 40,000 people of first-year university student recruitment. Other ordinary colleges, once when the time comes the operation expanding to the ordinary colleges, cuts the class hour base price of ordinary colleges student to about 10 Yuan, believes that will have the market space. 李牧此刻认真的想了一下,虽然3321是地域性很强的o2o项目,但是粗略估计,未来在燕京要服务的家庭也不会少于两万户,换句话说,将来至少要保证在燕京本地。解决两万大学生的兼职就业,燕京的985、211大学加起来超过20个,光这些院校,每年大一招收的新生就超过四万人。还有其他的普通本科院校,到时候一旦业务扩展到普通院校,把普通院校学生的课时基准价格下调到十元左右,相信还是会有市场空间的。 Support such huge order volume, not only needs the technology, but also needs the manpower. Only is the customer service and suit needs several people, the online verification and order telephone confirmed that let alone these support personnel, at present 3321 do not have the hot line, in the long-term pure dependence stand the letter/believes is not feasible, do not have the time to look let alone. 支撑这么庞大的订单量,不仅需要技术,还需要人力。光是客服、投诉就需要好几个人,更何况在线审核、订单电话确认这些支撑人员,眼下3321还没有热线电话,长期单纯依靠站内信是不可行的,更何况自己也没时间去看。 Then, really constructs work place also take personnel replacements to arrive as soon as possible, if in the future will have the opportunity to take 3321 to develop other cities, Yanjing here as headquarters base. 如此一来,就真的得尽快构建一个职场并且把人员补充到位,将来如果有机会把3321拓展到其他城市,燕京这里就作为总部基地。 This plan calculates, can have 200-300 square meters offices? 这个规划算下来,怎么也得有个200-300平米的办公场所吧? Zhou Xiaodi hears this number, slightly a consideration, then said: „ Multimedia building five of our institute have three electricity classrooms to empty, each had 100 yiershi draws, the idle for a long time, I looked that can definitely approve gives 3321. „ 周晓迪听到这个数字,略一考虑,便说:“咱们院的多媒体楼五层有三间电教室空着,每一间都有一百一二十平,闲置很长时间了,我看完全可以批给3321嘛。“ Then, Zhou Xiaodi turns head looks at Sun Yong: Principal Sun, you said is right?” 说完,周晓迪扭头看着孙永:“孙校长,你说对不对?” Sun Yong sighed one lightly: „The idle resources of your institute, your institute decide that's alright.” 孙永轻叹一声:“你们院的闲置资源,你们院自己定就行。” Zhou Xiaodi one hear of this saying, patted the thigh to say immediately: That decided.” 周晓迪一听这话,当即拍了拍大腿说:“那就这么定了。” Li Mu stares the big eye, all of a sudden is more than 300 even business locations, this writing skill is big, although went out to rent such large surface area unable to want how much money, but Li Mu also felt, 3321 were born in the campus, if can take root in the campus, that was better, 3321 placed Renmin to hatch, was brings the school to play together, as for joint administration anything, let alone came out funny. 李牧瞪大眼睛,一下子就是三百多平办公地点,这手笔不小啊,虽然出去租这么大面积也要不了多少钱,但李牧也觉得,3321生于校园,若是能扎根校园,那就更好不过了,把3321放在人大内部孵化,也算是带着学校一起玩耍了,至于共同管理什么的,就别说出来搞笑了。 Zhou Xiaodi throws to seduce to Li Mu: Li Mu, you 3321 take root in our Renmin, is wins glory for the school, the school naturally must give the adequate support, but also there is any need school help, although said that for example your future business location will need some office supplies, including computer these, this was very big expenses, if you needed, the school can give you to solve these problems.” 周晓迪又向李牧抛来诱惑:“李牧啊,你把3321扎根在咱们人大,也算是给学校争光,学校自然也得给予足够的支持,还有什么需要学校帮忙的尽管说出来,比如你未来的办公地点是不是需要一些办公用品,包括电脑这些,这可是一笔很大的开销,如果你需要的话,学校可以给你解决这些问题。” Li Mu looks at the sincerity that Zhou Xiaodi said that also somewhat said with emotion: „ Thank you Dean Zhou, but at present the abilities of 3321 profits are enough, although I do not need it to make the one cent to myself, but meets the needs of 3321 self developments with its profit is perfectly justified. „ 李牧周晓迪说的真诚,也有些感动的说:“谢谢你了周院长,不过眼下3321盈利的能力还是足够的,虽然我不用它给自己赚一分钱,但是拿它的利润来满足3321自身发展的需求还是天经地义的。“ Zhou Xiaodi disappointed nod, was usually used to it under grasping the initiative condition talks with the student absolutely, didn't expect reduces to absolutely the passive condition today all of a sudden, now Li Mu is willing to take root in 3321 following development in Renmin University , to him is good, at least as the matter stands, the school could be said as itself training Li Mu, and supported 3321 development, this was also good. 周晓迪略带失望的点了点头,平时习惯了在掌握绝对主动的状态下与学生对话,没想到今天一下子沦落到绝对被动的状态,现在李牧愿意把3321的后续发展扎根在人民大学,对他来说就已经算是不错了,起码这样一来,学校可以说是自己培养了李牧,并支持了3321的发展,这样也不错。 Sun Yong some are not quite at heart comfortable, 3321 such big cakes, to own alma mater as for covering such solid? However changes an angle to think, Li Mu for 3321 even gave up the seductions of 5 million cash, that is before the television reported that Renmin also wants to ride his express train at this time, basically the hope was not big. 孙永心里有些不太舒坦,3321这么大的蛋糕,对自己的母校至于捂得这么严实吗?不过换个角度想一想,李牧为了3321甚至放弃了五百万现金的诱惑,那还是在电视报道之前,人大在这个时候还想搭他的快车,基本上希望不大。 At this time heard the knock, Sun Yong said the sound came , the door opened, Li Mu's homeroom teacher appeared again. 这时传来敲门声,孙永说了声进来,房门打开,李牧的班导再次出现。 Principal Sun and Dean Zhou, excuse me, the reporter of Yanjing Youth Daily and Yanjing evening news found in the class to come, they want to make an interview to Li Mu......” “孙校长、周院长,不好意思,燕京青年报和燕京晚报的记者找到班里来了,他们都想给李牧做个专访……” The influence after one adds a morning enlargement late, 3321 have attracted the attention of other Yanjing media. 影响力经过一晚加一个早晨的放大,3321已经吸引到燕京其他媒体的注意了。 Sun Yong guessed correctly that Li Mu will quickly become the favorite of Yanjing media, but his didn't expect so will be quick, both paper media are the Yanjing local area quantity issued is among the best, will also walk in unexpectedly, according to this time infers, the reporters of these two newspaper offices should just go to work to be arranged. 孙永猜到李牧很快会成为燕京媒体的宠儿,但他没想到会这么快,两家纸媒都是燕京本地发行量排在前茅的,竟然会同时找上门来,按这个时间推断,这两家报社的记者应该是刚上班就被安排过来了。 Zhou Xiaodi looked at Sun Yong, looked at Li Mu, asked that Sun Yong said: Principal Sun, you mean......” 周晓迪看了看孙永,又看了看李牧,问孙永道:“孙校长,您的意思是……” Sun Yong responded, hastily said: This, classroom building that side person is noisy, asked the reporter to interview to here simply.” 孙永反应过来,急忙说道:“这样吧,教学楼那边人多嘈杂,干脆就请记者到这里来采访吧。” homeroom teacher nods, without asking the Li Mu anything opinion, turned head to walk. 班导点了点头,也没问李牧什么意见,扭头就走了。 The Li Mu heart said that you also without asking me are willing to be interviewed, but in this case, he is also clear homeroom teacher to be very difficult basic no right to speak in the face of two big leadership, therefore would have no to express any comment. 李牧心说你也没问问我是不是愿意接受采访,不过这种情况下,他也清楚班导很难在两个大领导面前基本没什么话语权,所以也就没发表任何意见。 Quick, Li Mu's homeroom teacher then led several people to come to the Sun Yong office, two newspaper offices came four reporters, was a reporter matches a photographer. 很快,李牧的班导便带着几个人来到了孙永的办公室,两个报社来了四名记者,都是一个记者搭配一个摄影师。 Li Mu does not understand the media, but Sun Yong is actually an expert, the reporter of traditional paper media comes out to make the interview, if only the ordinary interview, generally is a reporter person comes, to take the recording pen or the notebook, chatted, goes back later to reorganize the writing to publish directly, but these two newspaper offices were the two person dispositions, photographer who carried the specialized camera, that was needless saying that definitely was Pictures and text of belt/bring picture interviews. 李牧不太懂媒体,但孙永却是内行,传统纸媒的记者出来做采访,如果只是普通采访的话,一般就是记者一个人来,拿着录音笔或者笔记本,聊一聊,回去之后整理成文字就直接发表了,不过这两家报社都是双人配置,有一个扛着专业相机的摄影师,那不用说,肯定是带照片的图文采访。 The paper media domain, has this disposition generally, even the quite important news, it seems like these two paper media 3321 attached great importance to very much. 纸媒领域,一般有这个配置的,就算是比较重要的新闻了,看来这两家纸媒对3321都很重视。 homeroom teacher has four people to come, hurries to start the warm introduction, first introduces Sun Yong: Several, this is our school specially manages the undergraduate institute is vice-president Sun Yong of teaching.” 班导带着四人进来,赶紧就开始热情的介绍,先是介绍孙永:“几位,这是我们学校专管本科院系教学的副校长孙永。” Sun Yong stands up, warm with two reporters shake hand, the filtration of instinct two fronts at the back of the photographer of camera. 孙永站起身来,热情的跟进来的两个记者握手,本能的过滤掉了两个胸前背着相机的摄影师。 Two reporter coming in eyes are staring at Li Mu, after all Li Mu has made an appearance in the Yanjing TV Station news, but, regarding Sun Yong of approach, they are courtesy shakes hand with him. 两个记者一进来眼睛就盯着李牧,毕竟李牧已经在燕京电视台的新闻节目里露过面,不过,对于迎上来的孙永,两人还是礼节性的跟他握了握手。 Sun Yong slightly said with a laugh: Welcome two to come to our school.” 孙永笑着说:“欢迎两位来我们学校。” Two people also politeness responded, has greeted, two people just want to speak with Li Mu, homeroom teacher very warm introduction Zhou Xiaodi: This is our School of Economics Dean Zhou......” 两人也都礼貌回应,打过招呼,两人正想跟李牧说话,班导又很热情的介绍起了周晓迪:“这位是我们财金学院的周院长……” Nearby Zhou Xiaodi smiling arriving, two reporters have to nod with a smile, shakes hand with Zhou Xiaodi. 周晓迪一脸笑意的走到跟前,两名记者只好笑着点头,又跟周晓迪握了握手。 When ended with the Zhou Xiaodi smalltalk, two talents can finally with Li Mu to words. 等跟周晓迪客套完了,两人才终于能跟李牧对上话。 Schoolmate Li Mu hello/you good, I am the Yanjing evening news( the Yanjing Youth Daily) the reporter, wants to make an interview to you......”( to be continued.) 李牧同学你好,我是燕京晚报(燕京青年报)的记者,想给你做一个专访……”(未完待续。) ps: Sorry, yesterday the too late body had not resisted, three have not cashed, today strives to make up! The mobile phone user please visit http://m.piaotian.net ps:抱歉,昨天太晚身体没抗住,三更没兑现,今天争取补上!手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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