RINAPE :: Volume #2

#173: The school leader summoned

Li Mu has guessed correctly Tan Yaocheng to telephone at this time, inevitably because of 3321, listening to him saying that Li Mu then said with a laugh said: Ok, another day our approximately time.” 李牧早就猜出谭耀成这时候打电话,必然是因为3321,听他这么说,李牧便笑着说道:“行啊,改天咱们约个时间。” Tan Yaocheng hastily said: Aiya, leaves another day, which day reaches an agreement, changes not to know that which day changed to go, perhaps changed to 2002.” 谭耀成急忙说道:“哎呀,别改天啊,说好哪天吧,一改就不知道改到哪天去了,没准都改到2002年了。” Saying, Tan Yaocheng also supplements one, said: I estimated that in the future your time will be getting more and more less, 3321 this big project exposures, you idle.” 说着,谭耀成还补充一句,道:“我估计啊,往后你的时间会越来越少,3321这个大项目一曝光,你清闲不了了。” Li Mu sighed, the forced smile said: You may really be the mental perception like the torch, I have this worry.” 李牧叹了口气,苦笑道:“你可真是慧眼如炬,我也有这层担心。” Tan Yaocheng hastily said: Therefore we must chat well, if we chatted, I can reduce many pressures to you, tomorrow afternoon do you look at you to have the time? If you do not have the time, I go to your school to look for you, our nearby looks for cafe that's alright.” 谭耀成急忙说道:“所以咱俩才得好好聊聊,咱俩要是聊好了,我能给你减轻不少压力,明天下午你看你有没有时间?如果你没时间,我就去你学校找你,咱俩附近找个咖啡馆就行。” Li Mu thinks, simply said: Ok, that you will come tomorrow afternoon, I asked you to have the dinner.” 李牧想了想,便道:“行吧,那明天下午你过来,我请你吃晚饭。” Tan Yaocheng laughs: I invited, settled.” 谭耀成哈哈一笑:“还是我请,就这么说定了。” Li Mu guesses correctly Tan Yaocheng to have the demand on 3321, but have not prepared to let at present 3321, but the things of many other levels can be common, particularly some empty things, will also be necessary to Baidu this company, must look how specifically tomorrow to chat with him. 李牧猜出谭耀成在3321上有诉求,不过眼下自己也没准备把3321让出去,但是很多其他层面的东西还是可以共通的,尤其是一些虚的东西,对百度这种公司来说也会非常有必要,具体还要看明天怎么跟他聊。 Returns to the dining table, Li Mu continues to chat to talk nonsense with bedroom several brothers, actually does not know, tonight, in the educational system many people stay up all night because of him. 回到饭桌上,李牧继续和寝室几个哥们聊天扯淡,却不知道,今天晚上,教育体系里很多人因为他而彻夜难眠。 Promising 3321 this project slap the table and shout with praise ; Also there are about 3321 this patterns hates to the marrow of the bones ; slap the table and shout with praise, many are the jobholders of university educational system, they are glad to see that this type to assisting students to play the new things emergence of enormous role, not only this can ease their pressure on a great extent, can promote university to live to create more values. 这其中,有为3321这个项目拍案叫绝的;也有对3321这种模式恨之入骨的;拍案叫绝的,多是大学教育体系的从业人员,他们乐于见到这种对助学起到极大作用的新鲜事物出现,这不仅能够很大程度缓解他们自身的压力,也能够促进大学生创造更多的价值。 But these to its hate to the marrow of the bones, then came from the high school educational system, the present stage high school teacher sets up the phenomenon of supplementary class to be common, particularly beyond the language number principle synthesis these major, making up for a missed lesson teacher one month of income endures compared with a half year of even yearly wages. 3321 appearances, will push down their making up for a missed lesson income significantly, smashes others' rice bowl simply. 但那些对其恨之入骨的,则更多来自高中教育体系,现阶段高中教师开办补习班的现象非常普遍,尤其是语数外理综这些主科目,补课老师一个月的收入堪比半年甚至一年工资。3321的出现,将大幅度拉低他们的补课收入,简直就是砸别人的饭碗。 Li Mu has not thought carefully the negative impacts of 3321 this projects, he more is thinking university lives the benefit of community. Has not actually thought carefully, actually he does not take out money from the high school guardian pocket, but forced in money grab/rush in these making up for a missed lesson teacher pocket the guardian, then apportioned these high-school students. 李牧并没有仔细想过3321这个项目的负面影响,他更多是想着大学生群体的利益。却没仔细想过,其实他并不是从高中家长口袋里掏钱出来,而是把家长原本塞进那些补课老师口袋里的钱抢了过来,然后分给了这些高中生。 This evening, does not know that many high three teachers are 3321 things fly into a rage at home. 这一晚,不知道多少高三教师在家里为3321的事情大发雷霆。 ...... …… Next day. Li Mu from having that moment of bedroom front door, the look that side the feeling transmits before compared, had very big difference. 翌日。李牧从出寝室大门的那一刻,就感觉身边传来的眼神与之前相比,有了很大的异样。 This feeling has continued the cafeteria from the bedroom building, continues the classroom building from the cafeteria. 这种感觉从寝室楼一直持续到食堂,又从食堂持续到教学楼。 The class schoolmate saw him to enter the classroom, in abundance was salute to him, many also exaggerating giving the thumbs-up. 班里的同学见他进了教室,纷纷向他行注目礼,不少人还夸张的竖起了大拇指。 Gets to know each other well slightly some schoolmates, will walk to go forward with Li Mu to greet, said again several similar were good and so on words, Li Mu knows 3321 things have made very big influence, therefore was not cautious. Smile response. 稍微相熟一些的同学,都会走上前跟李牧打个招呼,再说上几句类似太牛了之类的话,李牧知道3321的事情已经做出了很大影响力,于是也不拘谨。微笑回应。 homeroom teacher rare appeared in the class early, saw Li Mu, then nearby hastily arrived, said to him: Dean Zhou and Vice-President Sun want to see you, teaches the building in the politics.” 班导罕见的早早出现在了班级里,一见李牧,便急忙走到跟前,对他说:“周院长和孙副校长想见你,在政教楼。” Li Mu nods, alarms the school leader also to by the link, but pours also indifferently, Li Mu fully realized that the hot spot has a effectiveness, couple days ago oneself may feel some are not comfortable, but other hot spots one. Everyone also became accustomed, by that time, oneself this type is not comfortable will also vanish into thin air. 李牧点了点头,惊动校领导也是必经环节,不过倒也无所谓,李牧深知热点都有一个时效性,前几天自己可能会感觉有些不自在,不过等热点一过。大家也就习以为常了,到那个时候,自己这种不自在也会烟消云散。 The awesome person, looked again also indifferently. Let alone oneself. 牛逼的人,看多了也就漠然了。何况自己。 Li Mu follows homeroom teacher to arrive at the politics to teach the building, in the vice-president office, saw vice-president Sun Yong for the first time, as well as School of Economics & Finance chief Zhou Xiaodi. 李牧跟随着班导来到政教楼,在副校长办公室里,第一次见到了副校长孙永,以及财政金融学院的院长周晓迪 Li Mu is the School of Economics & Finance student, therefore his matter, bearing the brunt is Zhou Xiaodi. In the school had/left one to be the student of news topic by local TV Station . Moreover the complete positive/direct event, this matter should come first to know the situation by him, then reported to the school leader. 李牧本身就是财政金融学院的学生,所以他的事情,首当其冲的就是周晓迪。学校里出了一个被本地电视台做了新闻专题的学生,而且还是完全的正面事件,这件事应该由他来先了解情况,然后再向校领导汇报。 However, Sun Yong actually somewhat could not wait, he telephones to Zhou Xiaodi very early in the morning, must see this one start the giant storm with him in the educational system together in the evening Li Mu. 不过,孙永却有些等不及了,他一大早就打电话给周晓迪,要跟他一起见一见这个一晚上在教育体系掀起巨大风暴的李牧 Moreover, these also secret facts, own nephew Sun Tan, is in the life most crucial time, needs 3321 this to start to shine the ray greatly the charm amulet, but the Li Mu 5 million cash can reject continually, he wants to see Li Mu, what first-year university student freshman has a look at this is, has a look at him to have what breach again. 另外,这其中还有一层隐情,自己的侄子孙坦,正处于人生最关键的时刻,需要3321这个已经开始大放光芒的护身符,但是李牧连五百万现金都能拒绝,他想见见李牧,看看这到底是个什么样的大一新生,再看看他到底有什么突破口。 Li Mu entered the office, his homeroom teacher went out on the busy, in office two almost about 50 -year-old middle-aged people, the middle-aged person who hair some defeats go against sees Li Mu to come, then stands from the wooden sofa immediately, moves toward Li Mu to put out a hand to say on own initiative: Schoolmate Li Mu came, please sit down quickly.” 李牧进了办公室,他的班导就紧忙出去了,办公室里两个差不多五十岁左右的中年人,其中一个头发有些败顶的中年人一见李牧进来,便立刻从木质沙发上站了起来,走向李牧又主动伸出手来说道:“李牧同学来了,快请坐吧。” Li Mu has seen at present the picture of this man, knows that he is the dean of school, then polite shakes hand with him, said: Dean Zhou hello.” 李牧看到过眼前这个男人的照片,知道他是自己学院的院长,便礼貌的跟他握了握手,说:“周院长您好。” Zhou Xiaodi nods, looked at Sun Yong one, said: Originally I want first to ask you to know the situation, but Principal Sun extremely pays attention to your situation, very early in the morning me told that wants first to see you, Schoolmate Li Mu, Principals Sun pay attention to you, sees sufficiently, your 3321 do was successful.” 周晓迪点点头,看了孙永一眼,说道:“本来我是想先找你了解一下情况的,但是孙校长对你的情况非常关注,一大早就跟我说非要第一时间见到你,李牧同学,孙校长都对你这么关注,足以见得,你的3321搞的有多么成功了。” Li Mu shows a faint smile, neither arrogant nor servile saying: Dean Zhou spoke discreetly, 3321 just started.” 李牧微微一笑,不卑不亢的说道:“周院长言重了,3321才只是刚刚开始。” Zhou Xiaodi is startled slightly, good just to start, this young fellow has the self-confidence actually very much. 周晓迪微微一怔,好一个刚刚开始,这小伙子倒是很有自信。 At this time, has sat in desk inside middle-aged man laughs, stands up walked toward Li Mu, while said: Schoolmate Li Mu said right, 3321 truly just started, from the beginning can create a dazzling report card, I looked that 3321 future potential will be certainly immeasurable!” 这时,一直坐在办公桌里面的中年男子哈哈一笑,站起身一边朝着李牧走来,一边说道:“李牧同学说的没错,3321确实才刚刚开始,一开始就能创造一份如此炫目的成绩单,我看3321将来的潜力一定无可估量!” Li Mu politeness expresses gratitude to Sun Tan. 李牧礼貌的对孙坦道了声谢。 At this time, Zhou Xiaodi said with a laugh said: I and Principals Sun favor your 3321 very much, come, we sit chat.” 这时,周晓迪笑着说道:“我和孙校长都很看好你的3321,来,咱们坐着聊吧。” Li Mu nods, with Zhou Xiaodi and Sun Yong same place, sat on the sofa of office receiving callers area. 李牧点点头,和周晓迪以及孙永一起,坐在了办公室会客区的沙发上。 Zhou Xiaodi said: Schoolmate Li Mu, you make 3321 such meaningful projects, starts should submit an application to the school, if the school knows 3321 this projects early, will definitely give you vigorously to support in the initial period.” 周晓迪说:“李牧同学,你做3321这么有意义的项目,开始的时候应该向学校提交一个申请嘛,如果学校早早知道3321这个项目,肯定会在初期就给你大力支持的。” Li Mu said: Thanks Dean Zhou, early period of 3321 this projects invests is not big, in range that in I can withstand, in addition some so many schoolmates help on own initiative, therefore has not disturbed the school leader.” 李牧说:“谢谢周院长,3321这个项目前期投入并不大,在我可以承受的范围内,再加上有这么多同学主动帮忙,所以也就没有打扰校领导。” Zhou Xiaodi beckons with the hand: This is not right, you are our Renmin student, has the difficulty to look for the school also should be.” 周晓迪摆了摆手:“这就不对了,你是咱们人大的学生,有困难找学校也是应该的。” The Li Mu heart said that I have no difficulty, what significance asks you to have? 李牧心说我也没有什么困难,找你们有什么意义呢? However on mouth actually very sincere saying: What Dean Zhou educates, later has what difficulty, I certainly prompt communicate with the school leader.” 不过嘴上却很是真诚的说道:“周院长教育的是,以后再有什么困难,我一定及时跟校领导沟通。” Zhou Xiaodi nods, exchanged a look with Sun Yong, later said: 3321 projects, in the future matter feared that is will be getting more and more, you now on first-year university student, is the later studies mission just now heavy, has the energy to operate such big project?” 周晓迪点点头,跟孙永交换了一个眼神,随后说道:“3321的项目,往后的事情怕是会越来越多,你现在才刚上大一,以后的学业任务还非常重,有精力把这么大的项目经营好吗?” Li Mu sighed slightly, said: Truth you told that Dean Zhou, actually I also is really worried about this point very much, after all I must go to school, the energy is limited, 3321 develop, could not deal with the lingering fear.” 李牧微微叹了口气,说:“实话跟您说吧周院长,其实我还真的很担心这一点,毕竟我还得上学,精力有限,3321这么发展下去,以后怕是更应付不过来了。” Zhou Xiaodi eye one bright, immediately wear a look of saying of happy expression: You can realize this point, proved the vision that you work is very long-term!” 周晓迪眼睛一亮,当即面带笑意的说道:“你能认识到这一点,证明你做事情的眼光是很长远的!” Li Mu saw with own eyes that Zhou Xiaodi said that hastily pillages one to echo saying: Dean Zhou the erroneous approved, the vision that I work is long-term or is not actually unimportant, more importantly, 3321 development must have a smooth direction.” 李牧眼见周晓迪这么说,急忙抢白一句附和道:“周院长谬赞了,我做事情的眼光长远与否其实不重要,重要的是,3321的发展得有一个顺畅的方向。” Zhou Xiaodi just wants to speak, Li Mu then also said: My individual energy is limited, the ability is also limited, therefore I am thinking now, later must 3321 entrust to the professional manager manages, the professional team that must form a full-time employment, is led by the professional manager, the operational cost extracts from 3321 commissions directly then.” 周晓迪刚想说话,李牧接着又道:“我的个人精力有限,能力也有限,所以我现在就在想,以后要把3321委托给职业经理人来管理,要组建一个全职的专业团队,由职业经理人来领导,运营费用直接从3321的佣金里抽取即可。” Zhou Xiaodi gawked all of a sudden. 周晓迪一下子就愣了。 He also wants to discuss with Li Mu, has the school and his joint administration 3321, such under big project happened in the eye of school hides, moreover had social attention, at this time the school inserted one also should be, traded to do this matter to happen in any school, the leader in school can have this thought. 他本来还想跟李牧讨论,是否有学校和他共同管理3321,这么大的项目就发生在学校的眼皮子底下,而且又有了社会关注度,这时候学校插一手也是应该的,换做这件事发生在任何学校里,学校的领导都会动这个念头。 This thought that toward good saying that is helps the student operate public welfare career, to provide many manpower and resources support, and ensure the student can have more energy to place in the learn/study principal work ; But if toward going bad said, actually butts and slices horizontally, such big project, the school did not count on that makes money by it, but said that anything must have an official view, must in this project, iron the brand mark of school. 这个念头,往好了说是帮助学生经营公益事业、提供更多的人力物力支持,并且保证学生能有更多的精力放在学习主业上;但要是往坏了说,其实就是横插一脚、分一杯羹,这么大的项目,学校不指望靠它赚钱,但说什么也要有一个官方说法,要在这个项目里,烙上学校的烙印。 Because of 3321 things, Zhou Xiaodi had not actually slept last night, this matter actually to him is not the good deed, 3321 projects got up, if can stain the relations with the school, that naturally is happy, but if cannot stain the relations, that was disgusting, such under big project in the eye hides to do, oneself also the entire journey does not have the achievement, be regarded as to incompetently. 就因为3321的事情,周晓迪昨晚其实没怎么睡觉,这种事情其实对他来说不是什么好事,3321项目起来了,如果跟学校能沾上关系,那自然是皆大欢喜,但如果沾不上关系,那就恶心了,这么大的项目在眼皮子底下做起来,自己又全程无作为,会被人视作为无能。 Therefore, he hopes that can discuss in private with Li Mu, he will not have to occupy him to work the fruit evil thought that but he cannot put aside the school completely, in that case, to the school, 3321 rises, is not the really honored matter, instead is a slap in the face. 所以,他心里更希望能够跟李牧私下讨论一番,他不会有占据他劳动果实的恶念,但他也不能完完全全把学校撇开,那样的话,对学校来说,3321的崛起,不是什么真光彩的事情,反而是一个耳光。 But, didn't expect, Li Mu actually first step said him to 3321 future plans, the meaning in Li Mu words understood very much simply, his ability and energy were limited, if not be able to control 3321 things in the future, or could not manage, invited the professional manager team to handle from outside directly, in other words , when his essence was equal to the task 3321, he will not make anybody meddle. 可是,怎么也没想到,李牧竟然先自己一步说出了他对3321未来的规划,李牧话中的意思很简单明了,他的能力和精力有限,如果将来管不了3321的事情,或者管不过来,就直接从外面聘请职业经理人团队来打理,反过来说,在他精力能胜任3321的时候,他也不会让任何人插手。 Thorny......( to be continued.) 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