RINAPE :: Volume #2

#172: A Liu Nian family education day of (Last Part)

After has had the dinner simply, Liu Nian and Li Mu leave the school, prepares to go to be located in by the public transportation the employer family/home of Zhichun Road.” “在简单吃过晚饭之后,刘念李牧离开学校,准备乘公交车前往位于知春路的雇主家中。” Interviewed the Liu Nian picture in the past, the lens then in the way of fast jump broadcast, broadcast two people to eat and leave the school in the cafeteria with emphasis and take the taxi to arrive at several fragments of Zhichun Road, roughly after ten seconds, the aside then continued saying: Auntie Wei and his husband Uncle Qin as well as their son Xiao Yu had waited there for some time in home, 6:50, Liu Nian according to making a sound Auntie Wei's main house gate, started in oneself life the experience of first concurrent job family education.” 采访刘念的画面过去之后,镜头便以快速跳跃播放的方式,重点播放了两人在食堂吃饭、离开学校并乘坐出租车来到知春路的几个片段,约莫十秒钟之后,旁白便继续说道:“魏阿姨和他的丈夫秦叔叔以及他们的儿子小宇在家中已经等候多时了,六点50,刘念按响了魏阿姨的家门,开始了自己生命中第一次兼职家教的体验。” When the picture is matching Liu Nian and Li Mu passing through the gate picture, the picture in living room only stayed was less than five seconds, the lens advanced Liu Nian and Xiao Yu corpulently enter the picture of study room together. 画面搭配着刘念李牧进门时的画面,客厅里的画面仅停留了不到五秒钟,镜头便便推进到了刘念小宇一同进入书房的画面。 The lens return to the living room sofa, the reporter interviewed Auntie Wei: Why will you choose 3321 this emerging family education platforms for the child?” 紧接着,镜头又回到客厅沙发上,记者采访魏阿姨:“您为什么会为孩子选择3321这个新兴的家教平台?” Auntie Wei said with a laugh: Child's dream was admitted to Renmin University , before we had also looked for several making up for a missed lesson teachers to him, enrolled in supplementary lessons the different curricula respectively, the child is upon the jump to toss about frequently did not say, because the students of supplementary class were also many, therefore the result was not obvious, 3321 one day created the propaganda in our neighborhood entrance just in time, understood after this pattern, I felt very feasible suddenly, we always ask various teachers to enroll in supplementary lessons various subjects to the child before, why did not look for one just to test into the Renmin student directly, making him come to make comprehensive enrolling in supplementary lessons with the child? In addition the child also anticipates learn/study exchange between this contemporaries, therefore we invited Liu Nian on 3321.” 魏阿姨笑着说:“孩子的梦想就是考入人民大学,之前我们也给他找过好几个补课老师,分别补习不同的课程,孩子经常跑来跑去折腾不说,因为补习班的学生也很多,所以收效并不明显,正巧3321有一天在我们小区门口做宣传,了解到这个模式之后,我忽然觉得很可行,我们以前总是找各种老师给孩子补习各种科目,为什么不直接找一个刚刚考上人大的学生,让他来跟孩子做全面的补习呢?再加上孩子也非常期待这种同龄人之间的学习交流,所以我们就在3321上请了刘念。” The reporter asked: What view do you have to 3321 this patterns?” 记者问:“那您对3321这个模式有什么看法?” Auntie Wei said: I feel this pattern regardless to our these high school parents , as well as these university said to our children since birth, is offers mutual benefit and achieves common progress, we highest hope is child's academic record can improve and test into good university.” 魏阿姨说:“我觉得这个模式无论对我们这些高中学生家长,还是对我们的孩子、以及那些大学生来说,都是互惠互利的吧,我们最大的希望就是孩子的学习成绩能够有所提高、考上一所好大学。” Nearby Uncle Qin also opens the mouth saying: I feel 3321 this website social responsibilities am very strong, his although collects certain commission, but 5% proportions compared other media to be short, moreover they also said that this sum of money will be used to make the assistance fund , will publicize the fund to flow, this pure public welfare project was really rare. Moreover what is rarer, this project was produced unexpectedly by university and organized, was very great.” 一旁的秦叔叔也开口道:“我觉得3321这个网站的社会责任感还是很强的,他虽然收取一定的佣金,但5%的比例相比其他的中介来说要少了很多,而且他们也说了,这笔钱会用来做助学基金而且会公开资金流向,这种纯粹的公益项目实在是太难得了。而且更难得的是,这个项目竟然是由大学生发起并创办的,很了不起。” The lens change to all of a sudden in Li Mu that on nearby single-seat sofa sits, the reporter smile to ask: Schoolmate Li Mu. How do yourself appraise yourself and 3321 this projects?” 镜头一下子转到在旁边单人沙发上坐着的李牧,记者笑问道:“李牧同学。你自己怎么评价自己和3321这个项目?” Li Mu shows a faint smile, having several points to say self-confidently: I am only ordinary university live, as for 3321 this projects, in a big way and may be the most transparent internet assistance project, its future development everyone will wait.” 李牧微微一笑,带着几分自信说道:“我只是一个普通大学生,至于3321这个项目,有可能是最大、最透明的互联网助学项目,它未来的发展大家拭目以待。” In the future 2-3 minutes of picture. Li Mu has not accepted any visit again, when the reporter photographed picture of some Liu Nian to Xiao Yu enrolling in supplementary lessons schoolwork, after the conclusion, the reporter specially interviewed Xiao Yu in the study room, asked that his feeling to these two hours of enrolling in supplementary lessons, Xiao Yu although is shy, but is realistic saying: Knowledge node grasping unusual of Liu Nian senior(s) to high school is solid, moreover communicates to be very relaxed with him, atmosphere of learn/study not like school or supplementary class depressing, the feeling result is very good.” 往后的2-3分钟画面里。李牧没有再接受任何访问,记者拍摄了一些刘念小宇补习功课时的画面,在结束之后,记者专门在书房采访了小宇,问他对这两个小时补习的感受,小宇虽然腼腆,但还是实事求是的说道:“刘念学长对高中的知识点掌握的非常扎实,而且跟他沟通起来很轻松,学习的氛围也不像学校或者补习班那样压抑,感觉成效还是非常好的。” The reporter asked him: Such learn/study atmosphere. Has certain promotion to your learn/study wish?” 记者问他:“这样的学习氛围。对你个人的学习意愿有没有一定的提升?” Naturally, to me, the wish promotion of learn/study is very big.” “当然,对我自己来说,学习的意愿提升很大。” Then, the close-up when the picture cuts into to Liu Nian returns to Xuexiao Road shoots, Liu Nian in picture because of excited reason, not only on the face always has the smile, even appeared compared with usually wants self-confidently. 接着,画面切入到刘念返回学校路上时拍摄的特写镜头,画面中的刘念因为心情激动的缘故,不但脸上始终带着笑容,甚至显得比平时要自信了许多。 With unceasing empty of picture, the aside said: It is reported that only a day, has 1431 college students on Saturday. Found the family education concurrent job through 3321 website, in addition, over 5000 register university to live is waiting for 3321 authentication, they need to be bid by the parents after the authentication. But the reporter learned, the closure today, on 3321 the registration guardian over ten thousand people, 3321 future, seem to have also begun.” 随着画面的不断虚化,旁白说:“据悉,仅周六一天,就有一千四百三十一名高校学生。通过3321网站找到了家教兼职,除此之外,还有超过五千名注册大学生在等待3321的认证,他们需要在认证之后才可以被学生家长竞拍。而记者获悉,截止今日,3321上的注册家长已经超过万人,3321的未来,似乎还只是拉开了一个序幕。” The news finished, the 606th Dorm brother applauds in abundance. Liu Nian is somewhat embarrassed, hangs down the eyelid, Li Mu is handing his nearby the cell phone, said with a laugh said: Your father mother should also read the news, called says one them.” 新闻结束了,606寝的弟兄纷纷鼓掌。刘念有些不好意思,低垂着眼睑,李牧把手机递到他的跟前,笑着说道:“你爸妈应该也看完新闻了,打个电话给他们说一声吧。” Liu Nian nods, pulls out the cell phone, the dial gave the sales store in village. 刘念点了点头,掏出手机来,拨打给了村里的小卖部。 At this moment, the Liu Nian father had waited before the telephone, the telephone just rang, he then answers the telephone immediately, blurts then excited saying: Shameless person, I just read the television news with your Mother, in the village the person said that your son is great, one week gains 800, my God, one month compared with your parents one year gaining also many!” 此时此刻,刘念的爸爸早就在电话机前等候了,电话刚响了一声,他便立刻接起电话,脱口便激动的说道:“赖子,我刚跟你妈妈看了电视新闻喽,村上人都说你崽儿了不起,一个礼拜赚八百,我的天,一个月比你爹妈一年赚的还多咯!” Liu Nian said with the native dialect: „It is not can gain that every week many, but stabilizes for a month five hundred Yuan to be nothing issue, later I can support itself, then every month sends 300 toward the family/home, you must make the younger sister finish attending the high school.” 刘念用家乡话说道:“也不是每个礼拜都能赚那个多,不过稳定下来一个月五百块钱应该是没啥问题的,以后我就可以自己养活自己了,然后每个月往家里寄三百块,你一定得让妹妹上完高中。” The father and son also chatted several, later Liu Nian hung up the telephone, hands over to give back to Li Mu the cell phone, said with a laugh: My father said, villager didn't expect university lives is so fierce, just went to school can make money, it is estimated that later our child out-of-school rate/lead will trim the point.” 父子两人又聊了几句,随后刘念挂断了电话,把手机递还给李牧,笑着说:“我爸说,村里人都没想到大学生这么厉害,刚上学就能赚大钱,估计以后我们那里的孩子失学率会稍微降低点了。” Li Mu nods, slightly somewhat is at heart bitter and astringent, where regardless of the gap between rich and poor exists, sometimes he thought that this is the life, sometimes thought that is the social responsibilities defect, now looks like, the mentality and vision of person also accounted for very big proportion, later 3321, if did in a big way, can on many desserts at the matter of public welfare. 李牧点点头,心里略微有些苦涩,贫富差距无论在哪里都存在,有些时候他觉得这是命,有些时候又觉得是社会责任感的缺失,现在看来,人的心态和眼界也占了很大比重,以后3321如果做大了,可以在公益的事情上多上点心。 Li Ya only also saw that several people somewhat sobbed, then hastily carried the beer: Comes Elder Brother several, we have Zhengdao to do one for Liu Nian, the celebration they found the opportunity to manifest oneself life value!” 李亚唯也看出现场的几人都有些唏嘘,便急忙端起啤酒:“来来来哥几个,咱们为刘念还有正道干一个吧,庆祝他们找到机会体现自己的人生价值!” Saying, Li Ya is only asking Hu Zhengdao: Zhengdao, did you tell your father?” 说着,李亚唯问胡正道:“正道,你跟你老爸说了没有?” Hu Zhengdao said with a laugh: Said, I my father told he does not believe that but did not believe even, I prepared to do well winter vacation, contributed money to bring back to him in front of a racket, anything did not have the cash convincingly.” 胡正道笑着说:“说了,我跟我爸说的时候他也不信,不过不信就算了,我准备好好干到寒假,攒点钱带回去往他面前一拍,什么都没有现金最有说服力。” Sun Jian said with a smile: Yes, is the cash most convincing.” Saying, he carries the wine glass, said: „ We do one cup for Liu Nian and Zhengdao, Li Mu, our 606 this chapters must become famous the awesome characters in Capital City! 孙坚笑道:“是啊,还是现金最有说服力。”说着,他端起酒杯来,道:“咱们为刘念正道干一杯,还有李牧,咱们606这回要出个名动京城的牛逼人物了! ...... …… Sun Jian said right, after tonight Yanjing TV Station the issue of program, Li Mu really famous moved Capital City. 孙坚说的没错,今晚燕京电视台的这期节目之后,李牧真的名动京城了。 The special coverage once were broadcast, immediately attracts the class attention of many attention current events, particularly in the parents, as well as certain special systems, caused the huge reaction. 专题报道一经播出,立刻吸引了许多关注时事的阶层注意力,尤其是在学生家长、以及某些特殊体系,引起了巨大的反响。 3321 this extremely freely spoken position and name of Li Mu this doctrine of the mean, entered the view of populace all of a sudden. 3321这个极其顺口的名次以及李牧这个中庸的名字,一下子进入到了大众的视野当中。 Tan Yaocheng sits on own sofa, omitting a single word looked entire about 3321 reports, couple days ago he had also once seen in main house gate 3321 places pushed, but he also thinks at that time was only the promotion of some training class or training school, has not cared, he knew on the television until today accidentally 3321 true colors, what most made his inconceivable was, 3321 unexpectedly were the Li Mu foundations. 谭耀成坐在自家沙发上,一字不漏的看完了整个关于3321的报道,前几天他也曾在家门口看到过3321的地推,不过他当时还以为只是某个培训班或者培训学校的推广,也就没有在意,直到今天他才偶然在电视上得知了3321的真面目,最让他不可思议的是,3321竟然是李牧创建的。 In the television and Liu Nian stand Li Mu, charming and sunlight, although brings the full self-confidence, actually also throughout is maintaining humble, Li Mu is completely different from have contacted. 电视里和刘念站在一起的李牧,帅气而又阳光,虽然带着十足的自信,却也始终保持着谦逊,和自己接触过的李牧完全不同。 Li Mu that oneself contact, is one rampant coexists, extremely arrogant and young people of strength paragenesis with the talent, when after Li Mu reached the financing agreement, the Tan Yaocheng heart deep place to Li Mu actually quite appreciates, today accidentally sees this issue of topic, he even somewhat worshipped Li Mu. 自己接触的李牧,是一个嚣张与才华并存、狂妄与实力共生的年轻人,不过,在与李牧达成了融资协议之后,谭耀成的内心深处对李牧其实是相当赞赏的,今天偶然看到这期专题,他甚至有些崇拜李牧了。 What monster this boy is, Tieba (Post It) this model of product is felt for his profound internet thought by oneself surprised, didn't expect one does not pay attention, this boy carried out a 3321 such monster unexpectedly. 这小子到底是个什么样的怪物,贴吧这款产品已经让自己为他高深的互联网思维感到惊讶,没想到一不留神,这小子竟然搬出了3321这么一个怪物。 At present also no one gives o2o, is online the definition to offline, but Tan Yaocheng actually detected 3321 unusual, because it was different from Baidu, with Yahoo, from Tencent as well as Muye Tieba (Post It), it and ebay were the same in some level, placed online to sell the offline thing, but, it and ebay difference were also very significant, ebay sold the commodity, 3321 sold the service. 眼下还没有人给出o2o,也就是线上对线下的定义,但是谭耀成却察觉出了3321的与众不同,因为它跟百度、跟雅虎、跟腾讯以及牧野贴吧都不一样,它和ebay在某种层面上一样,是把线下的东西放在线上销售,但是,它和ebay区别也很明显,ebay售卖商品,3321售卖服务。 Moreover, the Tan Yaocheng keen feeling, 3321 have the natural political advantage, if which company can build above with this project, then went to and government cooperation and project of contract relevant government taking advantage of this project is too easy. 而且,谭耀成敏锐的感觉到,3321拥有天然的政治优势,哪个公司如果能够跟这个项目搭上边,那么借这个项目去和政府合作、承接政府相关的工程就太容易了。 Tan Yaocheng also deals with the local government a lot, fully realized the opportunity of containing. 谭耀成也没少跟地方政府打交道,深知这其中所蕴含的机会。 He felt suddenly, oneself must chat with Li Mu again, 3321 this projects, Baidu, if can invest well, even if cannot invest, Baidu must strive to the titles of 3321 technical support as far as possible, if Li Mu is willing the reputations of 3321 exclusive free technical support to Baidu, Baidu to provide 3321 all software and hardware support free, even is the financial support. 他忽然觉得,自己得再跟李牧聊一聊,3321这个项目,百度如果能入股最好,就算不能入股,百度也要尽量争取到3321技术支持的冠名,如果李牧愿意把3321独家免费技术支持的名头给百度,百度可以免费提供3321所有的软硬件支持,甚至是资金支持。 Nowadays, who does not want to make an enterprise that has the social responsibilities? Just, contributed the donation, support a scholarship approach to degenerate into the convention to university for the disaster area and distressed area occasionally, did did not lose face, did not do and is scolded, wants to portray a public welfare image is not very easy to oneself. 这年头,谁不想做一个有社会责任感的企业?只不过,偶尔为灾区、贫困区捐捐款、给大学赞助一点奖学金这种做法早已经沦为俗套了,做了不出彩,不做又挨骂,想给自己塑造一个公益形象很不容易。 Li Mu is drinking with bedroom several brothers big mouths, suddenly receives the Tan Yaocheng call, detected all of a sudden this old fox hit the motive of this telephone. 李牧正在跟寝室几个哥们大口喝酒,忽然接到谭耀成的电话,一下子就察觉到了这个老狐狸打这个电话的动机。 His hesitant moment, goes out of private room, found one no one's place to press down the answering key, asked with a smile: „Does Director Tan, how have the time to call me today?” 他犹豫片刻,还是走出包间,找到一个没人的地方按下了接听键,笑着问道:“谭总,今天怎么有时间给我打电话?” Tan Yaocheng smiles, talked about with interest: Chief Li, how said that we are also the partners, relates also should be.” 谭耀成嘿嘿一笑,乐道:“李总,怎么说咱们也是合作伙伴,关系一下也是应该的。” Li Mu un, said: Just wants to look for you, about giving the matter of Tieba (Post It) drainage, your side must as soon as possible.” 李牧嗯了一声,说:“正想找你呢,关于给贴吧引流的事情,你们那边要尽快了。” Tan Yaocheng guarantees to say immediately: Relax, next Monday our technologies will realize the optimization of keyword search result, the Tieba (Post It) current capacity will certainly rise dramatically.” 谭耀成当即保证道:“放心,下周一我们的技术就会实现关键词搜索结果的优化,贴吧的流量一定会暴增。” Saying, Tan Yaocheng smiles, said: „Did one side Chief Li, recently have the time to see?” 说着,谭耀成笑了笑,道:“李总,最近有没有时间见一面?” „Does Director Tan have the matter?” 谭总有事?” Also is all right, wants to chat that with you ‚a Liu Nian family education day.”( To be continued.) “也没啥事,就是想跟你聊聊那个‘刘念的家教一天’。”(未完待续。) ps: Sad, in the morning was called back the company to work overtime, is busy at one all day, some private affairs was unable to process with enough time, the renewal for a long time was really sorry late very much, but strives for three...... the mobile phone user to visit http://m.piaotian.net today as before ps:悲催,上午被叫回公司加班,忙了一整天,原本还有些私事也都没能来得及处理,更新晚了很久实在抱歉,不过今天依旧争取三更……手机用户请访问http://m.piaotian.net
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